Reasonable Doubt (2022) s02e01 Episode Script

Can I Live?

Previously on Reasonable Doubt
Wait, why can't you just move back in?
I'll be back eventually.
Fix your marriage before it's unfixable.
This is why I told your ass
we need to go to couples therapy.
It's just a trial separation.
I didn't get married to sleep alone.
Mr. Miller, I am holding you
to answer to the charge
of murder in the second degree.
We, the jury,
find the defendant not guilty.
I seriously was
convinced Brayden did it.
There is a Damon Cooke.
Was he your client or something?
[JAX] A long time ago.
You know what would be dope?
We could be friends.
Hey, I gotta go. That was Lewis.
Just let me know. You know what?
We-We could fuckin' end
this shit right now.
I could never hurt you
the way you hurt me.
- No. No! No!
Bitch, who the hell you texting?
This football player I met a couple
weeks ago. It's Jamarion Tucker.
If I wanted to be treated badly,
I'd have stayed my ass home.
Get away from the car!
What the fuck?!
Hey, girl, can I call you back later?
Oh, fuck.
What the fuck?
- I like that I can talk with you ♪
And you seem to adore it ♪
Call 911.
Call the fuckin'
Please help.
[JAX] Please don't go.
I have to go to work.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm s-so sorry.
Hey, hey, hey ♪
Me too.
It’s easy, it’s easy ♪
Ooh ♪
Our easy ♪
Conversation ♪
Easy ♪
Easy ♪
From La Brea to Slauson ♪
It's all us ♪
The Sun, Central Ave Jazz ♪
It's all us ♪
Where we at? ♪
Hit the Maverick Flats ♪
Leimert and right back to the ark ♪
It's all us ♪
We coastin' on the west
between sets and wealth ♪
We toast the sunset in the Dons ♪
Take flight into the night
under Cali stars ♪
In a world on wheels ♪
It's all us ♪
It's the world we feel ♪
It's all us ♪
From the hills to Hollywood ♪
It's all us ♪
No doubt we all we got ♪
Hold it down black and brown ♪
In a city of dreams ♪
It's all us ♪
[DR. JULIE LENNON] It's been
two months since the kidnapping.
How are you feeling?
I am feeling better, Dr. Lennon,
better than I have
in these last couple months.
For two nights in a row,
I didn't have a nightmare
about Damon and the kidnapping.
Do you feel like
you're becoming yourself again?
Uh, I feel different, honestly,
but in a good way.
I make breakfast
for the kids in the morning
and then, exercise before noon.
Then I pick the kids up,
help them with their homework.
I mean, I did all these things before,
but now, I can do them every day
without feeling stressed about 'em
on the days when I did do it
and guilty on the days when I couldn't.
I realized that was my life.
Sadly, it's a lot of our lives,
especially as women.
[JAX] Hmm.
[DR. LENNON] What about Lewis?
Has he moved back in?
He hasn't moved back in,
but he does stay over a lot.
But the kids don't know, though.
He sneaks out before they wake up.
So, you still haven't been intimate?
No. No.
I-I don't think either of us
is ready for that yet.
And have you started the lorazepam?
No, not yet.
[SIGHS] I don't know, Dr. Lennon.
I, I just
Part of me feels like I'm cheating.
I can understand that.
But taking a step towards
accepting the things
that can help you isn't cheating.
It's growing.
Maybe you'll think about starting it,
you know, once you return to work.
I'm able to clear you
to go back to the office after today.
Oh, I didn't, I didn't realize
this was our last session.
It doesn't have to be.
You feel ready to go back to work?
They're expecting me back
as soon as possible, so
I don't have much choice.
We all have choices, Jax.
How 'bout you think about it
and let me know if you
want me to clear you to work?
No, I'm good.
You can clear me.
Will do.
Whether you need
therapy or medication
my door is open.
In the meantime,
don't be afraid to set some boundaries.
Be honest with yourself
about what you can handle,
and don't be afraid to ask for help.
- Let's go ♪
- Big, big energy ♪
Big energy, big energy, big energy ♪
They wanna try
but they know they can't handle me ♪
'cause I give 'em big energy ♪
I got fifty eleven fellas
on my line with the drama ♪
Wife jawn want me
to be they baby mama ♪
'cause I give 'em big energy ♪
Hey, girl, can I call you back later?
[CRYING] Jax I k I killed JT.
Oh, fuck.
- No!
This is an active crime scene.
You can't be in here.
Uh, w-well, she's, she's my sister, uh.
[INVESTIGATOR] Don't touch anything.
Oh, my God.
Baby, what
Oh, my God. Are, are you okay?
What happened?
Um, I-I-I
J-JT did this to you?
I-I was gonna leave him,
like, for real this time.
And then we got into it
and I told him I was taking the kids,
and then he just, I just
He was choking me, and I thought I
I couldn't breathe.
And so, [STAMMERS] I grabbed
the-the trophy and then I, I managed
And there was there was blood.
There was a lotta blood,
and then I called 911,
and then I called you.
Is he really dead?
we need to take photos
of your injuries for evidence.
yes, but she also needs
to go to the hospital.
So, while you take the photos,
please get an ambulance ready
to take her somewhere
where she can be escorted
through a private entrance.
There's already one news van here.
Every five minutes,
that number will double.
Mm-mm, no,
I can't go to the hospital, Jax.
Everyone will know what he did.
No, no. I
Look, I understand, alright?
But we need to get you treated and
we need
to have a doctor document your injuries.
Look, I don't wanna scare you,
but everything that happens
from this moment on
is important, Shanelle.
Okay. Natasha is at her dorm.
[JAX] Yes.
- Jordan is still at school.
- [JAX] Don't worry.
- What am I gonna tell her?
- [JAX] I'll figure it out.
I promise, I promise, okay?
Don't worry about it.
- Just take care of my baby.
- [JAX] I will fix it. I will fix it. Go.
Oh, fuck.
[LEWIS] [ON PHONE] Wait. What?
[SIGHS] What?
Look, I know he was your friend,
but he and Shanelle
got into a fight and
A fight? A physical fight?
Yes! Yes, he tried to kill her.
Baby, I am so sorry.
Is she okay?
Yeah. Yeah, but
Can you meet me at the hospital?
Yeah, I mean, I-I-I can. Um, I
Someone's gotta pick up the kids.
Right, right. I'm not thinking.
[LEWIS] No, no, no. No, it's-it's okay.
I'll pick up the kids and
don't you worry.
Did you take your medication?
No, I haven't had a chance
to fill the prescription.
Um, you know,
I should, I should, I should go.
W Uh, Jax
I love you.
I love you too.
We did some X-rays,
but based on my preliminary examination,
uh, Mrs. Tucker has a sprained wrist,
some lacerations to her throat,
and trauma to her esophagus.
She also has a bruised rib
that she said happened about a week ago.
We're gonna wrap your ribs
and give you a prescription to take,
but you should be discharged
in the next few hours.
Try to get some rest if you can.
I'll send that report over ASAP.
Thank you, Dr. Chen.
Tucker, I'm Detective Jose Martinez.
I'm sorry to be meeting you
under these circumstances.
My partner and I would like to ask you
a few questions, if we may.
- [SALLY] Jax, Jax. Jax.
- [AUTUMN] Oh, my God.
- [SOFTLY] Oh, my God.
Where is she? Where is she?
She's okay, she's in-in-in,
um, B-217 with the doctor.
The entire hospital
is surrounded by press.
Jordan and Natasha are at home
with Chris. They're both a mess.
And, [WHISPERS] online,
they're saying that Shanelle killed him.
[NORMAL] But, I mean, that can't be
I mean, I knew things
weren't good, but
How bad was it?
I don't know, but if-if he's choked her,
then this couldn't have
been the first time that he
Not even close.
And now she has to
deal with all of this?
I mean, it's everywhere.
This is gonna be a shitshow.
[MUFFLED] Is there anything we can do?
I need to go home.
I need to go home. Um
Um, I-I got a, a-a driver
to escort her to Sally's house
in a private exit
after she's discharged. Okay?
After that, I don't know.
Just, just pray, I guess.
Wait. Have you been cleared for work?
Oh, uh, um, yeah.
Yeah, I have.
[SIGHS] Good.
'Cause Shanelle's gonna need
all the help she can get.
Yeah, we'll figure it all out.
Thank you.
Hopefully, this will all be over soon.
- How's Shanelle?
- [SALLY] I don't know.
They won't let me talk to her.
Who's they?
How long would you say
it took you to call 911
once the victim was incapacitated?
I don't know. It was r-right after
[JAX] Hi, officers.
Can I help you?
We're just asking Mrs. Tucker
some questions about the victim.
[JAX] I see.
And did you provide
a Miranda warning before
Oh, I'm sorry. Are you a relative?
Her name is Jax Stewart. She's a friend.
She's also my lawyer.
Well, Ms. Stewart, it's very important
that we get this information
regarding the victim.
Uh, yes, but-but, first of all,
Mrs. Tucker has been through
a lot today, so she should rest.
And second of all, did you ask
if she wanted to have a lawyer present?
I'm guessing no.
And finally, you keep referring
to Mr. Tucker as the victim
when the real victim is lying
right here with multiple injuries
from a man whose wrath she endured
not just today, but for many years.
So, make sure you write that down.
Okay, then, detectives.
I think you've gotten what you need.
For tonight.
Get well soon, Mrs. Tucker.
I'm so sorry. What did you say to them?
Not much. Just that
I told 'em
that JT was choking me
and I hit him to make him stop.
[JAX] Okay, listen to me.
We are going to get you
out of this soon, okay?
- [SHANELLE] Okay.
- But in the meantime,
if they come back,
do not talk to anyone else alone.
Okay. Okay.
Thank you for being here and helping me.
I don't think I could
do this without you.
Oh, baby, I'm sorry.
Remember what Dr. Lennon said.
- Breathe, breathe, breathe.
- [JAX] I can't
Remember, remember what Dr. Lennon said.
- Remember what Dr. Lennon said.
- I, I ca
One more.
I filled your prescription.
I'm just gonna get you
a glass of water, okay?
Can reheat some food for you. I can
Mm-mm. No, I, I gotta,
I gotta write down some things
to do tomorrow for Shanelle.
[LEWIS] But can't Sally or Autumn help?
They're not lawyers.
You're Shanelle's lawyer?
Who else would it be?
I don't know. Uh, anyone else
in the state of California?
I'm just gonna help her through
the investigation and then it's over.
What am I supposed to do?
One of my best friends called me today
to tell me that she killed her husband
and is now having
one of the worst times of her life
You're having one
of the worst times of your life.
Look, I'm sorry. I don't wanna fight.
I don't either.
[LEWIS] Are we still going
to couples therapy Wednesday?
This was your idea, remember?
And it did take us forever
to get in to see
I know, Lewis.
I'll figure it out. I can do both.
And if we keeping it
all the way a hundred,
I've been doing that for years.
I'll see you tomorrow
when I pick up the kids.
Fine. Go back to your place.
That's where you'd rather be anyway.
No, this is where I'd rather be,
but you make it difficult to wanna stay.
Have a good night, Jax.
Like that don't cha, yeah ♪
Said I'm stressed out, so tired ♪
Got to move on ♪
I need a vacation ♪
I'm goin' to Decatur
where it's greater ♪
See if I can stack me up some paper ♪
I need a vacation ♪
You see me standin' here,
like a chandelier ♪
Gangsta of the year
sippin' Belvedere ♪
And like a crippled mane
you could catch me with that cane ♪
Gon' be a bloody murder
if I catch you with my chain ♪
See, these hatin' ass niggas
gettin' on my nerves ♪
I'm so disappointed, y'all,
I'm at a loss for words ♪
I put it on the hood,
gettin' money 'til I'm dead ♪
The only thing I'm fearin'
is the motherfuckin' feds ♪
I need a vacation ♪
Can you stop saying Squid "Games"?
It's not Squid "Games",
it's Squid "Game". Singular.
Nope. No, no, no.
They play a bunch of "games".
No, but they only play
Squid Game once at the very end.
Whatever. I am Black.
I am calling it Squid Games.
You can't just add an "S"
to the end of words.
Oh, shit. Jax is bax.
So sorry, I couldn't help myself.
Oh, God.
Missed you guys. Come here.
[DANIEL KIM] Oh. Thank you.
[KRYSTAL WALTERS] Oh, okay. Well,
it seems like someone got some rest
and a lobotomy since we're hugging now.
- Well, she hugs me all the time.
- No, she doesn't.
Okay, let's behave now, children.
Daniel, did you get my text?
Yes, I'm just waiting for my boo Cynthia
to get back to me where the police
are in the JT investigation.
- Your boo, huh?
- [DANIEL] Mm-hm.
Okay, then, Daniel.
Y'all went on two dates, stop.
Aw, don't be jealous, Krystal.
You're still my main boo.
You see what I've had to deal with?
I spoke with, um, Dr. Culver.
She could do the psych eval
for Shanelle later today.
Alright, and I called
the DA's office and he said
that he'll be at the office all day.
Don't worry, I didn't tell them
that you were gonna stop by.
- Good.
I also did some research
on some similar self-defense cases
involving domestic violence
just in case you wanted
to take a look before talking to Mike.
Well, this is not a case.
I'm just bringing donuts to a friend,
but, wow, Krystal.
I guess absence does make
the assistant work harder.
- Oh, Jax is bax.
- That was hurtful.
Uh, alright, I am going
to get some more tea on the investig
- Hey, please leave now.
- Okay.
- [DANIEL] Oh, Krystal.
- Yeah?
Mm, mm, mm.
- [KRYSTAL] Get outta here.
- Oppa loves you.
Lord, I'm glad you are back.
This boy club's been boy clubbing. Gah!
- Do you need anything?
- I'm good.
It's good to see you.
You too, Jax.
It's been a challenge
since Rich had to move up north
for his wife's new job,
but that's where we are this quarter.
Not bad, everyone.
And, of course, Q4 will be even better
now that Jax is back with us.
Welcome back, Jax.
Thank you, everyone, um.
Well, I'm sure you've all heard
about what happened to Jamarion Tucker.
His wife is a childhood friend,
so I'll be helping her
through the investigation.
They have plans to charge her?
I doubt it,
but I am gonna talk to Mike
at the DA's office,
find out what the plans are.
Hopefully, they'll say it was
self-defense and nothing happens.
Well, whatever happens,
she'll have the best.
Makes me wanna kill my wife.
Kidding, kidding, kidding,
kidding, just a little.
Actually, Vince, now that I am back, um,
I'm hoping to scale back
on my billable hours.
I'd like to spend more time
with my family.
So, you won't be handling
the Jamarian Tucker case?
Jamarion Tucker.
And, well, it-it depends.
On what?
HR said you were cleared to come back.
Unless this is a more permanent hiatus.
Of course not.
I'll keep you updated
on Shanelle's case.
Good. Okay.
Who's next? Vince?
Yo, this song, yo ♪
Yo, yo ♪
I hate you so much right now ♪
I hate you so much right now ♪
Aah ♪
I hate you so much right now ♪
Yo ♪
Yo, yo, yo ♪
Yo ♪
Yo, yo, yo ♪
I thought about our daughters and
his mother, and what they
were gonna go through.
[DR. SAMANTHA CULVER] That's enough.
Thank you, Dr. Culver, for doing this.
I didn't wanna wait too long
before she was evaluated.
How's she doing?
Well, she's obviously
still processing the most recent trauma.
Not his death,
but him strangling her nearly to death.
As crazy as it may sound,
she's struggling with survivor's guilt.
Even though he tried to kill her?
During those years
of emotional and physical trauma,
he depleted her,
made her feel that anything
he did, she deserved.
And even now she doesn't see herself
as a victim or even a survivor.
She's still afraid
of the consequences of all of this,
and of Mr. Tucker.
Of JT?
He's dead. He can't hurt her anymore.
[DR. CULVER] Not if you ask her.
I still have a few more questions,
but I'll be sure to get
the tape to your office.
[JAX] Thank you.
[LEWIS] Oh, we're near Mom's work.
You wanna give her a call,
maybe we can swing by and say hi?
[NAIMA STEWART] Mm, not really.
[LEWIS] Okay.
Dad, did Auntie Shanelle
really kill Uncle JT?
I mean,
you didn't say that this morning,
but online I saw it.
Naima, can you
- Please don't read that stuff.
- Okay.
If you have any questions,
you can just ask me, okay?
[NAIMA] Well, did she?
[LEWIS] [SIGHS] She did.
But it's a lot more
complicated than it seems.
So, does that mean
Mom's gonna be her lawyer?
I mean, she's helping out now.
But why?
You don't want her
to start working again?
No, I need her to go back to work.
It's just that she's all up
in me and Spenser's business.
Dad, she basically rewrote
my paper the other night.
She's being so annoying.
She's not annoying. She's healing.
Your mom's gone through
a lot the last couple months.
Yeah. I just hope she'll be okay.
[SIGHS] Yeah, me too. And she will.
She'll get there.
I mean,
I'm glad you're there every night.
- Wait. What do you, what do you mean?
- Dad, we know you sleep over.
How did, how did
What? How did you know?
We're smarter than you think, Dad.
Clearly. Clearly you are.
And I'm sorry, wait a minute.
When did we go from "Daddy" to "Dad"?
Only babies say "Daddy".
Right. So it begins.
- [JAX] Knock, knock.
Let me guess. Two words.
Rhymes with Shamelle Rucker.
Oh, well, can't a girl
bring a friend some Randy's Donuts?
I know you miss 'em since you
moved to the white side of town.
Highland Park is not white.
- The Latinos are still repping hard.
- [JAX] Mm-hm.
But it has been awhile since
But first, what do you know
about the Jamarion Tucker investigation?
I thought you were on leave.
I'm back now.
The case is still under review.
The investigation is ongoing.
However, based on what I know so far,
it looks pretty straightforward,
aggravated battery,
voluntary manslaughter, et cetera.
Ugh. I don't know, Mike.
Kinda sounds to me like
once my psych eval comes through
that Shanelle was terrified for her life
and acting in self-defense.
Which means no case,
no trial, no bad publicity.
For your office, I mean. Not me.
If the evidence supports
what you're saying,
we'll obviously consider it.
Either way, I'm sure
we can work something out.
Didn't mean to interrupt.
[MIKE] Not at all.
Jax, this is Lucy Wargo.
Lucy, Jax Stewart.
Nice to meet you. Care for a donut?
We're government employees,
so we aren't able
to take any gifts or bribes from anyone,
particularly attorneys
who may be conflicts of interest.
I'm just here to see a friend.
Still, I'll pass.
She's, uh, interesting.
She's been here not quite a year.
Came from up north,
but she's worked
a couple places in the state.
Originally from Vegas, but
they call her Wargo the Warrior.
Well, look, what happens in Vegas
needs to stay her ass in Vegas.
Fuck it.
- Mm. Mm.
All my life,
been grindin' all my life ♪
Sacrificed, hustle paid the price ♪
Want a slice,
I could roll the dice ♪
That's why all my life ♪
I been grindin' all my life ♪
All my life,
been grindin' all my life ♪
Sacrificed, hustle paid the price ♪
Want a slice,
I could roll the dice ♪
That's why, all my life ♪
I been grindin' all my life ♪
Look, I'm married to this game,
that's who I made my wife ♪
[LEWIS] Hey.
What are you doing here?
I'm just grabbing a juice after the gym.
- Listen
- [LEWIS] Look, Jax, I
Look, I know you're worried about me.
Okay? But I'm fine.
I actually just came back
from the DA's office,
and I really think
this entire Shanelle thing
will be over in, like, a week.
- Really?
- [JAX] Really.
[CASHIER] Order 293, ready at the front.
That's me.
- Thank you.
- [LEWIS] So, uh,
are you going back to work or
just gonna go home, watch some HGTV.
I mean, well, Kenika's
watching the kids 'til 6:30.
We can stay here and eat
and keep talking if you want.
Yeah. Yeah, I would like that.
Uh, this is Daniel, um
Well, why don't you grab your juice
and I'll get us a table?
Uh, bad news, Jax, uh.
Cynthia hasn't called me back.
So, instead I
talked to the ME and apparently,
based on the coagulation,
JT was dead for over
two and a half hours
before Shanelle called the police.
Oh, well, that's a, a problem.
Uh well, maybe
she just got freaked out.
She didn't know what to do.
Dr. Culver said that
she was still afraid of him.
Fine, but then how do you explain
Shanelle moving the body
hours after JT was already dead?
She did what?
Yeah, so, uh,
I'm still looking into all of this,
but I have a feeling
that this is only the beginning.
[SIGHS] Alright.
Uh, I am so sorry,
but I, I have to go see Shanelle.
Um, rain check?
Two and a half hours?
There's no, no way.
That's the medical examiner's
of how long JT was dead
based on the coagulation
of blood in his body.
Did those detectives ask you about
when you called the police?
- Yes.
- What did you say?
I said, "I don't know."
Look, it all happened so fast.
I ran upstairs for a
little while and hid.
I was in shock. Then I called you.
You called me first?
Before you called the police?
But at the crime scene, you said
you called 911 first and then me.
Honestly, it was all kind of a, a blur.
Okay. That's, that's alright, but
they're, they're saying
that you moved the body.
I mean, how could she possibly move JT?
[SHANELLE] I didn't move
I turned him over
to make sure he was dead.
Why is he, why is he writing this?
What is happening? This is all
starting to sound really bad, sis.
Ugh, this is not good.
I was protecting myself!
It was self-defense.
Why are we even talking about this?
I can still just see him
in my dreams screaming at me.
He's dead and it's like
he's still fucking with me.
- Okay. Okay, wait.
- [SALLY] I'm sorry.
[JAX] Listen to me, Shanelle, okay?
Look, I know this is a lot.
Alright? I know.
But I need you
to understand something, okay?
- Given JT's high-profile status
- Oh, come on.
[JAX] the DA may be pressured
to charge you for something.
I ca [SIGHS]
And with all of these inconsistencies
that are more than
likely raising flags
we need to talk about
what you wanna do in the event
that this becomes
more than self-defense.
Wait, wait, wait, wait. Wh-What?
No, they can't put me in jail
for saving my own life.
Actually, a lot of women
are wrongfully in prison
for killing their abusers.
W-W-What about a plea deal or something?
If that's what you wanna do,
I can talk to the DA's office
and see what your options are.
I would wanna avoid
as much jail time as possible.
Yeah, I cannot put Jordan and Natasha
through a trial, months of scrutiny.
Fuck, if the deal isn't crazy,
I'll take it.
I just want this shit to be over.
Oh, hi. I am so sorry.
I got behind at the office and
It's okay.
Luckily, I don't have
a couple after you, so
we can, uh, stay a few minutes over.
Thank you, Dr. Webb.
Oh, um, I can't stay later.
I have a,
a meeting with the DA's office.
So, actually, I have to leave early.
So, uh, it says in your forms
that you separated last year.
- [JAX] Mm-hm.
- What, what happened?
Oh, he gave me an ultimatum
between him and my career.
Mm. That's reductive.
[DR. VERNON WEBB] Is that not true?
Not entirely.
So, somewhat true?
I felt that, uh,
Jax was prioritizing work in a way
that wasn't necessary.
She was billing more hours
than was required of her,
uh, taking on high-profile cases
that were putting her life in danger,
and, honestly, not even
taking half of that energy
to put into our relationship.
So, you asked her to choose?
No, I asked her to consider
a better work-life balance.
And when she didn't, in an argument,
I asked if she wanted
to be a lawyer or a wife.
What did you expect her to say?
- A wife.
- [DR. WEBB] Hmm.
No, I expected her to say both.
Oh, so, now you're rewriting history.
- No, you just weren't listening.
- Oh.
She hears what she wants to hear.
Doesn't everyone?
Most people do indeed.
See? He agrees with me.
Well, uh, Dr. Webb, would you also agree
that it's not crazy for a husband
to ask for time with his wife?
- No. No, I don't think that's crazy.
- See?
Well, it's crazy
when one person's job is dependent
on the lifestyle that we have.
No, don't-don't paint me
like I was some broke n guy
that mooches off his wife.
I didn't say that.
No, because I have a six-figure job.
I pick up slack with the kids.
And, like, even the other day
when she called me, I went and
Wait, when I was at the hospital?
When I asked you to come be with me?
Who is going to take care
of the kids, Jax?
You didn't even think about that.
We could've figured that out.
I needed you.
I guess I'm not the only one
who hears what they wanna hear.
You know, it seems to me like
there's some sort of a-a point system
in your relationship.
But also who's hurting whom more?
A-A hurt score.
You hurt me, I hurt you.
Then you hurt me more,
and I hurt you more.
It's the kind of cycle
that can lead to a separation.
Does that feel like
an accurate description
of your relationship?
- Who usually hurts whom first?
- [LEWIS] She does.
Well, that is not true.
That ultimatum was
very hurtful and unfair.
Um, you wanna know what's unfair
is I've been by your side
the last two months
and I thought we were repairing things,
but you're already back at work,
and it is 'bout to be
the same old bullshit it was before.
So, first of all, I am not back to work.
I'm helping a friend. It is temporary.
- And the panic attacks?
- Okay, wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Is that why you came here?
So, you could tattletale on me
and get someone to cosign on your theory
that I'm the problem
and you're perfect, right?
Just because you had a perfect
little life with your perfect family.
- And you're just perfect
- Listen, you know damn,
- and everything
- you know d
You know damn well
I didn't have a perfect family.
But you know what? Of course,
there's only room in this relationship
for one person's trauma
and it has to be yours.
- Okay, you are so dramatic.
- No. I, uh What? Am I really?
- Can I interject?
- Please.
Are you two looking
to reconcile or uncouple?
- Reconcile.
- Reconcile.
Okay, that's a good start.
I'm not here to act
as a cosigner or a points collector.
I'm here to help you communicate
better through respect,
empathy, generosity,
and ultimately trust.
So, it's good that you still argue.
- Why is that good?
- I don't wanna argue.
Because it means you're still willing
to fight for your relationship,
that there's still a passion for it,
for each other.
So, it's okay to argue.
We're gonna work on arguing better
without hurting each other.
Because if you want
this relationship to work,
you need to know how to be good
when things are good
and how to be good when things are bad.
And you're both gonna
have to put in the work.
It's not gonna be easy or fun.
So, buckle up.
[JAX] Well, that was a lot.
Do you think we should keep it going?
Bye, Jax.
- [SCOFFS] Damn.
Bye, I guess.
Hey, Mom.
Jacqueline, I just saw in the news
about Shanelle's husband.
Oh, so horrible. Is she okay?
Yeah, Mom. She's okay, considering.
Oh, gosh, I feel for her.
I know how hard it is to lose a husband.
I'm still struggling
with Paul being gone.
- Did she really kill him?
- [JAX] Mom, you know what?
I really can't talk about the
details right now, so I need
Someone posted on Facebook
that he was beating her ass.
Can you imagine?
Oh, he always seemed so nice.
Yeah, well, looks can be deceiving.
Speaking of, I've been getting some,
what do they call it,
direct messages, uh,
DMs on Facebook.
What kinda DMs?
[MAMA LU] From some young thangs
that wanna take me out
'cause I still got it.
'Kay, Mom, you know, it is fascinating
that you can't believe that Shanelle's
football-playing husband was abusive,
but yet you think that
- You think they lying?
- [JAX] Okay, Mom.
Lewis and I are just leaving therapy,
and I need to head back
to the office, so just
[MAMA LU] You and Lewis?
I thought only you were
going because of your job.
I'm doing both.
That seems a bit excessive.
Well, are you feeling any better?
At this moment? No.
That's why I don't go to therapy.
I mean, I went once, left feeling worse.
So, I said, no, thank you.
No, all I need is my Bible, my wine,
and I'm good. Am I right?
Mom, I gotta go, 'kay? I love you.
Talk to you later, bye.
Buckle up is right.
[SIGHS] Sorry, I'm late.
There was an accident on Olympic.
Unfortunately, I can't help you, Jax.
I'm not on the case anymore.
What? Why, what happened?
This case is going to be huge
and the DA is up for reelection.
So, Henry wants someone,
preferably a woman,
to lead the charge, and, in his words,
"Guarantee a win."
Which clearly I couldn't do
with Brayden Miller.
Mike, whose case is it now?
You don't wanna fuck with me ♪
Got the police bustin' at me ♪
But they can't do nothin' to a G ♪
Let's get ready to rumble ♪
Got the police ♪
Following a thorough investigation
by the LAPD,
we have charged Jamarion Tucker's wife,
Shanelle Ashley Tucker,
with first degree murder.
Mrs. Tucker is currently in custody.
The people believe that Mrs. Tucker
effectively planned to kill her husband
and make it look like self-defense.
We intend to ask the court
to hold her without bail
But they can't do nothin' to a G ♪
and seek justice
for Jamarion Tucker
and his family
for this tragic loss of life.
Got the police bustin' at me ♪
But they can't do nothin' to a G ♪
Thank you.
I'm a straight ridah ♪
You don't wanna fuck with me ♪
Excuse me,
but since when does a prosecutor
allow a defendant
to be arrested and charged
before she alerts her lawyer?
I thought you were just a friend.
I'm her friend and her lawyer.
Oh. Well, then I'm sorry.
Well, you'll be even sorrier
when you realize
that you are overcharging
Mrs. Tucker for this crime.
- [LUCY] Uh-huh.
- This was not premeditated.
She was defending herself
against a monster.
In self-defense.
See, I have a different theory.
I believe your friend, client,
whatever, is a criminal,
and the thing about criminals
is if you don't stop them,
then they go on to commit more crimes.
I've seen this many times before.
So, you believe that Shanelle is,
what, some dangerous criminal mastermind
who killed her husband
in cold blood and could kill again?
More like a dangerous criminal rookie
who moved a body after waiting
two and a half hours to call police,
called her friend
who just happens to be a lawyer first
and told detectives,
"She checked to see if he was dead
before calling for help."
You're a lawyer.
And from what I hear, a very good one.
You sure I'm wrong?
You know this little show
might play great for the cameras,
but if I were you, I'd stop using
press conferences to get clout.
It's embarrassing.
Let me make something very clear to you.
I'm not interested
in clout or attention or a promotion.
Also, I don't care
about football or celebrity
or whatever it is
you people celebrate in this city.
My only concern is to reveal
truth and seek justice.
And I promise you, when I do,
I won't be the one who's embarrassed.
So, I'll see you in court, Mrs. Stewart.
I'm so sorry.
First degree?
How can they think I planned this?
Well, the delay in calling 911
and then calling me first
isn't, isn't good.
I didn't know what to do.
You believe me, right?
I do. I really do.
But this is a lot.
And with all the evidence
this is gonna be complicated.
Well, what-what about a plea?
Is that still an option?
Sadly, a plea is off the table.
well, can I at least leave here soon?
What-What about bail?
At the arraignment tomorrow, we
will find out what bail is going to be.
If it's offered at all.
Shanelle, the only thing you can do
right now is just try to stay calm.
[VOICE BREAKING] It's too much, Jax.
[JAX] I know, baby.
Look, I know, I know it's a lot.
But everything is gonna be okay.
How's, how's Jordan and Natasha?
[JAX] They are fine.
Jordan is with Sally,
Natasha is with JT's mom.
And we are all here for you
no matter what happens, okay?
I love you, Shay Shay.
I love you more.
Good day in my mind ♪
Safe to take a step out ♪
Get some air now, let your edge out ♪
Too soon, I spoke ♪
You be heavy in my mind ♪
Can you get the heck out ♪
I need rest now, got me bummed out ♪
You so, you so, you ♪
Baby, baby, babe ♪
I've been on my empty mind shit ♪
I try to keep from
losin' the rest of me ♪
I worry that I wasted
the best of me on you, baby ♪
You don't care ♪
I know, I said I would quit.
But it's been a rough fuckin' day.
It has been a rough fucking year.
It never ceases to amaze me
how you can have
the occasional cigarette
and never make it a habit.
I don't know.
It's not something I need, I guess.
You know, I thought about
what happened in couples therapy
and despite how angry we got,
that we still wanna do this.
Be husband and wife.
But we have to promise
that we will never give up
on each other no matter what.
Shanelle's case is no longer simple.
Without going into specifics,
I'll just say that it's gonna be
an uphill battle with this new DA
and the evidence against Shanelle
What, you think she planned to kill him?
Honestly, I don't.
She said she was planning to leave,
but a jury may think otherwise.
Which means the only way
that I can win her case
is if I dedicate myself fully
and be the best lawyer that I can be.
Which is why I can't be her lawyer.
You were right.
This is one of the
worst times of my life.
But it's also been one of the best
because I have been able
to finally prioritize my feelings
and I've never been able
to do that, even as a kid.
[LEWIS] I know.
So, as much as it pains me
to have to say no to Shanelle
I have to say yes to myself.
And yes to us.
Do you see how sweaty my hands are?
I had no idea [CHUCKLES]
what you were gonna say.
[LAUGHS] I'm sorry.
Eventually I got there.
You always do.
Thank you for sharing that with me.
And I'm, I am sorry,
I know I have been tough on you.
But I am proud of you,
baby, for doing this.
I know it wasn't easy to say no,
especially when I know you feel like
you need to be there for her.
[JAX] Yeah.
But I'm starting to wonder
if everything I think I need
is trying to kill me.
Then don't let it.
are you thinking of letting
one of the partners handle the case?
I mean, I know Rich is gone, so
It's, it's gonna be tricky, you know,
because Shanelle needs someone
who is going to fight for her
both in and out of court.
She needs someone
who understands the law,
someone who is a supporter of women.
And sadly, I can't think of anyone
at the firm who fits that bill.
You got anyone else in mind?
- So, you wanna ask tough questions, huh?
Come here.
You wanna ask tough questions?
Ooh. You know you love it.
Are you gonna make me come, Corey?
Right here.
Watch yourself ♪
Or fuck around and get
beside yourself, I know ♪
Go head though, bounce them titties ♪
Shake that ass, drop that pussy ♪
But stay in line, ho ♪
Fuck I can't, 'cause you can can ♪
Cocked up, head down ♪
Leave that pussy smoking ♪
If you wanna do somethin',
then bend over ♪
And bust that pussy open ♪
Wait, h-h-hold on a second.
I need you to give me a minute.
Are you serious?
- Jax Stewart.
Long time no speak.
What can I do for you?
- Been so long ♪
- Sing it ♪
- He's been on ♪
- Sing it ♪
- So please, show me ♪
- Get on the floor ♪
The nigga right chea ♪
What it is that you want to see ♪
Danger, talking 'bout ♪
Danger, motherfucker, look ♪
Get on the floor ♪
The nigga right chea, fuck it ♪
Danger, motherfucker,
watch your back ♪
Danger, look, look ♪
Nigga, what, look, look ♪
Get on the floor ♪
The nigga right here ♪
Get 'em up, what, danger ♪
- Been so long ♪
- What, what, what, sing it, danger ♪
- He's been on ♪
- What, what, what, what ♪
- So please, show me ♪
- Get on the floor ♪
- What it is that you want to see ♪
- The nigga right here, sing it ♪
- Been so long ♪
- Danger ♪
Since he's been on ♪
- So please, show me ♪
- Get on the floor ♪
The nigga right chea ♪
- What it is that you want to see ♪
- Sing it ♪
Danger ♪
Danger ♪
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