The Legacy (2014) s02e01 Episode Script

Afsnit 1

So you want to plant hemp
on all the fields?
- No. The land is farmed out.
- Yes. That's my plan.
- So you're going to be a farmer?
- Maybe.
Tell me how our family and I
fit into those plans?
I don't know what the two of us
are going to do or what will happen.
I can't do this anymore.
I sold it.
I got much less than it's worth,
but it's fine.
It's enough to cover my debt,
so I can move on.
Emil is in prison in Thailand.
We need to raise bail.
We can get him out
for 300,000 kroner.
I want to cast one of these.
I have to get Emil out of prison.
So you want to make a forgery.
You and I are the only ones
who actually know what she made.
I forgot to tell you
that I'm in therapy.
- Do you just sit and talk?
- Yes.
About us.
Let me know if you dream of me
being something that I'm not.
I love you.
This is Isa,
who just returned from India.
- You're the one who owns the house?
- Yes.
Did you ask her
if I can spend the night?
- No, but
- No problem.
Isa is brilliant at playing
almost every instrument.
Come on!
Have you seen my car keys?
Oh dear.
You didn't want to be
in bed anymore, did you?
Yes, yes
Come here.
You're going to be baptised today,
aren't you?
- Lone, have you seen Gro?
- She went downstairs a while ago.
Here we go.
Are you up, sweetie?
Are you hungry?
- Signe, please take this bowl up?
- Sure.
Come on.
You take her.
Melody, Melody
They're all coming to see you today,
aren't they?
Melody, Melody. Yes.
- Thomas, have you seen my car keys?
- No.
No, no, no, no, no
Oh, wait! Sorry.
- What?
- Yes.
Toothy Tine gave them to me.
Some people were going to the shops.
Thomas, I've been
looking for them all morning.
- Let me know when you borrow them.
- Right.
Excuse me, do you mind
sitting somewhere else?
- I keep all my papers there.
- No problem.
Signe, it might be hard to enforce.
A lot of people will be coming.
Don't you think you should
move your things somewhere else?
- Yes. I'll do it later.
- It's Melody's naming ceremony.
I'm looking forward to it.
See you.
Where did you put the bowl?
I thought I could use it
down by the lake.
Good idea. Yes.
Is she going to lie in it?
Wouldn't that be clever?
She would look like a little roast.
That would be funny.
No, it's for the colours
when I paint her.
Are you going to paint her?
You'll be holding her.
Gro will be like a godmother.
Do we have to do that?
It's best for Melody.
If something should happen to us,
she'll have Gro.
She loves Gro.
Just look at her.
You can give her her bottle, Isa.
I'll go and have a word with the choir.
All right?
Where are you going?
To get some fags.
I thought you quit.
I did.
I'm not going into town,
just to the fields.
Did you know that Gro
is going to be her godmother?
- If I die, then Gro gets my child.
- You must have talked about it.
No, are you kidding?
It's Thomas's doing.
- Did you know?
- No.
Gro shouldn't be the godmother
if that's not what you want.
Try telling him that.
Then talk to them.
- I can't.
- Why not?
She gives me that dirty look.
You know what?
Gro is like a bulldozer sometimes.
You have to put your foot down.
And that's coming from you?
Didn't you say something about
Gro not filling up the whole basement?
She doesn't come over that often.
It's just until they've
sorted Veronika's works of art.
She isn't my baby, is she?
- Hi, Jan.
- Hey.
I'm sorry we're late.
We're here now.
- The two of us have been waiting.
- I know. I'm sorry.
- Aksel is my assistant.
- I see.
- Hello.
- Aksel. Hi.
- Signe.
- Hi. Aksel.
He studied in Holland.
- He's our product developer.
- OK.
He's my completely
overqualified employee.
Talk to Aksel if you have questions
about the paperwork or the fields.
OK. Cool.
- Right. Shall we get going?
- Yes.
Do we just carry them over?
Grab a bag, will you?
Oh no!
- It's no big deal.
- Can I just put it back?
Yes, but be careful
not to get stones in it.
And don't tell Jan.
He didn't see a thing.
- Are there any more?
- No.
- You can take it from here.
- Yes. Jan?
- Can I drive it?
- Sure.
Once you have your own equipment.
I've driven one before
on my agricultural course.
Fine but Aksel is driving here.
I'm off.
Aksel, give me a call
when you're finished, all right?
- Sure.
- I'll open the barn, so you can drive in.
- He didn't buy it.
- No.
Aksel, are these labels
the ones I should cut out?
- Yes, cut all of them out.
- OK.
- Would you cut these out for me?
- Sure.
- Can you keep a secret?
- Uh-huh.
Gro is stealing Melody's clothes.
What do you mean?
Things have gone missing.
- You know those onesies?
- Yes.
There were six of them.
Now there are only four.
- They must be in the laundry.
- No, I checked the laundry basket.
- And they aren't on the line.
- Come on, Isa
She just takes a few at a time.
The thought of her being
my kid's godmother does my head in.
Go home and talk to them.
- I can't.
- You have to.
- Can't you do it?
- No!
- Why not?
- Because
I don't want to, Isa.
You have to do it yourself.
Well, first I need some fags.
- Does Thomas want that?
- Yes.
He built it himself for Gro.
Don't you remember Iying in it?
- Nope.
- Well, you did.
- Aren't we going?
- Yes, when I'm done.
We have to pick up the food for Gro.
- Yes, we do. We'll do it on the way.
- We'll never make it.
We'll leave when I'm done, OK?
Hannah? Hannah
There's something
I want to share with you.
- I know that I often appear to be angry.
- Appear to be?
I'm aware of it,
but I don't do it deliberately.
I don't want to do it.
But I feel pressured, and apparently
I'm not very good at dealing with it.
But with the move and the new house
and everything
I just want us to be happy
and for us to get through all of this.
I know it's annoying
that you have to share a room.
Or live 20 kilometres from our friends.
But I've told you that I'll drive you
wherever you want to go, haven't I?
- Yes.
- Just let me know.
All right?
- Yes.
- Good.
I'll try not to feel like
I'm being pressured.
And perhaps you can help me.
You could say:
"Dad, you're doing it again.
It really makes me unhappy. "
I want to get better.
All right?
We're leaving in ten minutes.
All right?
I'll say it
I'll say it one more time.
Pia's summer house is empty.
We can stay there as long as we like.
There's a proper kitchen.
If this drags out
We're staying here now.
- OK?
- Yes.
I really hope it doesn't start raining.
It'll be fine.
- The birds are singing for sunshine.
- Yes.
Have you ever thought about
how weird it is
that they sing in the same intervals
that we write music in?
Just like pop music.
Why the hell do birds do that?
Bee-do-bee-do. It's the same.
Look. We can either tighten it
or loosen it according to her size.
That's absolutely beautiful.
Have you seen Isa?
I want to show it to her.
No, not recently. Nope.
Haven't you talked to her about it?
Oh! I keep farting.
Sorry. Is it coming your way?
You have to tell her
what's going to happen.
Of course, of course, and I will.
But in a way, she knows.
She needs to see this.
Sure, sure. There's plenty of time.
Don't worry.
She'll be over the moon.
Good. It's downhill now
and easier, isn't it?
Be careful!
You can't be stoned already.
Hey! Industrial hemp fields
are inspected!
- Today?
- No. I don't know when.
But Thomas said
they'd only smoke at his house.
- Good. We'll go down there.
- Thanks.
- Hey.
- Hey.
What did Thomas and Gro say?
- It's already too late anyway.
- Isa!
If you don't say anything,
things will never change.
Will you come with me?
See! You don't dare either.
or a circle or a fish.
- It's up to you. You're the godmother.
- All right.
Isa has something she wants to say.
- But not to us, or?
- Go on then.
Come on.
Signe is going to be the godmother.
- We haven't talked about it.
- I thought you were happy for Gro to do it.
- You never asked me, did you?
- But what's the problem?
We don't have to discuss it now.
Now listen.
It would be good for Melody
to have someone who knows
about bills and that kind of thing.
- We have to talk about it.
- It's just a title, Dad.
You said it was important to you.
I don't want to be a godmother
if Isa doesn't want me to.
Come on now.
Wait a minute
- Hey!
- It's fine.
- I have things to do up here.
- Gro
I see!
Isa, for Christ's sake
I didn't know that you wanted to be
- No.
- Please?
You're my best friend.
Don't you like Melody?
Of course I do.
So you'll do it?
- All right, if
- Cool!
Wait! No.
- I didn't know she would ask me.
- It's fine.
I was afraid it looked like I had
I had no idea.
It's fine, Signe.
She feels threatened by you.
I thought that's what
she was going to say.
I think we've said all there is to say.
- I'm a bit busy.
- Of course.
Can I help?
Do you want me to?
You can wheel that cart
down to the tree.
Six, seven, eight.
- How long has it been?
- 13 seconds.
14, 15 18, 19, 20.
You got pretty far.
How long has it been now?
- 30 seconds, half a minute.
- 30, that's half
You could pick up the pace a bit.
- They have to keep step.
- It's a procession.
A piece of music has been composed.
You have no idea.
- A phone is ringing.
- Yes.
Mind your back, Thomas.
If we
What's new?
The lawyer said that the judge
has received your money.
So he's willing to charge me with
possession, and I'll get off with a fine.
- Really?
- Yes.
But I'm not sure I believe it.
They've never said
anything so definite before.
Did they say when?
There's a hearing next week.
He says it will be after that.
That's terrific.
They can't keep
dragging it out any longer.
No. I'm going crazy as it is.
- Emil, it'll soon be over.
- Yes.
I can't fucking wait.
- Don't get into trouble at the last minute.
- Hey, hey, hey.
I never get into trouble at the last minute.
You know that.
I can't wait to see you, Emil.
And I can't wait to see you.
Give my love to everyone.
I will. Take care.
- OK.
- Yes.
And then there's all of those.
Emil is coming home!
- When?
- Next week.
You're so clever!
Well done!
You are so cool.
I knew you could do it. I knew it!
I can't believe you did it!
It's fantastic.
- But he should be here now.
- The little shit is on his way!
Yes, but he should be here today.
Holy shit! You know?
It's wonderful.
Let's have a smoke.
- I don't have any.
- Neither do I.
- We'll have to go inside.
- Then that's what we'll do. Yes.
- Three out of three.
- It's the last of them.
I shouldn't sell it
now that Emil is coming home,
but Robert already has a customer
in Mexico.
Should I put the prototype
on the inventory?
No. You know what?
Destroy it.
You never know what some
meddlesome expert might discover.
OK, fine. It's gone, Gro.
I'm transferring 10,000 as a thank you.
I like that. Thanks, boss.
I have a question.
What is this?
It's just an old prototype that I found.
Let me take a look.
It's still wet.
That's because it had buckled a bit.
- I didn't know if he was getting out, did I?
- No.
It's terrific.
I just threw some of
Veronika's pieces together.
You certainly have an eye for it.
Shouldn't we secure it?
No. Out it goes.
- Yes.
All right, all right.
I'll put her down here
and get the milk.
There, little one.
There, there.
Mummy is right next to you.
It's feeding time.
Yes, yes, yes
- It's party time. Whoops!
- I'll do it.
- Hi, Signe.
- What's up?
Thomas said that we had
some paint in here.
- Paint number
- I know.
They're right up here.
I'll bring them out to you.
Please. Cool.
Gro acts like she's angry with me.
Did she say anything to you?
No, not at all.
- Signe?
- Yes?
Great. Let's get it all out.
This isn't what you're going to paint
Melody's face with, is it?
No. We'll use
quality pigment from India.
This paint is just for the stones.
That's funny.
I don't recall seeing that before.
It's one of her earlier works.
That was the year she gave me away.
My God! Then that's you Iying there.
Do you think that's me?
Those were rough times.
She practically lived down here.
She was all skin and bones
in the end.
And meanwhile she was making this.
It all comes back to me now.
She missed you terribly.
- Here's the last of them.
- Thanks.
- Shouldn't you get going?
- All right, all right, all right.
When she was good,
she was really good.
My back is a mess. We had to wait
four hours at the airport in Frankfurt.
Poor you.
Did you go home first?
Are those my clothes? Lovely.
I'm so glad about Emil.
Did you sell anything?
Mexico is wild.
They were interested in Veronika's works.
But they're hard to sell.
That's always been the case.
But I sold 'The Beak'.
It's ready.
We should have waited a while.
He's getting out now.
Two other buyers were game.
We should have made six of them.
It's over, Robert.
Hi, you guys.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Nice to see you.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Where is Thomas?
- He's out in the garden.
- Are you going out to help him?
- Yes.
How is the house coming along?
- Fine, thanks.
- It's a slow process.
- It's going very slowly.
- No, it's fine.
I talked to Emil.
He's being released.
OK. That's good.
- Is he coming to Denmark?
- I think so.
He'll probably come home and relax.
He's had a rough time.
I didn't think anyone was here.
- Welcome. Hi, Frederik.
- Hi.
Hi, Signe. Long time, no see.
It's good to see you.
- You've had a kitchen installed.
- Yes.
It's really nice.
Gro, the piece downstairs
with the baby figure.
It's incredibly beautiful.
- Have you sold it?
- It isn't a piece.
- The big one downstairs?
- Yes.
- What piece?
- It's just a draft that Veronika once made.
OK. What's going to happen to it?
It will be put in storage in Copenhagen.
That's what we're working on.
It's lovely, Gro.
It looks like a work of art.
- I'll pay for it.
- It isn't for sale.
Is it downstairs?
We're having a party in a minute.
- We have stones and things to move.
- Yeah, we'll move them afterwards.
- Come, let's go and see it.
- You guys
Don't mess with
- Are you sure it's a draft?
- Yes.
Otherwise I wouldn't say so.
She scrapped it.
It's better than
a lot of her other pieces.
- Since when did you become an art critic?
- What do you think?
It's a fantastic piece.
Then let's have an appraiser look at it.
We're not having an appraiser look at it.
It's not for sale.
We're allowed
to sell her drafts and tests!
But we're not gonna sell something
she wouldn't have sold.
- You can't hide her work!
- I'm not hiding her work!
Do you know
how hard Robert is working
to raise the price of her works
for your sake too?
No, you don't. You don't know a thing
about it, so let me do it.
Jesus Christ!
I didn't mean to cause a problem.
I just fell in love
Yes, yes, yes, yes.
This one is going to be a ladybug.
Shouldn't it have a line
down the middle then?
- A line?
- Yes, so it looks like a real one.
Thomas says that Emil is coming home.
Did he now?
Do you think he'll want to come
and see our new boat?
- Yes, I think so. At some point.
- Villads?
Come here, sailor.
You were in the middle of something.
This is some ritual, isn't it?
Take the yellow one.
- And choose a stone.
- Right.
- What?
- Just dots or lines.
What should we do
about Emil and Villads?
What do you mean by that?
We can't just tell him
that Emil isn't in the country.
They'll run into each other
at some point.
Is all of it supposed to be yellow?
Maybe we should just say
that you've fallen out.
- That he can't see him right now.
- We can't get him mixed up in it.
He already is, Frederik.
Is it because you think
we should see Emil?
- Is that it?
- No, it's not that.
We shouldn't have
this conversation here.
I didn't say that.
I didn't say that.
What are you doing in here?
I'm exhausted.
I can't be down at the caravan.
It's full of people, smoking.
Aren't you coming?
Just give me ten minutes.
There's my mother.
- Is your father coming too?
- Yes. They're both coming.
We'll see if they're
on speaking terms.
It's ridiculous.
I know that they want to be together.
Come on, Isa. I'm sure that my mother
has knitted something for you.
The party will be better without me.
You know that isn't true.
People are coming to celebrate with you.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Hey.
- Hey there.
Thanks for coming.
- Hi, Mum.
- Hi, Signe.
- Hi, everyone.
- Hello.
Guess who's going to be
Melody's godmother.
- Really?
- Wow.
But there won't be a minister,
will there?
- No.
- Thomas has created his own ritual.
- It starts when it gets dark.
- OK. Obviously.
We'll be like family now.
I mean now that Signe
will be her godmother.
This is for you.
Thank you.
What about your parents?
Have they arrived?
No. My mother is dead.
I don't really talk to my father.
He doesn't approve of my lifestyle.
Thank you.
It's lovely.
I almost wish it was my size.
What's the matter?
- Shall we go outside for a while?
- Yeah.
- Hi.
- Hi, dumpling. Well!
- It's a big day today.
- Yes.
- And the kitchen's still standing?
- Yes.
- It didn't fall apart like you said it would.
- No.
Yes, indeed.
It's looking good.
How are things going at the centre?
Is the new sports manager
causing problems?
Christ! Yes.
He's a slippery money man.
- Is he?
- Yes.
What does Andreas say?
You know what Andreas is like.
He rarely says much.
He's still seeing that physiotherapist,
- Mette X
- Yes.
- You know about it.
- It's fine, Dad.
Signe, do you have a funnel
- Hi, Lone.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- A funnel?
I'll go outside with the others.
See you later.
- Hi. Welcome.
- Hi, Gro.
- Thank you.
- Let me see
Signe, have you and Isa talked about
when you hand Melody over to her?
No. When do I do that?
When the B piece starts.
- I don't know when that is.
- No, but you can hear it.
I don't think Isa is feeling very well.
I know.
She said some weird things
to me today.
Something about
you stealing Melody's clothes.
I replaced some of them
because she's grown out of them.
- Maybe you should tell her when
- You know what? She's totally paranoid.
I've tried very hard
to get her to take care of her child.
I know, Gro, but I think
there's something wrong with her.
- Maybe we should call someone.
- Like who?
A health visitor
or some kind of counsellor.
It's party time.
Isa! Fuck!
Wow, this is nice of you.
Oh my God!
You have all used this cradle.
Even Gro, that beanpole.
Did Emil use it too?
You bet.
He didn't sleep a wink because
Frederik always rocked the cradle.
Emil would laugh.
He never slept,
but he lay in it plenty of times.
It has her name on it.
- Thank you.
- Thank her.
Did you write it?
How nice of you.
Maybe we should
- Go out in the garden.
- Go out in the garden.
So you can have
some peace and quiet.
- Sleep tight.
- Thanks.
There we go
Why did you talk to Robert
about a sales contract for Signe?
Because we can get
400,000 for the draft.
Didn't I tell you that it wasn't for sale?
Yes, but you're managing
my inheritance too, Gro.
- I've shown you a lot of confidence.
- I'm doing my best.
- You send all our money to Emil.
- I'm not spending your money on Emil.
How much have you sent him?
- It's my money.
- How much?
You'll get money from the next sales.
- I didn't think it was a problem.
- It is a problem.
Now I have to pay for your jealousy
of your sister. It's an even bigger problem.
My what?
Jealousy, Gro. Right?
Your mother complex.
Why should I have to pay for that?
You know what?
You can sell
that piece of shit if you want.
Don't you think I have enough to do?
I run a gallery as well as doing all this.
- Oh, you're making lanterns.
- Lanterns.
- It looks like porridge.
- Or sourdough bread.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Gro has agreed to sell the piece.
- OK.
I talked to Robert,
and he said it was worth about 400,000,
as it can be cast in one go.
You can have it for 370,000.
- Thanks.
- Plus the bronze.
How much will that be?
- He said about 200,000.
- OK.
Right. I have to talk to the bank first,
but there's still a lot of equity in the house.
So, yes
I don't think it'll be a problem.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
I guess you could call it
an investment.
I'll say.
570,000 is a hell of a lot of money.
It's absurd.
It's a draft.
They're trying to con you.
No, they're not, Dad.
Gro didn't even want to sell it.
Maybe you should get someone
to appraise it before you buy it.
No, that won't be necessary.
I just want to have it.
- You don't owe them anything.
- I know.
Sometimes it's as if you felt
responsible for them
because you inherited this place.
- I don't, Mum.
- You went to court for it. It's yours.
I don't want to discuss it anymore.
The first thing in the universe
was a sound.
And Melody,
you are our big bang.
Easy now.
There's a good girl, Melody.
Yes, you are lovely.
Good girl, Melody.
- Please take her.
- No!
- We've got her!
- Come!
Give me your hand.
Get out of the way.
I'll fill the basin.
- Should I call a doctor?
- What the hell for? She's fine.
- She just has to warm up.
- She just slipped.
- Signe, get a blanket.
- Sure.
She might have swallowed
some water.
There's nothing wrong with her.
Come here.
She just slipped.
We should put up a sign saying
'No Diving'.
We need to take her clothes off.
This is really far out.
- Melody is fine now.
- I knew I shouldn't have been there.
- She didn't fit well in the
- It's all your fault.
What? It wasn't anybody's fault.
It was just
- It's all right, Thomas.
- No. She's fine now.
We just baptise children thoroughly
in this family.
We'll go down to the caravan,
and we'll
I'm not going back
to your disgusting caravan.
I hate it!
I hate it and I hate you
and your long, stringy hair.
You make me sick!
So does this whole shitty place.
Isa, what the hell are you talking about?
- Shut up! Your breath reeks.
- What?
Your breath reeks and you don't even
know how to wash your old cock.
- Isa
- Shut the fuck up.
Jesus Christ!
Let go of me for fuck's sake!
Shut the fuck up, man!
What a day, huh?
Was it fun?
Why did she have to stand out there
and hold all that Indian stuff?
It's too much with all those rituals
and all those old people.
I know, but she shouldn't
talk like that to him.
I just want to go home now.
What she said isn't true.
You should go before she comes back.
Dad, can you tune this?
- I'm not sure it can be tuned.
- It's one of Thomas's old ones.
- You can play this instead.
- Hit a continuous beat down there.
On the bass drum?
- What kind of crazy beat is that?
- I don't know, but it's super cool.
- Your turn, Villads. Knock yourself out.
- OK.
- What's up, Musician Mum?
- What's up, Rocking Dad?
- A beer?
- No thanks.
- OK, Villads. Are you ready?
- OK.
One, two, three, four.
It's a bit serious, Villads.
Try this one.
Come on.
- Sleep tight.
- You too.
I'm off to bed.
Don't stop for my sake.
I enjoy having you here.
- OK.
- OK.
Sleep well. And thanks.
- Good night.
- Good night.
They're not out back.
- Did you go down there?
- Yes, I went and had a look.
What's that?
You're so silly.
Yuck. That's gross.
They're old.
Where the hell have you been?
- What's so funny?
- Nothing.
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