Everything Calls for Salvation (2022) s02e01 Episode Script

Prima settimana

[loud bang]
["Volare" playing]
[man singing in Italian]
[indistinct shouting]
[gurney wheels clanking]
[shouting continues]
- [birds squawking]
- [waves crashing]
[exhales, sniffles]
[judge] Ma'am, why did you ask
for sole custody of the child named
- Uh
- Maria.
Do you think her father
is unable to care for her?
Well, Daniele,
the child's father, is a sick person,
and he has never contributed
to her upbringing in any way.
- Not as a father figure and not
- She's full of it.
Can she lie like this?
I had to do everything by myself,
as a matter of fact.
What do you mean by "sick,"
Mrs. Marinelli?
Well, he's an emotionally unstable person,
and on several occasions,
he has been aggressive to me.
You say "aggressive." Are you referring
to verbal abuse or physical violence?
He shouted and abused me
on a regular basis,
but on one particular occasion,
he also physically assaulted me.
There are witnesses.
The neighbors stated they clearly heard
We have read the proceedings.
Did it happen in the child's presence?
Uh, no, Maria was in a different room.
[lawyer] In relation to that episode,
we have included an ER medical report
in the memorandum.
Ma'am, please.
We read the memorandum, thank you.
She had a bruise on her arm
and another on her cheekbone.
I would like to hear from the defendant.
So, your Honor,
Nina and I had a fight, yes,
but like everyone else does,
I think. Normally.
Based on the accounts of the witnesses,
she was also shouting.
Of course I was also shouting.
I've never been violent, and we were
both aggressive at those moments.
She was too.
Unlike my client, the defendant didn't
require medical attention at the ER,
as far as I'm aware.
Honestly, I didn't give it much thought.
I had just a couple of scratches.
As for the other allegations
made against you by the claimant,
do you have anything to add?
Your Honor,
when Nina and I were living together,
I was always present.
I never missed a moment.
I always looked after Maria
when her mother was at work.
The reason I was gone was
because I decided to resume my studies,
which meant that I had classes
and exams to complete.
Nursing science, if I'm not mistaken.
Yes, that's right. I'm about to graduate.
To do that, I had to stop working.
I don't have a salary anymore.
My parents help me as much as they can.
Nina already knew this.
Ah, yes, and the, um
Next week I begin an internship as
a nurse in the same facility where
where we were both hospitalized,
at Villa San Francesco.
It's unpaid, I would assume.
A modest salary is paid
to trainees in a social cooperative.
Dr. Cimaroli, who is a current
head physician of the facility where
Her responsibilities are only temporary.
Her support for my hiring was based
on the fact that she knows me.
- And she knows the person I am.
- [judge] Fine.
I will carefully assess
all the relevant factors
and provide you with updates.
I risked a stalking complaint, but in
the end, I managed to get the information.
- It's imperative it remains confidential.
- Sure, of course.
We will be summoned
by the judge in five weeks.
- Oh, what do we do now?
- We'll await our summons.
Daniele will do the best he possibly can,
both with Maria and at work.
If you could sign here.
[lawyer] Oh, and they're likely
to ask questions at the clinic.
Do you understand, Daniele?
- Daniele, are you listening or not?
- I got it. Have to wait five weeks, Ma.
What do you want me to say?
- I can't believe how friendly they are.
- No, Daniele.
Maria. Maria. Hi, Maria.
Hello, Daddy's doll.
What is this? A pen?
- Give me the pen, okay, Maria?
- [Daniele] Huh?
- No, no, no. Keep the pen, keep the pen.
- Come on, come on, come on.
- What did the dermatologist tell you?
- Oh, it's nothing.
- But still, he charged me 170 euros.
- That's a lot.
Yeah, it is.
Has someone, hmm? Pooped?
- She did.
- You did it, Maria?
- The taxi's here.
- Yeah, I'm coming.
- Come on. Go, go, go.
- Oh, where is it? Where is it?
Where is it? Where's the pacifier?
- Here it is. Here's the pacifier.
- [shouts] Thanks.
- Let's go, baby.
- [Daniele] Bye, Daddy's doll.
Bye. Bye-bye.
[Giorgio] Want more water, less water?
What do you need?
If you don't start behaving properly,
like all your little brothers,
then I'll have to pull you out,
and I'll be sad.
Hey, Giorgio.
Hey! Giorgio!
- Daniele!
- [laughing]
- [shouting]
- What? What are you
Oh-ho-ho-ho! Oh! Crazy man. Put me down.
- Come on. Come on, put me down. Let me go.
- [grunts, laughs]
Hey, what's up? What are you doing here?
Are you here
for another involuntary treatment?
Yeah, and I came here with my own car.
No, kidding, man.
I'm starting my internship here today.
- I'm a worker here too, actually.
- Really?
After I was released from prison,
I received a position
with the social cooperative.
- Amazing.
- I even get paid.
[Daniele laughs]
I am an assistant gardener,
and I am responsible
for maintaining all the flowers here.
773 in total.
Minus one, 'cause I'm gonna pull it out.
Oh, by the way, I happen
to work for the same cooperative.
I'm about to graduate in nursing science.
- You'll be a nurse, Daniele?
- Yeah.
- It's hard to envision.
- [laughs]
It's hard for me as well.
Oh, well, I'd better go, or I'll be late.
It's my first day.
- I'll see you around, okay?
- Yeah.
[Daniele] All right.
- Bye.
- Bye.
That was Daniele.
I can't see him as a nurse.
[Cimaroli] You're scheduled
to be available on call three days a week,
from ten in the morning
until six in the evening.
But of course, the days and hours are
subject to change according to needs.
- Yeah, sure.
- You'll have to take off your earring.
For your safety,
because they could yank it off.
But tell me about you.
Are you continuing the antidepressant?
Yes. Yes, yes. Every day.
But at the end of the day,
my head is what it is.
- [both laugh]
- My eyes too.
I mean, I wake up happy,
but when I go to bed, I'm just sad,
I guess. Same as before.
I can imagine.
- The world is not helping us.
- [scoffs]
That's precisely why I'm asking you
to be completely sincere.
Working here can be
quite demanding and challenging.
Not to mention what you're going
through in your personal life.
It's very likely
that the judge will request
that we write a report
prior to the second hearing.
- Ah. I didn't know about that.
- Here I am.
- [Cimaroli] Hi, Guido.
- Good morning.
- Hi, sir.
- [Mancino] Hi.
- [clears throat]
- [Cimaroli chuckles]
Daniele, you're in
for a challenging time ahead.
Granting permission for a nursing student
to participate in an internship
at a psychiatric facility
is a big responsibility.
It's a decision that Guido and I
made together,
but it wasn't easy.
We made the decision to do it
because we believe in your interpersonal
and relationship skills.
But you have to make sure
that your predisposition to listen
doesn't become a weakness.
You know what I mean, don't you?
- I shouldn't get involved with patients.
- Good answer.
[Cimaroli] Let me remind you
that until a new head doctor arrives,
I have complete responsibility
for everything that occurs in this place.
I'm sure Daniele
will do what's expected of him.
Hey, are you done soon?
Are you Cinderella or something?
- How do I look?
- Fantastic.
We're short of everything.
We don't have money for toilet paper,
and who do they send us?
A nurse who's a few sandwiches
short of a picnic.
And who's been assigned as his tutor?
This asshole here.
Besides, the word "tutor" sucks.
That's what they call speed traps here.
Hey, here.
- [grunts]
- The keys to the ward and the cupboard.
Inside, you'll find
the keys to the drug cabinets.
- Okay.
- I don't think you should have it.
But Dr. Cimaroli said so, and I
don't dispute the orders of my superiors.
Let's go. Come on.
So, first of all,
don't get friendly with these loonies.
Second of all, show them you're mean,
or these guys will eat you alive. Come on.
Ale, hey.
His dad can't take it anymore.
He got sick. Since then,
he's been coming once a week, at most.
- [chuckles]
- [Pino] But this is new. Look.
- Bars.
- [Pino] Now that they're no longer needed.
They also fixed the air conditioners
and painted the room.
The first things
Dr. Cimaroli decided to do.
Of course, we've already found
our new artists. See? There, there
I told her, "Doctor, let's do
the nurses' station first, your office."
She said no. She's one
of those who says "patients first."
- What can I say?
- [chuckles]
I was told there's a greenfinch
on that tree,
but I've never seen it since I arrived.
[Pino] This is Paolo.
He's a genius.
It's kind of creepy. What are you, Paolo?
A mathematician.
I graduated with top honors in math
and got my dissertation published.
Quite impressive.
Check this out.
- Ah.
- [Pino] So
1,968 times,
uh, 2,023.
- [Pino] Divided
- Okay, Pino. I get it.
Wait, wait, just look.
By 29.
Wow, that's so good. Really impressive.
[Pino] See? Those bastards.
First they ruin families
who wanna send their kids to school.
Then they don't give them any jobs,
even if they're good.
No wonder they lose their minds, right?
You start having a lot
of strange thoughts and end up like him.
- Hmm.
- [Pino] Is it fair?
- [Daniele] Hmm.
- Who is this?
This is Daniele.
He starts today as a volunteer here.
And this is Rachid.
We call him "Torment," because there
are not many shitbirds like him around.
And I don't mean just in here, huh?
In the whole world.
He grew up in the youth teams
of Olympique de Marseille. Says it all.
At 16, he made his debut
in the first team and scored immediately.
He's phenomenal. I'd pay to see
him with the ball at least once.
Pleasure. Daniele.
I played soccer when
I was in high school. I sucked.
- Okay, I'll go and see if lunch is ready.
- [Daniele] Mm-hmm.
What's wrong with you?
Nothing. It's just this was my bed.
Two years ago I spent a week in here.
Now I'm graduating in nursing science.
I'm here for an internship.
Perfect. So, we're the same, you and I.
Yes, well, let's say I can
understand certain things.
How old are you?
Hey, dude, come here for a sec.
I didn't make myself clear.
If you give him your hand,
he'll take your arm.
You have to listen to me.
The first reason is that I'm your tutor.
The second reason is that
if you mess up 'cause you don't listen,
I won't reprimand you.
I'll smash you, okay?
- How did Rachid end up here?
- [exhales]
I forgot how you like to talk, to
ask, to annoy the hell out of people.
- All right, I'll ask Dr. Cimaroli.
- No, no.
He got kicked off the Olympic program
after they caught him stealing shirts
and other stuff from the warehouse.
So, his agent decided to take him to Italy
so that he might experience
a change of scenery.
He made him do some tryouts
in second and third division teams.
As you can imagine, he felt downgraded.
He started getting into arguments
with peers, began to bully them.
He even went so far as to tell a manager,
a big shot, to fuck off,
and then, he basically raised hell.
And guess what that dude,
his agent, did to him in the end.
What did he do to him?
He abandoned him at a service area.
On the highway, just like a dog.
And he started living on the street,
for years, together with the worst drunks,
drug addicts, robbers,
violent criminals and so on.
He raised hell. Until he completely lost
it, in a bar, and they brought him here.
- What a shitty world, huh?
- [exhales]
- So, are you happy now?
- Yeah.
Great. You're here. You may
as well find a way to contribute.
Go check the therapy sheet,
then take their blood pressure
before lunch.
Ah, look, there he is. Armandino.
- Is it time to eat?
- No.
Armando is here with us,
but he's just got low blood pressure.
He's fine. He's just here to scrounge.
That's not true, don't listen to him.
- [laughing]
- Good morning to you.
[Daniele] Good morning.
- Go.
- Yeah.
Oh, my God, it's true!
I thought Pino was making fun of me.
- [both laughing]
- Oh, hey.
- Look at you. Already back on track?
- Of course.
How old is Matteo now? A year and a half?
I'm impressed, on the nose.
You even recall his name.
Of course I do.
He's three months older than Maria.
You called your daughter Maria.
After Mario.
Hey, can I have one of my cigarettes?
Darling, come on.
Hey, I imagine you were here when he was
a patient. Bet you were vibin' with him.
What was he like?
[Alessia] None of your business.
Go back. I'll light it for you.
There's a right to privacy.
A right to privacy ♪
A right to privacy ♪
Hey, friend.
Okay, so since you went through
what I'm going through.
And you know what it means.
- Can I ask you a favor?
- Hmm.
I like to roll my own cigarettes,
but I've run out of papers.
- I was hoping you got a few to spare.
- No, I'm sorry. I don't.
Then bring me some next time you come.
It's okay, dude.
I'm just low-key stranded here with no
one to hook me up with outside stuff.
- I'm sure you understand what I'm saying.
- Okay, fine, I'll see what I can do.
- Thanks, man. I knew I could trust you.
- Yeah, but look, don't tell anyone.
Of course not, dude.
You think I'm some kind of snitch, man?
Gimme five.
Guess who I saw
at the post office the other day.
Who's she?
- Ah, like you don't know who she is.
- I don't know. I don't know.
The middle school sweetheart
you had feelings for.
- How can you not remember?
- Oh, middle school? Why not kindergarten?
Yeah, she has become a lawyer. Well, no.
- She works as a trainee.
- [Daniele chuckles]
She recognized me, and we started to talk.
And at the end,
she goes, "Say hi to Daniele."
- Wow, Ma. I'm so glad she said hi.
- [laughs]
She's still very pretty.
Oh, please. Come on.
She looks like a pit bull.
More like, she ate a pit bull.
- [laughing]
- How would you know that?
Mom, I saw her too, all right?
Sure, she's a little more
corpulent than she used to be.
- Why bring this up in the first place, Ma?
- Because, I mean, I just saw her
Mm. Yeah.
Mom, Daniele has a daughter with one
of the most beautiful girls in Italy.
Now of course,
she's a bitch, but Cristina?
Who's the bitch?
That would be me
for allowing you to have lunch so late.
Come on, I was watering the plants.
Do you want them to die?
- You know how much my mother loved them.
- [mouths]
When my mother passed,
she left us the house with all the plants.
[Anna] Can you pass me
the Parmesan cheese, please?
Anyway, in an hour,
I have to pick up Maria.
I'll go with you.
- No, I'm okay.
- [Antonella] No, I'd like to.
Oh, there you go.
I don't mind coming with you. I actually
want to know where she lives, the bitch.
Ah. The bitch. Now I know who she is.
Pass it over, thanks.
[Antonella] So is that it?
- I expected more.
- There's a swimming pool.
Even my cleaner has
a swimming pool these days.
[Nina] Here we are.
- Hello, Daddy's doll.
- Here we are.
My treasure.
Here she is.
Here she is. Say bye to Mommy.
Bye. Do you have a baby seat?
- [Daniele] Yeah.
- Was thinking of putting her in the trunk.
- [exhales]
- Come to auntie, sweetie. Come here.
- I want her back by ten, Daniele.
- Yeah.
Okay, so I put baby food,
diapers and a change of clothes.
- It's all in there.
- Perfect.
Bye, Maria.
Oh, Daniele. Stay with your daughter.
Don't just leave her with random people.
- So you can go out and drink, okay?
- [exhales]
- What'd she tell you?
- Nothing. Go.
- [sighs]
- Lella.
- Excuse me.
- Lella. Come on.
What'd you just say?
Who's "random people?"
Was I talking to you?
So, when you say "random people,"
you mean us, right?
- Please.
- Her grandparents and aunt?
You're lucky that the baby is here,
or I'd give you a headbutt
on that cute nose of yours
and give your features a makeover.
Pretty hilarious, ain't it?
This will actually be a hit
with the judge.
There's a security camera.
Smile, please. Bye.
- [Antonella] Get out here!
- Lella, please.
- Come here!
- Let's get the fuck outta here! Come on.
[Antonella] I'll beat the shit out
of that girl one day. Fuck her.
[Daniele] God damn it,
you're not helping me.
- Sweetheart, here we are.
- [sighs]
- I saw everything.
- Good.
- What happened? What did they say to you?
- Nothing.
How's it go? [trills]
- [gasps] Stop the car.
- What?
- Stop the fucking car.
- Okay.
What's wrong with him?
Hey. What's wrong?
This is my life we're talking about.
This is my life, not yours. Understand?
I'm 23. I don't know
I don't know if I'm healthy or sick,
and if they wanna take
my daughter away from me, okay?
You're always blabbering,
spewing bullshit!
But what do you know?
Sweetie, it's nothing, love.
- Daddy has a little a little boo-boo.
- [babbles]
[Antonella] Daddy's coming. He's coming.
He's auntie's here.
- [dramatic music playing]
- [vocalizing]
- Hey, bro. Did you remember?
- Yeah, come here.
Awesome, man. We're pals.
- Hey, Daniele.
- [Daniele] Hey.
- Have you made a new friend?
- Mm.
I told you,
you shouldn't get chummy with him.
- Do his folks know he's here?
- Don't know. Never talks about his family.
I need you. Go put on your scrubs.
Paolo, if you remember anything,
even later today, even tomorrow,
even outside of designated visiting hours,
come and knock on my door.
- Thank you, Doctor.
- Welcome.
It's Rachid's turn. Where is he?
He's in the bathroom, Doc.
He said he wanted to take a hot shower.
Sure. Serving him is my only purpose here.
[sniffs] Rachid, what are you doing?
[knock on door]
[toilet flushes]
I was taking a shower.
I actually peed too.
Oh, do you wanna know
how much urine there was? [laughs]
Look, I could smell from out here
that you were smoking a joint, Rachid.
- Who gave it to you?
- I found it.
- Hmm.
- It was in the drawer.
Someone before me must have left it there.
Rachid, don't play wise guy with me.
These incidents are reported
in court, just to be clear.
Uh he gave it to me earlier.
Do you think I'd get into so much
trouble, in my current situation?
I only gave him cigarette papers
because he begged me to, all right?
I never gave him
Take it easy. I believe you.
It's Rachid we're talking about.
He stirs up trouble. He likes to provoke.
This time, he's targeting you.
He targeted me because he thinks
I'm a fool, but that's not the end of it,
Where do you think you're going?
You'd just give him what he wanted.
He'll get under your skin.
Nothing you can do.
- There has to be something I can do.
- Ignore him.
[telephone rings]
What is it, Elisabetta?
I'll be right there.
A new patient for involuntary treatment.
Sometimes they come back, Doctor.
[Mancino] How is she?
- Terrible. But she's sedated now.
- We'll do what we can.
Matilde, I'm the doctor. Can you hear me?
Which ward?
Uh, men's ward. That way.
- Why put her in the men's ward?
- Because she's got a dick.
The medical director doesn't want us
to open another room for him.
Or her, whatever.
This isn't the Grand Hotel.
[orderly] Two, three.
[Pino] In there. Turn it.
Get out of there.
Daniele, go get a partition
from the infirmary. Come on.
- Yeah.
- Are you sure?
I don't see any other solution.
But we have to tell her.
Look, you wanna talk to her?
Why don't you try? [exhales]
Good morning, Matilde.
Just checking to see
if you are cognizant of the fact
that you have been moved
to the men's ward.
Is that a problem for you?
We have to take
into account your registered identity.
Matilde, is it a problem
if we put you here?
Put me in hell if you want to, Doctor.
It's him! Oh, my God!
Why is he here? Send him away!
- Go away. Out.
- Why are you here? What are you doing?
- [Cimaroli] Get out! Pino.
- Why are you here? Send him away!
Bring me five milligrams of Valium now.
- Send him away! [crying]
- Shh! Matilde.
Matilde, calm down. Calm down, honey.
[sniffles, gasps]
Daniele, I just talked to the doctor.
She said that's all for today. You can go.
- What? Did Matilde upset you?
- Yeah, a little.
Matilde, in recent months,
she's been in here several times.
But I'd never seen her like that before.
[Daniele] Hmm.
Pino told me
she's here because, uh oh, well.
But I think
she should be in there instead.
Not at all. When she was
with women, it was a disaster.
She fought. She argued with everyone.
No one knows how to handle her.
- It's a shame, you know?
- Why?
The thing is, she's intelligent.
She's well-educated.
She speaks five languages,
paints, sings, has a beautiful voice.
She's well-read and traveled a lot.
When she's mentally sound,
she's a wonderful person.
she's almost never mentally sound.
I I can't tell you what happened to her.
I don't know.
Something filled her
with pain and hatred and anger.
And sometimes I have the impression that
that she wants to die.
[Daniele exhales]
[Daniele] Do you like it, sweetie?
Do you like this poem, hmm?
Daddy's poem, hmm?
[kisses] Do you, sweetie?
Let's stand up a little.
[Maria babbling]
Yeah, yeah, come on,
let's stand up for a moment.
No, no, no. It's all right. Come on.
Come on, come on, come on.
Come on, come on, come on.
- Come on, come on. What is it?
- [fussing]
What is it? No.
No. No, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no, no.
Let's write the poem, okay?
Do you wanna continue the poem, hmm?
Shall we continue writing?
Hmm? [grunts]
- [Maria cries]
- [grunts]
[Italian hip-hop music playing]
Look what Daddy has to show you.
Look what Daddy has to show you.
Look. Look at this.
Look. This is Mommy, Daddy
and you, little bean,
right after you were born.
Daniele, what are you doing?
Frame it properly.
We can't even see our baby.
You're blocking me, come on.
- How am I supposed to do it?
- Come. Have a seat next to me.
Poor thing. Oh, my [laughing]
- Okay, is this better?
- Yes.
- Move the camera back.
- Doing my best.
- Shh! We still can't see her.
- Yeah, I know. What the f
- [laughing]
- What are you doing?
Shoes on the bed.
Do you think this is your house?
I'm sorry. We wanted to take a picture.
We need help. Could you take it,
please, if you don't mind?
Give me the phone.
And take those shoes off, please.
[hip-hop music continues]
[Maria coos]
Give me a sec.
Now you'll see
what a real shot looks like.
Get a little closer.
Watch out, your foot! Be careful. Come on!
- [nurse] Come on, guys. Kiss now.
- [laughing]
All right, let's go to Mommy. Huh?
Let's go to Mommy now.
Now it's time to go to Mommy.
At the university.
To Mommy. Hmm?
Would you like to see Mommy's university?
Look who's here. Maria, look who's there.
Magna cum laude.
- Really? Well done.
- Mommy got magna cum laude.
- I got magna cum laude!
- Congratulations.
- Say hi to Mommy.
- Mommy's here.
- Give her a big hug.
- Mommy missed you a lot!
- Excuse me, are you Nina Marinelli?
- [Nina] Yes.
- Your daughter Maria? Is he Daniele?
- Yes. Yeah.
Excuse me for asking, but will you
continue to portray Ginevra in the show?
I don't think so.
Didn't they kill Ginevra off?
[woman] We think she's not dead.
Ah, no, no, no, no, she's really dead.
- She is. She won't come back.
- [Maria crying]
- Let's do this selfie, come on.
- Come on.
- [woman] Maria?
- Go see Daddy. No, not Maria.
- Here you are.
- Oh.
Here you are. Look, Mommy
takes selfies with fans, you know?
- [Maria crying]
- [chuckling]
[camera shutter clicks]
- I can tag you, right?
- Oh, sure, if you want.
- Do I still have any followers left?
- [woman] 500,000 of them.
Good. Down by half. Thanks a lot.
Perfect, thank you. See you.
- Love, Mommy got magna cum laude!
- Go to Mommy.
- Go to Mommy.
- [gibbering]
- Wanna stay with Mom a little bit?
- [Nina groans]
[Maria crying]
I'm happy for you, by the way.
Thank you. Thank you.
- See you.
- Mm-hmm.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- [Maria crying]
- Oh!
Oh, hi, how are you?
Thank you.
Feel free to swing by
and pay me a visit again.
- [woman] Of course.
- [woman 2] Thank you.
- [kisses] Thank you.
- When are you seeing her?
Look, we scheduled her for next month.
[woman 3] Another 15 minutes.
[Daniele] You should see him.
He has a little cart, a broom.
He's fantastic.
Now he's fixated on flowers.
- [Gianluca] Mmm.
- Obsessed.
Giorgio as a gardener. I absolutely
have to see him. It must be quite a show.
And he's completely at ease.
I mean, it's like he's never done
anything else in his life. I swear.
Why don't you come by?
You can say hi to Ale.
[Gianluca] Hmm.
I don't know.
On the one hand,
that place meant a lot to me, for sure.
The week with you guys was unforgettable.
On the other hand though,
maybe certain memories
should stay memories.
You're right about that.
Things wouldn't be as they were before.
No. What about the new group?
What are they like?
- I don't know. I guess, like us.
- Oh.
But there's one
who kind of makes me feel bad.
He scares me.
Who is he?
No, I don't wanna talk about it.
It'll ruin my night.
Anyway, seen from the outside,
maybe we were also scary.
Well, you, not so much.
Neither were you.
You know, with all those beads,
the pink tank top.
[Gianluca sighs]
- [knock on door]
- Yes.
Daniele, come with me.
- Where?
- To talk to Matilde.
Are you sure?
Are you an intern or not?
[Mancino] May I come in?
Who is it, the hot doctor? Come in.
How are you, Matilde?
Terrible, Doctor. Really terrible.
I'm in disarray.
I need an urgent
change of clothes and some makeup.
I need my makeup.
Terrible, Doctor. Terrible.
- We'll do what we can.
- [Matilde] Mm.
You also have another visitor. Come here.
[Daniele inhales]
Um, who is he exactly, Doctor?
This is Daniele.
He's currently our intern nurse.
With that face, really?
But but he barely looks 18.
Come on, you can't expect me
to take him seriously, Doctor? [laughing]
No, but for now I'd just like
you two to meet. This is Matilde.
I'll introduce myself on my own, Doctor.
Matilde Bardi.
Born Andrea.
In Florence.
On the ninth of September, 1967.
Ex addict.
Of everything. An amazing fuck.
Ex, as well.
[chuckles] Way too exhausting, now.
Very proudly analogical.
Berlin, you know. The '80s.
Lou Reed.
Iggy Pop. David Bowie. Oh!
I was singing in clubs back then.
I was a big star. [laughs]
And now I'm here.
A fucking old woman!
Fuck off to everything.
I should have died then.
Fuck off to everything!
Calm down, Matilde, calm down.
[mocking] "Calm down,
calm down, calm down."
"Calm down."
I see you.
Know that I can see you.
And I know. I know everything about you.
You try to look upbeat,
to appear normal.
But no matter what, it's inside you.
The beast.
You have a very dark soul.
That's enough. You can go, Daniele.
Go, go, run!
But how will you run
away from yourself, huh?
[laughs] You can't.
Take off that ridiculous nursing uniform.
And come join us patients
on the side you belong to, you phony!
So, the trans woman drove you mad.
- You can't stay here. Leave.
- Come on, dude.
You're not even a real nurse,
yet you can stay here.
Get out, come on. Go.
You look nervous.
Because of what Matilde told you?
That's enough. Go!
Oh, my God, the servant is rebelling!
Look, I'm nobody's servant, okay?
This job is important for me.
What job? If you're lucky, they'll get
you to take temperatures, like, with kids.
Is it work? Don't make me laugh.
I understand you've had it rough,
but it doesn't mean
What the fuck do you know
about my life, huh?
- What the fuck do you know?
- Okay. Yeah, sorry. Sorry, sorry.
I don't know what happened to you.
I know nothing.
I don't like
that you're being a jerk to me.
- Oh, no?
- No.
I don't give a fuck
about your damn feelings.
You're a fucking pathetic asshole!
- [Alessia] Guys!
- A wretch, just like us.
In fact, worse,
because you're a nervous wreck.
If they don't let you see your daughter,
they're right.
- You piece of shit! I'll kill you!
- Daniele, no! No!
- I'll kill you! Hear me? I'll kill you!
- What are you doing, Daniele?
Are you crazy? Stay away.
- You fucking piece of shit!
- Stay right there. There.
[Daniele panting]
[grunts] Let me have a look.
I'm doing great, Doc.
Y'all saw what happened. He attacked me.
I gotta report that dude.
[Mancino] Yes, yes.
Now let's go to the ER. Don't move.
They'll give you a medical report, okay?
Let's go. I'll have you treated.
But then I wanna see the cops roll up.
You gotta report him, okay?
- It's my right, isn't it?
- Of course, of course. Come on.
- You're in deep shit, my friend!
- Calm down now. Take it easy, Rachid.
What is happening?
Is it already over? Oh, that's awful.
Little boys fights
are really entertaining.
[door lock clanking]
- [door closes]
- [gasps]
[Daniele] Who told him about Maria?
Who do you think? It must have been Pino.
Daniele, can we talk?
Not much to say, Doctor.
Maybe Matilde is right,
and I belong
on the opposite side of this wall.
[sobs] I try
to grow, to change, but
I just I just can't, you know?
[gasps] I feel like a little child.
Except now, I have
a daughter to take care of.
[sniffles] And I don't deserve her.
I'm not I'm not good enough. [gasps]
And now he'll report me,
and I won't see her again.
And how can I tell my parents
that I've messed up like that?
Daniele, I'll tell you what.
I don't want you to drive
your car while you're in this state.
- [sniffling]
- Go to the room in the back.
You'll be able to rest there.
I slept there for many months.
- [sniffles]
- You go to bed.
Tomorrow, you get up and leave,
and you'll deal
with the situation with a clear mind.
[Daniele gasps]
- Okay? Come on.
- Okay.
Oh, and, Daniele.
The keys. You can't keep them.
[Daniele exhales]
- [keys jangling]
- [sniffles]
[Mancino sighs]
- [Daniele sighs]
- [knock on door]
Come in.
Ah, Rossana.
Here, I got you a sandwich.
There's nothing else.
That's great. Thanks a lot.
I won't ask you anything.
I don't wanna know anything.
I saw the pictures of the baby girl
on Fashion, a year ago.
She's a true beauty.
- You should see her now.
- Yeah, but Nina stopped posting photos.
- She doesn't act in TV shows anymore.
- No.
- She's stopped acting altogether.
- Oh.
And also I heard about your husband.
I'm so sorry, Rossa.
Thank you, Daniele.
- Pino told you. Am I right?
- Yeah.
[chuckles] He was really nice
with me though.
If not for him, these last
few months would have been hell.
He covered for me so many times.
[Daniele clears throat]
Do you happen to have some water too?
My throat is parched.
You can get it yourself
from the vending machine in the TV room.
I'll go check and see if they're
all sleeping. Good night, Daniele.
Good night.
[coins clank]
[keypad beeps]
[electronic whirring]
[wind howling]
[windows rattling]
[man clears throat]
[chuckles] I'm so glad to see you.
[Mario sighs]
It's all so hard, Mario.
Get some rest now. Shh!
Come here. Sleep.
- Get some rest.
- Yes.
[Mario shushes]
[wind howling]
["Salty" by Kazu playing]
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