The Unit s02e01 Episode Script

Change of Station

In 1979, congress authorized a formation of a contingent of elite special forces soldiers who answer only to the president of the united states.
Their missions and their very existence are closely guarded secrets protected by the soldiers themselves and their wives who posses secrets of their own.
You do not tell your mother, your best friend, your priest, what your husband does.
Army regulations state- We are not in the army, you're in the unit.
Previously on the unit You re-upped.
Honey, i have not re-upped.
I'm leaving the unit to keep my promise.
You must be mrs.
colonel tom ryan.
Well, i suppose that's right.
I would like to thank you, mrs.
Ryan there's that time after he made master- aah! Get down! aah! Check on the women! ahh.
Come on.
Can't do it.
Sam? Would you? Tom? For him.
Oh, look at that.
Be careful now, mr.
Well, i'll be.
She's got enough c-4 on her to sink the Bismarck.
We're about to have company.
Imminent ruru.
Imminent ruru.
Darlin', you came to the wrong door.
Don't shoot me.
Dear, god.
I forgot the damn password.
Why are you wearing a coat that could blow us all to bombay? Why? I forgot the damn- e.
? What's that? Emergency.
Add it up.
Second and fourth are vowels.
It scans.
Then who the hell are you? Firefly.
Agency? They ain't got no one this deep.
Is that so? Rain or shine, boss, we've got 5 minutes to get our package to the rendez-vous.
She's sick.
No, she ain't sick.
She's dying.
Card's invalid as of 1700.
Change of station? Yeah.
I'm looking for the colonel.
Will you wait over there please? I need you to surrender the card.
When you're in, you're a guest, when you're out, you're a pest.
Are you sure? I spell foxtrot- indio-romeo- Firefly? Is that the right crash code for today? For yesterday.
Today's code is forger.
- What? - Forger.
Snake doc.
Firefly is yesterday's code.
How much time we got till the exfill? When's her flight out? Past due.
They've got the package? Yes, sir.
Matt? Sir? I'm wrappin' out tomorrow morning.
Turn your back.
Get him on the line.
Wish you the best for the rest of your career, soldier.
Whatever that may be.
Is the team all right? Jonas is back, right? Leave your creds on my desk.
Got the CIA director of covert ops for you.
We've got a woman.
We got a woman that says she's CIA.
Deep, deep under out there.
She's been there how long? Crash co's a day off, snake doc.
Your call.
Roger that.
What day is it, firefly? Tuesday? Tuesday is yesterday, friend.
I've been sick.
They gave me a shot.
Why'd you come here? I knew you'd be here.
I knew this safe house.
What-what chance- How long you been under? Who's your station chief? Work for langley.
You've been living undercover for more than 2 years? What brings you here today, firefly? And if you're wrong, you know you're the one to go first.
She don't care if she's the first to go, boss.
She came dressed for the prom.
And what are you doing here with all this boom-boom on your body? Huh? Huh? What are the explosives for? If they found me out- What, you're going to blast your way out of an entire country? No, i I thought i'd take them with me.
Girl hates to travel alone, you know? Sam, do you remember this? George Washington fighting the Iraqis.
What's that? When sam was in my class, when he was the star of my class- Did George Washington actually fight the iraqis? How's jonas doing? He back to full duty? - You cleared him.
- Did i? I suppose i did.
- Was it before his time? - Not according to him.
Gerhardt, you still with us? Yeah.
Sam fell off the swing set at home.
And where are his parents? Still trying to locate 'em.
Benton, Samuel, Did they have iraqis in George Washington's time? It was the french and indian war.
It was actually the Iroquois, but that's how sam wrote it down: Iraqis.
When he was much younger.
Was he accident prone then, too? in the last 6 months.
Does that hurt, son? Yes.
Can you move your hand? Mmm.
What brings you in, firefly? That's the message.
The message i stole from their leader.
That's where they're taking them.
They're taking them on a bus to the airport.
Men-men on the bus, they're- send- They're sending 'em on a bus.
men-on a bus.
The bag.
Bring the bag over here.
Whatever it is, she risked her life to bring it in.
Attention to orders.
Your mom's a little late.
In this evolution, we shall have 1- playing with the new baby, and 2-chinese food.
Where's Lissy? In her room with Cj.
It's not so far away.
No, Lissy.
It's not.
And i'm going to call you everyday.
Cj, you can stay.
I told my mom i'd be home.
And i will call you.
How you doin', darlin'? It's her first change of station.
Well, i've got some bad news.
There are 2 things you will not be able to do, make your bed and clean up your room.
I am going to let corporal smith finish the festivities, as he has done many more than i.
Radius and ulna, green stick break.
The parents? Not at home, we called.
He get it falling off a swing? How well do you know the boy, Tiffany? I had him in third grade.
Third grade? Why'd he come to you? Well, he's always- I was just always the one he sought out.
I was more than just a teacher to him.
He's a special kid, bill.
Always loved Tiffany.
special kid.
What do you know about the parents? Both in.
Mom's an e-4, dad's an e-5.
Kid needs someone to talk to.
Something he can't tell his parents.
How do we know? He came to you.
He will, i would think, come back to you.
- Can you- - Someone needs to talk to the parents.
He voted for you because he trusts you.
Now, you need to keep an eye on him and let him know.
Sure, if we had counseling, but we don't have counseling for kids on the base.
And so, of course, the job falls to you.
Tiffy and Mac are leaving the unit.
Leaving the base.
Ah, yes.
That's right.
I was an army brat like you, darlin', but differently from you.
We lived on 5 bases by the time i was 10, and i learned, and you will learn the following, which will both surprise and delight you.
When you reach the new base, you will find you are still at home.
How about that? And here's the real kicker, now.
When you get married- Tiffy? Where's the- Where's the- Where's mom? She's out with Molly.
You hungry? You will, i'm going to bet you $5.
00 now, marry and/or both be a soldier yourself.
And continue moving base to base, and curiously, always be at home.
Man won't sell you his life, but he'll trade it to you for a little piece of ribbon.
How do you walk with all that trash on your chest? I don't know.
I ain't done it in years.
Are you sure you want to go? 'cause you change your mind, the colonel will tear up your transfer and kill the fatty calf.
I'm sure he would.
Then, don't go.
You are asking the wrong member of my marriage.
What you readin'? The bible.
Looking for a name for our son.
Well, bible's a good place to look.
Hair clippers.
Any regrets? Regrets are for the air force, ma'am.
I am a ranger.
Want me to do that for you, or is that too Samson and Delilah? No, i am not shortening my locks because of delilah, and i am not shortening them because of my wife, Tiffany.
It's called change of station.
And when it's time, it's time.
Best husband in the world's a military man.
Your wife is a lucky woman.
Is that so? Didn't i just say it? We'll be by in the morning to see you off.
Pakistan, arabic.
The guards got received ration share dosage.
Guards received each- Syriatah.
Last word is syriatah.
There's several ways you can spell it, colonel.
It's not an arabic word.
If it's not ulu, it's- Spell it.
It's a trade name.
It's a trade name for a medicine.
Guards received dosage of It's a medical trade name for- Oh, here it is.
It's an immunization.
What's the immunization for? I need dr.
Muhammad Shizeh, ex-world health, retired.
Brussels, Paris, code word river front.
Countersign: fairfield.
Yes madam.
They want the book back, and the girl.
We're taking her out of here.
It's biologic.
It's a biologic attack.
Hey, firefly.
How are they going to spread the disease? It's a disease.
But how? The tour group.
That's how they're spreading it.
It's 20 human bombs.
Colonel, it's the chief of staff.
Yes, sir.
It appears to be a biological attack.
Terrorist self-inflicted with some disease presumably contagious.
They're planning to spread the disease through human contact.
We believe they've already infected 10 to 20 individuals.
No, sir, we do not know the exact nature of the disease.
Muhammad Shizeh, he's home, in paris, 0900.
shizeh? "Catherine Black speaking, from River front organisation.
I met you " in fairfield, connecticut.
Yes, sir.
I have a trade name for a medication, an immunization going back 40, 50 years.
My question- What disease- Lord.
Yeah, it's a case for a tactical attack.
Go to pinnacle.
Have them scramble the air force.
Pinnacle? Dog patch 6, repeat, dog patch 6.
We request potshot, repeat, potshot.
Bravo, quebec, 00242321.
Are you calling in an air strike? CIA has located Ahzmeh tours.
NSA find air connections in the name of Ahzmeh tours.
This date, 1600, lima.
Party of 19 tourists connected from Lahore to New Deli.
The closest airfield which can accommodate a 20 pax plane is Keriapur.
CIA requests we eyeball and identify the target for an air strike.
So, let him get on the plane, and then take it out? That's right.
Go for pinnacle.
Yes, sir.
The men to eyeball the bus for an air strike.
The package will be airborne by that time.
Your equipment is down? How long is your hold? No, sir.
That is outside the window.
You want my men to what? Put the bus on the ground.
Delay the bus.
No, sir.
I will neither instruct nor advise my men, and i wouldn't do it if i was standing at his elbow.
You can be the proud parent of this operation, or you can get the hell off my phone.
Snake doc? Snake doc.
Mission shift.
Get ready, em.
Mission shift.
Air force fast mover came up blank? Fast mover didn't come up blank.
It's political.
Men on the ground is deniable.
F-16 is not.
Snake doc, that bus has got to cease to exist.
Negative, i do not have that ordinates for you.
The air force is on break.
You're the man on the ground.
I understand.
No ordinates, air scout's on break.
No, sir.
and i already got too many points on my license.
Snake doc out.
Boss? Mission has shifted.
You will exfill the girl and the package as per the fallback plan.
Your team, mr.
We got a busload of infected tourists to New Delhi.
From New Delhi outbound to London, Chicago, Madrid.
Busload of tourists? That's right.
What are they bringing with them? They ain't bringing nothing 'cause we're going to have a little talk.
But what are they planning on bringing? You've all had your small pox shots? - Uh-huh.
- She hasn't.
She's been under since before the '04 immunization mandate.
Got to get her some help.
Look, let them fly in to Lahore, boss.
Let the air force deal with them once they're there.
By then, they will have spread the disease.
We'll turn them over to pakistani security.
Half of them's Al Qaeda.
No, we're going to stop them here.
Show me.
One road to Keriapur airstrip.
Flying out in- There, that's where they're going to be.
I'm going to run them off the road and go from there.
Move your team out.
Put her out.
You got a plan? I always got plan.
You got a plan to meet up with the team for exfill? Send the kid after me.
"The 1921 smallpox a- strand is indicated by the prescribed immunization hyperperdroxy teradrine, trade name: asyriatham.
We are aware of that.
I've got relatives in Chicago.
Many people do.
I say it's a disgrace.
And i say it with you.
What are the army children supposed to do? For help-for help outside the family.
What are the children supposed to do? Who do they go to? We've got money for every half-baked, foolish study on the earth and nothing for our children.
Who can they turn to? Their teachers.
Gerhardt? How long are you going away for? Now, Sam.
The army, as you understand it, controls and must control the movement of troops.
But how long are you going away for? This isn't your first base.
And it isn't mine either, and we've been reassigned.
You understand that.
Now, this is my number and should you, at any time, need help- everybody needs help or someone to talk to- someone a little bit more senior.
He fell off the swing set in the backyard? That's right.
There isn't a swing set.
Someone to talk to in addition, of course, to your mother and your father.
My father beats me.
Where's mom? She is out with aunt Molly.
Stressful circumstance moment.
You want something to eat? Dad? Nobody forced you to join the army.
Look at all these forms.
Drive anybody insane, but i didn't join the army to do homework, did i? I joined the army because that's where the big money was.
Till they took away my clothing allowance and my combat pay.
Now, i don't know about you, but i wonder if i'm going to like this new base.
Why are we moving? We're going to be near the beach.
Near your grandparents.
But why? I've done this a long time, baby.
But you love this job.
And i promised your mama a change.
Now, you wouldn't want me to break my promise, would ya? - Daddy? - Yeah.
Are you always strong? Nobody's always strong.
Gerhardt was the young boy's teacher 3 years ago.
He came to her first, but they were always close.
His parents? I do not know.
We brought him home and he He said that his father beats him.
His father broke his arm? He said that he fell from a swing set.
When we brought him home, he changed his story and said that his father- His father beat him.
His father's not here now.
- He came to your ms.
Gerhardt- - That's right.
Because You sit here, baby.
I'm going to go get you a few things, ok? I should have tried here first.
I don't understand.
You should have tried here first? Sam lives here.
No, he's been living with his aunt the last 6 months.
You're sure he doesn't live with his father and mother? I don't see how he could.
The last 6 months they've both been on deployment in Iraq.
Everything's fine.
The complaint is against his father.
His father is in Iraq.
I'm designated legal guardian in their absence, and god forbid, in the event of their death, i am his legal guardian.
His father didn't break his arm.
How did he break his arm? He's been in the emergency room - He's a boy.
he- - Is he getting counseling? - Counseling? - From the army.
Counseling for children from the army? How long have you had this job, sir? His parents have been on deployment for the last 6 months.
Now, since their deployment- Where's his discharge from the e.
, please? Sir.
I don't know what army you think you're talking about, but Sam! Low on gas? Hello.
No deposit, no return.
How's the girl? Just holding on.
You got her? Snake doc, snake doc, snake doc.
We're kind of persona non grata down there.
We're gonna have a party coming on at rikki tik.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I see 'em.
Snake doc out.
You got a real name, firefly? Ask me at stateside.
Lose the beard in 3 hours.
We're staying.
- You wanted to move.
- That's right.
We're staying because of one kid.
You tell me who they're going to turn to when there ain't nobody there but me.
I'm staying for all of us.
So, what was George Washington doing fighting the Iraqis? I guess they were just on different sides.
Sometimes you just got to take sides.
Yeah, good idea.
You can go to work now.
Welcome home, sir.
What? I said, welcome home!
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