TrollsTopia (2020) s02e01 Episode Script

Cakes on a Train - It's Dad-urday

You could do it solo ♪
But then you'd be
All by yourself ♪
Yo! So it'd be more fun
To share this one ♪
With someone else ♪
Together we will soar
Across the sky and beyond ♪
So turn up your voice ♪
Stand up and sing along! ♪
All different voices ♪
Everybody now! ♪
Our melodies ringing ♪
We're livin' in harmony ♪
We're livin' in harmony ♪
Our song is much stronger
With every Troll singing ♪
We're livin' in harmony ♪

Tribal Council, before the debut
of our big project tomorrow,
I wanted you to see our progress,
which I would describe as
That doesn't sound good, y'all.
I give you

the TrollsTopian Metroll System!
Dang, Poppy,
you downplayin' rascal.
You gotta warn a Troll
before you unveil something
that overwhelmingly cool.
What's so cool about it?
The fact that it runs through all
the TrollsTopian neighborhoods,
promoting cross-cultural celebration
on a level heretofore unparalleled?
Oh, and did I mention
it's also a roller coaster?
[screaming with joy]
Oh, please, Poppy.
Uh, we need a break!
It's just
it's too cool.
In fact, I'm concerned the festivities
we've arranged for tomorrow's debut
won't live up to coolness
of this magnitude.
I already thought
of that, Dante.
Which is why, when the six of us
make the Metroll's inaugural trip
around TrollsTopia, we will
carry a special, surprise cargo
to share with all
of the Trolls when we arrive:
A "Perfection Cake."
- Oh!
- The cake of all cakes.
They say, any Troll that tastes
one instantly weeps from sheer joy.
You better not be tellin' cake tales
outta cake school. My cake-lovin'
heart can't take it!
No, it's true.
I secretly asked Sky Toronto's
team to start prep weeks ago.
Y'know, 'cuz the conditions
have to be pristine.
TROLL: The latest frosting
- sample for your inspection, sir.
- Uh
Well, that's infuriating.
Well, hot dang!
We're gettin' a Perfection Cake, ya'll!
Uh, we hate to be those
Trolls, but we have a problem.
Due to their delicate nature,
Perfection Cakes only last an hour
once they're exposed to natural air!
- Sure. So?
- Well, as the designers of this choo-choo,
and, yes, I say choo-choo
'cuz that's what my grandma
called it and it stuck, okay?
- Whoa.
- Calm down, yo.
Yeah, you do you, as they say, uh.
As the designers of this choo-choo,
we can assure you,
it can't make it
around TrollsTopia in an hour.
Whoa, whoa.
Guys, c'mon, we need this cake to give
the Metroll the debut it deserves.
Isn't there anything we can do?
Well, we were gonna work
through the night
to finish the supplemental
loop d' loop track.

Right now, it's more of a loop d'.
But we could spend that time trying
to make the train go faster.
An engine upgrade?
But we'd have to pull out the
transmission and the brake system.
Poppy, it's not worth
it just for some cake
Let's upgrade this choo-choo.
- Phew.
- And choo-choo upgraded.
Bring in the cake!

Okay, one hour to get
around TrollsTopia,
blasting confetti cannons
all the way to the amphitheater
where the Trolls will gather
to celebrate the train.
All aboard!
Get ready to ride ♪
Hey, oh ♪
Ooh ♪
Get ready to ride ♪
And see TrollsTopia
Like you never seen ♪
Everybody inside
For some next level unity! ♪
All aboard ♪
What you waiting for? ♪
Don't need a ticket to ride
Just hop inside ♪
And join the harmony ♪
All aboard ♪
Let's all go explore ♪
And everywhere we stop
Hop on or jump off ♪
And join in on the harmony ♪
Hey, ya'll, mind if we slow' down a
hair as we go through Country Corral?
I wanna shout a little Woohoo
from the choo-choo!
Sure, we've made amazing time!
I'm just gonna ease
the brakes and, uh
Okay, not a huge deal, but it appears
we were so focused on the engine upgrade,
that I forgot to put back in
the brake system.
- What?
- It's okay! I can just pull the emergency brake.
R & B:
Don't touch that!
According to our calculations, that
would mean disaster for the cake.
B can show you, she is
drawing up the figures now.
Yeah, the stick figures!
"I'm Branch!
I'll pull the emergency break!"
[R & B vocalizing]
Whoo! Splat!
R: Ah!
What a devastating debut!
B: I don't believe
in anything anymore!
[R & B imitating crying]
- Wow, that was specific.
- Guys, c'mon, this is a Perfection Cake.
There's gotta be another way
to stop this train!
Hey, ya'll, I know how
to slow this train down!
It's hair-a-chute time!
Watch and learn, ya'll!
Ah! I was totally wrong, y'all!
No stress, Trolls.
We'll float the cake to safety using
The Bubble Beam! ♪
You do the honors, dear sister.
Uh, why don't you
try, dear sister?
- Hmm
- I know! Why don't we
Do it together!
- Well, that's infuriating.
- Sorry, Poppy.
But the emergency brake
is the only way to stop
this runaway choo-choo.
And I know it's hard to take me seriously
when I say it that way, but still!
- No! There's got to be another way.
- Poppy?
See? How do you expect to stop
before we reach the Welcome Party?
On a wing and a hair, Branch.
On a wing and a hair.
Who wants cake?
Cake, cake, cake, cake!
Poppy, that was incredible!
Through sheer grit and determination,
you beat all the odds.
Not to mention several
basic laws of physics!
Wait, which laws of physics?
Well, for starters,
every action has an equal
and opposite reaction.
[Poppy and Branch screaming]
Oh, no. Oh, no! Oh, no!
The cake's okay!
Ha! We landed
on the supplemental track!
Wait, the supplemental track?
Doesn't that lead to
[both gasp]
The loop d'!
Okay, Poppy, please,
this is life and death here.
I mean, I know it's really,
really good cake, but
Yeah, I know, we've gotta
pull the emergency brake.
I just really wanted to have a celebration
worthy of our achievement, y'know,
but I gotta face facts. All of
those plans have been derailed.
Well, y'know what?
- I say let it get derailed.
- Huh?
[Branch chuckles]
Yeah. Plans always seem
to go off track in TrollsTopia.
But then, somehow,
we end up having a blast anyway.
Hey, yeah, a blast!
R! B! Are you there?
- Yeah, still here.
- Just hangin' around.
POPPY: I need you to get all the
Trolls to the loop d', fast!

You truly are the cake of cakes.

All right, TrollsTopia!
Let's have a blast!
- Welp, that didn't go as planned.
- Wouldn't have it any other way.

So there he was.
My Daddy had already been
to four brunches,
three baby showers
and a formal tea.
- Wow!
- An average Troll would have called it a day.
But not my Daddy. He dug deep
and went to 15 more parties!
- Wow!
- Big ups to my Daddy. I love him deep.
He can do anything.

- Yeah!
- Aw!
Oh, Guy, it's so sweet how
much your son looks up to you.
You really are his hero.
Well, there's nothing in the
world I wouldn't do for that boy.
Even permanently
shave my eyebrows,
while only eating
garbage-flavored cupcakes
for the rest of time.
Wow, you, uh
You really thought that through.
You must be very excited to celebrate
your first Dadurday tomorrow.
- Wait, Dadurday? Is tomorrow?
- Dadurday? What's that, Daddy?
Ooh! You'll love it, Tiny, it's
a special day for kids and dads
to be together,
doing classic dad stuff!
Like having a catch, chopping wood!
Oh, and telling dad jokes!
Hey, Dad!
Did you get a haircut?
No, I got 'em all cut!
- Ah, just terrible!
- I know!
Wow, Daddy!
Are Queen Poppy and Queen
Poppy's Daddy for real?
Do we get to do all
that tomorrow, too?
Pff, of course!
What kind of dad would I be
if we didn't celebrate Dadurday?
I cannot celebrate Dadurday!
- Huh?
- I am terrible at traditional Dad activities.
Fishing? Building tree forts?
Wearing socks with sandals?
I can't deny the
world these calves!

Someone didn't skip leg day!
It's all so outdoor-sy
and sweat-inducing.
You guys know me,
I like to be
pampered. Observe.
Oh ♪

You see what I mean!
Whoa, easy, bro!
Tiny's gonna love Dadurday.
He thinks the world of you
and what not, ha, ha!
Tiny thinks I can do anything.
My Daddy can do anything!
But tomorrow, he'll
realize I can't.
And I just don't want my little
boy to lose his hero.
- Aww.
- Poetic.
Well, gee, Guy, is there
anything we can do to help?
Yes, that's why I called you here.
If we work together,
I believe we can give Tiny
the best Dadurday ever!
Hey, it's Dadurday, Trolls!
Let's celebrate!
You and me
Me and you here together ♪
Celebrating us on Dadurday ♪
Oh, yeah
We're peas in a pod ♪
We are crazy connected ♪
And it's more than just DNA ♪
We are you and me
And we're a family ♪
And so we celebrate ♪
Love is in the air ♪
And so we raise our
hair for Dadurday ♪
For Dadurday ♪
[Trolls mumbling]
Look, Poppy!
The lagoon just said hello!
Didn't you see it wave? Eh?
[drums play]
You know there aren't any
waves in a lagoon, right?
- Zing!
- TINY: Check it out, everybody!
Check! It out!
Daddy and me are gonna partake
in our first Dadurday activity,
skipping stones.
Show 'em how it's done, Daddy!
You got it, Tiny.
Mm-hm. Mm-hm.
Mm-hm. Mm-hm.
- Mm-hm.
- Please work. Please work. Hah!
You think that's good?
How about the double skip? Hah!
Yeah! Now skip
this one, Daddy! Uh!
Good tree fort, Daddy!
Real good!
Thanks, Tiny!
Just finished using the thing
to smooth out all the woods!
- Hmm-mm, yeah.
- Uh-huh, okay.
And do some bangy thing here.
And watch this!
Dang, Daddy!
Work that barbe-cute!
Oh. You like that, eh, Tiny?
Well, buckle up!
'Cuz you ain't seen nothin' yet!
Whoo! We're gonna need
a bigger ketchup bottle!

Now this is where it's at! Spendin'
my first Dadurday with my hero:
My Daddy.
- Aw!
- Hmm! Much love!
That's a healthy expression
of affection right there, bro.
Wow, Daddy,
I knew you were all that.
But you're even better at this
Dad stuff than I thought!
- Well
- In fact, you're so good,
we should sign you up
for The Dad-cathalon.
- Wait, the what?
- The Dad-cathalon!
The Dadurday tradition
that tests the mettle
of only the most
Dad-venturous volunteers!
But what challenge will it be?
Perhaps our dads will scale
the towering Daderhorn?
Or brave the dark
and spooky Dadacombs?
- Son.
- Dad.
Or will it be white water rafting
for dads!
Hmm, we should
work on that name.
It's white water rafting!
Dads to the starting line!
Oh! My Daddy wants in!
Right, Daddy?
Let's get moving!
And now the dad-cathaletes ready
themselves at the starting line.
And they're off!

Yeah! Go, Daddy, get 'em!
Get 'em, get 'em, get 'em!
Ooh-hoo! Ooh-hoo!
Ah! Huh?
While the other dad's steer
toward the gentle curves
of the "Lazy River,"
it appears Guy Diamond is opting for
"The Flaming Whirlpool Of Doom!"
Interesting strategy.
Hey, hey, hey. Daddy's friends?
What's wrong with Daddy?
- Huh
- Uh, Tiny, the truth is,
your Daddy might not be quite
as good at all this Dad stuff
as he was lettin' on.
Your Daddy-friends
already told me everything!
You gotta get outta there!
But this isn't how I wanted
this to go, Tiny!
You're my little boy, and I
want you to keep on believing
I can do anything!
So you don't lose your hero!
Lose my hero?
Pff, oh, I already know
there's plenty of things
you can't do, Daddy.
Huh? You do?
Uh, yeah!
Remember when you built my bike?
- Oh.
- And I know you spray glitter on your bald spot!
And I also know
that your calves ain't real.
- Okay! That's enough!
- But I don't care about any of that.
There's only one reason
you're my hero, Daddy.
Because you're my Daddy.
Then what in the hair
am I doing in this canoe?
Get me out of here!
- Guy!
- What do we do, ya'll?
Be yourself, Daddy!
Your pampered, fabulous self!
Be myself?
Yeah! ♪
Oh ♪
Yeah! ♪
[Holly laughs]
SYNTH: Okay!
You did it, Daddy!
Yes, but this holiday
has been a disaster.
Sorry, Tiny.
Maybe Dadurday isn't for us.
Sure, it is, Daddy!
We've just got to do it our way.
The Diamond way!
Ah! I am so relaxed.
Oh. Nice to meet you, So
Relaxed. My name's Peppy.
[drums play]
- Just the worst!
- I know!
Get ready to ride ♪
And see TrollsTopia
Like you never seen ♪
Everybody inside
For some next level unity! ♪
All aboard ♪
What you waiting for? ♪
Don't need a ticket to ride
Just hop inside ♪
And join the harmony ♪
All aboard ♪
Let's all go explore ♪
And everywhere we stop
Hop on or jump off ♪
And join in on the harmony ♪
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