The Machinery (2020) s02e01 Episode Script

Tre kaniner

The hearing will begin in 45 minutes.
They like it.
Do you need anything?
I don't think you need to be worried.
When the court gets to hear Monica,
it will be clear
what mental state she's in.
You don't know Monica.
Is Josefin coming?
I haven't seen her,
but I'm sure she'll come.
Nina, hi. I'll be calling you
as the first witness.
Be right there.
I'm working on my image.
Nina, I just want to
thank you for what you're doing.
If it helps put Monica away,
I'm happy to testify.
Relax. Relax your whole body.
And open your eyes
when you feel ready.
No, thanks.
-Where did you put the "yellow bend"?
-Ha, ha! "Yellow bend"!
Jimmy? Why won't you answer me?
Leave the school.
Look. The Norrbagge is up the duff!
Anton, be quiet.
Good morning, everyone.
Maja, can you draw the curtains?
Jimmy, will you sit down too?
Jimmy, will you sit down?
Come on, Jimmy!
We've talked about this.
Do I need to call your mum again?
What's that?
Sit down and shut up!
This is enough explosives
to kill us all.
Do you understand?
Then sit down and shut up!
-Jimmy. Can't we
-Shut up! Sit down!
Sit down!
Call the police and tell them.
Get lost, I said! Get out!
Piss the fuck off!
Sit down!
Do you want everyone to die?
-But it's the fire alarm, Jimmy.
-Shut up, you fucking whore!
Do you want to kill all these kids?
Call the police!
Yes. No, you'll find
the Aabco tenders under iBinder.
No, I'm due
at Uddevalla District Court.
I'll be there at
well, around two o'clock.
Look, I've got to go.
Yes. Good. Bye.
Yes, I'm coming.
I'm sorry, Josefin,
but we've got a search warrant.
What? What's happened?
-It concerns Jimmy.
-What about him?
Is it okay if we Well.
Yes, sure
Which room is Jimmy's, by the way?
On the
There, on the left. In there.
Kenny and you others, come with me.
-What's happened to Jimmy?
-We're not sure yet.
Has he done something?
-Is she supposed to be in here?
-I live here, so
-What's happened?
-He's taken his class hostage.
-What? Hostage?
-He's got a bomb.
Do you have a key for the drawer?
The key to the drawer!
-Just open it.
-Can you wait a little?
I mean, I I don't get it.
Hey! What the hell are you doing?
Phones. Now!
We'll do as Jimmy says.
I want you to release my parents.
They're in court
in Uddevalla at the moment.
If you don't, I'll blow everyone up.
-I want to know if this is serious.
-Yes, it's serious.
Who am I talking to?
You mustn't hurt anyone, Jimmy. Okay?
Please, Jimmy.
Take it easy now.
Please move away from the schoolyard!
The schoolyard must be evacuated!
Girl, come here.
Not that tough now, are you?
It is the opinion
of the Prosecutor's Office
on 23 June 2019
participated in the murder
of cleaning lady Nora Roschinsky
together with Monica Hansen.
the cash depot robbery in Sandefjord.
The money from the robbery
has never been found.
If the prosecutor believes
that my client has knowledge
of the whereabouts
of the stolen goods,
I suggest that it be included in
the indictment. But I assume that
At once.
The court will adjourn for now.
Where are you taking him?
They've postponed
the witness hearings.
You will of course be reimbursed
for your expenses.
And Olle?
Taken away in handcuffs.
I have no idea why.
What has Jimmy actually said?
He wants Olle
and his mother to go to the school.
Do you know if he's been interested
in explosives before?
Daniel, I don't know. Not as long
as he's been living with me.
Okay. Yes.
We have to turn around.
-Why are we turning around?
-You're going back to prison.
What's happened?
What's happened?
-Lina, it's okay. She can be here.
-Lilly, come here.
Hi. Are you okay, sweetheart?
Are you okay?
Just a moment.
Mum's here.
As far as we know, there's a boy
in one of the classrooms over here
who's taken 18 other pupils hostage.
We still don't know if he's armed
Hi, Jimmy. Are you all right?
I thought we could have a chat.
Where are my parents?
It's like this.
Your father's on his way,
and we're doing all we can
to get hold of your mother in Norway.
But first we'd like you
to help us with something.
I know you don't want to hurt anyone,
so why don't you let your friends
out first, and then I think
They're not my friends.
No, but I don't think you want
them to come to any harm, right?
I've heard that you're a good boy.
Is it okay if I come in
so that we can see each other?
Stop bullshitting.
We have to come in
when your father arrives.
-Is he here?
-He will be soon.
Enough bullshit.
Bring my mum and dad here, now!
I see.
The Swedish police want you
to talk to your son.
They're afraid he'll injure himself,
and they need your help.
What do you mean?
You'll just talk to him briefly.
But I have to know what's happened
if I'm to help him.
He's taken his class hostage.
-Just talk. No orders or
-No, come on. Give it here.
And if you try something,
we'll immediately cut you off, okay?
Fine by me.
What's going on?
You needn't worry about me, Mum.
I'm fine.
I just want it to be
like it was out on the island.
Just you, me and Dad. Remember?
Yes. It was nice.
But listen carefully now.
You need to take care of yourself.
You mustn't get hurt.
That's very important.
Just ask them to drive you here.
Dad's coming too.
-Will you come?
-Yes, of course I will.
I don't want you to hurt to anyone.
No, Jimmy.
And don't listen to everything
the police say.
-I don't want you to hurt
-What was that?
Hey? The signal's poor.
I love you.
You're done.
Give me the phone.
-Call him again.
-Give me the phone!
-Calm down.
Through the nose,
out through the mouth.
Relax your shoulders.
Think back to when
you were on a beach,
the sun warming your body.
Open your eyes when you feel ready.
Yeah, I can take one.
Good catch!
-Stop the car. Pull over.
-Monica. Let him go.
Halvar! Now, Monica!
Stop the car!
Stop the car.
I'll kill your colleague.
Let go! Stop! No, Monica!
Oh my God!
Are you all right?
Hey, are you all right?
Palle. Your sister's on the telly.
Some kid has taken hostages
-He's exploded a bomb in there too.
-I saw your sister in the schoolyard.
Are you okay, Palle?
-Where are you going?
-I've got to go. This is
You're to come with me.
Olle! Can I just take him
for a moment?
You know why you're here?
You're here to calm
the situation down.
It's important that Jimmy feels safe.
So that we can get the kids out.
-Is it his class?
The negotiator
is waiting for you inside.
-Listen, this isn't easy for me.
That you're here and involved.
So if you do anything stupid
in there, I'll do my job, okay?
He was totally normal when he set off
for school this morning.
-Olle. Come with me.
-I don't get it.
-Hey, keep your distance.
-They won't let me talk to Jimmy.
You have to keep your distance.
-Calm down!
-Calm down!
-You have to keep your distance too.
-Sure, sure.
-No, Lilly.
-He's unhappy.
I'll talk to him. It'll be all right.
-You can't be here.
-Nice and easy.
That's it. Stand here.
Okay, do it.
We're not letting you go without GPS.
-No, no, no. Those stay.
-Are you mad?
You and I both
want things to go well.
There's one more thing.
-Hi, Jimmy. Your father's here.
-Bring him here, then.
If you get something from me,
you should give me something.
How about you release
five of your classmates?
What the fuck's your problem?
Forget it.
Jimmy? It's Dad.
Everything's ready.
-So you have a plan?
-When Mum gets here, we're leaving.
I just spoke to her.
She's on her way.
I've sorted out a car for us, too.
You've thought of everything.
-Who gave you the belt?
-The internet.
It's a fucked-up place, Dad.
But I'm pretty pleased.
Remember that radio-controlled car
that you sent me for Christmas?
-I rebuilt it a little.
They're not going to let us out.
Not until we give them something.
So you've got to release some kids.
Do you understand that, Jimmy?
I'm happy to see you, Dad.
-Daniel to Lisa, over.
-Lisa here, over.
They've called from Norway.
It's about
Monica Hansen's prisoner transport.
Where the hell is Mum?
I've been thinking about what it'll
be like when we get out of here.
There's this secret place.
It's damn nice.
No one knows about it.
-A good fishing spot, too.
-Are you scared of dying?
I don't think I am, either.
I don't have a fishing rod.
If we're going fishing.
We'll sort you out.
And listen
Thanks for getting me out.
I'm not letting them out.
Not until Mum's here.
Four people are thought to have died
when a prisoner transport on its way
to Sweden collided with a lorry
A police spokesperson says that
the cause of the crash isn't clear,
but they've now cordoned off the site
for further investigation.
Is everyone okay in there?
No. Because they're little children
in there, and they're frightened.
Can you tell us something
about the bomb?
It's home-made.
A lot of gaffer tape.
It looks big.
Is he holding the button in,
or does he have to press it?
-He has to press it.
-This is my son. You understand?
-Yes, I understand.
-And Monica?
-She's on her way.
Lisa. Don't lie to me.
When will she be here?
We'll see her soon.
What do you mean by soon?
She's meeting us at the secret place.
Are you kidding?
No, I'm not.
What, you think I'm lying?
You know Mum. She's a tough bastard.
See if you can shoot
the trigger out of his hand.
Copy that.
Johan, can you see him?
-Can you see him?
-Jimmy. Move away from the window.
I can't see his hand.
Let's take that car
and get out of here.
And we only need one hostage,
so give the belt to me.
We'll put it on him.
It just makes things problematic.
We'll put it on me,
so we'll have full control.
No, Dad. It's dangerous as hell.
We'll put it on her.
No. No, I don't want to.
So what do you want us to do?
Do you want us to put it on a kid?
Look at me.
You'll be fine.
I swear. Everything will be okay.
Okay! We're coming out, all of us!
I want Eva-Lena's car ready
in the schoolyard!
But I don't want to see
any fucking cops!
-Jimmy, listen to me now.
-Shut up!
I don't want to see a single cop
in the whole school!
Okay, back off.
Hi, sweetheart. Hi.
-Keep your distance.
-Yes. Sorry.
Is there anything I can do?
Is something up with Jimmy?
Okay, they're coming.
Johan, do you see anything?
No, I can't distinguish any people.
-They're just standing there.
-Stand by. Keep a safe distance.
Come on, then!
They said that they'd blow
Eva-Lena up if we made a move.
Are they still up in the classroom?
Yes, I think so.
Go, go, go!
Come on, then!
There are seven possible exits:
here, here
Daniel. Olle's GPS is moving fast.
That bastard!
-In your cars!
Oh my God
Take it easy. Try to breathe.
-Everything's fine.
-Why'd I get an F in social science?
You You were never there.
I was.
-Will the police come after us?
-Probably. At least they'll try.
I'll call and check.
Nina Berge?
-Hi. I thought you'd quit.
Yeah. I've taken time out.
-And what are you doing here?
-I was in the area and got curious.
I see.
Where's the lorry?
Was everyone still in the car?
I'm asking too many questions.
All four bodies
are totally incinerated.
Hard to identify?
It's impossible
to work out who's who.
-And Monica?
-One of them was cuffed.
I thought you'd taken time out.
See you.
I just want everything to go back
to the way it was. Do you remember?
You know Monica. She's totally
But she's all I've got.
-And you.
-And a sister.
And Josefin.
Don't you like Josefin?
Yes, but
sometimes she's just like Mum.
She drinks.
She almost never goes to work.
I need a piss, really bad.
You have to do something.
I can't take this any more.
I don't want to die.
-Come here.
The police know we're here.
So just stick it out.
If you don't do anything stupid,
you'll get through this.
-We can let her go now.
-How far is it to the secret place?
-I'm not sure.
100, 110 kilometres, maybe.
Fifty kilometres more, then.
I want to be totally sure.
Yes, she's sitting here in the car.
You might have
to talk to Jimmy later.
-Why didn't you say anything earlier?
-What about?
-That Jimmy's unhappy.
-But I thought you knew.
You know you can talk to me
about anything, don't you?
Is Jimmy angry with us?
I don't know.
Or has he said something?
No. He was the one
who wanted to live with us.
We'll intervene when the car is
as far from any houses as possible.
In case the bomb explodes.
What does "explode" mean?
You, me and Mum.
Can we be a family again?
Dad! Just drive!
The wanted car DJE 260
is being observed
driving down to Kungsvik Harbour.
We're almost there.
Police! Turn around!
Dad, turn around!
-How did they find us so quickly?
-I don't know.
Just sit still while I go
and have a word with them.
-What about Mum?
-Don't do anything stupid.
-What will you do?
-Shut up.
What about Mum?
Mum will be fine.
Don't get out of the car!
Oh my God.
Just give us a bit more time.
You can have more time,
but only if you release Eva-Lena.
-Just give me a little more time.
-Release Eva-Lena.
-Daniel, it's Jimmy.
-Just stay calm, okay?
-Tell them we need more time.
-Listen to the negotiator.
Can you talk to Jimmy?
Can you calm Jimmy down?
-Keep away.
-He's close to seeing sense.
I just need to talk with him.
You stay there. Don't come
any closer. You're good there.
I'll talk to Jimmy.
-I'll talk to Jimmy, Olle.
-Keep your distance.
Just breathe.
Let me do it, okay? Please.
Don't you see what's?
I need to talk to him now!
I don't want you to talk to him.
-It's not possible.
-Keep her away, please.
-Keep your distance.
What do you want?
Can't you come home?
I'm scared.
No. I can't.
You can have my room,
if you want. It's bigger.
No, I can't.
I'm sorry about your mum.
What about my mum?
What, haven't they said anything?
What is it about Mum, Lilly?
She's dead.
I can handle talking to him.
You lied to me!
Mum's dead!
You tricked me!
There is no secret place, is there?
I'm such a fucking idiot!
Jimmy, you're not an idiot.
-Please, listen to me.
-You lied to me!
You lied!
We lie.
We lie to the ones we love.
Hear me? I love you. Do you get that?
So please, Jimmy, lie down.
I'll blow everyone up!
I'll kill everyone!
-Don't say that. He doesn't mean it!
-I'll blow them up!
-Listen to Olle, Jimmy!
-Let's end this.
-Back off!
-I'll kill everyone!
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