Troppo (2022) s02e01 Episode Script

Bonds of Family

[narrator] Last season on Troppo
Get out of the water, you idiot!
There's a fucking croc!
- Who are you?
- You're new boss
if you play your cards right.
I don't do cars.
I killed someone when I was 16.
[Ted] You got one instinct
and that's to run blind and stupid
into shit you do not
remotely understand.
[Amanda] I understand you got a stink
on you that won't wash off.
What you did dishonours all cops.
Whoever hurt that little girl
didn't get away unscathed.
Not a mark on you.
Any idea when you might be
wanting to come home?
That wasn't the agreement.
I'm breaking the agreement.
[Amanda] Two men end up in the belly
of a croc less than a month apart.
That feel right to you?
Who was Lars To you?
[Amanda] He's a friend
when no one else was.
If you unravel something
in that nasty little direction,
I'd like to know about it.
[man] How long you been nicking vials?
I know who killed him.
- [hissing]
- [grunts]
Twist forced Bryce's hand
into the snake tank
and then he left him to die.
I've got a special croc
picked out for him.
She was given a sentence
that reflected the brutality of her crime.
[woman] It wasn't supposed
to happen like that.
What did you do to her?
We put it in her drink.
You were drugged and you were lied to.
It wasn't her blood.
We made a mistake.
[pop music playing over car speakers]
[guttural grunting]
[tyres screech]
[engine revving]
[indistinct chatter]
[pop music playing over car speakers]
[music stops]
[car door shuts]
[ominous music playing]
[man] Help me. Help me.
Help me. [groaning]
[breathing heavily]
- [screaming]
- [woman screams]
[theme song playing]
[breathes deeply]
Perfect, huh?
Needs crocodiles.
[bluesy music playing]
Whoo! [giggles] Come in.
- [pop music playing over speakers]
- [indistinct chatter]
I've missed this.
What, K-pop?
She misses you too.
[girls laughing]
Hey, I was thinking,
now that I'm a little more settled
in Crimson Lake,
Lilly might come up for a visit.
It's a long way, Ted.
[scoffs] Just for a weekend.
Look at her, she's growing up so fast,
I don't want to miss any more of it.
Jesus, Kel,
she's my kid too.
Kelly. Cake time.
[Ted] You let your mum
back in the kitchen?
[Kelly chuckles]
Well, she's still got that whole
heart scare thing hanging over my head.
You think that us staying in Sydney
to be near her would be enough, but
Kids, cake!
[all cheering]
Hey, hey.
I missed you. [chuckling]
Hey, where's Emma?
Is she still your bestie?
Emma couldn't come.
Her family had something else on.
No, no, no, Emma might be here later.
Okay, erm, did you see the dancing, Ted?
Are you kidding?
"Ted?" What's with the Ted stuff?
I'm your dad.
And I got you a present. Huh?
Mum says we're doing presents after cake.
Ah. Of course, of course.
I'll put that right there.
Thanks, Ted.
[knocking on door]
That'll be Emma.
Hi there.
Is your mum and dad at home?
No. Not today, it's my birthday.
Hey, peanut.
What the hell's going on?
Warrant to search the premises.
You're Crean, right? Come here.
You got a job to do, I get that.
We're just about to do the cake,
- so just, please
- I need everyone to vacate the building.
You didn't find anything
the last 20 times.
We have new information.
That's bullshit
and you know it's bullshit.
Sir, you need to step aside.
It's her birthday, she's 10 years old.
And how old was Claire Bingley?
- You're not coming into my fucking house!
- [grunting]
Fucking cocksuckers!
Get the fuck off me!
[Ted grunting]
Pick him up.
[Lilly] Dad! No.
[Crean] You picked the wrong day
to play happy families, Conkaffey.
- [Lilly] What about dad?
- [Crean] Crawl back to your swamp
before I have you arrested
for obstructing.
- [ominous music playing]
- [birds squawking]
Even though [inhales sharply]
Even though I have all this tension
in my body, I choose to release it.
Even though I have all this tension
in my body,
I choose to calmly release it.
[sobbing] Even though I have
all this tension in my body,
I choose to let it go.
Even though I have
all this tension in my body,
I choose to release it.
I have all this tension in my body,
I choose to release it.
[panicked breathing]
[breathing deeply]
[glass shattering]
Same time next week?
Not sure yet.
- [cell phone chimes]
- All right.
[rock music playing over speakers]
[laughing and whooping]
[indistinct chatter]
You're in a hurry.
Let me guess.
They looked nothing like their photo.
Couldn't stop talking about their ex?
Er, no, no, erm I just
I mean, I erm
So, you're new to this, then?
What, are you gonna tell me
it gets easier?
Oh, no, no, it's a hellscape.
At least until you find a good one.
Any tips on how to do that?
Erm, don't over-share. Newbie error.
That's not going to be a problem.
[chuckles] Well, I've got plenty more
advice if you want to stay for a drink.
Or not.
Sure, yeah.
Cool, er, beer?
Back in a minute, then.
[poignant music playing]
[bluesy music playing]
[sirens wailing in the distance]
[man] You haven't heard?
What happened?
Some nasty business. Out at the point.
[birds squawking]
I'm on the ground, boss,
and the whole town is out rubbernecking.
It's reaching oven temperature out here,
which would be great if I was
still on my well-earned vacation
and on the beach murdering a margarita.
- [woman] Detective Sweeney?
- What?
Got to go.
What the hell is that? [chuckling]
Sorry, it's all we had on hand.
So you ran out of yurts?
They were discovered just after sunrise
by an early morning communer-with-nature.
If we hadn't put that up,
they'd be covered with maggots by now.
Fair call.
Okay, let's take a look then.
[Hench] Looks like they've been here
a day or two.
Oh, Jesus.
One male. Looks like fully clothed.
One female, partially clothed.
No IDs as yet.
Is that petrol?
Looks like they were interrupted.
Maybe an ex? Jilted lover?
[scoffs] It's a special sort of person who
gets their kicks out of a human barbecue.
[flies buzzing]
Does the guy look a bit
Maybe because he's on top.
Maybe because he was the target.
Okay. We're going to be here a while.
[Tayla] Raph! Raph, stop.
Oi, stop! You can't be back here.
- Get off me!
- [officer] Come on, mate.
[Raph] Is that him?
- [Tayla] Get off him!
- Is it my dad?
Calm down, mate, calm down.
No one's been identified.
Is it my father?
- Get up. Come on.
- Let me see!
[officer] That's not how it works. Go.
It's been two nights, no one's seen him.
[officer] Back behind the line.
There you go.
Know who that is?
Raphael Naughton.
His father runs a retreat,
a couple of clicks up the ridge.
Come with me.
Is this the father?
Sergeant. Burns are the worst.
But I need you to take
a proper look at our gentleman.
[flies buzzing]
It's him.
- [coughing]
- Right.
One down, one to go.
Cops around here have a habit
of screwing things up.
And you're not?
I'm a private investigator.
If you're worried about your father.
Just leave us alone.
I'm just saying, if you change your mind,
I'd be happy to look into it.
I said fuck off!
What's her deal?
Amanda Pharrell. Local PI.
Did 12 years for murder.
It should have been manslaughter,
four years max.
I heard about that.
You worked for Damford, right?
Where's he doing his stretch?
I didn't ask.
Should we talk to the son?
Not in front of this circus.
Focus on identifying the woman
and put those bodies on ice.
[pensive music playing]
- [geese honking]
- Great.
[cellphone ringing]
I wonder who let you in.
Yeah. I know what you want.
Fuck it. Okay.
[honking continues]
Good to see you, too.
[music playing faintly over speakers]
[Amanda] About time.
While you were in Sydney
I found us a proper case.
Wow. Those 10-year-olds party hard.
You nick someone's fairy bread?
My 10-year-old daughter
is calling me "Ted."
Is that it?
Don't take it personally.
There's no other way to take it.
My name should be "Dad."
Lilly's just testing the boundaries.
All kids do it.
I did it with my dad.
That's not reassuring.
I don't think I can do this much longer.
Sure you can, Ted.
We've been waiting six months
for a case like this.
Speak for yourself.
It's not what I've been waiting for.
"Redemption Point," what is that?
Insurance fraud or a missing cat?
Two lovers whose sex was so hot
they self-combusted.
- [knocking on door]
- No "off" button with you, is there?
- No.
- [knocking continues]
Speak of the devil.
You here to tell me to fuck off again?
That's a good way to start.
The cops told Raph it's his dad.
Julian Naughton and his lover
were found dead at Hegarty's Waterhole.
Their bodies were set on fire.
Well, they don't really know
what happened, but
Back up a second now,
who is this Julian guy?
Julian runs, er
Ran Family Tree. It's a retreat that helps
broken families get back together.
- And Raph's your boyfriend?
- Yeah.
The cops are crawling
all over the retreat,
I'm just worried they're going to try
and pin this murder on him.
Why would they do that?
He's been in trouble before.
Well, maybe he did do it.
Case closed.
Er, no, there is no way
that Raph killed his dad.
Like, no way at all.
- [sighs]
- [Tayla] And I want you to prove it.
I just thought you might want to help,
you know, because of your history.
Er, well, lucky for you,
Ted is an expert at broken families,
aren't you, Ted?
[Tayla] Look, money's not a problem,
I can pay.
I do just have one condition, though.
No one can know it's me that hired you,
not even Raph.
I'll pay in cash, in person, your choice.
Yeah, fine, we love cash.
[Ted] You got an address?
In case we need to find you?
Ronnie's banana farm. She's my mum.
It's not far from the retreat.
Just please tell me you'll help Raph.
I'll get you the cash.
Thank you.
You didn't really
believe any of that, did you?
I mean something's got her shit-scared.
We should check it out.
Expert on broken families, huh?
But you're going to fix it, right, Dad?
I'll meet you there.
[birds singing]
No, really, take your time.
They're already dead, so what's the rush?
What happened in Sydney?
You get a personality transplant?
- All right, snap out of it, Conkaffey.
- Hey.
Give me that!
Get your head in the game.
You think this is really going to work?
We just need it to get through
the front door,
what's the worst that could happen?
[indistinct chatter]
We are all devastated
but I assure you,
you will receive a full refund.
Erm, I'm sorry, we're closed.
You're not permitted in here.
- We're with the forensics team
- Yep.
- and you are?
- Devi Chandri, Operating Manager.
Do you have IDs?
Er, if you could just direct us
to the lead detective,
er, her call was urgent.
Detective Sweeney is taking statements
with the guests.
[Amanda] Thank you.
[Devi] Colin, being a journo
doesn't give you carte blanche
to invade our privacy like this.
All right, you find Raph.
I'll check out Julian's office.
Hi. Er, I'm sorry,
I'll need you for a formal identification.
Would you be able to do that?
I'm his son. Yeah, of course.
I also have to ask, did your father
have a partner, a girlfriend?
No, no one.
You lived together. Any sense
he was seeing someone casually?
Er, it doesn't make any sense
the way they found him,
he hasn't been with anyone since Mum.
All right, Family Tree is
Er, was his life,
I suppose.
[suspenseful music playing]
[knocks on door]
Sorry, I'm looking for Devi.
Er, try the reception, I think.
Julian was an extraordinary man.
He helped both my boys.
I was losing them
and he turned them around.
Turned a thread into a lifeline.
Yeah, hard to imagine why
anybody would want to do this to him.
Well, greed.
Pure and simple.
And all over his ridiculous machine.
The victim's E-Type Jag
went missing the same night.
And there were no cars at the crime scene?
Maybe he drove it there and the mystery
third-person killer guy drove it away.
Raph, erm, you know Amanda.
Er, this is Ted Conkaffey,
they've been hired
to find out what happened to your dad.
Who's Who's paying for that?
Oh, your father
had a lot of grateful clients.
You're the ex-cop, right?
Must have hurt giving you the boot
the way they did.
You want our help
or do you want to leave it to them?
Mind if we do this now before you start
hiring wannabe detectives?
Look, you work for me so just keep going,
I promise he'll come round.
What is that?
It's Family Tree stuff.
It's lots of numbers and dollar signs.
No one else seemed interested in it.
You have no shame.
So what are we looking for?
Swanky car thief, hm?
Jilted lover?
Well, either way, find the car,
find the murderer.
All right, so let's talk to somebody
who knows their classics.
Speaking of,
how's that car, er, therapy thing going?
- Amazing. Crushing it. Thanks for asking.
- All right. Great.
Why don't you throw your bike
in the trunk, I'll drive you to town.
No thanks, I need the exercise.
Sooner or later
you're going to have to
get into a car that moves.
You should go see Val,
you can hardly move yourself.
You can change your mind at any point.
There's no shame in it.
Plenty of people get to this point
and they just
- can't go through with it.
- Yeah, can we just get this done, please?
[suspenseful music playing]
Before I let you go, I'd like you to look
at a second body. Would that be okay?
- I guess.
- Detective, could I have a word?
Not right now.
I'm asking you to show us the second body.
Is this the woman?
We need to identify her
as quickly as possible.
Show me.
[suspenseful music playing]
No, I don't know who she is.
One more thing.
Her tattoos. That help at all?
Are you sure?
I've never fucking seen her before,
all right?
I think we're done.
Interfere with my witness again
and we'll have a problem.
That stunt was illegal
as well as irresponsible.
I want you to send B samples
of all forensic tests to the Brisbane lab.
No harm in a second opinion, right?
So a classic E-type's worth around 250 K.
I'd be too scared to drive it.
Finally decided to get rid of
that old shit-heap of yours, eh, Ted?
Are you kidding? This baby's priceless.
You can't put a value on memories.
Erm, actually you can.
Here's your car for 800 bucks.
Oh, wait, no, here's one for free,
you just have to tow it away.
We just wanted to pick your brain
about Julian Naughton's E-type?
Oh, yeah, I just heard, poor guy.
Horrible way to go.
Yeah, his car's gone too.
Looks like somebody nicked it.
Bold move.
A piece of art like that sticks out
like dog's balls round here.
Beautiful piece of machinery.
Like an English lady. All elegant, like.
Best chassis I've ever been under.
Don't tell Tracey I said that.
Thanks for painting the picture.
Er, has anyone been in touch about it?
No. Can't sell it locally.
Probably in a chop shop in Sydney by now.
Fuckin' animals.
But you'll, er
You'll keep an ear out for us, yeah?
My oath. But don't hold your breath.
A little birdie tells me
you need medical attention.
That little birdie should
mind her own damn business.
Go on. Shirt off.
- All right. Ow!
- Shh, shh.
Okay. Okay.
- Ow.
- Just breathe.
[breathes in and out]
[Val] And breathe.
- How are you finding our new
- Shh, shh, shh.
Nothing broken.
You could try not pissing people off.
Better for your general health.
How are you finding our new friend
from Homicide?
Unethical, unprofessional and completely
dismisses anything I have to say.
I'm sure you have a lot to say.
Not me exactly, the deceased.
- [Ted] Coffee?
- [Val] Thank you.
Did, er, Julian have anything
interesting to say?
His fingernails are crying out
where he was attacked.
There's red soil under them.
Did his girlfriend say much?
She did.
Very chatty, that one.
Seems to have been forgotten in the rush.
She was a Gemini.
And I would say attached to whoever wears
the other half of that pendant.
Roses and bulldogs mean something to her.
It's nice line work.
But the broken neck, shattered pelvis,
crushed rib cage
tells me she was not
having sex with Julian.
How's that?
Newton's Law.
Or is it Murphy's?
One of them.
But for someone of that body mass
to exert such force to crush the rib cage,
they must have been jumping
from 30 metres up.
Wait, from the top of a cliff?
That would certainly do it.
We certainly know a cliff.
Next time you come to me, Ted.
I don't make a habit of home visits.
I knew that bulldog was one of mine.
Meet Erin.
Does Erin have a surname?
Erin the bikie. Come on.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Ted] Oh, yeah.
The cops are going to love
that we got here first.
[Amanda] Serves them right
for being so shit.
Looks like a vehicle backed up here.
Ah. Look at that.
There's some blood. Looks like it.
Scorch marks.
Julian was set on fire before he took
his first and last flying lesson.
There's no red dirt.
Someone drove his body here to dump it.
That means somewhere out there
is another crime scene.
Weird calling it Redemption Point.
I like it.
Yeah, but you go off here,
there ain't no coming back.
So if Julian was dropped from up here,
then Erin was down there
with someone else.
- Mm.
- We need to find her phantom lover.
[sirens wailing]
That's our cue.
Pharrell, come on.
[laughs] Thanks, son.
[rock music playing over speakers]
- [Wayne] Whiskey or water?
- [Ted] Wayne.
Er, water.
Yeah, how you doing, Wayne?
Really good.
How was the visit?
Yeah. Charlie's doing okay.
Oh, good, that's good to hear, pal.
Saw you at the retreat before.
Colin Finch, I'm a journalist.
Good to know.
I'm, er I'm writing a feature
on Family Tree,
how these sorts of places
are springing up everywhere.
Doesn't explain why you're sniffing around
when that poor kid lost a father.
Okay. Yeah, well.
My story just got better.
And I can gather why you're not a fan.
But you know some might say some might say
journos and PIs
belong in the same leaky boat.
So, who hired you?
It's not Devi,
she's a respect-the-authorities
kind of person.
And if it's Raph,
you might want to ask him about
the fight he had with his old man
the night of his death.
Lots of yelling, harsh, harsh words.
Not exactly the behaviour
of a devoted son.
[Ted] Oh, yeah.
And how do you know that?
Julian got me full access to Family Tree.
I heard it.
So what do you reckon?
Grief or guilt.
In your line of work, I'd want to know.
[ominous music playing]
[thunder rumbling]
[Devi] Raph.
Maybe you should call it a night.
Fuck off, Devi.
Excuse me? Raph.
[bluesy music playing]
Can I help you?
You again.
Like a dog with a bone.
That's just how you should want me,
if you want to find out
what happened to your dad.
I've got a couple of questions.
It's good to keep busy.
And win over the mother-in-law
while you're at it.
Ronnie and Tayla are family to me.
Well, if they're family,
where did that leave Julian?
I heard about a fight, Raph.
Yeah. So, we argued that night,
nothing unusual there.
And I have to live with the fact
that pretty much my last ever words to him
were "Fuck you, old man."
[Ted] That's rough.
Knowing what that argument was about
might help us understand
his frame of mind.
Er, I've been working with Dad
on this retreat stuff since I was 16.
My mum died and I kind of
went off the rails for a bit.
Well, then.
Dad found me on the street
really messed up.
He got me clean.
He saved my life.
And then he built a brand around it.
Made me his shining success story.
Yeah, I've seen the poster.
Do you know what it's like,
having to relive your biggest mistakes
over and over again
in front of total strangers?
I'm not 16 anymore, I
I want to move on.
I told him I'm sick of being
Family Tree's poster boy.
He took off.
And someone killed him.
Hey, Wayne.
[Wayne] No.
Buying your own stool at the bar
does not entitle you to free lunches.
You know Erin the bikie, right?
Erin Aguirra? What's she done?
Gone and got herself killed.
That's awful. A bike prang?
Still looking into it.
Anyone special in her life
I could talk to?
There's the General, her husband.
Shit bloke.
Tied up with the local bikies.
You don't want to mess with him.
I mean it, Amanda.
The General's an animal.
All right, well,
anyone else I could talk to?
Sometimes Erin came in here
with another guy, what's his name?
Zach McArthur.
Dodgy tradie, they call him "Tooly."
'Cause he works on the tools
or 'cause he is one?
Bingo on both counts.
Ah, she knew how to pick 'em.
Lives on the edge of town in a caravan
he's never taken anywhere.
See, you were born to be a barman.
- [laughs] Pays better
- Hey, Ted.
than running croc tours.
Zach's got company.
[indistinct arguing]
[Zach] Please, please, please
don't do this. No.
[groaning and screaming]
[Zach] Please listen.
- [yells]
- [man] Shut up. The General's talking.
[Zach] I don't remember. [groans]
Jesus Christ. Take these things off me.
[man] Why should we do that?
[Zach] I've told you everything I know.
General, please, please, please
I'm not bullshitting,
okay, that's what happened.
This business with his missus
got the General very upset.
[Zach] I'm sorry.
Okay, I'm so sorry she died, General,
I'm a thousand times sorry,
okay, no, just [screams]
[whispers] Meet me on the main road.
- Her dying isn't the problem.
- [groans]
I can hardly let another man bang my wife
and get away with it, can I?
Sends a bad message.
[man] Hey.
You know I usually like to start down low,
work my way up.
[bike engine roars]
Who the fuck?
Goddamn hat on my bike.
[Zach sobbing]
I don't know who the fuck you are,
but you've got to get me out of here.
Come on, fucking undo these things.
Help me, they'll be back soon.
Help you? The way you helped Erin?
Please, okay,
there was nothing I could do.
Did you even check she was dead
before you took off?
Of course, I did.
She was just this burning lump, okay,
I couldn't I couldn't do anything.
No, you can do better than that.
We were just
We were just messing around, okay,
having a bit of fun
and then it came out of the sky,
this meteorite and she was burning
and there was this guy on top of her,
I swear,
just fucking undo me, please.
So you just left her there?
There was nothing I could do.
Oh, except maybe put her out?
You better be able to drive manual.
Get the fuck up.
Bike in the boot.
- Bike in the boot!
- Can we just go?
Hurry the fuck up!
Windows down.
[Zach] Crazy bitch.
[muttering indistinctly]
You fucking coming?
Just fucking go!
[ominous music playing]
[breathing erratically]
Stop the car!
Stop the car! Stop the car!
What are you doing?
- Out!
- What?
Get out! Get Get in the back.
And don't bleed all over my upholstery.
It's priceless.
- Are you okay?
- Yep, good. No.
- Drive.
- You'll be okay.
[tires screeching]
Julian was burning
when he went off that cliff.
Tell him, Zach.
I'll never forget it.
It was like a fireball
coming out of the sky or something.
Or that stupid pop song all chirpy.
Some stupid love song.
A radio somewhere, I don't know.
[siren wailing]
Oh, shit.
[siren continues]
What the
Got you a present.
Hey Are you insane?
Get down.
I know, er, no seat belt.
I'm not a traffic cop.
- No, you're homicide.
- And you're a PI.
Clearly, we're both excellent at our jobs.
Your job is to sniff around
insurance stuff,
missing pets, cheating spouses.
Like it or not,
Ted and I have been engaged to work out
what happened to Julian Naughton.
I can't have you two
contaminating my crime scenes
and hassling victims' families.
Or hounding my medical examiner for intel.
We are professionals.
Then from one professional to another,
stay away from my investigation.
We'll do what we have to.
Because we owe it to our client.
Interfere in police work again
and I won't hesitate to charge you.
Oh, and for future reference,
if you're not interested in someone,
just have the guts
to tell her to her face.
I think she's leaving.
Yeah, she's leaving.
What the hell was all that about?
[Zach clears throat]
What are our thoughts
on dropping me at the bus stop?
Kind of need to make myself scarce.
Actually, just one more thing, erm,
if I could ask you a favour.
Not for me.
For Erin.
We have to solve this, you know.
Yeah, that's the job.
No, I mean before the cops,
like way before the cops.
Any particular cop,
or just cops in general?
Okay, I found this.
Oh, crap you stole from the retreat,
- we went through this.
- No, this,
White Hat Investments.
Family Tree's been paying them
3 K a month, every month.
I checked, there's nothing online,
just company registration
and street address.
Right, I'll check it out on the way home.
Thank you.
Cops just dragged Raph in for questioning.
Didn't they already take his statement?
Prove he's innocent, okay?
Whatever it takes.
And if he's not?
He is. I know he is.
Okay, like, I know we're worth it,
but where does she get 10 K from?
It's a lot of bananas.
Priors for break and enter,
possess prohibited substance,
marijuana, ecstasy,
crystal meth amphetamine.
Oh, here's the bit
that got me really interested,
resist arrest, assault police.
Violent assault police.
- You think I killed him?
- A stint in juvenile detention.
That was years ago.
True, but you're clearly capable
of hurting people.
Yeah, I was off my head.
It's there in the report.
He drove me crazy, all right. He did.
But he was still my dad,
I wouldn't do anything to hurt him.
We need a sample from your DNA.
- This is bullshit.
- Hm.
I can get a court order.
Well, you better go get it.
White Hat.
[suspenseful music playing]
[dog barking in the distance]
[cell phone ringing]
Hey, peanut.
You got your present.
[Lilly] I love my new phone, thank you.
now you can call me any time you want.
[Kelly] Really, Ted?
A mobile phone for a 10-year-old.
Don't all kids have them these days?
Usually, parents have that discussion
before they buy their kids a phone.
Yeah, I know.
I get it.
I just
The phone's about as close
as I seem to be able to get these days.
[Kelly sighs] I know.
I'd still like her to come visit me.
Crimson Lake.
Just for the weekend, you know?
Things are good up here.
[woman] Turn around.
[Kelly] Ted, Lilly needs stability,
she needs routine,
she needs a parent to make her dinner,
to put her to bed.
I've got to go.
Er, my name is Ted Con
You people make me sick.
Trespassing on private property.
Busting in here with your drugs
and your paint cans
and your pissing in the corners.
I wouldn't like that very much either, I
[woman] Shut up!
I'm talking.
And I've had enough!
- [gunshots]
- [grunts]
[suspenseful music playing]
Good to see you again, Amanda.
Crazy lady. Shot me.
Can you explain these blood stains?
You tried to frame me.
You go near that girl again,
we're going to have a little problem.
So do I get my own
little compartment in there?
I'm calling in the loan, Ronnie.
Where am I going to find
that kind of money?
It's a smooth transition.
Get out of here!
They're coming for me.
And then maybe you.
[Ted] I'm Ted Conkaffey
and this is Amand-
The whole word knows
who you two are.
[Amanda] Twist's back.
Good to see you again, Amanda.
Six months ago, he killed a man
in front of me
and he tried to stitch me up
for it.
He's been in hiding for months.
He only strikes when there is a need.
When my boy's autopsy came back,
there was something in his blood
and not any of the usual shit.
Something else.
This place has so much untapped potential
and we are going to tap it together.
You start talking.
Or I'll give the police the biggest
drug bust this town's ever seen.
No no no! There is only room
for one batshit crazy in this-
I am not crazy. I'm angry.
Do you recognise this item of clothing?
Devi found the shirt.
Turned it over to the cops.
Could be someone else's
but I don't know.
Do you believe in Karmic justice?
I need to see people pay for what they do
in this lifetime.
Who did this? Feels personal.
I got no idea.
They're all connected.
Julian, White Hat, the McQuillans,
Nathan and the drugs and Twist.
Got it. Kinda.
The DNA results came in from Raph's
bloody shirt.
You're never going to believe me.
Well please just stop pissing people off.
I'll see what I can do.
Is Amanda your girlfriend?
We do stupid, we do it together.
That's the company motto right there.
Ted, you're never going to believe this.
He's been under our noses this whole time.
[Amanda] Ted? Ted!
[phone line cuts off]
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