Frog and Toad (2023) s02e01 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 1

Thank you
for carrying the grocery bag, Toad.
Always my pleasure, Frog.
Now I can swing my arms.
See? Whoo!
That is some fine arm swinging, Frog.
And my hands are free to point at things.
Like that, and that, and
Frog, you tripped! Are you okay?
Yes, Toad. I am fine.
Silly me.
You tripped over this pesky old stick.
I will throw it back into the woods
where it belongs.
No! Toad, wait.
That is a very fine stick.
It is?
Looks like a regular old stick to me.
Not to me.
Look how straight it is.
How smooth. How strong.
It is perfect for walking,
poking, scratching.
Not too heavy. Not too light.
Toad, this is the best stick
I've ever tripped over!
If you say so.
I could take this stick with me
wherever I go for the rest of forever.
The rest of forever?
-Good morning.
-Toad, you made it!
I always do.
What a nice tea you have set out, Frog.
You really outdid yourself today.
I would want nothing less
for my special guest.
I am sorry, Toad. That seat is taken.
You know, for our special guest.
But that leaves us one seat short.
Let me get you something to sit on, Toad.
And a teacup.
You don't mind do you, Toad?
This is Stick's first afternoon tea.
I want it to be special.
Frog, this cup is very small.
Can I use that one instead?
But that is Stick's cup.
Do you have any sandwiches?
Of course. I will go inside and get them.
You two can get to know one another.
Stick, what happened?
Stick fell.
Well, everything seems all right.
I think Stick would like to take a walk.
But I have not finished my tea.
And here is the big stump.
Over there is the big rock.
And the big hole is up that way.
You must be careful around the big hole.
Do you really need to show
that stick everything, Frog?
Well, how else will Stick know
how to get around?
Come on. We will see what else there is.
And here's that patch of mushrooms.
Well, hello there. Watcha doing, Frog?
Mercy me!
That is one mighty fine stick
you have there.
Thank you, Gopher.
You are so lucky
to have a stick like that.
-I know it.
-Does your stick do anything?
So much.
Sure wish I had a stick that grand.
Everyone does.
Not me.
Hi, Toad.
And then, I tripped over it.
Can you believe it?
Now, allow me to point out some
of the finer features of the stick.
I think Stick can do just about anything.
Frog, wouldn't you like to swing your arms
and point at things?
I can carry the bag.
Thank you, Toad.
But Stick doesn't mind at all.
Stick is good at carrying things.
Well, so am I.
Look, Frog. I found a stick too.
I can take it with me everywhere
for the rest of forever.
No, here's one.
Too bumpy.
Too mossy.
Too twiggy.
You do not need to worry, Toad.
I just know the perfect stick is out there
for you.
Someday you will find it
and you will be as happy as Stick and me.
I changed my mind. I do not want a stick.
I can live the rest of my days
without a stick, and I'll be very happy.
Stickless Toad.
That is what they will call me.
Well, if you change your mind again,
maybe there's another stick
off the branch mine came from.
No, thank you.
Yes, Frog?
Would you mind scooching over a little
to make room for Stick?
How lovely.
And just think,
we get to do this all again tomorrow.
Frog and Stick. Stick and Frog.
I will tell Frog how I feel about Stick.
Frog. Stick.
Frog. Stick.
Sticks, sticks, sticks.
Everything is sticks!
Hi-ho. Good morning, Toad.
Off to see Frog and Stick?
As a matter-of-fact, I am.
Well, be sure
to tell them both hello from me.
I will.
And I will also tell them
that I do not like Stick.
I will tell Frog I think Stick is
the worst stick, not the best one.
And I will tell Frog
I wish he never found Stick at all.
No more "Frog and Stick,"
"Stick and Frog."
I liked it much better
when it was Frog and Toad.
Not Frog and Toad and Stick!
Well, it's good to be honest.
But maybe you could go a little easier
on Stick.
You don't wanna hurt any feelings.
Toad, you're here!
We have so many fun things to do today.
You and I will go for a bike ride.
We will pick sweet peas from my garden.
We will visit Mink's shop for ice cream.
And if the wind is right,
we will fly our kite.
You mean, you and Stick?
No, silly. You and me.
But Stick will be there too?
Of course. It is a very good stick.
Yes, it is a good stick.
Toad, is everything okay?
I was going to tell you
that I was jealous of Stick.
Everything has been Frog and Stick.
I missed Frog and Toad.
I would never let a stick come between us.
I will never let a stick come
between us again.
It is okay, Frog.
There will always be room for sticks.
And Frog and Toad will always be friends.
Frog, your stick.
Worry not, Toad.
It is Frog and Toad from now on.
No, Frog. Your stick is floating away.
My, Stick is a very good floater too.
A boat! Do not worry, Frog.
I will save your stick.
Toad, wait.
Toad! Please come back to shore!
I must save your stick.
But Toad!
Toad, come back to shore.
Just a little closer.
Thank you for trying, Toad.
It was very brave of you.
Are you sad about Stick?
Of course not. It was just a stick.
And I can always find another one.
I do not think I could ever find
another Toad.
And I was so worried the boat
would tip over. Especially when you
Frog, you tripped. Are you okay?
Silly me.
Yes, Toad. I am fine.
You tripped over this pesky old rock.
I will throw it back into the woods.
No, Toad. Wait.
That is a very fine rock.
How perfectly smooth.
Just the right size.
Not too big. Not too small.
And, the color!
Have you ever seen
a more perfect rock, Toad?
It is a fine rock, Frog.
And a rock this fine should not go
with you everywhere
for the rest of forever.
It should stay someplace safe,
like under your bed.
Or above the fireplace?
I wonder if this rock would
like a pair of pants.
Toad, are you there?
Frog, help!
I am trapped!
Oh, dear! I am coming, Toad!
Toad, what is all this stuff?
Never mind that. Help me.
There is so much stuff in here.
Where are you?
Right here!
Just follow the sound of my voice!
Good idea.
I am over here.
Thank you, Frog.
You are welcome.
Have you ever heard of spring-cleaning?
Why would anyone want to clean spring?
It is already beautiful.
No, Toad.
Spring-cleaning is
when you go through all the things
that have been storing up over the winter
and clear them out.
It has been rather difficult
to walk around my house lately.
I should say so.
If you want,
I can help you clean your house,
so you can start fresh for spring.
We'll start with clearing out
all of these extra things.
What a good idea.
See, Toad? Now your house looks splendid.
Yes, it certainly does.
what should we do with that?
I have an idea.
Now we must take these things
and make four piles.
"Keep," "Recycle," "Give away"
and "Throw away."
"Keep" is for the things you will keep,
of course.
"Recycle" will be used
to make other things.
"Give away" will be
for giving things you do not need anymore
to someone else who does.
And trash will go
in the "Throw away" pile.
Well, hello there, Frog.
Hello there, Toad.
Watcha doing?
Are you having a yard sale, Toad?
No, Gopher.
Frog is helping me do
a little spring-cleaning.
"A little"?
It looks like a lot of spring-cleaning.
Toad does have a giveaway pile, though.
I'm sure there'll be some things for you
and our other friends to take home
when we are through.
Good news, everyone!
Toad is giving some things away!
Come quick.
I love a good giveaway.
You never know what you might find.
Say, Toad, are you by any chance giving
that old doormat away?
I've been needing something
to wipe my feet.
-This mat?
-Yes, that's the one.
No, that goes in the "Keep" pile.
What about that bow tie, Toad?
It sure would fancy up my fur.
No, it is a keeper too.
A broken colander.
Please tell me you're giving this away.
Sorry, Gopher. I must keep this as well.
Too bad. Would've made a lovely hat.
This teacup has a large crack.
Shall we throw it away, Toad?
No, no, no, no. Keep.
Definitely recycle.
That napkin goes in the "Keep" pile.
But, Toad, it has a large stain on it.
I do not mind.
Keep. Keep. Keep.
What a strange sounding bird.
-Keep. Keep. Keep.
-I wonder what it's yapping about.
Keep, keep, keep.
Where's the bird making that,
"keep, keep, keep," sound?
That is not a bird.
-It is a Toad.
Frog is helping Toad
do some spring-cleaning.
We are waiting to see
what Toad will give away.
Give away, you say?
Oh, my. That scarf brings out my eyes.
Are you sure, Toad?
It has a very big hole in it.
Yes, yes. I am quite sure.
Keep. Keep.
Keep. Keep. Keep.
Keep. Keep.
Keep. Keep.
And keep.
It was hard work.
But we finally found the right pile
for all those things.
I suppose.
Well, that was a big bust.
Toad's keeping everything.
Let me help you.
Toad, are you sure none
of these things can go in the other piles?
No, Frog. I must keep them all.
Show me a thing and you will see
Why this pile is special to me
What about this cracked wooden spoon?
From when we played knights
And dragons swooned
And these twisted rackets?
For scratching our backs
In itchy jackets
What about this sock with no pair?
You gave it to me
When I needed a spare
Do you need this broken rake?
We used it to fish
My hat from the lake
How about a spaghetti noodle?
For poking holes
When I make you strudel
I have no idea what this is.
But I like it.
Now I understand
why you wanna keep everything, Toad.
All of these things are special
because they remind you
of moments we shared together.
Yes. Why would I want to start fresh
when I have so many
wonderful memories I want to keep?
You know, Toad, there might be a way
to keep a lot of these things.
Have you heard of a scrapbook?
I have not.
A scrapbook is when you take
one small part of something bigger
and put it in a book.
That lets you keep the memory of it.
And I think we can find other ways
to reuse some of these keepers.
Let's see here.
I suppose I did have some stuff
to give away after all.
Did you say, "give away," Toad?
I did indeed.
All these things are ready for a new home.
Everyone, come quick.
It's actually happening this time.
Here, Dragonfly. This is for you.
What a score.
My very own welcome mat.
And a bow tie bracelet for you, Raccoon.
And a holey scarf for you, Robin.
Plenty of threads to pull.
Thank you, Toad.
And this colander,
you can keep it, Gopher.
Yes! The hat of my dreams.
Thanks, Toad.
You're the best, Toad!
I can't believe it!
Thank you, Toad.
Thank you, everyone.
See ya.
We missed this dirty rag.
-To the trash.
-Wait, Toad.
That rag will always remind me
of the day we spent spring-cleaning.
For the scrapbook.
And there are my buttons.
And our kite string.
And I still have no idea what that is.
But I like it.
We woke up and found a door
Only us kids could explore
So we opened it to see what was behind
I will keep your secrets safe
With mine
We can wish on shooting stars that fade
Sleep inside the orchid shade
I wouldn't change it even if I could
There is magic in the places
We'd least expect to look
We can fill up all the pages
There is no end to our book
Be the wheels to my road
Be the Frog to my Toad
We can be anything that we wanna be
Now the sun is going down
On that other side of town tonight
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