The Ark (2023) s02e01 Episode Script

Failed Experiment

ALICIA: Previously on "The Ark"
- You used me.
- Angus!
It's dragging the ship
down to Proxima's surface.
- The crash will kill them!
- Alicia, get the shutdown code ready.
- Taking us in.
- Ark 15, power up your engines and go!
LANE: Looks like they heard you.
Proximity alert? Damage
indicators on all decks!
MADDOX: We're sending shuttles of
rescue teams and medical personnel.
- Thank you, Ms. Maddox.
- I owe you.
Ark 15 shuttle deployed.
Rescue team en route to Ark 1.
- Spence!
- All systems are unresponsive.
We have to get to
everybody else. To Eva.
- Come on. Damn it!
- This thing's not budging.
- We're not going anywhere.
- Why can't we reach our crew?
Best I can tell, the internal
comms relays are down.
- But we can talk to Ark 15?
- That's the external transmitters.
Completely different system.
Ark 1, prepare for hull breach.
I repeat, prepare for hull breach.
Approaching the breach position.
Hey. Hey, guys. Come here for a second.
I I want to say something because
we might not have another chance, okay?
Growing up in a lab,
I never had a family.
I mean, other than my
sister. I had no real family.
I never even knew what one
even felt like, you know?
And now I do.
And we are getting the rest
of our family from back there.
You're damn straight we are.
Beginning hull breach procedure.
- Brace for decompression.
- Helmets on.
ALICIA: Activating
pressure compensation.
Halfway through.
Hull breach successful.
Stand by for extraction.
BRICE: Sharon, come on!
Sharon, you okay?
Welcome back aboard, Lieutenant Garnet.
- It's Captain Garnet.
- Captain Garnet.
- You GSA?
- Was.
Kimimela Joma, head of
Ms. Maddox's security team.
- Thank you for coming to get us.
- Now take us to the aft dock
- so we can check on the rest of our crew.
- I'm afraid I can't do that.
- Why? Is the aft dock damaged?
- It appears to be intact,
- but my orders are to bring you directly to Ark 15.
- What about the others?
We're not gonna be following
those orders, are we?
Because we've got people back there.
I'm sorry. I'm just doing what I'm told.
To hell with that.
- Easy! Easy, Brice.
- Get off me, man!
- Hey, take a breath.
- Am I gonna have a problem with you?
- Ms. Maddox,
Sharon Garnet here.
I'm pleased to hear your
voice. Are you injured?
No, I'm fine, but I am concerned
about the rest of my crew.
With your permission, I'd
like to go to the aft
In due time, Sharon. In due time.
But first I need you to come see me.
Maddox out.
Take us home.
- Welcome back to Ark 15.
- Thank you, Ms. Maddox.
Please, it's Evelyn.
We're friends now, dear.
- Hello, Mr. Lane.
- Hello.
Helm, prepare to get us
to Trappist-1D on NEPS
before we get our damaged FTL repaired.
- But what about our friends?
- I told you we couldn't trust this woman.
Evelyn, surely you mean you wanna
set a course after we get our people.
I'm sorry, but we don't have
another choice but to abandon them.
And leave them to die?
What exactly changed
since you said you owe us?
I said I owe you, Sharon.
Not your entire ship.
That's crazy. Why wouldn't
you try and rescue everyone?
- We don't know how much time they have.
- As you already know,
the Arks are designed to
carry a maximum of 400 people,
but we lost one of our
oxygen cells along the way.
Which means you can
only support 395 now.
Yes. A problem until you
killed ten of my people.
Well, yeah, I had no choice.
They were attacking us.
No, no, no, no. You did me a favor.
We needed to lose some people.
It kept me from having to choose.
Can you believe how
cavalier this woman is
- about losing lives?
- I'm not cavalier.
- I'm being pragmatic.
- I hate to say it, but she is right.
With one damaged O2 cell,
this ship's life support
can only handle 395 people.
The four of us puts
it nearly at capacity.
Exactly. Ark 15 is full.
Surely there's a way. Alicia, can
we bring over an O2 cell from Ark 1?
We might be able to bring
one to replace theirs,
but that only buys five
more spots if it works.
Well, then we at least need to try that.
What happens if we do try
to bring everyone over here?
Then the oxygen scrubbers
wouldn't be able to keep up,
and we'd run out of
breathable air in about a week.
And if we brought fewer
people, say ten or twenty?
Fewer people would
extend the amount of time
it would take to happen, but
we'd still run out of air.
Give us time to check the
condition of our people
and see how badly damaged our ship is.
At the very least, your
medics could provide
medical help to the injured?
If it means so much to
you, I'll give you 24 hours.
Long enough to fix our FTL.
My pilot will take Lieutenants
Lane and Brice back to Ark 1.
They can help who they can.
They can come back
with an Ark 1 shuttle.
We can always use another shuttle.
Sharon, Ms. Nevins, you
will remain as our guests.
Alicia, see if you can
fix their broken cell,
and if there's any way
to adjust their air system
to support more people.
Uh, if that's okay with you, Evelyn.
It's a waste of time. My
people already tried that.
Alicia's probably smarter than
any your people. No offense.
None taken. From what I've
seen, you're probably right.
Fine. Try.
Please join me on the bridge,
and I'll show you our plan.
After your Ark launched,
space telescopes mapped
several more potentially
inhabitable planets.
Is that why you gave the
command to go to Trappist-1D?
Yes. It's quite a bit
closer than Ross 128.
At full FTL, we shall arrive
there in just under eight months.
And you weren't gonna
tell me about it, were you?
I'm telling you now. Haven't you
noticed, Sharon? I'm a new woman.
Not really. No.
Arks 10 and 12 were tasked
with going to Trappist.
Hopefully by the time we get there,
they will have already
started building a new colony
and we can all start our new life there.
Why did you go to Proxima B instead
of Trappist in the first place?
Proxima B is closer. I'm
a very impatient woman.
Do you mind if I try
your hailing transmitter
to see if I can raise anyone on Ark 1?
Not at all.
- Now go ahead.
Attention, Ark 1. Garnet here.
Can anyone hear me?
Try the WD frequencies.
Come on.
Ark 1, does anyone hear me?
Your internal relay
transmitters are probably down.
Or everyone's just dead.
- Are you okay?
Strickland. I'm okay.
Go see if anybody else needs help.
Cat. Cat, can you hear me?
I don't think I'm doing so well, Felix.
No, no, no. Leave it. Leave it.
That's what's keeping
you from bleeding out.
I'll take you to Kabir.
You'll be fine. Come on.
You're a really good man, Felix.
If only you were straight,
we could have had so much fun.
I'm sure we would have, Cat.
Hope I can meet a good
man like you in heaven.
Or more likely hell.
You're not going either place, Cat.
Not for many years.
- Cat, don't move.
Come on. Come on!
Dr. Kabir.
Bloody hell. Cat.
Dr. Kabir!
She's not doing any better than I am.
What do you think?
This dying thing a good look on me?
You're not going to die.
There you go again, lying.
- Felix, you have to help Cat.
- I will help them both.
It hurts, Will.
Felix will be here in a minute.
You know, I really did
think I loved you, Will.
Don't try to talk.
You thought I was with you
for the money, didn't you?
Well, why else would a woman like you
be with an ugly old man like me?
You're not ugly.
You're actually kind of handsome.
- Shh, shh, shh.
If I'm being truthful,
you'll never be as good a man as,
say, Felix over there.
So come to think of it,
it probably was about the money.
Well, and the connections.
I mean, they got me on this ship, right?
Lucky me.
Come on, come on, come on.
- Come on.
- Easy, easy, easy, easy.
Felix? What happened?
The ship got hit by debris
from Proxima B when it exploded.
- Exploded?
- Please, stay still.
I want to have you immobilized
until we figure out how
bad your injuries are.
I can tell you how bad
they are. Really bad.
She's gone.
Dr. Marsh, you might want to prepare
for incoming injured from Ark 1.
Yes. Okay. Don't you want
to hear about your daughter?
Her brainwaves are showing activity.
Perhaps you wanna talk to her?
Hearing your voice might help.
Trust me. Hearing my voice won't help.
What are her chances of waking up?
Maybe 40% without help.
I can activate her.
We said no heroic measures for anyone
who has less than 50% chances
of surviving on their own.
I can't activate just anyone,
but she has that advantage.
- No exceptions.
- We made an exception for you, Evelyn.
There are people on the Ark 1
who could use her space and
would be more productive.
She's your daughter.
She's a failed experiment. Nothing more.
What does that mean, Dr. Marsh?
Failed experiment?
You heard all that?
Hang on!
Angus? Angus?
Oh, my God.
- Open your eyes.
- Mm-mm.
I need to look under your
clothing to check your wounds.
Well, I'm not feeling real
modest right now, so go for it.
- Steady, steady.
Not pretty, huh?
You really need a doctor.
Someone other than you.
Come on. Come on.
Oh, thank God. Eva, listen.
You need oxygen, okay?
Just breathe. Breathe.
Eva, what are you doing?
- I have to I have to stop the fire.
- Eva, just breathe.
- All right.
Oh, I'm so (SIGHS)
Eva, you gave me a fright
back there, you know?
All right. Eva.
Eva, you've done
enough. You need to rest.
No, I have to check the
nuclear coil, cool the NEPS,
- comms are all down.
- Just stop, all right? Stop.
Listen to me.
You can take some time
to catch your damn breath.
I have to get things stable.
At least get the inner-ship
comms relays back up.
- Okay.
All right, just
just tell me what to do.
Oh, God. Is Cat
I'm so sorry, Mr. Trust.
- Dr. Kabir?
- Not doing so well either. Angus?
We need to get them over to
Ark 15. Can you carry her?
Ark 15?
Yeah, they're actually helping us now.
- Well, sort of. Come on.
- No, no, no. Felix
I'm sorry. This is going
to hurt a little bit.
Felix. Felix. Ow! Felix, Felix!
- Felix.
- Come on.
- There you go.
- Angus!
- We'll do what we can for him.
- How bad is it over there?
- It's bad.
So far we've found 23 dead.
Much more injured, but no doctor
to help them, so we triaged.
LANE: But life support is
holding and many are alive.
Well, go back and see
who else you can save.
Cat didn't make it.
How many people did you
bring aboard my ship?
Myself and two who needed
immediate medical help.
Including Angus, who I figured
you'd want to save given,
you know, that he saved your life.
I told you we have limited life support,
yet you bring three
more people on my Ark
- who are probably going to die anyway.
- We wouldn't have brought them
if we didn't think they stood a chance.
- Well, now there are too many people.
- Don't worry, we're leaving.
And Brice stayed behind, so
you're still below capacity.
Don't bring another soul.
MARSH: Go, go, go! Move, move!
Get him ready for surgery straight away.
You, go occupy yourself somewhere else.
There's no room in
here for you to hover.
- I want to stay with Angus.
- I'll let you know if there
are any changes, all right?
Keep moving, guys. Let's go, let's go.
One, two, three.
They won't let me in.
They have more resources here.
I'm sure they'll save him.
Why don't you go work on the oxygen
system? Keep your mind occupied?
I'll keep trying. But to be honest,
I don't think it can be fixed.
Sweetheart, why don't you just
take a minute and sit down?
Can't. I need to shore up life support.
I just wish I could be more help.
We had an explosion on deck 3B.
Had to vent it to put out the fire.
Engineering 3B?
Was anyone in there?
I'm sorry. Most of them were.
It's all right, it's okay. You're okay.
I know they were all your friends.
- Without their help, I can't fix the ship.
- I know.
- I'm only one person. I can't do it.
- I know.
For what it's worth, we did a headcount.
I can't be sure, but it seems
like Sasha wasn't in there.
You go. You want to help? Go find Sasha.
- I'm on it. I'm on it.
- Go.
Cut it.
He lost too much blood.
Tammy, where's the blood I sent you for?
TAMMY: I'm at synthetic blood
bank, but Ms. Maddox has locked it.
Go check the reserves.
I'm gonna talk to Evelyn.
I'm sorry, Angus.
I really am.
We'll need full FTL if we're
going to make it to Trappist.
You locked me out of
the synth blood vaults.
I did. From now on, you
may clear access with me.
I need blood for Angus.
That would be wasting it.
That boy saved your life.
That debt has already been repaid.
He adds no value to this ship.
We won't waste more
resources on him. Am I clear?
If I hadn't heard it beating myself,
I would say you have no heart, Evelyn.
- What about their doctor?
- She's stable for now.
Good. She has value.
She's clearly a better doctor than you,
given she was able to cure me.
You're wanted in the crew meeting.
- By who?
- Didn't say.
- Ma'am, you're wanted in the crew meeting.
What's going on?
These men and women wish to go to Ark 1.
Why? It's badly damaged.
It might not survive.
And I'd like to take some
of my patients to Ark 1.
I need access to your
ship's synthetic blood bank.
- For Angus?
- Yes.
Why leave a pristine ship
to go to a damaged one?
We have five top engineers among us.
- We can help repair your ship.
- And you've met Evelyn.
We don't want to stay under
the thumb of that monster.
I don't know. You're asking
me to take one of her doctors
and key personnel when Evelyn
ultimately saved our lives.
Half the people on your ship
were killed because of her,
not to mention everyone on Ark 3.
Staying here makes us accomplices.
Look, the debris impacted
the fore section of your ship.
The rest of the ship can
most likely be repaired.
Most of the people in the
aft or even the lower decks
of the fore are probably alive.
MARSH: Evelyn has no
intention of saving them.
She won't even let me save Angus.
If we can get him back to your
ship and your blood bank is intact,
- I might be able to save him.
- Garnet, we have to do this.
Evelyn has a friggin' army.
How are we supposed to
sneak this many people
and two severely injured
patients off the ship?
KIMI: If we don't help you,
everyone alive on Ark 1 will die.
We're Ark 1's best hope.
(rapid be
Dr. Marsh? Dr. Marsh!
Doc, you alive?
- Doc! Doc!
- Hmm?
away from me! Get away from me.
- You have to save Angus!
- Where's your doctor?
- I don't know. I don't know.
All right, go find an
injector labeled adrenaline.
Go, go!
Okay, I got it. How much do I give him?
Not him! Not him. Me, me, me.
Okay. Okay.
Help me down. Help me down.
Oh, my God. He's lost too much blood.
His pressure has dropped too
low. His brain is starving.
- Where does your ship store its blood?
- I don't know.
I think Dr. Marsh went to get some,
but he's been gone a really long time.
No, Angus needs blood right now.
Could you give him some of mine?
- Do you know your blood type?
- Yes. O-negative.
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
I've given to Mother a few times.
All right, then sit down.
(GRUNTS) Damn. Okay.
Okay. One of these.
- Oh, boy.
- Griff!
- Strickland?
- We need to get her out of here.
- If we step on that water
when it's arcing, it'll fry us.
Go shut it off at the junction box.
No go. The door's toast.
We need to somehow shorten the cable
so it's not close to the water.
Hold this.
- You okay?
- I'm all right.
- Okay.
- Thanks. I'm surprised you came for me.
I was mad at you. Doesn't
mean I wanted you dead.
Well, I guess that's something.
- Let's keep moving.
- Go. Go, go, go.
- Remember when Trent went to shut down the nuclear leak,
and we closed off all
the doors behind him?
Genius. You want me to
do the same thing here.
- Can you get access?
- KIMI: Our FTL is fixed.
Maddox could decide to go any second.
I'm already in. Ready?
Do it.
FTL is 96% operational.
Someone has activated an override.
- What is Garnet up to?
- Kimi, take the others
and get them loaded on the shuttle.
- We'll meet you there.
- Okay.
Come on! Let's go!
- Med bay's this way.
- Hey. Welcome to the living.
- What happened?
Whoa! Whoa, whoa. Lay
back down. Lay back down.
- Get away from me!
- Are you in pain? How are you able to sit up?
- Get her away from me!
- Even with everything their doctor and I did,
you should not be recovering this fast.
Is there something
weird about your blood?
Not that I know of. I swear.
I don't understand what's happening.
- What is she doing here?
- Angus, she saved your life.
I don't believe you.
Even if that's true,
I don't care. You
Get her away from me.
Get her away from me.
- The adrenaline's wearing off.
- Okay.
KABIR: Not feeling so well.
I should not be hopping around myself.
- Here. Here, here.
- No.
Thanks, but another one of
these so close to the last one
could cause my heart to arrest.
Where have you been?
I'm talking to you!
- Back off!
- Whoa!
Alicia! Hurry up, guys.
Come on. We gotta get back now.
You all leaving? Mother's
gonna be really angry.
- Move!
- Sanji. Hey, Sanji. Hey.
If you're going, you better go now.
She'll block you from the shuttle.
Sanji, hey, can you walk?
I thought you said another
shot could kill you.
Did I?
- Sanji!
KABIR: Okay.
- Come here.
- Let's go, let's go, let's go.
- Let's go.
Garnet won't leave without her people.
Go to med bay.
We just breached med
bay. There's no one here.
The shuttle just initiated.
She's taking more people than her own.
Identify who of our
people are on that shuttle.
Why are we bringing her
with us? She's a murderer.
Sanji says she saved Angus' life,
- and Dr. Marsh says Maddox will kill her for that.
- Okay, and why is that bad?
- Alicia, we don't advocate for murder.
- Well, how about justice?
She killed Helena and
tried to kill Angus.
We can't save our ship and our
crewmates without their help.
We don't have enough personnel,
and Dr. Marsh will only come
with us if we take Kelly.
Thank you.
All passengers are in
the cargo hold in back.
Shuttle's ready to go.
We have to leave now.
We finally have a truce with Maddox.
Leaving now, with her people,
her daughter, will end that truce.
And if we don't, we've
doomed any survivors on Ark 1.
MADDOX: Kimi, as the
head of my security,
I command you to stand down.
Dr. Marsh, you're my
oldest friend on this ship.
I'm counting on you to
commandeer that shuttle
and bring them back to me.
- Kelly?
- Yes, Mother?
Oh, sweetheart, I need you
to take down that shuttle
and bring it back to me.
Will you show me how brave
you are and do that for me?
- I don't think you want me to do that.
- Why not, dear?
Because the next time I see
you, I'm going to kill you.
Fine. You left me no choice.
What's happening?
What's happening back there, Dr. Marsh?
- Dr. Marsh
- Quiet!
What's happening?
- She trigged it.
- Triggered what?
Kelly has a plasti-gel
failsafe inside her body.
Failsafe from what?
From doing something exactly like this,
but I never thought she
would actually use it.
Wait, plasti-gel is an explosive.
Are you telling me
there's a bomb inside her?
- We shouldn't risk approaching the dock
with literally a ticking bomb.
I'm moving us far away from both Arks.
I don't understand. Why
does she have a bomb in her?
I don't have time explain
it. I need to disarm it.
- Are you sure you can?
- Does that mean what I think it does?
- Dr. Marsh, how much time?
We should eject her from
the shuttle far from Ark 1.
Let her blow up out there by herself
so she can't do any more damage.
Might I point out she saved Angus?
Might I also point out
she tried to kill him?
Prepare her for ejection.
- No.
- Step aside, doctor.
I won't! She's a human being!
I'm sorry, doctor, but I have
a responsibility to the rest
of the people on this shuttle.
Your own people are in the back.
I can save her. I can save all of
us if you would just let me work.
- Kelly has knowledge. She has other talents
that will be very valuable to all of us.
What are you talking about?
Hey, I found him
He was losing a fight
with a support strut.
You know, that is the second
time I've saved your life now.
- Yeah, but no kissing this time.
- I'm so glad you're alive.
I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
Look, I need you on the
internal comms relay.
I can't get it to work. Not my area.
On it, boss.
It's cute how worried you are about me.
But I'm fine. Really, I am.
And right now, me and
Sasha are the only ones
keeping this ship from
failing completely.
I know.
- This is crazy! Eject her!
- Alicia, don't.
What do you want me to do?
Garnet to Maddox, over.
Have you decided to turn around
and bring my crew back to me?
You know I can't leave
what's left of my crew to die.
Then you've sealed your own fate.
- That's it.
- Don't do this, Evelyn.
- Why shouldn't I?
Because I'm your friend.
You said so yourself.
Friends don't steal from each other.
They asked to come. They want
to help save people on Ark 1.
- Then they will die with you.
- You said there were
too many people on your ship.
You still have more than enough doctors,
engineers, staff to
safely run your ship.
Don't do this.
Hasn't there been enough bloodshed?
You owe me, Evelyn.
- It's disarmed.
- Thank you, Evelyn.
- Now we're even.
We'll fix our ship, and we
will see you at Trappist-1D.
Oh, I doubt it.
Tell the other colonists
to make room for us.
I will welcome you myself,
but under one condition.
- What's that?
- Don't bring my daughter with you.
From now on, she's dead to me.
BRICE: Attention Ark 1.
This is Lieutenant Brice.
Comms are back up, so I can
finally report our situation.
I'm in Engineering, and
I'm happy to tell you
that the engines, the FTL retrofit,
and our most critical
systems are intact or fixable.
Look, I I won't sugarcoat it.
This is a terrible
event that's happened.
We've lost members of
our crew. Good people.
They'd become like family to us.
But as we've always
done, we will persevere.
Because we have to.
And we will fix our ship,
and we will get to a planet
that we can call our home.
So let's get to it.
Start by reporting in department
status and casualties.
Brice out.
SASHA: The reports are coming in.
- from life support.
- This is Kim from medical
- This is
Hull cameras are back up.
Ark 15 is starting their FTL.
At least we have a destination.
Do we have a ship to get us there?
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