The Traitors UK (2022) s02e01 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 1

This programme contains
some strong language
This programme contains
some strong language
OK, so what do you think?
"You are cordially invited to
join me at the Traitors' castle.
"Yours Faithfully."
Too much?
It's time to start the game.
Off you go.
22 people from across the UK
have been invited to this castle
22 people from across the UK
have been invited to this castle
in the Scottish Highlands to play
the ultimate murder mystery game,
in the hope of winning
up to £120,000.
Come on! Come on!
They'll work together as a team
to build up that prize pot
Watch out! Watch out! Watch out! completing epic missions.
What the hell?
This is next level!
But concealed amongst them
are the Traitors,
who, under the cover of darkness,
will secretly murder
their fellow players,
eliminating them from the game.
Are you a Traitor?
That is wrong! That is false!
It's up to the Faithful to work out
who the Traitors are
You know what?
I think you're a Traitor!
..and banish them before
they become their next victim.
I would never have guessed it!
Do not leave any stone unturned.
Who will live? Who will die?
This is The Traitors.
My name is Anthony.
I'm a chess coach.
In a game of chess,
you learn about threats.
In this ultimate game,
it's checkmate.
How you doing? Ah! Fab.
Hi, I'm Charlotte. Hello.
I was going to try
and sound modest then
and say, "You know, right,
it's the taking part that counts,"
but it really isn't.
It's about winning.
I'm just intrigued
to meet everybody now.
I want to see who I'm going to
be spending my time with.
Oh! Oh, we've got another one!
Oh, my goodness!
I'm Paul. How you doing?
Hi, I'm Charlotte. Nice to meet you.
We're all going to
the same place, right?
Hello! Hey!
Even more coming.
I'm Sonja. I'm 66.
I do really not have an off button.
I'm kind of full-on all day,
like it or leave it.
Hey, guys! How you doing?
So I have to ask the question -
what made you apply for this?
Funnily enough,
my mum put me up for it, actually.
My family are always playing games.
We play board games
of all descriptions.
What's your game plan?
Just be myself, just try and be
as friendly as I can with everyone.
I think the skills
that I've learned
will help me with the game
of Traitors.
It's exciting, like, not knowing
what we have in store for us.
Do you know what I mean?
I live in Walthamstow
in east London.
Being a 40-something-year-old
living in a shared house,
I need a little bit of adventure
to put me out of my comfort zone.
I just want to, like, embrace it.
Are you excited for
all the missions? 100%, yeah.
Are you a physical person?
Team sports for sure. Exactly.
I love team sports.
What do you play?
Does anybody know what time
our train's due?
I'm Aubrey. I'm 67.
I'll be good in this game
because I'm a people person.
Fancy seeing you here!
I can read people.
I know what they want.
So where you from?
Tiny little village. I live there
with my cat, Luther Vandross.
Oh! Fantastic name!
Everybody's going to love me,
but I'll throw people under the bus
at the flip of a hat.
It's the train!
Oh, that's a big old boy,
actually, innit?
Hi! Hello!
Hey, I'm Paul. What do we do?
Shall we hug?
How exciting is this?! Oh, my God!
We're not in Kansas any more, girls.
No, I know. We're not in Kansas.
What do you do for work?
Er, so I work in technology
for a telecoms company.
It's sales, though, right?
So there's no
Yeah, it's just a face,
there's no brains that go behind it.
The strategy I'm going to
bring to the game is
read the people around me,
draw people in.
You've got the gift of the gab
there, now, haven't you?
I think so, yeah. You can talk
your way out of any situation.
I talk myself into them and then
talk myself back out of them.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Over the years,
especially in the corporate world,
I've become quite a good mimic,
so I can be the person
you want me to be.
Hi! Hi, guys.
Is that a Welsh accent I detect?
How do you know? Yeah, yeah.
Well, you said hello.
Have you been to Cardiff? Yeah.
I was going to go to university
there, but Were you?
..I decided against it
after seeing it.
I'm Zack, and I'm a parliamentary
affairs adviser.
I like to think I'm perceptive,
quite intelligent,
and I'm just sobig-mouthed
and just love getting under
people's skin a little bit.
Ah, look at that! So beautiful!
Absolutely, so scenic.
Sunny in Scotland!
I'm just excited to meet
everybody else
and see what dynamics we have
in the group as well.
I know! I can't wait.
Are we nearly there yet?
I hope there's a really long,
sweeping driveway
so that we can feel like royalty.
I'm Tracey, I trained as a psychic
medium. I'm clairvoyant.
I'm Tracey, I trained as a psychic
medium. I'm clairvoyant.
I'll hopefully be getting
a lot of help
from the spirit world in this game.
I can't wait to start.
Let the game begin.
Mountain! Oh!
Oh, wow! Ooh!
Oh, it's epic!
Bit mad, innit?
Oh, my goodness me!
Oh, my God! Oh!
Here we go!
I feel like crying.
Lovely to see you all.
Welcome to the beautiful Scottish
Highlands and the Traitors Castle.
Welcome to the beautiful Scottish
Highlands and the Traitors Castle.
How are you all feeling? Happy?
Very happy!
The weather's beautiful,
you all look so happy,
and I feel bad about this,
cos things are about to get
quite dark.
Very shortly,
I am going to choose my Traitors.
So what do the Traitors have to do?
Well, they get to murder
their fellow players, one by one,
Well, they get to murder
their fellow players, one by one,
under the cover of darkness
each night.
And how can you spot a Traitor?
It's very simple -
with extreme difficulty.
You won't know who they are, you
won't know what they're planning,
you won't even know
how many there are.
They will befriend you.
They will betray you.
They might even try and recruit you
along the way.
The rest of you will be my Faithful.
What you have to do is work out
who the Traitors are and banish them
What you have to do is work out
who the Traitors are and banish them
before you become their next victim.
There are 22 of you now, and
those who survive could walk away
There are 22 of you now, and
those who survive could walk away
with up to £120,000.
Give me the money!
But if there are any Traitors left
at the end of the game,
they take all the money.
OK? You know the rules.
Are you ready to play?
Yes. Yeah!
Come on!
Oh Before we go in, will you
just do something little for me?
I don't want to.
I don't want to!
I don't want to!
My heart was racing.
I started to feel shaky.
At the same time,
I wanted to have a poker face,
but I was definitely rocked.
I'd like you in
an orderly line, please
Oh, dear! Oh, not the line.
Not the dreaded line!
..from most likely to win
to least likely to win.
..from most likely to win
to least likely to win.
Off you go.Right,
everyone stay away from that side.
I'm just going in the middle
and not making the same mistake.
When Claudia told us
to get in that line,
my palms went automatically sweaty.
Now, I get I get in between you
two lovely ladies.
I'll just fall to the wayside.
Being pushed to the end here!
Right, guys,
can we move that way, please?
You can move that way
if you want to.
No, I'm quite happy
to move this way, thank you.
What do you think? Do you think
you're in the right place?
If I'm right in the middle,
it's bad, though.
It's going to backfire now.
Yeah, it really is. I think it is.
I don't know why.
Subconsciously, I thought it'd be
a good idea to go to the front.
I'm not cocky,
I'm just quietly confident.
There's £120,000 up for grabs.
Let's let's play.
Do you feel like you're going to
lose? I don't think you will.
Let me just confirm, is everyone
happy with their position?
So-so? OK, players,
I need you to listen to me.
You think you know
how this game works.
You don't.
# Cross my heart and hope to die
# Welcome to my dark side. #
As if we'd do the same thing!
Get in the castle. Off you go!
Oh! Woo!
Hi, Charlie. You look lovely.
Is this your pet owl, Claudia?
Oh, my God, it looks sick in here.
Oh, my God, look at that room!
Is that the breakfast room?
Oh, my God! Wow!
This is n-i-i-ice!
Hey, I'm going to go down this way.
I'm going to come with you!
Oh, my God!
Is that the kitchen? It's the
kitchen. It's so amazing. Oh, wow!
I'm coming with you two, but I don't
even know where I'm going.
Everything's so amazing
and so beautiful.
It's like, "What is going on?"
Oh, my God!
Boom! That's what I'm talking about.
I think I was more starstruck
at the castle
than seeing Claudia, to be honest.
Oh, my God! That's so good.
Oh, look! Oh, my God!
Wow! You look so good!
Oh, look! Oh, my God!
Wow! You look so good!
Mind-blowing, it really is.
What do you do?
I'm a veterinary nurse.
I'm a veterinary nurse.
Oh, my God! Shut up!
No way! Yeah!
Oh, my God!
I've worked as a veterinary nurse
for 18-plus years.
Erm, yeah, seen it all. So, you
know, our job is not as glamorous
as people might think it is.
God! I thought I'd be the only one.
So I'm quite hardy when it comes to
dealing with messy situations.
Think I can use those skills forward
in The Traitors.
So you both obviously
love animals, then?
Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Everyone's really friendly,
getting on like a house on fire.
It'll just be interesting
to see how that might change.
Wish we could all stay, guys,
but I'm sorry.
So where are you from?
I'm from, er, Windsor, darling.
That's what I tell everyone.
Windsor? Darling.
Er, where are you really from?
I'm from Slough, next door.
I'm just a typical lad.
I love football, boxing,
obviously do it in the Army.
I'm walking round and I'm like,
"How have I ended up here?
"Like, this is just mental."
Best advice I ever got
in the Army was,
"If you can't be good, be careful."
So if you don't get caught,
you can never get in trouble.
I just can't wait. I can't wait
for the challenges and stuff
to start now as well. Win money.
I think I've just got that face
where you either, like
It sounds so cocky, but you either
want to kiss it or punch it my experience, anyway.
22 players arrived here
at the castle as equals,
22 players arrived here
at the castle as equals,
but that is all about to change.
It's time to select the Traitors.
£120,000 -
a life-changing amount of money -
could be yours.
It's a lot of money.
How would you spend it?
It was my dream to just
see the world a little bit.
Firstly, I'd pay off
my mum's mortgage. Yeah.
She's great,
she's done a lot for me in my life.
I don't have anything
or anybody to fall back on.
There's no inheritance,
there's nothing waiting for me,
so it's literally my only chance
to ever get my foot on the ladder.
so it's literally my only chance
to ever get my foot on the ladder.
I love my family,
like, all my brothers and sisters,
and when we go out,
there's 12 of us, so, like,
being able to get, like, the final
bill and be like, "This one's on me"
and all this.
I've been with my boyfriend
for 11 years.
We haven't quite tied the knot.
It's so expensive,
the cost of living.
I'd love to get married,
I really would.
Bloody hell!
Can you make friends
and then stab them in the back?
Yeah. If that's what it means,
if that's what it takes.
The only people stopping me from
getting that money is these people.
I do what I have to do to survive.
I know I can lie,
and I know I can betray.
I've already pointed my air gun
at all of their pictures
on the wall in there and shot them.
They've got to be my friends
and I'm their friends.
Will you really be friends?
I bet I shall never see them again
in my life.
I joined the Army at 16.
You're a Corporal?Yeah.
This is my whole game plan, is to
play that sort of stupid Harry,
but obviously that's all
part of the plan,
and they're just going to get
stabbed in the back, pretty much,
cos I just want that money.
Are you prepared to lie, to betray?
100%. I feel like I'm already
doing that right now.
You can't murder me, I'd come back.
No, I I won't.
I would never do that to you.
Or would I?
Welcome to the Round Table.
This is the sacred place where
Faithful and Traitors do battle.
This is the sacred place where
Faithful and Traitors do battle.
In just a few moments,
I will select the Traitors
..and the game will begin.
There's 22 people.
I have not chosen yet.
Would you like to be a Traitor
or would you like to be a Faithful?
So I would like to be a Traitor.
I would like to be a Traitor.
A Traitor.
Do you seriously think I?
No. No, you're right.No. I couldn't
cope with me being a Traitor.
It's not going to work.
Faithful. Yeah.
I wear hearing aids,
so it naturally
I'm looking at faces all the time.
Traitor. I'm very much hoping
a bit of knitting fits the persona
that I'm portraying.
Knitting and killing.
Knitting and killing.
What a fabulous idea!
I'm going to be reading
everybody's energy,
looking in their eyes
to see if they've got lying eyes.
I'd like to be a Traitor.
Tell me why.
Me and my husband adopted
two daughters.
That's my driving force,
to get those coins.
Can you give me three words
to describe you?
Competitive Mm-hm.
..cruel Mm-hm.
..and Traitor.
It's time.
I will now select the Traitors.
Players, please put on
your blindfolds.
If you feel me touch you
on the shoulder,
it means that you are a Traitor.
It was just silent in the room.
All you could hear was
Claudia's footsteps on the floor.
Erm, it was like something
out of a horror film.
I was like,
"I do not want to be picked."
Every time Claudia's
walking past me, I'm like,
"Do not touch me on the shoulder,
do not touch me on the shoulder."
When it happened, I thought,
"Yes, thank you."
Like, I feel like the game
has just started.
It's very intense. Everyone's dead
quiet. You can hear a pin drop.
I can't explain how
that tap on the shoulder feels.
My heart was just racing.
It felt like it was about
to just jump out of my body.
Loads of stuff was racing
through my mind,
and the touch on the shoulder sort
of, like, settled everything down.
It was like,
"Now I know what I need to do."
Now it's time to kill everyone,
basically, as bad as that sounds!
I have selected my Traitors.
The rest of you will be known
as the Faithful.
The course of the game
has now been set.
Please remove your blindfolds.
Bloody hell!
Traitors, you will discover
each other's identities tonight.
Traitors, you will discover
each other's identities tonight.
Your job is quite simple -
stay undetected
..and murder the Faithful.
Faithful, your job is to
track down the Traitors
and banish them from the game.
If you get it wrong, you could
banish an innocent Faithful.
So who's who?
That is for you to work out.
Remember, if there are any Traitors
left at the end of the game,
Remember, if there are any Traitors
left at the end of the game,
they take all the money.
So happy hunting.
Would you like some good news?
Yeah. Yes, please.
Yes, please!
I sense that
..nobody is getting
murdered tonight.
So you will sleep soundly least tonight.
A tiny thing
..the Traitor selection
is not quite complete.
Traitors, tonight, you will
enlist the final member
Traitors, tonight, you will
enlist the final member
of your murderous clan
..before the killing spree
starts tomorrow.
Sweet dreams, everyone.
Oh! Oh, man!
My heart was racing so badly.
I was hoping that nobody
could hear me breathe,
nobody can hear my heart
beating so fast.
Every time she'd go past,
I'd just go,
"Please don't be a Traitor, please
don't touch my shoulder,
"please don't"
"Please don't touch me!"
I just completely blanked out
that I'm now a Traitor
and just carried on being me.
Don't overthink your mannerisms
and your actions
because, you know, everyone is
going to be looking at you.
I'm just trying to
take people in at the minute.
Really trying to take people in.
What are we gaining, though?
I just thought that, then
I was like, "What am I gaining?"
We just don't know anything,
Did you panic under the blindfold?
What do you mean?
Was that you? Or was Panic?
No, I was straight
No, that was me. That was you?
I was ready to black out.
I thought it was you. I nearly took
my blindfold off. Took it off?
There was, like, a million and one
things going through my brain.
I was like, "Be serious, Harry.
Don't start laughing.
"Don't make an idiot of yourself.
"Like, just be normal,
do what everyone else is doing."
I thought it was you.
I nearly took my blindfold off
to check you were OK!
I thought the lad beside me -
Harry, I think he's called -
was really quite unnerved by that.
That was intense.
Oh, I feel like my hands
are shaking. Ooh!
We're never the same again now.
I know, it's mad, innit?
We're a different group now.
Oh, my God, and the worst thing is
I'm sitting here, I'm looking
round here and there's at least one
if not two or three or God knows
round here and there's at least one
if not two or three or God knows
how many just sat round this table,
and I've got no idea who they are.
This is 100% the reason
why I'm here.
The only way I thought I would
be able to participate fully
is by being a Traitor
and it's happened.
Well, wasn't that intense, guys?
That was a lot more intense than
Yeah, it was. I underestimated it.
I'm actually really happy
to be a Faithful
because I am a genuine person,
what you see is what you get,
so in this situation right now,
I'm content, I'm happy.
Guys, guys! Can I just say?
That was intense,
but whatever happens, guys,
happens now,
made some great friends already,
and just enjoy the experience.
Well said.
Cheers! Ching!
I'm just going through my head now,
who I could trust,
who I want with me, but then also
I'm thinking, who do I need to
get rid of as early as possible
because they're too big of a threat?
Come on, then. Let's go.
Oh, it's set up as well, perfect.
Yeah, it's set up.
That was so crazy.
It was intense, wasn't it?
The game has started.
I'm really glad that's over, though.
Like, so glad that's over.
Well, that's phase one, isn't it?
Don't talk to me about it!
I was trying to look at
everyone's faces before we put
the blindfolds on cos I wanted to
see Yeah. ..I wanted to try
and gauge, like,
I need to know where you're at.
Obviously, I don't know who the
other Traitors are,
and even though you want to
get to know everybody,
there has to be strategy at play.
You've no idea who
you might be suspicious about?
I No.
I seriously thought that
Harry needed help
..but I'm not saying anything, I'm
not committing myself to anything.
No. I think
No, what can you do?
I think I'm just going to observe
and go from there.
You know who's stressing me out?
..she was like, "Was that you
heavily breathing?"
I was like, "That wasn't me!"
So I don't know whether she's trying
to, like, plant seeds or what.
Diane, I don't know
where she got it from,
because I thought that
I was really good.
I was serious for once.
I feel like she's really trying
to stick it on me,
really put me on edge.
And it's really stressing me out.
Obviously the game's having you
second guess everything.
I don't know who the other
Traitors are, for one.
I don't know who I can trust,
I don't know if they're
going to let me down.
I don't know how we're
going to work together.
Oh, my gosh!
I feel so alone.
Ooh, God! Made me jump!
That's it, then.
Well, one of us is joining
the dark side. Yeah, I know!
The castle clock has chimed.
All our players must leave
immediately and return to their
individual lodgings, where they
can't see or speak to anyone.
But for our Traitors, well,
the evening is just getting started.
They will need to
return to the castle
and start their brutal work.
You stand before
the Traitors' Turret.
Before I give you this cloak
and you find out the identity
of your fellow Traitors,
I'm going to need you to
take the Traitors' oath.
Do you commit to lie and deceive
throughout the game?
I do. Are you willing to murder your
fellow players every single night?
I do. Are you willing to murder your
fellow players every single night?
I am.
And do you vow to keep your identity
and the identity of
your fellow Traitors a secret?
I do.
Then you are officially a Traitor.
Here is your cloak.
You're now going to find out
who your fellow Traitors are,
and then I'm going to need the name
of the Faithful
you would like to enlist.
In you go.Cheers.
You're going to kill it.Yeah.
I feel like the whole day
has led to this moment.
Now, who's going to be next to me?
Is it going to be one person?
Is it going to be two?
I just can't wait.
No way!
We've got Harry, and we have
a lovely connection,
even though we've not spent
tonnes of time together.
Oh, my days!
Mate! I didn't think a thing.
I can't believe it. Same, same.
I can't believe it.
This is amazing, though.
My fellow Traitor's Paul.
I can't believe it.
It could not have gone better,
like, my start here.
I'm buzzing. I can't wait.
But there's only two of us.
I'm so happy it's you, though.
I'm so happy it's you cos
Mate, 100%.
Oh, dear! What is going on?!
I was very, very, very happy
with who my fellow Traitors are.
I think we have a really,
really, really strong group.
I had no suspicions
of either of you.
And tonight, what do we do?
We need to recruit.
I think who we bring in
I think we need a strong person
in here, you know.
We need to look at
the pros and cons of everything.
I think the strongest
characters are Miles, Andrew
Andrew, without a doubt. Sonja -
she could be a dark horse in here,
you know.
She's a smart lady
She's very fun.
..people really like her
..but is she an ally?
Miles has got a lot of, like,
influence in the group, I think.
Mm, he does.
He can stir it up a little bit.
We need to kind of
quiet the people
But would he throw us under the bus?
I haven't got a strong bond
with Andrew.
I just see him as a huge threat.
I think he sees himself
as the commander.
If he did come in here,
that's quite a powerful group. Yeah.
I've been thinking
about Diane as well.
I don't know. See, I'm scared,
so I feel like I've got heat on me.
Diane was straight to me, like
Was she?
..and as we were taking our
blindfolds off, she was like,
"Are you sure you're OK?
What happened there?" and stuff.
But then I don't know whether I'm
just over-thinking it a little bit.
Yeah, I think you are.
We could also think of it
as a strategic way -
if we brought Diane in,
we sort of have that cover
of us three as Traitors, someone
that is sort of easy pickings. Yeah.
So Andrew is one.
You've got Miles, Sonja Sonja.
..and Diane.
Have we made our decision?
I'm comfortable with the decision.
You? Happy days.
Have you made your decision?
We have.
I will let them know their fate.
So the full set of Traitors
is now complete.
You'll meet your new ally
tomorrow night,
here in the Traitors' TurretMm.
..when they'll discover
your identities.
Welcome to the dark side.
We've made the right choice here.
I hope we have. We've got this.
I think we're building
a bit of a squad here.
Yeah, I know.
This is dream team, baby.
# Who can it be now?
Who can it be now?
# Who can it be now?
Who can it be now?
# Who can it be now?
Who can it be now?
# Who can it be now? #
It's you.
# Early this morning
# When you knocked upon my door #
It's a new day, and as the players
return to the castle
after a good night's sleep, there is
a new Traitor in their midst.
Yes, the deed has been done,
and our three are now a four.
The identity of the fourth Traitor
will be revealed later.
It's time to play detective.
Guys, do you remember
what Claudia said yesterday?
They're going to recruit somebody
else last night. Last night, yeah.
How many Traitors
do you think there are?
It's got to be three, hasn't it?
I think three, yeah.
I reckon it's two and
they're recruiting a third.
Er, yeah, that's
Sorry, that's what I mean by three -
two and then recruited one. Yeah.
I started to feel very much
like I'm in the game.
The new Traitor that we've
added to the group is just perfect,
and I can't wait to see them
in the Turret tonight.
Have you any suspicions?
Yeah. Yeah, so have I.
The only thing I can go on
is my observation.
I've got nothing else.
You're very good at observing.
I feel like you're very observant.
I watched you last night.
How are you doing? OK, not bad.
Oh, my God.
We don't all have to hug.
Hi, gorgeous!
The first breakfast did feel
a little overwhelming.
Hello, my darling. Mwah!
I'm choosing not to look at
my other Traitors.
Good morning, you. Hi, gorgeous.
Are we sitting here?
What if I look at them and maybe
indicate something subconsciously
and I give the game away?
So I'm trying to be as natural
with them as possible.
Like, when I came in,
I was stressing.
I don't know what it was,
I think the pressure of the night,
the tiredness obviously.
I haven't got a seat.
You can come here.
Just like, you really don't know
that I'm going to kill you all
and take all your money!
How did you sleep?
Yeah, fine. Had, erm
She's straight in!
She's the first pin to fall!
I was just kind of joking.
I said, "Are you a Traitor?"
while I was getting my melon.
Are YOU a Traitor?
I am not a Traitor.
I couldn't be a Traitor.
Can I say something? Yeah. You'd
better not be a bloody Traitor!
She's straight out with it!
Oh, I thought the same
about you, actually. Good. Good.
She was really shocked.
I was like, "I'm only kidding."
Do you not find this breakfast table
a little overwhelming?
Someone got recruited last night,
didn't they? Yes, yes.
And we don't know who.
Morning, everyone.
Oh! Did you sleep well?
OK, you absolutely must not
get used to that.
The Traitors are now complete.
The game is set.
Last night, the Traitors selected
their final member
..and that player will find out
who their fellow Traitors are
tonight, when they meet
to commit their first murder.
Faithful, there's no easy way
to say this,
but you are currently sharing
marmalade with murderers.
Please keep your eyes peeled.
One of you will be killed tonight.
On a more upbeat note, it is
nearly time for your first mission.
Woo! Woo!
Your prize pot currently
stands at zero,
but hopefully you are
about to change all of that.
Remember, there is £120,000
up for grabs.
Your cars are outside,
and a small note from me -
you revel in the dryness
of those cars.
I'll see you there.
Let's get some funds in the pot,
and then you know what?
Let's get down to business, eh?
I think it's got to be water.
We've all had that feeling, I just
feel like it's water. Yes, yes.
If you see me swimming around in
circles, it's cos I've got one leg.
Really? I've got a prosthetic leg.
Have you? What?
So how did that happen, mate?
If you don't mind me asking.
So I'm ex-military.
I was in the Army for eight years.
Did you lose it in action, or?
So it was in Afghanistan,
in an explosion, yeah.
Right, I'm sorry.
And I was 21 years old.
Unfortunately, my vehicle hit
an improvised explosive device.
Now, this is a 20-tonne vehicle
I was in. I was driving it
..and it blew the vehicle
14 foot in the air.
It was said I'm very,
very lucky to be alive.
Obviously, I've had dark days.
Erm, you know, mental health,
I've had battles with that, but
I've just learnt to see things from
a completely different perspective,
but, you know, it's been so nice
for people not to realise.
but, you know, it's been so nice
for people not to realise.
I don't want people to see me
with a disability.
I want them to see me as me,
you know?
No-one's been offering me chairs.
It's been so nice to just be me.
Credit to you, mate. Well done.
Stop it, you're
making me feel overwhelmed!
At the missions,
players work together to raise money
for the prize pot,
and with the first murder tonight,
everybody will be out to impress.
I'm really excited. Up for it.
The first mission,
I was, like, absolutely buzzing
to just get going.
How you doing? You OK?
I'm like the rose between
two hunky thorns, guys.
Oh, I know.
Here we go!
At the minute,
I'm thinking about the prize pot.
Let's make some money.
Being good at challenges obviously
does give you a bit of an edge.
Going to smash it today, then!
Got to prove my value.
First mission. This is going to be
something else. Yeah.
Oh, look at this!
Oh, my goodness me.
Oh, wow!
Look at these poles.
What do you think it's going to be?
I've not got a clue.
How are you feeling, Meg?
A little bit scared now.
Hello, and welcome to
your first mission.
Now, it wouldn't be The Traitors
if we didn't bring you to
an enormous, beautiful,
very, very cold body of water,
and, PS, the midges say welcome.
very, very cold body of water,
and, PS, the midges say welcome.
In this mission,
you must work together
to build a giant beacon
and then set it alight
in the middle of that loch.
You have to gather and rearrange
those floating puzzle pieces
in order to make the beacon.
To help you work out
the correct puzzle pattern,
there is a replica hidden somewhere
on this shoreline.
Only when those puzzle pieces
are in the right order,
and you have left the water,
can you press on that detonator,
and that will set the beacon ablaze.
Oh Oh, God.
You were super excited, guys.
Let's hold on to that.
If those puzzle pieces
are in the right formation,
and you set off the beacon
all within 40 minutes,
a massive £15,000 will be added
to the prize pot.
a massive £15,000 will be added
to the prize pot.
Don't mind if I do.
We can do this.
I have to tell you, though,
if you fail, you get nothing.
Ah! Oh, no!
40 minutes, light that beacon,
make £15,000.
40 minutes, light that beacon,
make £15,000.
All make sense? You happy?
I have also some news.
This year, on these missions,
you're not just playing for money,
you are also playing for your lives.
This, players, is a Shield.
Three of you can win
one of these on this mission.
Ooh! Oh!
There are two in the loch,
one on land.
This protects you from being
murdered by the Traitors,
but it does not protect you
from banishment.
So, to be clear,
if you go for a Shield,
then you might be protected
from murder, but at what cost?
Basically, what you've got to think
is, what's more important -
your money or your life?
OK, all clear?
You need to get kitted up.
Here's your stuff. Go on.
I'm energised, I'm enthused,
I'm enthralled.
Key thing is, let's get this money!
So look at you, all set.
Please can you choose a pole
and stand by it?
That is your starting position.
OK, remember you've got 40 minutes
to assemble the puzzle
and set it on fire.
Are you ready?Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah.
Oh, I forgot one final point.
You are going to start this mission
tied up.
Oh, Jesus.
Guards, please come in.
I just don't need this right now.
It's a bit extreme, isn't it?
First mission, they didn't
ease us in in any way at all.
You will need to untangle yourselves
before you start.
And once you release yourself,
what will you do?
Will you help your fellow players,
start the puzzle, or grab a Shield?
Will you help your fellow players,
start the puzzle, or grab a Shield?
All of this is up to you, of course.
Good luck.
Three, two, one.
# All bets are off
# Bear witness,
survival of the fittest #
Oh, my God, it's so tight!
The poles get thinner
the further up they go.
It's a blessing to have one hand,
I can tell you that much.
I managed to untie myself first
cos, obviously, my hand slipped
straight out the ropes.
The Shield was literally
right behind me,
I could have got that Shield
super easily.
# We rise cos the strong
survive #
I'll help you.
Thank you, you're my saviour.
But I just felt like I couldn't
leave everyone else.
I felt like the challenge was
kind of the most important thing.
Jaz, you out? Oh, mate,
how have you managed that?
Do you want to help that side
and we'll help this side, yeah?
Yeah, help untie my hands, please,
so I can help
Whoever's not a good swimmer,
go try and find the note.
Whoever's a good swimmer,
go to the closest ones,
and the rest get in the boat.
Who else needs help?
So Kyra has gone for the Shield.
I am genuinely scared
of being murdered.
I have to put myself
above everybody else here.
Someone's gone for the thing!
Yeah! Bastards!
I just went for it and thought,
"I don't really care
what anyone else has to say."
Oh! Are you all right, lovely?
Players, five minutes gone!
Right, come on here, push us off.
Will someone push us off? Push!
Watch it!
Guys, are you happy, yeah?
Get to a far one, connect this,
and start rowing it over.
Right, which one are we going to,
boys and girls?
We're going the furthest one, yeah?
I hope they've found the puzzle.
Come on! What are we looking for?
For the paper, innit? Yes!
Kyra and Andrew are looking for
the replica puzzle
hidden in a bottle.
It's along the shore!
I did want to prove myself,
but finding the map
was quite difficult.
You all right? You OK?
I found something. What's this?
That's a piece That's it.
That's it.
I felt really proud that I found
the puzzle picture,
because now I felt like no-one could
point at the fact
that I wasn't pulling my weight.
Quick, quick, quick! Come on.
Yes! That's it!
We're obviously still trying to
find our feet with
who are classed as leaders,
what people's strengths are,
and I was the last one to be untied,
so I needed to make sure
I'm pulling my weight.
You go in. And I can swim it.
Players! You have half an hour left!
Have you found the?
I found it, yeah, I found it.
So you'll be, like,
the puzzle masters.
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
we don't mind cos I can't swim.
Myself and Kyra are very afraid
of the water.
Step off onto this platform, OK?
Hold on, hold on,
hold on to the boat, mate.
I realised then the role of
being on the pontoon
was going to have to be my job,
and that's the only thing I can do.
Start pulling. Pulling, pulling.
Pull, pull. Pull, pull.
Oh, this is a great piece.
We had to organise all the people
getting into a central pontoon,
and then all the pieces
had to be put together.
OK, where's the map?
No, this is the top bit here.
Yeah, that's the top bit.
Right at the top, yeah.
It was quite hard to interpret
the pieces.
Wait, wait, is it, though?
Because that gap, that top bit's
got a big gap from there.
Shit, it's getting all a bit
hectic now, isn't it?
You need to get the pieces faster!
Push. OK. Push. Push
I don't have enough words for
what I think about the green boat.
We need to row together!
OK, but aren't we supposed to
sit the same way?
No, yeah, you put your oar
No, don't put your oar the same way,
please. OK.
I've never rowed before in my life,
and there was a bit of confusion.
If we all put our oar the same side,
we'll just keep going round.
OK. Are you sure?
Yeah, yeah.
Anthony, oh!
I wanted to rip my hair out.
The green boat is now
doing its fifth circle.
No, but we're going round and round.
Push Guys, we need someone else
on this boat cos it's not even!
Players, you have had
half your time!
We're coming in this way.
Grab it, grab it.
Easy, nice and easy.
Oh, shit! Whoa, whoa!
Shit! Oh, my leg!
It was really tough to row
and get anywhere
with these two massive pontoons
right behind us.
My shoulder is absolutely on fire.
I saw a Shield that was available,
and I was really hesitant
to go for it cos I thought,
"How are they going to take it
"and how are they
going to deal with it?"
Guys, I'm sorry, but I saw
the Shield, I'm going to go for it.
We need someone to row, mate!
Well done, Jaz, thanks for helping
us. Well done.
I just thought, "This is my
opportunity to just save myself."
I'm only in day one,
I need to get as far as possible.
When I grabbed that Shield,
I was absolutely buzzing.
When I grabbed that Shield,
I was absolutely buzzing.
You're Traiting us, Jaz!
Come on, keep going,
don't worry about Jaz.
He ain't coming back on our boat.
I'm a team player, you know.
We're doing it together.
You don't just leave us
in the crap like that, you know?
Oh, you want to get
back on the boat, do you?
You'll have to swap the Shield,
then, won't you?
Yeah, see you later!
Yeah, Traitor!
How much longer have we got?
Guys, you have ten minutes left!
Come on, the time's ticking.
Keep going.
Seven pieces of the puzzle are in,
five to go.
Are they going to do this?
Go, Harry. Get the money, Harry.
Yeah, start reeling it.
Yes, Harry, let's go!
Come on, come on, you got it.
Keep going! Great job, Harry!
The strategy going into the mission
was to prove to everyone
I'm a team player.
Come on, Harry! And a Faithful.
Now start pulling it.
Looking at the platforms
and how they were laid out,
there's a Shield out far
on the right.
I got to do it, man.
I'm shitting it.
You do you.
And I was like,
if I can get this Shield,
while also working as hard as I can,
that is just going to
start building trust.
Why would a Traitor want a Shield?
So are you OK with that?
Not really, but I'm all right.
Yeah, OK, I'll help.
Five minutes!Shit! Five minutes!
Guys, come on! Five minutes!
We've got all the pieces now. Yeah.
All the pieces of the puzzle.
We've got no idea where these go!
Right, where's this going?
I've no idea. Kyra?
We need to let these guys know
where to bring these.
Then you need to deal with that,
cos I'm dealing with this.
I had Kyra one side
and I had Sonja on the other side,
and they're both very strong
Listen to me, that joins that.
Yes, thank you.
There's no clear direction
coming from here, so
I give up.
People just everywhere.
It's not, it's not.
No! Other way, other way,
other way
The left hand didn't seem to know
what the right hand was doing.
You stay here. You go here.
No, you stay
Miles, you stay there.
You stay there. One person
talking! It's confusing for us.
Basically, there was a shambles.
You have two minutes left!
Two minutes!
Get your arses sorted!
We're nearly done, guys!
Oi, get back to shore!
No swimmers in the boat!
OK, I need to go, mate.
I need to go cos I can't swim.
Come on, guys! Move!
I shouldn't get this angry.
No, no, no, that's in here!
Push over, and then, you, swap!
I don't really see myself
as a controlling person,
but then it just kind of happened
that I was the only one shouting.
In, now, everyone in!
Then I'm standing up there
telling people where to go,
and everyone's looking at me,
all these panicked faces
and I'm just standing there like,
"What the hell is going on?"
In, now, everyone in!
Now this corner, connect this corner
and we're there, yeah?
Yes, boys!
You can't press the detonator
until everyone's out the water.
Get out of the water!
Come on!Everyone, come on, quickly!
The only thing that
could have got us
out of the water any faster
is if somebody shouted "Shark!"
Out of the water!
Help them, they're pulling!
Come on, come on! Come on!
Come on! Come on, get ready!
We won £15,000!
Oh, that's
That's, like, more money
than I can just imagine.
OK, congratulations.
You added £15,000 to the pot.
OK, congratulations.
You added £15,000 to the pot.
But you made it with seconds
to spare,
and next time,
you won't be so lucky.
And, more importantly,
if you can't work as a team,
how on earth are you going to
catch a Traitor?
On a different note,
all three Shields were taken.
Nobody needs to admit to it,
but would anybody like
to step forward
and say they have the Shield?
Kyra, Harry, and Jaz.
Kyra, Harry, and Jaz.
You three cannot be murdered
The rest of you, not so lucky.
But after that, what you deserve is
a nice big drink,
so go back to the castle
and enjoy it,
cos for one of you,
it'll be your last night.
Off you go.
We just won 15 grand.
Well done, guys.
Dream team! That was good.
With £15,000 in the prize pot,
the players get to enjoy
their last evening all together
before the Traitors meet
their brand-new recruit
for the first time
and commit their first murder.
But who is the final Traitor?
Andrew, Diane,
Miles, or Sonja?
I think everyone did
a fantastic job.
Everyone smashed it.
I think it was a really good showing
today from the Traitors.
We made a great choice last night.
It's just perfection.
So, yeah, I'm really happy with
the situation that we're in.
Has it sunk with anyone that
someone's going to be murdered
Sorry to bring the mood down, but
Oh, no, you're right, though, Jonny.
Were you there when Zack said that
comment, when we were walking over?
Zack said he can't wait
to sleep easy tonight.
Did he?
He does just say stuff.
Yeah, but you've got to
watch your mouth. You do, like
You do have to watch your mouth,
cos I'm not going to sleep easy.
No way!
There are so many people that have
the potential to be a good Traitor.
I've not got any hard evidence
to go on.
I just don't know!
I've just got this feeling
like it's somebody, like,
you wouldn't think of it,
it would be them.
Well, quite naturally.
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
of course, yeah, yeah.
They've definitely recruited
a Traitor.
The question is,
how many Traitors are amongst us?
Well, I'm comfortable with
everyone in this car,
let's just put it that way.
Yeah, me too.
We got a Traitors' Tipple.
Er, we've got
a little Faithful Fancy over here.
So, yeah, how did you find today?
Yeah, good.
Jas, how are you doing?
Yeah, I'm good, thank you.
I heard you were a bit stressed
in your boat.
Yeah, basically, I just think that
Anthony hadn't rowed a boat before.
What, he wasn't like,
fully going for it?
No, he I think he was,
to the best of his ability,
fully going for it,
but, yeah, it's just a bit of
trying to direct him, I think.
I do a lot of people watching.
You need to just play the game.
You have to remember Traitors
could be listening.
So, guys, how are you feeling
about breakfast in the morning?
That's when it will all start
kicking in, I reckon.
I think what would I do,
if I were a Traitor,
how would I play the game?
What WOULD you do?
What do you think you'd do?
You can only base it on certain
things that happened today.
You have to work together as a team
to be successful.
Whether you're a Traitor,
whether you're a Faithful,
we all got a common outcome.
It's all about winning
at the end of the day.
It's tough, to be It's tough,
it's not an easy decision for 'em.
I think I'm just stressing cos
I think we're going to die tonight.
Isn't that everybody's worry?
Yeah, I know.
We're all in the same boat, babe.
Everyone's in the same boat.
I heard you had problems
on your boat.
We need to get the numbers.
You couldn't row.
I've never been on a boat before.
What bird told you that,
we had problems on the boat?
Word travels.
Oh, does it now? Very interesting.
Sorry, it comes across as way
more malicious than it is,
honestly, it was just that
I heard you couldn't row.
Oh, is it? Oh, OK. Mm, interesting
to me, very interesting.
OK. Mm.
Very interesting.
Have I offended you? Sorry.
You've not offended me
Oh, no, you haven't offended me,
I just wondered, I just wondered.
I'm sorry, I
Tensions are high. Everyone's
kind of a little bit nervous,
everyone's trying to
suss each other out.
My game plan is to fly
under the radar.
People are putting themselves on
the chopping block.
Let them do that.
Let the wolves attack themselves.
I feel like everyone's being
quite quiet at the moment
about their suspicions. Well
Cos I have no idea.
Ross heard somebody say,
"I'm really looking forward to
knowing I can sleep easy tonight,"
and it wasn't anybody
with a Shield.
Oh, here he is now, Ross.
What's up, peepers?
No, that conversation
we had in the car,
I can't remember who said it.
"I'll sleep easy tonight."
Oh, yeah, that was Zacky boy.
Sonja is stirring the pot of things
that were said in the car.
I'm not 100% sure what angle
she was trying to get at.
Did he say it in, like, a bants way,
or did he say it in,
like, a serious way?
Cos he can be bants, right?
Me and Evie just caught it,
we were going, "Oh, aye?"
My natural inclination is
to want to be devious, tricky,
misleading, but I might have omitted
to tell my fellow contestants that.
misleading, but I might have omitted
to tell my fellow contestants that.
Wow, look at this.
Take your pick.
Have a drink.
Well, I'll try a Traitors' Tipple.
Don't read anything into that.
Do you have any thinking around who
you might think could be a Traitor?
Do you have any thinking around who
you might think could be a Traitor?
Yeah. I knew straight away.
Sure I'm right, but
Some people are quite suspicious.
The suspicious people, the people
who are a bit more closed off,
could cause a problem.
But, like, was there things
that you picked up on?
I've noticed that people
have changed,
after the Round Table.
I'm very good at picking things up.
I'm as cunning as a fox.
I'm sure I'll be able to
track the Traitors down.
I'm very astute.
# Love you, love you,
love you, love you #
Right. Right, OK, time to go.
# Love you, love you,
love you, love you #
Somebody's getting murdered
and I really hope it's not me.
I hope it's not me!
This is making me feel sick. I know.
Honestly, I feel really sick.
I'm always going to be nervous
that I'm going to be murdered.
I don't know who they might pick.
I don't know how.
They might do it
to throw us all off.
Good job, everyone.
The star of the show.
Yeah, I know. Goodnight, mate.
See you later.
The clock chimes have rung out
and the murdering hour is upon us,
and as the Faithful
retire to their beds,
for our Traitors, sleep is the last
thing on their minds.
Tonight, three become four,
so who is the final Traitor,
and, more importantly,
who will be their first victim?
We can breathe. Hello, folks.
That was a good day, I feel like.
Yeah, we did good today, folks.
I haven't heard anybody
saying negative words.
We were way under the radar.
So even from today, I know that
we've made the right choice.
That is exactly
what I was thinking.
Well, good evening. You stand before
the Traitors' Turret.
Before I give you this cloak,
I need you to take
the Traitors' Oath.
Do you commit to lie and deceive
throughout the game?
We're about to get a hell of
a lot stronger, I tell you that.
Are you willing to murder your
fellow players every single night?
Are you willing to murder your
fellow players every single night?
Honestly, I think this was
a really, really good choice.
Do you vow to keep your identity,
and the identity of your
fellow Traitors, a secret?
and the identity of your
fellow Traitors, a secret?
You are now officially a Traitor.
Happy murdering.
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