My Adventures with Superman (2023) s02e01 Episode Script

More Things in Heaven and Earth

[crowd cheering]
Ma? Pa?
[leaves rustling]
[portal whirring]
Am I not your son?
Am I not human?
[Lois] No.
You're not their son.
And you'll never be human.
[wind whooshing]
[Jor-El] Kal-El!
[speaking Kryptonian]
There is another like you.
But we are running out of time.
[portal whirring]
[opening music playing]
[snorts] Yes?) What? Hmm?
[sighs] Oh.
[sighs softly]
Got the coffee.
Love you, Clark.
[cell phone chimes]
[chuckles softly]
[signal fails]
[automated voice] The number you
have dialed has been disconnected.
[sighing] Dad, where are you?
Oh, the morning pitch meeting.
I'm late!
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone.
And you get a card,
and you get a card.
And you better believe I've got a card
for my best friend.
[card hissing]
[meows echoing]
Uh, Jimmy. How much
did you spend on these?
Clark, as I am now one of the
bosses at the Daily Planet,
head of the Flamebird video division,
I have to set an example.
Money is no object.
[counter dings]
Anyhoo, what are you and Lois
doing for Valentine's Day?
I've got it all figured out.
First, I'm going to pick up
Lois' favorite ramen,
extra spicy for her, mild for me.
Then we'll sit on the roof
of the Daily Planet and watch the sunset.
Soup? On the roof?
That's it?
I, Cat Grant, cannot let this stand.
Oh, everyone, quickly.
Darling, if you want
a second Valentine's Day,
you must go all out for the first.
A grand romantic gesture
is the only way to go.
I I can call
my card guy for you.
- He does emergencies.
- I don't think my plan is that bad.
I I even wrote her a poem.
[clearing throat]
"Can you read my mind?"
- [Grant] Absolutely not!
- [all grumbling]
It was sweet
while it lasted, honey.
- No, it I It will be fine, right?
- Sure it will.
Because no one's
going anywhere.
Valentine's Day is canceled.
- What?
- [all groaning]
[Jimmy whining] Why?
[Perry] Vicki Vale
of the Gotham Gazette
has scooped us on every
major news story for months.
And I'm sick of it.
I need pitches, people.
"Death from above'!
My old college classmate, Hank,
is the PR guy for S.T.A.R. Labs,
the space research group.
According to him, they've been
tracking an unusual meteoroid
for the last 12 hours.
A meteoroid that, if its orbit
decays, will crash into the Earth!
Yes. This is what I'm
talking about, people.
- Lane, Kent, you're on this.
- And Jimmy will go too.
Olsen, I'm still waiting
on your last video.
You wanna maybe assign a team
to help you out?
- Aw, Perry. Pear-Pear.
- Don't call me that.
As one boss to another,
I get your concern.
But Flamebird is a one-man show.
This man.
[meows echoing]
Just make sure you post by 5:00 p.m.
Well, back to work.
We've got a paper to run.
[laughs boisterously] Look!
It's the prototype
of the Amazo Tech jump drive ship.
S.T.A.R. Labs bought it
when Amazo Tech went under.
- Hey, you okay?
- No! What should I do about tonight?
- Everyone thought my plans were, uh
- Bad? Boring?
A great way
to end your relationship?
He's ready for us. Come on.
I built that spaceship.
You should be begging me
to work here.
Maybe you should have
thought of that
before you helped Ivo build
that suit and destroy Metropolis.
[Jimmy] Hey, man.
It'll be okay.
You! You're that reporter
who yelled at me about Superman.
[chuckles softly] Okay, so we
didn't get off on the right foot
the first time we met.
You've got great ideas.
But nobody wants to take
a chance on them, right?
Don't wait for someone to
give you a chance, make one.
Carve your own path
and find the people
who will help you
make those dreams a reality.
And eventually, it works out.
Take it from me,
a humble leader at the Daily Planet.
You're right.
- [chuckles softly] Thanks, um
- Jimmy Olsen.
- Alex
- [Lois] Jimmy, Come on.
Gotta go! Good luck!
Hey, Lois.
Hey. Congrats on becoming
a reporter.
I wish we could catch up,
but I'm leaving soon.
Flying the wife to Paris.
[chuckles softly]
Grand romantic gestures are
the only way to go. Right, pal?
- Uh
- You said this meteoroid
isn't like anything
you've ever seen. How so?
Well, for starters, it's vanished.
See, most meteoroids burn up
in the atmosphere, right?
But this thing disappeared
after it broke through.
Even before that,
its orbit was, uh erratic.
It kept appearing
and disappearing from sensors.
We did manage to get
a picture of it
before it blipped out
over Antarctica.
Uh, here.
[screen whirs]
My ship.
[imitating gasps] Uh, sorry.
Gotta go.
[chuckles nervously] Uh, forgot
about that other story we're covering.
- The one about Superman?
- Right!
Thanks again, Hank.
[Clark] It's not a meteoroid.
It's my spaceship.
[screaming] What?
[softly] What?
- [softly] How do you know?
- I saw a a vision of it this morning.
And then again two seconds ago.
I I thought it was a dream.
But now, uh,
I have to find it and make sure
it doesn't open another portal.
And in the vision,
I saw the man I think is my father.
The alien hologram?
Clark, are you sure
this is a good idea?
I don't know. But I have
to find out what's going on.
Then I'm coming too.
There's Kryptonite in there,
Someone needs to keep you safe.
And I'll rent us a plane.
[counter dings] Let's go!
[wind howling]
This is where S.T.A.R. Labs
said the ship disappeared.
[sighs] It looks like my vision, but it
It doesn't feel quite right.
Plus, no spaceship.
Just saying.
Was it just a dream?
[eerie noises]
[wind whooshing]
- Kal-El.
- You? But how?
Huh? Wait.
[rhythmic humming]
[electricity crackling]
How did I get in here?
[door closes]
But how?
[static humming]
Tell me what's going on
right now.
[wind howling]
[engine roaring]
Clark, where are you?
Are you sure
he went this way?
I am now. Look.
[gasps] Uh Lois.
Did Clark do that?
[both grunting]
[muffled thudding]
[Lois groans softly]
Clark? Clark?
[Jimmy sighs] Poor guy.
He was already stressed out about
Valentine's Day, and now this happens.
- Wait, it's Valentine's Day?
- You forgot?
[door slams]
Weird question, but wasn't
there a hallway here a second ago?
[Jimmy exclaims]
[Clark] Why did you
lure me in here?
What even is this?
Why did you try to invade Earth?
Why did you save me after I
stopped you from invading Earth?
And why did you send me here
in the first place?
Why did you
leave me here alone?
Filo. Which question would
you like me to answer first?
- You can speak English now?
- The translation program needed
time to learn your language.
[sighs softly]
In life, I was Jor-El,
a scion of the Kryptonian Empire,
your father.
- In life?
- I am a ghost,
a program containing a scan
of your father's mind.
It's what I tried to explain to you
when you first unlocked the ship.
And then, you buried me and refused
to speak to me for over a decade.
[chuckles nervously]
[static humming]
The Kryptonite is still
eating through the ship.
We don't have much time.
Krypton was about to be destroyed.
The Kryptonian Empire had conquered
and spread across the stars like a disease
until we found an enemy
we could not defeat.
Our empire was falling
into a war of its own making.
And it was clear
no one would survive.
[pod door whooshing]
Your mother and I sent you away
to save your life.
But we never intended
for you to be alone.
No, no, no.
That doesn't make sense.
When When the portal opened,
I saw that Kryptonian ship
coming through to invade Earth.
The ship you saw
was a dead remnant.
An unmanned ghost ship
running on autopilot.
The Kryptonians aren't coming back?
The Kryptonians are dead.
You are the last of us, Kal-El.
- You and your cousin.
- Cousin?
Zor-El, my brother,
and your cousin Kara.
I'm not alone?
You and Kara
were both sent away
in the last moments
before Krypton fell.
You are the only two
Kryptonians in existence.
[baby cooing]
[baby giggling]
- Jor-El?
- We're running out of time.
The ship's Brainiac system is
trying to isolate the Kryptonite
in one spot, cycling in and
out of dimensional space.
Dimensional space?
Is that why the walls are moving around?
Yes, but the ship can't
maintain power much longer.
And the Brainiac system is using too
much energy to expel the invaders.
Lois and Jimmy. They aren't invaders.
They're with me.
You brought them?
Then what about the others?
What others?
[Lois grunting]
[both panting]
[groans softly]
[both gasp]
- The coast is clear, General.
- [whispers] Dad?
[Waller] Excellent work, Damage.
Collect as much of the tech
as you can.
Get it done before the next shift.
With these many toys
to play with,
- we can finally take out Superman.
- Superman.
If Sam had done his duty
and exterminated the alien,
we wouldn't have to be
in Antarctica.
Don't worry, General.
We'll finish the job.
[Waller] It's not enough.
We're not ready
for full-scale invasion,
not with the level of tech we have.
I know Sam squirreled away more.
- Just need him to spill where.
- When we're back at HQ,
I'll get him to tell us everything.
[laughs maliciously]
They have my dad.
Not again.
[both screaming]
[grunting] Hey!
[both scream]
[Jor-El] Explain this again.
You brought your mate here.
Your fragile, human mate
who does not have
any of our powers.
- And then you lost her?
- Dad! I was chasing you.
[sighs] Filo, I don't know
how they do things here,
but if I had done this
to your mother,
I would have to
perform some sort of
very grand romantic gesture
to make up for it.
You too? Ugh!
This is taking too long.
[Jor-El straining]
I can hold off the next shift,
but you'll only have a moment.
Go! Now!
Who the heck are you?
[both grunting]
Stay away from my friends.
Thank you.
[straining] Without
your people's weapons,
we would not have been able
to build the technology
to take you down!
[both grunting]
[Superman groans]
Is that all you got?
[groaning] What's happening?
What is that?
Something that just took
down Superman. Get it!
[groaning weakly]
[Lois grunts]
[groans softly]
[sighs in relief]
This is my ship.
And you're trespassing.
And you're outnumbered.
[electrical buzzing]
Not anymore.
[high-pitched whistling]
[all groaning]
[wind howling]
[portal whooshing]
No, no, no!
I forgot to post on Flamebird.
[groans softly]
- Pear-Pear is gonna kill me.
- Take the plane.
I'll wait with Clark.
[portal humming]
Father, what's happening?
The Kryptonite is destroying
what little of me remains.
- This is goodbye, filo.
- No!
No. There's
There's so much more
I want to ask to
- To tell you.
- I know.
We have never had enough time.
For that, I am sorry.
You said my cousin
is out there. Kara.
- Where?
- I don't know.
This ship's communication
beacon was destroyed.
But there is another in the dimensional
gateway sent here 22 years ago.
Find it and use it to find Kara.
My boy.
You have turned your power
into a shield for the helpless.
You have filled your life
with love.
You are more than
I could have ever hoped for.
[static humming]
And maybe, one day you'll forgive me
for leaving you again.
Lois, does it ever bother
you that I'm not human?
Does it ever bother you that I am?
[chuckles softly]
You are perfect the way you are.
Hold on.
Clark, I I have something
I need to ask you.
I've got something I need
to talk to you about too.
Something Jor-El showed me.
- Sorry. You should go first.
- Please help me save my dad.
Uh, your dad. The General?
I heard Waller talking.
They're holding my dad prisoner.
All because he listened to me.
And I know it's a lot to ask
- I'd do anything for you, Lois.
- Thank you.
- You had something too?
- Uh, it-it can wait.
This is more important.
You're more important.
Because there's nothing
we can't handle together.
[energy crackling softly]
[Superman] And we've got
all the time in the world.
[screams echoing]
[closing music playing]
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