Daughter from Another Mother (2021) s02e01 Episode Script

Madres e hijas

[dogs barking]
[rat squeaking]
[loud rock music playing]
Where's Regina?
Ana, you kicked us out.
You can't tell us what to do.
- You can't just take her.
- Ana!
- What are you doing?
- [gasping]
Relax, ma'am.
- Where's Regina?
- [Regina babbling]
[Pablo] Pass the joint, Penguin.
[Regina coughing]
Why does she have a tattoo?
We don't want her
to be bullied at daycare.
You're crazy.
- I'm taking her.
- Ana, leave! That's enough!
Let me go! I don't want
Regina to grow up a degenerate!
You're dead to us.
Leave us alone for good!
[opening theme music playing]
[babies cooing]
[baby crying]
[baby crying]
[birds chirping]
[babies cooing]
[babies giggling]
[bell tinkling]
[Ana] Stop, Mom.
Stop looking at me
like a run-over deer on the road.
I'm looking at you normally.
Aren't I looking at her normally?
No, you're frowning,
just like when my dad was hungover.
[sighs] You're nuts.
But if it bothers you,
I'll sit somewhere else.
I only stayed
because you didn't seem well.
Can we not talk about this?
You know, Mom, I want to talk about it.
Why isn't Dad here?
That's between your dad and me.
Why are Mariana and Regina gone?
That's between Mariana and me.
Besides, we always knew
they'd leave eventually.
- Don't you care about Regina?
- Where did they go?
I don't know. And I don't care.
- [Ceci] But Mom
- I don't care!
All you need to know
is that Mariana and Regina
no longer live here.
- Neither does your dad.
- [phone dings, buzzes]
- [Rodrigo] Is that my dad?
- Is it Mariana?
Is it Juan Carlos?
Is it your old bosses,
begging you to come back?
- Who was that?
- Mom!
Who was that?
Unknown number.
- [sighs]
- [Ana slurps]
- [Cynthia chuckling]
- [Pablo] Hey, you look pretty!
Good morning.
You're still here.
[chuckles] Hi.
Want some pancakes?
- Mmm. Yes.
- Cynthia made them.
- They're from a box mix.
- They're amazing.
- And you are?
- Karla.
- Karla.
- [Regina cooing]
- Can I give her a bite?
- No, no.
We don't give her refined flours.
Come on, Mariana, she'll be fine.
She's allergic, Pablo.
[scoffs] Sometimes
you don't even seem like her dad.
I used to have allergies as a kid,
but they went away.
Lucky you.
You could spend the night here
and make these delicious pancakes
from a box mix.
Chill, Mariana, here.
Drink some coffee and relax, will you?
I can't have coffee in the morning.
You know that.
Damn, don't you remember? We used to date.
We also used to date, yeah. [sighs]
- This is weird.
- [chuckling]
The stuff at the christening
shouldn't have happened.
- [sighing]
- Don't beat yourself up.
What happened had to happen.
Mariana will have to forgive you,
you're her mother.
You should learn to trust the universe.
- Give me a break, Mom.
- What?
Mariana won't forgive me
just because the universe wills it.
I need to talk to her.
All I'm saying is you need to have faith.
That's what I did when I asked for
an apartment so I could move to the city.
Now look at this! Isn't it beautiful?
You asked the universe
and three real estate agents you pestered
until they found you a place. Come on!
Well, whatever.
Eat your breakfast before it gets cold.
Don't you have any food?
Not even a box mix for some chilaquiles?
Sorry, I'm out. And you know what?
They'd be great for this hangover.
The christening turned out
a bit awkward, huh?
I don't want to talk about it.
I haven't even had breakfast.
We could order chilaquiles
from El Cardenal or where from?
I like the ones Altagracia makes.
And I like them even better
with my wife and kids.
Mmm, that's going to take a while.
I'm talking from experience.
Women recover from childbirth
sooner than infidelity.
You should learn to enjoy bachelor life.
Get yourself an apartment,
walk around naked.
Wait, no, no, no, no, no.
I don't need an apartment.
I'm going to get my house and family back.
I'll go get breakfast.
Damn, you're a pain in the ass, Juanqui.
[footsteps approaching]
You have to tell them something.
You never talked to me
about what happened with Dad.
I had to find out by myself.
I thought I was protecting you,
but that was a mistake.
I'll decide when it's time
to talk to my children.
I just want what's best for you.
What's best for me, right this moment,
is for you to leave me alone.
All right.
But no one actually believes
you don't care about Regina.
[somber music playing]
- [Mariana] Where's your friend?
- [toy squeaks]
- [Regina cooing]
- Did you send her home?
- It was a one-night stand.
- [Mariana chuckles]
Besides, this place
is getting pretty cramped as it is.
- I have to get a job so I can pitch in.
- No one's asking you to, Mariana.
I know, but I don't want
to depend on anyone,
least of all Pablo.
What's up with him dating Ana's assistant?
She's also Chava's cousin.
They ran into each other
at the christening, and
Don't even remind me
of that awful christening.
It was nice.
- Nice?
- Yeah.
I don't get why you decided to declare
your love for Ana in the middle of it.
- My romantic compass is out of whack.
- Oh, come on.
Don't beat yourself up,
you were just confused.
[Regina giggles]
And you have two lovely babies.
That's right, isn't it?
We miss Valentina so much,
but Ana isn't answering my texts.
[Cynthia] Hello, Regina!
[bell tinkling]
How are you? I'm your friend, the unicorn.
May I come in?
That was Valentina's unicorn.
No wonder it was slobbered,
but I gave it a wash. [chuckles]
[Elena chuckles]
I was hoping to give it to Regina.
[happy music playing]
Thanks, I guess.
I should get back to Pablo.
"I should get back to Pablo." [scoffs]
- I need to see my owner.
- [laughing]
[Ana] My darling, my beautiful baby girl.
[music continues]
[phone chiming and buzzing]
- [Ana on phone] Pablo?
- Ana?
I'm calling because
some of Regina's things are here.
I want to send them over with Ramón.
Well, you should ask Mariana.
[Ana] Well, Mariana and I
aren't speaking right now.
I'm only offering you this
for Regina's sake, that's it.
Fine, no worries.
I'm sure it'll be okay with Mariana.
All right then. Can I get your address?
It's 41 Ciencias Street,
Escandón neighborhood.
- Very well, I'll send Ramón over tomorrow.
- Okay.
- [Ana] Bye.
- Bye.
[phone ringing]
Romelia, hi. Is Ana there?
She's not answering my calls.
- And for good reason
- [Juan Carlos on phone] What?
I mean, maybe she doesn't have it.
Let me see if she's around.
[mouthing] It's Juan Carlos.
[mouthing] No. Tell him I'm not home.
No, no, she isn't here.
She just left for the office.
Romelia, Ana doesn't work
at the office anymore.
- Ana went out to do some errands.
- [disconnects call]
[Ana] Oh, Mom.
- You're a terrible liar.
- [Romelia] Yeah.
I hate getting involved.
Besides, I've never
been good at improvising.
[phone ringing]
[whispering] Answer. Tell him
- What do you want, Juan Carlos?
- [Juan Carlos] Ana!
We need to talk.
- There's nothing to talk about.
- Yes, there is.
I want to come home.
You should've thought of that
before you cheated on me.
- Juan Carlos, stop calling.
- Ana!
I want to see my kids.
We need to figure out
what we're telling them.
Meet you at Café Sultán
tomorrow at 11:00 a.m.
[disconnects call]
- [receiver clatters]
- [Ceci] You should knock first, Rodrigo.
I know how to find out
what happened at the christening.
If you think you can bribe Alta,
you're mistaken.
Mom and Dad are meeting
at Café Sultán at 11:00.
Are we invited?
No, but if we go there,
we could spy on them.
You can hear conversations
20 meters away with this.
[scoffs] Jeez, Rodrigo!
No wonder you always find out
about everything, tattletale.
Well, that's not the point.
The point is, this is our chance.
You're right.
We have to think of something. Hmm?
This isn't neutral territory, Mom.
Grandma always takes your side.
Hey, I didn't move back to the city
for you to be at each other's throats.
- No one asked you to move to the city.
- Hey! That's no way to talk to Grandma.
Besides, I don't know why
you're living as a freeloader
with Pablo and Elena
when you could be living with me.
I'd rather live with them
than live with the enemy.
Hey! That's no way to talk to your mom.
You'll understand when Regina
judges you for your mistakes.
That's true.
Still, why are we still fighting
if everything's out in the open?
- You're shameless!
- Hey!
It's your fault Ana won't talk to me
and I can't see Valentina, Mom.
[somber music playing]
[door opens, closes]
- So?
- What?
I thought you said the incense
would work this time.
I must've used the wrong scent.
- For fuck's sake, Mom!
- Oh!
I don't know what's going on
with Mariana, maybe
No, you don't owe me an explanation.
- We're fine.
- [Pablo chuckles]
Can you see who he's with?
No, ma'am. We'll have a better view
once we get past them.
[gasps] Careful, they'll see me!
Keep going, straight ahead.
- Is everything okay?
- Huh?
- Yes. Yes.
- [chuckling]
You won't believe it, ma'am.
It was Cynthia, your ex-assistant.
She'll be happy to see it.
It was her favorite.
Sorry, Mariana, I can't let you in
without Ana's permission.
I'm her mother too.
You can't keep me from seeing her.
If I let you in, she'll kick me out,
just like you and Mr. Juan Carlos.
Mrs. Ana isn't exactly the forgiving type.
Let her in, Altagracia.
This is my house too. Come.
Thanks, Ceci. Thank you.
[Rodrigo] This is torture.
Imagine Mom without a job, without Dad,
and without you, her best friend.
Not being able
to see Valentina is killing me.
What are you doing with the monitor?
I'm syncing the monitor to my phone
so that Regis can see her little sister.
- [Rodrigo and Ceci] Aw.
- [Mariana] Oh, come here.
Come here, please. [grunts]
We miss Regis so much.
And we miss you. Come.
[Valentina cooing]
Hey you'll always be our family. Hmm?
No matter what happens between Ana and me.
What's going on?
Is it yummy?
Hey, Mariana.
What happened at the christening?
- Why did Dad leave?
- And why did you two leave?
Ana and I had a fight
because I wasn't honest.
It's a tiff between friends,
I'm sure we'll work it out.
As for your dad, it's not my place to say.
Of course it's not your place.
Come here, sweetie.
Besides, who said
you could come into my house uninvited?
I let her in.
Mariana is still our friend.
Your friend's a traitor,
that's why I kicked her out.
- She's not.
- Why did you kick her out?
I kicked her out because she kissed me.
- She kissed me first.
- After you drugged me.
You decided to eat a choco-shroom.
You said you were in love with me.
I'm confused.
- I'm not a lesbian.
- [Ceci] All right, stop!
Mom, there's nothing wrong
with someone telling you they love you.
You just need to say
you don't feel the same way.
You two stay out of this.
This is between Mariana and me.
It's not a talk show. Go to your room.
- This is getting interesting.
- What happened?
[Ana] Go to your room!
You too. Time to leave.
- Don't be so nosy.
- Ana!
We need to talk. For the girls' sake.
You should've thought of that
before betraying me.
Please, try to understand.
I was in a difficult position.
Listen, I don't condone her actions,
but she's my mom.
Would you betray yours?
You deceived me in my own home.
I can't forgive that.
Ana, I'm worried about you,
about the cancer.
It's not cancer. I'm fine.
You and I have nothing more to discuss.
So, you don't care about Regina anymore?
[Ana] Of course I care about Regina.
But what can I do? You ruined everything.
You can see your sister on here.
But just for a little while,
because children under two
shouldn't stare at screens.
- [cooing]
- Let's see Vale.
Look at her.
Say, "Hello, Vale."
Isn't she cute?
[Ana] Cynthia.
I know you're not my assistant anymore,
but I thought we were friends.
My little one! My precious girl is up!
[Cynthia] We started going out
after the christening.
But then we didn't,
we stayed at his place.
I mean, we only slept.
Yeah, well, I don't need the details.
Look, I have a favor to ask.
I need you to take pictures
of Pablo's apartment
so I can see Regina's living conditions.
[Cynthia] Ana, I can't do that.
I'd be invading their privacy.
Oh, please! Whose privacy?
Everyone lives there now.
Even you. I miss her so much, Cynthia.
I don't know how she's doing
and I don't want to call Mariana.
- [Cynthia] Regis is doing just fine.
- [Ana] No, you don't get it.
I haven't slept in days.
I don't know how she's doing.
Last night I even had a dream
she was smoking weed.
[Cynthia laughs]
[Ana] Don't laugh,
I'm telling you this as a friend.
Okay, fine, Ana.
[happy music playing]
[Pablo] Hello, Penguin, hi!
Daddy's here! Yes, he is!
Where's that busybody, Cynthia?
Come on, cut her some slack.
She's only trying to be nice.
Since when does that entail
coming to our house,
sleeping in your bed,
and eating our box mix pancakes?
You didn't live here.
I'm not saying you're not welcome,
but you don't get a say
in who I choose to date.
Cynthia is a good person.
Pablo, she's a spy.
It's clear Ana planned this
after the christening.
I don't know how I didn't see it.
What are you talking about?
Ana planted Cynthia to keep tabs on me.
Can't you see?
You're just as crazy as Ana.
- [Mariana] You don't believe me?
- Mm-mm.
I'll prove it to you.
You don't have to do anything,
I'll take care of it. Isn't that right?
- "Yes, Mommy."
- [Regina cooing]
Let's leave your dad to reflect
on his friendships.
[footsteps receding]
[door opens]
Where is he? I don't want to be late.
- What are you doing here?
- We're waiting for an Uber.
Why doesn't Ramón drive you?
- He left earlier with Mom.
- Mm-hmm.
Where are you going?
- To
- To see a cute boy I like.
You have a boyfriend?
- Sort of.
- [Romelia] So, where is he?
He's at Café Sultán.
Oh, I love their cupcakes.
Get in. I'll drive you
and pick up some for myself.
[Juan Carlos]
Things aren't what they seem.
I want to explain what happened with Tere.
I met her long before I knew
she was Mariana's mom.
I don't need you to explain,
I'm not ready.
I don't care.
We need to work this out,
for the sake of our kids.
Maybe some other day.
Today, we're only deciding
what we're going to tell them,
and making arrangements
for you to see them.
- We can't tell them the truth.
- [Ana] Of course not.
They don't need
to know the details, right?
[Juan Carlos sighs]
We'll tell them we're separating
due to irreconcilable differences.
Are they really irreconcilable?
Between you and I,
there's nothing but mistrust.
[Cynthia] I beat Chava again!
- [crashing on video game]
- You beat all the Cro-Magnons, huh?
Very nice. Very nice.
[whimsical music playing]
Can you watch Regis for a bit?
- I'll go throw out the diaper.
- Sure, no problem.
Sit up, Penguin.
Come here.
[whispering] She's taking pictures
with her phone. I told you!
[phone camera clicking]
- Maybe it's for her Instagram.
- Oh, come on!
What are you doing?
Mariana heard Ana asking you
to take pictures of how we live.
- I didn't believe her.
- I'm sorry, I couldn't say no.
She dreamed Regina smoked weed.
She was manipulating you,
as if you didn't know her.
- She sounded sincere to me.
- What do you want to do now?
We're giving Ana
a taste of her own medicine.
We'll see if she still
doesn't want to talk to me.
And Cynthia?
You're helping us.
[Romelia] Don't look so scared,
there's nothing wrong
with making the first move with a boy.
Which one is he?
[Ceci] It's
that one, him.
- Go get him.
- What?
No way! What if he's waiting for someone?
Strike now, while the iron is hot.
- Go on!
- No, no, no, Grandma. I'll do it, okay.
Good luck.
Hi, how are you?
Play along and I'll buy you a croissant.
[boy] Okay, fine.
What I did was wrong,
but we're not telling the kids.
- Of course not.
- What will we tell them?
- I don't know, let's
- Neither do I.
- I'm going to the restroom.
- [sighing]
[boy] What are we doing?
- Well
- Cecilia?
- What are you doing here? Who is this?
- Dad!
- He's
- Darío, pleased to meet you.
Why are you with a stranger?
Who brought you?
Juan Carlos, what are you doing here?
Did you drive her?
- What's going on?
- Why are you here?
Your mom brought Ceci
to meet with this stranger.
- She said she knew him.
- [Rodrigo] I'm sorry.
Our plan was to spy on you,
but Grandma offered to drive us here.
We told her Ceci was meeting
her boyfriend, this guy.
- No.
- So, he is your boyfriend?
- I don't know him!
- So, why bring them here?
[all arguing]
Enough! Be quiet! Let's go.
- Come on. Let's go.
- Mom.
Let's go!
- Hey, I didn't get your number.
- [Ana] Let's go!
Go home, Cecilia.
Not until you tell me what's going on.
- Me neither.
- This is between your dad and me.
This doesn't concern you.
I just want to know what's going on.
Your father and I
have irreconcilable differences.
Mom, that doesn't explain anything.
Okay, Ceci, you're right.
Your mom and I separated
'cause she found out
something that happened a long time ago.
I want you to know that doesn't change
one bit the love we have for both of you.
- Who did you cheat with?
- Ceci!
- Cecilia
- Who was it?
That doesn't matter. Go home.
It was Tere.
You said so at the christening
when you were drunk.
That's why you kicked Mariana out.
I can't believe you did that to Mom.
Let's go, Ceci, you're right.
Your father should've done better.
Romelia, sorry,
but you should stay
out of this conversation.
Don't talk to her like that.
She's trying to help.
- Apologize.
- [Romelia] That's not necessary.
All I want to say is
you shouldn't have ambushed them.
Let's go.
[sentimental music playing]
This went so bad.
[Lucía] She'll get over it.
I think I should ask Mariana
to move in with me.
Maybe the three of us could live together.
My apartment is big enough for all of us.
Thanks, Mom,
but I don't think Mariana
will like the idea.
Not until she patches things up with Ana.
Though, how is that going to happen
if no one makes the first move?
What are you thinking, Teresa?
I feel terrible, I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have said that.
Your apologies
won't fix anything, Juan Carlos.
I hate not being able to talk
about us and our marriage.
You know why
we can't talk about our marriage?
I don't even know
if there'll be a marriage,
at least not for a while.
Don't say that.
What can I do? I'm scared.
So am I.
I'm so scared.
You're not the only one
who's had a rough time.
This has been hard for me too.
I've had terrible days.
I didn't tell you, but they found a lump.
- Are you okay?
- [Ana] Yes, I'm fine.
The doctor did a biopsy,
and luckily, it was nothing.
I was so scared,
I started to consider the worst outcome.
I don't know what I want
or who I am anymore.
I need you to give me some space.
[sentimental music playing]
[car door closes]
[car door opens, closes]
[breathes deeply]
We need to talk.
Come, Ro. I see you back there.
Come. Sit down, sweetie.
I'm sorry you had to find out that way.
But you have to respect
your dad's and my business.
- Don't defend him, Mom.
- He cheated on you.
[breathes deeply]
That's between him and me and no one else.
Do you have any doubt
your dad loves you with all his heart?
Then nothing else matters.
[uplifting music playing]
[Mariana] Elena, get in position.
- [Chava] Pablo, you're drunk, wasted.
- Okay, here goes.
- One, two, three!
- [man] Take one with us.
- [Mariana] Okay, one, two
- [Cynthia] Three!
Stop it!
- Ready, want to see?
- [man] Let's see.
[Pablo] Let's see.
[all laughing]
[man in English] Nice!
Sorry, I didn't want to cause trouble
with you and Mariana.
I never meant to betray you.
I know what I did was wrong.
It's called invasion of privacy,
and it's a crime everywhere.
[fridge door opens]
You want one?
[bottle hissing open]
[fridge door closes]
I swear I've never seen Ana so desperate.
I understand why you did it.
So, you forgive me?
- Of course.
- [Cynthia chuckles]
I really like you and, I don't know
I want us to keep
getting to know each other.
[chuckles] I really like you too.
But I think it's too complicated,
not just because of Ana.
You mean Mariana?
No, she won't be a problem.
We're better off as friends,
and we can still do that.
To friendship.
[Mariana clears throat]
Sorry, but we've chosen the pictures.
Ma'am, I didn't want to let her in,
but she said she wouldn't leave
until she talked to you.
It's fine, Alta. You can leave us, thanks.
How dare you?
I came to tell you it's wrong
to blame Mariana for everything.
I can't believe you showed up
after everything that happened.
I know, but I'd do anything
for my daughter.
I know getting involved with Juan Carlos
was wrong, but that's another story.
When Mariana found out,
she never forgave me.
You and the girls are the most important
thing in the world for her.
She wanted to tell you,
but I begged her not to.
Since you kicked her out,
I don't know where they live
or how she and Regina are doing.
Stop talking, I don't care.
I don't want to know anything
about any of you.
Leave, that's what I want.
I want you to leave.
Get out of my house!
[solemn music playing]
[door opens, closes]
[Cynthia] No.
No, Ana will freak out. We shouldn't.
We're sending them. That's the point,
to force her to work things out
for the good of the girls.
Go on, do it.
- Just hit send.
- Come on, Cynthia!
All right, all right!
- There you go!
- It wasn't that hard, was it?
[Chava] Well done, cousin! It's done.
[phone buzzing]
[phone buzzing]
[Mariana] Where's Cynthia?
- Is she still asleep?
- No, she went home.
It wasn't fair to put her
in an awkward position.
Then why did she get involved?
Pablo, I know
she's your girlfriend. I get it.
No, she's not.
We broke up last night.
Actually, we hit pause on whatever it was.
I'm sorry. I didn't know.
That's not what I wanted.
- Maybe it's for the best.
- [phone dings]
It's from Ana.
- She wants to see me.
- Really?
- This is good for the girls, right?
- Yes.
Thanks, Pablo.
Are you sure you'll be okay?
Yeah, don't worry.
Get going, I'll stay with Penguin.
[Víctor] Nice, huh?
The gym and amenities are fantastic,
and there's a stunning terrace over there.
Oh. I didn't realize.
This is going to be tough,
but at least your kids can come here.
- If they ever talk to me again.
- [Víctor] They will, man.
I'm here for you.
No matter what.
Cheer up, man.
[Ana] Have a seat.
- Something to drink?
- No, thanks, I'm fine.
Ana, I didn't mean to tell you how I felt
about you the day of the christening.
That doesn't matter.
I asked you here because I found out
Regina's living conditions are lacking.
How did you find out?
[inhales] Was it the spy you sent?
Just like you sent your mom.
My mother came here?
[scoffs] Yeah. Didn't you know?
She had the gall to come to my house
to defend you
and take the blame for everything.
I didn't want you to find out,
especially not like that.
[Ana] That doesn't matter now.
[inhales deeply]
Look, all I care about
is my daughters' well-being.
How much do you want
to surrender full custody of Regina?
[somber music playing]
Are you trying to buy my daughter?
I'm not buying her, I'm adopting her.
How dare you?
I'll take care of everything.
You can see her anytime.
It's clear you can't handle
the responsibility alone.
What are you saying?
You think I'm a bad mother?
You're a mess, Mariana.
Just like your mother.
Ana, you may do anything
for your daughters,
but you should know
I'll do everything for mine.
If you think you can buy Regina,
you're terribly mistaken.
And don't you worry,
you'll never see us again.
Screw you.
["Déjame Dejarte Atrás"
by Paula Prieto playing]
["Déjame Dejarte Atrás" continues playing]
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