Too Hot to Handle: Brazil (2021) s02e01 Episode Script

Conquistadores do paraíso

[tense music playing]
[Lana] Hello, everyone.
I'm back.
[Bruna] She's back,
and she's got a new house.
She's rich! Rich!
This is nuts, check out this house!
I feel like I'm in paradise.
[Bruna] And she's got a team of hotties.
Check them out, jeez!
[Sandri] Let's kiss everybody!
[Bruna] These people hook up so fast!
What the fuck was that?
[Bruna] But nothing compares
to how fast hey run from commitment.
[man] Oh, my God!
You're gonna have to win me over.
At the right time.
I want tonight to be all about sex.
[Bruna] But their world will fall apart
when they find out
their dream vacation is in fact
a relationship class hosted
by the world's biggest cock-blocker!
[Lana] These acts are forbidden:
Kissing on the lips.
[Lana] Heavy petting.
[Lana] WG, are you happy I'm here?
Lana, if I wanna chafe, I'm gonna chafe.
Just try and stop me.
[Bruna] But will they be on the same page?
I admit it. I spent the money.
-Can I speak?
-[Khiara] Make it short.
[WG] It's not about the money, man.
It's the lack of consideration.
Fuck you!
[Bruna, chuckling]
Yeah, that answered my question.
No joking around. It's risky.
[Bruna] Either they learn
to have deeper relationships…
No one can control me.
[Bruna] …or they see
the 500,000 reais prize
decrease every time
they get too horny to think.
[Lana] The prize is now at zero reais.
Paradise turned into hell.
[Bruna] With all that money at stake,
they quickly go from being turned on
to being pissed off.
[tense music builds]
You're not in a position
to say that to me.
I'll give you a reason to cry.
[Isadora] So we're fighting.
Fuck it.
If you won't listen, I won't talk.
What the fuck are you saying?
Control your emotions.
[crying] I'm totally devastated.
You screwed everything up.
I'd just like to apologize, man.
[crying] I never meant
to disappoint anyone.
[Sandri] I can't believe this.
[Bruna] They need to decide
if they want to have a real relationship…
I really changed for the better.
[WG] I really connected with you.
[Ivan] I'll prove that
what I feel for her is real.
[Bruna] …or if it'll still be…
This party became a funeral.
[Bruna] …Too Hot To Handle.
I'm in shock.
[tense music playing]
[Lana] The dry spell season
has started again.
In here, you can't have
any physical interaction
that aims at sexual pleasure.
[Bruna] You fell for that.
Didn't you see Season One?
Lana, what did you do?
[Lana] I came up with a plan.
Let's rewind to 36 hours ago.
[tape rewinding noise]
Kelvin, Conquerors of Paradise, take one.
[Lana] So they wouldn't suspect
they were going to my retreat.
They attended an audition
for a fake reality show.
I've always wanted to do this.
[Lana] Conquerors of Paradise.
Hey, fam. I'm Justen Nosoliny.
I'm Victoria.
Victoria or Vic.
My bros call me WG.
-My name is Ítalo Lopes.
-I'm Nay.
-My name is Ivan.
-I'm Isadora.
-My name is Khiara Italia.
-I'm Sandri.
Kelvin here.
I'll be the first conqueror of paradise.
Wait, I didn't catch the winning phrase.
-I'm gonna be the first.
-The first conqueror.
-Of paradise?
-Am I gonna be the first conqueror?
[Bruna] Uh-huh.
But Lana will tell you later.
[Lana] Besides the structure,
the staff sealed all the spaces
that look like the retreat.
[Lana] And to host this fake reality,
I changed into a more
cubist form.
[Bruna] Lana, girl, you're such a square.
But anyway,
people see what they want to see.
And it seems they have no clue
they're missing something.
I'd forgotten how the production team
loves messing with the contestants.
Welcome, conquerors
of jack shit!
I think the show's
already started sharpening our senses.
[Bruna] Check out Lana in disguise.
She even changed her voice.
[Lana, in deep male voice]
Conquerors, remove your blindfolds.
[playful music]
[Victoria] I am.
I don't get it.
[girls squealing]
[WG] What's up, bro. You good, man?
Yeah. It's really hot, huh?
It hasn't hit me yet.
I was kinda dizzy,
with the sun overhead…
[Bruna] Someone bring him some salt.
This isn't excitement,
it's low blood pressure.
Where are you from, man, Wakanda?
-Wakanda? [laughs]
The guy who caught my eye was
[mispronouncing] Justín.
[Bruna] Justen?
Justen, sorry.
[Bruna] Oh, okay, go on.
[Bruna] You were talking about your lust.
[Nayara] Wow, his skin, his height.
I felt there was a mutual attraction
between the two of us.
[WG] Hey, man.
I don't know you've noticed,
but there's a cube over there.
[Bruna] Lana, act natural.
Let's see.
[Ítalo] I was a little scared.
A surreal, futuristic cube.
-Lots of shovels.
-[Victoria] Do we really have to dig?
Let me see
if there's something on the flag.
-[crackling loud sound]
-Let's dig.
-What was that noise?
-What was that?
[Lana, in deep voice] Conquerors,
welcome to paradise.
[Bruna] Poor things, they're celebrating.
[Ivan] I looked back and saw
a huge gate with a padlock.
[Lana, in deep voice] Each of you
has a particular skill,
and so you were selected for a mission:
Conquering this paradise.
My special skill is kissing.
I'm a good kisser
but I also like running, I like talking.
-I'm a good reader?
[Lana, in deep voice] In front of you,
there are some buried treasure chests.
Inside one of them
is the only key to the gate.
By finding this key,
you'll be allowed to enter paradise.
You have ten minutes to finish the task.
Good luck.
[Bruna] Wow! Even I believed
the fake reality for a second.
[WG] Where? This beach is huge!
"All I wanted was to do
some manual labor," said no one ever.
[Khiara] Guys, I don't know how to dig.
Like this.
I've never handled a shovel, they even
told me I was holding it the wrong way.
I'm not cut out for this job.
[WG] Bro, so many hot chicks, it's crazy.
Thank God we're here.
Thank you, God, thank you, Universe.
Thank you, Universe.
[WG] I came here to make out, to have fun.
I thought we'd have to do things,
but not dig under the hot sun
on the first day.
-[Sandri] You found one!
-[WG] Amazing!
[Bruna] Well, you're still missing a few.
Let's fast-forward.
Let's watch it twice as fast.
I can see they only work hard at the gym.
[Lana, in deep voice] Time's up.
[Isadora] What'd you mean?
[Lana] Let's see if you found the key.
-Can I?
-Go on, man, try first.
[Nayara] Digging and finding the key
would be something
I'll find it, I'll find it, here it is!
[Lara, in deep voice] Congratulations.
You've conquered the first stage.
You may access the house.
[Ivan] I'm conquering paradise!
Now we finally get to enter paradise.
[suspenseful music builds]
[Bruna] Gee, buddy,
our staff is working hard, you know,
trying to build the tension,
and you're being so slow…
Help us out!
[heavenly choir music playing]
As soon as the gate opens,
there's this insane house!
[Isadora] Guys, check out the pool!
I've never seen such a beautiful pool.
And people said
I was down on my luck. Shit!
[Kelvin] I didn't know what to do,
if I should drink, or jump in the pool.
I was dizzy until I settled in,
got used to it.
[Bruna] He's always dizzy
Does he have worms?
-[all cheering]
-All right!
Drinking before toasting is bad luck.
[Bruna] Don't worry,
you still have a few hours of good luck.
Thirty-three hours, to be precise.
After that,
Lana will be there to cock-block you.
Let's make a toast.
Wow, so many hot guys. Jesus!
This group is awesome!
[upbeat music playing]
It's easy to count defeats
because we don't have any.
"I can't get laid." Never happens.
People describe me as a spoiled playboy.
Since I've never been in a relationship,
they think I'm always partying.
Bahia palm oil runs in my veins.
I'm not better than anyone,
but I'm here to show
what guys from Bahia can do.
I'm from Rio
but I have African roots and a hot body.
Always more than one girl to call.
I always start by being nice,
and if it works,
I finish the way all women like.
[Ivan] I work as a DJ.
I've hooked up with someone
in the middle of a show.
Sometimes there's a kiss,
or something else.
[WG] In life, I'm like a predator.
There were times when I'd have
two or three hookups at one party.
That's how it has to be.
[pop music playing]
I'm the kind of guy
that can't go without sex.
I think the longest I've been
with a woman was one weekend.
I look like a Disney prince,
but I'm no prince.
I'm a good lady killer.
[Ivan] I'd say I'm a nice guy. [chuckles]
[WG] I'm lethal, I'm fatal.
I'm a predator.
That's how I live,
that's what I'm doing here.
Just staying there?
Buddy, you have no idea
what it's like drying this hair.
You have no idea.
[Khiara] It takes forever to do my hair,
I'm not getting it wet now!
They're all equally gorgeous.
They set really high standards.
[upbeat music playing]
I'm a dancer. I dance at Dragões da Real.
I'm the princess of the drum section.
I've been bisexual since I was a kid.
My first kiss was with a girl
while watching Rebelde.
I study fashion in Milan.
I'm most confident about my outfits.
I always like to stand out.
Having tattoos allows me to be different,
without having to say a word.
Oh, what should I say?
I only talk shit.
I think my shine bothers people a little,
but I'm not here to please anyone.
Was that good, guys? I'm a little nervous.
I like being the center of attention
because my moon is in Leo,
so, appreciate me,
I'm a piece of art. [chuckles]
I have a lot of Scorpio in my chart,
so I'm horny all the time.
Guys must have a ripped body.
"I'm gonna chafe today".
This is Nay's motto.
There's no competing with good cowgirl.
If I'm out of hookups for the day,
I'll play with myself.
It's over, the ship has sailed.
Can you feel the pressure?
Where's the strangest place
you've had sex?
I once gave a guy a blowjob at a hospital.
[girls laugh]
[Bruna] That's why I always say,
protect our public health system!
Like, I'd just lost
my virginity, I was 19.
And three months later,
my boyfriend had an accident.
I was dying,
I wanted to chafe, I was on fire.
You wanted to chafe?
Yeah! Guys, let's all use that word.
Chafe, let's all chafe.
Guys, "to chafe" means everything fun,
the bang bang bang.
For me, "chafe" works for everything.
-Are you bi, Khiara?
-[WG] Everyone is.
Nothing, nothing.
No. I've kissed women,
but I'm not bi, like…
-I don't think so.
-Let's test it.
-I want some, too.
[girls laugh]
What a moocher!
I think pecks are sort of silly,
but I stirred things up,
so people would start to fool around.
We can do better.
Come on, Khiara, you can do it!
[Isadora] That's so hot!
[Bruna] You know who found it hot?
-He's feeling left out.
-[sad music playing]
[Bruna] All by his lonesome,
playing with the sunscreen.
The only thing not touching Kelvin's lips.
Everybody was kissing,
so I started to get horny.
-[Isadora] Oh, God, look at that.
-[Victoria] Ay, ay, ay!
-[WG] Right. Right.
-[Isadora] Guys…
My God, what a gift, thank you, Lord!
[Khiara] What do you say?
Today I'm gonna chafe!
-[WG] Let's chafe!
-I'll feel the Wakanda sword today.
[all cheering]
Wakanda, whoo!
I feel like the king of Wakanda here.
[Bruna] Of course, you think
you're at a reality show called…
What's it called?
[in victorious voice]
Conquerors of Paradise!
[Lana] So far,
my plan has been successful.
Everyone believes my lie.
Enjoy it while you can.
[Isadora] Guys, what was that?
[girls squealing]
I kissed Ivan, and we really fit together.
He's so sweet.
[all cheering]
I just kind of wish
we could have kissed some more.
It was nice.
Where are the bedrooms?
Are you staying by the pool forever?
I wanna see the bedrooms.
[Bruna] What's the hurry?
If it were me, I'd never leave the pool.
I can see we already have
some couples forming.
[WG] Yay, Wakanda couple!
The boys, they kind of want us
to pair up right from the start.
I'm a little surprised.
[Bruna] You're never satisfied.
Let the men be woke!
[upbeat music playing]
[Ítalo] Shit! We're here!
Yeah, man!
I could even sleep on the floor.
[Bruna] It wouldn't be
good for your back, Ítalo.
[Lana] And the robot
takes no responsibility.
Guys, there are only six beds.
And ten people.
We'll have to share.
[Nayara] Who sleeps with whom?
[Justen] It's all about the connection.
This guy is so funny.
What did he say?
[Ítalo] You have a connection.
[Bruna] Wow, a connection?
Lana will be happy to hear it.
Mind your words, they're powerful.
[Khiara] Everyone is making arrangements.
Vic and I are working it out.
I think we'll sleep together.
[Bruna] Not if the men's club can help it.
Let's have a meeting.
-[Kelvin] So, are we partying or not?
-[WG] We have to.
Each one gets a girl to cuddle a little.
Or everybody is free too…
[Kelvin] No, if it's war, I like war too,
but I think we should each pick one.
Like, not a war, but everyone being free…
Hey, everyone is jumping on my bed!
Instead of like, aim and shoot.
[loud crack]
[WG] They broke the bed!
Guys, we could break the bed
in other ways.
We could break the bed
in other ways.
[Bruna] Relax, Nayara,
the production team must not be happy.
[Kelvin] There are ten of us.
A bunch of hot women close to me.
I felt challenged. I had to think fast,
I need to find my girl.
[Khiara] Oh, guys…
[Nayara] The smuttiness is on
How do we turn off the lights?
[all laughing]
Everyone wants to hook up with everyone.
Fucking beautiful people. Beautiful women.
I hope this is
the best vacation of our lives.
[Bruna] You're not really on vacation,
but you'll find out soon enough.
Meanwhile, have fun, conquer the paradise.
Enjoy the company.
Or keep gossiping
in boys and girls groups.
[Ítalo] Lord have mercy.
I can't choose.
You just have to try them all.
A toast to us, to girls!
-[girls cheering]
-[Khiara] Conquerors!
This is the first time
it's been just us girls.
I think Kelvin is kind of clingy.
I think he's no good, girl.
-[Khiara] He's no good.
-I can see it.
But I think I'm worse. I'm a worse player.
I love it!
That's it.
[Khiara] I think Kelvin is being clingy.
Things are happening too fast,
and I can't deal with it so well.
[Kelvin] Look, I already know
who I'm hooking up with.
I'm open to it if she wants to connect.
Can't make any promises.
You know what?
I didn't pay any attention to him.
He was like, "You wrote me off."
-I think he's used to…
-But I didn't express anything.
…being the heartthrob where he's from.
[Bruna] Aw, our boy from Rio.
Our boy from Ipanema.
I live opposite the beach, very close.
I'm from Rio, I go out a lot.
I don't have any difficulty.
You bang whoever you want, bro.
My dream is to not bang someone.
[Bruna] What?
No, did he really say that?
Editors, let's rewind. Rewind.
My dream is to not bang someone.
[Bruna] Oh, how I've dreamed of this day!
A volunteer for Too Hot To Handle!
You're in the right place, Kelvin.
In less than 30 hours,
Lana will be ready
to make your dreams come true, babe.
The one I like best is definitely Ítalo.
I'd hook up with everyone.
Everyone, like, we should all kiss.
I'd hook up with Ítalo and Ivan.
I would--
Wow, Ítalo is the winner,
like, Khiara, Nay, you…
[Bruna] Yeah, Ítalo, everyone wants
to taste the flavor of Bahia.
Ítalo is popular among the girls,
so he's an option.
You have to be honest with them.
When you start to-
No, I mean. Fuck…
So we'll jump Ítalo,
everyone will kiss him.
No, wait, calm down.
If everyone is kissing him,
then I don't want to.
Everyone is free so far,
so like, this doesn't bother me.
We should choose one
for us all to hook up with.
Oh, girl, if I hook up with my black king.
If I have feelings for him, I'll feel bad.
Yeah, not if it'll make you feel bad…
Nayara is obviously
really interested in Justen.
Are you having feelings for someone?
-No. No, no, no.
-Me neither.
Let's be honest with each other,
talk about what we're feeling.
When I look at him, I fall in love.
But will he?
Today is only
our first day in this paradise,
and I can see some things
happening already.
Some people are forming couples,
and that really doesn't work for me,
because I think everyone
should get to know each other first.
-I think you two look great together.
-[Sandri] Yeah.
She asked me to feel her breast implants.
I saw that.
And then that really nice triple kiss.
Girl, I have to tell you.
I really wanna hook up with him too.
Oh, girl…
Okay then.
I saw Justen walk by,
and like, his trunks, girl.
I saw it too! [laughs]
I think he's so hot, but I saw that,
and I was like "Could I take it?"
Jeez, picture me getting there
with my mouth. Come on…
Nay, keep some details to yourself, woman.
I'd better drink.
[Bruna] Or not.
Get a measuring tape
and tell me all about it.
There's no way my Wakandan sword
doesn't draw attention.
-I'm looking forward to tonight.
-It'll be great.
Tonight, Black Panther will be
ready for action. She's done for.
What does she say, chief?
-Let's chafe.
I'm gonna chafe the hell out of her.
[upbeat music playing]
[Bruna] While these guys are chitchatting,
some people are marking their territory.
Look, Nay is just like me.
[Justen] I was really
attracted to Nay immediately.
She's hot, she's a wonderful woman.
I just couldn't help it.
I really had to think about
how to hit on her. [chuckles]
What do you think about all this?
It's wonderful. So intense.
You're ready, right?
Oh, I am. I'm wide open.
[sultry music playing]
-I'm very emotional, I live, I love…
But I can also respect boundaries.
I don't wanna force anything,
things should come naturally.
Definitely, we have a connection.
You're so beautiful.
[giggles softly] Thanks.
So are you, you're perfect.
I can't take that smile.
Oh, you're making me blush. Oh, my God.
Do you always get embarrassed?
Sending signals is my thing.
The guy will be looking at me,
and I'll be like, "Wow."
Of course I was looking. How could I not?
[sultry music continues]
My God, that Black man is something.
Your smile, too,
and I really liked your kiss.
[Nayara] And it's something really
romantic, but at the same time
I was also on fire.
-[Bruna] I'm jealous you have that fire!
Isa was just left with being a spitfire.
Like an angry dragon.
There are also some people I'm into,
and apparently, some of these people
are making couples now,
so that makes things a little complicated.
[Isadora] What's going on?
Are you destroying my dreams?
[WG] Justen, the asshole.
[Isadora] That's not cool.
[WG] I told you something bad
was gonna happen.
I remember we were talking, joking around,
and Isa said, "I wanna hook up with him."
I thought…
What? You're jealous?
No, like, we're all free, right?
But I was like "Jeez".
If it doesn't happen for us, fine.
[Bruna] Oh, it's happening.
Isn't it?
It's so happening, no way it won't.
Our connection is insane.
-I think so.
Oh, you're so sweet!
[Bruna] Oh, I think it's sweet, too.
But something tells me this…
That's something a player would say.
[Bruna] Exactly, Nayara, thank you.
You're crazy, of course not.
Yeah, like, you're a little older.
You're 27, right?
You're a father, so you're more
mature, I think.
Having a baby changes a lot, right?
It changes everything.
[Justen] It was awesome.
I could open up to her.
There was this
really good energy going on.
Does she look like you?
She looks exactly like me.
That must be everything.
If I start talking about her,
I'm gonna start crying.
No problem.
She's your baby, your princess.
-You're a princess too.
-Thank you.
-Your clothes all match.
You ain't seen nothing yet.
Is there much more to see?
Enough for you to fall in love.
You're here to fall in love?
I'll be honest,
I'm pretty crazy with feelings too.
Kissing him is so good,
I can't think if anything else. [squeals]
Are you open to falling in love?
Meeting someone?
To be honest,
it's unlikely I'll fall in love now.
[Bruna] Ow, I don't think
that's what she wanted to hear.
I'm not expecting to fall in love at all.
Daddy's here for some action.
I'm enjoying myself with no expectations.
Because, I mean, suffering?
I've suffered a lot.
Forget about that.
You're not suffering anymore.
No way.
[sultry music playing]
I'm a bit of a lover
and a bit of a player.
A nice combination.
[Bruna] In a nutshell, you're a player.
A sweet player we wanna believe in,
but a player nonetheless.
Am I chafing today?
[Bruna] While Nay thinks about chafing,
Khiara chafes under the sun.
Finally, someone is enjoying paradise,
the nature, the peace…
May I sit here?
[Bruna] You killed the mood.
But nature and straight white men
are a good match.
Miss me? [chuckles]
It hasn't been that long.
[Bruna] "Miss me"?
Did you really just use that line?
Staying here…
Talk to me, baby.
-Scared of getting too close to me?
Do you think I'm the Big Bad Wolf?
No, it's like I… know a lot of players,
and you're a textbook player.
[Bruna] Oh, no. Don't get me started
on the player thing again, please.
You must know I play the game.
It's like a game of… where
neither person wants to make a move.
[cymbal choke plays]
[Bruna] Oh, I know that one.
Nothing happens, right?
[whispering indistinctly]
-On the first day?
-First day.
I think he's coming on too strong.
To kiss, to cuddle, whatever,
and I'm like…
I don't like when people are clingy,
or praising me too much.
I'm not clingy.
Like, I like to talk, like I was talking
to the other guys and all,
and I want to talk to you, too.
We talked a little, but I still
don't know anything about his life.
[Bruna] Come on, Kelvin.
Keep it up, kid.
Everyone is beautiful, but like,
I'm really into you and Vic, you know?
[humorous music playing]
No, don't talk about other girls, dear.
This place is insane.
-It doesn't seem real.
-Yeah, really good.
-I want to see the rest of it.
-I'm so curious.
[Khiara] Mm-hmm.
With Kelvin,
it's still lacking conversation.
Yeah, I think you lack conversation,
[waves crashing]
[Bruna] By the end of the first day
for our conquerors,
bed-sharing is one
of the retreat's trending topics.
Except for Kelvin.
[Kelvin] I was ready.
I asked her to sleep with me.
I picked our bed.
Bro, it's guaranteed.
[Bruna] Huh?
I don't remember Khiara agreeing to that.
And… it was easy.
Come on and help me make our bed.
Hey, babe!
[Bruna] Kelvin didn't really
just call her babe.
What just happened, for God's sake?
Where did that kiss come from?
I don't need an excuse to kiss anyone.
[Bruna] Uh, we can see that,
and we agree with you.
[Isadora giggles]
I think it worked really well
to broaden my horizons.
You're such a mysterious guy.
I want to get to know you better.
We haven't talked much.
-You are.
I think it's because we didn't talk much.
When I meet someone, I want to get
to know them as much as possible.
But I think it'll be a really good night,
and anything can happen.
[Bruna] It can.
Including nothing.
[indistinct chattering]
[Bruna] Oh, God. What?
-[Kelvin] Aren't you sleeping with me?
-With Vic.
This is how it's gonna be?
[Khiara] Fuck, it's the first day.
You're staying away from me.
I wanna sleep with you.
-You're making me sleep alone?
-[Khiara chuckles]
There will be other days.
Are you sure about that?
-Good night.
-[Khiara] Will you be mad?
-No, good night.
-You already are.
-[Nayara] Oh, my God!
-Got it?
She's not sleeping with me.
What's up with that?
[Khiara laughs]
You're giving me the evil eye.
[Kelvin] No, it's great, bro.
-"Bro", ouch.
-[Kelvin] It's great.
[tense music playing]
I was pissed about the whole thing.
We found the worst.
[Kelvin] I don't know if she's scared,
if she wants to…
take things slow.
"You think it's normal
after we spent the day together?"
I get, I get it.
It's totally normal to me.
He's too intense. [chuckles]
I thought I was intense, but jeez…
[Bruna] Normal or not,
now Nayara and Justen
have to deal with Kelvin's bad mood.
I asked her.
I was brushing my teeth and told her.
Like stating the obvious.
"You're sleeping with me, right?"
She was like,
"Oh, but Vic asked me first."
So I said, "What?"
She said, "There will be other days."
I was like, "No, it's cool,
you'll regret it later."
That's it. You'll have to suck it up.
[Bruna] Kelvin, that's exactly the issue.
She doesn't wanna suck it up.
[Khiara] I thought it was childish.
Really childish.
Very. It looked really bad, actually.
[Bruna] Ouch, tense!
Let's turn off the lights.
Tomorrow is another day.
[Ivan] I was really tired that night.
I fell asleep really quickly,
but a lot of things happened in the room.
At bedtime there was chemistry, cuddling,
a little something, a little petting.
[Bruna] This couple is focused.
[sultry music playing]
She needs to get to know
the Prince of Wakanda right away.
I could feel the sword of Wakanda.
I felt it several ways.
To be honest, it makes me a little nervous
having people around, a bit embarrassed.
But I was so horny I didn't care.
Reason just flew out of the window.
Nayara and I have a lot of chemistry.
[Bruna] Okay, okay,
you have chemistry, we get it.
Do you have to keep
rubbing it in our faces?
Or rather, rubbing yourself in our faces?
Wait. Wait a sec.
If you're on this bed…
what's going on over there?
Tonight, Isa will feel
the bite of the shark.
[Bruna] Okay dears,
you had sex. It was great.
Everyone loved it, now let's go to sleep.
Hmm? Have some peace?
[upbeat music playing]
[Bruna] Good morning,
people who do what I don't.
Let's chafe.
[upbeat music playing]
Sweetheart, do you want
to have lunch with me?
[all squealing]
[Bruna] What?
Did I hear that right?
[Justen] That's great.
[Bruna] He said he wants to chafe.
But it's Day Two
and he's a lovesick puppy.
Yeah, right.
[gentle music playing]
-Yay. Cheers.
Are you vegetarian?
I'm vegan.
I don't eat anything
that came from an animal.
-I'll learn it.
-Exactly, I had to learn.
If we eat onions,
we'll have onion breath when we kiss.
-Is that avocado?
-Do you wanna kiss?
Sure, we can kiss.
We can totally kiss.
I don't mind, we can kiss
with or without onions.
[Bruna] It won't be the onions
preventing people from kissing here.
Thank God you're a good kisser.
Let's gossip.
I like gossip.
Okay, so, there are some people
that are already coupling up
And I don't know if…
Like, how do you think
this is gonna work at the party?
It takes a while for me to be in a couple.
And people just got in
and it's like they're married.
So, like, I'm respecting
my feelings and my trauma.
[Bruna] "Respect my trauma". I love it.
I'll get it tattooed on my ass, I swear.
If someone wants to be with you,
they will be.
There's no point
in forcing them, or fighting…
Yeah, but what about tonight?
What are we gonna do?
Look, I'm gonna kiss my friends,
I'm warning you.
Fine, have fun.
Count me in if you want me to join.
What if there are games
and we all have to kiss?
We'll all kiss.
Yeah, it's a game, we're here to--
Because I don't know about you,
but some people think
kissing is a really big deal.
If I'm not in a relationship,
I kiss a lot of people.
Yeah, great. Fantastic.
-Enjoy it.
It's literally a metaphor.
Being in here is a cage.
We're both birds, we're in the cage,
but the cage is always open.
Like, if you want to get back in,
so much can happen.
And I like partying together too, like…
Yeah, partying together is great.
I think we're on the same page, thank God.
Yeah, we're in sync,
I really believe that.
I do wanna be close to Ivan,
just not in a clingy way.
And Ivan gets that, too.
We were on the same page,
so, [kisses] perfect.
[Bruna] I'm glad you had a perfect time.
Because not all couples
are getting along like this.
[Isadora] I feel like WG
doesn't have a lot of attitude.
I have a lot of attitude,
so whoever is with me
has to dance to the same tune.
[Bruna] So, WG, babe, listen to the tune!
You don't speak much, do you?
-You don't speak much.
-I speak a lot.
-A lot. [laughs]
-A lot…
We haven't talked much
these last couple of days.
We talked more last night.
We didn't talk. We just acted. [laughs]
[Bruna] Yeah. They acted like bunnies.
["Fossils" by Camille Saint-Saëns,
from Carnival of the Animals playing]
We got to know each other better.
It was beautiful.
You caught my attention right away.
The first kiss in the house.
-We drifted apart a little during the day.
-I noticed.
But you also have to win me over.
Yeah, but at the right time.
I'm going at my pace.
It took a while for the action to start.
I hoped it would come from him,
but it came from me,
and that's frustrating.
[Bruna] Hmm.
I loved meeting you.
-I think we can be great friends.
We could have something nice, but…
I really want to get to know everyone 
and experience everything
that can happen here.
I think
people rushed
into this couple thing, man.
I didn't expect it to be so fast.
Me too, and I'm feeling like
I'm a little different from everyone else
because people
are practically married, so like…
-Yeah, man, I'm kinda…
-It makes me a little mad.
I feel like that too.
If we plan it well,
everyone could be together.
[Bruna] Mm-hmm! Trouble alert for Lana.
Isa and I have the sex stuff
in common, I think. [laughs]
The moment I kissed you, I was like,
-"Fuck, made a deal with the devil."
You're seeing yourself in me.
There shouldn't be any couples here.
I want tonight to be all about sex.
[Bruna] Can I say something?
I think Lana should cancel the party.
I'm afraid these people might reach
a point of no return, you know?
Or invite me.
Does anyone listen to the narrator?
Not at all.
[upbeat music playing]
I'm so excited for our first party!
[girls squealing]
Fuck, yeah!
Game on!
Hey, hey, hey. Gather round!
I looked at that table over there,
it was lined with tequila shots.
May this be
the best vacation of our lives!
Let the games begin!
[all cheering]
I proposed a toast to heat things up.
[upbeat music playing]
-It's delicious.
We have no time to lose.
[Bruna] That's right, Ítalo.
You'd better enjoy it,
you only have a few minutes left.
[frantic rhythmic music playing]
[Nayara] It's like, love is in the air.
To be honest,
I'm also like, kind of in love,
but I'm a slut at love, I confess.
And I admit, I wanna kiss other people,
because we're at a party
full of perfect people.
So, what do you think?
Girl, right now
I just feel like licking everyone.
Rumor has it everyone is feeling the same.
Let's all give each other pecks.
I have a strategy
to break up couples at parties.
Drinking games.
This party will be awesome.
[Nayara] Guys, there's something going on.
Pay attention.
[guys cheering]
The person I want doesn't want me back…
I'm into Italo.
Come on.
-[Justen] Great stuff.
-[WG] He's living the dream.
Ítalo is into my friend Vic.
This blindfold game made everyone crazy.
My dreams are finally coming true.
I'm a little jealous seeing Ju and Isa,
but I'll learn to deal with it.
[Bruna] Will you?
[WG] Fuck, man, this is fucking wonderful.
I'm gonna cry.
-We're finally a family again.
-This-- We're finally like--
[Isadora] I couldn't take
the couple vibe anymore. I'm so happy.
We're there, everyone is making out.
-[Kelvin] Who I haven't kissed?
-[Khiara] Me.
I've kissed you.
I think that--
Have you kissed me? Have you kissed me?
[Kelvin] Everyone is looking forward
to what's coming,
dancing, drinking, everything.
We're so excited.
[chanting in Portuguese] Hey, Cube,
where are you? We're all waiting for you!
I'm painting this house red.
The Cube can't hold me back!
[Bruna] I'm not sure about the Cube,
but there's another geometrical shape
that definitely can, rest assured.
[cube] Hello, conquerors.
I hope you're enjoying the party.
In a few minutes,
you'll have a special guest,
a special international star.
-Enjoy the party.
-[all squealing]
-All out!
-Everyone put your hands in the air.
Come on down, c'mon!
They told us it was an international star.
I think it's reggaeton, like, very…
I have no clue who it could be.
[Bruna] Oh, you really don't.
[Victoria] So, is it Shakira?
Maluma? Who is it?
[all cheering]
We desperately want to know who it is
so we can get wild.
-I want it to be Anitta.
-[Bruna] What about "Lanitta"?
[all chanting] Let's all chafe ♪
Let's all chafe ♪
A lot is gonna happen
at the party, I'm sure.
[percussive tense music plays]
Come on, I'm dying here, brother.
Oh, there it is!
[all cheering]
Come on down, Shakira.
[Bruna] Shakira who?
Our stage only has room
for one muse to shine.
[epic music playing]
[Victoria] Look at that!
-Oh, my God!
It's Lana!
-It's Lana, girl, it's her!
-[contestant] Too Hot to Handle!
No! I shouldn't have slept last night!
[epic music continues]
It's Lana…
[Nayara] It was too good to be true.
Suddenly paradise
turned into hell. [laughs]
[ominous cello music playing]
[Ivan] Where's the international star?
Lana. Oh, my God.
I'm so sad.
[playful music]
[Lana chimes]
[Lana] Hello, people. I'm back.
I knew it was her. "People"!
What's Lana doing here, man?
-[Isadora] What the fuck?
-[WG] What the hell, man?
[Lana] I'm back. Ha ha ha.
-Ha ha ha.
-[WG] What the fuck, man.
[Lana] Welcome to Too Hot To Handle.
[Isadora] Dude, I can't believe it.
[Bruna] Believe it or not,
this is our international star.
She's the one calling the shots
at this retreat, Isa.
I have no words.
I know, let's all kiss one last time.
[Bruna] Ah, come on.
Didn't you hear what I said?
Lana is the one
calling the shots here, Sandri.
When she says that--
No, guys!
No, no, no, that's not what I meant.
Guys, stop.
No, wait, don't--
You're not supposed to make out now.
Things will certainly go to shit.
[WG] We're gonna spend some money, man.
[Verdi's "Anvil Chorus"
from Il Trovatore playing]
I'm gonna kiss him.
Who haven't I kissed yet? Just Vic?
Get over here, quickly.
[Bruna] C'mon, guys! Ugh, I give up.
Lana, they're your problem now.
[tense music playing]
Fuck. I'm on Too Hot To Handle.
You're kidding me.
Where's Lana?
[Ítalo] Well, fuck. Lana's gone.
Does that mean we can do what we want?
Isa and I just look at each other
and get turned on.
If we could do anything, I'd have
definitely hooked up with both of them.
[Khiara] Damn, it's green.
[Ivan] It's green, shit.
[tense music builds]
[Lana] You went bankrupt.
[Victoria, crying]
I always make bad choices.
That's why I'd rather be a slut.
[Lana] Two of you
must leave the retreat now.
-I'm totally here for you.
I can't do it.
[tense music builds]
["123456 Boogie" by Tom Mansi playing]
[upbeat music playing]
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