Thunderbirds (1965) s02e01 Episode Script

Atlantic Inferno

'Thunderbirds are go! ' (Klaxon alarm) Your Ladyship, we can't thank you enough for coming all this way to open the pass.
It was my pleasure, Sir Harry.
The excitement was most welcome.
Will you join us for a celebration party? Very kind, but Parker will be waiting.
I want to return to my little farm.
I'll drive you down to the road in the jeep.
I D0 hope your project is a tremendous success.
Look, the 'dozers are already getting down to the job.
I'll say goodbye and thank you, Sir Harry.
Thank Y0U, Your Ladyship.
Next time, you must stay for a beer! Ahem! Sorry to hurry you, m'lady, but you did say you wanted to look at your sheep before retiring.
So I did, Parker.
I'm ready now.
So long, Your Ladyship.
Now, I must ring Jeff Tracy.
I have a little idea.
(Bleeps) Lady Penelope to International Rescue.
How's Australia, Penny? 'I've just blown up a mountain.
' WHAT? 'Don't worry! They're building a new road through the mountains.
'I'm now going on to my farm.
' I've got an idea to put to you, Jeff.
'What's on your mind? ' You haven't had a holiday in at least 18 months.
Yeah, but 'I think you should join me on my farm in Australia.
' I'll make certain that you're not disturbed and you can relax.
It's not that simple.
An emergency could happen at any time.
I've got to organise things here.
But we know the procedure, Dad.
I agree.
It's time you had a rest.
What is this? I don't need a rest.
'The boys agree with me.
'I'll expect you this evening.
I insist you come.
' How d'ya like that?! She cut me off! - She was thinking of you, you know.
- Yes, she was trying to help.
It was a great thought, but you understand the problems.
Now, if you'll excuse us, Tin Tin and I are about to play tennis.
Gordon, Brains It's not that I don't want to go.
There could be an emergency.
if that's what you all want! That's great, Dad.
I'll help my father to pack your bags.
Who's going to take your place, Dad? You're the eldest, Scott.
That's swell of you guys, but my job is to fly Thunderbird 1.
I'm still giving the orders.
I haven't gone yet, you know! Scott, you're next in line.
Virgil will pilot Thunderbird 2, and Gordon Thunderbird 4.
That only leaves you, Alan.
You mean, I've got to handle Thunderbird 1? Thunderbirds 1 and 3 together.
You'll control whichever craft is required.
Yes, you take over my old job! I'll just check things with John.
International Rescue from Thunderbird 5.
What's new, Father? 'Penny has persuaded me to join her in Australia for a break.
' It's about time, Dad.
Before I hand over to Scott, I want to ensure everything is 0K.
'Nothing much is happening.
'Except that the World Navy are on exercise in the Atlantic.
' Prepare to commence gyropedo tests.
Target vessel in red area.
If these new weapons work, they'll revolutionise undersea firepower.
Yes, sir.
0ur vessels will be able to attack fast and with power.
Right, put atom sub Reaper on standby.
She's adopting combat position now, - 0n course and steady, sir.
- 0K, dive! Opening two four and six, sir.
Tracy to Base Control.
Remember, Scott, to keep me informed.
'Relax, Dad.
I'll call if we have any problems.
' OK, Scott, so long.
I thought he would change his mind! You can understand him worrying - he's never left us alone, before.
what's your first decision? That's easy.
I contact John in Thunderbird 5.
'Thunderbird 5.
Come in, John.
' - Hi, Scott.
What's wrong? - 'Er nothing, John.
' Why the call then, Scott? I just wondered how things were.
'There's just the World Navy preparing their target shot.
' Alert all vessels in the vicinity and warn the Seascape rig.
(Radio) 'Seascape drilling rig, from World Navy flagship, Atlantic.
' Seascape here.
Receiving you five by five.
'About to commence target practice.
There could be some explosions.
' Really? Here, Dick, I'll take over.
Hello, Atlantic.
This is Frank Hooper, rig superintendent.
'I don't like the sound of that.
' All the explosions will be beneath the surface.
'There's no chance of any danger.
' I hope not! Ending transmission.
Darned navy! They always bellyache about the rigs in the area, but WE can't protest about their explosions.
Gyropedoes one and two at ready, sir.
Approaching radio-control target vessel, bearing seven five eight.
Away both.
Seek and destroy.
- Number one is off course, sir.
- Correct by remote, lieutenant.
Second strike, negative.
- Kill by remote.
- I can't, sir.
There's no response.
She's a maverick! - The missile exploded on the seabed.
- (Scott) 'What's the navy reaction? ' They're hopping mad, but there seems to be no danger.
Well, that's something.
'Yeah, but it caused havoc with the ocean.
'The Seascape says that the water's still boiling.
' Alert all personnel! All crew to storm stations! Amber alert.
(Klaxon alarm) Make fast anchors! Increase stabilisers! Raise the rig.
Bonga Bonga from Jeff Tracy.
Permission to land requested.
'Come in, Bonga Bonga.
' Bonga Bonga to Mr Tracy.
Her Ladyship's out with the sheep.
- 'What's she doing? Counting them? ' - She thinks that one's missing.
Are you kidding? There must be 200,000 sheep! her Ladyship can only find 200,006! '0K, Parker.
' - Is it clear for me to land? - 0h, perfectly, sir.
'I swept it out as soon as we got here.
' Great.
I'll be right there.
(Roar of jet engine) Ah, that sounds like Jeff.
I must have this sheep counter fixed.
It must be faulty.
(Bleeps) What is it, Parker? 'M'lady, Mr Tracy has landed.
' I'll come straight away, Parker.
- Ah, Penny! It's good to see you.
- Thank you, Jeff.
I'm so pleased you could get away.
Now, tell me all about the boys.
How are they? That reminds me, I'd better call them.
Jeff, you came here for a rest! Now, I'll let you make this one call, then you must promise me that you'll forget all about the island.
I'd be happier checking in.
Scott and the boys are probably in bed.
No, Scott will be awake.
(Bleeps) - 'Scott, how are things with you? ' - Great, Dad.
No problems.
I sent the boys to bed.
You never know when something might break.
Make sure you take some rest.
Good night, Dad.
Thunderbird 5, from International Rescue base.
'What's up, Scott? ' Just wondered how things were.
- All quiet.
- 'How about that atomic explosion? ' No problems there.
The sea's calmed down.
Well, Kravitz, the swell's settled.
Imagine those navy guys letting that happen! It's bad enough being here, without the navy sending us under! Hey, the weather computers are reacting.
I reckon there'll be a gale come sun-up.
What the? - It's like that atom explosion.
- Sound the alarms! (Klaxon alarm) Attention all stations.
Emergency! 'Fire-jet sighted, 30 miles west.
'I reckon a gas field has been blown! ' (Bleeps) - John, what's happening? - 'That explosion did do damage.
' How's that? 'Seascape has sent out an alarm call.
' A jet of fire is blazing near the rig.
- Are those guys in danger? - 'It's not certain yet.
' - Find out.
- '0K.
' I heard the emergency signal.
- Good.
What do you think? - It's too early to say.
Seascape from International Rescue.
International Rescue? You heard about this fire-jet, huh? 'Yes, what are the dangers? ' Can you give me complete details? I think the atomic explosion fractured the sea-bed.
The heat has taken a few hours to penetrate through to the gas field.
'What is the extent of the field? ' The gas pocket stretches 40 miles west.
- How real is the danger? - It's hard to estimate, Scott.
An explosion could trigger a tidal wave.
It's a terrifying thought, but do we get involved? That's up to you, Scott.
Y-you're in command.
Yeah I wonder what Dad would do? (TV Announcer) 'We now have a newsflash.
'A gas field in the Atlantic has been penetrated.
'A 200-foot fire-jet is threatening shipping.
'It is thought to be connected with an explosion during navy manoeuvres.
' Shall I wake Mr Tracy? You dare, Parker! Mr Tracy has come here to get away from problems.
It's 0K, Parker, I heard the newscast.
Oh, Jeff, I thought you were asleep! You can relax.
I'm not worried about that fire-jet, but Scott will keep a check on it.
He'll know this is N0T a job for International Rescue.
Brains, call the boys - this is a job for International Rescue! Thunderbirds are go! Base from Thunderbird 1.
Proceeding to danger zone.
'This is so different from Thunderbird 3! ' - Yeah, don't forget I want it back.
- I won't forget.
'I should be at the fire-jet soon.
' Virgil, Gordon, take pod 4 and the sealing device.
- Moving out now, Scott.
- 'FAB.
' It looks bad.
I hope they get here soon.
'Seascape, from Thunderbird 1.
Request landing permission on rig.
' You got it! Use the heliport.
Boy, this isn't going to be easy! Come on, Alan, get this machine down on an even keel.
I've landed in one piece, Scott.
'Virgil and Gordon are on their way.
' 'Alan has arrived at the danger zone.
What is your ETA? ' There, Scott, your first mission is underway.
Mr Tracy would be proud of the way you're handling the situation.
You're not suggesting that I call him, are you, Brains? (Tapping on door) - Jeff Jeff, are you awake? - Sure, Penny, come in.
You look like you've been up hours.
I guess that I have! I couldn't sleep for thinking about that fire-jet report.
You know Scott wouldn't risk International Rescue.
I think I'll call in, just to put my mind at rest.
You must relax.
Leave it to the boys.
You don't understand! You're a good father and you're naturally anxious.
Now, please, please relax, Jeff.
Will you do that, just for me? OK, Penny, you win! You're absolutely right.
I guess I am kind of tired.
Base, I'm at the danger zone, about to drop the pod.
'FAB, Virgil.
' Thunderbird 2 from Thunderbird 4.
release sealing device now.
Cutting buoyancy compensators.
Great! She's sinking.
- 'Submerging, Virgil.
' - FAB, Thunderbird 4.
'Any word from Gordon yet, Alan? ' No, Scott.
He's surveying the area.
- How does it look? - 'I'll have to go around the fire.
' Turn to position the sealing device ready for the drop.
'Commencing now.
' Releasing tow cable, and activating downward thrust outlets.
Firing rocket clamps now.
'Rocket clamps in position.
Now the compression valves.
' It's out! - Great! - FAB.
Return to Thunderbird 2 and base.
I'll see you there.
International Rescue stopped the fire from spreading.
I'm not sure.
The seismograph shows some violent waves.
- Well, we did it! - Yeah, you were great.
You didn't put a foot wrong.
You could take over Dad's job! (Bleeps) 'Scott, this is your father.
' - Hi, Dad.
- 'I've just seen the news.
' International Rescue capped that fire.
- 'It was a great success! ' - You should not have got involved! - Listen, Father - 'No, you listen to me ' International Rescue is not just there to put out fires.
It could have been a disaster.
'We can't afford to deal in chances.
I'm flying home now.
' How about that! Dad thought you made the wrong decision, but I thought you were right.
Are you really angry, Jeff? I'm not angry with Scott, Penny.
I'm just worried.
You upset him, you know.
I meant every word that I said.
Including flying straight home? - Sure.
- Then I think you're quite wrong.
You'll be making a big mistake.
You've made your point.
Scott won't go out on call unless it is absolutely vital.
I guess so.
Scott must run the show without any interference from me.
I'll call Scott and tell him.
Shall I put your bags in the plane? No, thanks, Parker.
I'm staying for a couple more days.
(Muttering) Hmph! You'd think some people would make up their minds! (Lady Penelope) 'Your father has decided to stay, after all.
' Thanks, Lady Penelope.
- So, you're back in control, Scott.
- Dad can't have been that angry.
Get International Rescue, fast! - We don't know their frequency.
- Just make the call! They'll pick it up.
(Bleeps) - 'The gas field has blown again.
' - Didn't the sealing device work? - 'This is another fire.
' - What gives, Brains? The first explosion must have moved some unstable rock.
Pockets of gas in the cavities must have been ignited by fires under the seabed.
So why hasn't the whole gas field gone up, like you said earlier? I guess the flame is travelling till it finds the next weakest point.
- That point could well be Seascape! - What can we do? Thunderbird 4 will have to fire strategic missiles to cause a fracture in the rock strata.
- To stop the fire spreading? - Why can't the navy do that? They don't have the right equipment.
So, we could seal out the gas field and save Seascape? - Yes.
- What are we waiting for? Hold on! The alternative is to let the navy airlift the crew and let the gas burn itself out.
We don't know how long it will burn.
So what? Ships can avoid the area.
This is not a job for International Rescue.
Boy, you've changed your tune! Sure.
That was before Dad had bawled me out.
No, it's my decision that normal methods of rescue are adequate.
International Rescue is not coming.
The navy are coming to take us off.
They can't get here for two hours.
Two hours! They must be 500 miles away.
Yeah, they are.
They moved position after the first fire.
- And the gas? - It'll be left to burn.
The rig! One of the supports has slipped.
You know what we've got to do.
Yeah, check the extent of the damage.
We'd better look at the other supports.
They might slip, too.
'Seascape's in trouble, Scott.
A support column has slipped.
'The fire's moving faster than we thought.
' - What about the crew? - 'They're going down in a sphere.
' It looks serious, Dick.
I can see at least six bolts sheared at the base.
Maybe, we could use the scuba gear to renew the bolts? Are you 0K, Dick? I guess so What happened? The sphere winch systems have been severed.
We're trapped.
We must hope that Control registered our position.
(Bleeps) 'We've a real emergency on our hands, Scott.
' 'Those two guys have become trapped.
' The drilling rig is obviously the next weakest point.
The fire will use the borehole as an outlet! This is it! International Rescue is the 0NLY hope for those guys.
Alan, get Thunderbird 1 out to Seascape! Thunderbirds 2 and 4 will be needed to rescue the men before the rig blows.
We can rescue the men on the rig, but what about the diving sphere? We can do nothing.
The sphere is tangled up in half a tonne of metal.
We could never shift that.
It's a job for International Rescue.
Base, from Thunderbird 1.
Approaching danger zone now.
I'll relay information to Thunderbird Hooper, what's happening? Don't worry, they'll soon have us out.
(Jazz blares out from radio) Parker, Mr Tracy is trying to rest.
Can't you lower the volume? Very well, m'lady.
(News Reporter) 'The Seascape rig is near to collapse.
'Two rig crewmen are trapped at the base of the rig in a diving sphere.
'International Rescue is on the scene ' There's a real emergency, Penny.
The boys need my help.
Will you get some coffee, Tin Tin.
Virgil, are you at the danger zone? 'Yes, I'm about to drop the pod.
' Gordon must work fast.
The fire could spread any minute! Let's face it, Hooper, they're never going to get us out.
Not with all that metal on top of us.
Take it easy, boy Take it easy.
- You're really determined to return? - I must.
There's a real emergency.
Very well, but I'm coming, too.
OK, Penny, but please hurry.
- How's it look, Gordon? - 'Pretty bad.
I'm going in closer.
' The navy are getting the crew off.
- How many more to go? - 16.
This is gonna take some time.
Mobile control to base.
'The problem is, Scott, we don't know how much time we've got.
' We must work as fast as we can.
(Gordon) 'The pressure and the damage has jammed the sphere hatch.
' What's the action then, Gordon? 'I'll need to cut the guide cables.
' OK, I'll tell base.
FAB, Alan.
Keep in touch.
'Hey! I felt movement then.
The rig's slipping! ' Alan, can you hear me? Come in! 'It's all right, but I'm worried about Thunderbird 1! ' Yeah, it could slip.
- How many more crew to airlift? - 'Six.
' Get your gear into Thunderbird 1 and operate from the air.
' Come on, baby.
Faster! Faster! Come on, baby.
Faster Faster! Alan, Thunderbird 1 is sliding.
Get her up! Fast! I'm clear of the rig.
Will hover in the danger zone.
' Thunderbird 1 from Thunderbird 4.
The cables are free.
- I'm going to shift the debris.
- 'FAB.
' What's happening to the rig? This wreckage will smash the craft to pieces! 'The rig is breaking up.
How long will you be? ' I'll let you know.
I'm going to try to haul the sphere free with the electromagnet.
What are they playing at? They'll bust this wide open! They're not gonna make it in time.
They're too late Turbulence near the rig! Get that last man off the rig, fast! Virgil, get clear! 'Gordon, the rig's gonna blow! Move fast! ' Gordon, are you 0K? - Gordon, are you 0K? - 'Just about, Virgil.
' The sphere is safely in tow.
Will you make ready with the grabs? You bring the sphere to the surface.
FAB, Virgil.
Surfacing now.
They did it! International Rescue saved us.
I thought we were dead for sure! Well done, Gordon.
You did a great job.
' I guess I'll have to wait for Virgil to collect me.
(Bleeps) - Alan, how did it go? - 'Everyone's fine.
'A few fires are shooting up, but they'll burn themselves out.
' All Thunderbird craft return to base! 'Estimated time of arrival, Tracy to base.
Permission to land.
'Permission refused.
Thunderbirds 1 and 2 are due back.
' Well, how do you like that? Scott is controlling things correctly, just as his father does when HE is on duty.
Well, boys, you did a swell job.

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