The A List (2018) s02e01 Episode Script

A Second Chance

[female voice] Have you been experiencing
any flashbacks?
[Mia] No, none.
And still no physical side effects?
I keep telling you. I feel fine.
That's wonderful, Mia.
You've made so much progress.
Yeah. Well, it was hard to accept
that it was all a trick of my mind.
No Amber.
No Midge.
- [bones cracking]
- [gasps]
None of it was real.
[muffled screaming]
Everything that happened
on Peregrine Island was a lie.
[theme song playing]
I don't trust my eyes anymore ♪
No one sees who I see ♪
Can it be true? ♪
It's not you ♪
Who are you? ♪
Who are you? ♪
[loud whirring]
[dramatic music playing]
[Mia shouts] Alex!
Mia! [breathing heavily]
No! Mia! Mia!
[Alex screaming] Mia!
[breathes heavily]
[pencil thuds]
- [beeps]
- [door unlocks]
Me llamo Kayleigh.
Mi perro se llama Biscuit.
Buenos días, Alex!
You all right?
"Morning, Jenna!"
Alex! Your books have arrived.
A Study in Scarlet,
Frankenstein, Physics Present Day.
I thought we'd already given you books?
I read them. Quarantine is boring.
Ah, not so fast! While you're here
- [Kayleigh and Zac giggling]
- Vampires.
- [Kayleigh] Oh no!
- In your own time, dear.
[pricker thuds]
[device beeps]
- All looking nice and healthy.
- Whoop-de-doo.
[therapist] The toxic chemicals
at Camp Peregrine made you sick,
physically and mentally.
[inhales] Your mind cooked up
a fantasy that felt so real,
it took weeks for you to even consider
that it might be a lie.
But how am I supposed to
get back to my old life
if everyone keeps treating me
like I'm crazy?
I need some privacy.
It's constant therapy and blood tests,
scoring my feelings off a chart.
My mom started working from home
so she can keep an eye on me.
We haven't spent this much time together
since I was a fetus.
Your mother only wants
what's best for you.
She tells me
you're having trouble sleeping.
You're still dreaming about him,
aren't you?
It's only natural.
It doesn't matter
whether it was real or not.
- ["The Feast" by Katie Kim playing]
- [therapist] You were in love with Dev.
Out of the boat
on that day we went walking ♪
[therapist] Nobody forgets
their first love.
[Mia] It's strange.
I remember how he made me feel,
but when I close my eyes,
I can't picture his face.
[male voice on radio] Come in, Unit 1.
How’s it looking out there?
[hazmat] Sector 8 looks clear.
[hazmat] Unit 1. Sector 3 clear.
[man on radio]
Saw some movement in Sector 6.
[hazmat] Roger that. On our way.
[sinister whispers echoing]
Well? [exhales]
Is it ready?
It's ready.
- Then we have to tell the others.
- Alex.
- You know we only get one shot at this.
- Then this is it.
- See you later.
- Hang on.
You haven't told me
about your session with Dr. Shaw.
Because there's nothing to say.
We talked, again.
Get over here.
You'd tell me, wouldn't you,
if there was anything wrong?
Yes, Mom, I promise.
I know you're bored
of talking about it, but
I worry about you.
That's what I do.
It will be nice this afternoon,
seeing everyone again.
Your friends are what you need right now.
Yeah. It would be a shame if I miss them
because we were having
this heart-to-heart.
You're not meeting them for an hour.
And I still haven't picked out an outfit.
[gasps softly]
- [Zac] It's an insane plan.
- [Alex] It's our only plan.
- [Zac] We're gonna get caught.
- We're already caught. Don't be a wuss.
He's not!
Sorry, Nurse Ratched wanted to see me.
Why's Zac being a wuss?
I finished the rope, but some of us
would rather stay prisoners.
It's not a prison. There's a pool!
We're just saying if it goes wrong,
it will only make things worse.
What's worse than slowly dying
of boredom in here?
If I have to play one more game
of checkers, I'm going to scream.
I miss the good old days
when we were mind-controlled.
That's not funny!
Kayleigh, we have to try.
They're never going to let us out.
It's been six weeks already.
- Oh, I dunno.
- Fine. Be a moron. We can do without him.
- Don't speak to him like that.
- What'd you just call me?
- Shut up!
- Perfect.
If this is going to work,
it needs all of us.
Can we count on you?
She's coming!
What are you all up to out here?
Just talking about how much we hate you.
Ah, the usual, then.
I know this is tough on you all.
I know you're missing your family,
but this isn't forever.
Quarantine is a precautionary measure
to keep you safe.
Safe from what? From Amber?
You don't even know
if she's still out there, or Midge.
One minute, they're the same person,
and then, there's two of them.
I know I saw her on the cliff,
before you and your boss gassed us!
I promise you
the Amber situation is under control.
When I have more information
to share with you, I will.
[inhales] What about Brendan? Is he safe?
Did you use the knockout gas on him too,
or is he still being mind-controlled
by Amber?
I can't tell you any more
than I already have.
Brendan, Mia, Dev, Petal,
they're all fine.
Then prove it.
Just let me speak to Petal.
For five minutes.
You know what Amber did to her.
If you want me to trust you,
then just let me know she's okay.
- [beeps]
- [door unlocks]
[machines beeping regularly]
I don't suppose I've had any calls?
Nobody wanting to visit, or
That's cool. No problem. [chuckles]
It's not like I'm allowed to see anyone,
- Your dress was deal of the day, so cute.
- I know, right?
Ooh, marshmallow flavor. That's new!
[sinister buildup]
Mia? Hello!
What flavor?
Oh, um
Just [scoffs]
coffee flavor.
[phone vibrating, ringing]
- Hello?
- [distorted male voice] Mia.
If you want the truth
about Peregrine Island,
follow the map, now.
What map?
Who is this?
- Hello?
- [hang up dial tone]
[message bleeps]
Hi, Dev.
Did you miss me?
Dev, put that down.
- You'll hurt yourself.
- Walk away, Amber.
You told me that you you loved me.
That wasn't me.
I never loved you.
Yes, you did.
That's why you're so scared of me.
Amber, I'm the one with an arrow aimed
at whatever you have in place of a heart.
You really think I'd let you shoot that?
If you still had any power over me,
you'd have used it.
I'm no danger to you.
You are nothing to me anymore.
You were Midge's obsession.
And Mia's "true love."
She only saw what I wanted her to see.
And now,
you're wondering
if she's ever going to recognize you again
when she sees you.
- She'll know me.
- That's if you find her.
If you help me, then maybe I can help you.
Time's running out,
and the patrols will find you in the end.
I'll take my chances with them,
but I'll never do anything for you.
[sirens wailing]
[dogs barking]
[Mia] Hello?
Dave! [chuckles]
Hello, Mia.
What are you doing here?
How did you find me?
Dark web and persistence.
[Mia chuckles]
- Did anybody follow you?
- I don't know.
I knew I should have said, "Make sure
no one's followed you." Come on.
[Dave] Who Who have you spoken to?
What do you know?
[splutters] No one and nothing.
I've been looking for everyone for weeks,
but all I found online
was pictures of people in faraway places.
Like, Dev and Alex decided to take
a gap year on the other side of the world,
and Brendan's completely vanished.
No one's parents would talk to me, and
Of course not. It's a massive cover-up.
By who?
I don't know that exactly.
That's, well,
one of the things they're covering up.
But it's whoever Mags was working for.
- They said I had a breakdown.
- Oh.
Hallucinated it all
because of toxic chemicals on the island.
I was starting to believe them.
Everything they said you imagined,
was real.
[splutters] Camp Peregrine, uh, Amber
Okay, so, where are the others?
Are they okay?
Ugh! Well, they
Well, they sent some home with "amnesia"
and the same "toxic chemicals" story,
but anyone
who was in Amber's inner circle,
is in a quarantine facility.
But then, why did they send me home?
What's my part in all this?
I wish I could tell you.
I was kept in an isolation wing.
But I saw another patient
I recognized Petal.
I can tell you how to get her.
Wait. [scoffs]
How do I know this isn't a trick to
I don't know, make me seem crazy
and send me to hospital.
I'm sorry, Dave, but you didn't
exactly help us on the island.
I I don't think I'm ready to trust you.
It's not just me!
There's someone working with me.
He said to say
"If we don't come back"
"Remember us."
[necklace rattles]
[necklace rattles]
He's waiting at the hospital.
Petal's still in isolation. I've broken
into the hospital's secure server.
They're moving her with the others today.
That's why we have to get her first.
[scoffs] Won't she slow us down?
Well, I'm just asking.
Last time I saw her,
she was pretty damaged.
Her notes say she's fine.
I managed to make a floor plan.
There's a fuse box up ahead.
You put these on, and get Petal.
The room she's in needs a key card,
but I'll kill the power,
so no CCTV, no locks.
Fuse box is over here.
- [voices approaching]
- [gasps]
[door shuts]
I had the plan upside down.
- Is Petal ready to go?
- She's got no idea.
- I couldn't risk contacting anyone.
- So what if she doesn't want to come?
What if she believes
the same story they told me?
You're very persuasive.
[indistinct voice on radio]
[hamzat] Copy that. Team 14,
we're on our way back to base.
Do you have to do that?
You're giving me a headache.
I'm bored.[sighs]
You can play with us if you like.
Es divertido.
You know what to do, right?
Yeah. [sighs]
Yeah, I know how to play.
- I'm just not very good at it.
- Mate, what is your problem?
Still have a dodgy arm from when you
and your boyfriend beat me up.
Okay, that's actually homophobic.
There's nothing wrong
with having a boyfriend.
- Brendan's not my boyfriend.
- [Jenna] That's not the point.
He shouldn't use it as an insult.
Okay, how about, "gutless coward
that can't fight me one-on-one"?
- Yes, that would be fine.
- If you want to fight me, I'm right here.
Zac, leave it. He's not worth it.
It's your fault I'm in here. If you hadn't
jumped me, I'd have been gone.
Mia! How did you get in?
Are you okay? Not mind-melted?
I Yeah, I'm I'm fine,
but I think I might be infectious, so
No time to explain.
Everything you've been told here is a lie.
Put these on. Come with me.
- Okay. Where's Alex? Is she with you?
- No.
But we're getting her next.
Help! They're trying to kill each other.
["Come Alive" by The Phantoms playing]
[both grunting]
- [Zac] Get him off me!
- [Luka] Let me go!
Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh ♪
- Stop, don't hurt him!
- [doctor] Get back!
- Stop! No, don't hurt him!
- [doctor] Get back!
I can hear it calling out ♪
- There's no turning back now ♪
- [exhales]
It's like I'm alive for the first time ♪
This is the trial ♪
For the hero inside us all ♪
- [sinister voices echoing]
- I can hear adventure call ♪
- Here we go! ♪
- It's not a fight. It's an escape!
Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh ♪
- Look out below ♪
- [alarm blaring]
- Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh ♪
- Hold it!
It's time to soar ♪
Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh ♪
I won't hold back anymore ♪
- [beeps]
- Reach to the sky ♪
- It's my time to come alive ♪
- [panting]
Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh ♪
- [coughing]
- Look out below ♪
- Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh ♪
- [grunts]
It's time to soar ♪
- [grunts]
- Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh ♪
I won't hold back anymore ♪
Reach to the sky ♪
It's my time to come alive ♪
- I thought we were getting Alex.
- Yeah, we are.
Um, Harry's gone to organize transport,
or something.
He said that Dave would explain.
They've got a whole plan worked out.
[both panting]
He left a note.
"This is as far as I go.
Everything you need to know is here.
I'm sorry."
- Oh, no.
- What is it?
Alex and the others, they're in a place
called the Lockwell Institute.
[both panting]
[waves crashing]
And where is the Lockwell Institute?
Peregrine Island.
They never left.
Just follow the coastline.
You go east.
I go west.
The only way to get Dev
and Alex
and all the others
is to go back to Peregrine Island.
- [beeps]
- [door unlocks]
[door unlocks]
How much longer
do I have to stay in here?
We need to run some more tests.
- Make sure there's no infection.
- [chinks]
And you're something of a medical miracle.
- We still have a lot of questions.
- I feel fine.
Like I've been given a second chance.
Now all I want is just to
get my life back.
[ethereal music playing]
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