Dr. Romantic (2016) s02e01 Episode Script


I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. Please go around.
Go. I'm sorry.
I'm Park Min-gook of Geosan Hospital.
The operation I'm about to perform live
is laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy.
This patient is a 56-year-old male.
Cancer cells of five centimeters
have been found on his pancreas' head.
In such cases,
we usually conduct an anastomosis
on the cells with a mini-laparotomy.
But today, I plan on showing you
a totally laparoscopic operation,
where the entire procedure
is conducted within the abdomen.
Let me introduce my surgical team.
-My gosh.
Coming through. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
PA Heo Young-kyu.
Goodness, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
This is Dr. Lee Da-in.
Dr. Sim Hye-jin, anesthesiology.
All right then.
Let us begin the operation.
Wait, please! Wait!
Darn it.
Give me my leg back.
Give me my leg back!
Give me my leg.
What'd you do with it?
Now, the dissection of the porta hepatis.
We must be cautious of the variation
of the hepatic artery.
Also, dissecting the lymph node
is an important procedure.
Give me my leg back!
What'd you do with it?
-Give me my leg!
-Smells like ammonia.
Darn it, these flies.
Darn it! Get lost.
-Auditory and visual hallucinations.
-I'll kill you all!
Stop looking at me!
I'll kill you all!
And paranoia?
Once we dissect
the duodenum and the retroperitoneal,
the specimen will be removed en bloc.
Professor Park,
the pancreas is bleeding from the cut.
Bipolar bovie.
It doesn't look like massive bleeding.
His BP is dropping.
It's 90 over 60, heart rate is 98.
-Bring more blood.
-Yes, ma'am.
-What's going on?
-Was that a wrong cut?
-He doesn't know the reason.
Is there a problem?
Professor Park?
Professor Park.
Excuse me.
Excuse me, doctor.
I'm sorry,
but may I borrow your paper and pen?
Oh, sure.
Thank you.
Hey, are you a good runner?
Could you give this to the operating room?
As quick as possible.
Go away!
Don't mess with me, you jerks.
Who said you can take a video of me?
Stop recording, you idiot!
-Let me go, you jerk.
Pull yourself together. What's your name?
Why are you in my room?
Get out. Get out of here!
And he's in confusion.
Give it to me.
Sympathetic nerve acceleration.
Severe jaundice.
And hepatomegaly?
I told you to stop touching me!
Stop messing with me. Come here!
Darn it.
Are you all right?
-Can you report him?
-Stop it!
Darn you!
Hurry up and call the police.
No, not them.
Call 911.
You have to call 911.
His BP is still dropping.
He might go into cardiac arrest.
Someone told me to give this to you.
Dr. Sim.
Take a listen to the left lung.
Hypophonesis on the left lung.
And the PIP is rising.
There must be tension.
-Gas out.
-Yes, taking gas out.
Get the chest portable.
We have no time.
Get an angiocatheter ready.
Darn it, that was close.
What was that?
I'm relieved.
He got it, right?
Excuse me, coming through.
Unexpected tension pneumothorax
broke out in the operating room.
it was detected and treated early on.
To find the reason for the pneumothorax,
we must conduct a laparotomy.
We do not have the setup to do so here,
so we'll conclude the demonstration here.
Did you bring the memo?
I'm Cha Eun-jae, a CS fellow of Geosan.
How'd you know
it was tension pneumothorax?
Was it really pneumothorax?
Then is the patient alive?
Not that.
I just asked how you found out.
It wasn't me.
May I ask
who you are?
Have you ever
heard of Doldam Hospital?
I'm a guy who works there.
Doctor Kim.
Who? Who's looking for me?
He said his name is Doctor Kim.
He said you would know.
No, I can't. I'm busy.
I told him that already, but…
Yes, of course he's busy.
It's all right. I'll wait.
Tell him I'm in a meeting.
Say I've been in a meeting all day
without even eating.
Goodness, he didn't even eat?
It's all right with me.
Tell him to take his time
and give me a call when it's all over.
Tell him that I'll keep waiting here.
Tell him that
it might go on for a long time.
It's all right.
Don't mind me at all.
I'll just wait here.
Gosh, darn it. This is so annoying.
Does he want to die by my hands?
You jerks! Stop touching me!
You still can't bring him in here.
You should take his assault to the police,
-not the ER.
-You jerk.
Stop cursing.
Let me go, you jerks!
I'm sorry,
but there's nothing much we can do
for a guy who's drunk.
All we can do is put him on an IV
until he gets sober.
Our beds are full
with other emergency patients.
He's severely anxious, hallucinating,
and has sympathicotonia.
It seems like delirium tremens.
Are you a doctor or what?
Yes, I'm a GS.
You're a GS?
-Right. Oh, yes.
-Darn you!
Let me go!
He has jaundice and hepatomegaly,
so he may have alcoholic liver injury too.
-Check the LFT and the sonogram first.
-Yes, sir.
-How long have you been here?
-I'm a fourth-year resident.
Give him benzo before he has a seizure.
Darn you!
How dare you hold me down.
Give him four milliliters of lorazepam.
Who is he?
I've never seen him before.
The new GS pay doctor.
He started last week.
His name is Seo Woo-jin.
Don't you remember
the Samjin Hospital case?
We have a patient!
Male, 65, chest pain.
-200 over 100, 117 per minute.
He had chest pain for an hour,
and he also feels back pain now.
-His back hurts, too?
Sir, how are you feeling?
Is it as if your back is getting stabbed?
Dr. Yoon, he's having a seizure!
Give me his vitals!
Over here!
He just collapsed! Please!
He collapsed after a fight.
He can't even stand because of the pain.
Let me push it a bit.
Does this hurt more?
-We'll put him on that bed.
-You're killing me.
-Dr. Yoon, hurry!
Darn you, jerks!
Doctor, what about this patient?
Doctor, please help us.
What should we do?
Darn you! Let me go.
Can you call Dr. Lee Myung-hwan first?
Tell him to hurry.
Darn you!
Come on, it's not a lie.
I'm serious.
He wrote "pneumothorax," I ran,
and the patient lived.
Professor Park was able to save face.
He looked absolutely charismatic
in real life.
He has a different presence.
How did he know he had pneumothorax
just by looking at the screen?
He did that.
The patient's BP was dropping,
and Professor Park had no idea.
He was about to lose the patient
in front of 100 people,
but he came and ended it.
Tension pneumothorax. What?
Hey, what are you doing?
That was my money.
Long time no see, Eun-jae.
Have you been well?
Mom, hang up. I'll call you back.
What brings you here?
Haven't you heard?
No, I haven't.
I started working here last week.
You went to work for Hyun-jun
as soon as you got licensed.
You followed him to make a fortune. Why?
Why are you here?
You really haven't heard?
No, I really haven't.
Then you should.
You didn't know?
He got branded as a whistleblower.
A whistleblower?
I guess Hyun-jun did some shady stuff
while running his hospital.
He took bribes
from medical device companies,
performed excessive procedures,
and did some ghost surgeries, too.
And Woo-jin reported it to the higher-ups.
-Professor Kim will want you this week.
-Me? No, not me.
After that,
all of his colleagues
and everyone he knows boycotted him,
and they made a compact.
It was a huge issue.
They called him human garbage
who betrayed a fellow doctor.
He probably couldn't work
at any hospital after that.
Then how did he return here?
Mr. Song apparently brought him
for weekend and night shifts.
We never have enough people in GS.
I see.
Anyway, are you two still a bit iffy?
-What do you mean?
-Come on.
You two have been infamous
since med school.
You two bickered at every chance…
What are you looking at?
Shut up!
Who knows?
It's you two again?
Anyone else?
Who wants to go to the conference?
-No, you move.
Don't be ridiculous!
Do you want to die?
May I see the operation schedule?
All five operations are for hemorrhoids?
Yes. That's the schedule for now.
Why? Don't want to do it?
Then don't.
We can manage the operating room
without you anyway.
No, I'm good at hemorrhoidectomies.
You were late again?
Yes, something came up.
I heard you worked as an escort
until recently.
Do you still do that?
Pouring drinks must be way easier
than doing operations.
If you want, you might make more there.
Do you suddenly want to drink?
-Looking for a place
with hot girls and discounts?
If you want, I can pour you one, too.
Listen to this jerk.
Don't be brazen.
You didn't do anything great.
I may not have done anything great,
but I didn't do anything wrong either.
Because of you,
Hyun-jun closed his hospital
and is about to be homeless.
His house was seized,
and his wife is divorcing him, too.
You ruined your senior's life,
and what now?
"I didn't do anything wrong either"?
Are you kidding me?
Let me know
whenever you need that discount.
Darn it, that jerk.
He got four milliliters of lorazepam?
Yes, I gave it to him as ordered.
Dr. Yoon.
Patient three is at 210 over 110, 120.
-What? Did you call for CS?
-I just did.
-Call again and say it's an emergency.
Doctor, my friend is still in pain.
Why won't you see him?
One second, please. One second.
No news on Dr. Lee yet?
This is the third time,
but he won't pick up.
This is driving me insane.
If someone in the middle won't pick up,
you need to call someone up higher.
Who are you?
Hey, fourth year.
Give the DT patient
four more milliliters of lorazepam.
Get an EKG for the thoracic patient,
as well as an echo.
And get a sonogram for patient 5.
Who in the world is that?
Nurse Ahn, get the FAST. Now.
Hey, fourth year.
Hurry up and get moving.
The lorazepam.
Yes, sir.
Chief, you need to come down to the ER.
Yes, it's an emergency.
Going down to the ER?
Some crazy guy came to my ER
and is on a rampage.
Some crazy guy?
His name is Bu Yong-ju.
He showed off and got kicked out,
thinking that he's a genius.
Where's the patient?
He went in to take a CT scan.
-You said he had an aortic dissection.
-He had chest pain.
Other than the T-wave inversion,
his EKG was clear.
I didn't see wall motion on the sonogram,
but there was a free flap
in the descending aorta.
I didn't see flaps on the ascending,
but his aorta was loose.
And his BP?
It was initially 210 over 110,
but it dropped to 150 over 80
after he got esmolol.
I was going to give him labetalol…
All right, softly.
It's all right.
Does that hurt?
I'll be gentle.
What are you doing in my ER?
It's negative on the FAST.
He looks fine on the sonogram,
but his condition isn't looking great.
It looks like bowel perforation,
so call the GS immediately.
Get out of there!
It took 30 minutes.
You came down very quickly.
Three emergency patients showed up,
but I didn't see anyone.
I thought you all went out
to take a dump in an emergency.
This is obviously
a violation of medical treatment law.
How dare a doctor of a branch
treat a patient in the head hospital.
I didn't treat anyone.
I just conducted some traffic control.
Then what choice did I have?
A fourth-year resident was running around
with only two interns.
Should I just sit and watch as an adult?
Where in the world is Myung-hwan?
I'm right here.
Myung-hwan, why weren't you in the ER?
Where have you been?
I'm sorry.
My stomach was upset after lunch.
See? I was right.
He was pooping. He went to poop.
Stay focused, okay?
With a DT, aortic dissection,
and a bowel perforation case,
you had three emergency patients.
this so-called specialist
was busy pooping
and wouldn't even show up.
Hey, then you should have come down
and stayed at your post.
Does this situation make any sense?
Goodness, you're frustrating.
This is frustrating.
Hey, fourth year.
Great work.
Oh, yes. Goodbye.
Doctor Kim!
Hello. I'm Cha Eun-jae,
second-year CS fellow at Geosan Hospital.
I'm the Cha Eun-jae who ran
with your memo during the live surgery.
Oh, the runner.
I wanted to ask you something.
What is it?
How did you know it was pneumothorax?
How did you know that by seeing the screen
when the surgeon in charge had no idea?
I wanted to know your logic
behind reaching that conclusion at once.
Didn't the ER just call you?
Yes, I was just there.
-Did you hear it's a dissection case?
-Yes, I did.
Then you must have heard the patient had
a failing ascending aorta as well.
That means
you know he needs emergency surgery.
You have time to stand here?
I know he's in the CT room right now.
Then you need to do the next part.
Call anesthesiology, get an OR,
and prepare for an OP.
Logic, my foot.
You haven't even done your job.
What kind of complete garbage is this?
What? Complete garbage?
Wait, isn't that oil?
There's an oil leakage.
The bus might catch on fire!
Hurry up and come on out!
The bus might catch on fire!
Hurry up and come on out!
-Hurry up and come out.
-Hurry up!
You have to come out!
Long time no see.
It's you, isn't it?
The guy from Doldam Hospital…
I'm Head Administrator Jang Gi-tae.
It has been a while, sir.
-Yes, Mr. Jang.
-Are things the same at Doldam?
-Of course.
Thanks to the foundation,
we've been upgrading
our operation equipment and even the ICU.
I heard the young doctors all quit.
It's not that they quit.
They all had unavoidable reasons.
The entire world already knows
that Bu Yong-ju is quirky.
-He looks down on everyone,
thinking he's the best.
There's no young person who can stand him.
Isn't that so?
Goodness, sir.
That's far from the case.
Dr. Kang Dong-ju was drafted
to fulfill his mandatory service
on an island.
Dr. Yun Seo-jeong is in San Diego
on an exchange program.
As you know, Dr. Do In-beom
returned to Geosan Hospital.
Anyhow, I'm sorry for everything.
You're called a trauma center,
but you don't even have specialists.
How can you run a hospital like that?
Doctor Kim has been doing
100 people's jobs,
so we've been holding out until now.
I see.
Hey, Mr. Jang. You're here.
Gosh, look at you.
Look at this shirt.
I got dressed up.
What about Doctor Kim?
He's not here with you?
He went to Seoul
to visit the head hospital.
Is something going on?
Yes, there was.
Do you know who I ran into
while I was in the bathroom?
Who did you run into?
It was that man.
-Thank you.
-Chairman Do, you're here.
What's with you?
Why are you doing this at our hospital?
No, what's with you?
Why do you keep avoiding me
like a slippery loach?
I never avoided you.
We were supposed to meet at 10 a.m.
What time is it?
It's 3 p.m.
Uncross your legs.
I'm the head of this center.
Do you have any idea how busy
the head of the head hospital is?
How can you cause so much trouble
because our meeting was pushed back?
The chief of EM is about to lose it.
Guys who are bad at their job
tend to lose it the fastest.
Please. Okay?
Please hold your horses.
This is your head hospital,
not Doldam Hospital.
Yes, so?
What happened to my request?
What request?
I've been asking you for a month
to send us a general surgeon.
We don't have any extra surgeons.
There aren't enough of them here either.
Are you sure?
Yes, I'm really sure.
And there's no one
who wants to work in the sticks.
And if they go, they won't last under you.
Kids these days are different.
They'll go on social media
and talk about how you're a fogey,
and you'll be doxxed, too.
So, what are you saying?
Are you sure you have no one at all?
Let's do this instead.
I'll give you a position here.
You can quit and come here.
There's no more hope for Doldam Hospital.
Those young doctors have left,
and he's the new chairman
of the foundation.
What are you talking about?
Who's the new what?
You really have no idea
who the new chairman is?
Thank you for coming.
I get to see you all again
three years after leaving my post
as the president of Geosan Hospital.
I've been away from my office for a while
due to a few misunderstandings.
But thanks to these directors
who gave me their support and trust,
I got to take the chairmanship
of our foundation.
The chairman of the foundation?
I'll do my best
to not distort or damage
the previous chairman's will.
Please do give me
your support and cooperation.
Thank you.
Do Yun-wan.
That man came back
as the foundation's chairman.
He just finished his inauguration speech.
The board of directors welcomed him.
How did it go in Seoul?
Did you find anyone to bring with you?
I don't care what you do.
You have to, you must, at any cost,
bring us another general surgeon.
Do you understand, Doctor Kim?
Doctor Kim?
Doctor Kim?
Do Yun-wan won't give up.
He's one tenacious man.
I'm sorry,
but I won't disappear that easily.
That's how the world is.
People talk of justice and uprooting evil,
lifting up their candlesticks
as if they'll change the world now.
But all of that
only lasts for a moment.
If they can't find a way to make a living,
they'll soon turn their backs
to curse and throw stones at you.
That's human nature.
It seems like they're all on your side,
but no.
The world
and people…
don't change that easily.
I'll end up coming back.
Just you wait.
Professor Park, you can't let this pass.
This is about our dignity.
This isn't the first time
Woo-jin caused trouble.
What do you mean? Please elaborate.
We value the dignity of doctors
as much as we value their skills.
Is there any trouble
with my dignity as a doctor?
I heard you're working part-time
at an odd place.
You said it yourself.
That you pour drinks and get tipped.
You even tried to solicit us by saying
you'd hook us up with a good place.
There's been a misunderstanding.
There's no need to beat around the bush.
Find another hospital.
You got me here…
because you needed a helping hand.
You don't have enough surgeons,
but you have piles of surgeries.
You pretended to show me kindness
by giving me odd shifts
and all the unpleasant surgeries.
That's why you called me here.
So use me in that way.
Stop making excuses about dignity.
Mr. Song may have called you here
for that…
but not me.
You have no dignity as a doctor,
no respect for your seniors,
and you can't work in a team.
A cheapie like you who's only after money
can't work with me.
Is this…
because of the whistleblowing?
Pack your things and leave today.
I'll let Mr. Song know.
You can look after the emergency patient
who's in the OR now.
What? "Complete garbage"?
We've never even met before.
You're first today?
Yes, professor.
There's no one else?
No. I'm on duty tonight.
You better stay focused.
If you doze off again,
you'll be banned from my OR for life,
got it?
Yes, sir.
Let's begin. Scalpel.
-Left hemicolectomy.
-Will you perform a colostomy?
-No, end-to-end.
-Got it.
Right angle.
We got all the vessels
but can't seem to stop the bleeding.
The diaphragm's torn.
Dr. Sim.
I'll have CS join in for the diaphragm.
Just patch it up yourself.
It'll only take more time.
It's bleeding.
Call the CS doctor on duty.
Cha Eun-jae.
Dozing off again?
No, sir.
Stay awake.
OR 6 is asking for Dr. Cha.
Put them on speaker.
Yes, go ahead.
This is GS fellow Seo Woo-jin.
A 48-year-old male is in surgery
for a large bowel rupture
caused by a blunt injury,
but I just found a diaphragm tear.
Can we combine now?
-How are his vitals?
-He's stable.
The CT scan only showed a rib fracture.
Hold on.
Eun-jae. You go.
-Pardon me?
-Stop the bleeding and wrap it up.
I'll finish up here.
Hurry up and go.
This is insane.
Did GS decide not to touch diaphragm?
There's a bit of bleeding.
It ruptured due to the increased pressure
on the abdomen.
Can't the GS take care of things
like this?
I'd still prefer to have
the CS do the job.
For the patient's sake.
Suture, please.
What's wrong?
What do you mean?
Hold it properly. It's shaking.
Gosh. Blood…
It's not helping.
-Tab. Give me a tab.
My gosh.
It's not re-bleeding.
I think it's a pooled clot.
I'm sorry,
but I need to step out for a minute…
-My gosh.
-Dr. Cha.
Cha Eun-jae!
Let's begin your dissection training.
First, we'll show our respect
to those who generously donated
their cadavers
for the development of medicine.
All right.
We'll start by removing the sheet.
What you've learned in class
will be put to the test today.
Let's look at the lower leg muscles first.
Split into groups of three
and take a leg each.
All right. Make the incision
along the inguinal ligament.
After that,
a lateral incision above the knee
then a vertical one in the middle.
After that, open up both sides.
If you get stuck,
observe the TA and follow what he does.
All right. Begin.
I'm sorry.
-Eun-jae, are you okay?
-What happened?
-What's going on?
Hey, are you all right?
Oh, my.
What's up with this rain? It's pouring.
Is summer back or what?
Do you need a job?
Do I know you?
Have you heard of Doldam Hospital?
It's a small hospital in Jeongseon.
They happen to be
looking for a general surgeon.
Would you be interested?
Do you know me?
Well, I just know
that you're a doctor
who got fired from his job today.
Then do you know why I got fired?
Well, all I know is that…
you're an outcast who's being shunned
for being a whistleblower.
And you're offering me a job?
-Why not?
I need a general surgeon
because we're so behind
our surgery schedule.
I'm offering you a job to feign generosity
so that I can dump
all the dirty work on you.
That's my reason.
If you're interested, pay us a visit.
Oh, dear.
I wonder when it'll stop raining.
Gosh, it's cold.
Are you awake?
Get up already.
You see,
I've been sleep-deprived
because of all the reading
and the ICU rounds, so…
How long have you been taking this?
I don't take this, professor.
I only took calming pills.
Do you want to lose your license?
I'm sorry.
I took it because of my nausea.
What kind of nausea?
Whenever I'm in an operating room,
I hyperventilate and feel nauseated.
I just wanted to stabilize my heart rate.
I didn't expect that to happen. Sorry.
Hey, do you even hear yourself?
You're a cardiac surgeon,
yet you can't control your nerves
and had to take these?
It was my first time taking it.
Please believe me, professor.
This is why I don't like hiring girls.
Why are you looking at me like that?
My anxiety is a personal issue
that only I have.
It has nothing to do with my gender.
So? Are you saying you did nothing wrong?
No, professor. I'm sorry.
For your punishment,
there are only two options.
Either a suspension or…
No, please don't.
Please don't suspend me, professor.
Then I'll have to transfer you.
Transfer me?
To where?
Doldam Hospital in Jeongseon.
Doldam Hospital?
You haven't even done your job.
What kind of complete garbage is this?
Professor, could there be another option?
I'd rather take a pay cut.
I'll work all the night shifts
during the holidays.
Could you help me out?
Sorry, I can't.
Choose one of the two.
A suspension
or a transfer to Doldam Hospital.
The choice is yours.
I'm so doomed.
Let's do this.
When will the construction end?
We've been getting complaints
from the wards all morning.
They said it'll be done today,
so let's hang in there.
I can't take this anymore.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Mr. Jang!
Ms. Oh, what's the matter?
This was supposed to end last week.
Why isn't it over yet?
Sorry? What did you say?
Look at you
leisurely reading your book
with these in your ears.
What is the matter with you?
It's autumn. The season of romance.
Winter has begun.
Romance, my foot.
Ms. Oh, why are you so cranky today?
Why is construction still ongoing?
It should've ended last week!
They've been drilling the walls
for over a week.
If all the nurses
get migraines and fall ill,
will it be considered
an occupational illness?
Don't complain to me.
Take it up with Doctor Kim.
Why him?
He kept complaining
that it was getting in the way
of his treatments and surgeries
and demanded that we put it on hold.
That's why it got so delayed.
Don't put the blame on him.
I'm just explaining
why we couldn't complete it on time.
No wonder
young doctors don't want to work here.
The hospital is a mess,
and there's all this construction noise.
And the head administrator
slacks off all the time!
Gosh, Ms. Oh.
You call it slacking off?
I'm just enjoying romance.
Do Yun-wan is back as the chairman.
How could you be talking about romance?
Ms. Oh.
Two TA patients will arrive in five.
There's a patient coming in,
so Daddy has to go.
I'll call you back, sweetheart.
Oh, right.
Mr. Jang.
Can you hold on to this for me?
Don't eat it.
Ms. Oh, let's go.
Dr. Bae? Dr. Bae!
Is that Moon-jung?
Dr. Bae, give me that.
Oh, this.
Hold on to this for me.
Finish the construction quickly, please!
How long did they take?
-Two minutes and 54 seconds.
Excuse me.
How can I help you?
What condition are they in?
They're both TA victims.
One has a nearly amputated left leg.
-And the other one,
who was stuck behind the wheel,
has abdominal pain.
Dr. Bae and Nurse Park,
you two handle the amputation.
Dr. Jeong and Ms. Oh,
let's treat the one with abdominal pain,
-Yes, sir.
He was in a traffic accident!
His left leg is nearly amputated.
BP, 100 over 70, heart rate, 130.
I think he lost a lot of blood.
There was a lot at the scene.
Number two.
Another TA victim!
He was stuck behind the wheel,
and he has severe abdominal pain.
-His BP is 80 over 40.
-Number two.
Both were stuck inside the car.
It took 40 minutes to get them out.
-Over here.
-Bring him over here.
Get ready.
Get me some saline.
Sir, what is your name?
Let's do a CBC and an ABO grouping.
Check both lines while sampling the blood.
Let's do an ABGA and FAST.
We'll do an ABGA and FAST as well.
-We'll need a sonogram, too.
-Got it.
-Dr. Jeong, let's open this.
-Yes, sir.
My, that is so cool.
Dr. Yoon A-reum?
Eun-jae, I'm surprised to see you here.
What are you doing here?
I heard they're looking for young doctors.
Don't tell me you're here
because you want to work here.
I am. I want to work here.
Oh, didn't he come with you?
The troublemaker at Samjin Hospital.
Dr. Seo Woo-jin.
Seo Woo-jin?
Why isn't this working?
-I'll clean this up.
Take this.
This one. Take it.
This one. Here you go. Take it.
You're awful at this game.
Even if you hide like this,
we can still find you.
Look up. Look at me.
What's wrong with your phone?
Hey. Why didn't you pick up?
It really upsets me.
Answer me.
You owe us so much money, you punk!
Does it hurt? Oh, no.
Does it hurt? It hurts me to hurt you.
Get up.
You piece of…
Hey, Woo-jin.
You little…
Boss. Let's not waste our energy.
Let's just take a kidney and end this.
Get him up.
Woo-jin, come on.
Get up!
Let's go. Get up already!
-You punk!
Stop right there!
You rat!
I don't hear any construction noise today.
-They finished everything an hour ago.
-I see.
Does that mean
we can work in a state-of-the-art OR
starting tomorrow?
Yes, I think so.
Okay, we're all done.
I'll have Dr. Bae finish up the rest.
Yes, sir.
Good work, everyone.
He looks exhausted.
No wonder he's exhausted.
He's been covering for three doctors
all by himself for two months.
He performed 18 operations
for GS and CS this week alone.
No news from the GS
who's supposed to be coming, right?
No, he's not here yet.
He'll come, right?
I'm not sure. I hope he comes.
The surgery is taking a while.
Drink this while you wait.
No, thank you.
Thank you.
Call the admin office
whenever you need anything.
Aren't you hungry?
On my way here,
I saw a 24-hour hangover soup place.
Shall we eat after the interview?
No. I don't like eating meat in soups.
I see.
My gosh.
Hello, Doctor Kim!
You asked me if I needed a job.
The thing is…
I need money.
How much can you offer me?
You need money…
and that's why you'll work in the OR?
That's what it sounds like to me.
Am I right?
So, if I offer you an enticing amount…
you'll gladly sell yourself?
If you need me, yes.
How much are you willing to pay?
Who's here?
It's the minister!
-Oxygen saturation?
Just find a pulse.
I'd like to recommend him.
What do you think?
What? What are you doing?
Get away from me.
I bet you still don't know
who brought you to this hospital.
Are you saying
we can do anything to save him?
We must save him.
The success rate is low.
-BP is dropping.
-Doctor Kim.
Is this surgery going to fail?
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