Taxi Driver (2021) s02e01 Episode Script

The Missing Son

(All characters, organizations,
and places are fictional.)
(Some scenes
of a criminal nature)
(could make you feel uncomfortable.)
Just three hours
after a factory worker died
after being crushed in a machine,
the production line was restarted,
and word of that angered the public.
The company stated
it was the worker's own mistake,
not an industrial disaster
A man who attacked a woman
who was heading home
to the studio apartment
she lived alone in
was sentenced to five years
in prison in the first trial.
The man who worked for
a private security company
was heavily drunk
and legally "feeble-minded,"
and pleaded for leniency.
I have some sad news.
Men who were charged
with distributing pornographic files
and sentenced to three years
are awaiting
the result of their appeal.
Meanwhile, one of their victims
took their own life.
Family members say the victim
suffered from extreme stress
caused by her assailants'
constant threats.
The online public is
voicing their fury
and demand the judiciary
hand out justice.
(Episode 1)
Inmate 5283,
come out to the corridor.
Today, the porn distributors
will hear the result
of their appeal.
One of the assailants
disguised himself as a woman
to make video calls
and victimize women and children
and sexually molest them.
Let go!
I heard you get out
on probation today.
It must be nice
to have some privileges.
I'd better have some.
I spent a fortune.
Call me when you're out.
I'll give you a spot.
(Gucheon Penitentiary)
(Emergency Transport)
Did you save the videos
before deleting the group chat?
- Do you know what this is?
- What's that?
A subway locker number and code.
Two years worth of subscriptions
is in there, in cash.
This note is worth money?
Did you gather subscribers
even behind bars?
Tens of thousands of viewers
in Korea alone
await our return.
If there's a demand,
it's only right there be a supply.
One should always
be ready to make money.
You have my respect, Boss.
Is it safe to do the same stuff
after we get out on probation?
You moron.
We'll put a puppet in charge,
and set up a room for paid members
on a foreign server.
To be honest,
I thought we'd rot in prison
for a good few years.
We were on TV every single day.
Do you know why we're getting out?
Isn't it because you hired
an ex-judge lawyer?
They forgot about us already.
This is why I love my country.
You're so right.
Hey, you.
Buckle your belts.
Fasten your seat belts.
You moron. Were you talking to us?
Let's not get into trouble now.
Do as he asks.
(Emergency Transport)
What's happening?
Oh, shoot.
You're not badly hurt, are you?
Come on. Get out.
Where are we?
What's that?
Get in, quick!
Nice one!
My throat is dry and sore.
Here, toast to our getaway.
Open one for me too.
Thanks. Guys, good job,
surviving your time behind bars.
Here, cheers!
who are you?
Me? I'm a subscriber.
A subscriber?
I'm a hardcore fan and subscriber
of the group chat you set up.
If you show up in court today,
you just go free.
Isn't that
a bit too simple?
I think you should wake up.
What happened?
Boss, I think you need to see this.
What is it?
They were behind bars
just until today.
During their attempt to escape,
they assaulted the guards
on the bus
and even took their weapons.
That looks like us.
No way, she said
weapons were stolen.
- We didn't take anything.
- Sorry, Boss.
What's that?
Why do you have that?
I don't know.
Due to the urgency of the situation,
police put them on the wanted list.
The fugitives
See? They're talking about us!
What did I tell you?
What the heck is going on?
They stole weapons too,
so they could get a life sentence.
- A life sentence.
- Darn it.
Hey, call the cops.
Say we'll turn ourselves in!
This is crazy.
We were a sentence away
from going free.
Do you think we're mad?
Why would we escape?
Why aren't you calling the cops?
The phone is locked!
Police have located
the fugitives' hideout.
is preparing to raid it.
Stay down!
Don't move!
Please don't kill us
Look up!
Show your faces!
We didn't break out!
It wasn't us.
This is so not fair!
I really don't like the idea
of them relaxing in prison.
They won't be able to.
When the owners of this note
realize the two years' worth
of subscriptions vanished,
they'll get pretty angry.
Two years worth of subscriptions?
It's our taxi fare.
Mr. Jang went to collect it already.
Mr. Kim thanks you
for sending him to prison.
Getting him out was our problem.
We couldn't ask for your help
when you're studying far away.
We won't meet again,
but wherever you are,
I wish you the best.
Take care, Prosecutor Kang.
We got paid.
I thought we'd make nothing.
Good for us.
Shall we head off now?
Well done.
(Taxi Driver 2)
(Two years ago)
Good job, everyone.
Do you have any plans?
- What's up there?
- An office?
I'm returning to my old job.
Me too.
There's an opening.
You guys must've been good
at what you did.
What about you, Go Eun?
I'm taking the civil service exam
next week.
- What?
- Don't people study for years?
Are you taking it for fun?
Should we buy you
some taffy for good luck?
We don't eat taffy these days.
What do you eat, then?
- Who eats taffy these days?
- It's chocolate.
I hope you pass.
Good luck.
This is it!
What are your plans?
I think I'll travel for a while,
wherever my legs take me.
- Okay.
- What about you?
Thanks for everything.
Your help is what got me started,
and you guys
made it possible for me to stop.
Some of you are returning
to where you were.
Some of you are making a new start,
and some are leaving.
I wish everyone is happy
and at peace in their new positions.
(President's Office)
(President's Office)
(President, Jang Sung Chul)
Where are the others?
What do you mean?
I did it all on my own,
whatever it may be.
(Two years ago)
(One year ago)
(Visit Security for help.)
Do you have the proof
of employment form I asked for?
- Darn it.
- Oh, dear.
Right, proof of employment.
I meant to bring it over
but I forgot.
Give me a moment.
Oh, that hurt.
Why don't you hire
a few more people?
The rest quit long ago.
This is for your grandchild's
kindergarten, right?
Does no one want to work with you
because of last year's incident?
I thought you were cleared
of all charges.
The busier, the better.
I get to exercise more.
It doesn't look like exercise.
It looks like
you're giving yourself a hard time.
- Goodbye.
- Bye.
Let's see
- Mr. Jang.
- What?
- You're hurt?
- No.
- Let me have a look.
- It's fine.
- Sit down.
- It's not that bad.
The cars here
are all so old, so it's not easy.
I'll try again and if it's still no good,
I'll send it to an expert.
I have no idea how Jin Eon and Kyung Gu
managed to fix all these.
I bet they cursed me out
as they did.
Do you miss them?
Don't even think of
calling them over.
They're all doing just fine
with their own lives.
Never again do I want to see
the people I care for
get hurt or suffer.
I don't think I can take it anymore.
Is that why you were so mean
when they visited?
Was I mean?
I guess I didn't want them to go.
Why didn't you send me away?
That's unfair.
If I sent you away, you'd just
do the same stuff
on your own somewhere.
Rather than let you do that,
I thought it best if I helped out.
Don't you think?
It's all done.
No one else should
sacrifice themselves for my sake.
Can you go to the basement
and bring me a lantern?
This one's about to go out.
(Staff Only)
(Staff Only)
(Korea Aerospace Laboratory
Press Conference)
The successful launch
of the sixth vehicle
resolved the recurring issues
we had
with stabling the fuel injection
of the third pod
as well as the safety
of the oxidizer tank.
(The Successful Launch
of Launch Vehicle 6)
How does it feel to complete
the successful launch?
It hasn't sunk in just yet,
and it feels odd
not to have any homework left.
Meanwhile, it's nice to know
that the mission was completed
by using parts crafted domestically.
The high-performance retro motor
designed to prevent collision
that aided the separation
of the first pod
is not only light in weight
but also small in size.
Adding one or two of them
to a deluxe taxi
would generate greater output.
- Did he say "deluxe taxi?"
- A deluxe taxi?
(Korea Aerospace Laboratory
Press Conference)
What was the question again?
This pager. Is it yours?
- Yes, it's mine.
- I haven't seen one in a while.
Do they even work these days?
I have it for sentimental reasons.
Enjoy your meal, then.
How has it been for you lately?
Good. I've been enjoying
tasty meals
and have been earning
a lot of money.
Same here.
I can't taste anything.
Maybe I'm suffering from andropause.
You too? I've been like that too.
I get why I'm in this situation,
but you're still relatively young.
Murder, robbery, rape,
assault, and burglary.
The number of adolescents
who have been arrested
for these five crimes
- mount up to
- They should be taught a lesson.
The victims have no one
to call anymore.
A source within
the police department
I am being transferred
to the Russia office.
Are you being reprimanded?
Come on. It's more like a promotion.
A promotion to Russia?
- For how long?
- Five years.
That's a long time.
- Once I wrap up this project.
- It's too long.
Shouldn't I at least say goodbye
to Mr. Jang before I go?
Mr. Jang?
And have him give you an earful?
Did Mr. Jang give you an earful?
You have no idea.
If looks could kill
I told you numerous times
not to come back here.
Don't you know
what it means to be fired?
You are not to come back here
ever again.
Do you hear me? You're fired!
At least he didn't mention
his funeral to you.
His funeral?
Don't come back here ever again.
Even after I die,
don't bother coming to my funeral.
How can he not want me
at his funeral?
He wants us to
go our own ways, that's all.
I get that, but
We should see
how he's doing though, right?
- Right.
- Here you go.
- Thank you for the meal.
- Thank you.
Have a good day.
(Missing, Name: Lee Dong Jae)
Excuse me. You dropped this.
Thank you.
- Sir
- Officer An.
Don't tell me
you're sticking your nose
in other departments' cases again.
He's been looking for his son
for over a year now.
Locating his son
would help him immensely
Stop your meddling
and get ready to clock out.
Everyone's expected
at the team dinner today.
I told you before
that the Information Management
only digs up requested information.
Don't just stand there
and get your things.
- That's it. Pass.
- Yes!
- Go on.
- Yes!
(Pork belly)
Can you believe it?
The father you wanted
to help earlier
His son is of age.
He isn't missing. He ran from home.
And we can't reveal the information
of those who ran off
without their consent.
We can't rule out
the possibility of domestic abuse.
Did it seem that way to you?
Who I saw
was a father looking for his son.
I guess you could be right.
But we can't make a judgment call
without having the facts.
If we don't help someone
in front of us
who needs our help,
what is the purpose
of our existence?
You're just following protocol.
Goodness, Captain.
You must already be tipsy.
If we cross the line
and ignore protocol
just because we can,
we'll be going from police officers
to offenders of the law.
There's also another rule
you should keep in mind.
This is
a job.
Watch out for termination,
pay docking,
and your HR performance evaluation.
Can I have a cigarette?
Darn it.
I'd rather he stay out
of other teams' businesses.
Officer An, don't mind him.
(Deluxe Taxi Service)
(Don't die, get revenge.
We'll do it for you.)
Let's see There we go.
(Deluxe Taxi Service)
(Don't die, get revenge.
We'll do it for you.)
(Missing, Name: Lee Dong Jae)
(Missing since
getting a job at Cotaya)
(Please find our son.
His family awaits his return.)
(Missing, Name: Lee Dong Jae)
Dong Jae, I'm sorry.
(Missing, Name: Lee Dong Jae)
(Deluxe Taxi Service - Don't die,
get revenge. We'll do it for you.)
(Deluxe Taxi Service - Don't die,
get revenge. We'll do it for you.)
(Missing, Name: Lee Dong Jae)
(Trauma: Does It Occur
Externally or Internally)
Tell me your story.
Tell me what has happened to you.
I have a son
who is the apple of my eye.
His mother died when he was young,
and I raised him
while running a small business.
Take this
and enjoy it with your friends.
- I forgot the radish.
- No!
Who takes fried chicken to school?
Don't forget to write down
important notices.
(Dong Jae's Fried Chicken)
See you later, Dad!
- Have fun in school.
- It was a lot for a boy to take,
but he grew up
to be a fine young man.
- Happy birthday.
- Thanks.
Son, happy birthday.
But I'm still in high school.
You can have the beer I allow.
Mr. Lee, where are ours?
- That's mean of you.
- Stop that.
Come by when it's your birthday.
Sure. It'll soon be delivered.
One boneless.
Son, don't you have classes today?
I'm good. The lecture was canceled.
I see.
Give me a second.
I wasn't able
to get an additional loan.
If you give me more time
You give me the same excuse
every six months.
If you can't make the payment,
just terminate the contract.
But then we'll be forced out
to the streets.
Don't make me the bad guy
and tell me
if you'll renew your contract
by the end of this month.
Boneless, right?
I have something to say.
I'll be going abroad
as an exchange student
for two years.
An exchange student?
I was offered a scholarship
and a room at the dorm.
For two years?
Can you manage alone
while I study abroad though?
Is this a good opportunity for you?
A tremendous one.
Others would kill for this chance.
Fine. I'm happy if you are.
This really wasn't necessary,
you know.
A man of age
should have a decent suit.
Would you like your initials
embroidered on the sleeve?
No, that's fine.
Yes, please do that for us.
Here, Dad.
What's this?
The alarm has been set to when
you should take your medicine.
I'll call once a day.
My son, let me give you a hug.
Dong Jae would've made me proud
- no matter what he did.
- Get going.
Have a good time.
But not long after,
I sensed that something was up.
(My son)
My son had been
contacting me every day,
but I wasn't able to hear from him
for over 15 days
which I found odd.
(Dong Jae's Fried Chicken)
- You're here.
- What?
Actually, I was just passing by.
If you give me more time,
I'll get you the money.
- It's all right.
- What?
I was already paid,
so everything's good.
You were paid?
I can't find it in me to lie to you.
Your son paid the rent.
He paid you?
But my son doesn't have
that kind of money.
Dong Jae took time off school
to work at his new job.
I heard that he got a refund
for his tuition.
He got himself a job?
I thought he left to study.
He said he was going to spend
two years earning money.
(Employment Contract)
That's when I found out.
You brat.
Dong Jae didn't go overseas
as an exchange student.
Stop working that job
and get home immediately.
(My son)
(Stop working that job
and get home immediately.)
This is my fault, Dong Jae.
I'm coming to you.
(Cotaya, Vietnam)
I went to the company
that had employed my son,
nothing was there.
Is this where we are?
Yes, this is where we are.
You can't report your son missing
just because
you haven't heard from him
ever since he left
for a job overseas.
He's 25 and of age.
Why don't you be patient with him?
I even received a phone call.
- Dong Jae, is that you?
- I'm sorry!
Hello? Dong Jae!
- Take a look at this.
- I already did, sir.
Maybe the address is wrong.
Something happened to Dong Jae.
He wouldn't go back on his promise
to call every day.
Something must've happened
that's keeping him from calling.
Mr. Lee, we understand your concern.
It's not like he's in Korea, right?
We'll look into the matter
and get back to you.
- Please head home for now and
- Why do you keep saying that?
You're a piece of work, sir.
Why are you badgering us
when your son's
not choosing to call you?
What do you mean by that?
Dong Jae's not calling on purpose?
Get on with your work.
I'll inform him.
Were you able to contact my son?
Why don't you have a seat, sir?
After you came in the other day,
we looked into the matter.
Your son called the embassy himself.
He doesn't want you to find him.
There's nothing we can do for you
when someone of age
refuses to be contacted.
Why won't you believe me?
What exactly aren't we believing?
There isn't a father
on this earth
who wouldn't recognize
his son's voice.
It was his voice I heard,
and I saw that the company
didn't exist at the address.
Why won't you believe me?
Since you won't find my son,
I'll look for him myself.
Thank you.
(Missing, Name: Lee Dong Jae)
He spent ten months overseas
looking for his son
by handing out these flyers?
If they had informed the father
of his whereabouts at the beginning,
he would've been easier to find.
The police were
only following protocol.
Anyone over 18
without a criminal record
is considered a runaway,
not someone who's missing.
And the police can't even track
one's credit card payments
if the runaway is of age.
That'll be a violation
of his rights.
When I got home,
that letter was in my mailbox.
(Lee Dong Jae)
(Dad, don't be so sad
just because I'm gone.)
(I wouldn't have been able to help
even if I were alive.)
(I have no regrets.
Life is so hard. I'm sorry.)
(Righteous and Honorable Police)
I see. Okay.
(New Police of Hope)
They evaluated the handwriting,
and it was written
by the same person.
That can't be.
I didn't have the heart
to tell you the other day.
Your son called us from the area
where a lot of foreigners
went to gamble illegally.
I'm sorry
to be the bearer of bad news.
There's no way
my son became a gambler.
I'm looking for my son.
Please take a look at this.
Please take a look at this flyer.
Please take a look at this.
This is my son. Please.
(Missing, Name: Lee Dong Jae)
(Missing, Name: Lee Dong Jae)
Life is so hard. I'm sorry.
But if his son indeed
wrote that suicide note,
there's nothing we can do.
The handwriting analysis said
it matched his son's,
so he probably wrote it.
But he couldn't have
written it willingly.
What makes you say that?
Check the bottom of the letter.
They probably left it as it is,
thinking it was just a scribble.
Lee Dong Jae served in the military
as an operations soldier.
He was a signalman.
He was probably used to Morse code.
(Save me.)
Come on. You have to
stop saying you don't know.
You should study
and try to figure it out.
Don't you want to go back home
to see your mom?
Sir, this is what I made so far.
You're dirty. Get off me.
Come on. Look at that!
With some studying,
he pulled it off.
- Hey, give him some food.
- Okay.
- Take this first. Drink it.
- Okay.
- Thank you.
- Good work.
This is amazing.
Is that you, Dong Jae?
- What are you doing?
- I'm sorry.
- Have you gone mad?
- Hey.
- Are you crazy?
- You little
Hello? Dong Jae!
(I'm sorry.)
(Save me.)
(Save me.)
"Save me."
He was forced
to write this suicide note.
So some people forced him.
Now that we got his message,
we should write back.
(Save me.)
(Storage and Delivery Locker)
(Don't die, get revenge.
We'll do it for you.)
(Memory Photo Booth,
Dongbuk Station, Exit 3)
(Memory Photo Booth,
Dongbuk Station, Exit 3)
(Memory Photo Booth)
thank you for choosing
our Rainbow Deluxe Taxi.
For your safety and convenience,
I'll explain a few rules.
While the deal is in place,
the cab's meter will
keep on running.
The fees will be dealt with
once the whole deal is done.
There may be some extra charges
depending on the deal,
and once you use our service,
you must not breach our work
to anyone.
Thank you for complying
with the rules.
Now, if you'd like to get revenge
on those who made you suffer,
press the blue button on the left.
If you don't want to get revenge,
press the red button on the right.
Please make your choice.
I set the alarm for when
you'd have to take your medicine.
Dad. You didn't forget
to take your medicine, right?
My gosh, Dong Jae.
- Did you eat?
- You took your medicine, right?
I already took it.
- Dad, look at this.
- Yes?
- Didn't I do a good job?
- Yes. You did.
Dad. You didn't forget
to take your medicine, right?
Take it now.
Dad. You didn't forget
to take your medicine, right?
Take it now.
(Collect your photo here.)
(Seoul 24 M5283)
(Seoul 24 M5283)
(Deluxe Watch and Clock Repairer)
So where will you go first?
Lee Dong Jae submitted his resume
to the head office in Korea.
So I'll go there first.
You can just stay in the office.
What are you talking about?
Where you go, I go too.
(Deluxe Watch and Clock Repairer)
Their office abroad
is a cattle farm.
And their head office in Korea
is under construction.
I see. They must have used
addresses of the buildings that
have been abandoned for a few years.
I should check if there are
any recent job listings
under this address.
(Go Eun's)
You're not waiting for me, right?
They probably erased any job listing
on the recruitment website that
showed any connection
to the company.
If they already deleted
the job listings,
getting a lead would be difficult.
That's not necessarily true.
They may have been able to delete
all possible leads.
But it won't be easy
to get rid of their habits.
(Deluxe Watch and Clock Repairer)
(Dong Jae's Fried Chicken)
(Dong Jae's Fried Chicken)
(Closed temporarily
due to personal reasons)
(Buyeong International)
(Cheongeum International)
So these are the job listings
they posted online, right?
Only the names are different.
Line spacing, font, and styles
are exactly the same.
I see. It's just like you said.
It's not easy to break habits.
What's this?
I submitted a similar resume
to Lee Dong Jae's.
It took less than 24 hours
to get a response.
A resume?
It specifies the same conditions
as Lee Dong Jae agreed to.
It's for a position overseas.
Then do you plan
to go abroad yourself?
Wait. To pull this off abroad
and not in Korea,
we'll have a lot more restrictions.
I don't have much of a choice.
(Cheongeum International)
Where are you now?
I'm on my way.
I've been thinking.
This case is challenging
in many ways.
If we're not thorough with our plan,
you might actually end up in danger.
I think so too.
Then hurry back.
Let's come up with a detailed plan
to solve this case.
Okay. I'll be there soon.
You can go in now.
(International Departures)
(Out of the Office)
He's not here.
- Should we check his office?
- Sure.
Mr. Jang isn't answering
his phone either.
Did something happen?
Seeing how there aren't
other workers here,
he must have been running
this place alone after we left.
(Missing, Name: Lee Dong Jae)
Hey, take a look at this.
(Missing, Name: Lee Dong Jae)
That's a missing person poster.
What about it?
It was in Mr. Jang's drawer.
This poster was in
Mr. Jang's drawer?
He rarely keeps posters like this
in his drawer.
Right. He usually stores
important items in his drawer.
That means
this is very important.
The sign outside said
he was out of the office.
- And he's not answering his phone.
- That means
Mr. Jang!
Mr. Kim!
The deluxe taxi is still here.
- Were we wrong?
- Were we?
You guys!
What is this?
What are you doing here?
Have you been well, Mr. Jang?
Why do you care?
I told you never to visit me again.
I made myself clear with you two.
I'm getting transferred abroad
for the next five years.
I came to say goodbye.
Right. What does your transfer
have to do with me?
Whatever. You two should get out.
Never come back here.
Okay. We'll get going.
Bye, Mr. Jang.
Gosh. They don't look so good.
They should take better care
of themselves.
Did you sense it too?
Yes. He was so awkward.
I'm sure he's hiding something.
And I think this is it.
(Rainbow Transport)
(Cotaya International Airport)
I arrived safely in Busan.
But this is an international call.
You don't know how dangerous it might be.
Why did you go alone?
We should prepare ourselves thoroughly
and go as a team.
Because I don't know
how dangerous it might be,
it's much better to be on my own.
You can back me up in Korea.
Are you sure?
I'll give you information
on the people I meet here.
You can run background checks
on them for me.
Okay. I'll set up the computer soon.
Cheongeum? Yes.
- Gosh. It's nice to meet you.
- It's hot, right?
Yes. Your suitcases.
Help them load their suitcases.
Hey, it's all set here.
Can you see them?
Yes. Crystal clear.
Where are you going?
They could have picked us up
in front of the arrivals gate.
But they designated a meeting spot
outside the airport.
That must be the blind spot
for security cameras.
- Hello.
- Hello.
You guys can get acquainted later.
- Let's get going first.
- Okay.
Hey, let's load one more suitcase!
Watch out here.
It's been a while, Go Eun.
Have you been well?
You know that your actions and words
don't seem to match, right?
We found this in Mr. Jang's office.
- Odd, right?
- What do you mean?
I'm sure Mr. Jang and Mr. Kim
are up to something without us.
I agree with him.
Officer An.
Are you busy? We're backlogged.
I'll be right there.
I'm sorry.
I'm in the middle of my shift.
Gosh. No.
Let's talk later.
Okay. You're busy.
You should get back to work.
Take care of yourself.
- Bye.
- Okay. Bye.
She must be very busy.
Go Eun seems to be doing well.
Let's not distract her.
We should go.
That leaves us with no choice.
We should handle it ourselves.
We'll face it head-on.
Face it head-on?
I've got an idea. Come with me.
Are you coming up with a plan?
That's so cool.
(We promise to make Seoul safe,
free from the 4 evils of society.)
(We promise to make Seoul safe,
free from the 4 evils of society.)
(Information Management)
All right. Do you like it?
This is what Vietnam is famous for.
The coconut juice.
Okay. I'll be sharing
a useful tip with you guys.
- Do you like sports?
- Yes.
Like skin scuba diving and surfing?
If you take classes every weekend,
you can get a certificate.
The job listing said the company
provided room and board.
But do we have to pay money?
No. The company
will provide everything.
Do you like seafood?
How much seafood have you had?
Shark fins? Caviar?
People here eat them as side dishes.
Gosh. Don't eat stuff like that.
Okay. This is the last day
you'll have this.
Let's eat shark fins and caviar now.
Gosh. Isn't that tasty?
(Registering runaways,
District: Dongbuk-gu)
(Lee Dong Jae, male)
(Lee Dong Jae, male)
(Arrival and departure records)
(Search arrival
and departure records.)
(Kim Do Ki,
Current status: Departure)
I'm sure this is the route
Lee Dong Jae took.
The new recruits?
Of course. They're taking selfies
and pictures of each other.
They're having a blast.
Yes. Hurry up and do it. Okay.
Are you sure
you'll be okay on your own?
I'll find out
if Lee Dong Jae was indeed here.
And if he was here,
I must find out what happened here.
I'll try to identify the guide.
Don't push yourself too hard,
I used to take care of this
on my own back in the day.
Don't look down on me.
I was merely telling you
not to push yourself too hard.
Guys! Cheongeum!
All right. Let's get going.
Gather around, guys.
Come back here.
- Okay? Okay.
- This is a nice photo too.
My goodness.
The driver went to the wrong place.
The ride won't be as comfortable,
but we should make do. Let's go.
- Okay.
- Get in now.
Hold on.
- Can you give me your cell phones?
- Why?
I'll replace your SIM cards
with local SIM cards.
Then I'll return them to you.
- Okay.
- We're in Vietnam.
You can send photos faster that way.
The company will cover it too.
- Get in now.
- Okay.
The scenery looks
very different from before.
It's better to work
in the countryside.
The air is fresh. Right?
There's no fine dust here.
We're almost there. Hang in there.
What's happening?
All right, guys. Look at me.
This is my last useful tip for you.
Study hard. Okay?
Kim. Can you hear me?
Why did you hang him upside down?
He's not some meat.
Put him down.
Thanks for coming.
(Resume, Kim Do Ki)
I checked your resumes.
Not bad for new recruits.
All right.
Let me conduct a survey now.
Speak up if you qualify.
Who here can play baccarat?
Who here can play Badugi?
Darn it. Don't be shy now.
Next. Who here can play poker?
Come on. I'm talking to myself.
They don't seem to get it
because they graduated
from third-rate universities.
Hey, we should teach them
how to talk first.
All right. Let me ask you again.
Who here has played online games
even if it was just once?
- Me.
- Me too.
That's it. I have to beat you up
to get you to talk.
All right. Starting now,
you will be making
all kinds of game programs
that I can put online.
You all majored in computer science.
I'm sure you'll be great.
("C Programming
Practice Questions and Answers")
If you need help,
refer to the books.
I'll check it every morning.
Are you telling us
to make illegal gambling programs?
You're smart.
I only majored in graphic design.
I don't know how to program.
You don't know? Then I'll teach you.
- Grab his hands.
- I really don't know.
Sir. But his hands
Darn it. Come here.
Hey, you don't know
how to program either?
No. I'll give it a try.
That's it.
They all said they didn't know
how to do it at first.
But they all turned out
to be great programmers. Okay?
You're back.
Hey. Say hello.
They are your seniors.
Just like you guys,
they didn't know anything at first.
But look at them.
They are experts.
Look at that face.
Do you feel wronged?
If you do feel wronged,
blame your poor
and ignorant parents.
There's only one way
you can get out of here alive.
Working hard.
Got it?
All right. Go to your rooms.
Start studying!
The shell is hard,
so peeling it wasn't easy.
Wang Tao Zi.
He came to ruin my life.
You punk.
(Taxi Driver 2)
Break one of his ankles tomorrow.
Sleep tight.
Mr. Kim is there by himself?
Anything can happen to him.
It's worse than I thought.
I can't escape by myself
and leave the other guys behind.
I never trust men.
We'll go back to the head office.
I apologize for the commotion.
Mr. Kim. That chairman
If you haven't gotten
all of their suicide notes,
make sure to get everyone's.
Write down exactly what I say.
"Life is so hard. Bye, everyone."
I can't be certain either.
- Kill him now!
- Are you okay? Mr. Kim!
Would we be able to go back home safely?
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