Thunder in My Heart (2021) s02e01 Episode Script


-Where did Sigge go?
-I think she's a bit drunk.
I'm a bit drunk too.
Yeah, you don't get how big they are.
It's two types. One is a bit smaller.
-Sigge, are you okay?
Are you sure?
Yes, I'm just talking to Mum.
Yeah, I'll do it after work.
Yes, of course.
Yeah, I'll sort it out.
Do you know how much it costs to
But please. Yes, send the money.
Pay me back for all I've paid for you
in the last year.
What do you mean, weird?
It's not weird, is it?
What the hell does Sam
have to do with this?
I didn't bring him up. You
Yeah, sure. Whatever. Bye.
You have to stop calling her.
He's down there.
She's got a lot of other things to
deal with, then comes menopause.
You scared me.
Here you are.
I've told you a thousand times
that I can make my own breakfast.
But still, thank you.
Sure, just eat.
What are you doing?
-I'm looking for a shoe that I
-One shoe?
Yes, I don't know where it has
Look, how lovely she was.
Do you remember
her stuffed vine leaves?
But I just ate the stuffing.
"You can't throw food away!"
No, it costs money.
You don't have to
come here every morning.
I'm feel fine now.
Do you want me to help you carry
stuff up?
No, we're fine.
But thanks, Mum.
Darling, you know
that you can always move home. Okay?
I really hope I won't.
That would mean we've broken up.
-Don't say that. I makes me anxious.
-Please stop it.
It wasn't Come here.
-I love you.
-I love you.
-You're number one.
I love you. Bye, number two.
-Bye darling. We'll talk later. Hugs.
-Bye. Yes.
What are you thinking?
That I'm so glad that this happened.
And I know
that I don't really deserve it.
Yes. Stop it.
I knew this would happen.
-Did you know?
Okay. How?
Gut feeling.
Gut feeling?
Do you want to touch it?
Yes, maybe later.
-See you tomorrow.
Close your eyes.
No! Don't look.
There. Now you can look.
Oh, that's nice.
What is it? I can change it
if you don't like it.
It's just that Dad's already
bought me a rucksack.
But this one was very nice.
I can show it.
-It's this one.
-Wow, that looks great.
-It's so nice.
But you can have two.
Then you can decide which one to use
each day.
"I feel like this one today."
I'm sorry. He's not meant to be here
until in an hour.
My God.
Hello. You're early.
-Hi, Dad.
-It's okay that I'm early, right?
-But you should
It would be great if you could
stick to the agreed times.
Can we eat at McDonald's?
Of course we can.
Is Sigrid here?
But that's her shoes.
She must have forgotten them.
Bye, darling.
-Take care.
Bring him back at eight o'clock.
Yes, I know.
Thank you.
I'll wait a bit to make sure
they don't see me.
Are you okay?
Yes. Why?
You've been in there
for such a long time.
-Should we go?
Hi, Sigge. You're a bit But
Wait, I think the door is unlocked.
Sorry, just walk in.
Fourth floor.
Our names are on the door.
Yes, of course. Good. Thanks.
-Hi. Hello.
Thank you.
-Am I early?
No, not at all.
Okay, that's good.
Oh, wow. That's so
-Come in.
-Come in.
I'll take my shoes off.
-So I don't ruin your floor.
-Just put them there.
-Your place is so nice.
And a big sofa too.
-The cushions are so nice.
-Thanks. My dad designed the print.
Really? Damn!
Artist dad.
-That's fine.
-Whoops that's lovely.
-It's okay.
Fresh. God, this nice.
So this is where you sleep?
Is the bed 1.6 meters wide?
-Yes. Or, I think so?
Whoops. Yes, it is.
I have this little trick I do.
I've slept with guys who say
their bed is 1.6 meters wide.
And it's obviously 1.4 meters.
I'm the right height
to double check that.
So now I know
you're telling the truth.
A Les Clous Poulsard
from Domaine L'Aigle à Deux Têtes.
This will be
a symphony of flavours
a reviewer online said.
Anyway. Let's see.
-Let's see.
God. Wonderful.
But kind of cranberry? Or?
Yes, I can feel it too.
And a bit herby, right?
I think it's best to buy if you can,
in the long run.
It's saving in a way.
Everybody says the property bubble
has burst.
It's not so bad in the centre.
Nice, you got a girlfriend
and a house.
Girlfriend and a flat! Kerching!
-Two for one.
Yes, but I'm so happy here.
Yes, but it's true. Listen!
The doctor said:
It can go back and forth
between you and who you sleep with.
A tip of you get thrush all the time
and you don't know why.
It hasn't been a problem so far.
-No, well
-I didn't think you liked me.
-What? I was so clear.
-You weren't clear.
No, you just sent GIFs.
-Yes, but
-That's clear, right?
I was trying to be funny.
That's how I flirt.
-Flirting doesn't have to be good.
That's the lowest form
of conversation.
She's communication
with the nicest texts ever.
I think a guy at the warehouse
wants to fuck me.
Yes. Yes
Damn, that's nice, Sigge.
What's his name?
-What did you say?
Damn, that's nice. Great.
Antonia has applied
to train as a nurse.
I've always felt that I
want to deliver a baby.
I mean, grab the head and welcome it.
Sigge, are you okay?
Yes, I'm just talking to Mum.
One time didn't like
Couldn't you pay too?
-You sort of texted.
-Polyphonic ring tone?
Has something happened?
No, absolutely I was just
talking to Mum a bit.
She talked for a long time
about a lot of private things that
Okay, what did you want to say?
-Sigge, then we'll leave.
-No, wait!
-Can't we just talk for a bit?
-Sure, talk then.
-What is it?
I just want to say
that he's looking down at me.
-He's looking at me like this.
Do you get it?
He doesn't get that I feel fine.
I'm feeling so good.
And he thinks that I have lots
of problems with the cushions.
But I don't. I really don't.
It's been years since it was us.
-Well, one year.
Yes, exactly.
It was about a year ago.
And he can't let it go.
And he's thinking
that I'm having problems.
-But you might have a problem?
-No, I don't.
Good. Good, good.
He's like a brother to me.
I want my little brother to like me.
No. No, Sigge!
Ouch, my hand.
-Come here.
It's unpleasant.
-Have you thought about something?
They're having sex in this bed.
It's so weird to think about.
So weird to think about.
But the thought crosses your mind,
Are you wearing Louise's perfume?
What did you say?
Can't the two of us stay here
for the rest of the evening?
-We can get wine and sit here.
Hi, you've reached
Annika's answerphone.
I can't take your call right now.
Leave a message after the beep.
I'll call you back. Bye.
-Why didn't you reply to my text?
Oh? No, I hadn't seen it.
Wait, I'll have a look.
No, he's not meant to be back
for another half hour.
Oh, okay.
Sorry, I just got
a thought that Dad would kidnap him
or something.
No, he won't do that, Sigrid.
I just got a picture.
They're at McDonald's.
-Do you want me to send it to you?
-Yes, please.
Okay. Bye.
-Shit. Hello.
We haven't met.
-Uh No.
-I tried, before.
But you didn't respond.
Oh, okay.
Uh Yeah, Sigrid.
You're thinking that I'm William,
but I'm just called Ville.
No, I didn't think that.
Who do you know here?
I'm working with Sam.
At the youth centre.
I think that Sam
is trying to pair us up.
Or something.
I'm getting that feeling. Or
It feels that way.
Shall we go out to the others, maybe?
-Just to see what's up.
Yeah, I'll walk behind you.
-Ville needs a top up.
-I have a question.
When do you get the keys?
We got them today.
If you want to shower one
Or if you don't want to shower
the whole body.
You want to shower one leg.
You mean you want to protect
one of your legs against water?
Yes, exactly.
Yes, look at that. Thank you.
Long time, no see.
Gunnars doesn't exist anymore.
Is that so?
And the leg on top of that.
I've got an autoimmune illness.
Oh, shit. Damn.
Well, how are you?
I'm good. I'm really well. Truly.
It's just been a very strange day.
From the moment I woke up.
I had an awful nightmare.
Then the feeling just continued.
It's gone downhill since then. Ouch.
What? What did you dream?
Oh? I dreamt that I was in Turkey,
putting breast implants in,
And they weren't that big.
They were like now, but harder.
And I didn't even want the implants.
So, it was a very strange dream.
I'm pretty happy with the ones
I have. So, what does it mean?
Well, I don't interpret dreams,
I guess it's that you've ruined
your life.
That everything is burning down
and you're left with
severe anxiety.
-Severe anxiety?
Could that be it?
Hey, I know a method
for dealing with anxiety.
Have you heard of the 5-4-3 method?
Okay, do this.
-Close your eyes.
Get yourself to a safe place.
Mm Okay.
-Are you there?
-I don't know.
Okay, let's say you're there.
Think of five things
that you can see.
I can't see anything.
And then you think of four things
that you're hearing.
No, or I don't know
And three things that you're feeling.
Eh No.
I don't think I have a safe place.
Everybody has a safe place.
No, not me, apparently.
You can't bring him home this late.
Take it easy. My phone died
and I lost track of time.
How's your day been?
Have you had a haircut?
Your hair looks great.
You have to go now.
Are you drunk?
You can't have him at night.
My God
It was so dramatic that you had to
drag the family court in.
We're adults. Can't we solve this?
Your time with him is during the day.
I'm moving back to Stockholm.
We'll live in the same city, then I
can have him every other week.
Dad, are you going to sleep here?
No, because Mum is saying
that Dad has to go.
Good night, sweetheart.
Good night, Dad.
-Can I watch my iPad?
-Not now, darling.
-You're going to sleep now.
Good night.
Are you out?
The body was found 13 days later
in a nearby forest.
And by that time, the victim was
barely recognisable.
Which led to the police
asking themselves
Agneta? Agneta?
You've fallen asleep
with all the rabbits out.
And you've not blown the candles out.
Murders make me so sleepy.
Would you be sweet
and put them all in their cage?
-Like that.
You're a nice girl, Sigge.
I'm glad that you live here.
There would have been rabbit poo
everywhere otherwise.
-Oh, dear.
Oh, I'm sorry. God!
No loud noises after 10pm.
Hi. Has something happened?
Stefan scared me to death.
He came home with Benjamin now.
Okay. Good that he's home.
But now Stefan says he's moving back
to Stockholm.
He want's Benjamin every other week.
I don't want to hear about Dad
and what he says. I've told you.
Sorry, but I don't know what to
I have to sleep now. Bye.
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