The Convict (2021) s02e01 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 1

Witkowski has a file on Alice. He planned the whole thing.
His real name is Pawel Wojnach.
I once condemned Wiktor Wojnach.
He was sentenced to eight years in prison.
Have you met Powell lately?
What do you mean?
My people are watching you - just push the button!
Your judgment cost my father his life. And I wanted to take yours.
Alicia! Alicia!
- Fuck you! - Hanja, you didn't kill anyone!
- What's going on? - Everything will be fine.
- What's going on? - Give it to me!
- What are you doing? - Look at me!
- Poor me! - Give it to me here! Give it to me!
What are you doing?
- To fucking life! - Take it
What is happening?
Get Hanja out of here!
Hana, go away! Go away!
You have to get out of here. I have to
Hello! 9 Osikowa Street.
A man is shot, must survive
I administered dopamine. Resuscitation.
We will prepare the defibrillator! to 200!
Again! 200 joules!
Drink this!
- It helps you forget. - I don't want to.
What now?
Your mother recorded everything. They will confirm it
who fired in self-defense.
I shot him, not Mom.
Hanja, if you hadn't shot him, he would have killed your mother.
- Nothing changes. - Of course it doesn't.
- No. I have to fix it. - No!
- I don't know - Hanka, sit down!
You have to listen.
I I killed him, Serafin!
- I killed Pavel. - You can't know that.
- I killed him. - He was still alive when we arrived.
Damn it! Come here!
Your judgment cost my father his life. And I wanted to take yours.
- Death for death! - Do not move!
It is here. Why?
I don't know. Probably the device was turned off during a fight.
What happened next?
I took the gun out of his hand.
I grabbed him but he kept coming at me and.
and then I fired.
- From what distance? - I don't know.
From a meter or two. It all happened very fast.
If he fired directly at Witkowszki,
How can it be that according to the experts?
Was the shot fired from the side, much farther away?
I don't remember exactly where I was.
All I know is that he wanted to kill me and I wanted to survive.
Did he escape with the intention of killing Pawel Witkowszki?
I wanted to provoke him to the truth and I succeeded.
Is it this?
Sharp. You can kill with it.
But it is also suitable for self-defense.
He claims he framed him and went to jail for it!
- That's reason enough to kill him! - No.
No one deserves to die. No one.
we can talk
We found passports and plane tickets. I wanted to go with Witkowski.
Take care of it! What about Witkowszki's laptop?
Nothing. We just found your daughter. We secured the computer.
No external drive? No memory card?
That bastard must have hidden everything.
Send the kids to the club!
- We have already inspected the club. - Find recordings of Amnesia,
And I forgive you for organizing Mazur's escape!
I brought you a letter, sir! And I would also like a signature.
It's coming!
- Here you go! - Thank you!
- Thank you! - Goodbye!
He could still get away with murdering Ludmila Mjielnyik,
but for everything else he goes to jail.
Two years for escaping and at least eight years for shooting Witkowszki.
- And if he dies - I know the penal code.
Hello! I'm Pyotr Serafin, I've come to see the boss.
- Do you have an appointment? - Yes, we do.
He can't take it now. He is conducting an interrogation
- I understand. - Sir! Sir! Hey!
Hey, who are you looking for?
What are you doing here? Please leave!
I represent Alicja Mazur. And she wouldn't mind a lawyer either.
Or an agent, although I don't think she made it as a porn star.
Turn it off!
Turn that shit off!
Where did you get this?
From a ghost.
It operates in secret and does not require payment.
What do you want?
You will make a statement.
Operation Mazur was a secret and planned police action.
And my client shot Witkowszki in self-defense.
And we quietly await acquittal.
We agreed that I would deliver the office at four o'clock in the afternoon.
Do you mind half an hour?
Not exactly.
The documentation is in order and the prisoners are housed.
to protect them from the most dangerous prisoners.
I think this is useful for
Forgive me, but you are not fit for this job.
And in this prison there is a lot of madness.
And will you fix yourself?
That is my plan.
Good luck!
I don't think it's a matter of luck.
I am able to motivate others and defuse conflicts.
That's enough to make this prison
to become an elite institution of an average penal institution.
I am sergeant Szweta Palamarchuk. Called.
I am very happy. Sylvester Hepner.
May I see the apartment?
Please follow me!
That is why I believe in a penal system that
which is humanity, individual treatment,
is based on the principles of responsibility and slow development.
I apologize in advance for the difficult words.
- I don't know what my predecessor looks like. - It was fucking good!
I know who I want to be.
I'm here for you, so.
You can contact me in case of any problem.
I promise to always listen to you.
I want to add one more thing.
Mistakes happen,
as evidenced by the example of Alicja Mazur, who was present and wrongfully convicted.
The system sometimes fails, but I do not.
I sincerely apologize for interrupting,
but it could be possible
-To organize a farewell party -Pati!
our friend Mazur? Calm down!
- I will think about it. - You'll see?
Thank you very much ladies!
He deserves a round of applause, doesn't he?
I learned the identity of the "lovers" from the recording.
The crème de la crème of Silesian social life.
- What can I give you? - I would like two short films.
- Maybe something else? - An orange juice.
- Here you go! - They are just guests.
They know nothing. They work with intermediaries.
I hug Witkowski as soon as he wakes up.
Your club is just the tip of the iceberg.
- And the apartment on Garazzowa Street? - It is empty.
Richter has hanged himself or is hiding somewhere.
We will have to wait for it to emerge.
Oh, you bastards!
I regret that such an injustice has been done to you.
Prison is not for people with principles.
Oh, no! I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry about that. - But here's something for you.
Good news from the Supreme Court.
Date set for verdict revocation hearing
and its release.
He had no right to open it!
Why? I had the right to do it. I make the law here.
No, I know the law! And I won't leave it at that!
You'll be out of here soon.
But his friends stay inside.
You don't want to make life difficult for them, do you?
Blackmail doesn't work for me.
This is not blackmail, just friendly advice.
Escort him back to his cell, please.
- I'm sorry! - You again?
I was wondering if there was any improvement.
- So you won't wake him up? - Miss!
As soon as his foster father's vital signs improve, we will wake him up.
Thank you! I will check back tomorrow.
- Nothing will change until tomorrow. - I'm going in anyway.
You need to be demoted. You should have been promoted.
Promote? I think they left home because of you.
A drugged girl was stabbed in your prison. And that collapsed ceiling?
How I hate you!
- I'm not a fan of yours either. - Punisher, calm down!
- You're not going to leave him here, are you? - They like each other.
Very funny.
I sit at home and watch TV like a good girl.
Indeed? And what are you seeing?
A documentary about octopuses.
Did you know that it lays tens of thousands of eggs and stays with them all the time?
- He doesn't even go out to eat. - Are you criticizing now?
No, but if you bite my arm, I will.
All right, I'll leave you alone, but then behave yourself!
See you at home.
How are you doing?
Nothing has changed.
Do you get along well with Serafin?
Yes, of course.
Serfin is a good man.
But you know this too.
What about the school?
Everyone spends thousands on exams.
How about you?
You don't have to do anything.
I will be released in a few days. Together we will solve everything.
What if?
What if we can't fix it?
Hanka, look at me!
-Patty, please! - I know, I know, I know.
Pati Csichy, please! Please!
Okay, but Krisztian is here.
Sit down!
But you're right! I almost forgot.
Do they know each other?
Yes, he is my cellmate.
I think it's really only been a few days.
- And school can wait. - I know.
Have you been looking at Norwegian girls? And do they have nice asses?
I observed. They have pretty hard asses.
- It's not funny! - I'm not looking at anyone.
I've been waiting for you for so long, you say those things?
Okay, how do I know?
Anyway, I work in a sawmill at the end of the world.
There is nothing there.
This is true.
- But I miss you. - I miss you too.
I am still trying the visit request,
but they keep pulling it back with
that spouses have an advantage.
So the spouses
What is it?
- Wait a moment, I would like to go for a walk. - What is it, Cristian?
- What? - Nothing.
What is it?
- What are you doing? - Nothing.
-Aluta! - Calm down!
Patricja Csichy, will you marry me?
Yes, hell yes!
Yes yes yes YES YES YES! Hell yes!
I'm getting married!
No physical contact!
This is Krisztian. Christian, Aluta!
- Enough, let's go back to the table! - Good.
- One minute of joy, then comes life. - Don't exaggerate!
- Oh, Mr. Director! - Hello!
The key is in your closet.
- It's a lot of fun. - I think it really is.
- Clean it up! - Dagi, don't you have all four wheels?
You can no longer send me.
Have fun!
If it turns out that I admitted you to intensive care, I'll be in big trouble.
- I am very grateful to you. - Five minutes, not a second more!
I could even turn off the machines, you know?
What do you think?
I think you deserve it.
What did you do, Pawel?
What have you done?
You know, I think
There's something wrong with me, you know?
I think I am a bad person.
All things considered, Mom is a good person.
He is good.
I don't know what to do, Pawel!
- Go! - It wasn't me!
He's decompensating! He's crashing!
- Please come out! - What is happening?
- Isn't it too bright? - It's not right.
- Great, the sun is shining on it! - Thank you!
Beautiful, isn't it?
I wouldn't have chosen that one, but they are two flowers.
- Like me and Krisztian. - Spectacle!
How many carats can it be?
- I think it's zero. - You're a big zero!
Let me see!
What is it?
- Aren't those diamonds? - I have no idea.
- These are mountain crystals, Pati! - You don't know shit!
The gesture is the point.
Where are we going?
I don't know. The new director gave the order.
As they say: sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
I'm getting married!
- I'm sorry you've been demoted. - Shut your mouth!
That's life: not everything goes according to plan.
Everything's been shit since he got here. Like a black cat. Pressure!
Director, why are you so upset? Anger damages your beauty.
- I'm not the director anymore! - So we can't call him Punisher anymore?
What a pity!
Did you miss grumpy old Serafin?
Please tell mom that I know I failed her!
- And that I am very sorry. -Hana! Hana!
- What is all this? - And I hope that someday
he understands.
Where are you?
I know I screwed everything up. And I didn't want it to be that way.
What are you talking about? Hello!
I really didn't want to.
Hanka, say Hanja!
I love you.
What are you talking about? Hello!
Screw him!
Go on, get out!
I'm sorry! I'd like some attention!
Ladies, I have been asked to have a farewell party.
There you go!
This proves that I deliver what I promise.
Have fun!
- He looks like a bastard, but he's a good man. - Or so you want to believe.
All right, Aluta, let's go! Let's toast for you!
- Cheers! - How much will you get?
- What? - What's that? Take a horse!
- That they were innocently imprisoned. - I do not know.
Come on, Aluta!
This is how it should be done!
Hanka! Hanya!
Don't come any closer!
Don't come any closer!
If you wanted to, you wouldn't have called me!
- Stop or I'll jump! - Then jump!
Come on, jump!
On it, jump!
Are you that brave?
Go on, do it!
I am sorry.
Everything is fine now.
I am sorry.
Hanja, raise your head! Just a little.
They gave him medicine. He will sleep for a while.
It's okay.
- What's next? - I don't know yet.
At first give half and after a week give it all!
Thank you!
- You need psychiatric observation. - I can take better care of you.
If Witkowszki dies, maybe Hanja will try again.
And will he die?
I do not know.
But Hanka needs therapy.
- All right, I'll look into it. - Take care of yourself!
- My turn is about to begin. - Thank you!
I have one more question.
You know that drinking can be harmful.
I know. Heart rhythm disorder, shortness of breath, hallucinations,
- epilepsy, loss of consciousness. - Or worse.
Last time you knocked yourself unconscious for three days, and now?
- A woman. - She can be a very special woman.
You know, I like vodka, but I think I prefer
- Are you ready? - Done.
Thanks my friend!
- I hope you succeed. - With sanity?
With that too.
Thank you!
Even this must be shared. Then shampoo and lip gloss are Pati's.
The coffee and the tampon are yours, Marika!
- Good. - Is this going to be good?
- You don't need the tampon. - God, what do you want?
I want the lip gloss.
- Good. - Then the lip gloss is yours.
- Do you want the tampon? - Yes, I do.
- Okay, I'll give you the lip gloss. - Don't bother me!
Everything will be fine that way.
Come on, Mazur!
I will miss you.
But if you try to come back, I'll rip your head off!
I will not.
Do you have everything?
All right, bitches, bye-bye to the judge!
Your mom will be home when you wake up.
I know.
And you can't tell anyone.
I know.
All right then.
If you need anything, if you want to talk
I'm going to bed now, Serafin!
You love him, don't you?
- It's a little more complicated than that. - Maybe just tell him!
Does the justice system bother you?
- Hello! - Hanka is at the police station.
- Do you know anything about this? - To fucking life!
Give him the phone!
Let's go for it!
- How can I help? - I would like to
- Good afternoon! - A friend of mine, I'll take care of it.
Someone wants to talk to you.
- Hello, Seraphim! - Hanka, what are you doing?
- I want to tell the truth. - And ruin your life?
Seraphim, I have to do it!
What about your mother? Didn't you think about him?
You will surely understand.
I would like to report a crime.
Who did it?
I thought you were going to disappoint me.
Please stand up! The court is now in session.
Hanja made a confession. He went to the police.
He admitted.
My van veled? Ala!
- What's wrong with you? Breathe! - Mrs. Mazur, what's going on?
Somebody call an ambulance! Alicia, breathe!
Please call the ambulance!
Take it easy! Come on, faster!
Due to Alicja Mazur's condition, I am postponing the trial.
We will inform you about the new date.
You have to do everything you can to get him out of there.
Did you understand?
Is she my daughter?
Hungarian text: Borsody Anna Iyuno
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