The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s02e01 Episode Script

Remote Control

[grunts in effort]
[screams, grunts]
[Thunk snoring]

[grunting in effort]
[chomping noisily]
[panting continues in slow motion]

- Made it.

- Let's live wild, the world's our own ♪
We built this wheel
now it's gunna roll ♪
You know a spark becomes a fire ♪
Wherever we go ♪
Whoa-ho-ho ♪
Stuck together, stuck, stuck together ♪
It's an evolution
for worse or for better ♪
To find some unity ♪
For all humanity ♪
Because we're stuck together ♪
In one big family tree ♪

[wind whooshes]
[birds chirping]
- Huh?
[Douglas whimpers]
You said it, buddy.
Window's a bust today.
And it has been for a while.
It feels like something's missing.
What if we watched all there is to watch?
What if, and hear me out,
window has nothing more to give us?
- Okay, okay, here's the rules:
when I say push,
we all push our boulders.
If your boulder
crosses the finish vine first, you win.
- So that's boulder racing.
Got it.
Guess it's all there in the name.
- Oh! What if my boulder cracks in half?
Or vanishes and then reappears?
- Okay, let's not overthink this.
- What if my boulder grows wings
and flies into the sky
and decides to live there
and be the moon's neighbor
but the moon gets mad
'cause it was there first and--
- Ahh! Let's just race and let
the boulders fall where they may, okay?
- You're right. That would never happen.
The moon's friendly.
- When my boulder wins,
you're in for a treat,
my new victory dance.
peppy music playing ♪

[humming continues]
- We get it, Guy-Boy.
You're a great dancer.
- Who me?
Nah, I'm just goofing around.
- No, you're killing it.
But getting these boulders
up here wasn't easy,
so, can we race now?
- Sure thing, Eepykins.
Just one more thing.
And done.
- And let's race.
Push on three.
One, two, three!
[all grunt in effort]

Hey, what's Thunk doing off the couch?
- He's breaking the first rule
of boulder racing.
- Oh, "don't talk about boulder racing"?
Don't get flattened.
Thunk! Incoming boulders!
[Eep sighs in relief]
- Thanks, Eep.
I owe you another one I'll never pay back.
- No problem. So what's wrong?
Why aren't you watching window?
- [sighs] What's the point?
I've seen it all.
There's nothing left to watch.
- Wait. Really?
That's great news!
- It is?
- Yep. You've been
in a window rut since we got here.
Remember all the fun stuff we used to do?
[yelling in fear]
[growls menacingly]
[Eep grunts]
[yelling continues]
Wolfspider wrestling.
[Eep yells]
[laughs] And death cat jumping.
And vine-astics!
[sighs deeply]
- We were crazy kids,
living for the moment.
But that was a different time, Eep.
And a different Thunk.
- No, same time, same Thunk.
You just need to stop watching life
and start living it again.
- How?
- With my help. As usual.
Don't worry, we'll start slow.
- Hey, that's my favorite speed.
- Thunk, you're not flat.
That's great.
- Uh, our boulders just leveled
Hope's poppermelon patch,
so we should leave right now.
Argh! Who did this?
[all gasp in fear]

- Mm! Mm!
You know what I like about eating?
The food.
- If you stop talking
for the rest of breakfast,
I'll let you taste
a brand-new dessert I'm making.
- Mm. New dessert?
That's my favorite kinda food.
Wait, is dessert a food?
Is food still food if you don't eat it?
What makes food food?
And-and do we make food?
Or does food make us?
- Grug, you're talking.
- No, I'm not.
- Actually, you are.
- Yeah, but I'm not talking talking.
- One more word and no dessert.
- H--
Hmm. He--
- Didn't think it was possible,
but you did it, Hope.
You made quiet.
- It won't last.
Phil's gonna walk in
at any moment and ruin it.
- Who wants to hear what I've already
accomplished this morning?
- See?
- I rose before first light with a vision,
a device able to harness nature itself.
Grug, do you like breezes?
- Breezes? Well, it depends on the--
- Of course you do. Everyone does.
So what would you say
to a device that creates breezes?
I'd say you already invented it.
It's called the fan.
And it doesn't work.
- [sighs] Because that's a prototype.
Invention is a journey
of many steps, dear.
And, for today's step,
I need a small favor.
- Here it comes.
- Who wants to hold my ladder?
Very well. I'll ask Thunk.
It's not like he's busy.
He'll be watching window
until the end of the world.
Oh, Thunk.
My sluggish chum,
I need your stationary fortitude to--
Oh, no.
It's the end of the world.

Painting is the perfect way
to ease you into living, Thunk.
It's peaceful, there's no running,
and most importantly, it's simple.
So how's your painting coming along?
Wow, that is--
Wait. Thunk, did you just
cut a hole in your leaf?
- Yeah, to watch the stream.
[sighs in disappointment]
- Let's try something simpler.
There's no easier way to pound the life
back into you than drumming.
All you gotta do is smack it.
Doesn't get simpler than that.
Okay, this time,
just slap the drum, not yourself.
Try again.
[groans sharply]
What's simpler than this?
Is anything simpler than this?
Ooh, ooh, I know!
- Yeah, walking!
Even I can do that.
[grunts, groans]

Walking in three, two, one.
- Was that supposed to happen?
- Sure, if he was trying
to walk on his face.
- I thought walking was the one, Thunk.
THUNK: [muffled]
So did I.
I used to relish sunshine on my face.
I used to frolic in meadows
and swim the ocean blue.
I used to be alive.
But then you came along.
You did this to me!
And now you're going to pay for it.
- Thunk! Who are you talking to?
And what's with the stick?
- I'm talking to window
before I destroy it with this stick.
- Why?
- I can't paint. I can't drum.
I can't even walk.
And it's all window's fault!
Window did me wrong!
And it's payback time.
[chicken seal squawks in pain]
[sighs deeply]
It's no use.
Window is invincible.
- Remember what you said
the first time I took you lava surfing?
- No! Lava is so hot!
- After that.
- Whee!
Thanks, Eep. You were right again.
That was amazing!
And my feet are on fire!
- Before that.
- I can't.
[sniffles] I can't.
I don't wanna die.
- Right.
And what happened?
- I almost died?
- Right. Almost.
But you didn't,
because I made sure you got through it.
Just like I'm gonna make sure
you get through this.
So wanna try again?
- Yes, dear sister.
But first, I must say
farewell to window.
- If it means this hug stops, done.
- All good things must come to end,
but here's to the times we shared
and the memories
we'll always treasure, old friend.
- "That's too many bounceberries, Grug."
"Make two trips, Grug."
[scoffs] I've been
carrying stuff my whole life.
It's not like I‘m gonna--
[whimpers, groans]
Oh! Drop all the berries.
- This changes everything.
I never should've doubted you, window.
Come here. I'm sorry, old friend.
So sorry.
Gran! The point of holding
a ladder is keeping it still.
- Keep your robe on, slim.
If I get an itch, I scratch it.
[Sandy growling]
A crowverine on our turf?
Let's go!
I'm not doing anything important.
- Better, Gran. Hold it right there.
[dishes clatter]
[Douglas whines]

[wind whooshes]
- Ugh! This walkway is a dry well.
Except for all the water.
We need to expand our spill game.
But how?
[gasps] With the help
of an inventor.
Oh, Phil! Over here!
Yoo-hoo! Hello!
- [gasps]
Sounds like a new bird species.
Phil! Hey, Phil! Hey, Phil! Phil!
- [gasps] A new bird species
that talks and knows my name!
A landmark biological breakthrough that--
Wait, the ladder! Gran! No!
- That's the kind of awesome
I need on window.
But I can't just wait for it to happen.
So can you do me a favor?
[Phil groans weakly]
PHIL: [muffled]
Nothing would make me happier.
- Great!
Can you make something
where I watch this cup go anywhere
on the farm without leaving this room?
[groans, sighs]
- Surely you jest.
I'm Phil Betterman.
- So no?
- Of course I can. I'm Phil Betterman!
- Great! But why do you keep
saying your name?

[Thunk breathing heavily]
- This will go faster
without you breathing down my neck.
- Oh. [laughs]
Sorry. My bad.
- These vines can carry whatever you wish
to any point on the farm.
And this new mirror window
allows you to see and hear it all.
- Hey, look!
I'm on window! Hi, Mom!
- No, you're on mirror window.

You turned me into a pigator.
- No, we're watching the pigator pen.
- What? How did you do that?
- Genius. Plus mirrors and shells.
- [gasps] Can I see the lagoon?
- Yes.
- The pigator pen?
- That's the pigator pen.
I just said that.
- [gasps] The kitchen?
- Yes, everywhere.
- Inside my body?
- Almost everywhere.
- The pigator pen?
- Yes! Again, that's it!
Ugh! Why did I even bother to do this?
- Great question.
If I were you, I'd definitely
have more important stuff to do.
- You're right! That's it. I'm leaving.
[Phil groans]
[Phil grunts]
Right after you untangle me
from this vine.
[grunting in effort]
- Interesting.
upbeat music playing ♪
[gasps] Jackpot.

- Guys, you can do this.
From the top.
Five, six, seven, eight.
[Guy humming]
Bring it in, everyone.
You know, when I started this dance crew,
Guys and Growls, they laughed.
They said animals
couldn't learn to dance.
And I said they sure can.
And I'm the guy to teach 'em how to do it.
It's not about how many feet you have,
or paws, or whatever those things are.
It's about what's in here,
and in here.
So let's take it from the top.
And this time,
I want you to shake your tails.
Or your really long arms
or whatever you got there.
Because that, that is dancing.
Five, six, seven, eight.
- I figured out something
simpler than walking, Thunk. Hop in.
- Change of plans.
I'm not going anywhere.
- Wh-- So that's it?
You're giving up on living?
You're just gonna watch your life away?
Wait, what are you watching?
- Oh, just Guys and Growls,
Guy's human and animal dance crew.
All thanks to the magic of mirror window.
- How is he so good at dancing?
How are they so good?
- [laughs] It gets even better.

- This is why we rehearse.
From the top. Five, six, seven.
- Move over.

[screams, grunts]
[groaning in pain]
[grunts in annoyance]
[Eep laughing]
- This will never get old.
[low growling]


- Whoa! [grunts]
Oh, come on!
- I was wrong.
This got old.
There's just something missing.
[Douglas barks, growls]
[shattering, thudding]
- Whoa! Ooh!
[shattering continues]
And I know what it is, action!

- Is-is that your new dessert?
- No. This is our new house.
- It is? It's so small.
- Of course it's my new dessert.
And I'm calling it "pie."
Not sure why. What do you think?
- I think you should call it
"gulp tasty dish."
- I think this is the most beautiful thing
these smell holes have ever sniffed.
[sniffs deeply]
Can I eat it now?
- I think we should all eat it now.
[all moaning evilly]
- Uh! Uh! Uh!
No one, and I mean no one,
eats this pie until after dinner. Got it?
- Gah! You keep moving the finish vine.
- That mutt's gonna eat "gulp tasty dish"!
Run, Douglas, run!
And save some pie for me!
[all grunting]
PHIL: I need to taste that pie!
[Hope grunts]
ambient elevator music playing ♪
Nice weather we're having.
- I hear it might rain.
- Yep, that's weather all right.
- Hi, what's going--
[all grunting]
Stop! I need to taste that pie!
- Whoa! You almost got trampled.
- [groaning in pain]
Yep. Almost.
[both grunt]
[Ugga grunts in effort]

Ooh! [grunts]
Eat this, Douglas!
Unh! Unh!

Oh, right, the pie.
- That was everything.
- Yeah, but something's still missing
besides the pie.
This is all your fault, Phil.
- How is it my fault
that you're entangled in a vine?
- You put vines everywhere!
- Not just vines. Mirrors and shells too.
- Get rid of them!
- Why do none of you appreciate me?
- Why do you need anyone's approval?

- You are the sun in my sky.
- [sighs in delight]
Just stop talking and kiss me.
[both straining]
Oh, forget it.
[branch snaps]
[body thuds]
[body thuds]
- This is what was missing.
- Hmm, I don't think so.
Who wants to watch this?
- I do. Emotion? Tension? Frustration?
This is must-see window.
- Or we could take another crack
at lava surfing. Huh?
- That's not me anymore, Eep.
This is me.
[sighs in annoyance]
I'll let you know what happens.

Who drew this?
Is this supposed to be me?
Too weak to lift a little log?

My inventions don't explode!

- I'm too sweet?
[grunts in anger]
This just makes me wanna
hug everyone.
- Wishy-washy?
I'm not wishy-washy!
Then again, maybe I am.
[both gasp, grunt]
[all arguing indistinctly]
[overlapping chatter]
- [chuckles] Worth every leaf.
- That's too much salt, Phil.
- [grunts] Nineteen!
[grunts] Twenty!
Who's weak now?
- Uh, hey?
Why is everybody arguing?
You can't settle anything like this.
- Eep's right.
There's only one way to settle this,
the old way.
A battle to the death.
- We're not fighting to the death, Gran.
- Why, 'cause you're too scared?
- [laughs] Oh!
Of you? Not a bit.
You wanna dance, silverback?
Let's dance.
- Did someone say "dance"?
Oh, I couldn't.
Unless you want me to.
- That's more like it.
Everyone, grab a weapon and head outside!
- Wow! Now that's drama.
Ooh. I'd better grab snacks
while there's a break.
I mean, they're not
actually gonna fight to the death.
[all growling angrily]
- So everyone has a weapon?
- Do pillows count?
- In a pillow fight.
But this is a fight to the death.
- Oh. Can I switch then?
- No! We're doing this now!
- But first, we should say our goodbyes.
You know,
because later it will be too late.
[groans in fear]
- Fine, get it over with.
- Goodbye, Hope.
- Buh-bye, Ugga.
- Later, Phil.
- Fare thee well, Grug.
[all saying goodbyes]
- Oh, no!
They're gonna fight to the death!
I gotta stop this!
[grunting, yelling]
- When you hear the horn, fight!
- Fight? [grunts]
- [chuckles] That tickles.
- Wait for the horn, other girl!
- Sorry!
Also, I'm having second thoughts
about this pillow.
Does anybody wanna trade?
- So what are the rules?
- It's a fight to the death.
There are no rules.
[blows horn]
[battle cry]
[Thunk screaming]
[screaming in slow motion]
- Stop fighting!
You shouldn't be mad at each other.
You should be mad at me.
Also, ow.
That was a rough landing.
I did this. It was me.
I toyed with you for my sick
mirror window viewing pleasure.
I just wanted to see drama,
not trauma.
Nice one, Thunk.
But don't be mad at each other.
Be mad at me.
It's my fault. It's all my fault.
- Easy, Thunk. We know.
- Wait, what?
- Know what?
Why aren't we killing each other?
- [groans] Hey!
I wasn't ready.
- Fight to the death. No rules!
- So, you know? All of you? How?
- Yeah. I told them.
Mirror window, the vines,
the spills, the pie, your drawings.
I told them everything.
In the man cave where you couldn't see us.
Because of the steam.
- Yep.
And then we planned this fight
to teach you a lesson.
- Ooh! Is it don't bring a pillow
to a fight to the death?
- Wish I'd learned that one earlier.
- Dawn, can I borrow that pillow?
- Ow!
Okay, let's see.
For the first time today,
I don't feel like something's missing.
Also, ow again.
- And why is that?
- [sighs] Because--
Ooh. Because I'm not inside
watching this stuff.
I'm out here living it.
- Bull's-eye.
- [gasps] Ah, thanks, Eep.
And thanks, everyone.
Because of you, I'm a changed Thunk.
[all groan uncomfortably]
EEP: That's enough for me now.
[all groan in disgust]
- Now, could you start over
so I could watch it on mirror window?
[laughs] Yeah, like that.
But, ooh, wait until
I get back to the couch.
- [grunts in frustration]
Told you this was a waste of time.
People don't change.
You heard 'em, Guy.
Let's dance.
- Dance? I thought you'd never ask.
Five, six, seven, eight.
peppy music playing ♪
Ooh! Ooh-hoo!
[humming continues]
Down low.
Drop it down low.
[humming continues]
- Why can't anyone
just fight to the death anymore?
vocalizing ♪
closing theme playing ♪

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