The Following s02e01 Episode Script


_ Man: Carroll was convicted in 2004 for the murders of 14 young women.
Don't do this.
Joe, Joe! Ryan: Something happened to Claire, and now he's gonna kill her.
And he's gonna give you the opportunity to save her.
He's gonna give me the opportunity to witness her death.
We got a problem.
Parker's missing.
Man: Aw.
That's too bad.
Just a little too late.
Ryan, no! Bummer.
You and I, huh, how's it going to end, Ryan? Does good triumph over evil, does the hero rescue the girl? Let's begin.
No! No! [Grunting.]
Aah! Aah! [Screaming.]
Is he dead? Did they find the body? Yeah.
What's left of him.
You have to be sure it's him.
Are you sure? We'll have official confirmation soon.
Serial killer Joe Carroll's life came to an end early this morning.
When he was burned to death in a fire.
We have confirmed that Joe Carroll is dead.
Is it true? He's dead.
- Hungry? - Yeah.
I'm starving.
I'll get cleaned up.
[Knock on door.]
[Music playing.]
We intercepted this downstairs.
Thanks, man.
Unh! Unh! [Door opens.]
Claire: Okay.
I smell food.
Claire! Ryan! No, no! No! Ohh! No, no! Unh! Aah! Aah! Aah! [Crack.]
No, no! No.
Please, please, please, please.
Where's Claire? Is she okay? [Shouting.]
[Indistinct chatter.]
[Beep, beep.]
Pressure's dropping.
He's bleeding out! No pressure! [Indistinct chatter.]
We're losing her! [Heart monitor beeping.]
Mike how's Claire? [Heart monitor continues.]
[Heart monitor fading.]
[Alarm clock beeping.]
_ [Groaning.]
[Security alarm beeping.]
[Beeping stops.]
[Rosanna Scotto laughs on TV.]
Greg Kelly: A new book hits stands this week.
It's called "The Havenport Tragedy, The True Story Of Joe Carroll And His Blood Cult" by author Carrie Cook.
Scotto: This week, marks the anniversary of Joe Carroll's death, and Carrie Cook is actually gonna be joining us later to talk about his murderous cult that left a trail of blood and mayhem across the East Coast and rocked the nation.
Some scary stuff.
Can you believe it's been a year? Stay with-- Woman: When I got here, I'd made so many wrong turns, felt empty, dead inside.
You guys brought me back to life.
You showed me that my past is exactly that.
I have a life today.
Is it better? Sometimes.
It's different, and then there are moments when I get little glimpses of hope.
Those are good days, and the rest of the days, I'm working on those.
This dinner's for your niece? Yeah.
She wants me to meet her new boyfriend.
I have no idea why.
Maybe because she's excited to have you in her life and wants to share it with you.
Could be that.
Woman: Okay.
How crazy am I? Outstanding, Melissa.
Feels good to open up and share, doesn't it? Why does everything you say sound like it's directed at me? I'm your sponsor.
I want to point out that I'm only 5 months' sober.
All the more reason to open your mouth and let someone know what's going on in there.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Ryan: Okay.
So scattered, messy.
We got a disorganized killer.
What else to you see? Woman: The killer's left-handed.
The stab wounds are left to right.
Are you sure? Could have been right to right if her attacker struck like this.
Man: Her bra and panties are on the floor, but the victim is wearing underwear.
Which tells you Woman: She has horrible taste.
What's with the leopard print? [Laughter.]
So possible stripper, adult entertainer.
Man: A hate crime? Missionary kill.
It's impulsive and violent.
She wasn't raped, but it was a sex crime.
The underwear soiled by the chair.
Meaning? The chair's positioned over her body.
He masturbated and sat down to do it.
And the blood on the left side of the table is where he laid the knife down because that's the hand he used to do his business because he was left-handed.
Okay, okay, okay, okay.
[Music playing.]
[Doorbell rings.]
Am I late? You're the first one here.
So you alone? He's parking the car.
His name is Chris.
He's from California, grew up in Sacramento or something.
He's a pastry chef at Dolce.
- You judged.
- Don't judge.
I didn't judge! No.
I just said, "Okay," as in "He's a pastry chef," okay? Maybe if we don't say it out loud.
[Knock on door.]
- I'm Ryan.
- Hey.
I'm Chris.
- Nice to meet you.
- Come on in.
Ryan tells me you're law enforcement.
I'm a cop.
She's in the Intelligence Unit.
Just made detective.
Melissa: Is this serve and protect a family tradition? Well, my dad, his brother, was a fireman.
And my dad was a cop, and my uncle was a cop.
Now Max told me to heart healthy, so there's no guarantees.
Looks good.
I really like Barry.
He's your sponsor, right? Shh.
That Melissa chick is hot.
For you.
You should get on that.
I like pastry boy.
Heh, heh.
Really? I wish he were angrier.
For what? I know what tonight is really about.
I thought this week might be a little rough on you.
Is it? Well, it's there smacking me in the face everywhere I look.
Distractions can be nice.
[Music playing.]
[Train approaching.]
_ Resurrection! Resurrection! - Resurrection! - Resurrection! [Screaming.]
Aah! [Screaming.]
Joe Carroll lives! Ryan Hardy can't stop us.
The resurrection is coming.
The resurrection is coming.
Aah! Aah! Help me! Please! [Screaming.]
[Alarm clock beeping.]
Reporter on TV: How many are dead? How many are dead? Man on TV: 5 are confirmed dead, one victim survived and is currently being treated at Manhattan Memorial for multiple stab wounds.
Woman: Do you have a suspect? There were at least It's an active investigation.
Man: Commissioner, do you think this could be the work of Joe Carroll's cult? Let's not speculate, please.
Sir, this week marks the anniversary of the Havenport tragedy.
That will be all.
Thank you.
Woman on TV: Is Joe Carroll's alive and living in New York? That's what the people of New York City fear as 5 people are are unwilling to say if this attack is connected in any way to Joe Carroll, but as this week marks the first [Knock on door.]
Hello, Mike.
Agent Phillips, what can I do for you? I'd like you to come to New York.
You're a walking case file.
You could be a great deal of help.
You want me to consult? I'm not active.
OPR suspended me till my review in January.
Grand jury made no indictments.
You were cleared.
Come to New York.
If all goes well, I'll take on the OPR.
[Elevator dings.]
[Indistinct chatter.]
My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families, but with regards to the subway murders and Joe Carroll, I'm not involved.
Hi, everyone.
Before you ask, I'm not involved, I won't be consulting, and I have no information about the subway murders.
Man: Mr.
[Police radio chatter.]
Section Chief Ken Phillips.
Welcome, sir.
Special Agent Gina Mendez.
CSU's still processing.
When the train stopped, our 3 perps hopped the tracks, exited via the uptown tunnel, used a fire exit, so no eyewitnesses.
Phillips: What about the victim? She's being treated at Manhattan Memorial, multiple stab wounds, all defensive.
Doctor says we should be able to speak to her within the hour.
Anything from the security cameras? Oh, yeah.
We got the whole show.
I don't want to have sex.
Everything's always about sex.
I'm not opposed to it, but it's not as important as people make it.
I th-- I think touching's more important.
If you do it right, you can feel it always even after you stop.
I'm hungry.
You have any food? Hey, Heather! I can make an egg white omelet with some spinach! [Music playing.]
_ Mike! Mikey! What are you doing here? Tony, shots.
Shots for everybody.
Hey, Ryan.
How you doing, man? Oh.
It's good to see you.
You look good.
Come here.
I want you to meet some people.
So how long you in town for? Uh, head back tomorrow.
Cool, cool.
How's Joey doing? He's safe.
Beyond that, I don't know.
His grandmother agreed to Witness Protection.
I got to testify in front of the grand jury.
You do, too.
That's coming up.
That last day in the woods after you left me, I took Alex's handcuffs off.
We didn't cuff him, Ryan, you understand? He lunged at you, you fired your gun.
This is important, Ryan.
Do you understand? All you have to say is "I don't remember.
" You were emotional, crazy that day.
You don't recall what happened.
I got the rest.
You don't have to lie for me, Mike.
You acted impulsively.
They won't condone it or even believe it, but they will accept it.
They'll understand we were trying to save Deborah.
Do you even remember what Deborah told you that day, what her last words were? Hello, Mike.
You look good, Ryan.
So what am I doing here? What am I doing here? Phillips: Thank you for coming, Mr.
Agent Phillips.
Special Agent Gina Mendez.
I need to ask you have been contacted or engaged in any way regarding last night's events? No.
Have you been in contact with any known or unknown followers of Carroll in the past year? No.
Is there anything you know that could help us find who did this? No.
We, uh, value your input, so if there's anything you can add.
The witness Lily Gray, art dealer, gallery in Soho, survived, several defensive wounds.
They were yelling and screaming through their masks.
What were they saying? Crazy things.
" They kept repeating it, chanting it.
They said, "Joe Carroll lives," and then they attacked.
Did they say anything else? "Ryan Hardy can't stop us.
" Thank you.
I take it you're Ryan Hardy.
Why did they do this? Shall we? Ahh.
You're a seventies freak.
Love it.
[KC And The Sunshine Band.]
do do do do do do do Come on! Dance with me! aw, that's the way, uh-huh, uh-huh I like it uh-huh, uh-huh that's the way, uh-huh, uh-huh I like it [England Dan And John Ford Coley.]
soft summer nights spent thinking of you when will I see you again? I didn't know it could be so strong waiting and wondering about you I didn't know it would last so long This is an awesome play list.
nights are forever without you Ahh.
[Water running.]
Heather honey, you can't just lay there.
I'm gonna need some help.
I need some help with Heather.
[Water stops.]
How you feeling? Awesome.
It's been a great day.
Yes, it has.
Woman on TV: At this time, law enforcement officials are unwilling to say if this attack is connected in any way to Joe Carroll, but as this week marks the first anniversary of Carroll's death, many people are worried that his vicious cult What the hell? Looks like there's a new cult.
Who are they? Who knows? It's not us, that's for sure.
Frank thinks it's Carlos, but I think he's too dumb to pull something like this off.
Who? You know, Carlos from Havenport.
You should talk to Frank.
He saw Carlos once.
I think it was in the village.
_ Mendez: The MTA only has cameras in 40% of all city trains.
That video wasn't luck.
They wanted us to see it-- performance art.
Phillips: Can you pull up the video from the adjoining cars? Mendez: No.
The trains only have cameras every other car, which they knew.
They're slick.
All right, guys.
What do you got? The hoodies are newly purchased, hadn't been washed.
Sold in souvenir shops.
The mask is molded silicone, hand-painted, very pro.
All right.
Hardy, don't be shy.
Are these your cult boys or a new fan club? Could be both.
Mike: 37 cult members were identified in Havenport.
Well, that makes 8 known acolytes still out there.
Mike: Unless those 8 found 8 and found 8 more.
Let's just start with the 3 on the train.
So what about surveillance footage? You guys building a video trail? It's the works.
The 3 hooded men exit at Canal.
We pick them up on West Broadway going uptown.
And then two turn right, one goes solo eastbound.
More to come.
Most businesses are volunteering their surveillance footage, and then we have men going door to door with court orders for the rest.
Can you body scan the 3 suspects? These are our known Carrollers.
Let's create pre-viz for males only.
One match.
Carlos Perez.
He's on our list, one of our Havenport guys.
He's been MIA for a year.
How sure are you? It's a 75% match.
That's good enough for me.
Issue a statement.
Get his face out there.
See if the public can help identify him.
What about the other two? They're new to the party.
Phillips: Is this new cult, old cult, fan club, copycat, groupies? What, Mr.
Hardy? Anything? Yeah.
I wish I could be more help, but, you know, I really haven't kept up with the case.
I'm strictly civilian now, so, uh, if there's nothing else, I'd like to go.
Mike: Hey, Ryan.
Where you going? Home.
We didn't find them all.
Now they're recruiting more.
It's the anniversary of Joe's death.
This is not an isolated event.
They were wearing his face.
They're trying to resurrect his legacy.
Yeah, probably.
You're walking away? I considered running.
"Ryan Hardy can't stop us.
Joe Carroll lives.
" Yeah.
I got it.
Message delivered.
I want no part of this, Mike.
This is over for me, all right? I'm done.
[Doorbell rings.]
I came straight from work, so you better have food.
Carlos Perez.
You remember him? Is he the one with the 4 IDs? Yeah.
You had tracked him to New York using Rick Ruiz and Tony Sanchez.
So Carlos is one of the subway killers? Person of interest.
Let me boot.
The feds brought intel on, advisory.
I almost signed up for it, but then I remembered I'm a part of the Ryan Hardy secret task force.
So is it Joe's old cult? Carlos is.
The other two, who knows? And did you share what you know with the Bureau? What, this? This is a hobby.
This isn't a hobby.
Here we go.
Last intel had Carlos using the moniker of Ruiz.
I have prints and handwriting analysis from several bad credit cards obtained from his girlfriend.
She had told me he moved back to California.
Check Robert Diaz.
It's a name I pulled from her place.
Are the feds aware you found this guy's girlfriend? I lost her.
What's the point? His Ruiz ID has a signature match to a Robert Diaz, short-term rental application on Avenue D.
He's using a new fake.
Avenue D, huh? Hey.
Um, now would be the time to tell the FBI this information.
You're probably right.
So, Max, thanks a lot for stopping by.
No cab fare? Hey.
Go to the FBI.
They'll figure it out.
Seriously, Ryan, I know I've been enabling you, but, uh, maybe it's time that we stopped this.
Can you lock up when you leave? Thanks.
[Toilet flushes.]
Stop! No, no, no.
I barely touched you.
Hey! Come on! Hey! Sit up.
Why you running from me? You broke into my place.
You recognized me.
No, man.
You broke into my place.
Ow! Don't lie to me.
I'm not-- I'm not lying.
Carlos, I know who you are, and I know you were on the subway.
Don't be stupid.
I kill stupid people.
I-- I don't know anything.
You were in Havenport with Joe Carroll.
Where is he? Joe Carroll-- he's dead.
We both know that's not true.
Where is he? He's dead.
Unh! All right.
I'm talking.
I haven't seen Joe since the light house.
The light house? You were at the light house? What were you doing there? I picked him up on the beach after the boat house exploded.
And where did you take him? There was a-- there was a roadblock.
It was cops everywhere that night.
He-- he got out.
I haven't seen him since.
He got out? Yeah, man.
He got out.
There was no way he was getting through that roadblock.
And where is he? I don't know.
No one does.
That's why-- That's why what? What is this? What are you doing? You trying to lure him out? Unh! Is this what you're looking for? Aah! Move! Move! [Tires squeal.]
[People gasping.]
Sir, don't move.
Stay still.
I could drive you to the hospital.
No, no, no.
I'm okay.
Sir, please.
It's all right.
I'm okay.
I'm okay.
_ Man on TV: Turning back to yesterday's brutal subway attack, the White House has issued a statement, saying the President is monitoring events in New York City and his thoughts and prayers go out to the families affected by this great tragedy.
[Knock on door.]
He has also pledged the full cooperation of the FBI with state and local [Pounding.]
With 5 confirmed dead in this horrendous assault at the Astor Place Station _ _ Look.
You're gonna have to start speaking English, okay, English? _ Stupid idiot! [Cell phone ringing.]
Where are you? Carlos' place.
Can you run a name for me? Heather Clarke.
I know the name, Ryan.
She's dead.
She was found 45 minutes ago.
I can text you the address.
All right.
_ [Police radio chatter.]
It's Hardy.
Mike: I got it I got it.
What are you doing here? I was in the neighborhood.
Yeah, right.
So what's going on? Heather Clarke.
Some joggers found her.
the chorus of "Gypsy.
" She lives in the building across the street, where she was killed and moved here.
It's from Carroll's book, right? White dress, blond locks, red lips.
You mean Claire.
Didn't Claire inspire the character of Gwendolyn? Come on, Ryan.
Anything? Anything! I mean, the murders in the subway were a spectacle, an announcement.
This is a very specific message.
I got nothing.
Oh, you are so full of it.
You act like you're over it, but you're here because you care.
You don't know how not to care, so if you know something, just tell me.
Sorry, Mike.
Why did you request Carroll's DNA records? the full report.
I wanted to see for myself.
What, you weren't convinced? His DNA matched his son's DNA.
I don't know where you're going with this, Mike.
Joe is dead.
Yeah, he is, Ryan.
He's dead.
I called.
I reached out.
What, you couldn't be bothered? Ryan, I needed to talk to you, man.
All I can think about is that last day, how every second played out.
If we'd have done one thing different, if we had changed one thing, maybe we would have-- maybe we would have got to Deborah one second sooner.
If we'd done one thing different.
What? You got nothing? So that's how it's gonna be.
Take care of yourself, Mike.
Woman: A person of interest involved in last night's My face is everywhere.
[Knock on door.]
_ _ What happened? Ryan Hardy showed up at my place.
Mark, I'm sorry.
_ _ What was Ryan Hardy doing there? He surprised me.
I have no idea.
You said your place was safe, untraceable.
Your words! Look.
I don't know how he knew.
It wasn't my fault! I'm sorry.
What are they gonna find there when they search the place? Nothing.
I mean, my stuff.
Nothing that's gonna lead them here.
And I'm supposed to believe you? There's nothing to find.
Maybe some prints, maybe.
I have, like, Eh, we trusted you, Carlos, brought you in, made you part of the family.
I've done everything that you guys have said.
What's the problem? We're cool.
Luke, don't.
Let it go.
I-- I'm the one who's gonna get Joe.
That's what you want.
Eh, you're right.
It's cool.
I overreacted.
I do that sometimes.
Letting it go! Poof.
Aw, come on.
Let's hug it out.
I don't-- I don't want to hug you.
Why don't you want to hug me? I just don't.
Huggy hug.
Oh, things have gotten way too serious in here.
Lighten up! Ha, ha! If we're not having fun, what's the point? Huh? You want to see something funny? Uh-huh.
Well [Choking.]
He'll live.
_ Huh? Man: You have a visitor.
I can send him away.
No, it's okay.
He can come in.
Woman on TV: Anyone with any information on-- How are you, Ms.
gray? Well, 6 people were killed.
I'm fine.
Why are you here? I was concerned.
I-- you know, you asked earlier why this was happening, and I found my answer.
You killed Joe Carroll, and his followers are mad about it, I guess.
So why are you really here? and, uh you're the only one I can say, "I'm sorry," to.
So I'm sorry.
Just needed to say it out loud.
Good night.
Emma Where's Carlos? Did you find him? I went to the address Frank gave me.
He wasn't there but Ryan Hardy was.
What-- what was he doing there? I don't know, Hannah.
I have no idea what's going on.
_ No.
Not yet.
He's still got 20 minutes left.
_ Man: I see earthquakes and lightning I see bad times today Damn, Judy.
That was a good one.
Yes, it was.
Woman on TV: Now turning back to our top story, we have an update.
The death toll is now Is this the work of Carroll's cult? This new murder comes a after 3 men Daryl, come see this quick! [Grunts.]
don't go around tonight well, it's bound to take your life Hurry! there's a bad moon on the rise Woman on TV: This is what cult expert Ryan Hardy had to say earlier today.
Ryan on TV: My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families, but with regards to the subway murders and Joe Carroll, I'm not involved.
[Reporters clamoring.]
Well now.
there's a bad moon on the rise
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