The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon (2023) s02e01 Episode Script

La Gentillesse Des Étrangers

My name is Daryl Dixon.
I went out looking for something.
How did you come to be in France?
A bunch of bad decisions.

We've been waiting for you.
You're the messenger.
Paris, that's a straight shot.
GENET: The whole endeavor scuttled.
Because of one American?
Most of the city
is under the control of Genet.
ISABELLE: The Guerrier are
overtaking the city.
There's no one else who can
take him to the nest safely.
- CAROL: Hey, Daryl.
- You sure you're okay?
came back.
CAROL: I'm looking for a friend of mine.
Name's Daryl Dixon.
LOSANG: We need you.
DARYL: It isn't my fight.
Sometimes, when a person leaves home,
he comes to find
he belongs someplace else.



Could've gotten one more.
I lost my footing.
'Cause you backed up.
You never back up.
I'll never be as good as you.

It's only been two weeks.
Père Jean believed they still had souls.

You miss him, huh?
Père Jean?

Yeah, but I like it here.

Home is wherever
the people you love are.
That's what the kids told me
back when we stayed at that school.
GILBERT: Laurent!
And, uh, you should head back, as well.
Losang would like to speak with you.


LOSANG: We've received
a troubling report from Paris.
Our camp, which was being
rebuilt, was raided by Pouvoir,
and three of our people were captured.
Martin Fournier,
Fallou Boukar and Emile Thibaut.
You know these people, Sister Sylvie?
Um, Emile is, um is my friend.
He and Fallou helped us
get out of Paris.
Genet will use them in hopes
of locating us here.
Do they know our precise location?
I don't believe so.
But we can't be certain.
Mathis, your scouts are on the way?
I hope to have a report soon.
And until then, what? We do nothing?
We have to save them.
We will.
We need to be patient.
Patience won't work.
If Genet can't get anything from
them, she'll just kill them.

We'll do everything we can.
With caution.
Daryl, why don't you stay?


You think it's a mistake, not
sending a team in right away.
Genet's ruthless.
You wait, and they die.
Well, I act impulsively, we all die.
So I have to act prudently
for the greater good.
That sometimes means resisting the urge
to go on the offensive.
Sometimes you gotta be willing
to throw the first punch.
Well, I'd prefer to throw the last one.
This is a thangka.
It's a Buddhist way
of recording and teaching.
It takes many years
for the work to be acceptable.
[SIGHS] I'm still a beginner.
How long are you intending to stay here?
I don't know.
How long is it gonna take you
to find me another ride?
Well, it's hard to know for sure. A bit.
I'll stay till then.
But in exchange, I'll need
to ask something from you.
You've been training Laurent.
Yeah. Yeah, to defend himself.
It's become a distraction.
Laurent is meant for much more.
More than staying alive?
Yes, actually.
Maintaining empathy.
I worry about the impact
of repeated violence on him.
No offense.
None taken.
Everyone here has a place.
If they choose to seek it out.
I hope you'll find yours here, too.



He wants me to stop training Laurent.
He says I'm too violent.
I think you do what's necessary,
even when no one else
is willing to do it.
Especially then, in fact.

Maybe what Losang means is that,
now that we're here,
he needs something else from you.

I don't know if this is
the place I'm supposed to be.

You don't think you could be happy here?
Do you?

Yeah. I think I could.

Well, I keep thinking about
all the people I left behind.

Wondering if they're
still thinking about me.


I'll bring you precious contraband ♪
And ancient tales from distant lands ♪

I'm a friendly.

Betrayal and conspiracy ♪
Buddy of mine got this bike
from you guys.
Thought maybe you could help fix it.
You Mick's lady?

Yeah, well, I don't know
too much about bikes, so, uh
What about the guy
that had it before Mick?
Is Is he around? Maybe he can help.

Hey, guys!
Y'all know who, uh,
had that bike before Mick?
GRADY: Yeah.
It was that guy
who got mixed up with Juno.
Oh, yeah.
What was his name?
What an asshole.
[CHUCKLES] Yo, Grady.
Hand me that tire.

Asshole or not,
can he fix a transmission?
Hell if I know.
Do you know where he is?
I mean, we really need
to have this thing looked at.
JONES: Lots of guys come through here.
They work, and they moved on.
Probably best you do the same.
Eh, he was a piece of shit anyway.

Don't move.
Easy now. Keep your hands down.

You gonna shoot, bitch?
- Hold on! Let me see.
- What the hell?!
- I gotcha.
Lady, are you crazy?
Where is he? Where is my friend?
We don't know! I swear! Jesus!
Suit yourself. I got five
more of these things.
What the fuck? Aah!
My fucking nose!
Shit, she broke my nose.
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa.
Where is he?
He got into it with our brother.
[GROANS] They got themselves
thrown on a goddamn boat.
A boat?
To where?
To France, okay?
You really want to mess with me?
It's not bullshit.
He bought himself
a free European vacation.
With who? Who owns the boat?
Some French guys came looking
for American walkers.
Yeah, we rounded 'em up,
paid us, end of story.
Those guys coming back?
Listen, it's the only boat
we've seen in years.
The boatyard is a few miles north.
You can go check it out yourself.
DREW: Too bad about your tire.

That yours?

Don't follow me.

About a mile up the road,
there's an old Dodge.
Your buddy Mick is in the trunk.
He's probably got about
an hour's worth of air left.
Give or take.




Because I had to be free ♪
I've been to paradise ♪
Sooner or lat ♪
MAN: We are going to breathe in
compassion and forgiveness.
And breathe out fear and suffering.
Start by centering yourself.
Now take a deep breath in
and out.
- Listen to your breath.
Each one is a reminder
that you are here.
And you are okay.
Simply brush any negative thoughts aside
as you bring awareness
back to your breath.
- As you exhale
- Ow.
- moment of peace.












Somebody help!
Quiet! You're gonna draw them.
It's a very secure perimeter.
What are you doing,
snooping on my property?
Look, I-I don't want any trouble.
I-I crashed my car.
Do you have a first-aid kit?
This isn't urgent care.
I realize you have no reason to help me,
but you seem like
a really nice person,
and I'd like to think that,
even still

we can rely on the kindness
of strangers.

You alone?
You swear?

I'll get you fixed up.
Then you go.

One false move, I will shoot you.

What's your name?


I'm Carol.

What's that?
Problems with my generator.
It happens from time to time.


Ever hit a walker with your car?

You're lucky.
I think I smashed the radiator.

You can spend the night here
if you want.

No use hoofing it now.
Come on.
You can stay out here in the barn.






You okay?
Yes. Fine.

Alright, you can sleep in there.
You fly that thing?
The noise attracts the dead,
but it's worth it,
just to get up above everything
for a little while every day.
Here you go.



Thank you.
Is there any chance you could
help me with my car today?
Where is it?
I crashed it about a half mile
down the road
at the the drive-in.
I can take a look this afternoon.
When I take my plane up at 3:00,
I'll look for abandoned cars
for parts to fix it up with.

I hope I'm not keeping you.

What do you mean?
I'm just guessing you have
better things to do
than to fly around here
looking for car parts.
I never venture too far.
But you could go anywhere.
I have everything here.
Damn it.

Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.











When skies are gray ♪
How much I ♪
Please don't take my sunshine away ♪
- Shit.








ASH: What the
What the hell did you do?!
Please let me help.

I can finish up.
I Please, just let me do it.

What were you thinking?
You had no right to come in here!
I'm so sorry. Nothing
happened to the grave.
Nothing happened?
Are you fucking kidding me?

Please just let me clean it up.

Then get out.


All the bodies are outside
the perimeter now.

I was curious.
About you.
That's not an excuse.
I just thought if I knew you better,
maybe we could become friends,
and that's something that I
that I've been missing.
A friend.
Friends aren't what I miss.
Once I'm finished cleaning up,
I'll be on my way.
His name was Avi.
Avi Patel.
My boy
He was 7 when he died.
April 19th, 8:23 am.
That's when you come here.
I sit with him every morning.
I sit.
And I apologize.
For what?
For letting him wander off.
For not being able to save him.
For not protecting him like a
a parent is supposed
to protect their child.
So, when he died
I made a place for him here.
To keep him safe.
His mom left when he was a baby, so
it was all up to me.

Avi loved planes.
About a month after he died,
I came across this
crashed Beechcraft in a nearby field.
It felt like a sign.
So I brought it back,
one piece at a time.
I found some manuals, and I figured out
how to put it back together.
You don't want to leave him.
That's why you fly around here.
It was never about going
anywhere in particular.
Just up
high enough so that when I look down,
I can almost trick myself
into thinking the world is
still the same.


Hey, um, I'm just about finished here.
You know, if it's okay with you,
I'll head out in the morning.
I'm about to sit down for dinner,
if you would like to join me.
I'd like that.

ASH: Come in.

Oh. You allergic?
They represent hope, you know.
Yeah. I know.
DARYL: This rose started to grow
right where the mother's tears fell.
I believe this one
bloomed for your little girl.

Where will you go, anyway?
Anyone waiting for you?
Oh. Sorry.
Not my business.
Oh. That's okay.

I was married.
His name was Ed. It was a
difficult marriage
right from the get-go.

Then our daughter, Sophia, came along.
It's funny, life.
How something so bad can lead
to something so good.

So, where's she now?


Right before the world
turned upside down, um
Ed took Sophia to visit
his aunt in Europe.

I'd never been to
a foreign country before.
Didn't even have a passport.
Here's Sophia, barely 12,
just flitting around France
with her dad.

And then, uh
when everything happened, I

tried to reach her.

Bunch of times, and, uh
never heard from her.

You don't need your car fixed.
You want me to fly you to France
to find your daughter.

So you lied to me.
If you knew Avi was out there,
wouldn't you do anything,
whatever it took, to find him?

But he's not.


I heard Mathis got word back.
Genet's transporting them
from Maison Mère
to another facility in a few days.
Mathis's team will intercept
the transport.
I'm gonna go with them.
I understand you want to help,
but we're a pacifist movement.
We resist violence.
Same here.
When I can.
This is a jo.
We use it training for aikido.
I'm not using it as a weapon.
I'm using it to prepare in case
I might need a weapon.
When you wanna punch back?
There's a time and a place
for everything.

Bring our people here safely.
All right.
Care to go a round?
Not with that toothpick.


I would do anything to find Avi.
I mean, what parent wouldn't?
But that's not the question.
The question is, would
you search for him?
Would you give up everything to look
for somebody you haven't met?
If there was a hope of
finding them alive, then
We're talking about flying
a plane across the ocean,
with no communication,
no weather forecast,
no idea what's waiting
on the other side.
It was my only option.
I couldn't do nothing.
Why now?
What changed?

Couldn't keep waiting.
Feeling stuck.
I had to move forward. I had to try.

Hop in.
We have work to do.

ASH: I think we should head
north, hugging the coast,
and pit stop in Greenland maybe
minimize our time over the open sea.
We could switch out
the ethanol tanks there.
How are we gonna get enough
for such a long trip?

You made all this?
I've got a lot of time on my hands.

Where do you even start to look?

I have an address for Ed's aunt,
where they were staying.
Start there.
What if she's still there?
Wouldn't that be amazing?
I have to remind myself
there's a chance she won't be.
She may not even still be alive.
Yeah. But she could be.
I'm glad you still have that.

Got the other fuel line connected.
You sure you want to do this?
Well, yeah.
Then we don't have to stop and refuel.
No, I mean the whole thing.
Leave this place? Leave Avi?
When Avi died, I didn't
leave the house for months.
Then when I did
I found the plane.
It saved me.
If you're not moving forward,
then you're dying.

Convoy should be here shortly.
First truck will trigger the explosion.
Just enough to blow out
their front tires.
Elodie and Winston will
keep the first vehicle busy
while we go to the transport truck.
That's where our people will be.
We get in, we get out as one.
Got it?
Got it.

We should move the ceremony up.
We still have work to do.
You'll never win them over.
Certainly not the American.
We have time.
The boy's not ready.
He's not?
Or you're not?

We're not.


ASH: Storm's coming in fast.
Let's get the plane loaded
quickly and get inside.
All right.
You know, I often wonder,
if Avi were still alive,
would he be obsessed with planes,
or would he have moved on
to something else?
- Well
- How about Sophia?
What do you think she's into now?
I don't know.
I do wonder.
You think you'll recognize her?
So much I don't know.
Soon, maybe you will.


Damn it, the ethanol!


The plane's gonna catch.
We got to fly outta here!
Can we just move it?
No, we gotta go.
Let's go!


Shit. It didn't blow.
We should abort!
What are you doing?!
- Dixon!

- Let's go!
- Alarm! Alarm!

ASH: Let's go!
you're gonna do this.
I've never been up
in one of these before.
We're gonna have to clear a path.
There's no time.
Grab the tow bar.

Thank you. Thank you.
Yeah, let's get you home, buddy.


I should have known.

Angels always send
their most vicious demon
to do the dirty work.

And here you are.


MAN: Dixon, come on!

ASH: Carol!

Let's go, let's go.

ASH: Just center yourself.
Take a deep breath in.
And out.

There's nothing to be afraid of up here.



Maybe that's all it was.
Something that just kept you going.
Two of us together,
it's safer.
CAROL: I'm pretty good
at taking care of myself.
Laurent's missing.
DARYL: Someone took him.
I need your help.
People are gonna talk.
CAROL: What do you want?

It's only by risking everything
can we find
the true meaning of faith.
DARYL: What happens if you're wrong?

WOMAN: Slate.
Can you guys talk about
bringing Carol back
for the second season?

Hey. What's up?

I love you.
And I love you, too.

NICOTERO: I love you, too! Don't go!
It was interesting when we were
wrapping up "The Walking Dead",
because at that point,
we left Carol and Daryl in a good place
so that you would believe
that if anything were to happen,
she would be the one that
would go out looking for him,
which is what we did.
We're supposed to,
like, keep it a secret.
- Yeah.
- So I was just holed up in a hotel room.
- Oh, yeah, I was
- For six weeks.
I was visiting the Eiffel Tower,
- I was going to restaurants.
- [LAUGHS] Right.
I'm happy that you're here.
- Aaaah!
Where is he?
They got themselves thrown
on a [BLEEP] damn boat.
A boat? To where?
[GROANS] To France, okay?
It's been great being
able to have Melissa know
that she's here and she's playing Carol.
Just getting to see Norman
again, period.
You know, it's fun.
I'm here to bring these two
characters together again.
To Carol, Daryl is home.
He is the longest-running
person in her life
since this all started.
And I think she feels
a little lost without him.
I keep thinking about
all the people I left behind.
Wondering if they're
still thinking about me.
The title of episode one is
"La Gentillesse Des EÉtrangers".
That translates as
"The Gentleness of Strangers".
In the show itself,
Daryl has been a stranger in a
strange land from the beginning,
so there is a sense of sort of strangers
venturing out into the world.
And specifically, though,
that's a line of dialogue
that we hear from Carol
to this man who becomes a friend, Ash.
I'd like to think that even still,
we can rely on the kindness
of strangers.
Carol's hoping
that she's gonna be
able to find somebody
who can help her in her journey
to figure out what's happened to Daryl.
So that's where that title
sort of evolved out of.

Carol is a character,
in the history of the show,
we've seen undergo a lot
of grief and a lot of trauma,
and a lot of that is unresolved.
You know, when things get quiet enough,
those unresolved issues start
to bubble back up.
And I think that's really
what happened for Carol
when Daryl left and it got
quiet at the Commonwealth.
And I think a big part of this
trip is to resolve those issues.
She thought she had come to
terms with the death of Sophia,
and she had in so many ways.
And her fight for survival
is is a tribute to Sophia,
and it always has been.
NICOTERO: The season two episode
where Sophia comes out of the barn
I remember when we shot it.
I remember everything about it.
MCBRIDE: It was fascinating to me
because those emotions were right there.
And then the challenge
of keeping it present,
even with the light effects,
like she is still standing there
and this is only going on in her head,
and yet we're playing it physically,
was a bit of a challenge.
- And action!
- Sophia!
NICOTERO: And I re-created
the same shots
that we had done
on the season two episode.
It was really fun and definitely
took me back to that moment
in a really good way.
Alright, here we go. And fan!
NICOTERO: After spending six
episodes solely based in France,
201 is mostly based
in the United States.
It was a challenge because
we shot it here in France.
So being a farm that looked like
a farm that would have been in,
you know, New England
created a lot of unique hurdles.
We're talking about flying a plane
across the ocean with no communication,
no weather forecast,
no idea what's waiting
on the other side.
It's my only option.
I couldn't do nothing.
Introducing air travel
in this post-apocalyptic world
feels super profound
and powerful in this environment.
And getting a plane
like this in the sky,
to fly over the ocean, is a huge task
because this plane can't even
hold enough fuel to get there.
ZABEL: We did a lot of research on this,
and we talked to experts on aviation.
And, you know,
it's possible exactly the way
that it plays out in the show,
but it's unlikely,
and there are lots of pitfalls
along the way that
that you could fall into.
So just the logistics of that alone
are a big leap of faith for Carol.
She's done a lot of scary things,
but she's never gotten on a plane.
And that's a little intimidating.
And for Ash, he has found a way
to exist by himself
and be relatively happy
with the memory of his child.
That's a big leap of faith for
him to leave what he's built,
and to leave all the things that
represent his memory of his son.
That's a tough one.
MAN: Silence, s'il vous plaît!
- One, two
three, four!
NICOTERO: We needed a big finale,
and one of the things
that we talked about was,
well, they gotta drive the
plane through the walkers
to get to the runway.
CAROL: Can't we just move it?
ASH: No. We gotta go now!
I have a little bit of
experience flying a plane.
I've flown a plane twice,
a long time ago,
so I had some familiarity
inside the cockpit.
NICOTERO: I wanted one gag
where Carol gets attacked by a walker
and swings it into the
spinning propeller blade.
My little Indiana Jones homage.
Then it comes time for them to take off.
With Sébastian, our stunt coordinator,
I said, "Well, how can
we do this and be safe?"
And he said, "Oh, no, it'll be fine.
We'll just have the stunt people
get hit by the wing and fall down".
I never would have imagined
that we would have been able to do that,
but the stunt team did a fantastic job
of keeping everybody safe
and giving us some
really spectacular footage.
It all looked great.
There's nothing to be afraid of up here.

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