Floor Is Lava (2020) s02e01 Episode Script

Return of the Virzi Triplets

[dramatic music playing]
[thunder rumbling]
[Rutledge] It started here,
the source of it all.
This explosive volcano has released
90,000 gallons of hot lava,
flooding all new rooms.
This season,
teams will face epic obstacles…
[man grunting, yelling]
…super-sized jumps…
…and risk the wrath of the lava.
[Rutledge] In the end,
the top two teams will go head-to-head…
-[girl screaming]
-[man] No!
…and try to cap the mighty volcano,
on Floor Is Lava.
I am so excited because we're about to see
one of my favorite rooms, The Garage.
[rock music playing]
[Rutledge] To get through this room,
our three teams
can choose any number of paths.
A rocking drum solo
can lower a wetsuit for easier access
to a switch that slows down
a speeding treadmill.
They can take a flying leap
to a floating raft,
and kick the tires of a '56 Porsche,
where the right combination to a lock box
will open the door
to the room's only exit,
but they'll each need an exit pass
in order to leave.
Will they paddle their way to a win
or will they ride the spinning bike wheel
straight into the lava?
The competition is road tested
and ready to burn rubber
across the hottest room in the house,
The Garage.
Let's get going and meet our first team
looking to get through The Garage.
First up, this team of comedians
met in the clubs
and they've been waiting
their whole careers
to perform in a room this hot,
the Stand-Up Squad.
[man] What?
-[man 2] Wow!
-[man 3] Oh my God!
This is crazy!
-[man] Do it!
[beat boxing]
[Danny] You're bringing it up!
The floor is lava
And it's probably hot ♪
Are we gonna fall? Probably not ♪
[all laughing]
Even though we're stand-up comics,
we are taking this serious.
I'm the muscle of the group.
If there's something that needs to be
pulled down or anything like that,
I'm the guy for the job.
I'm gonna be the motivator. Okay?
We all need someone
to cheer these people on.
Well, my teammates,
but they're people too.
We made Tommy the leader
because he has a bandana.
-I'm… I'm sorry, this is an ascot.
-[Willie] I'm… I'm sorry.
-An ascot.
-Yeah, thank you very much. Mm-hmm.
We are focused. We are motivated.
We are gonna win this thing, man.
Hey, hey, fellas!
-Hey, Rutledge!
All right, Stand-Up Squad,
it is time to get serious.
You'll each need an exit
pass in order to leave
and also find the garage door opener
to the exit.
We got this!
Oh, and one final rule,
don't fall in because the floor is…
[all] Lava!
[intense music playing]
One of us is gonna have to figure out
how to get on this Porsche.
[Danny] So I'm gonna climb on this
and then I'm gonna hang on the suits.
[Rutledge] Tommy's off to a quick start
and immediately goes to the drumsticks.
[team exclaiming]
[Rutledge] Tommy's drum solo
has dropped the middle wetsuit
and they didn't even notice!
I'm guessing observational comedy
isn't their forte.
With that middle wetsuit lowered,
they now have a clear path
to the fast-slow switch on the wall.
I don't know what that means,
but I know you wanna go slow.
-Maybe that's for the treadmill?
[Rutledge] Pretty sharp, Tommy.
You are correct.
-Tommy, I guess you're going over there.
-[Danny] Are you gonna make it?
-[Rutledge] Oh! Oh! He is on the cymbal!
-[team cheering]
-[Rutledge] Tommy!
-Yeah, that's the one!
[Rutledge] Making moves!
Is that Tommy Lee? No, just Tommy.
-Here we go. One, two--
-No! I'm counting! I… I go on five!
-[Danny] Oh. Five, okay. Yeah, yeah.
-[Tommy] Oh yeah, Willie!
-[Willie] Yeah!
-[Willie] We did it!
-Good job, guys! Now what?
-Danny, you still up there?
[Rutledge] He's supposed
to be the motivator,
but Danny looking
like he's got stage fright.
Yeah! There you go, Danny.
[Rutledge] Oh, there we go.
A nice, gentle three feet.
-[Willie] Here we go.
-[Tommy] Let's go, Willie!
[Rutledge] Willie, not waiting
for Danny to slow down that treadmill.
A big-time risk!
-And he lands it!
-[team cheering]
[Danny] Whoo! Good job, Willie!
-I didn't know you could jump that high!
-Shut up!
[Rutledge] Stand-Up Squad,
this set is really starting to drag.
You guys gotta get a move on.
Danny, pull that lever while you at it.
[Danny straining]
Yeah, I did it!
-[Willie] All right.
-I got the lever!
[Rutledge] With the lever flipped,
the treadmill slows down from deadly
to merely extremely dangerous.
Where do I go now, guys?
There's a paddle.
And you gotta paddle your way to this box.
[Danny] Okay, okay.
[Rutledge] Wow.
Willie really taking charge out there.
Definitely seems like
the headliner of the group.
Wait a minute, where's Tommy going?
[both yelling]
[Rutledge] Whoa, man!
Tommy getting reckless with that jump.
Nearly canceled Willie
and wiped both of them out.
Tommy, why'd you jump that with me?
All right. I'm just gonna get my steps in.
[Danny] Who's idea was this?
[Willie] Here we go.
Three, two… four.
-[car alarm wailing]
[Rutledge] Nice! He made it.
Willie must not work blue
because that jump was absolutely clean.
[Willie grunting]
[Rutledge] Okay, Willie.
Now you need to figure out
the combination to the lock box
to open the garage door.
Help me figure out
what this code would be.
[Tommy] So,
the only number I see is 8-2-9.
-[Willie] 8-2-9.
-[Tommy] 8-2-9.
[Danny] Oh, God. Oh, God.
[Rutledge] Boy, for a comic,
Danny's not as comfortable
with stand-up as you would think.
You know, stand-up paddle board.
Oh. Anyway, be sure to tip your waitstaff.
-[buzzer beeping]
-It's not 8-2-9.
Oh, oh.
There's a license plate that says 3-5-6.
-[Danny] I did it!
-[Willie] There you go!
Hey! I opened it! It opened.
[car alarm blaring]
-[team cheering]
-[Rutledge] The door is open!
[Tommy] Now we gotta get our passes.
-[Danny] Okay.
-There's one there.
And then there's one over there.
Let's go, boys! Come on! Double time!
[car alarm blaring]
[Rutledge] Oh, wow.
Tommy with the lightning fast moves.
It must be the ascot.
It's like a mini superhero cape.
-[Tommy] Here we go.
-[Willie] Yeah!
[Rutledge] All right!
Tommy's got the first exit pass.
[team cheering]
-Climb here, jump on the wheel.
How? Use that upper body strength
that you don't have!
-Come on, you got this, Danny.
-This is not gonna end well.
You got it! Come on.
-[Danny screaming]
One, two, three!
You gotta go!
It's not gonna work!
You got it! You gotta go! There we go!
[Rutledge] Danny successfully
making it to the squat rack.
Oh my God!
[Rutledge] Willie preparing to make
the leap to the Pe-lava-ton,
pedaling that exercise bike
will bring the floating raft closer,
turning an eight-foot jump
into a small step.
[Willie yelling]
-[Rutledge] And Willie lands the jump!
[Tommy] What? Oh no.
[Rutledge] You know,
if they win the $10,000,
they'll be halfway toward
a Pe-lava-ton monthly subscription.
Oh, my hero!
I can't make it!
[Danny whimpering]
-[Danny] I did it!
-[Willie] Hold on, Danny!
[Tommy] Hold on, Danny!
[Danny] Yes! I got an exit pass.
[Rutledge] Danny finally finding
his mojo at the 11th hour
and now is the closest to the exit.
Oh, God. All right, I'm going, I'm going.
[Danny groaning]
Oh, God. Oh, God. I almost had it.
Dang it.
-[Tommy] Oh no!
-[Tommy] No!
[Rutledge] He makes the jump,
but overshoots the landing
and he is out of there!
I'm gonna need a call back
on that piece of slapstick.
-[Tommy screaming] No!
Did you hear about Danny?
He's off the wagon.
Two drink minimum, folks. Okay.
And with Danny out,
the Stand-Up Squad
will not have a perfect set,
but they still have a chance
to get two of them through the door.
-I'm jumping on here.
Here we go.
[Rutledge] Tommy lowers the storage rack
as another possible exit route.
-[Willie grunting]
-[Tommy] Let's go, Willie!
-I got an exit pass!
-[Tommy] Yeah!
That's what I'm talking about, Willie!
What am I gonna do?
[Rutledge] Tommy, so focused.
With just two team members left,
not a lot of comic relief
for the Stand-Up Squad.
All right. Here we go.
[Rutledge] That's a swinging distance
of nine feet.
He needs to get some momentum
if he's gonna land it.
[Willie grunting]
-[Rutledge] And he made it!
-All right. Here, can you grab this?
[Rutledge] Whoa, whoa. Can he grab it?
Oh, no!
Tommy is down!
I lost all my friends!
[Rutledge] Tommy seemed sure he could snag
that rack, but whiffs the grab!
The Stand-Up Squad
can kiss Tommy's ascot goodbye.
Oh! These guys are dying down there.
[intense music playing]
You got this, Willie.
You gotta do it for everybody else.
[Rutledge] Willie to the wagon!
Will he make it?
Will he?
One, two, three.
[Rutledge] Willie
with the superman dive makes it out!
Willie, you crushed that set.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
I did it for you all!
You couldn't take me down, lava!
You couldn't take me down!
[Rutledge] Now, that is funny.
In the end, Danny was more of
a fall-down comic than a stand-up.
While he gave it his all,
Tommy's run fell flat
when he slipped into the lava,
but it was Willie who got the last laugh,
leaping to victory and putting
the Stand-Up Squad on the board.
Hey, buddy. Nicely done!
Hey! Thank you, thank you.
Man, you crushed it.
Oh! Fellas, hey!
Here, I… I got you guys, uh…
-So just share that.
-You're so helpful.
Just a little something.
-We still got a chance, boys.
-You do.
I feel like we still got it.
I mean, you should feel the pressure is on
'cause what we're about to see
could determine whether you stay or go.
Brace yourself.
[Rutledge] Next,
what do you call three family men
experienced with diapers,
deadlifts, and dad jokes?
[all] Bad Daditude!
-[baby crying]
We originally met in our midlife crisis,
joining the same gym.
[man] Yeah.
We all, uh, go to a CrossFit gym.
Only Tanner goes.
Chris and I just pay a monthly fee.
Well, I've got one daughter who's two.
[Chris] I have two sons,
Hugo and Rocky, four and seven months.
Uh, I'm actually Uncle Tanner.
I have Harper, and Haven, and JJ,
and Bowman, and Walker.
I think Bad Daditude's
winning this because… we need this.
I'm a singer, and an actor,
and write my own music,
and do Broadway stuff,
but also life is a little Groundhog Day.
We wake up. We do diapers and school.
Then it's bedtime, and it's bottles,
and it's crying…
I'm sorry.
I just need to let out some rage.
[Luke] Chris,
I'm hoping if I see that exit,
I can call on you
to just sing me to the exit.
I'm gonna have to summon the angels
with a… with a tune.
-Let's do it!
-Bad Daditude!
-[all] Bad Daditude!
-[baby crying]
[whispering indistinctly]
-[Luke] All right.
-[team] Whoa!
[Tanner] Oh my God!
[Luke] Way bigger
and harder than I thought.
-Terrible decision to bring our children.
-Who's idea was this?
What's up, guys?
-What's goin' on, Rutledge?
Okay, Daditude,
this is one garage you can't hide in.
So, don't tinker too long,
because only the top two teams
move to the volcano
for a chance at $10,000.
Oh! And one final rule,
don't fall in because the floor is…
[all] Lava!
It's lava, just in case.
-[Rutledge] Thank you.
-Maybe I'll do this route.
-All right, let's go!
Leeroy Jenkins!
-[Rutledge] Ooh.
[Danny] Wow.
Nice jump. They went right into it.
These guys are bjorn to do this.
-Rock out.
-Let's see you rock out.
Frankie and the Unicorns, 8-29,
that could be a thing.
[Rutledge] Luke, on the drum. Okay.
Reading the sign.
Is he gonna follow the clue?
No. I guess he's not
in a rock and roll mood.
I think I'm gonna jump for that.
-Will you jump to the bar?
-I think so.
-[Luke] Okay, be careful. Big jump.
-Big jump, big jump.
[Rutledge] Chris,
skipping the tennis ball,
and is going right for a five-foot leap.
[Tanner] Ooh. Wow!
[Rutledge] That wetsuit never got lowered,
making the route harder for Chris,
but singer Chris
is sporting powerful deltoids
alongside his diaphragm, apparently.
You don't got me, lava!
You don't got me, lava!
Chris, has learned nothing from the show.
You do not taunt the lava.
[intense music playing]
[Rutledge] Chris has a chance to flip
that switch and slow down the treadmill.
And he completely ignores it.
See, they're not paying attention
to the walls.
It's just typical dads,
just not listening to the directions here.
-I'm gonna go for this thing here.
-Watch out for your child.
Yeah. The child's
about to get smashed on this one.
-You got this!
-I got this.
[Rutledge] This is a five-foot jump
Tanner is facing,
roughly the distance
of two toddlers laid end to end.
[team cheering]
-Not a drip of lava.
-Crushed it. I mean, the baby.
Oh, yeah. The poor baby.
All right, I'm going for it.
[baby cooing]
[Rutledge] Oh! Luke makes it,
and with lava-covered shoes
to show for it.
But he's usually
drenched in baby slobber or worse.
Wow. That was close.
How did I wind up being the treadmill guy?
[Rutledge] The treadmill's
still going at high speed
because Chris didn't
flip the switch to help out Tanner.
How many dads
does it take to make a four-foot jump?
Three, apparently.
-All right. You got it, Tanner!
-[Tanner] Yep.
-[Luke] Yeah, yeah!
-[all cheering]
Easy peasy.
-All right. I'm up on this.
-[Tanner] All right. Let's go, Luke!
-All right, I'm on.
-[Tanner] Come on, now.
[Chris] Feel the burn. Feel the burn.
[Tanner] I'm real sorry about it, baby,
but you're about to take a smash.
[Rutledge] Hmm. Unfortunately,
that Porsche does not have a baby seat.
[Luke] Oh, yeah! Hell yeah!
[all exclaiming]
-[Luke] Nice.
-Face first.
He's gonna try to open up that lockbox
to get the garage door open.
[Tanner] Uh, is it… is it 8-29?
[clock ticking]
[Rutledge] Dad in a sports car
with a newborn
looks like a midlife crisis to me.
Take this, Rutledge!
I don't need the encouragement.
Is it 3-5-6?
I don't see any numbers.
[Luke] Well, there's a 3-5-6
on the back of this Porsche.
-Hey, oh!
-[Rutledge] And he does it!
-[car alarm blaring]
-[Stand Up Squad groaning]
-Oh, yeah.
-Let's go!
[Rutledge] Now
that the garage door is open,
Bad Daditude has a way out,
but they only need two of them
through the door to guarantee
they'll advance to the volcano.
[Tanner] Luke, man up and jump.
I'm gonna jump.
You can make that jump.
-Got it.
-[team cheering]
[Rutledge] And he snags
the first exit pass.
They're moving really fast,
but I feel
like they're gonna slow down very soon.
-[Tommy] Yeah.
-[Tanner] I can go bike to tires to there.
-[Chris] Get to the bike.
-[Tanner] Okay.
[Chris] I'll get on the car.
Wow. That's a huge jump.
[Rutledge] Seven feet to be exact, Tommy.
[team cheering]
-Yes, yes!
-[Willie] That's crazy.
What, it's grasshopper legs over here?
With a baby?
[Tanner] Yes.
[Rutledge] With dance moves like that,
if you didn't know
he was a middle-aged dad before,
that'll seal the deal.
How are guys feeling about your chances?
-We're very nervous right now.
-We're super nervous.
[Tanner] Two…
-You got it!
-[Rutledge] Look at that jump.
-Yes! Nice!
[Chris] Wheel him in very quickly.
Come on, dude. You're not even
in the top 10% of the Peloton score.
[Tanner] You're just being mean now.
-That's as far as it'll go?
-[Tanner] Yeah.
[Rutledge] In keeping with their strategy
of making their lives more difficult,
Tanner pulls Luke in by hand.
[Luke laughs] All right.
[all cheering]
We got the exit pass.
[Chris vocalizing]
[Rutledge] Oh, that's right, Chris.
Let us hear
that angelic singing voice of yours.
-Oh my goodness.
-Are these real dads?
[Luke] Uh, this is slick.
[Rutledge] Chris needs to make
that six-foot jump to the wagon soon.
Each turn of that spinning wheel
is not good for your equilibrium.
[Chris] Where do I jump from?
Where to push off from?
Okay. We gotta move
if we're gonna do this, 'cause I--
I can't get all the way over there.
[all] Oh!
I wasn't the only one.
[sad opera playing]
[Rutledge] Oh, that was not pretty.
Chris even took the hard way out.
Oh no!
[Rutledge] I hate to say it,
but his teammates don't have
the same beautiful
singing voice Chris does.
Good night, sweet Chris.
And flights of angels
sing thee to thy rest in the lava.
Oh, you guys are still alive right now.
Chris is out of the picture,
so now both Luke and Tanner
need to exit the room
to guarantee them a trip to the volcano.
All right, all right.
[Rutledge] Ooh. Tanner with the big jump
and the third exit pass.
But I got an exit pass!
-[Luke] Nice!
-Two alive, fellas.
-Two alive.
Come on, come on.
[Rutledge] Luke, you are a father!
[intense music playing]
[Stand Up Squad] Oh!
[Luke] Look over there!
[Daditude] Oh! Oh my…
[Rutledge] Oh. Has he got it?
[all cheering] Oh!
[all] Oh!
-[Luke] Oh yeah! There he is!
-[Rutledge] Oh! Look at that!
Let's go.
[Rutledge] Tanner's moving
through the room at lightning speed.
Looks like that
gym membership's paying off.
He makes the six-foot leap
to the bike wheel!
-[Luke] Yes.
[Rutledge] If Luke can make
this final jump to the exit,
they are tied with you guys,
Stand-Up Squad.
-Oh! They got one through!
There's only one. There's still one more.
-You got it.
-Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep.
-[Rutledge] Oh, this could be it.
-[Luke] Yes!
[Rutledge] Oh!
Hard landing, but Tanner nailed it.
Hold on a second.
I gotta breathe for a second.
[Rutledge] No time to breathe,
Tanner. You have a jump to make.
Is he gonna make it?
Oh, I can't watch!
All right, three…
[suspenseful music playing]
[Tanner] Two…
[Willie] No, no, no, no, no.
[Stand Up Squad groaning]
[team cheering]
[bell ringing]
Guys, you made it! Congratulations!
You are going to the volcano!
-Oh! You made it, baby!
-Whoo. Bad Daditude!
Get on up here!
Bad Daditude lost Chris along the way,
but Luke and Tanner
both carpooled to the exit,
which means these three dads
will be moving on to the volcano.
[team cheering] Yeah!
[Rutledge] Yes! That is right!
We were all just kind of wondering…
how is your face?
You know, um, I'd… I'm always
down to sacrifice for my friends,
and I did that on purpose because I wanted
to knock down the barriers…
-[Rutledge] Yeah.
-…to allow them to succeed.
Because that's what friends do.
Now here's the thing.
You guys are headed to the volcano.
It could be against these guys,
they only got one team member
through the rooms,
or it could be the next team.
Oh goodness. Our final team
is giving me a serious sense of déjà vu,
and déjà vu, and déjà vu.
It's the return of the Virzi Triplets.
Come with me if you want to live!
-[Sean] Oh, my God!
-[Alex] No!
[Alex] No!
We suck so bad.
-I'm Alex.
-I'm Sean.
I'm Mitchell.
We're here to redeem ourselves.
What we've learned is what we've been told
by girls our whole life,
that we are short.
Too short.
Very short,
but we are going to overcome that today.
We have been stretching,
we've been getting limber.
You know what'd
be great this time around?
if Sean doesn't look like a stranded cat
stuck in a tree on that pyramid.
If I'm a cat, I'm limber,
I have the potential--
But you didn't show it.
[Rutledge] Sean,
still trapped on the pyramid.
[Alex] Use your muscles
that you work so hard for!
-[Mitchell] He stopped working out.
-[Alex] Why did you stop working out?
I was sad, I…
We're not playing around this time.
Last time we talked a lot, we were goofy.
You know, we came in very cocky
and, look, we're still cocky.
I still think think we're the best players
from that episode of Floor Is Lava.
and I will take them on
any day of the week.
-We're gonna win this bad boy!
-We're gonna do it!
We're gonna show our faces
at Christmas this year!
-[Mitchell] Let's go!
[all] Yeah!
Watch out, lava's hot.
[Alex] We're back, baby!
Yeah. This looks harder
than the first season.
-It does look a little harder.
-Not gonna lie.
-[Rutledge laughing]
Virzi Triplets? We run into each other
on the comedy scene all the time.
-Dude, where they at?
-How you doin'?
Y'all did not grow in a year
and your arms
are still not going to be able
to reach some of those monkey bars.
All I know
is that they're going in the lava.
What's up, guys?
[Triplets] Hi, Rutledge!
There's more on the line than just a shot
at facing Bad Daditude on the volcano.
That's right. They made it.
You're also here
to clear your family name.
In order to do that,
at least one of you will need to go
where no Virzi has ever gone before…
out of a room!
[teams laughing]
Lastly, if you guys
know this better than anyone,
don't fall in, because the floor is…
[all] Lava!
I'mma go this way.
[Rutledge] Stand-Up crew,
your fate lies in your bitter rivals.
-It's the worst feeling.
-Mm. They're not gonna make it.
I haven't surfed in a while.
[Rutledge] Alex, taking the first big leap
and crashing into that cymbal.
Oh man, I missed those shirts.
I feel like I can make that.
I wouldn't-- No, go this way.
And then climb on the wall.
[Rutledge] Mitchell takes on
the role of alpha triplet,
directing Alex to the tool wall.
[all] Oh!
[Tanner] It took us
five minutes to get here.
Going that fast,
the overconfidence, I don't know.
You saw season one,
overconfidence is their middle name.
Oh, dude, there's a sign!
I wish I could read.
[Sean] "Let's see you rock out"?
Oh, yeah. "Rock out," maybe hit the--
See? Unlike Bad Daditude,
they're paying attention,
they read the sign,
decided to rock out, lowered the wetsuit…
The thing about Bad Daditude,
we never read the instructions.
[Rutledge] That middle wet suit
making the climb a lot easier for Sean.
-[cymbal crashing]
-[Alex] Rim shot!
There's a switch
over here that says "slow."
[Rutledge] Sean flipping the switch,
slowing down the treadmill.
-Should I go on the treadmill?
-I mean, yeah. I slowed it down.
Mitch, the exit pass is over here.
What's the point
of slowing down the treadmill?
It's gonna be a lot easier
to go to that from there.
So I go on here?
Yeah. Use the wall as support.
-[all exclaiming]
-[Alex] Nice job.
-How did he land that?
-It's super gooey.
-A lot of people say I'm a tool.
[Rutledge] Mitchell, if you were a tool,
you'd be a power sander,
loud and abrasive.
[Sean] Hey, guys, it's like I'm in Venice.
[Rutledge] I think
it's a little more like Pompeii, Sean.
I'm jumping on this tire.
Go ahead.
[all exclaiming]
[Tanner] It's good.
Oh! Barely makes it.
I made it.
Hi, Mom!
[Rutledge] Mitchell preparing
for the six-foot jump
from the tool chest to the raft.
[all exclaiming]
[Rutledge] That puts Mitchell
in position to get to the sports car
and use the combination lock
to open the garage door
so they can leave the room.
I think I can get in the car.
Fellas, can you imagine if these three
are the ones that send you home?
I would be livid.
I would go back and jump in the lava.
Does anybody see any numbers?
It looks like a lockbox is here.
[yelling] No! My hair!
[Rutledge] Uh, Sean, I think you
should worry less about your hair
and focus more
on getting off that paddle board.
You're hooked on the back,
it's not gonna go forward.
You're not gonna row any-- There you…
-That wasn't that hard.
-[Sean] Yeah. It was.
Now you're stuck on a refrigerator
instead of a pyramid.
[Mitchell] You might have to go there.
Uh, hey. I'm jumping.
-[Danny] Oh my gosh. Wow.
Exit pass!
Let's go, baby!
[Rutledge] Remember,
Willie got out of the room,
so the Virzi's need
to get two triplets out of the door
in order to advance to the volcano.
-[Alex] You got it!
[Rutledge] Mitchell, looking to move
to the sports car, a short four feet,
but that floating raft
is a very unstable launch pad.
[Alex] Oh! Oh!
[all exclaiming]
-We got a chance.
[Rutledge] And just like last time,
Mitchell is first to go into the lava.
[classical music playing]
[Rutledge] Oh,
you can't go wrong with the classics.
And just like that,
the Virzi Triplets become the Virzi Twins.
Fellas, you are still alive right now.
-What are you doing?
-I need to get over there.
I have my exit pass,
I can leave if I want to!
[Rutledge] You can't leave if you want to,
because there's not a way out yet.
-I'm gonna jump here.
-Then do it.
Y'all better hope these guys fall,
because y'all are on the bubble.
One more, one more. Who's going next?
[Rutledge] It's a five-foot leap,
but if you're his size,
it can feel like 20.
[all exclaiming]
[Rutledge] Oh!
Good thing he slowed that thing down.
-What a choice.
-Look at that jump.
-All right. You gotta make that jump.
-Why do I have to do everything this time?
It doesn't matter.
It's fine, just pay attention!
-I might just run.
-[Alex] Yeah!
[Rutledge] It looks like Sean's gonna try
a running start from the treadmill.
Not sure that's a great idea.
[car alarm blaring]
[Rutledge] Apparently not
the worst idea in this case.
[Alex] Open the thing.
I don't know.
Oh, oh! The license plate! Three-five-six!
[Sean] Oh, I got it! Yeah!
[Rutledge] Oh, they got it.
And the door is open.
Of course it's the hard one.
There it is!
Oh, fellas, if both of them make it out,
then you guys are going home.
[Sean] It's pretty slippery.
Yep, that's kind of the game.
[Rutledge] Oh, they figured out the game
one season too late.
[all exclaiming]
[all chattering indistinctly]
[scattered clapping]
[Danny] Come on!
[all exclaiming]
Oh my gosh!
[bell dinging]
[Rutledge] And that punching bag
puts a KO on Alex.
I haven't seen a red, white and bruised
boxing beat down like that
since Apollo Creed,
but to paraphrase
an expert on the subject,
"If he dives, he dives."
It's all up to me. Okay.
[Rutledge] Willie, it took you just over
nine minutes to get out of the room.
They're under seven minutes right now.
You realize
if Sean gets out of this room right now,
they are way ahead of your time.
Y'all are going home.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Sean grunting]
[Rutledge] The redemption
for the Virzi Triplets
all comes down to Sean.
Can he make the
slippery jump to the wheel,
grab his exit pass,
and make it out the garage door?
-[Danny] Oh no!
-[Sean] Yes!
-[Willie] Oh my…
-[Tommy] Ooh.
Into the wagon, like we were as kids.
Into the garage.
[all chattering indistinctly]
[Danny] Come on, come on. Okay.
[Rutledge] Oh, this is a big one.
This is a big one.
[all exclaiming]
-[Danny] What kind of ups does he have?
-[Rutledge] Oh my gosh!
I've never seen someone lucky.
Fellas, one jump,
it all comes down to this.
Can Sean be the first Virzi
to make it out of a room,
and send the triplets to the volcano,
and send the Stand-Up Squad home?
[suspenseful music playing]
-[Sean grunting]
-[all cheering]
[Rutledge] Oh my gosh!
No way!
[all cheering]
[Rutledge] Sean took
a big running start to nowhere!
[Sean grunting]
-[all cheering]
Stand-Up Squad,
you guys are going to the volcano
to face off against Bad Daditude!
I don't feel good.
[Alex] Honestly, it's a familiar feeling.
I really don't see anybody
inviting us to the holidays at this point.
The kids table that we sat at
is now lowered into lava.
-So we just disappear now.
[Mitchell] Yeah.
[Rutledge] It's the suburbs
versus the stage.
Bad Daditude and Stand-Up Squad
have each chosen two teammates
to face off against each other
and against the volcano.
[all exclaiming in wonder]
[Tommy] Oh my God!
This looks so dangerous right there.
We gotta--
[Rutledge] All right,
Stand-Up Squad, Bad Daditude,
you survived the garage,
but can you survive the volcano?
[angelic voices singing]
[in child's voice]
That's Daddy's volcano-ano.
[Rutledge] Both teams will have
to make their way across the rooftop
to the base of the volcano.
Once you climb to the top,
each member of your team
must cap the volcano with their rock.
The team that
caps their volcano the fastest
wins $10,000!
[all cheering]
And the best part, the Floor Is Lava lamp!
-[Willie] Yeah!
-[all cheering]
[angelic voices singing]
There's really only
one thing you should remember.
Don't fall in.
Ah, that's right.
-Because the floor is…
-[all] Lava!
Go for it! Get it!
You got this.
Willie, the opening act
for the Stand-Up Squad,
swinging on the weathervane
over to the rooftop.
-[Tanner] Come on, there you go.
-Push around.
[Rutledge] Tommy swings over
to join Willie, but classic Bad Daditude,
making things harder for themselves,
monkey-barring across the weather vane.
Ooh, Stand-Up Squad
in the lead! Here we go.
-All right, you just gotta…
-That's what I'm talking about!
-Coming right behind you.
-Make your steps.
-Here we go.
[Rutledge] Oh my goodness,
it is neck and neck. Bad Daditude, yes.
Oh, Willie. Yeah.
Tanner popped over to the volcano base
and Bad Daditude is in the lead.
-[Willie] Right here.
-Three, two, one.
[Rutledge] Tommy lands it.
Both teams now at the base.
Here we go, I gotta get a closer look.
All right. Now we're talking. Here we go.
[chattering indistinctly]
-[Willie] Oh, hold on!
-[Tommy] Here we go!
[Rutledge] Bad Daditude can't find a grip,
like trying to put a diaper
on a squirmy baby.
There's that foothold.
[Rutledge] Best way to get up
that volcano is to work together.
My short legs!
-[Rutledge] They're working together.
-[Tommy] Oh boy. All right.
[Tanner] Very nice. Okay. You got it.
[Rutledge] Stand-Up Squad making good
progress, trying to get to that ledge.
-[Willie] Go! You got it! Go slow!
-[Tommy] I've already…
[Rutledge] Bad Daditude, Stand-Up Squad,
passing the lead back and forth,
but dad Chris gets the rope first!
There you go! Get the rope!
-[Tommy] I'm coming, Willie.
[Rutledge] Passing the rope
down to Willie.
-[Willie] Push.
-[Rutledge] And both ropes are down.
-The rope is no help at all.
-[Rutledge] Oh, this is so close.
-[Willie] Oh, my goodness.
-[Tommy] Come on, Willie.
-[Willie] Tommy!
-[Tommy] You stay with me, Willie.
[Rutledge] Stand-Up Squad's
the first to score,
but Bad Daditude Chris is right there.
I did the first one,
we gotta go buddy! Willie!
[Rutledge] Chris has got his in,
neck and neck!
-Oh my gosh. Who's it gonna be?
-[Tommy] Come one, Willie!
[Rutledge] The next team
to place a rock will be the winner!
Oh, look at that jump!
This is so crazy. What's gonna happen now?
Chris, helping Tanner up.
This is where it all
comes down to, right here.
[Tommy] Go, Willie!
[Rutledge] Tanner's got the rock.
Oh, and he almost loses it!
[Chris] Go, go, go, go!
-[Rutledge] Bad Daditude wins it!
-[all exclaiming]
[Rutledge] Unbelievable!
It was neck and neck,
but at the very end
Bad Daditude squeaked it out
and Stand-Up Squad,
like they say on stage,
that's your time.
[distorted voice] No!
[triumphant music playing]
[distorted voice] No!
-[Chris] Whoo!
-[Tanner] Yeah! Yeah!
[Rutledge] Unbelievable.
Bad Daditude,
you showed that volcano who's its daddy!
And you know what?
You guys just won $10,000!
-Yeah! Did you hear that?
-That's a lot of diapers!
And that's not all. Guess what else?
The Floor Is Lava lamp.
[both cheering]
Did you see that coming? I didn't.
But you know what is coming up next?
Another Floor Is Lava!
[upbeat song playing]
[song fades]
Next Episode