The Misfit of Demon King Academy (2020) s02e01 Episode Script

A Lesson by God

Listen, everyone!
I've decided to go to Delsgade.
Are you sure?
You're going, Leno?
Are you coming back?
Don't worry. I'll come back
-They're here
-They're here!
The scary god!
They're here!
I've been looking for you,
the mother Great Spirit Leno.
Who are you?
I am the Heavenly Father God Nous Galia.
The father of the gods.
Today, I have a proposal for you.
I would like to create a new god-child.
I choose you as its mother.
I'm sorry, but I refuse.
This is the will of a god.
You may be a god,
but you won't have your way here!
Obey me, nature. A god's will is absolute.
Now, I bestow upon you the child of a god.
Be quenched, demonic flames
Demon King Anos!
Oh? So you're the Violent Demon King?
Perfect. God wills the Violent
Demon King to be extinguished.
A natural law to kill you
will be born shortly.
I see. But before that, you will die.
A god cannot be killed. This is law.
Be quenched, demonic curse.
God's word is
A voice plundered by
the Plundering Sword will not return.
It is time to write into law,
that even God's will falls before me.
Now, mother Great Spirit,
I have come for your answer.
Have you decided?
I've decided to trust you.
Then I give you a guard. Shin.
As we discussed, you will guard my guest.
-Do all that she requests as possible.
-As you will.
No, wait, I don't need someone so scary
The barrier prevents us
from entering Delsgade using Gatom.
And gods are not vanquished so easily.
He may come again.
-What are you going to do now?
I have been ordered to obey your orders.
Well, I don't want a guard.
As you will.
You ask that I take my own life.
N-No, I don't!
I cannot shame myself
by failing my liege's orders.
Okay, okay! Just be good, okay?
Divide the races
and snuff out the fires of war.
Place walls between
the Demon Realm, the Human Realm,
the Spirit Realm,
and the God Realm
which will not open for 1,000 years.
If I transmute my life into mana
and combine my powers with yours,
we can cast such an awesome spell.
All right, I'll trust you.
Then let us begin.
Your orders.
How far will you guard me?
Even beyond the barrier?
My liege ordered me
to guard you to Aharthern.
I see!
So we'll be together a little longer.
I'm home!
Titi, I have gifts for you!
-What's wrong?
The spirits are going to be eaten!
The forest is going to die!
Gwen? Heavenly beasts?
I'm scared!
We're surrounded!
They're going to eat us!
Please stand back.
Who's there?
This is the Great Spirit Forest.
You can't fool my eyes.
I do not intend harm.
I will show myself now.
My name is Anosh.
Anosh Portikoro.
Good morning,
King Anos!
-It is a good morning.
-Morning, Anos.
-Good morning.
That is a new hair ribbon.
How do you know that?
It's the same type.
My eyes are not so clouded as to be
blind to my subordinates' equipment.
Can you stop calling it "equipment"?
Sasha's embarrassed because you noticed.
Are you?
M-Misha, don't say things like that!
It is made of silk,
but it is no ordinary silk.
It is made of twilight silk,
from twilight silkworms
which only spin silk at twilight.
It is robust and easily enchanted
with fortification spells.
The magic dye is a modern one,
but not bad.
Overall, it is of slightly
below average quality.
-Noticing too much isn't nice.
I see.
I thought she would be pleased.
Morning, everyone.
Good morning.
You're even coming to school
as a couple now!
N-No, we're not!
We just happened to run into each other
Did you really?
Something definitely happened.
Speaking of which, I heard that
the last time they were
in a group, they vanished.
What did you get up to?
N-Nothing at all!
That Lowblood should've gotten
caught in the war and died.
That misfit won't be riding high for long.
Yeah. The Ancestor is back, after all.
Good morning, students.
I have an announcement
before class begins.
Exchange students from Hero Academy.
I'm Eleonore Bianca. And this girl is
Come on. Introduce yourself.
Zeshia Zeshia Bianca.
Thank you. Your seats.
From Hero Academy?
Azecion declared war on us!
I understand your concern,
but that was plotted entirely by Diego.
Not all humans bear enmity towards demons.
Hey, was coming as exchange students
Yes, it was all thanks to Anos.
We're looking forward to being here.
And I'd like to introduce one more person.
He will be this class's
homeroom teacher, Erdomaid Dittijohn.
Oh? A powerless teacher
who isn't a Highblood?
What can a vulgar Lowblood
teach noble Highbloods?
Quiet down, now.
He was born in the age before the Seven
Ancients, and one of the Four Dark Kings.
Do you mean those Four Dark Kings?
The four who were second in power only to
the Violent Demon King 2,000 years ago.
The Curse King, the Crimson Stele King,
the Hell King, and the Flaming Death King.
Mr. Erdomaid is the last of these four.
I shall bestow knowledge upon you who are
ignorant of the age 2,000 years ago.
First, about the false
Demon King, Avos Dilhevia.
You dare insult the Violent Demon King!
You believe in a mistaken name
for the Demon King.
He has reincarnated and sits right there.
The Demon King Anos Voldigoad.
Please do not teach us these lies!
Avos Dilhevia was a false name
invented to fool those from Azecion
who would seek to destroy the Demon King
directly after his reincarnation.
But now that the mastermind is dead,
there is no need to hide
the true Demon King.
These men have formed this Zect,
professing this as truth.
Wait, hold on, are those
the Seven Ancients?
All seven of them?
Anos Voldigoad, come forward.
Students, you are before the Demon King.
What's going on?
My body is moving by itself!
A word, if you will.
Yes, I will.
Have a seat. Relax.
Dilhade is peaceful now.
It has no need for
a Violent Demon King any longer.
If you wish to acknowledge it, then do so.
If you do not wish to, then do not.
I am no different from any other demon.
Honor does not come from
strength or blood.
If it has a source,
then it comes from one's heart.
So that is what you must develop.
Think, question, and challenge.
Honor is not so cheap as to be gained
resting on one's laurels.
Yes, Lord Anos!
Then, let us begin the lesson.
Thank you very much, Mr. Erdomaid.
You are not a good actor,
Heavenly Father God Nous Galia.
What business does a god
have, to commandeer a demon
as a vessel and come here?
Take your seat, Violent Demon King.
I shall raise my teaching staff
soon enough.
Very well. I can listen to your lesson.
In this world, there is a natural order.
That is the law of the universe.
Fire is hot. Objects fall.
Even that one stands on the ground,
is by the grace of the order.
And the ones who maintain that order,
are manifestations of that order,
they are gods.
In the Mythical Age,
all life was near death.
The world was in disarray.
The cause of that was
the Destruction God Abelneue.
To arrest the world's decay,
the Violent Demon King
fought the Destruction God
and took his power of destruction.
The Destruction God was felled to earth,
and the Demon King
changed the name of the god.
That is the Demon King's Palace Delsgade.
The power of the Destruction God was
remade into the Law Destroyer, Venz D'Noa.
As a result, that which should be
destroyed was not destroyed.
Without destruction,
there was no creation.
The birth of new races also ended.
As things stood, the order would grow
increasingly warped.
And so, the gods decided to create
a new law to kill the Violent Demon King.
The gods? This isn't some fairy tale.
I shall teach you ignorant children
I am the Heavenly Father God Nous Galia,
the order which brings gods into being!
Mr. Erdomaid is a god?
He isn't a demon from 2,000 years ago?
Hmph. Now you're making things up.
Do away with your hostility.
Nothing will happen if you have
no intent to harm him.
Violent Demon King,
the law which will destroy you
A new god-child is in this academy!
You are being very generous
with your information.
What are you plotting?
To restore the perfect order
of this world once more.
Let these people live. You have
nothing to gain from killing them.
Their death is law.
That cannot be changed.
I see.
Shall we test that?
Indeed, the Law Destroyer can destroy
the law along with all of us.
However, if you destroy me, the Heavenly
Father God, the world will fall with me.
You love the world, and as such,
you cannot destroy it
Did you think I would let you live
if you took the world hostage?
This is
My power the source of gods!
I left you with one tenth of it.
If I made it impossible
for you to recover,
the world really would end.
How did you
I could not do it 2,000 years ago,
but after reincarnating
into this peaceful age,
I learned how to hold back my power.
You can bide your time
in peace for the moment,
delivering lessons under my supervision.
That new teacher was a surprise.
But seriously
Why did he teach that lesson like
nothing happened after Anos beat him?
Gods have a different
value system from us.
They act based on natural order and laws.
That doesn't mean
But how does teaching at Demon King
Academy maintain the natural order?
The gods keep their promises,
even with humans and demons.
We do not know the reason, but he
may have promised someone to teach here.
He said that a new god-child
was in the academy.
So a vessel for the new god-child
is here and will soon awaken.
If it's a god that can kill you,
then they'll have enough mana to do that.
There is only one thing for me to do.
I'll find this god-child
and teach them their place.
How will you find them?
Maybe Anos can't find them
with his mystic eyes?
It will not be possible
unless they are part god already.
How about checking the teachers'
and students' backgrounds?
Other than that, maybe ask around?
Then it sounds best
to split up and do that.
I have some business with Meleheyth.
I will also have him
search for the god-child.
-We'll ask around the academy.
-Very well.
Let's split into three teams for now.
Oh, sorry, could you start first?
All right. Misha, let's go.
Where should we start?
Maybe transfer students and people
who entered the academy recently?
Hello! What's the matter Ledriano?
Where are you right now?
Huh? Demon King Academy.
Did you come all the way to Dilhade?
Yes. We found a rather troubling artifact.
It is likely something Zelga left here.
I came back empty-handed.
I couldn't find anything
related to any god-children.
It's the same for me.
This god-child isn't related
to anything 2,000 years ago, right?
I don't know about that.
Nous Galia was in cahoots with Zelga,
to transmute sources into mana.
Will there be more danger?
Don't worry.
Protecting you, your friends, and this
peaceful age is my duty as the Hero.
You have nothing to do
with the war 2,000 years ago.
The flames of that war should
never be allowed to reach you.
Then I'll protect your peace, Lay.
Well, I don't have any power to do that,
but I can fight alongside you.
You could very well end up dead.
The man I love might die.
I can't be afraid of dying myself!
More than peace in the present
or happiness in the next life,
I want to spend my life with you, Lay.
It hurts when you say
I had nothing to do with it.
The Hero 2,000 years ago
and you in the present are the same Lay.
If I had to shoulder
a difficult fate like you or Lord Anos,
would you still say
I had nothing to do with it?
I'll be there for you. No matter
where you are, I will save you.
I feel the same way.
Eavesdropping is rather rude.
Pardon me.
My name is Gerad Azrema.
Misa Ilioroagu, I come
under orders from your father.
What? A ceremony for the second
coming of the Demon King?
To make it known throughout Dilhade
that the Demon King has been reincarnated.
I would like you to sing at the ceremony.
a properly trained chorus would be
The ceremony is to mark
the beginning of a new Dilhade,
where Highbloods and Lowbloods join hands.
I require a fresh breeze to destroy
the idea of bloodline superiority.
Only you can sing a song for that.
I wish to hear it.
Your song, so peaceful
that one could be sick of it.
Yes, Lord Anos!
-Let's get straight to rehearsal!
-What is it?
Revest and other upperclassmen
were attacked.
Misha's treating them now.
Are you all right?
I'm fine, but Ms. Menou was abducted.
-Ms. Menou?
-Who did it?!
From the Cohort of Chaos, Rinka Theornes.
I cast Enoi on her.
You should be able to follow her.
They seem to be asking
for me to capture them.
Is it meant to be a diversion?
We'll go after them.
They are most likely a demon
from 2,000 years ago.
We'll be fine.
Who do you think trained us?
See you!
You were a little too late,
Demon King Anos.
You will not revive him!
You are a demon from 2,000 years ago.
Serving the Flaming Death King Erdomaid
as chief of staff, Ziek Ozma.
Erdomaid? You are aware
that his body was taken from him?
Naturally. My lord gave his body
to a god to create an enemy for you.
That does sound like something
he would do. And so?
I am no match for you in strength.
I challenge you to a battle of wits.
Half of a magic sword?
The same that my father gave to me?
My master, Curse King Kaihiram Jiste,
has ordered me to take your source.
Everyone, what happened?
Their faces are blue.
-I've given them a little dose of poison.
-Who's there?
My name is Zabro Gaze.
Crimson Stele King Girixias Dero's
second in command.
Are we done playing tag?
What are you going to do to Ms. Menou?
This was a tool to summon you here.
I no longer have use for it.
I am Rinka Theornes,
subordinate to Hell King Aegis Code.
My lord has ordered me to kill you.
Did the Four Dark Kings form an alliance?
You are searching for the god-child.
The wise Demon King Anos
must have discovered
who the god-child could be immediately.
So the god's vessel
is one of my subordinates?
I wager the information which I hold.
Do you accept my challenge?
Very well.
You dared to challenge me
in this peaceful age.
You must be sufficiently prepared.
"The Demon King in a Battle of Wits."
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