Fantastic Four: The Animated Series (1994) s02e01 Episode Script

And a Blind Man Shall Lead Them

Doom! Show yourself, you coward.
Where's Susan?
Ow! Watch it, hothead.
You're cooking my corns.
Uh! This is pretty uninspired.
The big, bad Doctor Doom kidnapping me
just to lure us to your wretched island.
I'm sorry to involve you in the timeworn
damsel-in-distress cliché.
I feel the only thing missing
is the onrushing train.
However, sometimes expediency
outweighs originality.
Now, with your permissión
Blast! This thing has neutralized
my force field.
But if I can still
project invisibility
Oof! Why, you mangy metal maggot!
Well, I'll be a blue-eyed
- Hey, Stretcho! I found Susie.
- What? Where, Ben?
In the basement.
- Where's the entrance?
- Funny you should ask.
Well! A neuro-stimulator.
- Sue, darling!
- We've got to get off this island.
Doom set that nuclear bomb
to go off any second.
Hmm. If I can defuse its detonator
Hey! You heard the lady, Stretcho.
Time's a-wastin'.
Let's hustle our little blue tushies!
Doom's ship!
It's going to be a long walk home now.
Yeah, but if we stay at this rumble
we're gonna be the Fire-Roasted Four.
Goodbye, Fantastic Four.
Time to join the choir invisible.
Doctor Richards? Doctor Richards.
Stand back! Sue! Ben! Johnny!
- Huh?
- What's going on?
My arms! They won't stretch!
Flame on!
Nothing's happening.
I can't make myself invisible.
Argh! All right. Who short-sheeted me?
Hey! When did this come down?
- All of you, calm down, please.
- [Ben] Who is this guy?
You're in the infirmary of a navy sub.
We picked you up at sea yesterday.
The infirmary? We're at sea?
Ah! I remember now, darling:
Doctor Doom's island. The bomb.
[Reed] And the radiation
somehow disabled our powers.
Yeah! And turned one of us
from a chunk to a hunk!
Oh,! Sorry, Susie!
But without our powers,
the Fantastic Four is
- You have got to get some rest.
- No time, darling.
I've duplicated the neuro-stimulator
Doom used to hold you prisoner.
If I can reverse its action I just might
be able to restore our powers.
Sounds good to me. Although, frankly,
Ben seems a lot happier without them.
- Oh! Excuse me. Didn't notice you.
- Hey.
Oh. Thanks, buddy. You don't know
how good that is to hear you say that.
Here you go, Alicia, baby.
Tutti-frutti for my cutie!
- Oh, I'm having such a good time today.
- Yeah.
But with your powers gone, what will
become of you and your friends?
Reed's working on some stuff.
We're gonna be fine.
- I'm not so sure.
- Hey, beautiful, enough fretting!
Let's have some fun. I'm back to normal,
look! I'm loving every second of it.
Hey, and speaking of love, baby
Mommy, look at that
big ugly orange thing!
Hey! What
Well, that kinda puts the kibosh
on the mood of the moment, don't it?
I know how you feel, pal.
I know just how you feel.
[Doctor Doom] A toast, Boris.
To Reed Richards and the Fantastic Four,
who have of late passed on
to the undiscovered country.
Bereft of their interference, I'm free
to bring much-needed peace and order
to a worid gone mad.
- Master.
- You may speak.
Our sources report the Fantastic Four
survived the liquidation of Island TR5.
Reed Richards, alive?
Your plan to destroy them
has failed, master.
Doctor Doom does not fail.
And without their powers,
the Fantastic Four will be helpless
If their old enemies found out.
I understand.
[Alicia] Oh, Matt. You've always
been there for me in the past.
I'm frightened for my friends
and hoped you might have some advice.
- I actually might be able to help
- Hey! Listen, Mr. Lawyer Man.
I let myself be dragged here
'cause it was important to Alicia.
And in case you hadn't noticed, pal,
you're blind.
I don't see how you're gonna exactly be
a big help to the Fantastic Four.
We never asked for no hand-outs before.
And we're not gonna start now!
- Matt, I'm sorry.
- It's all right.
Sometimes we blind people see things
more clearly than those with sight.
All right, now, don't worry.
I've got a friend who can help.
A very close friend.
- [Reed] OK, Ben, this way.
- Gotcha, pal!
Aw, nuts!
I'll never get the hang of this
crummy outfit. Why do I have to wear it?
Because its hydraulic exoskeleton will
give some semblance of your old powers.
The same way Johnny has his flame rig
and Sue her invisibility simulator.
Aw, well, jeez. I feel like a muppet!
Okay, I'm sorry, but until we find
a way to get our real powers back
we don't let our enemies know
how vulnerable we are. Or
Or something like that will happen?
Aw, gee-whiz.
I can't hold it!
I've got it covered.
I think I've finally
got this doohickey figured out.
Uh, you'd better check on that
[Susan] We've got to get out of here!
I can't see! This smoke's too thick.
I'll try to light the way. Follow me.
- This a private party?
- Daredevil!
Alicia's friend Murdock asked me
to keep an eye on you.
[Ben, coughing] I told that shyster
we didn't need his help.
[Johnny] Yeah! The day the FF
can't handle things
Now, if everyone has had their say
Grab hands and follow my lead.
[Reed] Amazing, Daredevil.
How did you find your way through?
Call it a gift.
It came with the red suit.
- Aw, nuts! Look up there!
- [Johnny] It's Doctor Doom's airship!
That's who has been spit-balling us!
[Susan] Doom's taken over our building!
He's in my lab!
He must have used my biogenetic tracker
to find us.
Yeah? Maybe it was that note you left
saying "We're at the warehouse. "
Oh, man. Take a look at that!
The Fantastic Four will now perish,
by the hand of Doctor Doom!
[Reed] We're not totally helpless.
- We've still got the
- [Susan] Oh, no!
[Reed] Fantasticar.
- [Susan] Doom's got remote control!
- [Johnny] Eat dirt!
[Reed] Head for the garage!
[Daredevil] Heads up, Ben.
Thanks, pal! That would have been
one ugly hero sandwich.
[Doom] Hmm. Impressive but futile.
It's curious:
they haven't counterattacked.
No flaming torch. No annoyingly clever
Reed Richards. Why?
[Reed] Doom's controlling our arsenal.
We're sitting ducks wherever we go.
Doom is using my vortex ray!
This way!
[Johnny] How do you do that?
[Daredevil] Try to make it to the Baxter
Building. I'll draw Doom's fire.
Hey! Doctor Doombell! This way.
Fire in the hole.
Where is Richards? And who is this
meddlesome fool who fights for them?
Unless of course
they can't fight for themselves.
Of course! My bomb. The radiation.
They've lost their powers.
Finally, Reed Richards
[chuckles] on a silver platter!
[Johnny] They've evacuated
the building.
And the mayor is letting us
have first crack at the Doomster.
If I can retime the destabilizing
ionizer on the neuro-stimulator
it just might be able to decay
and reverse the radiation effects.
- If we can distract him until
- Say no more! Daredevil's the name.
Distraction's my game.
And if I don't make it,
it's been a real slice of heaven, gang.
- Hang loose, heroes!
- [Ben] Long john-wearing show-off.
Funny. A lot of people
react that way to lawyers.
- [Susan] We're clear.
- [Doom] Commendable.
Doom's dynamited the stairwell!
- Then let's just take our elevator.
- No way! He'll hear the alarm.
That baby's rigged to blow!
We have no choice. Let's hope
Daredevil keeps him too busy to notice.
Fool! Your reflexes are fast.
Unfortunately not fast enough!
It's not exactly hi-tech, but hey,
who's complaining?
So! The elevator!
Their miserable lives
can now be counted in seconds.
Farewell, my Fantastic-less Four!
Doom's activated the detonator!
The elevator's gonna blow!
[Ben] This elevator's
gonna be pixie dust,
yet Stretcho is playin'
with the buttons!
I looped the circuit back up to Doom.
Now let's get out before he resets it!
Ow! Jeez! Why does everything
always have to be such a close call?
Thirty-fourth floor.
Doom is right over our heads.
- [Daredevil] Doom.
- Fool!
Did you presume to catch me unawares?
- [Daredevil] Was it my breath?
- You primrose popinjay!
You're too late.
The Fantastic Four are dead!
And you are in time for your own demise.
[Daredevil screams in agony]
[Ben] Let go of him,
you clinking can of crud!
Why, it's the formerly Fantastic Four!
I see you've survived my little welcome.
Mere fists against my bionic armor.
How prosaic.
Oh. Freezing. I can't move.
A true genius would have prepared for
this exigency with insulated garments.
But as always, we both know
which of us is the true genius.
I've made an interesting little
improvement in your ventilation system.
I will now suck all the air
out of the room.
And like the martyrs of Masada,
you may watch each other die.
Have a nice day!
[strains] The stimulator! Got to
Hey, Stretch, the gadget.
Come on, tell me how it works. Now!
No, Ben, let me!
You'll become the thing again.
Sorry, Alicia!
Goin' somewhere, Doc?
Let go of me, you pathetic monstrosity!
You brainless baboon!
Did you think me defenseless?
[electronic whining]
You are feeling the weight of the worid
on your misformed shoulders.
My bipolar amplifier increases the
force of gravity on you a thousandfold.
No! It's not possible!
You! You're the reason
I'm the Thing again.
The reason Alicia ain't never gonna have
a normal life with me.
Now you're gonna pay!
Ben! Wait!
[Johnny] Big guy, easy!
Back off, kid.
This is between me and metalface!
Ben, please!
Let him go! We're not murderers.
You leave me no choice
but to act for the greater good.
I've just destroyed the fusión limiters
from Reed Richards' dimensional reactor.
In one minute, it will tear the space-
time continuum, reducing this building
- and, regrettably, most of Manhattan
- Follow me!
[Doom] to cosmic dust!
Let it weigh on your souls.
Pity, really. [sighs]
I never did get to see Cats.
Ten seconds
and Manhattan will be kitty litter.
Oh, boy.
Sue, it's up to you.
I've never tried anything
this big before, but here goes.
He didn't get you, but your building
is going to need a lot of spackle.
A whole new building is more like it.
We'd better make our next digs
Well I guess I'd better go tell
Alicia I'm not her dream man any more.
Oh, Ben. Alicia loves you for
who you are, not what you look like.
Yeah. Huh.
Lucky her.
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