Friday Night Lights s02e01 Episode Script

Last Days of Summer

Why is she staring at him like that? You really want me to tell you why she's staring at him like that? 'Cause I could.
You're not gonna want to hear what I have to say.
All right.
Well All I'm saying is she's my girlfriend, all right? So she probably shouldn't be staring off at Swedish people like that.
Why don't you go over and punch him in the face? Oh, is that what you would do? In some situations you need to ask yourself, "W.
D? "What Would Riggins Do?" In this situation? He would walk over to him Riggins would not Riggins would not be in this situation, 'cause Riggins is captain of the S.
Ta-Tas over there.
He's probably slept with literally, like, half of the girls at Dillon High, not to mention some of their moms and sisters and Hey, Matt! Hey, Matt! See, look.
That's the guy that's gonna give me the ball.
Smile, man.
It's gonna be a good year.
Come on, smile.
What's up, Smash? All you gotta do is hang onto my coattails.
When did he turn into such a tool? This is ridiculous.
Oh, my God.
Landry, it's never gonna happen.
Don't be negative.
You don't know what could happen.
What if I make the team and she starts to see me in a completely new light I've been meaning to ask you about that.
sparks something inside of her Why are you trying out for the team? 'Cause all that's gonna happen is you're gonna get hurt.
Don't be cynical.
Cynical? Yeah.
Hi, honey! Will you watch my stuff for me, please? No.
No, no, no, Mom.
You need to leave right now.
How many times have we talked about this, Mom? You don't come to the pool.
We've already been through this.
This is the only place where Excuse me! You can't just show up all the time, Mom! Sweetie, I don't show up all the time.
Can't you go to a different pool or something? There is no different pool.
I miss your father.
You never talk to me anymore, and there ain't a room in the house that feels like it's big enough to contain me.
I'm getting in the water.
You're just here checking up on me.
I'm not checking up on you.
That is ridiculous.
You're just trying to spy on me.
Honey, I'm not spying on you at all.
I am curious about your life.
I enjoy being in this pool, which feels wonderful.
Am I gonna have to help you out of the pool again? But you know, I am curious.
I'm curious about the Swede.
I'm curious about what Matt Saracen thinks about the Swede.
I'm curious about You don't tell me You're embarrassing me.
Oh, honey.
I think my water just broke.
Your water can't break, Mom.
You have another three weeks.
No, either I just peed in the pool, or my water just broke.
Tami, Tami, take a deep breath I can't.
I can't do it.
No, I can't do it anymore.
I'm too tired.
Just hang in there, okay? Where in the hell is your father? Tami Taylor? Yeah, 206.
A deep breath.
Slow deep breath.
Hey, there.
Hey, baby.
Hey, baby.
Hey, babe.
Hey, babe.
How's she doing? Hi.
Oh, honey.
Oh, I'm so happy to see you.
Am I all right here? I'm all right to stay? I'm really happy you're here.
Okay, Tami.
I can't.
Just a little bit more, darling.
I'm gonna get you this baby, but I can't do it alone, honey.
Come on.
I think it's coming! Yeah, that's it.
That's right.
Go, go, go Welcome to the family.
This is Slammin' Sammy Meade, folks, and welcome back to another glorious year of Panther football! It's summer.
It's 120 damn degrees on the gridiron, and the Panthers are entering the fiery gates of hell week, and I for one could not be happier.
Will our new coach, Bill MacGregor, the "Tennessee Tyrant," known for winning state titles, be able to fill the shoes of the great Eric Taylor? The heart of last year's championship offense is back.
QB Matt Saracen, highly-ranked running back Smash Williams and hard-hitting fullback Tim Riggins.
That leaves the most exciting part of the pre-season, new talent.
Who knows which fresh face might impress the new coach and win a job on this great Dillon Panther team come opening day? You'll be dancing it up.
Come on.
Let's go, little dancer.
Welcome home, baby Grace.
Here's your new home.
This is where it's all gonna happen.
It's good to be home.
It's all gonna happen right here.
Jules? Wow.
I had asked Jules to clean this up.
Jules? Hey.
Look who's home! Say, "Hey.
" Oh, she's opening up her eyes just so she can say, "Hey, big sis.
What's up?" Why is her head so pointy? That's normal, sweetheart.
How come you didn't clean this place up? Because, Mom, I didn't have time.
I really gotta go to work.
I'm sorry.
I thought you were taking today off.
Yeah, I tried to, Mom It's your baby sister's first day home.
I have to go to work, okay? I love you guys.
I'll be home tonight.
Say hi to the Swede.
Who's "the Swede"? Some boy she's flirting with at the pool.
I can't believe this mess.
What about "the Saracen"? She's dating the Saracen and she's flirting with the Swede.
Welcome home, sweetheart.
Just for the record, I think this whole football thing is a terrible idea.
You've mentioned that a few times.
Does my shoulder look swollen to you? Do you really think your dad is gonna love you any more if you make that team? Yes, I do, actually.
I'm burning up.
Me, too.
You mind doing my back for me? Doing what? My back.
Of course.
Just You gotta be sure to put on several coats throughout the day.
You got a little bit too much.
You ready? Yeah.
Actually, we got a We got a show on Thursday at the Bend.
Oh, the Bend.
Yeah, that's a cool place.
Oh, you've been to the Bend? Yeah, a few times.
Well, you should come by.
Really? Yeah.
What do you mean? Okay.
Yeah, it starts at 11:00.
I guess I guess I'll see you there then.
I guess I'll see you there.
All right.
Don't be late.
All right.
As you were born the first time from broken waters, you will be born again today from the broken waters of baptism and baptism is going Upon the profession of your faith, and by the Word of God, I baptize you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Yes, yes.
Hey, Riggins.
Hey, you guys wanna make some memories tonight? Yeah.
Sounds good.
I'm thinking like 7:30.
All right.
See you there, Tim.
Whoa, where's my flyer, Garrity? No one would be happier to save your soul than me, Tim.
What is that? Like a cult or something? Actually, it's young Christians coming together to worship and spread the word of Jesus.
You look good.
Like real good.
You're welcome.
It's probably because yesterday I was baptized and accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior.
What'd you do recently, Tim? I had a three-way with the Stratton sisters.
I wouldn't go around town bragging about the fact that you've spent your entire summer in a drunken stupor.
So what you're saying is you're jealous.
Yeah, Tim.
I'm jealous.
Hey Just so you know, you're still number one.
Still the best I've ever had.
It's true.
Don't talk to me like that.
Enjoy Jesus.
Yeah, enjoy your depraved hedonism.
Oh, I will.
So will I.
I mean Jesus, not hedonism.
Of course.
I don't care what the man said.
I'm not gonna take that "C" off your uniform.
Okay, it's really not that big of a deal, Grandma.
So We don't need any of that meat stuff.
Oh, my Lord! How are you doing? How are you? Coach Eric Taylor! How you doing? How you doing, bud? How's it going? How are you, son? I'm good.
Miss you.
Oh, my Lord.
How you doing? Good.
How come you haven't come over to see Gracie? 'Cause I had two Two a day, so Julie's been telling me about her so How are you and Julie doing? Good.
Yeah? Why? I mean, did she say that Did she say anything to you that No, she didn't say anything.
She supposed to say something? There something I'm supposed to know? No, I just didn't know Why don't you come over and see the kid? I was gonna come see It was just, you know, a lot of football and she's been life-guarding so, you know I didn't want to just stop by.
All right.
All right.
Don't just stand by and watch it happen.
You know what I'm saying? Yeah.
I do.
All right.
Thanks, Coach.
Take care.
All right.
Hey, Carl.
Whoa, whoa, whoa This This Friday? Well, I got football practice and I may go work out after that.
I'm serious.
Well, call me if you wanna see a movie or something.
Okay? Okay.
Tyra? What happened? What was that? I think that was him.
Was who? The guy who attacked me.
Come here.
I'm going to bed.
Where've you been? I've been at Lois'.
Come here.
Come here.
I want to talk to you.
I'm really tired.
I just want to go to bed, okay? I have work in the morning.
How you doing? Good.
How are you and Matt doing? Fine.
Who's this Swedish guy? And what does this have to do with you? What does this have to do with me? I'm your father, that's what it has to do with me.
So you decide to come back after eight months in Austin and have these deep, long conversations? You are so hypocritical.
I'm done.
I'm tired.
I'm going to bed.
Come here.
Come here.
Come here! Set! Blue 80! Hut! Outside, full force! You gotta cut it! Come on, Riggins! Come on! What's Buddy doing here? Watching practice.
I run closed practices.
Send him home.
Hey, Mac.
Hey, man.
Hey, Mac.
How are you? I'm good.
Hot enough for you? I have sweat running off my sweat, Buddy.
This is awkward, but I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.
Come on! This is not Pop Warner! Keep your head up like a man and stick to him! Mac, if he wants me to leave then he needs to come over here and tell me himself.
Shut him down.
Do it again.
Come on, Riggins! Black nine! Black nine! Who's he think Who's he think pays his bloody damn salary? That's what I wanna know.
Would you tell him later? Bring me some water.
Come on.
Let's go.
You know what? You are disgusting! You are miserable! Miserable! Miserable! That's it! Leave me alone! A miserable God-dang football player! You have no potential! You're just walking through this thing! Leave it.
What did you say to me? Guys like you, okay? With no heart Oh, I got no heart? Here.
This helmet? Riggins.
It's for your new fullback.
Good luck.
Opening day, MacGregor.
Are you walking away? Riggins! You do not walk away from me, Number 33! The point is, is that she told me to lotion her up.
Okay, look, maybe she just didn't want to get sunburned.
All I'm saying is I was literally inches away from, you know There he is again.
copping a feel.
It's a good picture of him, though.
It's a great picture of the Smash.
He really looks like a captain, you know? I mean Hey.
I'm gonna I'm gonna go get some Cheetos.
What's going on? What you doing? Nothing.
Just hanging.
All right.
Hey There's this party at Lake Orion Thursday.
I was kind of hoping maybe you'd come.
Well, I was just gonna stay at home and, you know, kind of take it easy, maybe read a book.
It's just the whole team is gonna be there and everyone that's got a girlfriend, their girlfriend's gonna be there.
And since you're kind of my girlfriend, I was kind of hoping you'd be there.
It's just You mean a lot to me and I don't want to just lose you.
Yeah, it It sounds great.
I'II I'll try to make it.
Yeah? Yeah.
Oh, you're gonna love this.
That's it.
It's tofu.
No, no.
Come on.
One more.
It's tofu I'm and porcini mushrooms.
Got some onions in there.
Some brown rice.
I'm good.
I'm good.
Got some beans there.
We all set? There you go.
Oh! Looks delish! Enjoy.
Aren't we forgetting something? No.
Of course.
Thank you, Lord, for this food that we are about to receive and for your wisdom, Lord.
I pray that you will guide me and everyone at this table to help respect you and make good choices.
For example, to not take advantage of the vulnerability of a recently-separated, but not-yet-divorced woman.
And in turn, to give others at the table the strength to remember that a mother of three should not be wearing skinny jeans.
Bon appétit.
Looks good.
Please sleep, little girl.
She down good? Look at you, you made some cookies? Thank you.
You're nice to me.
Carl called.
Mmm-hmm? They need me to come back Friday.
Which Friday? This Friday? You're supposed to have two weeks.
"Bottom line.
We need you back.
"It's not my decision, but Bonnie "passed the buck up onto the top, and " You know? We've been through this before.
We just have to deal with it.
You know the drill, what happens.
You know, I don't have a choice.
The fact of the matter is, I don't have a choice.
I mean, it's You know, it's what I do.
I can't go and I can't I can't do this thing half-ass.
I do it half-ass, it doesn't help anyone.
And I can't.
I mean, I can't.
You know? Mmm-hmm.
I really need you to talk.
That's it? All right.
I'll be back in a little while.
Okay? All right.
The dog thinks he is the boss.
He is not the boss.
You are the boss.
You must dominate him.
You must talk I'll be jiggered.
Look what the cat drug in.
Yeah, Eric.
That Tennessee hillbilly stonewalled me.
He won't even talk to me.
Locked me out of practice.
Told Mac McGill that I was an "annoying nuisance.
" Can you imagine that? That is hard to There's nothing I love more than the Dillon Panthers.
I always have and you know that I'm trying to help.
That's all I'm trying to do.
That's all I've ever cared about.
How long have you been sleeping here? Oh, I don't sleep here much.
I work late sometimes.
It's comfortable.
You know, the neon lights Hey, Pam.
Congratulations on the baby.
Oh, thank you.
Could I speak to you for a minute? Out here.
I'll be right back.
What were you doing at the soccer practice tonight? I don't know what you're talking about, Pam.
I wasn't I saw you there, Buddy.
Pam, I do not understand why a smart, beautiful, intelligent woman could fall for a little tree-hugger who makes seven dollars Okay.
Okay, you know what? an hour at a health food store! Okay.
He owns that store, first of all, and were you at my meditation group the other night, too? You know, I have a right to protect my children if I think Oh, please.
their mother is becoming a part of some kind of cult or something.
Hey! You know what? Hey! Do whatever Don't come to soccer practice again, Buddy.
Do whatever you want, but he is not gonna turn my children into communists.
All his hippie ideas! Is that He here? That's him You here? You brought him here? He's in my You get out of my truck! Buddy! Leave him alone! Watch this! Open the damn door! Don't even Buddy! Get out! Open up that door! Hey, Buddy.
You Come out of there! You've got to calm down! No, I'm not gonna calm down! Unlock that door, you tree-hugging son of a bitch.
Stop! Stop! Hey! Watch it.
Get back! You come here! No Come Come on! She doesn't want you, you son of a bitch.
Oh, my God! Get in the car.
Just get in the car.
Don't make me Stop.
It's all right.
It's okay.
Come on, Riggins.
What are you having for dinner? McGILL: Think I'm gonna have a salad.
Have some chicken.
I gotta get in shape.
I'm gonna learn how to surf.
Might be good.
If not now, when? Come on.
Pick it up, Riggins! Come on! I think he's had enough, Coach.
He owes me five more.
Come on, Riggins! Five more, son.
All right, Riggins.
You're done.
First off, I would like to say that this is your team, and and the decisions you make in the leadership of the team.
Go on.
I know Tim Riggins really well.
All right? Both on and off the field.
He's one of my closest friends.
And leaning on him like that isn't gonna get you any results, sir.
Well, you got a decision to make, Jason.
You can come to the games Friday nights and be some kind of town symbol, some kind of mascot, or you can come to Friday night games and you can be a football coach.
But you can't be both.
They can't be your friends.
Hey, hon.
I want you home by 11:00, all right? Mom said I could be home by 11:30.
I don't care what your mother said.
I want you home by 11:00.
Your absentee father says 11:00, but, of course, if you'd like to make it 10:30, we could make that happen, too.
And if Lois should even look at any alcohol this evening, I want you to give me a call.
You understand me? See you at 11:30.
Where are your shoes? I'm not wearing shoes, Dad.
You checked this out? You all gotta come check this out right here.
Hey, what's up, fool? Enjoying yourself? What's up, man? What's up? Tyra? Are you okay? What took you so long? I came just as soon as you called.
Come on.
Where'd you hear the noises from? Out here.
Be careful.
I'm gonna be careful.
You stay here, okay? I'm gonna check the perimeter.
It's in that tree.
Big tree.
Make sure everything's okay.
I mean, I'm sure it's nothing.
Be careful All right.
Your knight in shining armor has arrived.
Oh, my! Tyra, it's a skunk! Tyra, that's a skunk.
It's a skunk.
Let me in in the front! A skunk? I just don't wanna get sprayed.
No, it's fine.
There's no one back here except for the I have to go home.
My mom's gonna beat the hell out of me.
We should've gone to the party.
It's okay.
You can go.
What? No.
It's okay.
I'll find a ride.
I swear.
Yeah, right.
I'm not gonna just leave you here.
I swear.
It's fine, Lois.
Call me later, okay? Okay.
I will never leave your side Many try and fail Oh, two nerds, two nerds Two nerds to take away And I will love you Once or twice through I'll be there until the end Matt, I'm in Tyra Collette's bathroom right now.
Okay, why are you calling me from the bathroom? All right, you've gotta try to keep up with me here.
Because I've got, like, 45 seconds, and I really need to get your advice on something.
I'm on Tyra Collette's couch.
We're watching Fried Green Tomatoes.
Everything's going great, and I need to figure out how to get my arm around her.
How to get it No.
Does she want you to touch her? I'm not I'm not calling for relationship advice right now, Matt.
I'm calling you to find just some technique.
Look, just sit down closer to her and try and I don't know.
Rub your arm against hers, and if she doesn't hit you or it doesn't seem weird, then try and put your arm around her.
All right, yeah.
Once I get my arm around her, I think things will kind of fall into place, because this has been like a long time coming.
I mean, that's Anyways.
I gotta go.
How you doing at the party? It kind of sucks.
Julie never showed up.
That sounds great, man.
That sounds great.
I'll call you later and let you know how this goes.
All right? Thanks.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
That's Are you hungry? Are you hungry? Yeah.
I'm hungry.
Let's go get some food.
Well, hey, come again.
It's good to see you.
Yeah, you, too.
What's up? Hey.
You came.
Did you like it? Yeah.
It was totally amazing.
I was pretty nervous.
I don't know.
No, you guys looked awesome up there.
Well, come Just come again.
Just don't Don't say anything else.
I mean, it was emotional and heartbreaking and I'm adamant.
You gotta come again, 'cause Hey, babe.
I gotta go.
Julie, this is Meg.
Meg, Julie.
Oh, your friend from the pool.
Your high-school bud.
It's nice to meet you.
Anton loves you.
Well, we have this party and if I don't show up, my sister's gonna kill me so It was nice to meet you.
Yeah, you, too.
I'm really happy you came.
You've gotta be kidding me.
Can we just go? Can we go? Yeah.
Yeah Look, I know No, no.
We can go.
We can go as soon as you tell me what the hell you're doing at a place like this at 12:30 at night, and then we can go, yeah! I know I'm grounded and everything.
Can you just Just really not yell at me right now? Can I tell you something? I'm leaving early.
I have to leave tomorrow night.
All right? I'm not gonna be back maybe for a few weeks, so you being my daughter, I'd sort of like to know what the hell is going on! I came here just chasing some boy and got completely humiliated, because guess what? He has a girlfriend.
I misread every stupid signal.
What's going on with you and Matt? What's wrong with that? There's nothing wrong.
That's the point, okay? Matt's perfect, right? And we're the "it" couple.
But I just I see him turning into you and me turning into my mom, and that just terrifies the crap out of me and I'm 16.
There just There has to be more than this.
And I just I feel so guilty for feeling like this.
Listen to me.
If you leave Matt, no one is going to love you any less.
You realize that, don't you? You got that? The other guy sounds to me like, you know, he's some other guy.
He's just some other guy.
Hell with him.
You're all right.
It's all good.
I really miss having you around.
Okay, so we've got Kit Kats, nachos Okay.
Don't forget the Pringles.
Kit Kats, nachos, Pringles.
Is that it? Yes, and you are on your own because I forgot that the Collette account's a little overdue so Okay.
Pringles, nachos Oh, and don't forget the Ding Dongs.
Don't forget Are you gonna eat all that? I'm not gonna help you out.
'Cause I'm trying to cut down.
You know I'll eat all that.
That's true.
My knight in shining armor.
I'm gonna go get some Pringles.
All right.
Good luck.
How's the movie? Man, if I was on that couch with you, ain't no telling what I would have done.
What the hell are you doing here? Why are you hanging out with a loser? We could have us some fun.
Don't touch me.
Don't touch me.
Don't you dare touch me.
You wanna get rough, bitch? You get away from me! You wanna get rough? You wanna get rough? Bitch! I'm gonna show you! Get off her! Get off her! I'm gonna be back for you.
No! No! Oh.
What are we supposed to do? We gotta We gotta get him to a hospital.
We gotta get him Okay.
Tyra, what did I do? He's He's not.
Tyra Tyra, where is the hospital? Hospital's coming up, I swear.
He's stopped breathing, Tyra.
He's dead.
I killed him.
What are you doing? I'm gonna call my dad.
My dad is a cop.
He knows how He's a cop! He'll know No.
No! Okay, stop it! Yeah.
Tyra, we We can't.
I mean, we can't.
What else are we gonna do? Presenting the 2006 championship ring to Bradley Colby, Greg Rawlings.
Next championship ring is presented to Matthew Saracen.

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