Tschugger (2021) s02e01 Episode Script


Children, please be quiet.
Mike, get your finger out of there.
You remember
what I told you about
before the break?
Yes, Patrizia.
You wanted to make the front page again
to impress Gerda, your ex,
that it would be a good idea
to send the trainee
I'm Smetterling.
But after the interlude
with these two Italians,
Smetterling almost died while
Valmira and Juni
ran away with the truck
and asked Fricker
to help them.
Then you actually
made the front page again
and you got laid with Gerda,
but she also made
another shot.
Get us that key at last.
Valmira didn't just
shooting a video.
And Juni found a key
in the Italians' tomato sauce.
Nobody really knew
what it could be used for
and what it had to do with
with the strange characters.
Certainly, there was a wiggle
at the end of your hard-on,
but you really weren't waiting for
Patty Schnyder.
You lost not only your job,
but also almost
an earlobe.
After your brother
has mended you,
you went to see Smetterling,
who tried to
tell you something.
And when Pirmin noticed
that he didn't have his gun anymore,
there was suddenly a bang.
Thank you, very good Patrizia.
At that time, nobody still knew
knew that such a small thing
could save our lives.
Based on many real events.
Any resemblance to living or deceased persons
is not always purely coincidental.
Look how impressive this is.
Oh yes, great!
Come on, let's go!
Here we go turn your ass around a bit.
How hard can it be?
Yes, yes, yes
Shut up now, you little fool.
Where the hell did you go for a walk
with the ski boots?
[Unintelligible sounds]
We have to hurry,
the chicken coop has just placed
a big order.
Can I have a taste?
Hey, it's strong, right?
Spread it out well.
Let's make it one for ten,
so we'll already be
in the Bahamas in February.
Why is she calling you?
You should not give your number to
to customers.
Maybe she wants to go
a drink with me.
With you?
Did you see how
she was looking at me
on the chairlift today?
She almost got stuck.
Hi, Natasha, is everything okay?
Muscle pain?
Do you need a little massage?
-Come on, give.
-No, Lessly doesn't want
You mustn't
trust appearances, OK?
It's okay, just breathe.
You help me, I help you.
Stop! Stop it!
-Come on! Fire alarm!
-Fire alarm,
everybody out.
Don't forget anyone, Anja.
Get out immediately!
Don't forget anyone.
Look everywhere.
Damn it!
Fucking genius!
I knew it. It just takes a little
courage and a little overcoming of
Damn it. What the fuck!
Hey, Smetterling, come on!
You can't leave now!
Smetterling. Hey,
Thank God you're back.
Look me in the eye!
Give me the gun. Drop it.
You have to give me the gun.
Drop it, it's dangerous.
You idiot,
you're going to drop it now
Come on, give it!
Damn it!
Give me the gun.
Come on now,
you youngster!
What's going on? Come back!
Damn it!
I'll come back, I promise.
-Ah fuck
-I'll get you later
I'm sorry!
Damn it.
-Get in, come on.
-Ah, great.
Everything's fine.
Juni, you were right.
Fricker is a fucking Nazi.
He threatened me,
so I shot him.
Please call me back
as soon as you hear this.
I'm sorry,
Come on, Eramo, do it for me.
I would never ask you
such a service
if it wasn't super important.
I'm sorry.
I can't do anything else.
Bruno wants you to come back.
Your job is
Damn it!
Look at that shit.
Who the hell has loaded guns
in their living room?
Damn. You're such an idiot.
He threatened me,
so I shot him.
Please call me back as soon as
you hear this. I'm sorry.
Anybody there?
Mr. Fricker?
Not too close.
Don't get too close.
Slow down, or he'll see us.
Smetterling hit him hard somewhere. There was blood everywhere.
I still don't understand
how he could have taken my gun.
-My gun!
Where is my gun?
Everything happened so fast,
he wouldn't let go of it.
He wouldn't give it to me.
What should I have done?
You know what happens
when you give him a gun!
Yes, there's no question about it.
Believe me, these images will go with me
until the end of my life.
There's nothing we can do about it
for the time being.
If we find out this story,
you will become the leader, and Biffiger
will not doubt you for a second.
And he will beg me desperately
to come back.
I can already see the front page,
the headlines.
Courage Award, Edelweiss Team,
Celebrity and Champagne
Then even Gerda will come back to me.
But I'll stay cool.
When she comes,
I'll say, "One moment,
others are waiting."
It turns.
Pirmin, on the left.
Pirmin, in front. Watch out!
In front. To the left.
There he is Pirmin, watch out!
-Dude, what's wrong with you?
-I have no idea.
Careful, Pirmin, in front.
Watch out!
The mirror!
Sincerely, that day in the car with Pirmin,
I thought I was going to die.
We know he can't
that he can't shoot,
but he can't drive
There was something weird about it.
And as I thought rightly,
it had something to do
with the substances.
You're completely out of it.
Are you loaded?
Damn, you have huge plates.
What did you take?
-No, what do I know.
-Shit, we're so close.
Stop it. Stay in the car.
I can't believe you let yourself go.
Come on, get down.
If your mother finds out!
But you used to be a dashing man!
Mr. Zenklusen,
if you are here about the case
last week's case,
you're in the wrong place.
No, I'm here for something else.
I found something.
I don't know what
what to do with it.
OK, go ahead.
I want to drop this key off at your place,
because it's dangerous.
-Yes, exactly.
-What is dangerous about it?
This key was smuggled
from Italy to Switzerland
in a truck
full of tomato sauce.
Due to some
stupid coincidences,
she ended up in my hands.
I did some research.
In the old days, keys
like that were used
to set off explosive charges.
I think this key
landed in Switzerland
to destroy something.
And I think it has something to do
with Rinaldo Fricker.
Just a moment.
The Internet is full of
this kind of thing.
In the past, with these keys,
the Nazis blew up
all kinds of constructions.
Bridges, buildings, airports.
I have a feeling that someone
here is planning the same thing.
We have to be careful.
That's why I'd like the key
that the key is in a safe place.
Wait a minute. And who do you think
who's behind this?
Rinaldo Fricker.
I think he's a Nazi.
For a moment,
I almost believed you.
What kind of drugs
did he do?
Pirmin, I told you to wait
in the car.
I have to ask you a question.
What's up?
I've already thought so many times
about this moment.
What the hell do you want?
Your presence, your charisma,
your confidence,
your moustache.
And also your biceps
not very well developed.
All this makes you
a wonderful person.
As a human being and as a policeman,
I admire you more
than anyone else.
You are more than my partner,
you are my friend.
That's nice, Pirmin,
but couldn't we
I want you to be
the godfather of my child.
I am already godfather
of my sister's child,
and I find it rather
Yes, being a sponsor
should not be underestimated.
You have to give a gift at Christmas,
for the birthday,
but also at Easter
and St. Nicholas Day.
When I see what is happening
with Bitcoins,
I'd rather invest in that.
But Pirmin's eyes
I couldn't say no.
Well, there will be a present
for Christmas and for his birthday.
You can forget about
on the Catholic events
like communion
and confirmation.
And now we'll first
catch the other one there.
Come on, let's go!
♫ Veni Arrarat
♫ Veni Arrarat
♫ Vidi Arrarat
Get down!
Ahhh shit
Look at those big clouds!
All units, code 241,
statue of Christ the King.
We need reinforcements.
Watch out, he's coming.
We just wanted
the damn key.
Pirmin, come on!
Wait, my back!
Diego, they just executed
the suspect upstairs.
I suggest that we divide ourselves
into two groups
and storm the hill.
It is important now that we all
What are you doing here?
We were chasing the suspect
that Smetterling wanted to kill.
Boris, Clara,
take Bax home.
-House arrest.
-What? No way. Diego!
-I don't want to hear any more.
-There's a cult up there.
-Pirmin! Say something
-You are suspended.
You're lucky I don't put you
you on remand.
And where's the pickup?
What the hell!
Pirmin but tell him something
Bax is right.
For the pickup that was there
I don't know why
you're still hooking up with Bax.
-I think he's on drugs.
Pirmin, what happened?
There, on the hill
Pirmin! Jesus, Mary. What's going on?
There is nothing up there on the hill.
False alarm.
Luckily, the projectile passed within
a few millimeters
from the main artery.
But he lost a lot of blood.
Can I ask him some questions?
I don't know
if it will do any good.
It's full of morphine.
But you can try.
I'll be downstairs in the cafeteria
if you need me.
Mr. Fricker? Mr. Fricker?
Valmira, why?
Brotz, from Fedpol.
What happened?
-What? What is it?
-Who shot you?
Were they your two business partners?
Did the pot delivery go wrong?
I can't remember anything.
I have to rest now.
No, please.
What are you doing?
-Where is Dr. Schmidhalter?
-In the cafeteria.
And he's going to stay there
stay there for a while.
Help me, boy.
I have your iPad.
And now tell me
why you were looking for that key.
Thank you, Ida.
Did you draw this?
No, Mike drew it.
The boy
who had this thing with Bax.
Can't you just
leave the boy alone?
I don't know
what to say about that.
In the old days, we used to sometimes smoke a joint or something like that.
But MDMA, speed,
and this here, I don't even know.
Methaqualone or "Ludes".
Ginger had apparently
ingested quite a bit of the stuff.
And for someone like Pirmin
who is
already drunk after two schnapps,
a little fine dust
of this stuff is enough.
And you consumed
all of this up the hill?
You are going to become a father, Pirmin!
It was an accident.
The powder in the hospital
You'll explain that to the board of inquiry.
I want you to take a break.
-Why? Diego!
-Think of this as an opportunity.
You're on paternity leave starting tomorrow
and you can prepare yourself
for the role of a father.
But what about the sect
on the hill that we
Forget about it,
we'll take care of it.
Can I interrupt you for a moment?
I have something very important.
Come in, we're done.
Juni! What's up, man?
Not much.
Wait a minute, wait a minute!
I just wanted to check
what you're up to.
Check it out,
the video is a hit.
We already have more than 5,000 likes
and DJ Khalid has shared the video.
DJ Khalid?
That wasn't quite right.
It was DJ Khalidia
from Verbier.
And it was more like five likes.
Even our photo video
TikTok got more likes.
See what I mean?
What if we spent a few days in Zurich
and meet some people there?
And Romi and Claudi?
Don't they have time because they are still
because they are always at the gym?
-I was thinking more about you.
-Yes, of course.
The only idiot who doesn't hesitate
to do the dirty work for you.
I'll stop with all this bullshit.
I'd like to think of myself now.
If you are ever interested in me
in me again,
don't hesitate to contact me.
My God,
what is he doing?
I couldn't believe it either
when I saw him.
-I didn't expect that from Bax.
-It doesn't make sense.
Maybe he's been screwing up
from the beginning.
and now wants to cover it up.
You know him.
-But for him to go so far
we have to stop him
before he does any more damage.
Yes, it's me.
I have a request
intervention level.
I need the Edelweiss team
as backup.
They have always been here
among us.
Maybe they have also knocked on your doors
knocking on your doors, children.
They have many names.
Children of God, Rael, Jehovah's Witnesses, Templars of the Sun
or the funny birds
of Tom Cruise.
All of them have already wanted
to give me their stories.
But remember one thing:
When you let the devil in through the door,
love flies out the window.
If you want to know
what the two ski instructors
want from Valmira,
what the Edelweiss team does
with my garage door
and what Tomba la Bomba
and I have in common,
what Frängi
likes to put in his ass
and why one should not eat
ten military cookies at once,
how Pirmin
is making progress in his new job
and what happens
when someone gets 50,000 volts,
don't miss
the next episode of FLICS.
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