The Baxters (2024) s02e01 Episode Script

Blank Canvas

-[Dirk] Your husband's
having an affair.
You deserve to know the truth.
Are you in love with her?
Yes. I'm in love with her.
-[Tim] I want a divorce.
[Kari] No! I won't give
you a divorce, Tim!
-[door opens]
-[Elizabeth] We never truly
forget our first love.
It's normal that you would
still have a place in
your heart for Ryan.
I'm not trying
to come between
you and Tim.
I just want
to really understand
where we went wrong.
[Angela] There is no
future between me and you.
Stay away from me
and Tim.
I'm pregnant.
[Angela] You said we deserved
a happy ending.
-[smashes glass] I hate you!
How do you feel about guys
that have have four
older sisters?
-You're thinking of Luke?
-Are you, uh
Do you have a
No. No, I'm single.
[Ryan] I got a call
from the Giants.
The "Giants" Giants?
Yeah. They want to
offer me a coaching job.
Come on, Ash,
talk to me.
Look, you've never even
been to my house, ever!
[Ashley] And now,
you're here trying to fix this
like you can't look me
in the eye ever since
-Go. Ever since what?
-Ever since your best friend
died and I didn't.
[Reagan] I didn't know
that she was driving
the car.
Poor Ashley.
The pain and the guilt
that she's probably
harboring inside.
Between that and Paris,
the amount of stuff
that she's been through,
-it's no wonder
she's so complicated.
You are my husband,
and we are having a baby.
We have to find a way
to forgive each other.
I think we need
to go back to the way
things were.
I love my husband.
Goodbye, Ryan.
Hey, Coach.
I think I'm ready to accept
that offer.
[Elizabeth] Ashley,
you can run way
from your feelings,
and you can run away
from us.
But we won't allow you
to run away from your son!
[John] Let us help you.
[principal] I know
that Angela was important
to you.
She's the one.
I would do anything for her.
-[Kari] If you want Angela
to love you
you have to earn that love.
-[Dirk] It's too late now.
She's gone. I'm never
gonna get her back,
because your husband
is a liar and a cheater
And you'll be a murderer.
You're the greatest gift
God ever gave me.
-[Kari crying] Tim, please.
-[Tim] I love you, Kari.
I love you too.
[theme song playing]
'Cause life has a way
Of pulling us under ♪
But we'll stick it out ♪
If we got each other ♪
When it all feels
too much ♪
I know you'll come running
For me ♪
Through the highs and lows
We'll find our way home ♪
Family ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
Family ♪
[Kari] Hi, Tim.
It's us again.
Jessie's already
three months old.
Can you believe it?
[Jessie coos]
I'm trying so hard
to be strong.
For her.
For you.
Every time I think
I'm taking a step forward,
every time the cracks
seem to get a little smaller
the sun comes up,
and she opens her eyes
and all I can see is you,
and it hurts, all over again.
The sun'll keep coming up.
And I'll keep
getting stronger
And even if we can't
come by every day
just know, a piece of us
is always with you.
And a piece of you
is always with us.
[toy siren wails]
[knock on door]
I brought stimulants.
Hmm, you know you could
just say coffee.
And miss the opportunity
to flaunt my natural
flair for the English language!
I don't think so.
Hey, Cole.
-[Cole] Hi, Erika.
-Glad to see you're
a little humble today.
Hmm, someone's extra sassy
this morning.
I like it.
Which emotion do
we have to thank?
Confidence or nerves?
It's too early
for so many words.
The latter it is.
Cole, we're leaving in two.
Okay, Mommy.
Please tell me you're
not actually thinking
of wearing sneakers
-to a job interview?
[Erika] What do you mean,
[Ashley] They're sensible
and quirky.
They're lazy and hideous.
You are not helping.
Trust me, I am helping.
Look, do you want
this job or not?
Yes. Of course, I do.
I don't know.
Look, I want to be able
to check the mail
without having a panic attack
that something's overdue.
[whispering] I want to be
able to afford daycare
without having to take
charity from my parents.
And I really just want you
to tell me what to wear,
because I don't have
the energy to figure it out.
Music to my ears.
Now, we'll keep the jacket.
Scratch the rest.
-[seatbelt clicks]
-There we go.
High five!
See you later.
You're a lifesaver.
Caffeine and style tips.
That's why I was put
on this earth.
Listen, if I get this job,
coffee's on me
for a month. Promise.
When you get this job.
I wish I was
as optimistic as you.
I wish you were too.
I'm really gonna have
to start charging
for these pep talks.
-Love you. Mean it.
[car door opens and closes]
Okay, what have we got?
Burn victim. BP 180/100.
Pulse 89.
We got a lot more coming.
Yeah. Okay.
Get her to the trauma bay.
[chuckles] Wait, why is
my face so small?
It's only like that
on your end, Dad.
Besides, would you rather
look at yourself
or your favorite son?
Uh, I don't know.
I cannot figure this thing out.
How is it that you're capable
of saving lives,
and yet smartphones just
completely baffle you?
Oh, okay, big shot.
You show me a smartphone
with a nice bedside manner
and a comfortable pension,
then we'll talk.
Hey, Jack, we've got burn
victims pouring in from
a nearby apartment complex.
Word is they've lost
track of two firefighters.
Dad, is that
Landon Blake's unit?
I don't know, son.
I'll call you back.
-[Ashley] We're here.
-[ends call]
-Uncle Luke!
-Hey, what's up, buddy?
Hey, sorry, we're late.
Got halfway down the street
and realized I left
my curling iron on.
Could have burnt down
the whole house.
-What's up?
-Who wants to learn
how to dribble like a pro?
[chuckles] All right,
lead the way. Come on.
[Elizabeth] Ashley,
is that you?
Hey, Mom!
Oh, you look nice.
-I have a surprise for you.
Oh, wait, let me guess,
another life-changing book
from America's latest
self-help guru?
I'm gonna pretend
like you didn't say that.
Good. And I'll keep pretending
like I read them.
Look, I found them
in the garage.
It must have been
a Christmas gift that slipped
through the cracks.
I haven't seen you
pick up a brush in ages.
-[Kari] Hi, Mom.
-We're back here.
-Hey, Ash.
I thought you had
your big interview
this morning.
Yeah. No, yeah, I do.
Um, I'm gonna go.
-Mom, I'll call you after.
-Good luck.
I think she's nervous.
-[Kari] Hey, Ash. uh
-[Jessie coos]
-Hi, darling Jessie.
-Ash, wait up.
-What's up?
I just wanted to give you
some interview pointers.
Cool. But I'm good.
Hey, I've interviewed
a lot of people,
and I know it can be tough
getting back out there.
So you're really just trying
to point out that I haven't
had a job in a while?
You're gonna be great.
Just take a deep breath
and try and focus
on being positive.
Okay. I'll try.
And I told Mom if this
doesn't work out, I can get
you some hours at the showroom.
[sarcastically] Oh, thank you.
Look, I don't need
a pity job.
I don't need a pep talk.
I just need you to let
me live my life.
-[car door opens]
Any word on the second
firefighter yet?
No. Not yet, but paramedics
are en route.
-I want to know the moment
they blow through that door.
[paramedic] We have
an unresponsive male
with severe smoke inhalation.
Oh, Lord!
Okay, let's get him
to the trauma bay.
I want a chest x-ray stat!
My buddy, Landon,
saved your boy's life.
We need to save his.
I've known Landon since
he was very young.
I'll do everything I can.
We need two cc's of morphine.
Let's go, people.
All right
[cell phone ringing]
Hey, B, it's Kari.
Mom's out back
with Luke and Cole.
What? Is he okay?
Okay. Call us back
when you know more.
What is it?
Landon Blake was hurt
in a fire.
He's in critical condition.
We should call Ashley.
Well, she's at
her job interview.
We'll tell her
when she gets home.
[tone beeps]
[woman] Sunset Hills.
-Hey, it's Ashley Baxter.
-[woman] Come on in.
-You must be Ashley.
I'm Lu.
We spoke on the phone.
Nice to meet you.
You're early. I like that.
[door opens]
Welcome to Sunset Hills.
-You're gonna have to get
used to the smell.
-The smell?
Moth balls and urine seem
to be the popular consensus.
But I prefer to think of it
as the scent of yester year.
You know, people come
thinking they're going to
spend the day
baking cookies or watching
soaps with Grandma,
but unfortunately,
that's just not the case.
Patients in the beginning
stages of Alzheimer's
and dementia are often
confused, disoriented.
Keeping them grounded
in the here and now
is no vacation.
Follow me.
[heart monitor beeping]
[John] God, are you watching
over him?
He needs your love
and your strength.
-How's he doing?
Blood tests came back
negative for carbon monoxide
How about his lungs?
Hasn't broken the 90s
off the ventilator.
I hear the little boy's
doing better.
Barely a scratch.
Yeah, he said
Landon gave him his mask.
Risked his life.
He's a hero.
So are you.
[scoffs softly]
Do you remember Mrs. Angers?
The realtor that lives
at the end of the street?
[chuckles softly] Yeah.
He used to pick
her flowers.
Every week.
And he'd bring them
to Ashley when they were kids.
Is that why she put up
the fence?
-[both chuckle softly]
He has loved her
his whole life.
Come on, Landon.
Come on!
This is Belinda.
She's the office manager.
-Too pretty.
Uh, nice to meet you.
Pretty girls never last.
Too much lifting.
Ignore her.
I do the hiring around here.
All right, let's talk
about your resume.
Little bit of a gap here.
Yeah. I have a son.
Cole. He's four.
Taking the time
to raise a child
is one of the most selfless
things a person can do.
It says here that you worked
at an art gallery in Paris.
That's incredible.
Tell me about that.
Oh, it was just for a summer.
So you're an aspiring artist?
I, uh I used to be.
I used to paint.
I don't really
Eventually, you will
have to finish a sentence.
-I'm sorry.
-Don't be.
-Maybe this wasn't such
a good idea.
-Would you stop?
She wouldn't be here
if there wasn't a reason.
What do you suppose
that reason is?
Um, well, uh,
the schedule is great.
And the pay is always a plus.
Well, certainly there are more
enticing options out there.
[Ashley] Maybe. But
But what?
I guess I just
I wanna do something important.
Something other than
bouncing calls
and making coffee.
Why do you feel that
working here is important?
[breathes deeply]
The other day,
I was driving through town,
and there were these older
ladies crossing the street,
probably in their 90s,
hunched over,
arm in arm, and I couldn't
take my eyes off them.
I pulled over,
and I stared at them
for the longest time.
And they were so unassuming
and fragile.
Cars honked at them,
and they moved as fast
as they could.
And I couldn't help but wonder
if that was the only
attention that they got
on a given day.
And how lonely
that must feel
to be invisible.
Anyway, the next day,
I saw the ad online,
[chuckles softly] I guess
it just felt like a sign.
I have no doubt it was.
And as for the heavy lifting,
some of us pretty girls are
a lot stronger than we look.
-[Lu] Belinda.
She's more delusional
than the patients.
When can you start?
[chuckles softly]
[chuckles softly]
Thank you.
[gate opening]
Hey, it's me.
I guess coffee's on me
for a month
because I got the job!
Thanks for the fashion advice.
Call me back and we can go
shopping for some
new work clothes. Okay, bye.
[exhales sharply]
-[John] Hey.
I'm here with Kari.
-How is he?
-He's in a coma.
It's critical.
His parents just got here.
Does Ashley know?
[Elizabeth] No,
but she should be home
any minute.
Elizabeth, he may not
make it through the night.
No, he'll wait for her.
He always has.
[softly] Yeah.
-[door opens]
-[Ashley] Hello!
[door closes]
Mom, guess what?
She's here. I'll call you
back, okay?
-Where's Cole?
-He's in the back yard
with Luke. He's fine.
[Elizabeth] There's been
an accident, sweetheart.
It's Landon.
He may not make it.
Ash, hey.
I'm so sorry.
We're doing everything we can.
Hey, your timing is good.
He just got out of surgery
about an hour ago.
Uh, is he going to
We're doing everything
we can to help him
pull through.
But you don't know
if he's going to
He's He's suffering from
severe smoke inhalation.
By the time he got to us,
his airway had almost
completely collapsed.
His breathing is
stable, though,
so that's encouraging.
That's a huge step.
But there are some
complications that can arise
from a loss of oxygen
for this long.
In Landon's case,
he slipped into a coma.
So all we can do now
is wait to see
how his body responds.
So, you're not sure.
That's just your doctorly
-way of saying that you
-Ashley, listen to me.
He's critical, yes.
But he is fighting,
and right now, he needs
all the support he can get.
I'm sorry. I know
I know you're doing
everything you can.
It's okay. I know this is hard.
I don't think I can
Yes, you can. And you will.
Do you know why?
Because he needs you right now.
Ashley, I know you care
about Landon a lot.
And you need to tell him that.
Research shows that comatose
patients can often hear
when they're being spoken to.
And positive reinforcement,
I mean, that That has
a huge impact on recovery.
So why don't you go in there
and talk to him, okay?
-Come on.
[inhales sharply]
Hi. It's Ashley.
Wish you could hear
what everyone's saying
about you.
They're calling you a hero.
Just get better, okay?
[Elizabeth] Next time
on The Baxters.
-I'm Ashley.
-[Belinda] Sit down, Irvel.
[Belinda] Don't indulge
their delusions.
Your job is to feed
and care for them
on your shift.
Not to be friends.
But I also sense God calling
me to scale back my work
as head pastor.
Wait, you're not thinking
about retiring, are you?
My dad loves bowling.
I'm really excited for you
to meet him in a few weeks.
-Hey, I am ready.
-And I've always known
that you love me.
[crying] You have
to pull through this, okay?
Landon, you have to.
-[rapid beeping]
[theme music playing]
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