Four More Shots Please (2019) s02e01 Episode Script

Together Forever

Previously on season one of
Four More Shots Please!
The board has started
censoring my stories.
Scared of some fucking law suits,
little sissies.
Sneha put me on Keto again.
So, no rice,
no sugar, no bread, no life.
There's someone called Kavya.
Varun is apparently
very serious about her.
I yelled at THE Samara Kapoor
in the gym today.
And then I kept saying,
"Sorry, it's okay, it's okay.",
like it's some
new Punjabi pop-track.
I mean, what a fucked up week, man!
She spent the night or what?
"She spent the night or what?"
No, she didn't.
When will she get married?
The board needs to grow a pair of balls
if they want to be in the news business.
Only you can train me.
I haven't had sex since Arya was born.
Arya's almost four.
When I listen to your rants,
I feel like I'm home.
And that all is well with the world.
I can't live with someone.
I can't live without someone.
I'll give you an idea
that will change your life.
That's not how Aunt Kavya makes it.
My team here is crime
and political reporters.
They don't do this shit.
This is what's going to put
money in their salary accounts.
Siddhi I really like the sound of this.
Siddhi weds Mohit.
Mohit is gay.
It's because of low IQ dumbos like you
that we have to print cheap gossip.
You are the one who
is fucking moving on.
Making a happy family and home-sweet-home
and all that fucking bullshit.
Why don't you move on as well?
He chose men over you!
Shut up! Just shut up, Sneha!
The problem is, you know what you want,
but you don't know what you need.
That was so fucking hot.
I like you too, Damini Rizvi Roy.
This is my first
relationship with a woman.
-I am not even sure if I am--
-If I am what?
I've given my life to
My everything!
You cannot remove me!
-Oh, my God.
-I am sorry
-Will you marry me?
-Say yes!
Sids, what's wrong?
If you weren't so distracted,
I would still have my fucking company.
That's what happens when you sleep
with just one person your entire life.
At least I'm not sleeping around
with the whole world.
Being a Sexybod girl
has given me more confidence
than all of you have
in the last three years.
What is this?
That girl with Samara Kapoor?
That girl is me.
Have your own child!
Stay away from my daughter!
Don't call me ever again!
Fuck the board.
You can have this.
I'm done.
Oh, I didn't realize we had company.
Together forever?
What should have been a statement,
is now a question.
God, I hate question marks.
Fuck them!
Fuck them all!
I don't need anybody.
For the past two months, I've been
backpacking across Europe by myself.
I don't need anyone.
I'm a survivor!
I'm a lion!
Yes. I have many problems.
Why are you so concerned?
Which book is shit?
What the hell are you talking about?
Yes! Yes, shit.
Everything is shit.
Men are shit.
Women are shit.
All of bloody humanity is shit!
You're looking weak.
Doesn't Myra feed you?
I have to keep looking
at your morose face every day.
Makes me lose my appetite.
Every day.
Right on that same chair.
With that same sad, moony face.
I heard that a broken heart
makes you lose your appetite.
Broken heart?
I FaceTime Xerxes every day.
You think about her, don't you?
Who? Xerxes?
-Stop it, Umang.
-Stop what?
I thought you liked the foreplay.
By the way, how is she?
I don't know.
We haven't spoken since the big fight.
I meant Samara.
I don't know.
We haven't spoken since the big fight.
-Will you just call her?
-Why don't you call her?
-I've moved on.
Two steps forward and four steps back.
I want to listen to Bollywood remixes
while eating Bachelorr's chilli ice cream.
Go and have it.
How? I couldn't find
chilli ice cream in Istanbul.
What are you doing in Istanbul?
Trying to eat ice cream.
Mangs, I feel like my life's
melting away like an ice cream.
That Turkish ice cream guy was doing
so many tricks with the scoops
that by the time he gave me the cone,
the entire ice cream fell to the ground!
But I still had to pay for it.
After that, I had four cups of strong
Turkish coffee, three hookahs,
and I ate an entire
mezze platter all by myself.
But none of it took
away my heartache, Mangs.
Sids, are you okay?
Nothing is okay, Mangs.
My heart is as lonely as I am.
No Papa, no Sneha, no Mihir,
no you. Any of you!
Where are Papa, Sneha and Mihir?
Why do you want to know?
Like you care!
I should put three locks on this
bridge and jump into the Bosporus.
Three locks for the three of you.
My three best friends,
my three lost loves.
Sids, please don't do anything stupid.
Who is going to stop me?
Mangs, you have no idea
what it's like to be me right now.
I'm trying really
hard but I'm struggling.
I'm trying to be strong
but this is just too hard.
-I'm too lonely, Mangs.
-Sids, please stop crying.
I'm listening to you.
I'm right here.
Where are you?
I'm here! I am lost, all alone,
thousands of miles away
and I have no one with me.
Nobody cares, Mangs!
Nobody cares!
-Sids, please!
-I'm all alone!
Mangs, I'm really scared!
I'm losing it!
-I'm on the edge, Mangs!
-Sids, just don't do anything
-I'm really scared.
-Please don't do anything.
-I need you guys right now.
Please come.
I'm so scared.
Hello! Sids!
I'm on the edge, Mangs.
-Sids! Hello! Sids!
-Mangs, please
-On the edge of what?
-Stop! Hey!
Hello! Sids!
Why can't I hear anything!
How much more time?
Half an hour, sir.
This bao better be worth it.
Listen, bao is the new bun.
It's everywhere.
Do you know where we had the best bao?
It was at that place in Seminyak.
I used to eat it every day.
I've put on so much weight!
On your eyelashes?
I'm sorry.
We were staying at a pool villa in Ubud.
It was so beautiful.
We'd go skinny-dipping every day.
And one day, you remember,
we had this guest.
-Yes, a monkey came.
-A monkey!
And Varun ran out.
He came out naked! It was so funny.
Did he leave you alone in the pool?
-But it was
-I am so irresponsible, right?
I didn't learn anything from you.
We decided to make this work, right?
Guys, excuse me.
I need to take this.
Anj, Dee
Dee, Anj
Sids is in trouble.
We need to help her.
-What happened?
I don't even know the entire story
but she was bawling while
talking to me from Istanbul.
What is she doing in Istanbul?
Eating ice cream,
walking on the fucking bridges!
I have no idea!
She was ranting away!
She sounded like
she was losing her mind!
She actually said that she's on the edge!
I am scared shitless!
I really think that
we have to go to Istanbul.
You're crazy as well.
How can we just take off for Istanbul?
-It's because, it's Siddhi!
She's all alone. She needs our help!
And, what if she's actually
headed for a breakdown?
Can we just meet?
In the midst of her breakdown, I could
hear the police sirens and ambulances.
And then, her phone got switched off.
I'm just super stressed about her!
Okay, guys?
She can do anything
when she is in depression.
I think we should head
to Istanbul to be with her.
We haven't spoken
to each other in forever.
And now, you want us to head to Istanbul.
We can't just hail a taxi
and drive to Istanbul.
And how will we find her there?
Are we going to shout out her name
from every bridge on the Bosporus?
I think we should call
the Indian Consulate.
Or, the hospital.
Or, her parents.
Because they would know
about Siddhi before us.
If something happens to her
would you guys be
able to live with yourselves?
You knew that Siddhi
was in trouble and you still did nothing!
Wake up, guys.
We're talking about Sids.
She's fucked in the head.
And she is helpless without our support.
Honestly, if either of you were
in trouble
I would never leave you alone.
And I'm hoping you
would do the same for me.
I mean
Sids is the baby of our group.
I'm not going to abandon her!
If you guys don't want to come,
don't come.
I'm going.
I'll call my father.
I'll get him to speak
to the Council General.
Maybe he can help us
with the visas.
I'll book the tickets and the hotel.
Please check the reviews of the hotel.
Dee, can you stop this, please?
-You want to fight again?
Who said the fight is over?
This is just temporary truce.
Siddhi's phone is still switched off.
I just hope to God that she's okay.
Economy seat?
By the time we get there,
we'll be squashed to pulp.
You're tiny.
You'll adjust well in economy.
Did you just call me short?
-I just called you "tiny."
-What is that supposed to mean?
It mean exactly what it sounded like.
Listen, however tiny I am,
I need my space.
I have a friendly advice for you
unburden yourself from the pain
and get an upgrade.
And then, you guys
will call me entitled.
-You are entitled.
-At least I'm not judgmental.
That's you, Anj.
Fly away, bitches!
The guy sitting next to us
was constantly farting!
-And the way he scratched his balls
I thought they would fall off.
His butt was in my face
when he was going to the bathroom.
Umang, check the location.
This is Sids' last seen
location pin on Insta.
-Sir, take a right turn from here.
-Take a right turn.
-This is it.
-This is it. Let's go.
Be your best, guys.
-Get out.
-Okay! Hotel Aasik.
-Thank you so much. You got it?
-No one's answering the door.
-Did you ring the bell?
-And? Not opening?
Ring the bell.
I am.
This is it.
-Is it this one?
-Yes. Hotel Aasik.
Come on!
Dee, it's time to execute your plan.
-Siddhi Patel!
-Why are you shouting?
Sids, our friend. Siddhi!
-Have you seen this girl?
-No, I'm sorry.
Have you seen this girl?
-Good morning, ladies.
Oh, my God!
What are you doing here?
-You can't be serious.
Heart attack? Panic attack?
You had no attack at all?
Why? Did you want
something to happen to me?
Nervous breakdown?
Anxiety attack?
Suicidal thoughts involving a bridge?
Oh I was wasted and
therefore I got a tad too emotional.
Even the cheapest
wine here is dangerously potent!
Did you get a tad too emotional?
Mangs, did you just hear that?
Did I hear police sirens on the
call or was it just my imagination?
Those were the police
sirens but obviously not for me.
A tourist got drunk and started
stripping his clothes off on the bridge.
So, the cops came and arrested him.
They're very strict here.
You're talking about people stripping.
While we've come here all
the way for you.
You hung up after repeatedly
ranting that you were on the edge.
I must have called you
back at least fifty times!
Sorry! My phone died.
Siddhi, we were scared for you!
How can you be so irresponsible?
Seriously? Why are we even here?
Because you all love me?
Guys, we haven't
spoken to each other in a long time.
But my one phone call got you all here.
I feel so special and loved.
My superheroes!
And we all feel so stupid.
Come on, Anj.
Let me have my moment.
After having wine,
I drank the local Raki.
It contains 50% alcohol!
I started hallucinating!
Wherever I went,
I could hallucinate you guys.
Every time I tried to reach out,
you'd vanish.
Disappear into thin air.
That's when I realized
how much I missed you all.
Siddhi, that's bullshit.
And you know that!
Be it whatever, but I got you here.
In a panic! We spent a lot of money,
got heartburn and smelt fart!
Fart? Oh, you mean on the flight.
I fart nonstop on flights.
I think it has something
to do with the pressure levels.
Who is this naked man?
My name is Baran.
You are all very beautiful.
Who is he?
-You are magnificent, baby.
-And you are too sexy, darling.
That will be 350 euros.
Or 2,000 Turkish liras.
But I prefer euros.
All night. Okay!
350 euros.
How much do you need?
-I don't have any money.
-Take this 200.
Don't give him a tip.
Goodbye, sweety.
Call me for the big fun!
But Siddhu,
at least you had the big fun!
You can laugh as much as you want!
That's all you can do!
Poor Siddhi. Naive Siddhi.
-She can't even take care of herself.
-Sids, it's not--
After that sleazy uncle
and cam-girl controversy
Papa's also not talking to me.
And before you ask, Mohit has
moved to Goa with his new boyfriend.
Even he doesn't have time for me.
I'm sorry.
Why are you apologizing?
Because he's my father.
And he hurt my mom.
And he hurt you.
You're not your father's keeper.
Mihir, don't you want
to know why I did it?
You don't owe anyone
any explanation, Siddhi.
I need to get away from all this, Mihir.
Just to clear my head.
I'm also leaving.
Back to New York.
Poor Siddhi.
You guys had to come
all the way to save her.
I'm glad my stupidity
got you all together.
I slept with a prostitute.
So what? Big deal.
At least I didn't
slut shame my friends
the way you'll did to each other!
Siddhi, please don't be like this.
Sids, we're sorry!
Listen, we won't laugh anymore.
Listen. Forgive us for
that day and for today.
Please forgive us.
You just admitted
how special you feel
-that we came all the way for you.
That wasn't me!
Those were my endorphins talking!
My post-coital glow!
Wait a second.
350 euros?
He better have given you a glow.
Listen. Also
He freaked out during that scam.
Imagine if he finds out about this!
So, we all want to know
-what exactly happened yesterday?
We made love.
Lots of love.
Wow. You made love.
So moronic!
-Is she for real?
-All kinds of
-Fine! We get it!
What happened before and after that?
Okay. So, I was wasted!
And I drunk dialed Umang.
I had my massive emotional moment
and I started feeling really hot.
I was feeling hot, so I kind of stripped.
And then, I jumped into a fountain.
But the water was freezing
and I started feeling cold!
Suddenly, I heard police whistles.
I didn't know what to do.
And just then
my knight in shining Armour
showed up on a white Vespa
and swept me away.
Then, I threw up.
Wine, Raki, mezzes
I threw up everything.
Then, we again had alcohol.
We sang loudly on the streets.
We saw the sunrise together.
It was magical, guys.
And then
We went back to the
hotel and made love again.
And again. And again!
-We did it five times.
-Oh, God!
-Five times!
We got that! Moving on!
Okay, fine.
What happened with Samara?
I went to Thailand
chasing after her.
I stayed in Koh Samui for a few days.
I trained in Muay Thai and
Yeah! It was cool.
I can't do this.
I can't do this, Umang.
My career will be over.
Sam, please.
Just give us one more chance.
I'm sure we can make it work.
Why did you come?
Why did you come?
I told you not to come!
Okay. It wasn't cool.
I wasn't cool and
the weather wasn't either.
I was shattered.
It was hard to get up in the morning.
And every day
my heart and my mind were at war.
And everything hurt!
My skin, my eyelids It was just
I have said enough.
What about you all?
Arjun got me out on bail.
Thankfully, they didn't
put me behind bars.
But, huge fine.
My license got confiscated.
And by the way, I
don't really drink anymore.
Yeah. Maybe one drink in a week at best.
I'm still very scared. I am very
traumatized by what happened that night.
And, what about Arya's custody?
We've decided we're not
going to pursue Arya's custody.
We can't take Arya away from you.
We can't do this to you, to Arya.
We can't tear the family apart.
Thank you.
I went to their wedding.
It was really nice.
Simple, elegant.
And, what about Arjun?
So we guys are together.
Arjun's a great guy.
Always liked him.
Dee, I saw your speech.
The one you gave before
you returned the award.
Me too.
It was trending.
So now? What's next in store for you?
Judge Damodar?
I'm writing a book on him.
Is he the one involved in
2012 bombings case?
His body was found on the railway tracks.
He was murdered
just a night before he was
about to pronounce the verdict.
For the last six months, I've gone back
and forth from Latur to Delhi to Pune.
I've just been doing my research.
I must have interviewed
over 125 people and
It's been a hell of a journey.
But it was fulfilling.
Wow, Dee!
Dying to read it.
And Jeh?
I pretended like Julia Roberts
and went to profess my love.
And guess who appears out of nowhere.
What was she doing there?
They have a history.
They've been together since school.
It was just a kiss.
So, Jeh forgave her.
And yeah
But I think it's a rebound fling.
And you know this because
Because I still go to Truck bar.
The world may have abandoned me
but Jeh's the one
who took me in, okay?
I was the one abandoned by all of you.
Guys, let's face it. We all feel
that we were the ones abandoned.
Okay, let's make a pact, guys.
This will never happen again.
Nothing will ever break us apart.
-Just the way we wrote in our slam books.
The best ship is friendship.
To never jumping ship.
And if one jumps, we all jump.
Even if the water is freezing.
To no more fucking Titanics.
Our hearts will go on and on and on.
Fuck the Titanic!
-Fuck the Titanic!
-Fuck the Titanic!
Friendship. Tied and sealed forever.
You know that they remove
these every few months, right?
So much for "forever."
Why are you so cynical?
Why are you so romantic?
Why do you two talk so much?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for everything.
I said too much the other day.
I have no right to judge
anyone or their struggles.
Look, I'm sorry too.
You guys know that sometimes
I really have no control over my tongue.
So, I off-loaded all my anger
on the three of you.
I'm really sorry.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
And I'm sorry.
For a while,
I couldn't see beyond Samara.
And she became more important
to me than our friendship.
It's not cool. I'm sorry.
-Not cool.
-It's okay.
And I'm sorry for
having started it all.
For keeping secrets from you all
that I shouldn't have.
No! I'm not sorry
for getting you all here.
Not at all! Look around you!
Do you remember that carpet
I told you about back home?
I have hidden everything
about bisexuality.
I told my parents.
And since then no one
talks to each other.
We're very proud of you.
Siddhi, you're back!
Siddhi's here.
Thank you.
Welcome home, darling.
Thank you, Mummy.
The return of the world traveler.
She's spent all the money!
She spent my money Viju and not yours.
Don't worry about him, he'll be fine.
How was it?
Did you have fun?
Why don't you go and freshen up?
I'll make us some tea.
There's a new bar in Kala Ghoda.
It's got great reviews.
I can't go back in there, guys.
I haven't been in
there since you know
Listen, I told him how I felt
and then, I got to know about Myra.
-Dee, we're not in school anymore.
The two of you were confused,
It didn't work out. Just get over it.
What about our bra-code?
Why should we change
our hangout spot for a guy?
And to be honest, she is not all bad.
I mean, she is like
every other girlfriend.
Also, it's not Myra but it's me.
I embarrassed myself and I can't
We'll sit at a distance from Jeh and Myra.
-And we'll only talk to Bosco.
-Yes! Come on!
-Now please let's go in. Come on!
Hey, girls.
Long time.
Sorry, girls.
The bar area is shut for service.
Relax. We're going outside.
Hey, Bosco!
So, three usual and
one lime soda, please.
-Oh, my God.
-happened here?
-Okay. Let's get to work.
-Let's go.
Let's do this. Come on, baby.
Guys, let's send Myra up for good.
-In an aircraft?
-She means let's bump her off.
What does that mean?
We're in Mumbai.
Let's put a hit on her.
Hang on. Wait a second.
Why did we change the topic?
You're confusing me.
Where were you in the '90s?
Guys, I was born in the '90s?
She means contract killings.
Guys, Myra can't be blamed for this.
The issues are between Jeh and me.
Guys, I have an idea.
Let's spike her drink with hormone pill.
She'll grow a beard
and mustache in no time!
It'll be so funny!
My God, Siddhi. You're the exact
opposite of what we thought of you!
You're diabolical, Siddhi!
Thank you! Finally, you'll
stop calling me cute.
Cute and diabolical.
Hey! Jeh!
-All right!
-You shouldn't have.
-That's so sweet.
-Bosco is busy.
Oh! Bosco told his boss that he's busy.
So, who's the boss?
Oh, wait.
The boss is the boss lady, right?
I hear she's into S&M.
That's a good thing.
Women on top.
Right, Jeh?
And she is normally on top. Right?
I mean asking for a friend.
Such badly behaved girls.
-Fifty shades of Jeh.
I bet he's into BDSM and all.
Tell me, did you miss us?
No, I didn't.
-He did.
-We know that you're lying.
-Don't lie.
-Say it. Come on, Jeh.
-Come on, say it!
-Say it, come on!
-Look, I won't lie.
I don't know about me
but my cash register definitely did.
You love us, Jeh!
-You love us!
-You love us!
-You've missed us!
-You missed us!
-More shots please!
Yeah! Cheers!
Next Episode