The New Scooby-Doo Movies (1972) s02e01 Episode Script

The Mystery of Haunted Island

Today we meet
the fabulous Globetrotters.
How much further
to Picnic lsland, Velma?
The excursion boat to the island
is only a few more miles.
Good. l can hardly wait to open
the picnic basket and get to that food.
Me too. How about you, Scoob?
Hey, Scooby's gone.
-Where can he be?
-One guess.
Oh, no.
Digging into our picnic basket.
How could you stoop
so low, Scooby?
Easy. Like this.
Come on out.
That's not your private doggy bag.
Next time we should keep
our food in a safe.
With a Scooby-proof lock.
Oh, boy. Nothing left
but one measly banana.
Well, there goes our picnic.
We're out of food.
We're also out of something else: gas.
Well, what do we do now?
We're in luck!
Look, there's an old shack.
Maybe the owner
has an extra can of gas.
Or a phone to call a filling station.
Hey, it looks deserted.
Well, let's go inside and see.
Wait, l don't like
the looks of that place.
lt gives me the creeps.
Every place gives you the creeps.
Can l help it if l'm allergic
to the creeps?
Come on, Shag, you can
help me carry the gas.
Hello? Anybody home?
Nobody's here.
Then they're smarter
than we are. Let's go.
Oh, come on. lt's just
an old fisherman's shack.
Maybe there's a phone somewhere.
What's that? l heard
something thumping.
Something thumping?
Hey, that's a good tongue twister.
Something thumping! Something
thumping! Something thumping!
Bet you can't say it
five times fast.
l'm not gonna stay here
long enough to say it once.
lt's probably just someone downstairs
fixing the cellar ceiling.
Come on. Let's investigate.
Yeah, we gotta be up
for that big game tomorrow.
Pass it here, Curly.
Good work, Pabs. Here goes, Geese.
Your shot, Bobby Joe.
Watch this lay-up shot.
Watch the ceiling!
l forgot about that.
Now there's something
thumping upstairs.
Yeah. My heart.
-Maybe it's a ghost.
-lt's probably just a mouse.
l'd rather it was a ghost.
The door's open.
Somebody's in the shack.
Maybe it's the other team,
spying on our new plays.
Someone's coming.
The door's stuck.
The door's stuck.
Come on, help me pull.
When l say three, pull.
Hey, fellas. Look who dropped in on us.
Scooby-Doo and his pals!
lt's our friends,
the famous Harlem Globetrotters.
-How you doing?
-Hi, you guys.
-Nice to see you.
-Far out.
What are you doing here?
We're in town for a big game
tomorrow with the Ocean City Scorpions.
This old deserted shack looks like
a good place to rest and practice.
What brings you kids here?
We're taking the excursion boat
to Picnic lsland.
Hey, why don't you come with us?
Sounds like fun, but we gotta
be back before dark.
We want to get
a good night's sleep. . .
. . .and be nice and relaxed
for the game.
Well, there's no better place
to relax than Picnic lsle.
You got a deal!
We'll relax on the island, come back
early and get a good night's rest.
That's what they think.
Okay, kids, your gas tank's full.
And so is your picnic basket.
Got everything we need:
Sandwiches, marshmallows,
fruit and soda pop.
Hey, you forgot something.
A padlock.
The Picnic lsland excursion boat
is right up this road.
l hope we're not
too late to catch it.
All aboard for Picnic lsland!
Well, that's it. Shove off!
Here it is, gang.
The Picnic Island Queen.
Some queen! Looks like
an old tanker to me.
lt's just a rusty old tub.
Maybe it's named
for a rusty old queen.
This sea air is giving me
an appetite already.
What a rickety old boat.
l hope it doesn't sink.
l just lost my appetite.
Hey fellas, what have you got
in all those suitcases?
What else? Basketballs.
Hey, that's funny.
There's no one aboard.
No ticket seller.
-No captain.
-No crew.
No passengers.
And look at this.
Yeah, no hair.
l mean down there!
''The Haunted lsland Queen. ''
The Haunted Island Queen?
-Row, Scoob, row!
-l'm rowing! l'm rowing!
You'd get to shore faster
if you used the gangplank.
Come on, kids, let's all
go down the gangplank.
Hold it! The gangplank's coming up!
Gangplanks don't fall by themselves.
Something tells me
this ship is haunted too.
Now, Daph. Don't start acting
like Shag and Scooby.
Sure, it's just an ordinary
old fishing boat.
Well, it sure seems fishy to me.
Hey, Gip, help!
Did you see that, Gip?
That rope moved by itself.
Don't worry, little fella.
There's probably some explanation.
-Yeah, like what?
-The lndian rope trick?
l didn't think so.
We're heading out to sea.
And l don't think we're on
the deluxe cruise either.
So you don't think
there's something fishy going on?
Now what do you have to say?
l know what to say:
Man overboard!
And dog!
Yeah. And dog overboard.
Hold it! These waters are filled
with shark, swordfish, barracuda. . .
. . .octopus and everything else.
Well, fellas, we are now adrift
in the open sea.
And it sure doesn't look
like a bon voyage.
Bon voyage?
What does that mean, Geese?
That's French for ''happy journey. ''
Now, what does that mean, B.J.?
That's Globetrotter for
''You gotta be kidding. ''
For once, B.J.'s right.
There goes our relaxing afternoon.
And our restful night
before the big game.
-Gee, we're sorry about that.
-lt's not your fault.
There's nothing to worry about.
The captain will get us back to shore.
What captain?
Christopher Columbus Meadowlark.
That's me.
But you've never been to sea.
So? Columbus never
played basketball.
Columbus didn't know
how to play basketball.
See? Already l'm a better captain.
Kids, you investigate the ship
to make sure it's watertight.
Now, that's a real seaworthy idea.
-Like, we'll check the galley.
-l had a hunch you would.
First thing to do
is to stop us from drifting.
Gip, you're the strongest.
Drop the anchor over the side.
Aye, aye.
Now nothing can
stop us from drifting.
We still have a rudder, Curly.
We can turn back to shore.
-Bobby Joe, turn the wheel around.
-Aye, aye.
-Hey, what are you doing?
-l'm turning the wheel around.
You're supposed to turn
it around this way.
No anchor and no wheel.
lf Columbus had this crew,
the world would still be flat.
lt's the engine room.
And the engines are working.
-This ship isn't drifting, it's moving.
-But who's working it?
Look, another ship's wheel.
With two hands on it.
We better report back
to the Globetrotters.
Right. lt's time
for all hands on deck.
Except you two.
There's nothing like a little pizza
to take our minds off this creepy ship.
-lt'll be ready in a minute, Scoob.
Like, man, l got a heavy appetite.
But not that heavy.
And two big hands
were turning the wheel.
From what you kids have told me,
someone else is in control of my ship.
Yeah, it's positively eerie.
lt's worse than that. That's mutiny,
Mr. Christian. That's mutiny.
l don't understand.
Why this mysterious control of the ship?
-l think l can answer that.
-Go ahead, Curly.
Of course, it's only
off the top of my head.
So is everything else.
Well, l think we're being seajacked.
-Where to?
-Haunted lsland.
Haunted lsland!
lt shows it on this old map l found.
Haunted lsland.
But how can you be sure
we're headed there?
Call it dead reckoning.
Dead reckoning?
Bobby Joe, what's our position?
Our position?
l'm hanging up here by one arm. . .
. . .and you and Curly
are on the bridge. . .
. . .Geese has his head
stuck in a porthole. . .
. . .Gip and Pab
are falling down the stairs. . .
. . .and Shaggy and Scooby
are hiding under a deck chair.
l'm sorry l asked.
Just as we planned.
They're headed this way.
Good. Their trip to Haunted lsland
will be a visit they'll never forget.
Haunted lsland, dead ahead.
l wish he'd stop saying that.
We're going to crash
into that rock!
The boat's gonna wipe out.
Everybody jump!
Come on, kids, abandon ship.
Cowards first!
A bone.
l wish l were that lucky.
Now how are we gonna get back. . .
. . .for the big game tomorrow night
with the Scorpions?
There's lots of boats
in these waters.
As soon as it's daylight,
we'll signal one with a mirror.
But we don't have a mirror.
Oh, yes, we do.
ln the meantime,
where are we going to sleep?
l don't know, but we need
our rest for the game.
Hey, there's a big
old mansion up ahead.
Maybe they'll put us up for the night.
l'm not sleeping in any old mansion
on a haunted island.
Oh, they probably just named it that
to attract the tourists.
Like me?
Say ''cheese,'' Scooby.
That's close enough.
The lights are on.
l hope somebody's home.
l'll knock on the door.
Why don't we just go in?
The famous Globetrotters never enter
a ritzy mansion unannounced.
Announcing the Globetrotters!
And friend.
lt's dark in here.
Don't worry. We'll find the lights.
Let's grope along the wall, fellas.
Hey, somebody's got me by the arm.
lt's only a trophy, Bobby Joe.
Why do they hang things
like this on the wall?
Because it's for decoration.
Why don't they decorate the wall
with pretty things, like pictures of us?
Hello! ls anybody in this place?
Yeah. There's the kids,
Scooby, Pab, Curly, you, and me.
l wasn't talking to you, Gip.
-This place seems empty.
-And scary.
Scary or not, we need our sleep.
Let's go find the bedrooms.
Stay with us, Shag.
What else?
Let go of my waist, Scooby.
Scooby? Scooby, will you let go?
Thank you.
Wait a minute.
One. Two. Three. Four.
Five. Six.
Blast off!
The statues.
-What about them, Shag?
-They grabbed us.
Yeah, they grabbed us too.
Cool, aren't they?
We found the bedrooms.
The girls are in here.
Freddy's in there.
Shag, you and Scooby
can sleep in there.
And we'll be in here.
Good night, Shag. Good night, Scoob.
Don't let the goblins get you.
Shag really must be tired.
He's asleep already.
Finished saying your prayers, Scooby?
Let's try to sleep.
We better pray some more!
Good night, Geese, Gip, Pab, Curly
and Meadowlark.
Good night, Bobby Joe,
Gip, Pab, Meadowlark and Curly.
Good night, Pab, Curly, Geese,
Meadowlark and--
Knock it off, fellas!
One big ''Good night, all'' is enough.
Good night, all.
Now to get some sleep for that
game tomorrow with the Scorpions.
Someone's feet are ice cold.
One of you forgot to cut his toenails.
ls it you, Curly?
Hey, any of you guys wearing
a metal sleeping cap?
-Wait a minute. Let's count noses.
-And feet.
Someone's in bed with us.
Not anymore!
What do you think is under there?
l don't know. We need
a volunteer to look.
Oh, wow. He's not going to trick me
into volunteering this time.
All volunteers raise their hand.
Hey, Curly, l think you're growing hair.
Really? Where?
l knew you'd volunteer.
You're a born hero.
l'm a born sucker.
Let go of me! Help!
lt's Curly!
How'd you get in this?
l volunteered, remember?
Hey, how did the knight
get out of this bed?
l think l know.
lt's a lucky thing we always sleep
with our basketballs under the bed.
Scooby, did you hear that?
Oh, l think we'd better sleep
with the Globetrotters.
lt's okay, Scooby.
lt's only a stuffed animal.
What's going on out here?
l thought l heard noises.
l wonder if Shag, Scoob
and the Globetrotters are okay.
Jinkies! They're gone!
Here too!
We better have a look around.
We're in some kind of library.
Man, look at all those books.
Yeah, there's books on everything.
What are you looking for, Meadowlark?
A book on how to get out of here.
There are no windows or doors in here.
And we're sure not going
back up to that bedroom.
But we gotta get out somehow
so we can warn the kids.
What's that?
Wake up, Bobby Joe.
-l need my beauty sleep, Gee.
-You sure do.
We all gotta get some sleep.
lf we don't get our rest,
we'll lose the big game tomorrow.
lf we don't get out of here,
there won't be a tomorrow.
Those books were meant for us.
And we don't even belong
to this library.
-What's that funny glow?
-l'm not staying to find out.
Maybe there's a secret exit
behind these books.
Let me in! Let me in!
Oh, boy. lt's no use, Scooby.
This door's too thick.
They can't hear us.
You know, maybe
there's another way in.
There's a balcony. Give me a boost.
Stand on your tiptoes, Scoob.
Hold still! Will you stop shaking?
And be quiet and hold still.
That's better.
Now, can you raise me higher?
-Look, luminous footprints.
-l wonder where they lead to.
l hope to Shag, Scooby
and the Globetrotters.
lt's no use. We've taken every book
down and still no secret passageway.
Hey, fellas.
Luminous handprints on the wall.
Don't blame me. My hands are clean.
lt's luminous paint. Maybe these
prints lead to a way out.
The clock's stopped too.
lt's later than midnight.
A secret passageway.
Good work, Bobby Joe.
You found a way out.
Believe me, l won't do it again.
Come on, guys, let's go.
The handprints lead outside!
Any place would be an improvement.
-Ready to vault up to the balcony?
Okay, Scooby, jump!
lt's Shag and Scooby.
-What are you doing here?
-Trying to get into the house.
We're trying to get out.
And the sooner the better.
The footprints lead out to the grounds.
The handprints lead out to the grounds.
Someone's behind that hedge.
Someone's behind that hedge.
l'll take a look.
l'll take a look.
What are you kids doing outside?
We're following footprints.
What are you doing outside?
We're following handprints.
And someone's following us.
Now, let's follow them.
They don't look like ghosts to me.
They look like people.
l'd like to get to the bottom of this.
Not me. l'd rather get
to the top of that.
Me too.
lf we could get them
to come out. . .
. . .we could grab them when
they come through the door.
Hey, get your own limb.
This won't hold the both of us.
What did l tell you?
-The chimney.
-lt's stuffed up.
-Yeah. Let's get out of here.
-Come on, let's go.
Grab them!
Good work, Scooby.
You smoked them out.
That took a real cool head.
And a hot seat.
Now, let's find out
who these jokers really are.
lt's the owner of the Scorpions!
And the coach and the trainer.
So you were behind
all the hocus-pocus! Why?
We wanted to keep you
Globetrotters from sleeping tonight.
So you'd be too tired tomorrow
to win the game.
Why, it's nothing but luminous paint,
cardboard statues. . .
. . .wires and sheets.
Then this island
isn't really haunted?
No. Everything was rigged
to move automatically.
lncluding the boat
that brought us here.
lmagine going to all this trouble
just to make the Globetrotters. . .
. . .too sleepy tomorrow to win the game.
l think it worked.
Wake up!
Like, it's dawn!
You can't fall asleep now.
Oh, beat it, Scooby. We're bushed.
They're exhausted.
How can they possibly win today?
-Beats me.
-lt may beat them.
Ladies and gentlemen. . .
. . .defending the south basket,
the Ocean City Scorpions!
And defending the north basket. . .
. . .the lightning-fast, nimble,
razzle-dazzle Globetrotters!
-Come on, Globetrotters!
-Go get them!
We're behind you!
The Globetrotters
appear asleep on their feet.
l can't watch this game.
l'm gonna keep my eyes closed.
So are the Globetrotters.
Meadowlark Lemon at center
is ready to tip off.
Hey, let go!
And the Scorpions
are on the scoreboard.
Curly Neal has the ball.
He lost the ball.
There's a high, looping shot.
Can Meadowlark block it?
Oh, no. Scooby, oh, no!
Your ball, Pab.
And the Scorpions score again.
The Scorpions are racking up
points at will.
And the first half ends,
with the Scorpions leading 42-0.
lt's no use. We're too sleepy to play.
Oh, boy. We gotta think of something
to wake them up for the second half.
Come on, fellas.
You haven't lost the game yet.
You've gotta come back in the
second half and put this game on ice.
That's it, Scooby. lce!
You gotta pinch each other,
slap each other. . .
. . .and douse each other with ice.
lt just might work.
The teams are on the court
for the second half.
Can the Globetrotters wake up?
The score is tied
with five seconds to go.
Come on, Curly, one big snore.
We won! We won!
Thanks, kids. But it was Shaggy's idea
that won the game.
Man, l'm tired and hungry.
We all are.
Hot dogs for everybody.
Where's Scooby?
Hey, where's my hot dogs?
l think l know.
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