Partisan (2020) s02e01 Episode Script

Come Fly with Me

We've moved around
to many foster homes.
Our parents died in a car crash
when we were kids.
Jordnära nature and culture,
a gated community.
Accounting fraud, money laundering
We need someone on the inside.
We need to know
where the money's coming from.
Other stuff is going on in there.
I think I know who your parents were.
Where have you learnt
how to fix hot air balloons?
My dad. It was his balloon.
It took me a long time
to find these girls.
Nicole, you're the biggest thing
that's happened here at Jordnära.
It's you we've been waiting for
this whole time.
You want me to burn 20 million?
Maria is in the assembly hall
and you're going to get everyone out.
Patrik. Good.
Pure strength, keeping up.
Hedvig. Hedvig
Still a bit weak at the lower back,
but able. Keeping up.
It's good. You're keeping up.
Mm Maud.
Bow-legged still. Stay here.
Those cheekbones.
Fantastic. Fantastic!
You're keeping up.
Look straight ahead. There, up.
Good, good, good.
Purity, elegance
Definitely my favourite daughter.
You're keeping up.
-Stop that, Dad!
-Valeria, Valeria
Nobody thinks it's fun.
You can't favorise me like that.
Maud is at least as good.
No, I think you're overreacting.
Can't you see
she's upset when you do that?
Say something!
Fucking idiots!
Maud, what's wrong? Chin up.
There's only nine spots in the team.
You know that.
In the end it will be
between you and Hedvig.
And everybody wasn't born for this,
that's just the way it is.
Du may not know that Hedvig
is talking crap about you.
At school.
She's moving to town
as soon as she's 18.
What crap?
She's calling you
"the little dictator".
And I'm sometimes so nice.
This is the situation, you see,
that if you feel really bad on the
inside, like Hedvig probably does,
you want to get rid of that pain,
and you take it out on somebody else.
You blame others to avoid carrying
your own shame.
It's a human behaviour.
It's some sort of coping mechanism.
We'll have to placate her,
you and me.
We'll show her my best sides. Right?
We'll have to do something fun with
her. What do you say? We'll do that.
Buckle up, we're going!
Come on, Maud! Hurry up!
-It's a lovely day!
-Yes, I'm coming.
We bind for the land a nurturing sap.
We feed it, the bread is ours.
From us it has health,
from us it has strength.
If it bleeds, the blood is ours.
With screams and with roars,
kingdoms and villages are toppled.
Building them silently,
the farmer and his son,
who sow in bloodied soil.
What do you say, girls?
The Yeoman,
by Erik Gustaf Geijer, 1835.
150 years ago,
he wrote those lines down. Fantastic.
And how right he was.
A land doesn't build itself,
and not a people either.
It takes efforts.
Grand efforts, for hundreds of years
by an untold number of people.
And strong leadership.
Of course, that may not
be something you appreciate.
Strong leadership.
I appreciate democracy
and every human's equal rights.
That's good.
Yes, that's fashionable now,
I've heard.
And still, every democracy in history
has fallen.
They're consumed from the inside.
They're corroded
by malignant parasites.
Then you need strong leadership
that is guarding
against that internal enemy before it
has time to spread out.
Right, Hedvig?
It seems like you've
spread out a bit.
I've even heard rumours that you
tried to convince others to move.
Haven't I tried to treat you with as
much respect as everybody else?
Give me the rope! Give me the rope!
Help me, damn it!
Jeez, what a car?
Have a look!
It's under control.
Let's go. Let's go.
I always wanted to be a grave digger.
Me too
-Here, give it to me.
-Cedric, Cedric.
-Oi, hey! Enough!
-He's dead already.
Okay, it's enough.
Is that our district?
But hey, I've got this meeting.
Thanks. You're my rock.
I'll be there as soon as I can.
It looks really good, Mildred.
Your hormone levels are really good.
Your chances are good.
Feeling tired is completely natural.
It doesn't feel that natural
being like this.
Or to feel like this.
I understand.
But the hot flashes will diminish now
that you're starting the injections.
You'll feel a lot better.
Let's do this.
You'll finish this round.
Then we'll see how many eggs we get.
You know, you can freeze them.
Then you get a bit of time to think.
I can put you on sick leave
for a week.
No Hey, I have to leave.
I have to get to work. But thank you.
Come on! Keep the pace up.
Damn, you're lazy!
Push off!
Come on, this isn't a fucking
morning workout.
Have you noted
when the competition is?
I don't want to have to remind you.
Reminding people about things is the
bloody worst thing I know.
Come on! Show some commitment!
Come on.
Improve the pace.
You're going to be
in the best damn shape of your lives.
Come on! Arms straight up,
not at an angle.
Keep the pace up! Come on!
Do you want to
get to the National Championship?
-You want to get to the Nationals?
Then show it.
Five times!
Come on.
Better pace.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
Have you heard from the water
He's coming today.
-If he's got the time.
Was there anything else?
We're in financial difficulties,
I know that, Sakarias.
We don't have the required finances.
And without Kent's contacts,
the money that was burnt
It's only temporary.
We'll be back on our feet soon.
You haven't forgotten that our guests
are coming tomorrow, have you?
Yes, good.
Does Gunn know about her part
in all of this?
Not yet.
All in due course.
Hello and welcome to Jordnära.
How can I help?
I've got an appointment regarding
your water issues.
-Your name?
-Robert Akins.
Just follow the road until you
reach the big red barn,
and they'll be expecting you there.
Thank you.
Gunn, isn't it fantastic?
Is that it?
Doesn't look like much, does it?
And you're sure now that it's
I don't know why the test
showed earlier that it was
Well, sometimes
test like that are wrong.
You should be seven weeks.
If all is well, we'll have a birth
within eight months.
There. Now you can get down.
If there's anything you're wondering
about, anything at all, just ask.
We're here for you. Everybody
at Jordnära is here for you.
The most important thing for us is
making sure that both you
and your baby have absolutely
everything that you need.
Isn't that right, Susanne?
You are not alone. Okay?
Thank you so much.
-Bye, Gunn.
Sometimes I'm afraid that I
that I have pushed you too hard,
I am worried, given everything
that you've gone through,
and everything you've lost and
The way you struggled, Kent and you.
You wanted that child so badly,
My God, we worked so hard
to give the two of you
exactly what you wanted.
Where has that led us, Susanne?
Don't forget
what you're meant to say later.
So you, actually
You're having
So that's why you haven't been
at practice lately?
Excuse me, but it's
This was a bit of a shock.
I'm obviously happy for you,
really, I am.
But it's the timing.
The championship is coming up. I
Hey, Gunn,
I just want to be sure that you're
making a conscious decision.
I've been chosen.
A child is the most beautiful gift
in life.
Yes, okay.
And you can't participate
until the competition?
I mean, it's still very early.
Hey, I'm sure a lot of the girls
are more than capable
of taking my spot on the team.
You can stop worrying.
Hey, Gunn
So you had time to come today?
I presume
you're the water technician.
Have you found anything?
If there's something, I'll find it.
Oh! Oh, you don't speak Swedish?
Nah, my Swedish is not so good.
So there's
something wrong with the taste
Yeah. It's very chemical.
And you want me
to check the whole grounds?
-Not just the drinking water?
-No. No, everything.
Okay. If it is chemical,
it can get into the vegetation
and stay there.
-So I'll have to check everything.
-I know.
We had a couple of technicians over,
but they didn't find anything.
But you seem so thorough.
I was checking this private well in
California a couple of years ago,
and the family
thought the father was crazy
or had a stroke or something.
There was too much phosphorus,
Got to take these things seriously.
Oh, yeah. Yeah.
I filled
The printer is struggling.
You'll have to settle for this.
There can't possibly
be more pictures.
How many did he take?
He's interested in photography.
With him,
a whole forest will disappear.
Hey, do you want coffee?
No, I'm good, thanks.
The lab hasn't been in touch.
I doubt they'll have the time
to do that today.
The body was very badly burnt.
These pictures are crap.
If there aren't any others
in the pile, I don't know
I can look at the ones
that weren't printed.
I shouldn't have called the other
district, I should have shot it.
What does this look like?
Well like a burnt car.
Or what?
Isn't it a bit strange that the car
started burning in that way?
There are burning cars everywhere.
There are no pictures
from inside the car.
And only this one of the boot.
And there are no more
on the memory card.
You're right. We should check.
Hello, it's Björn.
Yes, that's quick work.
Okay, yes.
Thanks. Bye.
That was the lab.
They got a match
on the dental records.
It was Kent.
Kent Bergström.
It was his body.
Hey, thanks for covering for me
this morning.
Yeah, that's cool.
Did it go well?
It went well.
So, Kent Bergström
is quite high profile.
Born and raised in the area.
He started out as a small scale
green grocer and farmer.
Then he was recruited by Jordnära.
Both him and his wife.
-Biodynamic growing?
Or whatever they're calling it.
Do they have any kids?
No, not to my knowledge.
Welcome to Jordnära.
How can I help?
We're here to see Susanne Bergström.
What is it regarding?
This isn't a social call,
it's a police matter.
We want to see Susanne Bergström.
Come to the guard post
and I'll check your ID.
Go straight ahead until you
get to the red barn.
Drive past all the cultivated fields.
After two kilometres you're there.
I called and called and
I told myself nothing was wrong.
He normally leaves
early in the morning when
when it's a delivery day.
He really lived for his work.
And he was always
up to something with
with various customers.
He was sometimes away
for a really long time.
But I felt that there was something
that wasn't right.
Do I have to come in
and identify him?
The body is unidentifiable
because of the fire.
We had to use dental records.
-Is it okay to continue?
Is there a reason he drove the car
he was driving?
I saw that you had
a newer one on the drive.
Well, is there a reason
he didn't use that car.
Oh? What?
I haven't thought of that.
Was there anything wrong
with the car?
No Or, we don't know that yet.
It's just
It's just not that common
that cars catch fire like that.
Do you have a close friend or
relative who can keep you company?
Do you and Kent have any children?
But I'll be alright.
Well, if you don't have anything
you want to ask us
we won't disturb you any longer.
Hey, could I use your bathroom?
Oh! Eh
Go down there and
-It's to the left in the hallway.
-Okay. Thanks.
They had one of those infinity pools
Did you see that?
Are you okay?
No signal.
What the fuck are you looking at?
And we'll reach up.
And go back to downward facing dog.
And we'll step through.
Nice, guys!
You can work hard
even when you're stretching.
Have you
Have you heard anything about Nicole?
Have you?
Five, six, seven, eight,
and we'll go again.
Didn't she say anything to you
when she left?
Inhale and stretch out
If you know anything,
you have to tell me.
And exhale
She said
She said they'd done things
at the clinic.
Susanne and Maud.
Jump forward.
Done things?
What kind of things?
They raped her.
What did you say?
They raped her.
We were down at the lake, and then
all of them just turned up.
Kent, Sakarias, Cedric and
And Susanne.
Kent hit me and..
Then he tried to drown me. He just
He just kept going.
Then they took Nicole, and I
-Yes. What?
-I just laid there.
I was so fucking scared.
Then she came to me and
She managed to escape.
And she said that they'd
They'd injected semen into her.
It's their insane programme.
What programme?
Maud has tried for many years to
do what Bengt did naturally.
Pass his vision on.
But she's never succeeded.
I never thought she would.
Well, now she's obviously done it.
Gunn. Her baby.
It's his.
If they succeed with her,
I'm sure Maud will do it
to others in the team.
don't share this with anyone.
Hey, good work again.
Death notifications are no fun,
but you did a good job.
How are things at home?
It's good.
Said with a sigh.
It's good, I promise.
-I'm just a bit tired.
-See you tomorrow.
Sleep well.
Mildred Malinovska.
Hi, it's Magnus.
So you asked me to report if anything
turned up about Kent Bergström.
He was found dead.
Wait, what do you mean?
Our district got a single vehicle
accident today.
The car was registered to Jordnära.
The car supposedly caught fire
at the time of the accident,
and the deceased driver is identified
as Kent Bergström.
Classed as an accident?
On what grounds? Have you even been
to the accident site?
Well, the answers from the
pathologist will come,
but a lot indicates
that it was an accident.
We'll deal with
the final questions tomorrow.
I've only had access to pictures thus
far. The car is inaccessible.
Is the next of kin notified?
Yes, we just did that.
I thought we'd agreed
that you were to contact me first.
Everything okay?
Yeah, sure. Everything's fine.
What was that?
It's just work.
Yeah. Do you know what? I have
to I'll be back in a bit. Okay?
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