The Chosen One (2019) s02e01 Episode Script

The Serpent's Cocoon

[ominous music]
[ominous music continues]
[crickets chirping]
[water rippling]
[foreboding music]
[screaming continues]
[Mateus] What is it?
Come with me. Come on. Come on, let's go.
[indistinct chatter]
For the love of God, what's going on?
[Raquel] The Serpent.
[Mateus] Give me the knife.
[foreboding music]
[both grunting]
[Mateus] Damião?
The Serpent.
The Serpent is back.
[theme music]
[breathing heavily]
[Mateus] How did you get out
of the church, Damião?
How did you manage to survive
in the jungle for so long?
[breathing heavily]
Your enemy took me prisoner.
No. That's not possible.
He even had the same face, Mateus.
[Damião] He had the same face
as The Chosen One.
No, he changes faces to confuse us.
You can't believe what you see.
- [Mateus] He's not human.
- I don't know what he is.
But I know that he's real.
[Mateus] Then why did he let you live?
Wait a minute.
- Are you working with The Serpent?
- Of course, I'm not!
He took me from the church
so that I could bring a message.
What message?
"The blessing will not come."
"The blessing will not come"?
What does that mean?
Death, Mateus.
Death will not come here.
I didn't understand, but
he told me,
he said the sin you all are hiding
will never leave here.
[breathes heavily]
The Chosen One needs to know about this.
[keypad clacking]
[cell phone beeps]
[ominous music]
[Lúcia] "Lúcia, believe me.
The infection is real. Please."
[cell phone beeps, vibrates]
[Lúcia] "We need to go back there,
or else you're going to die."
"Please, pick up the phone."
[Amanda] Lúcia, calm down.
He must be exaggerating.
First, let's look at your test results.
I promise I'll get them back to you today.
[sighs sharply]
[Zulmira] Good morning.
[Damião] Good morning.
[Zulmira] Even though you've been back
in Aguazul for months,
I don't think I'll ever get used
to you living here.
If you don't want me here,
I've told you I could sleep at the clinic.
You know that's not an option.
The Chosen One has decided
that you should live here.
[The Chosen One]
Take this pain from me, Father!
Release me from the pain.
He's still in pain from the cure.
Well, that's the price
of healing outsiders.
The Chosen One needs medical attention.
- I can help him.
- [Zulmira] No, Damião.
When are you going to understand
that your status as a doctor
means absolutely nothing?
[The Chosen One] Find Lorenzo
and bring him here.
Where the hell is Lorenzo?
[Amanda] I am so sorry, Lúcia,
but you're going to have to be placed
in quarantine.
[Amanda] Lúcia?
[siren blaring]
- [officer 1] Let's go.
- [Amanda] Lúcia?
Amanda, what the hell have you done?
[officer 1] Go, go, go!
[tense music]
[tense music continues]
[dog barking]
- [tires screeching]
- [Enzo] Lúcia!
You son of a bitch. What did you do to me?
Get in. I'm the only person
who can help you. Come on!
- Help me? I'm gonna die because of you!
- [police siren blares]
[Enzo] Get in the car!
Hurry up!
[Lúcia] Fuck!
[Damião] Lorenzo?
[foreboding music]
[Damião] Lorenzo?
[indistinct chatter in distance]
[Damião] You fucking piece of shit.
[young Santiago] Mister.
Hey, mister.
You're not allowed to sleep here.
[young Santiago] Are you lost?
The boy who heals
lives in this village, right?
That boy is my brother.
Our mother has already taken him home
for the day.
I tried to get here earlier.
But I'm just so exhausted and
so weak.
I've come to see him as my last hope
to stay alive, you know?
What was wrong with you?
And what's in that bag?
Medicine is not allowed in Aguazul.
I'm a doctor.
I came from very far away
because I really need your brother's help.
A doctor looking for a cure?
[sighs sharply]
I don't have much longer.
When you're dying,
and you've gotten
a second and third opinion,
what other choice do you have?
I can go ask my mother,
but I can't promise anything.
And I want something in return.
Anything you want.
I need you to examine my mother.
[young Santiago] The way doctors do.
Just look at her, okay?
No medicine. Understand?
No poison should enter a sacred body.
It's a deal. No poison.
Believe me, you have my word.
My name is Lorenzo.
- [grunts]
- [groaning]
- Santiago!
- [mumbling]
You've been drinking again, you idiot,
haven't you?
- No! I was just
- I don't want to hear your bullshit.
I still don't know why I took pity on you.
Pity? Right.
Let's go.
He won't be able to help anyone like that.
God shall guide his hand.
Are you completely
out of your mind, Santiago?
I know what you're doing,
and you're not fooling anyone.
I'm a doctor, too,
but I happen to be sober.
- The Chosen One has accepted me.
- The Chosen One only took mercy on you
because you brought back
a message from the Serpent,
and so he thinks you're part
of some bigger divine plan.
But I am responsible for his security
and I don't trust you.
I don't understand you, Santiago.
I would've run away
if I didn't want to be here.
But I chose I stay in Aguazul
because I believe this place is different
and that The Chosen One
is here for a reason.
You can pretend to be a part
of this community,
but you're lying to yourself
because you will never be
a part of Aguazul.
Don't think I've forgotten
what you have done, sinner.
I only wanted to help.
But if you would rather put
your brother's life
in the hands of a drunken quack,
fine by me.
You'll put your hands on The Chosen One
over my dead body.
[Lorenzo] Angelina?
My dear?
Can you hear me at all?
What is going on, doctor?
She's very weak.
[Lorenzo] She's given too much blood.
She's taking longer and longer to recover
from the transfusions.
Why are you so surprised?
Every one of my lives have died for me.
[ominous music]
[Lorenzo] Imaculada.
I've told you to get some rest.
What are you doing up at this late hour?
The same you're doing at this late hour.
Working hard.
Are you in any pain right now?
Do you need anything for me?
[Imaculada] I do.
I am very grateful for all of the care
you've given me.
It makes my children feel better.
But you know I don't have much time left.
My son saved your life.
There was no cure for your type of cancer.
I'm so very grateful to The Chosen One.
I'm very thankful
to be given a second chance to live
and work in this sacred place.
I'm glad that you are grateful for my son.
You've been so good to me.
[Imaculada] In many ways.
[soft chuckle]
[dramatic music]
But now I need to ask you
to help me save the life of my son
who saved you.
[Imaculada] As you know,
my son suffers so much
[Lorenzo] Mm-hm.
every time he heals someone.
[Lorenzo] I know, my dear.
[Imaculada] And I have finally found a way
to cure him.
- God told me.
- [Lorenzo] Mm-hm.
What do you want from me?
Let me out of here!
You know his blood gets dirty
after each cure.
That is the ordeal God demands.
And we need to find clean blood.
It must come from somewhere far away
to renew his.
[ominous music]
This will be your mission from now on,
my love.
You need to promise me
our messiah will always have
a woman like an angel by his side.
I promise.
What are you doing here, doctor?
I've never seen you at the bar.
I thought that you said
drinking was bad for you.
[liquor trickling]
Yeah, five years.
[Lorenzo] That's what caused my cancer.
But now, I don't worry about it.
[ominous music]
How do you feel?
- [Santiago] Are you in pain?
- I feel
[Santiago] We need to find
a different life
to give you a blood you need.
[The Chosen One] No, I don't need it.
[Santiago] Brother
you need to accept reality.
If you give me permission,
I will find you another woman.
[The Chosen One sighs]
You may be my brother, Santiago,
but you have no divinity in here.
You will never get God's help
to find the right woman.
But don't despair.
My Father has already chosen
a new life for me
and you know who it is.
You're talking about the doctor?
She's not coming back,
and she doesn't have any of the qualities
the others had.
Yes, she's different.
That's why she's special.
[The Chosen One] My Father
will bring Lúcia to me, Santiago.
It is written.
There's no need to doubt what's written.
[tense music]
[tense music continues]
Where the hell are you taking me,
you bastard?
Where do you think?
To the only person
who can really help you.
And then he'll finally give you
what you want.
[child wailing]
[indistinct chatter]
[man 1 coughing]
[Silvino] Good morning.
Good morning, everybody.
How are you, ma'am?
Calm down. Calm down. Stay calm, people.
Or you'll knock the pretty lady
with the crutches into the river.
I could use some help getting
into your boat.
I'm sorry, ma'am.
I'm sorry.
[indistinct chatter]
Careful. Careful. Watch your step.
My friend.
[man 2] My friend!
- Please.
- [Silvino] Sir.
I'm afraid you're not on the list.
- Thank you.
- Hey, you!
You, captain of the boat!
My wife is critically ill.
We need to be on this trip.
Believe me, sir,
I know what you're going through.
But I don't remember seeing you in line.
[Silvino] You have to understand
that there are people
who have waited for days to be cured.
Just take a look around you.
I care for them all.
Come on, get on the boat.
[Silvino] Mind the child, everyone.
Sit down.
Good morning, everyone.
Welcome aboard the boat that will take you
to the miracles of Aguazul.
Please, keep your hands and arms
inside the boat at all times.
This is the Pantanal, people.
And this river is filled with alligators
and other animals.
[Silvino] Hopefully, we won't run
into the Minhocuçu.
I want to remind you that recording videos
and taking pictures
is strictly prohibited.
These are the sacred rules
of our Chosen One.
Have a blessed trip, everyone.
[boat horn honking]
[engine starts]
[calm music]
[engine revving]
[ominous music]
[foreboding music]
[Mateus] Jonas,
I haven't seen Isaías today.
Where is he?
I don't know.
Go look for him.
And tell him I'm not happy with him.
- Go on.
- [scoffs]
Just so you know,
Zulmira is doing well.
And Aguazul is also in good shape.
A lot of people are coming to be healed
and we'll need plenty more of those vials.
So, hurry it up,
because you're not working fast enough.
Seriously? You don't want to know
about your wife?
[sighs sharply]
She's not my wife anymore.
The Chosen One made me
the guardian of the camp
and now that's my mission.
Got it.
Some of The Chosen One's decisions
are hard to accept.
Maybe for a sinner.
But not for a believer.
And which one are you?
You better be careful
when you say that kind of thing.
Sometimes, I wonder
if you really understand
the privilege of being accepted
by all of us here.
Angelina is dying.
You know it, Lorenzo knows it,
everybody here knows it.
Yes, we all know it.
Just as you know
The Chosen One can't cure her.
He can't
or he won't?
He didn't ask for this sacrifice, Damião.
Is that what you're calling it now?
Don't force me to accuse you of heresy.
Fine. If that's what it'd take
to make you realize you're a fanatic
I'd be happy to make an example
out of you.
- That's not your style.
- Oh, no?
- No.
- No?
That's Santiago's.
And you happen to set
a better example, Mateus.
You're a better leader than he is.
[Damião] The kind of leader people follow
because they love him,
not fear him.
- [Mateus] What's going on, Tomás?
- Tell him.
[ominous music]
[Raquel] Not by the cabin, Isaías.
No one will find us here, Raquel.
[Mateus] Have you two gone crazy?
Is your desire so strong
that you would risk your life coming here?
We didn't go all the way, Mateus.
I do believe you.
But I can't ignore the fact
that you're here near the cabin,
when you should be here.
You know the rules, don't you?
It was me, Mateus.
I'm the one who convinced her.
I brought her to the cabin.
I'm the one who should be punished.
[inhales sharply]
From now on,
you two are forbidden
to talk to each other
while you are here fulfilling your vows
at the campsite.
Got it?
[Mateus sighs sharply]
I don't wanna do this to you.
But your desire, Isaías,
has taken Raquel
to the brink of sacrilege.
This place is dangerous.
Even for me.
Some things only The Chosen One can see.
[Mateus] Now off you go. Back to the camp.
[ominous music]
[suspenseful music]
[water sloshing]
[wind howling]
[foreboding music]
How do you feel, Angelina?
Very well.
Why are you looking at me like that?
My time here isn't over yet, Damião,
in spite of what everyone might think.
I know The Chosen One cannot cure you
but I can.
Don't be silly.
You know my body can't take any medicine.
That would hurt The Chosen One.
Medicine is forbidden here, anyway.
I just don't want to see you die.
I was put here on Earth
to save The Chosen One.
I couldn't ask for a better blessing.
How did you get here, Angelina?
[Damião] Who brought you here?
Do you know what my final task will be?
To find another woman for The Chosen One
before I die.
Just like the last life who found me.
But I don't have to look
for anyone just yet.
I am full of life.
I welcome you all to Aguazul.
[man 3] The sacred refuge
of The Chosen One.
I ask you not to disrespect
the rules of this place.
Watch your head there.
Get straight to the church.
But if you're not a native from Aguazul,
then where does all your devotion
come from?
Well, my wife almost died.
- Wanna know how she's doing?
- Mm-hm.
She's pregnant now.
That's why I've dedicated my life
to spreading The Chosen One's word.
Have you ever heard about the doctor
who reported The Chosen One
to the authorities?
- The one who called him a charlatan?
- They're just jealous, ma'am.
The doctors told us
their vaccines eliminated
the Zika epidemic last year.
But ask the people of this town.
They know it wasn't the vaccines.
It was our Chosen One.
[Silvino] Our saint.
Go ahead, ask them.
We know more than the doctors.
- Are you coming?
- Mm-hm.
Do you know the real name
of the man they call The Chosen One?
That is his real name.
He has no other name.
[Silvino] That man's name died
so he could take on his holy name.
Listen, be careful, okay?
Stop asking these kinds of questions.
They don't like that here.
- After you, ma'am.
- Mm-hm.
[Enzo] We're almost there, okay?
I got a boat to take us downriver.
Can you hear me?
I'm gonna open the door for you.
Just try not to attract attention
and keep your head down.
It's for your own good.
Let me just check.
- [grunts]
- [groans]
What are you doing?
I'm just trying to help you.
[Enzo] Lúcia!
[tense music]
[engine sputtering]
[Enzo] Look what you're making me do.
Enzo, always the victim.
What are you gonna do, huh?
Are you gonna shoot me?
Did you forget that I'm already dead?
Come over here.
[Enzo] Now!
Sit down.
There are no victims or villains here.
And no heroes either.
Maybe not,
but you won't die on my watch.
I'll bring you to your cure.
Do you think I'm an idiot?
You don't care about my cure at all.
You just know what will happen
if you go back without me.
[tense music]
[engine revving]
[indistinct chatter]
[ominous music]
[indistinct singing]
May The Chosen One be with you.
[man 4] Thank you.
[woman] Thank you.
His love for us is immense
Yes, he does heal ♪
Our souls are safe
Under The Chosen One's name ♪
He's the balm of life
Shed blood on the cross ♪
The Chosen One does heal ♪
His love for us is immense
Yes, he does heal ♪
What do I see on the faces
in front of me today?
[baby coughs]
[The Chosen One] Despair?
Is it doubt?
Is that what you bring to me, today?
[baby crying]
[The Chosen One]
The doubt that you call disease.
But, today, brothers and sisters,
there will be no doubt.
Today, you will be witness
to God's healing work
through the divine power of my hands.
[ominous music]
join me.
Against the evil of this world ♪
God is all we need ♪
There's no evil He won't cure ♪
For He is full of mercy ♪
Do you submit yourself
to the mercy of the Holy Chosen One,
- with all of your honor and faith?
- [mumbling]
I do.
Do you believe in the divine power
of the Holy Chosen One,
- with all of your honor and faith?
- I do.
Do you promise to worship and respect him
until the end of time?
I do!
Do you agree to give your life
to The Chosen One,
trusted by God in this village
to act with compassion and charity
- over your body?
- [man 5] I do.
- Do you believe in The Chosen One?
- I do.
Do you believe in The Chosen One?
I do.
His love for us is immense
Yes, he does heal ♪
Our souls are safe
Under The Chosen One's name ♪
He's the balm of life
Shed blood on the cross ♪
The Chosen One does heal ♪
His love for us is immense
Yes, he does heal ♪
Our souls are safe
Under The Chosen One's name ♪
Glory, praise and hosannas ♪
[The Chosen One]
These diseases exist to remind us
that our bodies are made of clay.
And I exist to remind you
that this clay was shaped
by the fingers of God.
Yes, he does heal ♪
[ominous music]
Stay back!
There's no evil He won't cure
For He is full of mercy ♪
Yes, he does heal ♪
His love for us is immense
Yes, he does heal ♪
When anointed, I'm olive oil
I'm healed at last ♪
His love for us is immense
Yes, he does heal ♪
He shed his pure blood
To redeem my soul ♪
[indistinct chatter]
Against the evil of this world
God is all we need ♪
Glory, praise and hosannas
To our redeemer ♪
The Chosen One does heal ♪
His love for us is immense
Yes, he does heal ♪
[wind howling]
Now, you.
Come here.
[baby cries]
What is your disease?
I'm on crutches because
the pain is so bad
I haven't been able to walk
since I was young.
You're lying to me.
You're not sick at all, are you?
What are you doing here?
[foreboding music]
[engine rumbling]
I don't believe it.
I don't understand
why you're doing this to me.
Are you testing me?
No, no.
[Eva] I swear, I suffer.
I suffer.
You're lying.
You are testing me.
You come from a land full of lies.
Stand up.
Stand up and go back where you came from.
- Chosen One, please.
- Quiet!
[breathing heavily]
[indistinct chatter]
Yes, it is true.
You can see through me
to the very bottom of my soul
and you know I'm not sick.
What kind of joke is this?
Yes, you're right, it is a joke, a test.
I came all the way here
to witness your sainthood,
and to share it with the world.
I am a journalist.
Yes, a journalist.
Let me record your divine works.
[Eva] And then show your power
to the world.
Your people have already come here
and judged me.
And they called me a lunatic.
Get out of here
and take your good intentions with you.
- Okay, I
- Santiago.
[Eva] I can I can help you. Calm down.
No, I'm not like them. Let me go!
[Damião] Wait!
- [Santiago] Get off me!
- [groans]
Hold on! Hold on!
[Damião] Think about it for a moment,
damn it!
You send her away now,
she'll tell her version of what happened.
She won't tell the truth.
She won't be the first to spread lies.
That's exactly my point.
[Damião] It doesn't have to be that way.
This is your chance
to show the world your divine power.
With no false information.
Your sacred calling, your message.
Conveyed by you alone.
Once again, you want to betray Aguazul.
[Eva] No, he's right.
Do you know why
Jesus Christ healed the sick?
To prove to people that he was divine.
That's why Jesus performed
all of the miracles he did.
To show the world
that there are forces
greater than they know.
- What's with you?
- [The Chosen One] Stop.
[indistinct chatter]
Let her continue.
My colleagues, who doubted you,
they haven't come here.
I have.
I saw you cure that man.
I saw how you passed my test.
Yes, you have.
That's right.
I know you're real.
A saint.
And, like he said,
I can help you
tell the true story of yourself.
[Eva] I can help you transform
Aguazul into what it was destined to be.
A sacred land
where travelers will come
to worship God's miracles.
This guy is crazy.
He made me come here against my will.
The Chosen One said you were coming back.
It's a miracle.
You really kept your part of the deal.
What do you mean, "he kept his part"?
What are you talking about?
Yes, I have done my part, Silvino.
Now, it's your turn to give me
what was promised.
But take us to the campsite first.
I have to deliver her to The Chosen One.
The Chosen One
doesn't stay at camp anymore.
[ominous music]
Thank you for your help.
You're welcome.
You seem to be able
to take care of yourself.
Hazard of the job.
Reporter. Hmm.
What is your name?
Very well, Eva.
Swear to God in front of all of Aguazul
that you will tell the truth
and only the truth
about all you witness here.
The images alone
will prove everything themselves.
They'll convince the world.
That doesn't sound like an oath.
I swear.
[thunder rumbling]
Very well, Eva.
You'll be surprised by all the revelations
I have to give to the world.
No, no, no
[indistinct chatter]
That's impossible.
Lúcia, what is going on?
What are you doing back here?
Why don't you ask your good friend Enzo?
What did you do?
I did what I had to do.
[Angelina] Why are you back here,
you filth?
You don't belong here.
[dramatic music]
Take Lúcia to the church.
We have so much to talk about.
Chosen One, please.
I am your life. I've always
[camera whirs]
[foreboding music]
[Angelina] She's perfect.
Are you sure this one is going to work?
It's not a question of working.
It's been written by God.
[sighs sharply]
After all my years as a doctor in Aguazul,
this ritual is something
I will never get used to.
I am his life.
[indistinct chatter]
[The Chosen One] I told Santiago
you were coming back.
I told him it was written.
Lúcia, my existence is complete
now that you're with me.
You see?
I did as you told me.
I followed your message.
Revealed myself to the world.
As a reward,
my Father brought you back here
to take the place of Angelina
as her life is ending.
My own life is also ending very soon.
And I need you to cure me.
Cure you?
Of what?
- Hold him!
- [Enzo] What?
- [grunts]
- [groans]
[The Chosen One] She's sick, you animal.
[Enzo] I did what you asked me.
I spent a month looking at her
- She is my life!
- [Enzo groaning]
- No. Stop that!
- [The Chosen One] She's my life!
[Zulmira] You need to get out of here.
She has to be healthy.
- [grunting]
- [Enzo groaning]
[Lúcia] What's going on out here?
Besides murderers,
the only person I can't cure,
according to the sacred laws, is my life.
I cannot cure my life.
Because my life cures me.
I cannot cure you, Lúcia.
[closing theme music]
Subtitle translation by Othelo Sabbag
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