Nailed It! (2018) s02e01 Episode Script

High Society

Welcome to Nailed It.
The baking show with the munchies, bro.
I came up with that one.
Today, three home bakers will re-create
amazing treats
over two rounds of competition
for a chance at $10,000.
- Hit 'em with that money!
- Oh, yeah.
You know what? Let's do it.
Let's meet our bakers.
My name is Bethany House,
and I'm from Dallas, Texas.
I have a one-year-old son,
and I want to be able
to make dessert for my son
that won't embarrass him
and that he can be proud of.
When it comes to baking,
I do feel like my desserts taste good,
but they look awful.
My name is Evan Peter.
I'm from Glendora, California.
Look at that!
I'm not such a terrible baker,
but my girlfriend might disagree.
I want to win Nailed It to prove
that I am not as hopelessly confused
as I appear to be while I'm baking.
My name is Jennifer Sterbenz,
and I'm from Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Right now, I'm applying to med school,
but I love baking in my free time.
And I'll just go online and look for hours
to try to find cool things
I could put together.
The pictures always look great,
then I do it and completely fail at it.
So it'd be really cool if one day I could
just make something look good.
Welcome, Bethany, Jennifer, and Evan.
You guys ready to get your bake on?
- Yeah!
- Absolutely.
Today one of you will walk away
with $10,000.
With me, as always, our head judge,
all the way from France.
Mr. chocolate pants, Chef Jacques Torres.
Thank you, Nicole. Welcome to the party.
And our special guest judge today
to give us the cake's perspective.
He's my personal friend
and favorite party animal,
comedian Jon Gabrus.
Thank you for not calling me
Mr. chocolate pants.
'Cause that's a different connotation
if you're not a chocolatier.
Today on Nailed It
we are celebrating high society.
Evan do you have any training
in high society cooking?
Umit may not look good,
but it's gonna taste great.
Our first round is Baker's Choice.
Behind door number one
are three delicious munchies.
You choose which one you want to nail.
Let me just like paint a scene for you.
Okay, like you and your friends
come home starving after a late night
and you're pondering
what you should eat.
Now you can have it all
when you whip up a batch of
late night pancake art!
Pancake art is the perfect choice
for a great baker.
In this round, you'll each select
one plate of pancake art designs
and re-create them for us.
You'll have your choice of breakfast.
Bacon, eggs, and a waffle.
Lunch. Burgers, fries, and ice cream cone.
And dinner. Pizza, turkey leg,
and a mug of beer.
It's a non-traditional dinner.
Yeah, dinner at a renaissance fair.
It's Baker's Choice, people.
Go get those munchies!
Dang, those look hard.
Evan, you're real giggly.
This is a serious late night
pancake art competition, okay?
Act like it. Lives are at stake.
That'd be awesome if behind the door
was like close family members.
Evan, are you scared?
Okay, try not to space on the clock.
You only have 30 minutes.
Start flapping! Go flap 'em!
Flap your jacks!
It's started!
What do you think makes
the perfect pancake?
I think in this situation,
it's harder than normal
because they have to do design.
They need to cook the pancake
with the topside down.
They first need to draw
the outline of the whole thing,
then, fill in the color on the inside,
keeping the color true.
Keeping the red, red
and the green, green
is going to be very important.
When that side is cooked,
they flip over and cook the other side.
Three cups of pancake mix
and two cups of water.
I've seen people make pancakes
and I've made it myself.
This is at least just two ingredients,
so I can't mess it up too much, right?
Feel like it's not wet enough.
When I'm beating it,
I like it to be moist.
So, I try to keep things wet
as much as I can.
Lubrication. Lubrication.
Gotta figure out how to make
all these freaking batter colors.
Yellow, red, green.
I picked pizza
so I have 19 different things.
You never know how many
you're gonna need.
Dividing out my batter.
I've divided it up into containers
because I've got so many little colors.
And I want to dye them all individually
just in case a color
doesn't come out right.
I want to make sure
that I have enough batter
and I'm not flipping out
in the middle of flipping.
Bethany has a good strategy going on.
She's getting all organized
before she does her pancakes
Ten colors.
She has more colors to make
'cause she has that pride ice cream cone.
- It's tough for her.
- Red, red, red.
Eggs, I need.
Yellow and white. That's it. Okay.
There is my yellow.
How brown do we need this to be?
Probably pretty brown.
Oh, how do you get this into the thing?
Oh, this was poor planning on my part.
Maybe there's a funnel.
Let's go see if there's a funnel.
Look how Evan runs.
Make some room. Long stride.
There is a funnel.
Da-dun, da-dun, da-dun.
Oh, yeah.
Let's see.
Look at that slowly ooze into the thing.
Like that's not gonna take forever.
That was like poor planning.
- How are you guys doing over there?
- Doing great.
- Figuring it out.
- Okay.
Make some chicken.
Oh, this does not look like chicken
Okay, here we go.
Oh, God. I hope there's points
in this game for ambition.
Because I got plenty of that.
Evan has a drumstick and beer.
And Jennifer, has two eggs.
Oh, damn it, that ripped. Okay. Um
And Bethany has nothing.
Oh, my God.
- Does she have enough time?
- She might. She might. Yes.
Ifyou know,
if she puts the batter fast enough,
then, yeah, she has enough time.
I actually turned my heat off 'cause
I think I'm going a little too slow.
It's gonna look
not like a pancake.
Oh, no, that split.
I'm pretty sure I just made the biggest
piece of bacon, like, known to man.
That broke, too. That's okay.
Whoo! Oh! Oh.
Well, it was good until I celebrated,
and then it wasn't so good.
They need to remember
to be gentle with this pancake
because it's so thin, the decoration.
This is definitely getting to be
more difficult than just a regular pizza.
Probably should have put the toppings
on one side.
Little pepperoni action, here.
Evan's got an interesting strategy.
He's doing the pizza
and the toppings separately.
Okay, let's let those cook and I need
my olives, and then that will be it.
And, orange.
It's gonna be like a swirly twirly
ice cream cone. It's gonna be fantastic.
Coming up on one minute.
You should be finishing up.
I need more batter. Not gonna have
enough for the waffle.
Oh, it looks like Jennifer
is making more batter,
which is a stressful thing to have to do
at this point in the challenge.
Okay, this one's brown.
Burger time.
To be fair, this looks like the pizza
the next morning
after I ate almost the whole pizza
when I was drunk.
I'm just gonna guess on how many rows,
'cause I don't have time
to figure this out right now.
Whatever I could do
to make it come out on time, right?
Thirty seconds left.
Put our olives on the pizza there.
- Spatula. Spatula. Spatula.
- Not too bad!
Five, four,
three, two,
- one, you're done.
- Did it.
- Hands up.
Wheel me your munchie pancake-y.
What is it?
Okay, Bethany, just to remind you,
these are the perfect
late night pancake snacks.
Let's see what you did.
Nailed it!
- Okay.
- I think I nailed it.
The French fries I think you did
an okay job with.
They're a little scary looking.
Smeared. It's almost like someone
stepped and slipped
It's like the French fry at the bottom
of the bag. It's like a little
You don't judge that fry.
You just pick it up and you enjoy it.
If there was not the example next to it,
I would not really recognize
that those are French fries.
But you have all the color
and the burger is beautiful.
- So, congratulations.
- Let's give it a taste.
I was hoping you would say that.
Okay, let's give it a shot.
Your pancake was crispy on the outside
and gooey on the inside,
which is the way I like them,
so good on you.
That's the side
that went into the griddle.
- Yes.
- Okay, so
it should stay on the griddle
on the other side a little bit longer
so it will bake through.
All right, Bethany, thank you so much.
All right, Jennifer.
You've never made a pancake before.
These are the late night pancake snacks
you were trying to make.
Let's see what you did.
Nailed it.
That bacon is huge.
I want meet the pig
that that comes from.
I like that you got big, ol' eggs.
The waffle, I think we failed a little bit
with the waffle.
I can see the waffle
just, like, oozing out.
The Salvador Dali waffle
actually kind of looks pretty good.
I like them a little undercooked.
So, I'm curious what a mug of pancakes
might taste like.
I like the Salvador Dali interpretation.
All right, let's taste this.
Going right for the egg white.
High protein.
How do you like your eggs?
Oh, yeah, that goes down smooth.
Definitely a little bit raw.
I think I'm gonna have to side
with Jacques here
that it was slightly undercooked.
The waffle was porridge-esque.
Um, but it looks close.
that's good bacon.
- Thank you.
- Thank you, Jennifer.
- Thank you.
- I think we're moving on.
All right, chuckles.
Just to remind you,
these are the late night pancake snacks
you were trying to make.
Let's see what you did.
Nailed it.
- Okay, I like it.
- Okay, all right.
This looks fun.
It's wild looking, but fun.
I really like the pizza, though.
I think that was very creative.
Why did you decide to add on top?
Did you forget to put it,
so you put it after or
that was not a mistake
but you made that decision.
What really happened here?
I found myself in the situation where
I had already made the slice of pizza
without all the toppings on it.
But also, I mean, good pizza toppings
fall off of it, right?
I feel like the pancake pizza
should at least reflect
the experience of eating pizza.
I want to eat that chicken leg
or the turkey leg.
I like thefirst, the visual.
The visual was good.
I'm not crazy about the pizza
because all the pieces on top.
But I have to say that the form
of the beer was baked, was cooked.
Me, personally, I thought
it was like a little dough-y.
Like, it was like real dough-y.
I was like, "Yup,
this is dough in my mouth.
It's dough-y."
So overall, I didn't love it
but I didn't hate it.
- All right.
- Baker's
scooch on down.
Jacques, will you please do the honors?
You all made some pretty beautiful arts,
but only one of you guys nailed it
a little bit harder than the other.
Bethany, congratulations.
Thank you.
Congrats, Bethany.
Gabrus, tell her what she's won.
You'll be whipping up pancakes
day and night
with your all newgriddle!
I got to do an Oprah thing.
I was so excited.
You're getting a griddle!
- Stop it. Stop it.
- Only you are getting one.
Congratulations, Bethany.
Since you nailed it in this round,
you are the one to watch,
so you will be wearing this beautiful,
magnificent, gold Nailed It  baker's cap.
I'll put it on your head.
- There you go.
- Thank you.
All right.
Luckily, we're gonna give you
a little extra help in round two,
which is right over here
behind door number two.
Come on, Mr. Chuckles.
Come on, Jennifer.
Come on, Bethany.
Welcome to door number two.
Everybody starts from scratch here
in round two.
And get ready because we're going
higher than before.
The $10,000 grand prize is awarded
to the winner of this challenge,
which we call "Nail It or Fail It."
Gabrus, tell them what they're gonna be
attempting to nail.
All right, I may look
like I'm all about the munchies,
but I also have a refined side, Nicole.
Your final challenge is dessert
fit for the queen.
It's time for
high tea.
- Is that a cake?
- Oh, no.
Come on now.
I'm starting to wonder
what was in that smoke
because this cake has a floating teapot.
Yeah, that's a cake.
It's the high tea anti-gravity cake.
Nothing says high tea like a delicate,
intricate designed cake.
How is it floating there?
Magnets? Balloons?
Is it super hard icing?
Which was my college nickname.
The bar for this party is set super high.
- So, be careful guys.
- Thank you, super hard icing.
Remember that two hours goes so fast.
So, don't waste too, too much time
with the cake.
Make the cake.
Remember that we're going to taste it.
So, the cake has to taste good.
And then, good luck with the decoration.
But don't worry,
because if you get into trouble,
just hit your panic button
and one of our judges
will come over and help you
for three minutes.
This is the one I would choose, okay?
Depends what you need help with.
Two hours on the clock.
Ten thousand dollars on the line!
It is time to Nail It or Fail It.
Go bake your
anti-gravity cake!
Gonna read my recipe.
How much does this make?
It's bad enough that I have to just make
a regular cake
and now I have to make one
that defies gravity.
That's not difficult.
What would you even start with making
this cake, Jacques? I don't know.
The bottom is a cake.
You have to bake that cake.
You have to layer the cake,
put the buttercream,
and then you have to put
the rolling fondant around it.
Then, you do the tablecloth.
Then you have the teapot out of rice
and cover the teapot and pole
in modeling chocolate.
Then, all you have to do
is the rest of the decoration.
I'm not positive I ccould successfully
make just the simple base cake.
- It's not easy.
- I think it's easy. I would nail it.
That's a good one, Nicole.
All right.
I should start mixing stuff.
If I can get out of here
with just two good layers of cake,
I'm gonna be doing pretty well.
Uh, two-thirds.
And then
Let's hope there's no shells in here.
The ridiculous number of eggs. All right.
Evan and Jennifer mixed their wet
ingredients directly into their dry.
So, they might end up with a lumpy cake,
which is not that good.
It's all going to the same place anyway,
so why not just
add it all in together.
Start cracking my eggs.
Ooh, look at Bethany powering through.
She's one of the rare person that put them
on the bowl and then pour that.
Then you're sure there is no shell.
I've made cakes a good number of times.
I feel like this might be
what I'm okay with.
Don't want them to stick.
Get these even.
Jennifer is using a smaller cake pan
than the model that we have.
The other ones are using
bigger cake pans, you see?
So, you cannot make a big cake like that
with a small cake pan.
Yeah. I think I eyeballed that right.
Now I am just gonna coat the cake pan
in flour.
She's the only one that greased their pans
with Crisco and flour.
Isn't there butter involved in all this?
I'm sure I missed that freaking step.
At 325.
Too short.
Pop these bad boys in here.
Powdered sugar, butter, and vanilla.
You guys have an hour
and 15 minutes left.
Here we go.
I planned it out to make
a bunch of extra frosting.
Making buttercream on the outside
instead of fondant
'cause I like buttercream better
and it's way easier to deal with.
And I'm just cutting corners
wherever I can
'cause I'm not getting that done
in two hours.
And there it goes.
- This is crazy.
- That's bad. That's bad.
She put her mixer in full speed.
I don't know why she would do that.
That is fantastic.
I don't know. I don't know why.
I'm just gonna do half right now
'cause I'm doing a double batch.
While that is mixing,
I'm going to go get modeling chocolate.
Milk does a body good.
Let's do, like, one
two-ish. There we go.
That's pretty good. Okay.
Jennifer and Bethany seem to be
contestants on a baking show.
And Evan seems to be the host
of his own baking show.
It's a very fancy tea party.
Oh, hey, it looks like frosting.
This is pretty exciting for me.
I've never done this before.
I really need to figure out this.
Bethany hit her panic button!
- Panic! Panic! Panic!
- Panic! Panic! Panic!
How can I help you?
I think you said this already,
but all of this, is this fondant?
That'sall that thing here
is modeling chocolate.
- All that's modeling chocolate.
- Modeling chocolate is going to set fast
and will keep it's shape.
You can smooth it with your hands,
you know?
- It's easy after that.
- That's what I wanna do.
This is Rice Krispies.
A ball of rice krispies.
How does it not slide off?
You stick the Rice Krispie in there, then
it's easier to work on the table to model
than working on the air like that.
Jen's listening.
It's smart.
I've been cheating this whole time, guys.
I just want you
I'm pretty sure it's not even cheating.
It's utilizing your resources well.
Now we know how she got into med school.
This here is rolling fondant.
Five, four, three,
- two, one.
- You're good?
That panic is over and done.
Hopefully, it's an okay-looking teapot.
No one's grunting as much as I am
and I'm concerned.
And a little bit of
Modeling chocolate.
You'll be working for me soon.
So let's start applying here.
It's kind of like being
in pottery class again.
Last time I took pottery
was middle school so
I think the bar was set pretty low there.
My hands are gonna be so tired after this.
It's falling.
Well, at least it was
a good experiment, right?
Why did it fall, Jacques?
I have no idea.
If it's not done now, I'm gonna flip out.
Oh, they're getting crispy looking now.
I will burn this place to the ground
to win.
That was a nice slide.
Ooh, that was sexy.
Oh, boy.
The cake is sticking to the pan,
but I think it might be user error
and not, uh
- You gotta be nice to the cake.
- It's kind of working.
Evan, what's going on?
I forgot to grease my cake pans
and now my stubborn cakes
are not coming out of there.
Oh, no.
Getting crumbs of cake out of here,
so that's exciting.
- Look at that.
- Good job, Evan.
I am doing a quick frost of my cake
so I can get the fondant tablecloth
on there.
- Look, her cake is pretty nice.
- Bethany working very hard.
She was like,
just like a little worker bee.
She's using the right tool too.
I'm doing a really shoddy job on this
but time is short.
How you get this over the whole cake
is gonna be a whole other
Oh, no! Fondant.
Come on, fondant.
Oh, that cake looks
a little bit like a mess.
Yeah, but you just cover it up
with that fondant.
Oh, no.
This is notThis is not going the way
I thought it would. Oh, no!
Fondant collapsed. I mean
Oh, yeah. This is coming out so great
as far as everybody else knows.
Guys, just go ahead and just quit now.
There won't have to be any more tears.
I think this tablecloth's
gonna be kind of tiny.
I just want this nice and giant.
Okay, not even.
If I can make a fancy tablecloth
as part of a cake like
That's half the presentation, you know?
There's rollers with patterns.
It's amazing. It's a brand new day.
I'm gonna have the wrinkly tablecloth
that youthat youyouyou
you only take out once a year
when grandma comes to visit
and you want her to think you're cultured.
Okay, now I'm gonna try
and not screw things up.
I might have let it sit too long.
It might crack.
Whatever, that tablecloth is a tablecloth,
Well, looks like
they're all making their tea sets.
I am gonna try
to attempt to use this glitter
to goldify my tea saucer here.
It seems to kind of be working.
If I can even get two teacups on here,
I'll be super happy with myself.
Not exactly how I wanted them,
but it'll do.
That is not is not cup shaped.
Oh, well.
Not the best, but
It'll work.
I just need to get some candies on top.
They will be teensy-tiny, little
macaroons. I am persistent.
I will work hard even at something
that I'm not very good at.
Is it possible to get second-hand stress?
'Cause I think I'm getting it
from looking at Evan.
This is way too long.
The bowl stopped way too far.
Oh, no!
Can see it.
- It's going.
- Ah!
- Oh, no!
- Oh! You hate to see that.
Like anything good in life,
we'll just force it.
It's all over his hands.
It's like a murdered teapot.
Oh, God, okay.
You have 30 seconds left.
This is gonna be the thing
that brings it home.
Little stripes.
Five, four, three,
two, one. You're done!
Wheel me your anti-gravity teapot cakes.
This is genuinely
a living nightmare for me.
Okay, Bethany.
You were trying to recreate this amazing,
gravity-defying cake.
Let's see what you did.
Nailed it!
This looks incredible.
Can you tell us about your cake?
My cake is as best as I could
reproduction of
the tea party cake.
We've got some macaroon
and some candies. Sugar.
And a little spoon so you can stir
in that sugar for yourself.
May we see the back?
- There's some secrets hidden in the back.
- Yes.
Why it's like that that on the back?
What was the problem?
What's happened?
After it fell once, I remade
the Rice Krispie treat on the inside.
I don't think I made it round enough.
And so, when I was trying to cover it
with the modeling chocolate
- it got a little lumpy.
- Okay.
I mean, Bethany, we hate your cake.
We have to move on.
How rude.
Just kidding. It's so good.
Thank you.
Okay, Jennifer. Show us what you did!
Nailed it.
Yeah, you sort of nailed it.
I tried to get all the components,
but started to run out of time
so it's a little rough around the edges.
But I think a lot of it
still managed to get on there.
Are you proud of his cake?
- Sort of.
- Yes.
Jennifer, say yes!
You made this in two hours.
I think it looks good.
Your teapot is on there.
You got a flower on there.
It's closer to a Neti-pot
than a teapot,
which is really making it gross for me.
All the stripes on the cakes.
This is a detail that we don't see
too much but that you did.
Yes, everything can be a little bit
better finish, a bit smoother.
But it's a question of time.
I really think that if you had the time,
you would have did way better.
- Jennifer, thank you so much.
- Thank you.
- Thank you, Jennifer.
- One last cake to see♪
We're on the move to see
Mr. Chuckles' cake♪
Okay, Mr. Chuckles,
a.k.a Evan.
Let's see what you did.
Nailed it.
Okay. Okay.
Oh, no!
Sadly, baking the cake in the first place
was where I started screwing things up.
But I just kind of stuck with it
and kept just trying to add
as many of the details as I could.
This cake has a lot of personality.
I like your tablecloth.
I think underneath the tablecloth,
the table is a little mushy, and like
It's like a fat woman in a muumuu.
You know?
What's happened to your cake?
Did you grease the pan or
Completely missed over
the first basic step
of greasing the pan, and it just
does what it does, and
It looks like it tastes better than these.
Possibly cause there's way more
chocolate on the outside of it.
But I'm excited to try it.
Please slice us the perfect piece
of your gravity-defying
teapot extravaganzas
so we can taste them.
Nom, nom, nom, I'm hungry.
This cake is going to be a lot
like a relationship.
It's maybe not pretty on the outside,
probably not even pretty on the inside,
it's about working hard
and doing your best
to make it all come together.
And probably tastes pretty good.
Okay, let's taste Bethany's.
Bethany, I think your cake
is pretty tasty.
I think it's got a good texture,
I think the buttercream is good.
I like it overall.
Thank you.
When you have a buttercream color
like that in pink or red,
just flavor it with a little bit
of strawberry or raspberry
so at least when you eat it,
you can associate the colors
with the foods.
- Yeah, you're right.
- Jacques stole all my answers.
I love that there's a sliver
of buttercream running through the middle.
And the cake itself is moist and
I'm having a hard time
not taking a second bite.
Thank you.
Jennifer, let's taste your cake.
Jennifer, I like the taste of the sponge,
the actual cake.
I do think your buttercream
was like sweeter
than anything I've ever had in my mouth.
Actually, I enjoyed this cake even more
than the first one.
It's moist. It's good.
Maybe the buttercream's
a little bit sweet,
but because I eat it with the cake
um, I did enjoy it.
- It's good. I like it.
- Thank you.
I think that the sponge itself was
a little more crumby than Bethany's.
And I love the non-pink buttercream
that runs through it.
Overall, a pleasing bite.
Thank you, Jennifer.
On to Evan.
Which one is Evan's?
All right, Evan, I wish there was a little
bit more buttercream in the cake.
The consistency of the cake, for me,
was like a little dense, a little gritty.
One of the things that you did,
you put everything in your mixer,
um, dry ingredients, wet ingredients,
and you just mixed everything together.
Uh, when you do that,
a lot of the time you get clumps,
you get a crumbly cake.
So, you have to follow a certain
procedure when you make a cake.
Ah, I think, Evan, you did a great job
and you showed perseverance.
The cake only looks like that
before it's eaten.
You know? If you jam it down, you can't
tell in hindsight it all tastes like cake.
Only one of you can win $10,000
and the beyond gorgeous
Nailed It trophy
which is always never here.
I don't understand where it is.
Wes? Wes?
Oh, cool, Wes.
- Just chilling back there.
- What's happening here? Oh.
Ooh, is there fondant?
One of you will be able
to take a check to the bank
and cash it for slightly less than $10,000
because of taxes.
Only one of you will be able
to treat themselves to something
moderately more expensive
than they're accustomed to.
Only one of you will be able to call
your mother and say, "Mama, Mama.
I'm a winner. Is Papa home?"
I'm so sorry!
- Bethany, you're the winner!
- Bethany, you won!
Hit her with the money!
I am super pumped
to have won Nailed It.
Mama's coming home with $10,000.
Thank you for being wonderful.
All right. So, at least I tried.
We messed with you.
Thank you for joining us on Nailed It.
Watch the rest of them.
Don't go to sleep. Don't go to work.
Just keep watching TV.
- Congrats!
- Yay!
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