The Boarding School: Las Cumbres (2021) s02e01 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 1

In less than 15 hours,
we'll be at the beach eating fried fish.
- Run! Run!
- No!
Where's Manuel?
A man in a crow mask took him.
What a nice little story.
It seems most inconceivable
that two students have disappeared
from right under your very noses.
We have a commitment to their families.
They're trusting us.
They send us their children
so that we can toughen them up.
Don't make more trouble, Paul.
I can't stand being here.
We don't even know where Manuel is!
I'll do whatever it takes to help him.
You hear me? Whatever it takes.
"High upon the peaks, the crow caws".
This place is full of crows.
High upon the peaks, the crow caws
There are dangerous people in the forest.
The same people who took Manuel.
We think it's some kind of ancient lodge.
The Lodge of the Crow's Nest.
That's how they took Manuel.
Don't you ever get scared, or what?
Yeah, sometimes,
I have nightmares about you.
Sure they're nightmares?
- Are you teasing me?
- I'd never dream of it.
Each and every one of you
deserves the same respect
as the teachers for whom you must stand.
Every time they tell you,
"You're here because you're scum"
they're lying.
I think you're quite unusual.
- Why's that?
- You smoke, you drink.
- And you wear jeans under your habit.
- What should I wear, then?
Every time they tell you that outside,
nobody needs you, they're lying.
Her name was Yolanda Pascual.
She was a girl who needed help.
That day, I lost my faith. I lost myself.
I've seen Yolanda's symptoms
in other students here.
I know Corax Labs
are financing this school.
They use these students like guinea pigs.
And what about the huge grants
that Corax Labs have given out
to pay for your studies, Elvira?
It's not exactly like that.
Give me a reason to believe you, Elvira.
Just a single reason.
"Please, let me see you one last time.
I'll give you the proof you need."
Help! I've been locked in here!
Don't believe them. Don't let this go on.
Push back against it.
Get yourself a good lawyer, Mara.
Our colleague, Elías
has taken his own life.
Elías was the only one who cared about us!
Have the nightmares returned?
How's everything going?
They treat me well, Dad.
Is she starting to remember?
Hey, Goody-Two-Shoes!
Don't you remember anything?
I have amnesia, remember?
Our goal is, despite their problems,
to help them graduate with qualifications.
I like a challenge.
Why are you playing that piece?
Because you like it.
This is a result of the accident.
Your brain is trying to remember.
When it can't, it gets frustrated.
What you're seeing are
muddled images, nothing more.
I think we knew each other
before I lost my memory.
I think you're the only person
who can tell me who I am.
Tell me who I am, León.
Everyone is lying to me.
- Do you want to marry me?
- Every day.
My name isn't even Inés.
Inés is dead!
Why won't anyone tell me the truth?
Who is that girl?
She isn't real.
I didn't know you could see her.
I realised the other day.
Why can we see the same things?
Members of the Crow's Nest Lodge
who lived here made a pact with the Devil.
Concealed by masks,
they'd meet in an underground place
called "The Nest".
Here, it says that Pope Nicolas V
sent a man to investigate these mountains.
Father Malaquías.
Malaquías didn't find
the door from the forest,
but he built a monastery on top
of the place they took their victims.
This monastery.
I've found the door.
The door to the Crow's Nest.
- It's in the dining hall, in the chimney.
- There are musical notes.
On the other side of this wall
is the church organ.
What if they're connected?
What the hell is this?
The Crow's Nest. Manu has to be here.
What the fuck are you doing to me?
Kill me already!
Or just let me do it myself!
Stop! Police!
That's Manu's shirt.
He was wearing it when he escaped.
And the tranq darts we found in the river?
Must've been from a poacher.
- Paul, I need to talk to you now.
- Adèle, I'll come find you later.
Now you're not alone.
Want to come with me to Paris?
To my uncle's wedding?
Of course I do! Come here.
I'm going back, Rita.
I can't leave Paul here.
My brother is all I've got.
The Crow's Nest summons its members
by launching lanterns into the sky.
And every time this happens,
a young virgin is sacrificed.
Manu! Please, wake up!
What are you doing here, Adèle?
You need to go. Are you really here?
You need to get out
before they take you to Room 3.
How do we get out of here?
Come on, help me.
You need to get out
before they take you away, OK?
- We'll go together, right?
- No.
I can't fit through.
All right? You need to get out, Adèle.
- No.
- Look at me.
- I can't do it.
- Get help, all right?
I don't have much time left.
What's Room 3?
Who's doing this to you?
Did Amaia manage to escape?
No one's forgotten me?
We've looked for you every single day.
I promise I'll come back for you, OK?
Get going.
My sister's been missing
in the forest since yesterday.
She could be dead!
If anything happens to Adèle,
I'll make you pay.
It's all right.
I escaped.
Manuel helped me escape.
I saw Rita.
I deserve the punishment I receive.
I promise not to break the rules again.
I thank this school for its discipline
and for showing me the way.
It's a possibility that a serial killer
is responsible
for killing one of our students.
Rita Ramírez.
The similarities between this crime
and the murder of little Alba
have led the police to believe
there's a crazed killer in the area,
someone re-enacting murders
which took place in these valleys
many centuries ago.
We're talking about a copycat killer.
They say this killer
belongs to a strange lodge.
The Lodge of the Crow's Nest.
They wear crow masks
and murder young girls.
They rip out their eyes.
And they all have
the same tattoo on their bodies.
The Death rune.
The authorities will want to talk
to each of us over the next few hours.
- I don't believe this
- Please!
Please, they're asking
for our full cooperation.
And we will give it to them.
For my part
I ask that you give me
your full commitment to this school.
Things need to change here.
I will not tolerate
any further breaches of discipline.
Under no circumstances.
By the end of the day,
students should be so exhausted,
they won't have the energy
to organise any revolts.
Maintaining order and full discipline
is, and will be, our main priority.
Keep at it! Keep pace!
Come on!
- Adèle needs time
- Come on!
Keep going! Come on!
- Did I tell you to stop?
- No, sir!
The pain the students feel
over Elías' death is understandable.
We all held him in high regard.
But this does not justify
vandalism and wild rage.
Starting today, cold showers every day,
until they lose the desire to rebel.
Adèle, say something.
I only want to help you.
Say something, Adèle.
Dude, do you seriously have to guard us
morning, noon, and night?
We will bring back order.
Iron-clad discipline.
Then they'll understand that nothing
and no-one does anything
without my permission.
These seem very necessary
and appropriate measures.
Pelayo, this is outrageous.
Can't you see that
these measures won't work?
I think we can find alternatives
to improve trust with the students.
That will be all.
Good day.
Do you know what my oldest memory is?
- You.
- Me?
Cleaning my face
with a sponge and warm water
while my father watched over me.
You seemed happy.
Why wouldn't I be?
You had woken up from the coma.
How long have you been my father's shadow?
We've known each other a long time.
After you survived the accident,
he contacted me.
And what was the accident?
He was driving. It had been raining.
The road was wet, then on a bend
Blah, blah, blah.
Tell me something I don't already know.
I don't need to tell you anything.
We're stimulating your brain
so you can remember for yourself.
May I come in? How's everything going?
How's my girl?
Fran, have you seen any improvement
in her long-term memory
by stimulating the temporal lobes?
Looks like it's working
What do you remember, Inés?
- What happened, Inés?
- Fran, send me everything.
Perhaps we've reached a turning point.
Enough! We're done.
I don't want to know.
I don't want to remember, you hear me?
- I'm not interested.
- Sweetheart
All students,
report immediately to the dining hall.
Punctuality is a sign of respect
both for oneself and for other people.
- Get out the way.
- Move it, slowpoke.
Adèle, this isn't your fault.
Easy now.
Adèle, look at me.
Look at me. You need to breathe.
That's it, sis.
That's it.
Any of them could have done it.
Any of the teachers.
We have to get out of here.
Manuel doesn't have much time left.
I promised Manuel I'd come back.
Can you take us to him?
I think so.
You two! What are you doing?
Neither of you will eat as punishment.
Tonight's the night.
At midnight, when the bells ring.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
From now on,
I shall be teaching Latin classes.
We'll start with an exam
so I can check your level.
I won't be as indulgent as dear Elías was.
Don Arturo, may I come in?
Don Arturo?
"Dear Elías,
I can only imagine how awful it must be
to open up the tomb of a student
in order to take a hair sample.
I applaud your commitment
to the truth and to Yolanda Pascual.
The analysis leaves no room for doubt.
An extremely toxic substance
is what caused her death."
Why do you believe she was poisoned?
I don't know.
But what I do know is,
the analysis found strychnine.
A poison that causes spasms,
vomiting, neurological changes,
terrible pain, and death.
Very similar to being possessed.
Elías never stopped believing this.
He was right.
All right.
Now more than ever,
I can't believe he killed himself.
All right.
But why would someone kill him?
I don't know.
They ransacked my room
the night that Elías died.
They didn't just steal the envelope
with the proof I was going to give him.
It was a threat.
They wanted me to know
they had been there.
All right.
Just stay calm, OK?
We'll be careful. It'll be fine.
I'll take over. Go get some sleep.
What? I was told I had two more hours.
Screw it, I'll just go to bed then.
Since you came, I'll call it a night.
- I've had it up to here with guard duty.
- All right then.
Rest up, man.
- Take it easy.
- Later.
- Amaia.
- What?
I'm going this way.
- I'm going to the church.
- You remember the song for the door?
I hope you find Manuel.
Why don't you leave Darío?
He isn't your father. You owe him nothing.
He's all I have.
Or maybe not.
I hope you find out who you are.
I don't think I want to.
I know who you are, Inés.
And I know you.
- Since when have you been buddies?
- Hey, she's helping us.
- We need to get going.
- All right.
Hey, what's up?
I don't want to go.
I don't want to go back to my mum.
You know what it's like there.
Paz, this isn't the time.
Who said anything about your mum?
You're with us now.
They'll look for us. Where will we hide?
We'll get by.
I've robbed thousands of times.
Breaking into a car
or a house isn't hard, Paz.
And this time, I won't leave without you.
Let's go. Come on.
You're having a get-together
and I'm not even invited?
Eva, leave us alone.
This has nothing to do with you.
Get lost!
Well, if they're going to punish us,
I'd rather not miss out on the fun stuff.
Look, what do you want, brat?
What if I tell Mara about the Prozac
you steal from the nurse's office?
- Slut.
- Thanks.
We found someone who can fix the organ.
- They'll come tomorrow.
- Shit!
No, no, no.
Why won't it open?
- I don't know!
- What's wrong?
Damn it.
Why won't it bloody open?
What if Inés wasn't able
to get to the organ?
Why isn't it opening now?
- Come on, Inés!
- Maybe it's busted.
- Is it busted or something?
- Luis, open the door!
Look out!
Shut up!
What's going on here?
What's going on in here?
Nothing. We'll return to our guard posts.
You lot aren't on duty tonight.
- Forbidden references keep appearing.
- Shit.
Yes, of course.
This isn't fair. We didn't do anything.
Tell that to the headmistress tomorrow,
You should all be tucked up in bed.
Now you have a cold night
ahead of you in the freezers
Something's not right.
I'll be right back.
Come on, keep going.
In you go.
Didn't you realise
there's six of us and one of you?
Come on, get in!
- Push!
- Go, go, go!
I've got the keys!
Lock it!
- All right, let's go!
- Come on!
Come on!
- Run!
- Nighty night!
Let me out of here!
- We need to get to the front gate!
- Go!
Where do you think you're going?
And the others?
Where are they?
- Amaia, run!
- You're crazy!
- No!
- Run!
- Come on!
- Run!
Run, Adèle!
All right. Shit!
That's not the right one. I've got this!
Come on!
I've got it!
Hurry! Get through!
Close the gate! Close it!
- Hold it shut! Come on!
- Stop!
Hey, Amaia!
- Run for it!
- Get back here!
Open this door!
Open this door now!
- Let's go!
- Get back here!
- Amaia! Are you OK?
- Amaia!
Find them.
Get in line!
Did you know that I have insomnia?
We're not going to stop
until I get sleepy.
Follow the circuit. Move it!
Go on! Move it!
Move it, Julio! Move it!
I'm going to have
a lot of fun with you lot today!
I want to see you crawl!
Move it, I said! Come on!
I've got all the time in the world!
I want to see you suffer!
Move it, Julio!
Hey, can you keep it down?
Go to bed, dork.
Come on!
It's OK, Amaia.
You're OK. Hey, look at me.
You're OK now. Are you all right?
- Are you all right?
- You're OK now.
- You'll be OK.
- Lean on me, Amaia.
- They're after us! We need to move!
- Let's go.
Let's go!
I didn't mean to startle you.
The door was open.
I see you're an early bird, like me.
Good morning, Arturo.
Elías was a man of contradictions.
His life was filled with confusion.
But he cared for these children.
His absence has left
a big hole in the school.
It doesn't matter.
I don't need approval
from every single teacher.
Nor your blessing, Don Arturo.
Things would work out better if you did.
Let's see how far you get
with these extreme measures.
- Haven't we walked by here before?
- Adèle, does this look familiar?
It was dark out, all right?
Shit, there's a lot of blood.
She needs a doctor.
We need to do something.
You hear that?
Hear what?
Let's go, Amaia.
Come on!
I remember this.
- It's here!
- What?
This is the place!
Let's go.
- Here?
- Yes!
- Are you sure it's here?
- Yes.
In you go.
Come on.
- Help me, Paul.
- Go on.
Are you going in?
Be careful.
Shit, I can't get in!
It's too small!
Are you in?
We're too late.
They've taken him to Room 3.
"Killers from the Crow's Nest Lodge
tattooed their bodies with the Death rune
as a sign of their pact with Evil."
What happened?
Let's call the police, get them here,
then they can break into Room 3!
- Look at me
- Paul.
Amaia! She's burning up.
- Paul?
- Amaia, hey!
- What do we do?
- Listen to me!
- Paul, I'll go look for help!
- No! Adèle!
Adèle, don't walk off!
I'll be right back!
Look at me, you're OK.
You'll be all right. I'm here.
All right? Now look at me.
Paul, it hurts.
They'll cut if off.
If they cut your foot off,
I promise I'll still be your friend.
I'm so lucky I've got you, moron.
I don't even care that you're deaf.
- You're such a dickhead.
- And you're a cripple.
Why are you showing me these?
I didn't really know the girls.
The Crow's Nest?
Mara told us they were a medieval sect.
And that the killer was a copycat.
I was hoping
you could tell me more than that.
I thought you were from around here.
I was born here, but I left years ago.
I was very young.
All that Crow stuff
was just stories they'd tell kids,
in order to scare us.
Still got family here?
So why did you decide
to come back now, exactly?
I needed to face my past.
Well, that's just rotten luck.
Two days after you come back,
we see all these crimes and murders.
Amaia! Come on, let's go.
Damn traps.
Hunting like that is for cowards.
- Paul.
- It's ripped your leg to shreds.
- Amaia.
- Paul.
We need to call the police.
- Girl. Hey, you!
- Yeah?
Bring me more water, please.
All right.
It's all right.
This man will take us into town.
We'll find a doctor to help you.
Then we'll go to the police and find Manu.
Paul, we have to leave!
I don't understand how you were able
to cut yourself so deeply.
Did you fall onto a shard of glass?
You didn't need to come, Dad.
What do you mean?
Why wouldn't I?
You're my daughter and you're hurt.
Lie down.
It will help calm you down.
There's something I wanted to tell you.
I've been analysing
Inés' last few sessions.
The EEG isn't able to pick this up,
but I'm quite certain
that the terrain where we found her
Where did you find me?
Sorry, this student needs urgent care.
Put her on the bed.
Come on.
Paul and Adèle Uribe.
My office. Now.
- How is she?
- She's fine.
She'll be all right
once the antibiotics kick in.
Honestly, I'm glad to see
that you've made new friends.
But you could do better than her, no?
Try to sleep, all right?
We'll discuss your punishment later.
You have a family call.
Just what we need.
- Yeah, Uncle?
- Paul.
What do you want?
It's good to hear your voice. How are you?
How's your sister?
You're still angry with me.
- You need to listen
- I'm not interested, Mum.
- Your uncle will ask you to sign
- Not interested.
Let me explain.
These papers are important.
Can you get us out of here?
Then don't call us again.
Mum's dead to us, remember?
Inés, what are you doing?
This is Darío's tablet.
I didn't want to remember.
I thought all the memories were bad.
But they're lying.
My accident is a total fiction.
It's all a big lie.
It all has to be in here,
in "Medical History".
Something about me, about what happened.
Wait "Room 3"?
That's where the Crow's Nest
is keeping Manu locked up.
Darío is keeping Manu prisoner.
Pass me my coat, I'm off.
All right.
I'm heading out, Inés.
And you should get some rest.
I don't want her getting sick, all right?
All right.
Adaptation: Christopher Smith
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