The Circle (2020) s02e01 Episode Script

Back and More Savage Than Ever

[theme music plays]
The Circle is back, and this time,
it's more strategic than ever.
This is the ultimate game in social media,
and with $100,000 at stake,
how you play, it's everything.
Just don't get blocked
and replaced by someone new.
Get ready, 'cause this is The Circle.
[upbeat rock music]
[Michelle] Let's do this.
To stay in the game,
Players must become popular.
To do that, they can be real
or try to fool everyone
with a fake profile.
Just 'cause it's lying,
don't make it cheating.
Let's meet the first Player
hoping to go all the way.
Honey, I'm home!
Oh, my gosh, this is so cute. Oh, my gosh!
Wow. Oh, my goodness.
Hi. [laughs]
My name is Savannah. I'm 24,
and I'm from Los Angeles, California.
My job is on Capitol Hill,
where I do data research.
My job is a little lackluster,
but my personality is quite opposite.
I'm fun. I'm social.
I love glitz and glam.
I am choosing
to enter The Circle as myself.
The people on The Circle
are gonna see the nerdier side of me.
The girl who's at home
with her glasses on,
gaming in front of her computer.
You already know it.
I think making friends
and building alliances
are of the utmost importance to me,
but I have no problem
putting a bitch in check,
in the nicest way possible of course.
Am I looking for love?
Well, I'm single and ready to mingle,
so I'll let you do with that information
what you may.
I was like, "Talk to you about love?"
We just met.
This is a game.
I'm gonna be tactical, strategic.
All I gotta say is
get ready for a wild ride.
I gotta get myself ready for a wild ride.
What am I telling you guys for?
Okay, okay, time to set up my profile.
Circle, take me to my private albums.
Oo, it's all so exciting.
Okay, open the selfies album.
Oo, what do we want to look at first?
Circle, can you open the photo
of me sitting down at a café?
I really love how genuine this photo is.
There's nothing
too glitz and glam about it,
and it really is me
just on your average morning.
So, aah, okay, Circle,
set this photo as my profile photo.
All right.
Any type of information I give them,
they can always use against me,
and I'm here to win.
So, let's not say too much too fast.
"Half Mexican, half Filipino,
who always gives 100 percent.
California-grown and rooted in family.
Self-proclaimed Sudoku queen
who still loves dancing to 2000s' R&B."
Oh, my gosh. This is crazy.
What did I get myself into?
[Michelle] Time to meet her new neighbor,
our next Player.
While Players are in the game,
they will not be able
to see or hear one another.
They can only interact via The Circle.
[man 1] I'm in like the Barbie
The damn DreamHouse.
I'm like Walmart version of Ken
in the DreamHouse with no Barbie.
I feel beautiful now.
Are we good to go?
Hey, I'm Jack.
I'm a 20-year-old astrophysics
and economics student.
I'm a bit of a nerd.
There's certain things I geek out about.
In The Circle,
I wanna play a very [echoes] strategic,
manipulative, cutthroat game. [echo ends]
And I'm worried they're gonna see
my big goofy ass
and be, "That dude's strategic."
So I'm entering The Circle
as my friend Emily.
A girl's gotta do
What a girl's gotta ♪
She's a 21-year-old sorority girl.
She's cute, short, sweet,
easy to talk to.
Everyone's gonna love her.
I think people will be like,
"That's a face I can trust."
Secretly, what they don't know is
I'm gonna be behind there
pulling the strings.
I might be the ultimate wolf
in sheep's clothing.
A girl's gotta do ♪
So I have to embrace
that sorority-girl role, conning people.
[blows kiss]
I've done extensive research
such as binge-watching chick flicks,
Selling Sunset.
If Emily was actually here instead of me,
it might be like:
[woman laughs]
When it comes to strategy,
there's no fucks given.
Like, morals, get outta here.
I don't wanna see ya.
A girl's gotta do ♪
I'm willing to lie, to manipulate,
to cheat, to steal.
I could be like, "I'm gonna get sneaky."
It's simply a game.
I'm down to go down
as the biggest villain in Circle history.
I don't really care.
[villainous cackle] Mwa-ha-ha-ha.
A girl's gotta do
What a girl's gotta ♪
For me, you could trust cute.
You can't necessarily trust hot.
So I gotta find the right balance.
So, Circle, let's open up Nature Girl,
have a look. See what's good.
And Circle, cue open that one
on the left for me, please.
Yeah, this is like just a good photo.
A glass of rosé in the hand.
Circle, please set this
as my profile photo.
Okay, so the bio.
I don't wanna be
a basic, boring, cute girl.
I want some more layers to me.
So, "East Coast girl studying astronomy
in the Windy City.
Love spending time with family, hot baths,
and boozy brunches with the girls.
Here for a good time
and hopefully a long time."
Uh, "Fingers crossed emoji.
Crying laughing emoji."
Circle, make this my profile.
[Michelle] Let's check out
the next Player to arrive.
And let me tell you,
this guy is bad to the bone.
Bless this water.
Bring good energy into the body.
Deeply nourish the soul.
Release all karma.
Activate enlightenment consciousness,
send it to every cell.
[Michelle] Whoopsie.
Did I say bad to the bone?
What I meant was bona fide grade-A hippie.
Let's take a big breath here. [inhales]
Hi, my name is Bryant.
I'm 26 years old.
I'm from Chico, California.
I teach breathwork.
Gonna be great
Gonna be a good day ♪
Breathwork helps you become your own guru
where you can change stress into bliss,
anxiety into excitement.
Hmm. I've lived many lifetimes.
I was working a regular job,
and I was so stressed out,
I would have my hair falling out.
I was extremely unhappy.
Through this spiritual awakening,
I'm here to present Bryant 2.0.
Going into this game,
I'm the weirdo. I'm the oddball.
This might be my last lifetime,
so I'm gonna go for it.
So I have my golden bubble of love here.
There's no bad juju allowed.
Big sigh here as a unit.
My game plan for The Circle,
be kind, spread a lot of love,
create alliances.
That is gonna take me
to the winning prize.
And I want you to whisper "love."
[echoes dreamily] Love.
The light in me recognizes
the light in you.
-Gonna be a good day ♪
There we go. Yes.
It's actually pretty interesting
having to put yourself out there like this
and be judged on a profile.
Only good vibes though, so
I got high hopes.
Can't wait to meet the other contestants.
[Michelle] Bryant, I can tell
we are vibing as one with the same spirit.
Let's meet the next one now.
Yeah [laughs]
Oh, my God!
Help us!
Whoa, sh
My bad. Oops. Hold up. Oh, God.
Don't mess up the place yet.
What's good? My name is Deleesa.
I am 23 backwards.
I am a stay-at-home mom,
and I'm from the Boogie Down Bronx.
Bronx, New York all day, every day, baby.
What's good? Ya heard?
On social media, people look at me,
they think I'm cocky.
They probably think
I'm full of myself, I mean
On social media, men have it so easy.
So I decided on The Circle,
I'm going to be playing
my husband Trevor.
He's handsome,
but he's not considered like a threat.
He is going to be
the nice-guy single father,
[baby cries]
because single dads,
they get all the ladies, all right?
Dad I like to
[air horn blasts]
He gonna let the ladies come to him,
and he gonna be bros with the other guys.
And that's the game plan right there,
like, I got this.
If I win this 100K,
we're buying a house
to give our children what we never had.
So I need to win. I have to win.
I have to.
Baby, you got this.
With this face and your personality,
the competition doesn't stand a chance.
I got this in the bag.
A Louis Vuitton though. Louis Vuitton bag.
No, Chanel. I got this in Chanel bag.
My Chanel. That I don't have.
That I'm gonna get when I win.
[cash register dings]
Trevor's hometown. Let's just put the BX.
All right, about me.
"Left my hood for the best hood.
Everybody loves a father
who adores their child,
who takes care of their child.
They gonna love, love Trevor.
You know what I would love love?
A Circle Chat. That's right.
A chat with our first four new Players.
Circle, you know what to do.
Oh, my God. Oh.
-[sucks teeth] I almost spilled my tea.
-[Michelle] Bryant, deep breath, honey.
Circle, my love, please open the chat.
I'm excited to meet my new friends.
Right now I'm seeing only four of us,
which is crazy.
Two guys, two girls, technically.
I mean, I'm a girl.
Yeah, I'm a guy, but I'm being a girl.
Who's Bryant? Who's Emily?
Who is Savannah? Oh, my God.
[Savannah] Emily looks like
she's holding a wine glass.
Girl, we're gonna get along
just fine, Emily.
Savannah. I mean, she looks like a cutie.
Okay, I'm definitely not gonna be
the first one to talk.
Mh-hm. Nope. Zip.
So, Circle, type:
Emily's writing. Okay.
All right, Emily, show me what you got.
"Hey, guys. This is so crazy and exciting.
How is everyone feeling?"
Send message.
Boom, baby, we're the first to go.
"How is everyone feeling?"
That's so nice of her to check in.
Okay, um, love that.
This is crazy.
Circle, message:
"Hey, beauties.
I'm feeling absolutely wonderful.
So grateful to be here.
I'm looking forward
to getting to know everybody.
Emily, Trevor, Savannah,
it's an absolute pleasure." Send.
You're a bit of a kiss-ass already, bro.
We're doing that shit
where everyone's like,
"My God, you guys
are the best people ever."
Circle, open Emily's profile.
She's an astronomy student?
Oh, my gosh.
That's so beautiful.
You can tell everything by the stars.
I definitely feel like her and I
could be friends in real life.
Circle, take me back to the group chat.
Circle, message.
"I teach breath work
and philosophy to groups.
It gives power to the people."
Circle, send message. I love that.
Isn't breathing something we do
without even thinking?
Why would he have to teach that?
I gotta take a walk.
I gotta cool off.
[breathes rhythmically]
Breathwork instructor?
Just say you're unemployed, homie.
I wonder if he is one of those people
that teach people how to, like,
pass lie-detector tests.
"I'm super excited to meet all of you.
Emily, I can tell you have good taste.
I peep the wine in your photo."
Savannah. That's my girl.
Circle, message: "Savannah,
great minds definitely think alike.
Wish I had a bottle of rosé
with me now to calm the nerves."
Circle, send message.
["Size" plays]
She could do some breathwork.
Great for your nerves.
[Michelle] Oo, I'mma tell you
who doesn't need help with her nerves,
our next Player.
Oh, my God, yes, it's blue!
This matches me.
Okay, let's go. [chuckles]
Hi, everybody. I am Terilisha.
I am 34 years old
from the Triple D, Dallas, Texas.
I am a full-time substitute teacher.
My students consider me
to be the cool teacher.
One, because I have blue hair,
and I don't take no shit.
Not too loose
Not too sass ♪
Behind this is a very smart cookie.
Math just happened
to be my strong suit growing up.
In high school,
I came up with a mathematical theorem
called Terilisha's theorem.
Math is cool.
Math is your money,
and I'm gonna use that to my advantage.
As a teacher,
I think I'm good at reading through things
and watching what they say.
And so I know how to play my cards.
My catfish meter is like
-[mimics tracking beep]
I'm definitely gonna know.
I'm not with that whole kumbaya shit.
It's a game.
I'm not to be fucked with.
Like, in real life
I'm very much a lion.
You piss me off,
you're gonna get my bite, for sure.
I am the queen of the jungle.
I'm gonna be the queen of The Circle.
Just my size ♪
Circle, about me.
Uh. Let's see.
This is the first impression.
Let's make it a good one.
"Double degree
for the love of science and math.
I sing a little. I love a lot.
I'm a Leo, vegan,
I enjoy yoga and having a great time.
No squares in my Circle."
Circle, I think we got it.
It's just a taste to make people
want to get to know a little bit more.
And they get to see more of this Leo.
Hopefully, they get to stick
to the kitty cat Terilisha,
but don't get it twisted,
there's still a lot of roar in me.
Terilisha's bringing the lion queen,
but our next Player seems
more hakuna matata about the whole thing.
[man 2] Let's see how the bed is.
Wow. That's very comfortable.
Sorry, Mom, I have my shoes on the bed.
Okay, yeah, I'll be sleeping.
Hi, I'm Lee and I'm 58 years old.
I'm an author, and I'm from Texas.
[Lee] Howdy, partner.
I've written 39 books
as a female pen name,
so I have been a catfish
before they used the term catfish.
I thought about coming in as myself,
but there are, like it or not, biases.
He's older, he's successful,
he's probably conservative, which I'm not.
So I'm going into The Circle as River,
who is a total fabrication from the photos
of a very good friend of mine.
He's a waiter and a student.
He's gonna be gay.
He's fun and exciting,
but he's also very sensitive.
He's going to come alive
here on The Circle.
River is recently single,
so he's very heartbroken.
That way it'll keep me
from having to flirt with anybody,
because 32 years with one man,
I wouldn't know
the first thing about how to flirt.
When I was growing up,
there was no social media.
-There was no cell phone.
I went to my niece who's 20, and I said,
"Tell me everything
about slang on social media."
Period T.
I mean it. Yeah, exactly.
GOAT's greatest of all time.
[interviewer] YOLO?
-I don't know YOLO.
-[interviewer] You only live once.
Golly. I need to remember that one.
As a writer, I guess
that makes me a professional liar.
So, I don't think anybody has a chance.
The 100K's coming home with me.
Tell me what YOLO is again.
Okay, so, Circle,
put our hometown as Dallas, Texas.
No, wait.
Maybe it should be a small town
and he lives in Dallas, Texas now.
Circle, put his hometown
as Mertzon, Texas.
[sing-song] Love it. Okay.
Uh, about me.
This is so important, and I'm a writer,
so this should be really good.
"Recently single. Heartbroken emoji.
Technically an adult,
but still a kid at heart."
We want them to know that you're LGBTQ.
So, "Proud of my rainbow life."
Can you show me your emojis?
You are so lit, Circle.
See I know I know the lingo.
[Michelle] With profiles set up,
let's check back on our first four.
Savannah, Bryant, Emily played by Jack,
and Trevor played by Deleesa.
Oh! "Circle Chat is now open."
This is it, man.
This is really happening.
River, you're River.
Come on, River. We're channeling River.
Uh-oh. Here we go.
[Savannah] Oh, my God. [gasps]
Who are you people?
Oh, my gosh!
Oh, my gosh!
We got two newbies.
More friends. Let's go.
Let me get a look at these dudes.
Circle, take me to River's profile.
Oh, my God.
River has a forest on his head.
Hometown, it's Mertzon, Texas.
Who is Terilisha?
I like that name.
"About me. Double degree."
Whoa. Girl, you smart.
"I sing a little." Nice. "I love a lot."
"Leo, vegan."
River is actually vegetarian,
so he would dig her.
All right, Circle,
take me back to Circle Chat.
Circle, message:
"What's up, River and Terilisha?
So excited that you are joining us.
Give us the 411."
"Give us the 411"?
That sound like some old-people shit.
I have no idea what the 411 means,
but I'm sure that's like the rundown.
Circle, message:
"How's everyone feeling
Is this crazy or what?"
Girl, yes, it is so crazy,
and you're cute.
I don't like when people
use the word crazy.
It's a stigma. But it is wild.
Circle, message:
"Hey, all. I'm so on fire to be here!
Loving my apartment.
It's like The Circle read my mind."
Nice. I love that.
Big dreams, my friend. Big dreams.
[Michelle] And from big dreams
to a big British ball of energy.
Get ready for the next Player.
Woo-oo-oo-oo! I'm here, Circle!
Oh, my God!
Emmy, look at our new and found home!
Oh, my God! Ah!
Oh, my God, and it's furry.
This could be your bed.
Oh, my God.
Hi, I'm Chloe.
I'm 21, and I'm from Essex in England.
[vocalizes] I am so excited.
Some of you may know me
from a show called Too Hot to Handle
where I won
[mimics drum roll]
about ten dollars and 50 cents.
Yeah, cheers for that.
This time I'm gonna win $100,000.
A part of my game plan
is to flirt with the guys.
But if I'm talking
to some proper sort from California,
normally, my way to win guys over
is literally having the puppies out.
What am I gonna do on The Circle?
I'll bring you ♪
It's gonna be hard,
[echoes] being Americans and all.
There might be
a bit of a language barrier there.
Like crisps, they would call that chips.
But I would call chips, chips.
I really hope
that the Americans do like me
because I just absolutely love America.
I don't think
England and America have ever had a war.
[music slows to a stop]
So I genuinely believe
that I'm gonna win over the hearts
of the Americans. Yeah. [laughs]
Right, okay.
The top right-hand corner
of me on the boat,
I love this photo.
I'm on a nice country boat in England.
It's just English rose vibes. I love it.
I think I want to go with that one.
[Michelle] That is a lot of energy, girl.
I think we have a winner
for most-excited Player.
We are in The Circle ♪
[Michelle] Okay, I think I spoke too soon.
Come on, bitch ♪
-[breathes heavily]
-[Michelle] Oh!
Come on, lights.
Come on, camera. Come on, action.
This is where I'm meant to be.
I can feel it. [chuckles]
Nails, hair, hips, heels ♪
What's up, everybody?
My name is Courtney. I'm 28 years old.
I'm the entertainment host
for a pop-culture show on the Internet.
[echoes] It's my job to spill the tea
[echo ends]
on all of our favorite celebrities.
I don't dance, I work ♪
The most common misconception
about me is that I'm a bitch.
What did that girl just say, girl? ♪
I really think
people will be surprised to see
what a sweet little sunflower I am,
[echoes] unless there's $100,000 at stake.
[echo ends] Now get out my way.
My nails hurt, hips ♪
I'm an entertainment host,
but I don't want
the other Players to know that.
If they're thinking
I'm trying to just be nosy,
there's no way that I can succeed.
So I'm going into The Circle as a barista.
I am going to be very friendly,
and then when the time comes,
I'll be the Chihuahua
that bites your face off.
Left, right, left, right
Left with a spin ♪
I'm going to treat The Circle
like a [echoes] huge game of chess,
and I'm the queen. Checkmate.
-Sha-blam for me, sha-blam for me ♪
-Sha-blam ♪
Circle, set this as my profile.
The Circle Chat is now open!
Oo, oo, oo ♪
Circle, take me to the Circle Chat.
[yells] Oh, my God!
"Chloe has joined the chat. Courtney"
We got the girls on. Courtney's a guy.
My bad, that's a guy's name.
More people.
Wow, this is going fast. Okay.
I'm just ready to see
what these people are about,
and if there's any shiftiness,
I'm gonna write it in this notebook,
and we're gonna keep profiles
on all of these Players.
Wait, wait, wait. I know who Chloe is.
I know who that is. I watched her.
Is that Chloe from Too Hot to Handle?
Oh, my God!
Trevor is a bit of me.
[Michelle] Oh, Chloe,
but his wife might not be, though.
[Deleesa] Circle, open Chloe's profile.
Look, it has to be her. It's her.
She's from the UK. I remember the accent.
"Age, 21." Great age.
[Deleesa] "Been unlucky in love
because there is no one
that is on my crazy energetic level."
Girl, I am!
I hope you fall in love with me, baby.
[Michelle] Catfishing as your hot husband
is a good start, Deleesa.
Oh, my God. Look at all of them!
Courtney looks dope.
For me, as Jack, that's probably
the guy I'd get along with the best.
"I love to laugh, and I live my life
loud, out and proud." Nice.
Wow, we are having
a gay pride parade in The Circle.
Circle, message:
Exaggerated. "Dot, dot, dot."
"I cannot wait
to start this exciting journey together."
Dance. Explosion.
Oh, my God.
It's totally her, because on that show,
she was like, "Babes!"
Oh, my God!
Circle, message:
"Hey, y'all, I can't believe we made it.
Hands-up emoji," and then send message.
Circle, message, "Chloe and Courtney,
so happy to have you here.
"The more the merrier,"
with a little red heart. Send.
Circle, message, "As blessed and grateful
as I am to be here,
I can't front that I'm missing
my one-year-old baby girl."
Love her.
"Does anyone else have children in here?
It's just me and her at home."
See, Trevor is just giving
I don't know about Trevor.
Damn, that is sad.
I do think he's genuine
so I believe it, but also it's like,
"Yo, let me drop
that sympathy card in real quick."
I love, love talking to other parents.
Trevor does as well.
And I also want people to know
that I am single and it's just me and her.
Circle, take me to Trevor's profile.
[gasps] Oo. Eh [laughs]
You'll be talking to me much more.
[Terilisha] "#GirlDad."
[playful music playing]
I got my eye on you, Trevor.
Circle, take me back to chat.
Message: "Trevor, I absolutely love kids.
What's her name?
Love-heart-eyes emoji." Send.
Circle, message:
"Trevor, kudos to you
for being a single dad.
I came from
a single-parent household myself.
I'm sure you're a rock-star parent." Send.
Circle, message, "Chloe, her name is Toni.
Savannah, thank you so much
for those kind words.
I really appreciate it." Send.
That doesn't sound like something
a man would say.
Circle, message, "Trevor, Toni is
an adorable name, like her father's.
Dot, dot. I definitely want kids one day.
Just waiting
for the right time and the right guy.
Dot, dot. Eyes emoji." Send. Yeah. Ow.
Oh, Chloe's a flirt. Chloe's a big flirt.
Message, "Chloe, you never know.
It might happen sooner than you think."
Wink emoji.
If I read some guy
say something like that, I would be like,
"Damn, Daddy, can I taste it?"
Trevor, oh, my God.
Okay, right.
Bloody compose yourself, girl.
Okay, let's calm it down, everyone.
I think what we need now is a question
from someone with journalistic instincts.
Someone who's not afraid
to address the issues that matter.
Someone like Courtney.
"I have a question.
If you could be a fruit,
what kind would you be and why?"
"I think I would be a pineapple
because they're quirky and sweet
just like me."
Courtney, I love you.
They're quirky?
You ever met a pineapple and been like,
this is a quirky fucking pineapple."
That was a good one. [giggles]
Circle, message, "Yes"
I would be a mango because it's delicious
and it makes you happy." Send.
"I would be all the fruits
depending on the day."
And the rainbow heart. Send.
"Courtney, I'd be a lime
because I'm best served with tequila.
Crying laughing emoji." Send.
"If I was a fruit,
I would be a pomegranate."
"Dark and juicy with lots of layers
and a bit of sweetness."
The fact that he said
"dark and juicy" is just like
[exclaims and laughs]
Circle, message:
"Trevor, hopefully I'll find a guy
with lots of layers soon enough.
Wink face emoji." Send.
Oh. The Circle Chat is now closed.
If something is budding
between Chloe and Trevor,
I might have to shake that up.
Oh, yeah, he's definitely a sort.
I sort of think that's British for hot.
[upbeat music plays]
As the Players settle
into their first day in The Circle,
Savannah and Chloe are experiencing
some weirdly specific problems.
There aren't enough letters.
Oh, my God!
You can see my nose and my chin.
[Bryant breathes heavily]
Oh, okay. You gotta hand it to Bryant.
That boy really does love to breathe.
He's so good at it.
A game!
Ready to play. And I'm ready to slay.
Now that the Players have met,
it's time to for real, for real,
get to know each other
in their very first Circle game.
Everyone gets to see
a fun fact about another Player
along with two different profile pictures.
"My partner's"
"mom walked in on us"
"as I was losing my virginity."
Oh, that so embarrassing.
The Players not featured in the question
vote on who they think
the fascinating fact is about.
-Please select River.
-I would like to go with River.
Circle, I would like to go with Trevor.
Everyone sees who votes for who
They all thought it was me!
and then discovers who it's really about.
[gasps] It's Trevor. No way!
-Trevor. Trevor was
-Oh, my God! It was Trevor.
I am right and y'all are wrong ♪
Yes, my partner's mom walked in on us
as I was losing my virginity.
It was just mortifying.
She obviously was mortified.
Circle, message,
"Not my proudest moment,
but what do you expect
from a high school teen boy?
I mean, yeah,
it wouldn't be my proudest moment either.
I really am happy
that they thought it was River
'cause then that means
my strategy is working.
'Cause I just want
to be seen as a nice guy.
And nice guys don't get caught having sex.
"I raised $10,000 to"
"to rescue a friend"
"off the streets."
I wanna say Savannah, but I feel
like it might be Bryant. [exclaims]
This totally sounds like
something Bryant would do, bro.
He's like,
"Through my power of breathwork,
I was able to breathe and create money."
Circle, my final answer is going to be
Look, interesting.
A lot of people thought it was me.
-I got it right.
-It was Bryant.
This is actually great
for people to know about me
because when I say
I'm gonna do something, I will.
That's what I did with Cynthia.
I said, "I'm getting you off the streets.
I love you. We got this."
That's exactly what I did.
Hopefully, that resonates
with the people in this game.
Circle, message,
"Savannah, you totally gave off the vibe
you'll do something like that as well."
I've rescued my friends off the streets
after they went to the club.
"Just so everyone knows, she's now at home
safe in her apartment. #IGotYourBack."
Bryant is definitely killing the game.
Everybody is probably like, "Oh, my God,
he is such a good friend. He's loyal."
All of that stuff, which he is.
I can't hate, but I'm hating a little bit
because, you know, I'm here to win too.
Boom! This is great.
Let's see who's next. Who do we got?
"I met a guy in a bar"
"and ten minutes later,
we booked flights to Paris together."
This is me! This is me!
Wasn't me.
I'd be surprised if Terilisha did that.
I don't know why.
I just don't see her doing that.
I have to choose Chloe on this one.
[Lee] I think it's Chloe,
but I'm gonna say Terilisha,
because I wanna say, "Hey, I think
you're spontaneous, and fun, and vibrant.
-Terilisha, love you. Hope you like this."
-[Michelle] Good move, River.
I'm gonna be offended
if anybody thinks that it's me.
Bad move, River.
Everyone thinks it's me!
Is that a good thing?
Or is it a bad thing?
Chloe, that says a lot about you, my dear.
Circle, message,
"Obviously, dot, dot, dot,
we'd had too many porn star martinis.
"Because he didn't text back
the day after I booked the flight."
That's tough.
Circle, message,
"Chloe, I love your spontaneity.
Too bad it was his loss,
because you seem like you live life
to the fullest and you are a fun girl.
"Plus I'm a fun guy."
[mimics vomiting] That's just
[mimics vomiting]
That is so annoying.
This is real.
Like, Trevor is flirting with me.
That's my girl!
Circle, message,
"Chloe, I love me a martini."
"Promise I would never ghost you
on a flight to Paris, girl.
Take me. #INeedACrepe."
Courtney! Oh, my God! I love him.
Message, "Courtney, me and you
are new and found besties."
[Courtney] Girl, if it helps me stay here
as long as I can,
Chloe, girl,
we about to be Mary-Kate and Ashley,
Tia and Tamera, girl. I'm here for it.
Now you know I love a good twin reference.
Yes, Courtney, yes.
[Deleesa] "I was part
of the U.S. national robotics team."
What is a national robotics team?
Is that like like robots?
You're given all these parts
and these motors,
and you have to assemble this robot.
It was pretty cool.
[Jack] I think it's Savannah.
If this is true, like low key,
I might be in love.
I don't know.
'Cause I love me a smart girl.
But again, I'm playing Emily,
so we're gonna push that to the side.
Robotics give me guy vibes.
I'm probably wrong again.
Circle, please select River.
All right, Circle, who do we got?
[Deleesa laughs]
Thank you, Trevor.
Right again ♪
[Savannah] Circle, message,
"It was unlike anything
I've ever done before.
I was the only girl on my team.
#WomenEmpowerment." Send.
I love Savannah.
Message, "Savannah, my girl,
I knew you had it in you."
Circle, message,
"Beautiful and smart? Heart eyes emoji.
Girl, you are absolutely serving that
#RoboticsRealness #DataDaddy."
Careful, big daddy.
Now remember, you're playing
a sorority girl named Emily.
I'm a little concerned about
the girl power and women.
I'm for it.
But if it becomes part of the game,
it could be devastating for the guys.
I think I love the girls in here.
I feel like Savannah's
who she says she is now. Yeah.
You have completed Says Who?"
"You should
now all know each other a little better."
I think Chloe is ridiculous.
I hate to judge,
but I'm definitely judging her.
Right now, I think
I'm in a really good place
because I pretty much
have literally said nothing
for someone to dislike me at this point.
Which actually might be a fault,
but I don't think so.
[Chloe] Trevor.
He's definitely gonna be the one
that the girls want to flirt with,
and I'm fucking glad I got there first.
What a selection of people.
Regardless if they're catfish,
they're awesome.
[Michelle] Yup.
That's pretty much The Circle motto, Lee.
Sorry, I mean River.
As evening approaches,
our Players are slowly settling in,
in completely normal
and not strange ways at all.
A chicken. [laughs]
[Michelle] Some are even starting
on the game play.
Easy, River.
Oh! Oh, my God, I'd have them screaming.
[Michelle] Easy, girl.
And while Chloe pretends
that she's in a gym locker room,
Courtney is about to have
his first real dose of Bryant.
Deep breath, dude.
Circle, message, "I would like to extend
my hand out and offer you friendship"
"with unbreakable loyalty
that will last many lifetimes
and will have your back till the end.
What do you say?"
This is great.
This is like my first day of school
making my first friend.
Yeah, I made all my friends at school
by pledging loyalty
that would last many lifetimes too.
Circle, message,
"Sir Bryant,
true friendship is rare in this game.
[Bryant] "However, I am willing
to plant roots with you until the end.
You have my back and I have yours.
Aw, this is the best possible scenario
that could've happened.
Meanwhile, Emily, played by Jack,
wants to really get his catfish game on
by setting up a girl group chat.
I have a good impression from the girls.
There's not one who I really dislike.
And all these girls were kind of saying,
like, girl power, girl power.
So I really wanna get in on that
and show that I'm on that same wavelength.
All right, Circle, start a group chat
with Chloe, Savannah, Terilisha,
and myself.
Can we call it
"Girls just wanna have fun"?
"Emily has invited you
to Girls Just Want To Have Fun."
Circle, message, "Hey, girls,
I wanted to get us all together for a chat
as you are all stunning and each seem
super unique and interesting.
How's everyone feeling?"
[Chloe] "#CircleSisters."
Aw, that's so cute.
Message, "Hey, Emily,
thanks for starting this chat.
I love the idea of starting a #GirlGang."
[Jack] Okay. Circle, message,
"I'm personally still working on dinner.
Anyone have anything tasty on the menu?
Fork and knife emoji. Wine emoji."
Send that. Hopefully, they come in
and they know I'm bringing the energy.
I can't offer you any cooking skills.
I seriously need to just reel this in.
I'm taking over the chat.
[Jack grunts]
We now need to start talking strategy.
Message, "I would love,"
in capital letters,
"to know a bit more about you girls.
Are all of us single?
Question mark. Question mark.
Eyes emoji." Send.
Things are starting
to get very interesting.
Circle, message,
"Chloe, I'm single and ready to mingle."
"I think the guys are cool,
but I have my suspicions."
Me too, Savannah. I wonder who.
We're getting into the hot goss.
This is the girls' chat I was looking for.
Circle, message, "Savannah, I def agree.
The boys seem cool, but I got a better
impression from you guys right away.
I love that. Absolutely love it.
I'm killing it with these ladies, yo.
This is the best conversation
I've ever had with women.
[chuckles] Unfortunately.
Message, "Chloe, I am single and open.
Savannah, who are you suspicious of?
Detective emoji."
Oh! I don't wanna say.
Why did I say that? Why? Ugh.
Circle, message, "I'm not saying
that he isn't who he says he is,
but the fact
that Trevor keeps saying #I'mAFunGuy,
is rubbing me the wrong way." Send.
Let's see what
they have to say about that.
Message, "Savannah,
his lingo was a little suspicious.
When he said, 'What's the 411?'
I was like, 'What the fuck?
Is this 1990?' Question mark."
Oh, my God. Okay.
Yes, exactly. Terilisha, exactly.
She said, "Is this 1990?"
That's what I'm saying.
So there's hot tea right now, yo.
Accusations flying.
It's been like five minutes, bitch.
But sure, throw the shade.
Circle, message,
"Girls, I attract dickheads, it's a fact.
Okay emoji. Laughing emoji.
However, I don't want
to rule him out just yet"
[Savannah] "because he's on
the same wavelength as me.
Oo. He's attractive,
but I don't want to rule out
anything you girls say. #HelpAGirlOut."
I mean, I guess Chloe doesn't feel
the same way that I do.
As soon as you start talking about boys,
everything goes to fucking shit,
which is amazing.
I gotta talk about boys more often.
So the way that they're coming at him
behind his back, I don't like.
This is the one guy that I fancied,
the one guy that I wanted
to talk about with the girls,
and just let it out
like a mothers' meeting.
They've just completely
fucking ran him over.
Circle, message, "That's first impression.
We can't judge a book by its cover.
I totally encourage you to get to know him
if you're interested." Send.
Thanks, Emily. Thank you.
"It's still too soon to tell,
but I wanted to be honest with you girls
because I trust you.
It was great chatting with you all.
Circle, close this chat.
I think that's a job well done, baby.
I think I'm fitting in quite well.
Girls automatically gravitate
towards each other.
it can literally be the simplest of thing
that breaks it all up.
[Michelle] You mean like a hot dude
who happens to be a mom from the Bronx?
I hear that.
[loud chiming]
[alarm blaring]
-Oh, my God!
It is an alert ♪
-Oh, my
Ha, ha, ha-ha.
It's time to go berserk ♪
'Cause there's an alert ♪
What's crackalackin on this fine evening?
"Players, you must now rate each other."
Why, why, why?
I really am not ready.
I really, really need more information.
It kind of makes me a little uncomfortable
to rate people that I barely even know.
"Rate your fellow Players
from first to seventh."
[inhales, exhales]
All right. Find that clarity.
Find that centeredness.
This is where strategy comes in,
where you get to play the game.
Circle, take me to my ratings.
Circle, in first place
I'd like to put Trevor.
He gave me that vote
on the game about the robots.
I think, I think he would save River.
Circle, I would like
to rate Terilisha in my first spot.
I really trust Terilisha.
I really appreciate her opening up
in group chats.
In first place, I'd like to put Savannah.
She is not only extremely beautiful,
but she is obviously smart.
I think that she is someone
I would really hang out with in real life.
I could not want anyone else
other than my loyal lad, Courtney,
to be number one.
In second place, my girl Chloe.
She has been very nice to me, personally.
[shouts anxiously] Can we please
lock in Emily as third place?
Circle, lock in Terilisha
as my number-four pick.
In fifth place,
I'm confidently going to lock in Trevor.
Trevor claims to be a single dad.
And I kind of want Trevor around.
I kind of want to see what he's about.
Sixth place I'm gonna give to Bryant.
This is still a tactical move
because I know everybody
is probably putting Bryant as first.
It's a game,
and I gotta do what I gotta do.
Like, it's actually a little bit of hate.
I'm sorry.
In seventh place, I'm locking in Chloe.
I did not like Chloe from the beginning.
She seems to be boy-crazy.
That's not my type of chick.
My seventh spot is going to go to Bryant
because I feel like at this point
Bryant just might be
my biggest competition in this game.
Circle, I am very happy with my ratings.
I followed my heart.
Um, I listened to my heart,
and this is exactly what it told me to do.
Circle, submit my ratings.
[Chloe] Woo-hoo! "Ratings complete."
Oh, my God. I hope I don't get sent home.
Okay, now I've gotta sit down
because that just got very real.
After ratings, Trevor, played by Deleesa,
is getting his catfish kettle
prepped and ready
to spill the tea with Savannah, honey.
Circle, open private chat with Savannah.
[gasps] Oo.
I would love to talk to Savannah because
she comes from a single-parent household,
and, in the game, I'm a single parent.
I'm a single father.
If I was in The Circle as me,
like, my true self,
I was raised by a single dad.
I know what it's like,
and I think that's something
that we can totally bond over.
Oh, my gosh. I'm so nervous right now.
What if he's like, "I heard what you said
about me. My feelings are hurt."
I just wanted to know
why you kept saying you were a fun guy.
Be a man.
Circle, message, "This whole
experience is crazy. Exclamation point.
I wanted to reach out to you because
I felt so many connections with you."
"My little sister's name
is Savannah as well."
Oh, my gosh. No way.
Message, "Your little sister must be
an amazing person. Laughing emoji."
He seems like a very sweet guy.
I feel a little bad for doubting him,
but I'm not gonna apologize
for having those gut feelings.
I wish I could definitely big you up
as a woman to woman, you know.
But maybe it feels good
to be bigged up from a guy.
Circle, message,
"I want to know about your childhood
and which parent raised you.
I was raised by my mom. #Momma'sBoy."
"I can imagine your bond with your parent.
I'd love to hear all about it."
Message, "You're too kind. Heart emoji.
What a coincidence.
I was also raised by my momma bear.
My dad has and always will love me,
but when I was younger, he was in prison,
so he couldn't be there for me
the way he wanted to be.
I'm grateful that my mom
was able to be both a mother and a father
to me and my siblings."
-Oh, my God. Hmm.
God. I mean like anything parent-related
gets me so emotional.
God, my eyes.
[poignant music playing]
Message, "I wanna commend you
on being a single father.
There aren't a lot of guys that would be
willing to take on that role."
"Is it hard raising a little girl?"
I'm not gonna lie. I feel a little bit bad
because like technically, you know,
he's not a single father.
He has his wife here to help him.
But it is my strategy,
and I'm gonna stick with it.
Dude, I cannot believe
he's raising a baby girl on his own.
What if he's the type of guy that has
little tea parties with his daughter?
Oh, my God, I would die. That's so cute.
"I want you to know
that you have my utmost respect."
"If you ever wanna chat again
or if you need any girl advice,
I'll be here. Heart.
#YouCanCountOnMe." Oh, my God.
Girl, I love you. I love you.
This is a very good bond.
I really feel like he's being
so honest and real with me right now.
Circle, message,
"I truly appreciate it.
Please know you have my utmost respect."
"#YourBigBro. Heart."
Oh, my God. This is perfect!
I feel bad,
but this is a win all around because
not only did it work strategy-wise,
but I do feel like I gained a friend.
[Michelle] Aw,
that is just so sweet and so wholesome.
You know what? Circle, shake this up.
[alarm blaring]
Oh, my God, wait. Is this something bad?
Oh, my God. Please don't let this be bad.
"The ratings results are in."
[laughs nervously]
"Who is the most popular?
And who is the most hated?"
"The two Players with the highest ratings
will become influencers."
Oh, my goodness.
"All other Players
will be at risk of being blocked
from The Circle." [puffs]
My stomach is literally flipping
like a flapjack in a cast iron pan.
Now it gets very, very, very real.
Eighth. Oh, my God!
Pretty nervous right now.
Please, not me.
Please, don't be me.
Please, don't let me be last.
Please, don't let me be last.
Oh, my heart.
Are you kidding me?
My whole heart went into this,
and eighth is the rating?
[Michelle] Don't worry, Bryant.
Eighth doesn't mean you're going home.
It just means you're
the least popular Player in The Circle.
[Savannah] Who's in seventh?
Who is next?
Oh, mama.
[suspenseful music playing]
[screams] I don't wanna look.
I actually don't wanna look.
My heart is like
Fuck. That's not great. That's not great.
I thought my chat
with the girls went well, too.
Maybe they weren't the ones
who ranked me super low.
I rated you one,
and other people rated you low, Emily.
[grunts triumphantly]
I'm feeling all right now.
We gonna take this off
and just like be real good, okay.
Like, come on.
I better not be sixth.
Five and above, fine.
I don't wanna be sixth.
[suspenseful music continues]
I can't believe that I'm sixth.
Girl, people are seeing you as a threat,
I think maybe someone might be
I don't know,
thinking strategically and tactical,
the way I've been, you know.
Fourth was a tie? Ooh.
Me and River
Me and River ♪
Hey, me and River ♪
All right, I am okay with that, I think.
I really think
that there is some tactical rating
going on amongst the Players.
[Michelle] That leaves Trevor, Terilisha,
and Savannah in the top three spots.
I can't imagine me being an influencer.
Actually, that's kind of crazy.
I don't want to be one,
but I also kinda don't want to be three.
I hope I get two.
I wouldn't mind starting off
as an influencer, being in the top two.
Let's see. Am I three?
[Michelle] Don't forget.
Only the top two can be influencers.
Okay. Third place.
Oh, shit.
-Shit. No way.
-I'm in the top two. What?
Smart girls rock. [laughs]
-Oh, my God!
Go Savannah. Go Teril.
I'm the first Circle influencer.
[screams] I'm so excited. Yes!
[Savannah] Oh, my God!
It really seems like people voted
so strategically here.
Yeah, welcome to The Circle, Trevor.
I need to seriously put some work in
and talk to these guys.
[alarm blaring]
My heart can't take it.
What is going on this evening?
Oh, my God! You're killing me.
"As the highest-rated Players"
"Terilisha and Savannah
are now Circle influencers."
That's my name right there.
Savannah, my girl, we did it. I did it.
Well done, girls. I am happy for ya.
What? "In 24 hours, Terilisha and Savannah
must decide who to block from The Circle."
I do not want to be blocked.
Twenty-four hours? Wow.
Everyone's gonna be bum licking them.
Everyone's gonna be up their ass.
Oh, thank God, we have 24 hours.
I was afraid that we might have to make
an impulsive decision.
"However, Terilisha and Savannah
can now save one Player each."
No way.
My legs are shaking.
Brah, please save my ass.
Pick me. Pick me. Pick me.
"The two Players they choose
will be immune from tomorrow's blocking."
"Please go to Circle Chat
to make your decision."
Oh, my God.
Are they doing this right off the rip?
Oh, God, they're making that decision.
They're making it now. I don't feel safe.
Circle, take me to Circle Chat.
I've got nervous wind.
Oh, Jesus. That's the worst type.
"Terilisha and Savannah,
it's time to make your decision."
Oh, my God.
Okay. Well, the first person
I would've saved is in first place.
So, I guess that's a good sign for me.
If we are seeing eye-to-eye,
hopefully, our choices
will complement one another.
I do wanna select someone
that will be of a benefit to me.
Me saving someone right now
could potentially harm me or help me.
This could change the entire game.
This is tough.
I also wanna be tactical and be smart,
and give this to someone
that I think has potential
of gaining power in the future.
[suspenseful music playing]
This is a classic miracle situation.
The waiting is killing me.
"Terilisha, who would you like to save?"
I'm terrified.
I've got a feeling she's gonna say me.
I've got a feeling.
[sighs] Just one of you, please save me.
Please, please, please, pick River.
Girl, who you saving?
I would like to save
[suspenseful music playing]
[dynamic music playing]
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