Panchayat (2020) s02e01 Episode Script


"Walk with the wind."
-"Walk with the clouds."
-"Be careful."
"Walk with the wind,
walk with the clouds."
"Come along, my beloved."
"Take me with you, let's
walk together day and night."
"Walk with me, hold my hand in
yours and walk along with me."
"Come along, my beloved."
"Take me with you, let's
walk together day and night."
"Walk with me, hold my hand in
yours and walk along with me."
"Come along, my beloved."
"This weather is so pleasant."
Slow down, brother.
"This weather is so pleasant."
Come on, jump, Praladh.
"Don't crash into the mountain."
"Like a cloud."
Give me the lunch box.
Let's go.
You forced me to jump
from the tractor. Stupid.
You have put on so much of
weight. Control your alcohol intake.
- Is that so? - What should
I do after I lose wight then?
You'll be able to jump from
a moving tractor, what else?
So, should I lose weight
to jump from a tractor?
And tell me something, why are
you always talking about my weight?
I am saying it for your good.
Damn all that. Mr secretary?
Mr secretary.
Where did he go?
He must be inside.
Abhishek sir?
He left the office open
and went somewhere.
Abhishek sir?
He's not in the room.
Isn't he studying?
It's kept like that.
Look there.
Why did he go towards the tank?
There is something
like a thermos in his hand.
It is a thermos.
Mr secretary, why did you go up there?
Nothing. I just went to
have tea. I am coming.
What are these new hobbies?
You'll fall. Be careful!
-I am used to this now
-Watch it!
He'll manage.
Abhishek sir is very
happy these days, isn't he?
-It's good.
-Yes, it is good.
Tell me something. How
did you turn into such a nitpicker?
You are not happy about my weight,
you are not happy about
Mr secretary's happiness.
I am not saying that.
I am saying Abhishek sir
is a little too happy nowadays.
Didn't you see how much
he was smiling while walking?
Shall we go?
-Yes, let's go.
-Yes, let's go.
-Vikas, take out that Vanregha list.
-Yes, I had kept it right here.
What's going on, Mr secretary? You are
going up to the tank a lot nowadays?
No, I had gone up to the tank
a couple of months ago
and I found Rink there, drinking tea.
I thought I should try it too.
-Vikas, let it be. I found the list.
Let it be.
So does Rinki come to
drink tea with you too?
No, no. I just happened
to meet her once.
I thought she's crazy at first.
Who works that hard for tea?
She is crazy. You mustn't go up there.
The village only looks
beautiful once from up there.
Yes, it's become hotter now.
I suggest that you
don't go up there again.
It's summer.
You might get dizzy and fall.
Your dream to do
MBA will remain a dream.
Don't go up there, sir.
There were talks about Rinki's
wedding. Did it go anywhere?
Yes, it's being discussed
with the boy from Malkopur.
Not just talk, consider it final.
-It's final?
-of course.
Is that so?
-Give me.
-Shall we go?
Remove the trees that you find.
Why was Abhishek sir
asking about Rinki's wedding?
He must be asking casually.
Did you notice how he was
smiling and calling Rinki crazy?
The way he was calling Rinki crazy,
I too call Khusboo crazy
sometimes the same way.
Praladh, this is a
different type of crazy.
A boy and girl call each
other crazy affectionately.
Is that so? Brother, it's been twelve
years since my wife passed away.
So, I don't get into all this.
Crazy, etc.
What do you want to say?
Is there something between
Abhishek sir and Rinki?
Have you gone mad? You
are talking such nonsense.
No. I told you what I felt.
You tell me how you feel?
Mr secretary stays in the office.
Rinki stays at home.
They neither meet nor talk.
How can anything be between
them? There's something going on
But they did meet once, near the tank.
You have been working since 5 days.
-It's risky. It has rocks as well as mud.
-Yes, Mr secretary.
-So the rocks will be separated.
-Yes, Mr secretary.
-Is that so?
-Is there any other problem?
-There is no other problem.
Just arrange the water.
Yes, I will ask them
to arrange the water.
Alright. There is no
other problem, right?
Look, how happy he is.
Without any reason.
A man can't be this
happy without a reason.
How are you Mr Dhani Ram? Good?
Look at the spring in his step.
Vikas, arrange water for them.
-Yes, I have asked Vimal.
Yes, Mr Parmeshwar?
Just come to the office.
We'll talk there.
Yes. Pradhan ji will be there too.
Alright. Yes, let's meet there.
Is the mud always sold to Mr Parmeshwar?
Well, he is from the
village and Be careful.
And he also has brick kilns.
So, we try to sell him mud regularly.
Ideally, there should be a tender released
for mud from the panchayat office.
Why do you want to see
the digging site at the pond?
It's office work. And I am the chief.
I should see it.
I will stop giving food to
you father-daughter duo.
But what will you do after seeing
the digging of the pond?
How will I learn if I don't see it?
What will you learn by watching
the labourers dig with their tools?
You don't tell me anything, so, I will
have to learn from the labourers now.
She will learn from the labourers.
Why do you keep using my cream, dad?
Well, it smells really good.
I don't need to use
perfume after using this.
I used to roam around with a cotton
bud dipped in perfume years ago.
I would smell fragrant
from 10 feet away.
DM ma'am insulted him so much.
Still, this man is not bothered at all.
Is that so? You'll behave like this now?
You are the chief. If there is
any work for you, I'll let you know.
You have been saying
that for two months.
Look, if I get angry,
I'll call DM ma'am.
Then you can sit in prison and
apply cream on your face.
-Yes, dad?
Put a tape over your mother's mouth.
Yes. Try it. I am
stronger than both of you.
Why do you keep it like
that? The bricks are breaking.
You have kept an unbroken brick
with the broken pieces. Keep it there.
-Sir, where are you going?
I am going to discuss about
the mud. Do we need mud or not?
Yes. Okay.
Yes, Panditji? I will give you
bricks when you send the money.
Damn you.
No, no. I wasn't saying that to you
Yes. Okay I will send it.
I'll end it. Bring some water quickly.
Mr secretary, no matter how
much Parmeshwar tries to bargain,
the mud is of great quality.
We won't agree to anything
less than 300 rupees
per tractor no matter what.
We won't agree but we fear you will.
Last time you said
300 and agreed in 250.
I was the one who agreed?
So, did I agree?
You shouldn't do business
with such a close friend.
He will try to manipulate you for work.
Mr secretary, the
elections are approaching.
If we don't look after the people
close to us, how will it work?
Exactly. This is politics.
Pradhanji, if you are so worried
about the cost then let's do one thing.
Let's make ma'am negotiate.
Mr Parmeshwar won't
be able to bargain with her.
-With ma'am?
My phone is ringing.
Hold this. It's the secretary.
Yes, Mr secretary? Yes.
I have left. Yes,
absolutely, I am on the way.
Mr Parmeshwar, I was saying
don't come to the office. Come
directly to Pradhanji's house.
Why? What happened?
No, nothing happened. We were
just going there so let's meet there.
Okay, okay. Actually,
will Pradhanji be there too?
Yes, Pradhanji would be there and
I'll be there. Let's meet there. Okay?
Why are you staring at my
face? Go there. Get to work.
He's coming.
Look, no matter what
happens, don't come below 300.
But he's coming to talk
to you. How can I talk?
What were you asking me
for this morning?
Now that I am giving it to you, you
are saying you don't want it?
Alright, alright. I'll do it.
Listen, we will purposely come late.
By then, finish negotiating with him.
Okay. Fine.
Don't come below 300,
no matter what happens.
Okay, I will do it. Bye.
Mr secretary, I have explained
everything to Rinki's mom.
Oh I should be careful.
Is Pradhanji not at home?
He just called. He'll
be here in some time.
Do come in.
No, no. I'll come later.
No, do come in. Have some tea. Come.
-Your house is newly constructed, right?
-Yes. He's coming.
The paint seems new too. Come.
-Your tea.
So Pradhanji, should we
go by bike or by walk?
Let's go by walk.
Pradhanji is talking very long to come.
He will be here anytime now. Did
you have some important work?
No, no. Just a small work.
-What's the work?
What's the work?
I am buying
mud from the panchayat.
For my brick kiln, so I just
came to talk about that.
By the way, the cost of mud
is 400 rupees nowadays, isn't it?
What are you saying
sister-in-law? 400 rupees?
Who buys mud for 400
rupees? It's not that costly.
Then how much is it?
How much is what?
The cost of mud. How
much have you decided?
What will I decide?
I'll talk to Pradhanji once he comes.
What should I discuss
with you, sister-in-law?
No, talk to me. I am
the Pradhan, aren't I?
That you are.
Let me call him once and see.
Don't worry, he must be on the way.
It won't hurt to call him once.
Go ahead. Call him.
Vikas, walk slowly.
-Is this much okay?
Take two steps backward
and one step forward.
[Ringtone playing]
It's ringing.
[Ringtone playing]
I can't hear you. Speak loudly.
The network is bad.
Speak a little louder.
There is no network.
Damn this.
The network is terrible.
I can't hear you.
Okay, I'll call you later.
What happened?
Come on.
350 rupees?
who buys mud for 350 rupees per trailer?
Then who buys it for 250 rupees,
I am your neighbour,
sister-in-law. Be a little considerate.
Alright. 255.
I can't give anything more than that.
Okay, let's meet half-way.
Let's finalize the deal at 325.
-Let's go.
-You re robbing me, sister-in-law.
Brother Parmeshwar,
the cost of bricks is
increasing every year,
so, the cost of mud won't?
You tell me, who is robbing whom?
But, sister-in-law, which brick kiln
owner buys mud for 325 rupees?
If it is even a rupee more than
300 then I will shut down my brick kiln.
Alright. Let's finalize at 300.
-Oh, Mr Parmeshwar, where are you going?
-We were on our way.
What happened, brother Parmeshwar?
I understand everything, Pardhan sir.
What happened?
What happened? What happened?
I know the game that is going on.
They are asking me what happened!
Was he crying?
What did Rinki's mom say to him?
Uncle, sit down.
You are too much. Couldn't
you speak to him politely?
Should I sit in his lap and talk?
You keep calling
out for mom all day long.
What should I do?
Actually, I couldn't find my charger.
So what should I
do if you can't find it?
Charger! All day long you want your
charger! All you do is use your phone.
You don't have any other work.
Mobile! Like there is nothing
else left in the world. Come on.
Mr secretary.
Go and talk to Mr Parmeshwar
and finalize in 280.
Okay, I will
Will you discuss this on the phone?
-Go and talk to him in person.
There is a lot of difference between
talking on the phone and in person.
And at least talk to him politely.
Pardhan sir, my past record
is not good with this family.
Well, just handle it Mr secretary.
Sir, he must have
gone to his brick kiln.
I don't see Mr Parmeshwar around.
He was very angry.
He yelled at me without any
reason and then left for Pakouli bazaar.
By the way, he was saying that in the
evening, he will go from Pakouli bazaar
to what's it called? Bibipur.
What's in Bibipur?
Praladh uncle.
Don't lie, you saw it too. The way both
of them smiled and greeted each other.
Okay, maybe nothing is
going on between the two for now,
but do you agree
that if something happens,
it will be a disaster?
Rinki's marriage is
being discussed there.
What do you think? Will
Pradhanji listen to Mr secretary?
There will be a fight between the two.
And we will both be in a fix.
Let's do one thing.
Let's convince Mr secretary to
maintain his distance with Rinki.
Will you convince him?
Yes, I will explain to
him He is my friend.
He's a mature guy. He will understand.
Mr Parmeshwar got angry and
went to Bibipur to see dance.
Now, if you two want to go to
pacify him then do it. I won't go.
And who gets angry
and goes to see dance?
Both son-in-law and
father-in-law are crazy.
Bibipur can be the appropriate
place to talk about Rinki.
Mr secretary, let's go.
We will pacify Mr Parmeshwar,
we'll watch the program
and then come back.
By calling it a program,
it won't become one.
I am not comfortable with all this.
Abhishek sir, this is our village
culture. You can experience it once.
And anyway, you don't do anything
except work and study.
Go out, have some fun in life.
Exactly. Otherwise,
you will get frustrated
one day and say what
a useless life I have.
-Oh, no.
-Sir, please come.
Come with us. Don't be shy.
Bibipur is nearby. It
won't take much time.
-Are we really going?
-Of course. We are not joking.
Okay then.
What time do we leave in the evening?
You have become so restless to go.
I have seen such shows.
But you won't have seen
such an entertaining one.
"Let me take your
sorrows away, my beloved."
"Let me give you some steam."
"Let me take your
sorrows away, my beloved."
"Let me give you some steam, my beloved.
"Don't get any receipts.
Don't give any applications."
"Nor any apothecary's medicines."
"Come, I will give you this
wondrous medicine mixed in water."
"Paracetamol, my beloved.
Come, I will make you drink"
"This wondrous medicine mixed in water."
"Paracetamol, my beloved."
"Drink it quickly, its magic."
"Once you take it."
"Come, I will give you this
wondrous medicine mixed in water."
"Paracetamol, my beloved."
Did you drink? Praladh had
a sip and is in mood now.
Will you
We are not going there to entertain
ourselves. We are going there for work.
Let's go.
"Let's cling together on this mat."
"Take off your sweater."
"I will wear my earrings
and dance for you."
"I will make the weather pleasant."
"I will chew a mint, wear some perfume
and rob the ministers and constables."
You have robbed us!
Sir, have you taken 10 rupee notes?
We are not going there to spend
money. This looks so unethical.
We will still get some change
for 500 rupees on the way.
"Come, I will give you
this wondrous medicine."
"Mixed in water,
paracetamol, my beloved."
"Drink it quickly, it's magic."
That girl over there doesn't
she seem like a boy to you?
Doesn't that girl
look like a boy to you?
"Come, I will give you
this wondrous medicine."
"Mixed in water,
paracetamol, my beloved."
That manager made
a fool out of all of you.
-You take her with you.
-What I have done?
-Why not?
-Boy dancing as a girl place of real girl.
Is this my mistake?
-What happened?
When will you go?
-The clinic is about to close.
-I don't know.
It's very big loss. I will not let go.
What's going on here?
Is there a fight with Parmeshwar?
We won't let you leave
without loading it all.
And you better not say anything.
Let it go.
Brother Parmeshwar.
Let it go, brother.
-I know those people. Let me meet them.
-What should we do then?
Can't I meet someone I know?
You tell us.
-Who will pay for this?
-I will get your work done.
What happened, brother?
What are you guys doing here?
Why did you get so angry that
you came here to see dance?
No, no. Who came to see dance? I
I came here to discuss
about the rates of mud.
Anyway, whatever it is. Pradhan sir
is saying we can finalize in 280.
It's done now. And you
yourself said 280 to ma'am.
-Who broke everything?
-The villagers did.
The manager took money for
two dancers and brought only one.
And the scoundrel made one boy
disguise as a dancer. Public got angry.
What do you have to do with
this? Why are you standing here?
Actually I was the one who
told them that she's a boy, not a girl.
You are so mean
Now look, that poor girl
got hurt in that scuffle.
Alright. Anyway, let's
finalize in 280. We'll leave too.
Wait. Listen.
We have to take that girl to
a doctor in Pakouli bazaar.
-Okay. Go ahead.
I need a small favour.
Look, if anyone sees an unknown
girl with me so late at night
it will be very awkward for me, right?
It will be awkward for me too.
I don't get into such matters.
It will be even more awkward
for me, I am a widower. Okay?
-Let's go.
-You take her.
If anyone sees her with
you, you can't be embarrassed.
You are not even from this area.
Who is that? Why can't he take her?
-That one in the towel.
-That guy? He's the manager.
I have been telling him for
so long to take her.
But he's saying that until the tempo
gets loaded he won't take her.
Look, how badly she is hurt.
It's 10 o'clock.
The clinic is about to close.
Mr Parmeshwar, I
Okay, listen
280 rupees is final for the mud.
It's not broken.
It's just slightly twisted.
195 rupees.
It's alright, I'll pay.
-No. I'll pay.
-It's alright.
-I have money.
Thank you.
You can leave if you want to.
They must be on the way.
No, no, it's alright.
It's not a problem
Don't stare like that. He'll understand.
Why don't you leave
all this dancing etc?
What do you do?
I am a panchayat secretary
in a nearby village, Phulera.
Do you like your job?
I don't like it. That's why I
am also preparing for MBA.
So, in a way you are dancing too?
Everyone is dancing
somewhere, Mr secretary.
So, sir? What were you
talking about for so long?
The medicine was for 195 rupees.
How would it have made a difference
to you even if it was 200 rupees?
You didn't reduce the cost
of mud for even a rupee.
Well, do good deeds. You are a good man.
It's alright, sir. It takes some
money to make a girlfriend.
The way you two were talking, we thought
something is definitely going on.
Just because I talked to the girl, it
doesn't mean that something is going on.
And even if I want to make a
girlfriend, why will I do it here?
I have to leave this place in a year.
-Praladh uncle.
If this is sir's plan then I don't
think we need to talk to him.
You silly man. Now don't say another
word about Rinki and Mr secretary.
Is your brain full of cow-dung?
You made me doubt such a saint.
Start the bike.
I made a mistake.
Why was he laughing
so much while talking?
I only suspected him because of that.
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