Tracker (2024) s02e01 Episode Script

Out of the Past




Daisy, quit it.

I let myself in.
Hello, Frank.
Been waiting for you to show up.
Harass me.
Well, you know what day it is.
I should call the cops.
Breaking into my house.
That's a new one.
I got tired of watching.
Yeah? Now what?
Found that.
- What is it?
- Dirt.
Why would you have that?
Remediating toxins in my backyard.
You got any more questions?
Or can you get the hell out of my house?
Not till we talk about Gina Picket.
I said get the hell out of my house.
Ten years ago today,
she disappears from the
Welltown Mall parking lot
after her shift at Hot Topic.
I ain't got nothing to say to
you or her whack job sister.
And I ain't got nothing to do
with whatever happened to her.
I don't believe you.
You know what I think?
I think you messed up,
and didn't find out
what happened to her.
And you got nothing.
And so now, you harass me
every year for the last ten years.
And I'll do it for another ten.
I'm sick of this.
- Get back here.
I'm gonna prove it was you.
(CHOKING): Good luck.
(HOARSE): You got nothing.
Not yet.
See you next year, Frank.
VELMA: Hey, Colter.
I've been trying calling you,
but they go straight to voicemail.
That's okay. I'm just checking in.
I know what today is.
Making sure you haven't
done anything stupid.
I don't want to talk about it.
VELMA: Yeah, all right, I got it.
Well, we have a job for you.
I should say I have a job for you.
Right, sorry, I forgot to
even ask. How's Teddi?
She's gonna be there for a while.
She's helping her mom get sorted.
Thought you were going back and forth.
VELMA: I was getting in
the way, you might say,
and it really wasn't good.
So, I-I came back.
Got it.
Don't you worry,
because I'm staying busy.
Reenie has me helping her
set up her new office.
You know she's opening up
her own criminal law firm?
- Say hey.
- Hey.
I guess you didn't get
the paint party invite.
'Cause we've got paint and wine,
and let me tell you, they
don't go together so well.
Uh, the wine was her idea.
What's the job?
Sizeable reward, actually.
Yeah, but it's a weird one.
- Never stopped me before.
- Fair.
Family of four
vanished outside of
Pine Bluffs, Arkansas.
I, I play just what I feel ♪
VELMA: Ted and Connie
King and their two kids,
Brett, nine, and Amy, six.
Reward posted by Ted's brother Craig.
REENIE: Sheriff department's
already started their search.
They got a name for
the winners in the world ♪
I, I want a name when I lose ♪
They call Alabama
the Crimson Tide ♪
Send me the information.
COLTER: How you doing? Colter Shaw.
Craig King.
Thank you so much for doing this.
I mean, I guess.
Sorry, I-I don't really
know how this works.
I get paid only in success.
Your brother and his family have
been missing for about 12 hours?
15 hours.
When was the last time
you spoke to your brother?
Two days ago. Uh, said they
were gonna go on vacation.
He say where?
No. It was a spur of the moment thing.
Just said he needed to get out of town.
- I didn't think much of it.
- And the cops?
Oh, they're locals boys used
to breaking up bar fights.
It's really important that
I do whatever I can
to find my brother and his family.
In situations like this,
every second counts.
I need you to be honest with me.
- Okay?
- Okay.
I think there were
some people after him.
I was watching the kids, uh,
at their place last week
and there was a big pickup,
a couple of scary-looking guys
in it, they drove around.
I think they were, uh, casing the house.
Did you ask Ted about it?
Yeah, he said it was
nothing, just blew it off.
And you don't believe him?
I, uh, I don't like
saying this, but, uh
Ted had some gambling problems.
Yeah, uh, started as an online thing,
maxed out his cards,
almost lost his business over it.
Um, but he owes some money to
kind of people you don't
want to owe money to.
Uh, I mean, that shouldn't have
been a problem anymore.
- Why would that be?
Ted won the lottery.
Scratch-off tickets. $50,000.
Kind of a big deal around here.
Yeah, family had their picture
in the paper and everything.
I'm gonna take a look at that van, okay?
Sure thing.
Uh, thank you.

Who the hell are you?
Colter Shaw. And you are ?
Okay, Colter Shaw,
what are you doing in my crime scene?
- I was hired by the family.
- Retired cop? P.I.?
No. I, uh
I collect rewards, actually.
You collect rewards?
Ted's brother Craig hired me.
He didn't mention that the Marshals
were working the case.
Well, we are. This is our crime scene.
Marshal Martinez, by the way.
Marshals on a missing persons case,
less than 48 hours?
How about none of your business?
Well, I just think it's strange
that a family would up and
disappear out of nowhere.
Doors left wide open like this? Right?
The they leave their
cell phones behind?
Now, maybe maybe
someone drove up on them,
forced them off the road,
took them against their will.
Well, six months ago, a lottery
winner in Florida was abducted
and forced to hand over his winnings.
That made it a federal case.
We're hoping the same
thing didn't happen here.
Somebody could've driven away with them.
Or maybe they were
marched into the woods.
We saw that already.
That's why my partner Boyd's
conducting a grid search
in the woods as we speak.
I just want to help in any way I can.
Then stay the hell out of our way.
We'll call you if we hear
of any missing cats.
I don't know, Bobby, sounds
like he had some debt.
Got it, so he hit it big on a scratcher
and the interested
party came to collect?
Maybe, plus interest.
Or it could've been thieves trying
to jack him for the winnings.
(SIGHS) Lotto is cursed,
my man. I'm telling you.
You ain't catching me messing with it.
Can you find out who might've
been after the money?
Got you, my boy.
Let me know when something hits.
- Careful.
Turns out, it's much easier
to hike when there's a trail.
Wrong shoes for a grid search.
Don't I know it.
Jeremy Boyd. U.S. Marshals.
Colter Shaw.
I'm out here looking for the
King family, same as you.
Good. We need all the help we can get.
That's not what your partner said.
Agent Martinez?
I met her back at the van.
Right. Well, in my experience,
honey catches more flies.
Been searching the area for hours.
No sign of 'em. You find anything?
Not yet, no.
I feel like we're being misled here.
- How so?
- Well, the van, for starters.
The way it was left?
It might as well have a neon sign
flashing, telling us where to look.
And there's no sign of a struggle,
there's no tire marks indicating
another vehicle ran it off the road.
And then, look at this here.
This path.
Which way the grass is bent.
What's that matter?
Well, it's both ways, right?
Like, when I walk,
the grass bends forward.
What are you saying?
I mean, I'm saying I think
this whole thing is a setup.
The King family wasn't taken.
I think someone's after them,
so the family was leading
them in the wrong direction
and then they doubled
back along the same route.
Interesting theory, Mr. Shaw.
- Colter.
- Right.
If I'm right, that extends
the search area
about 200 acres on the
other side of the road.
It's best if we stay split up.
- It's a lot of ground to cover.
- Yeah.
We're not the only ones looking.
- BOBBY: Yo, C, my G.
- Bobby, what do you got?
- Well, for starters,
Ted King's alias popped up
on online betting forums.
He was very active,
but let's just say he
didn't have a crystal ball.
His brother said he was in debt.
He was. Checked his DMs.
Looks like he settled his tab
two days after his online
winnings came in.
Gotta hand it to him for not
buying a jet ski or, you know,
something stupid.
Family gets out of their minivan
in the middle of nowhere
and just vanishes.
No sign of struggle, carjacking
I did find some weirdness,
but (SIGHS) I don't
know where to put it.
Talk to me.
Well, checked up on his
family just to cross my T's.
Connie, his wife, didn't
even exist before 2015.
Talking no records, no photos,
zero online history.
She just appeared out of nowhere.
That is weird.
Maybe this doesn't have anything
to do with the father at all.
I mean, you're probably right.
Especially if he paid off all his debt.
Keep digging, Bobby. I'll call you back.
Hey. Hey, it's okay.
It's-it's okay, I know you're scared.
I'm here to help.
Where are your parents?
It's my fault.
What's your fault? What do you mean?
Mom and Dad told us to leave
our phones in the car,
but took my tablet.
When they found out,
they were mad.
Someone could track the tablet.
Do you know where
they went, your parents?
Dad went to get rid of it.
When he didn't come back, Mom left, too.
- Told us to hide until she came back.
I told you to stay away.
I don't think all that's necessary.
Be right back, okay?
These kids have been separated
from their parents.
They're scared. Last thing
they need is more tension.
That is, if you want to get any
useful information from them.
I warned you. This is a
federal investigation.
And it would go a lot quicker
if you would just let me help.
You've been looking for 'em
for, what, eight hours now?
Well, there's your result. Look at that.
Okay? Take it, you can
have it, I don't care.
I'm just trying to help.
But I need you to stand down.
There are things about this
case you don't understand.
Like why they're running?
All I want to do is get these
kids back with their parents.
Now, the dad took off
with the kid's tablet.
Okay, we'll look into it.
What's going on here?
This is not about a
lottery ticket, is it?
I need to get them somewhere safe.
COLTER: Two U.S. Marshals
assigned to the case.
There's no record of the mother.
Could be witness protection.
WITSEC? Colter.
You really have a way of stepping into
the biggest pile of it, don't you?
I tend to. It's possible, though, right?
I mean, it's possible,
but losing track of someone
in witness protection
it's not the kind of thing they're
gonna want to brag about.
Let me see what I can find out.
Gonna be kind of tricky, but
I got some tricks.
Those poor kids.
- Where are they now?
- Kids are safe.
Marshal Martinez is taking them
to their uncle's right now.
I'm on my way to a gas station.
Bobby was able to track
the location of the tablet.
Look, if they are in program,
fleeing WITSEC is not something
you do without good reason.
Could have been their only choice.
Well, if that's what this is,
it'd be good to know
why they were in the
program in the first place.
I'll let you know what I find out.

Know that it's right ♪
We have got to get it together ♪
We have got to ♪
Get it together now ♪
Lock up the streets and houses ♪
Because there's something in the air ♪
We got to get together ♪
Because the revolution's here ♪
And you know it's right ♪

It's okay. You're okay.
I'm here to help you.
Could have used you
a few minutes earlier.
BOYD: What he saying?
I don't know. What is it, Ted?
F-Find my wife. You have to save her.
- Ambulance is on the way.
- Oh, my kids
- Kids.
- Your kids are safe. Your kids are okay.
The marshal took them to
your brother Craig's house.
Ted, you're got to tell me
what do they want with you?
What's this all about?
They're after my wife.
Where is she?
Thought she was staying with the kids.
Got a long road to recovery,
but he'll be all right.
VELMA: Any sign of his wife, Connie?
Still in the wind.
What'd you find out?
Well, you were right about WITSEC.
Connie was in the
program for nine years.
Her testimony got some heavy
hitters put away for life.
These heavy hitters have names?
Tommy Garner, the unofficial kingpin
of a big Mississippi crime organization
and a couple of his good ol' boys.
She nailed him for money
laundering, drug charges
and you guessed it
contract killing,
reserved for former members
and perceived snitches.
Well, maybe Connie let the Marshals know
that the Garners knew where she was
and they just didn't have time to react.
REENIE: Yeah, maybe.
But the guys that she put away
they were her own family.
She was married to
Tommy Garner's son, Kirk,
before she went into WITSEC.
Turns out she's actually
quite the badass.

Come on.
(SIGHS) Come on.

Brett! Amy!
- COLTER: Kids are fine. They're fine.
I'm on your side, it's okay.
I'm on your side.
Your brother-in-law Craig hired me
to find your family and
bring 'em to safety.
Where are my children?
They're fine, they're safe.
They're with Craig.
And my husband?
Your husband's at the hospital.
He's gonna be fine.
Now I need you to come with me.
You don't understand.
These people I know them.
The Garners. That's
why you're in WITSEC.
I thought this part of my life was over.
I thought it was in the
past, but I was wrong.
Ted won the stupid lottery.
I mean, I wasn't even thinking.
They saw your picture in the paper,
- were able to track you down.
- Yeah.
And they won't ever stop until
they make me pay for what I did.
Probably think I'm a terrible mother.
Leaving my kids in the woods like that.
I was just trying to get them safe.
I don't judge.
'Course you do. Everyone does.
I just didn't have a choice.
I was always gonna come back for them.
Sometimes doing the right thing
means making the hard choice.
Tell me about the Garners.
My ex-husband's family.
When I met Kirk, I knew
where he came from.
I knew what they did.
Who they were.
I was a different person then.
And I loved him, so
I looked the other way.
Until you couldn't.
Kirk hated his father,
but he was just like him.
Planning on taking over his
organization, running things.
I couldn't take it anymore.
And so I went to the FBI
and I helped them put
Kirk's father away.
And Kirk turned on me and
he wanted to kill me and
I had no choice but
to divorce him and
Thought I could put it all behind me.
Let the past go.
Past is part of who we are.
Doesn't have to define your future.
You really believe that?
I I don't know.
Something my brother and
sister keep telling me.
How's that working?
So far, it's not,
but, you know, with my family
it may never happen.
Kirk's never gonna let anything go.
Wants to make me pay.
Well, I'm not gonna let that happen.

Reenie, I got Connie.
Bringing her back now.
Colter, we've got a problem.
What do you mean?
U.S. Marshal Boyd was
found dead in the woods.
I was just with him.
That's not possible.
They're estimating time of
death was eight hours ago.
Reenie, I got to go.
Connie, show me a picture
of your ex-husband Kirk.
I'm coming.
Hey there. U.S. Marshal Boyd.
Just wanted to check
on you and the kids.
Come in.
So, where are the kids?
Upstairs watching something on my iPad.
- I figured (GASPS)
COLTER: We're almost
there. Thanks, Martinez.
He won't stop until he's
killed my entire family.
Listen, I need you to breathe, okay?
Just breathe. This isn't gonna
work unless you trust me.
Can you do this? Yes or no?
- BRETT: Oh!
- Ah. Ah.
- One, two, pop.
- Pop, pop, pop.
- Pop, pop.
AMY: One, two, three.
BRETT: Oh, wait.
Hands are kind of greasy.
Yeah. Little squirt. (CHUCKLES)
Little squirt.
Five, jump.
BRETT: More bubbles,
more bubbles, more bubbles.
AMY: Jump, jump.
- Five, six, seven, eight, nine.
- Amy, Amy, Amy, Amy.
Hey, Brett.
You remember me?
Look at you, all grown up.
He's here.
Let's go, guys. Come on, hurry, hurry.
Come on, come on,
come on, come on. Let's go.
- Right now.
- (GASPS) Baby!
- Mom!
- No, no, no. No, no.
Come on. Oh!
Drop the gun.
Okay. Just let the boy go.
No one has to get hurt.
Hello, Rachel. It's been a while.
Run back to that black truck
in the back seat and lay
down for me, please.
You do that, honey, okay? Thank you.
Let him go, please.
You know I can't do that.
I loved you, Rachel,
but you broke my heart.
You took my son.
He's not.
- He's blood.
- CONNIE: He's not your son.
That was over the minute I left you
and your messed-up family.
That ain't exactly how I remember it.
You want to kill me, go ahead.
Just just please let him go.
How about this? Give me my son,
and I won't tell 'em where you are.
I-I can tell 'em you're dead.
You can have your happy little
family. No more running.
Brett will be safe with me.
I would rather die.
- No.
- Works for me.
Easy. Easy.
My family will hunt you for sport.
- I said no!
- Okay!
Hey, hey, hey, we're good, we're okay.
Listen to me, listen to me. Look at me.
Hey. Look at me. Look at me.
I need you to trust me.
You got to let him go.
Trust me.
Just let the boy say
goodbye to his mother.
You got the gun.
You're in control.
You got the power. Let the
boy say goodbye, please.
- (CRYING): No.
- Please.
That's all I'm asking. Just
- Come on back here. Hear me?
- Okay.
All right.
It's okay. It's okay.
It's okay, it's okay, okay.
I'm just glad you're safe.
It's all because of your brother.

- Nice work back there.
- Thanks.
I trust you're gonna help them vanish?
Yeah, it's already in the works.
Mm. As long as Garner's
got men out there,
they're not gonna stop looking for her.
Until we get it sorted,
I'm gonna stick around
and coordinate with the FBI,
- make sure the Kings are safe.
- Great.
And what about you? What's next?
Uh, you know, I got a
tip on a lost marmot.
Yeah. High paying.
- Should be a slam dunk.
- I'll bet.
Good luck.
VELMA: Colter, hey.
If it's not a great time,
we can do it later.
Just thought you said you
wanted to see the office.
Yeah, sorry, just, uh
finishing something up.
Sweet. Okay. Uh, this
here is Reenie's desk.
Just lawyering over here, never mind me.
But I do have some good news.
The entire Garner organization
is under investigation
for conspiracy to kidnap a child
amongst a whole bunch of other charges
they're gonna stack on top.
So, I don't imagine that
Connie will have to remain
in WITSEC in the near future.
And the marshal's agreed
to stick around town,
keep an eye on 'em until the
family's safety is ensured.
REENIE: Oh, speaking of Martinez.
She informed me that there was
a bounty on the Garner family,
so she's gonna wire that over
once the paperwork's sorted.
And Ted and Connie
they wanted to give you the reward money
Craig had offered you.
No, no. That's-that's not necessary.
REENIE: And I already told them that,
so I suggested that they
use the reward money
to create a charity in his name,
which they thought was a brilliant idea.
In case you haven't noticed, Colter,
I am pretty dang good at my job,
which is why I took the liberty
of, uh, transferring my ten percent fee.
Ten percent fee? I thought
it was an eight percent fee.
New firm, new prices.
- Well, do I get new services?
Don't you wish.
- Ten percent.
- Got it.
- Be nice.
VELMA: Oh, Bobby's calling.
Yo, C-shizzle!
You gonna swing by
Reenie's office for a visit?
COLTER: No. No, but, uh, my office
warming gift is in the mail.
Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it.
- Thank you, Bobby.
- Thank you, Bobby.
COLTER: Okay, okay, okay.
Hey, Reenie, what are you
gonna name the new firm?
Yeah, Law Offices of
Greene and Associates.
Who are the associates?
COLTER: Okay. Well, good luck with that.
- I got to go.
- Everything all right?
Yeah. Uh, just something
I got to take care of.
Anything we can help with?
Just say the word.
Thank you. Okay.

Everything okay?
Yes, uh, just work stuff.
It'll be okay.
You go see him?
Thank you.
Nothing for you?
Been a rough few days.
Every year it's the same.
Get that.
I know you do.
How about we just
don't talk for a while.
I just really want to feel
something that's not
You know.
Can we just

What happened with Whales?
I just wanted him to
know I'm still watching.
What'd you do?
Let myself into his house.
Had a look around.
Find anything?
Got a sample of his handwriting.
I thought maybe we could
compare it to the letters you got.
You mean the crazies.
You never know.
There's something else.
It's weird, I found at his house.
I looked in his fridge.
It was mostly empty, but
there was a bag of dirt in the freezer.
- Weird.
- Yeah.
He said he was having
it tested for toxins.
- You buy that?
- I don't know.
I know I'm missing something.
One of these days,
I'm gonna find something
that puts him in the parking lot
the night Gina disappeared.
He was there.
I know, in my gut, he was there.
I don't know how much longer
I can keep holding out hope.
Maybe she's gone and
I'll never know and this
I'm gonna keep looking.
I know.
I made you a promise.
I'm not gonna stop until I find out
what happened to your sister.
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