Cracked s02e01 Episode Script


Get in there.
I don't want to hurt anybody! I just want the drugs! I know you have 'em! Medications on this ward are pre-dispensed.
They're mixed together.
They'll make you sick.
Who's in charge? I'm the attending psychiatrist.
Give me the drugs.
- I need your key.
- Yeah, keys! Everybody give me your keys and your phones! All of you! You see? They're all mixed together.
- You don't want to take these.
- Fill it! Nobody calls! Nobody sets off an alarm or nothing! Everybody just sit still awhile, OK? This one.
I'm taking this one with me.
Come on.
Nobody says anything, I'll let her go.
One hour, all right? Here, hold it.
No, you can't do that.
Please, don't take her, take me.
Nobody does anything stupid and she won't get hurt, all right? d I got out of bed today d d Swear to God I couldn't see my face d d I got out of bed today d d Staring at a ghost d d Oh, have you seen my ghost? d d Seen my ghost? d Seen my ghost? d d Oh have you seen my ghost staring at the ground? d d Na na na na na na na d d Ain't no worries on my mind d d Ain't nothin' wrong with nothin' wrong d d A man with stress can't get no rest d We've got a kidnapping.
A patient from St.
Stephen's was taken hostage during a drug holdup, a 20-year-old girl.
We've got all units looking.
Psych Crimes is in charge.
- We know if she's OK? - All we know is a lone gunman walked her out of a locked ward and they vanished.
Daniella know anyone involved? I don't know.
Daniella's taking a leave of absence.
- She didn't tell me.
- No, she didn't.
It's bad timing.
We could use her.
She going to see her son? Yeah, the adoptive parents have agreed to let them meet.
I've got you someone else to consult on it.
The doctor who was in the robbery.
- He a witness, or a consultant? - She.
You have to treat her as a witness first.
But beyond that, if you can use her, do it.
- She knows the hostage.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- You're back.
- Yeah, why wouldn't I be? - You killed a guy.
He was a bad guy.
I am not losing any sleep over that.
Different people react differently.
Detective Sergeant Aidan Black, - Doctor Clara Malone.
- How's your head? It's nothing.
The patient freaked out.
It was an accident.
I'll need you to show me the scene.
- Are you OK to do that now? - Can I deal with the trauma of going back to a building where I treat confined murderers every day because some young man stole drugs? Yes.
I think I can cope.
You're going to have fun with this one.
All right, let's go.
He came in here.
He was holding a gun to Randall's head.
Randall's an attendant.
He said he wanted the drugs.
I tried to talk him out of it.
Why? We only have sorted prescriptions on this ward.
The meds are prepackaged.
Mostly antipsychotics.
There's no way for him to know what's what.
So, you explained that to the guy? Well, not for long.
He had a gun.
I gave him the drugs.
So, how did the hostage come in? He said he didn't trust us.
If we all waited in here and didn't raise an alarm, he would let her go.
Do you feel like that was that part of his plan? It kind of came out of nowhere, like he decided on the spot.
- Where was the hostage? - Emily.
She was over there on this chair.
How many people were in the room? There are 16 patients in this ward, plus staff.
And there wasn't anyone closer? No, people were closer.
So why'd he pick her? Good question.
Did she do anything to draw his attention-- - No, no.
Emily is quite sedated.
What's that mean? I think her sedation level is heavy-handed.
- Why is she here? - Emily is here on a civil order.
She was diagnosed as bipolar disorder.
She has some events on her record that flag her as a risk, but nothing recent.
But you keep her docile? I'm not her doctor.
That's not my decision.
These events violent? Some of them.
When she was first admitted.
How well do you know her? I see Emily in group.
I do rotation on this ward.
But I'm not privy to the details of her treatment.
Something feels wrong here.
I mean, you want to steal drugs, there's easier ways to do it.
I'd like to see her medical records.
Emily's files are confidential.
- You understand that? - I got it.
I'll review them for you because her safety is at risk.
But if you want to use anything as evidence-- - I'll have to get a warrant.
I know how it works.
Thank you.
What's up, Poppy? I found the drugs.
Dumped in the garbage.
No weapon.
No mask.
- Anyone see a vehicle? - Hatchback, grey or beige.
Not new.
Couple of witnesses saw it.
No one got the plate.
- They see the girl? - Leo.
Yeah? Any reports on the victim? Was she in distress? Oh, well, one witness said that she looked drunk.
Another one said that he thought that she was terrified, but she got in the car.
There was no struggle.
All right, thanks.
Have they found anything? They left the scene in a car, dumped the drugs on the way out.
- Why? - It wasn't about the drugs.
I mean, who steals antipsychotics, right? So, the process of elimination says He came for the girl.
Emily Froez, 20 years old.
Admitted on a civil order 4 years ago.
Made a ward of the court.
That's unusual.
- What happened to her parents? - Mother died.
Father remarried and cut off all contact.
- How'd she come into the system? - She had a major breakdown in juvenile detention.
Pretty extreme.
And diagnosed - with bipolar disorder.
- And she was in juvenile detention because? You're the cop.
Bring the file.
OK, this is a sad story.
Emily Froez enters the system as a 14-year-old runaway - Then she gets busy.
Charges of theft, - assault, property damage.
- Who did she assault? Her stepmother.
All the charges were about trouble at home.
Anyway, she ended up in juvie.
This is interesting: when she was 15, she broke out, - went on the run with a boyfriend.
- Bingo.
Who's the boyfriend? Nolan Arthur, 19 at the time.
They committed 3 holdups and torched a car before they got caught.
- Emily wasn't charged.
- She ended up in the mental health system.
Nolan wasn't so lucky.
Prosecutors tacked on sexual assault for good measure.
She was 15 at the time.
Nolan got 5 years.
- And she had a major breakdown.
- Makes sense.
Where is he now? Uh out on parole.
No, check that.
He's wanted.
He's in violation.
- Put an alert on him.
- You think this could be - the man in the mask? - First place to look.
Emily gave you that, right? Even though she was - how did you put it - over-sedated? - Now you think that she's in on it? - Can you rule it out? Does it say where they hid out the first time? Casa Loma.
You coming? Yeah, I'm thinking she was in on it.
OK, just for the sake of argument, let's say that she was.
Say they planned it together.
They're Bonnie and Clyde redux, young love on the run.
- It tracks.
- It still doesn't change anything.
She has bipolar disorder, on medication.
Even if she's going along with it, she's not capable.
Nolan is the criminal here; Emily Froez is the patient.
- Could she turn violent? - You really don't want to see this girl as a victim, do you? She's got a history of fairly violent behaviour.
His is even worse.
Put 'em together, take away her medication, give him a gun, what do you get? OK.
It's a bad situation.
This is the place.
It looks like a castle.
These are the stables.
The castle's over there.
So, who were these people Teenagers, living out a fantasy of being independent.
And they pick a castle to hang out in.
Not exactly inconspicuous.
Does that tell you anything? I don't know.
Maybe they thought it was cool.
Maybe they're looking for the same thing this time.
Why, are there any other castles in the city - I don't know about? - No.
Maybe this time they're looking for something a little more-- - Medieval? - I don't know.
Impressive? There's got to be some kind of connection.
They just didn't pick a castle at random, right? So, you really have - no idea, do you? - I'll get one.
Thank you.
- This is awesome! - Yeah.
It's really all shut down? Closed last winter.
There's nobody here but us.
- Swan! - I know.
Oh, hello, Miss Swan.
- We're in here.
- In there? - Yeah.
- OK.
- Come on.
- I'm coming.
Ooh! Ho-ho-ho! Oh, my goodness.
- Ooh! Oh.
- I got a surprise for you.
- I can't look yet? - No.
- Why not? - Because it's a surprise.
- Are you ready? - Mm-hmm.
Oh, my god.
This is amazing, Nolan.
- Oh, you still have this? - Of course I do.
Are you coming off your pills OK? Yeah.
I've been getting ready since I got your letter.
Every day, I bite the pills into 3 pieces.
The first week, I took 2 pieces, and then I only took 1.
And now I only take 1 piece every second pill.
No, baby, now you take none.
Take off your gun.
Froez? Detective Black.
McMaster, actually, but yes.
- Can I help you? - It's about Emily.
Your daughter? Um, she's not my daughter.
Has she done something? She's been kidnapped.
Um Sorry, I'll get Reuben.
Reuben! That's Emily's father.
Emily's mother died.
Please, come in.
Her mother was sick for a long time.
It was very difficult for Emily.
She started acting out, and then I met Leigh shortly after Maude died, and that Emily wasn't well.
I mean, we know that now, but at the time, we just thought that she was being awful.
She was being awful.
I just thought it was because we got married too quickly.
- We didn't.
- We did.
I just thought she'd adjust.
But then I got pregnant with the twins and Emily just got worse and worse.
She started stealing things - all my jewellery.
She nearly burned down the house.
No, that was an accident.
It was an accident, it was a cigarette.
She assaulted you, is that right? She stabbed me with a fork.
She was so angry at me.
Cut up all my clothes.
And then there was the babies.
It just it wasn't safe.
She had to go.
And then you asked her to leave? - No, they called the police.
- We didn't have a choice.
I walked into the twins' room, and Emily was standing there.
She had a pillow, so yes, yeah, I called the police.
- That's not in the file.
- We didn't report it.
She was in enough trouble.
Look, the point was to get her help.
We had to get her out of the house.
Do you have any contact with her? No, no, not in years.
She doesn't even know where we live.
And it has to be that way.
You don't understand.
All right, well, if she does get in touch, we're gonna need to know about it.
Did you get the same vibe I did? Mm-hmm.
All that space, and no room for her.
- Black.
- [I got something interesting.
I'm at the Bridal Happiness Wedding Shop, College and Clinton.
- Who's the lucky guy? - Aha.
Very funny.
There was a smash and grab last night.
Security footage shows a guy in a Halloween mask.
- Same mask as from the hospital? - Same dollar-store quality.
He matches the physical description.
It's gotta be our guy, Aidan.
- What'd he take? - [Three wedding dresses.
Nice ones too.
He busted open the till, but it was empty.
- Any sign of the girl? - Not on camera.
On my way.
Canvass the neighbourhood.
Maybe someone can ID the car.
Our guy stole some wedding dresses.
Maybe they're going to Vegas.
Hey, thanks for coming down.
Yeah, I'm in this till the end.
Caligra says Nolan did this? Yeah, he stole Maybe there's some kind of fetish thing - the wedding dresses, the castle.
I'm just hoping we're not going to find this girl chained up in a dungeon somewhere.
He's dangerous, but I haven't seen any indication that he's going to abuse her.
I think they probably really love each other.
Well, love and abuse aren't mutually exclusive.
Believe me.
I don't think this is about sexual fantasies.
I think this is about them wanting to be together.
Maybe he's making up for the family that rejected her? Wait, so they're getting married.
- Not much else you can do with a wedding dress.
- Why didn't he get a ring? - Sorry? - There's a jewellery store right there, open late.
He walked right past it.
Maybe he got scared off.
It probably has - more security, right? - This guy broke into a locked mental hospital to get to his girlfriend, held up 20 people at gunpoint.
I don't think he's going to be afraid of a security guard.
Maybe they already have a ring.
Could be Emily has her mother's ring or something like that.
I have my mother's ring.
That's a good idea.
Let's go.
Oh, my god.
Hi, Leigh.
How are you? I'm getting married.
Don't freak out, OK? Don't freak out.
- It's just me.
- Reuben! Don't shout, OK? Just stay calm.
I'm not gonna cause any trouble.
I promise.
What's going on? Emily.
Hi, Dad.
You shouldn't be here.
- How did you find us? - Uh, it's called Google.
You can find out all kinds of stuff.
Are you alone? I haven't seen you in 5 years, Dad.
Don't I get a hug? Please? - She's your daughter.
- I'm sorry.
- What are you doing? - Ah! Reuben! Put your phone down, please.
We're not going to hurt anybody.
Just relax.
Nolan, - everything is OK.
- No, Emily, everything's not OK.
It's not OK.
You tell him to put down that gun.
- You do not get to tell me what to do anymore, OK, Dad? You made that call a long time ago.
We are not doing anything wrong.
OK? All I want is Mom's ring.
That's it.
We're not stealing anything.
She said it was mine, so it is, so if you could just give it to me then Why are you wearing Mom's ring? Why is she wearing Mom's ring?! Don't touch me! - Look at that.
The hatchback.
- What about it? It matches the description from the hospital.
This is Papa-Charlie-1.
I need a uniform car at 13 West Maple.
[Unit dispatched.
Four minutes.
Emily's in there.
Suspect is on site, potentially armed.
[Backup is en route.
No, no, no.
Hey, stay in the car.
You see something happen, you just press this button, you tell dispatch.
But do not get out of the car.
Police! Open the door! They went through the back.
Police! Don't move! Stay where you are, Nolan! - Emily.
- Show me your hands! Let me go! Or I swear to God, I swear to God I'm going to kill you! - Calm down! Let me go! No! - I swear to God-- - Easy.
- Turn over.
Turn over! - OK! What the hell did I tell you? I was watching the back.
She was going to get away.
The girl in the wedding dress wasn't going to get far.
The priority was to go after the guy with the gun.
- So why didn't you? - Because I had to protect you.
I'm sorry.
Emily, we need to find Nolan.
Before he gets hurt.
- Can you get in touch with him? - No.
- Do you know where he is? - Nope.
That's not true, is it? Would you mind sitting down? - I don't want to sit down.
- OK.
It's not right.
All Nolan ever tried to do was help me, and you treat him like a criminal.
If we could get a message to Nolan, he could give himself up.
He'd be safe.
No, we don't trust you.
We know about the cops.
How long have you been off your medication? I've been weaning myself off for a couple of weeks.
Are you feeling better? Feel better? I'm in a goddamn police station.
I'm probably gonna go to jail.
I am not crazy anymore.
That was one time.
Listen to me, Emily, OK? You can have the kind of life that you want.
But you can't get it like this.
You can't run.
Let us help you.
You have to let us help Nolan too.
There's nothing wrong with Nolan.
He pointed a gun in my face, Emily.
You saw it.
- There is a lot wrong with that.
- He's not sick.
- I didn't say that he was.
- He's not like me.
He's in trouble, Emily.
If you talk to me, I can try and protect him.
But if you don't, the police are gonna find Nolan all by themselves.
And I am worried that is not gonna turn out well.
- She knows where he is.
- Of course she does.
I can probably get it out of her.
She just held her own family hostage.
She asked for her mother's ring.
Yeah, well, the way she asked is technically called armed robbery.
Or home invasion.
Take your pick.
Aidan, this girl is at a turning point.
If you put her in jail, I'm never gonna get this - figured out.
- Get what figured out? Something's wrong.
She's not manic.
She's not even hypomanic.
- She looks pretty wound up to me.
- Of course she is.
She's upset.
And yet she's rational, she's focused.
- She's even calculating.
- So? So, with the kind of stress she's under, she's doing pretty damn well.
I think she may have been misdiagnosed.
She's not bipolar.
She's definitely not on the right prescription.
I need to talk to her doctor.
Any objection if I hold her? Yes.
She needs to be in a hospital.
She's already under a custodial order, so send her back to St.
And thank you for not putting her through interrogation.
It's not gonna help.
- You sure? - No.
Can I help you? - I'm Dr.
Clara Malone.
I'm with the forensics department.
Oh, of course.
Now, you're the one from the robbery.
That's why I'm here.
They found Emily.
Is she OK? She's distraught.
But she's surprisingly coherent.
- She's rational.
- Well, she's only been off her medication a day.
Actually, she's been reducing her meds.
- I don't understand.
- I've also done a file review.
You've done what? On my patient? Is that what they teach residents these days? Um, I'm not a resident.
I'm a forensic psychiatrist.
Well, I don't care if you're the pope! You have no right to come barging in here and questioning my decisions! I'm sorry.
I think we've gotten off on the wrong foot.
- Yes.
- I am not criticizing you.
I'll tell you what.
Why don't you write down the results of your file review and your 10-minute interview with my patient, and I will take your opinions under consideration.
Is that all right? With all due respect, Dr.
Blein, I have seen Emily in group therapy for a number of months now, and-- - And what? She draws nice pictures? And she's half comatose.
She is being overly sedated.
You have no right to make that assessment.
I am asking you to assess it.
Well, I'm telling you, stay the hell away from patient.
And thank you for bringing her back.
What, are you following me? I brought Emily in.
How'd it go with her doctor? - He thought I was a student.
- You corrected him, I'm sure.
Not so he noticed.
I asked him to take a look at Emily's diagnosis, and he told me to keep my nose out of his patient's treatment.
- Why, because you're so young? - Because he's a pompous ass.
I am not that young.
How many forensic psychiatrists get certified before they're 30? My patients are certified.
You mean qualified? Some.
- Are you one of them? - I was.
- Are you still one of them? - You asking how old I am? It's a cop thing.
I ask questions.
You sure do.
Where are we going? I'm going to talk to Emily.
I thought her doctor just told you to butt out.
He didn't listen to me.
You can take the cuffs off, Amanda.
- She's not admitted yet.
- It's OK.
She's here.
- Hi, Emily.
Are you going to be my doctor now? No.
Blein is still in charge of your care.
- Right.
- I spoke to him about your medication.
I think it needs to be reviewed.
No shit.
They want me quiet.
They hate me.
- I understand that you feel that way.
- I'm not bad like I used to be.
What we need to do is to adjust your treatment.
And what you need to do is to make us want to let you out.
OK? You need to want to have a real life.
Not living in a castle.
And I need you to think about Nolan.
I don't know where he is.
Just think about it, OK? What's best for him? - Being free.
- Is it? Without you? He already broke in here once.
What is he gonna do next? Excuse me! Dr.
Malone, what are you doing? - I am talking with Emily.
- Emily Froez is a material witness in a police investigation.
Malone is assisting me.
- Thank you, I can handle this.
- This isn't about you, Clara.
This is a major crime investigation.
You don't want to obstruct it, Doctor.
Oh, my.
What's he talking about? - He's threatening you.
- Yes, I understand that.
This is my hospital.
Emily is under my care.
Now, if you want to talk to her or about her, you'd better get a judge's order.
And you'd better move quickly, because Emily is being transferred to Brockville.
- Bring her to transport, please.
- Now? Come along.
They've got to move her.
Nolan came for her once.
- He could come back.
- He will come back! We're swans! We mate for life! Make sure Nolan is OK, please.
As if you give a shit! Let me go! Haloperidol and lorazepam.
- What's wrong? - She has a history of seizures.
- Do you have a benzo IV here? - No.
Well, you'd better get one.
It's all right, Emily.
Ugh! Don't worry, Doctor.
This won't hurt a bit.
Help! Help! Dr.
Blein, Dr.
What the hell is in that? Same dose he was going to give her.
Knock out a horse.
Nolan? Nolan.
- Emily! - Oh.
How did you get out? I was just coming to get you.
No, there were police there.
It was a trap.
I wasn't even supposed to be there.
They were gonna send me to Brampton or something.
- Or Brockville, I don't know.
- Baby, baby, baby.
Shh, you're home now, baby.
We're going to go away.
- We're going to get married.
- Yeah.
And we're going to start a family.
Yeah, baby.
Yeah, baby, we are a family.
Come here.
I want to show you.
Nolan, what have you done? A 15-week-old baby was taken out of the pediatric ward.
A guy in a white coat told the parents that he needed to weigh the baby - and he just walks out with it.
- Nolan.
Poppy's taken the parents downtown.
They'll confirm the ID.
This is a cluster, isn't it? Clara, do you do you think that he would hurt the baby? I hope not.
My first guess is he took it for Emily.
First a wedding dress, now a kid.
- We had her in custody when this happened.
- True love knows no boundaries.
Excuse me if I presume the worst.
JEEZ! He stole a baby?! All right.
He stole a baby.
He doesn't have a car, probably, so he can't be far.
We'll send uniforms to public transit, canvass cabs that were in the area.
But let's say he did walk.
Where the hell would he go? OK, there's Liberty Village, The Ex, and Lakefront Amusement Park.
- Lakefront is closed.
- Yes, it is.
- Wait, since when? I don't know.
My sister wanted to go on the long weekend last month.
It's closed.
All right, here's a live feed from the C-PIC satellite.
There's no signs of life.
It's definitely shut down.
All right, Casa Loma was under renovations the last time they ran away, right? A fantasyland tourist attraction with no people in it.
- But that's not a castle.
- It's about romance.
It's not about castles and dragons.
It's about them wanting to be special.
This is Papa-Charlie-1.
I need you to send a cruiser to Lakefront Amusement Park.
Look for squatters.
Do not approach.
We will meet you there in 5 minutes.
Let's go.
We have to give him back, Nolan.
No, Emily, honey, he's our baby.
We're a family.
No, he already has a family.
Everything that's been done to us doesn't mean we can do this to someone else.
We have to give him back.
Emily! Emily.
Get inside.
Get inside.
Leave us alone! [Shots fired.
Lakefront Amusement Park, main building.
ETF dispatched.
- Fall back.
We'll take it from here.
- No, Carl, this is our case.
- We know the situation.
- So do I.
Shots fired.
- Possible hostages.
- What's going on? - Emily and Nolan are up there with the baby.
- We have shots fired.
- I want command on site.
- We've got a connection with Emily.
She's the key to Nolan.
He'll listen to her.
Don't go sending a dozen armed men into this.
- People are going to get hurt.
- Please.
I can talk to Emily.
Come on, Diane.
We've been profiling these two.
This is our case.
I mean, why have a Psych Crimes unit if you're not going to use us when it counts? Put your snipers in place and hold them there.
- Psych Crimes goes in.
- All right, get a vest on her.
Sierra units to the rooftops.
Provide over-watch for Psych Crimes unit.
All right, stay behind me.
And do not do anything rash.
Hell, don't do anything unless I tell you.
I need to trust you.
You can.
Call out to her.
Emily? It's Doctor Malone.
- I have to talk to you.
- Put him down.
For Christ's sake, Emily, put him down! You're gonna drop him! OK, OK.
It's O.
I'm sorry, baby.
I messed up.
We have to give up.
I can't.
They'll lock me up for good.
You know that.
I don't get along so good inside.
I have a shot.
I have eyes on our man.
Am I clear to fire? Do it.
Clear to fire.
I say again, [clear to fire.
Emily? I'm here! Dr.
Malone? In here! There's a baby! There's a baby! Nolan! You don't want to do this, man! There's 50 guns outside this building! Only way you're getting out of here is with us right now! Stay here.
Emily! You have to tell him.
I know he wants to build a family for you, but this isn't the family you want.
You have to make Nolan understand, Emily.
Can you hear me? Give it up, Nolan! It's over, man! Nolan, don't.
Don't! Put the gun down, man.
You've done some stupid things, but you don't need to do this one.
Just just leave us alone.
Just go.
Nolan, listen to me.
The only way for you and Emily to be together is to give yourself up.
I'm gonna get healthy, and I'm gonna get an apartment, and I'll wait for you.
You know I will.
We're swans.
She's your swan, Nolan.
She's the one you can trust.
Come on, put the gun down.
- I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
- Don't move, don't move.
Just stay still.
Stay still.
Stay still.
d All the years that you have wasted d d Now you want 'em all back d Long ago when you stopped caring d Nolan needs help too.
Can you help him? He just needs someone to explain things to him.
I'll make sure someone assesses him.
You think Nolan should go to the hospital? Aidan, I need to see signs of a significant mental illness to get involved in a criminal case.
Just because he's got problems doesn't mean he's not responsible.
- What about Emily? - Well, she attacked her doctor.
He stole a baby.
My opinion: they're both in trouble.
Nice work.
So, what do we do now? Beer and poker? Mostly paperwork.
You won't believe how much paperwork.
d Don't you fold when you're out of your mind d d Yeah, when you're walking the line d d An oasis in the desert d Where the waters run clear - OK.
We're in here.
- d And the only way to see it Aidan, I need to talk to you a minute, please.
d Is to believe that it's near d I got word from Daniella.
Yeah? She's made contact with her son, and she doesn't want to give that up.
She's not coming back.
You can't blame her.
No, I I don't.
So, we have to replace her.
Psych crimes needs a psych.
What about her? Think she'll take the job? Yeah.
I think she might.

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