Tsukimichi: Moonlit Fantasy (2021) s02e01 Episode Script

What? Moon over the Ruined Castle?

Makoto Misumi is
a man of extraordinary misfortune.
He was teleported
numerous times in the fantasy world
but the goddess' cruelty knows no bounds.
It's been several months
since he arrived in the fantasy world
and started his fantasy world reformation.
With the support
of this big Subspace family,
he slowly worked his way up the ladder
and embarked on a journey,
a journey in search of the traces
of his parents' life in this world.
He became a merchant
to have a steady source of income.
To open up a new store,
his next destination
is the academy town
known as Rotsgard.
The adventure begins.
Walking is so exhausting.
it's much better than getting caught
by the goddess when we teleport.
She might toss us into a battle
to get us killed.
It's all the fault of that cursed goddess.
We are almost at Rotsgard.
While I find us an inn,
you should get something to eat.
I'm fine with any inn.
Any inn?
No! I can't allow that!
If I get you a cheap rundown inn,
Lady Tomoe and Lady Mio
in the Subspace will give me an earful.
Tomoe and Mio
Was putting them in charge
of the Subspace really the right call?
Hmm. You've become interested in cooking.
You wish to make
the Young Master something he likes.
I can totally relate to that.
how did a simple tasting
go so horribly wrong
when you did the cooking?
How should I know?
It was right to have
Young Master's food tested for poison.
Are you calling my food poison?
I prepared the curry rice
based on his past memories.
Have you eaten any curry rice before?
Of course not.
It's a dish from another world.
Did you even ask him for the recipe?
Nope. I wanted to give him a surprise.
Lady Mio What is this green object?
This must be some kind of ore.
After going through
the footage of his memory,
I thought it would taste heavenly.
Isn't that
soft emerald?
This one is very rare, even in the wild.
I thought the green part of the curry
was capsicum or asparagus.
The pot's handle was in the broth.
The pot actually melted.
You're not supposed to eat that.
It's not as tasty as I imagined,
but is it so bad
that it knocks people out cold?
Many Subspace demi-humans
and the Young Master himself
don't eat mineral ores.
More precisely speaking, they can't.
They don't consume
weapons and buildings either.
You mean those aren't food?
Well, I guess everything
in this world is edible to you.
By the way, have you
ever studied the art of cooking?
At least I know how to use fire.
Very well.
Make a piece of slightly burned toast.
It must at least be appetizing for Emma.
A piece of toast?
A little bit of flame will do the trick.
Your little bit of flame
seems full of malice.
This can't be!
When it comes to cooking,
you have a lot more to learn.
The meat is blue.
I can't put my finger on the texture.
Good sir, your face is repulsive as is.
Can you at least
not make it worse when you eat?
My apologies.
The texture is rather unusual,
but it's delicious overall.
You write with magic.
For various reasons,
I can't speak the common language.
I see.
All thanks to that cursed goddess.
I must ask, is the main ingredient
of this dish slime?
You know quite a lot.
Looks like
you're an impressive adventurer.
As expected.
Slime actually tastes pretty good.
I posted a job
at the Guild to catch slime.
Since you're an adventurer,
I'd be grateful if you took the job.
I'm registered at the Guild,
but I'm mainly a merchant.
I'm traveling from Tsige to Rotsgard.
That's a lot of traveling to do.
Thanks for the food.
Keep the change.
A gold coin?
Are you sure about this?
I'm out of small changes.
Did I just fail as a merchant?
Look at that hideous being.
Poor thing.
He must be a demi-human.
No way that's a normal human.
Was he cursed?
I made the decision to take off my mask.
But the stares still feel awful.
However, compared to my first
encounter with a human settlement,
this isn't too bad.
-What is he doing now?
-I'm scared!
You completed a special-rank job?
But you're still at level 1 of the E-Rank.
And a level 1 at that!
Stop bringing up my rank and level.
I don't know why I can't level up.
Slime capturing is a B-Rank job.
An E-Rank like me can't take it.
I told you! Moon Over The Ruined Castle
will attack soon!
Moon Over The Ruined Castle?
That's a song I love.
What did she mean by an attack?
I'll pay for the job.
Why won't anyone take the job?
We can't deploy our men at the moment.
We're talking about
a group of fearsome bandits.
There are over 100 of them in total.
They've made an example
of several villagers by killing them!
We still lack the combat strength.
We should have enough fighters
by the middle of the next month.
Until then, please wait patiently.
You can't be serious
Why? Why is this happening?
We've always prayed to the goddess.
If prayers could save your lives,
there wouldn't be any adventurers.
Because there are
more people like you nowadays,
the goddess is upset!
It's the reason she is so cruel to humans!
That's the cruelty of your goddess?
Compared to what I got, you got off easy.
Sweetheart, we could
give you a special discount.
Tell us about your job.
Go away.
Please go away.
I knew it.
Paying with a gold coin was a bad idea.
Three followed me from the restaurant.
Another four came from the Guild.
Eto! Open your eyes! Eto!
Poor girl.
We can cheer you up a little.
No! Let go of me!
Your prayer to the goddess is useless.
Try begging for
What What happened?
You're the one from the Guild.
A demi-human aiding a fellow demi-human.
I'll cut your ugly face into
So many humans here
are world-class scoundrels.
Excuse me,
would you let me heal his injury?
Are you a demi-human?
Was that why you saved us?
I may not look like one,
but I'm certainly a human.
Healing Realm.
His wound is healing!
The power I got from
Lord Tsukuyomi is certainly amazing.
My name is Kuzunoha.
I'm an adventurer,
but I'm mainly a merchant.
Well I'm sorry for my rudeness earlier.
Thank you for saving us.
I'm Rana from Tapa Village.
He is Eto, a werewolf.
A werewolf?
This beastly boy?
I guess there are different variants.
I hope so.
Excuse me
Sorry. I'll carry him.
By the way, you mentioned an attack
by Moon Over The Ruined Castle?
So, you don't have time
to wait for the Guild's help.
They said they wanted
to make an example of someone.
They tortured Mr. Parclay to death,
and he was the strongest of us.
And then, his wife
The villagers are giving in.
They are handing over
their money and savings.
But every village they have been to
was slaughtered and robbed clean.
Tapa Village is doomed.
Eto, are you all right?
Well? Will the Guild send help?
Sorry, if only I were stronger
I'm used to death at this point.
I have human blood on my hands too.
It was unusual in my world,
but it happens all the time in this world.
I thought I had accepted that fact.
Let me send you back to the village.
Where is it?
Our village is over that mountain.
It's a long trip.
No problem.
Be careful not to bite your tongue.
Hold on! Mr. Kuzunoha!
Mr. Kuzunoha!
Who exactly are you?
I told you. I'm a merchant.
That's totally a lie!
It only took a while.
This village is
much smaller than expected.
I want to thank you properly.
Can you wait here for a bit?
I'll inform the villagers.
Aren't you going in?
You speak werewolf?
Common language is my only bane.
Aren't you from this village?
My village is in the woods up ahead.
Rana and some villagers
are very close with me,
but inviting a demi-human
into a human village
is usually impossible.
I guess that's true.
Now is not the time to talk about that.
Mr. Kuzunoha, do you sense
the weird scent of this village as well?
So, you do know something.
Perception Realm.
I smell blood.
There are more than a handful of them.
Moon Over The Ruined Castle
must have killed again.
Just who exactly are you?
I told you. I'm a merchant
who is also an adventurer.
You certainly don't look like one.
By the way, you were awake
when I carried you earlier, weren't you?
I can tell if someone is awake
by the way their weight shifts.
You pretended to be unconscious
because you felt like
it was you who put her in danger.
I sounded kind of mean when I said that.
If you want to be with her,
make sure you keep her safe next time.
The Perception Realm detected something.
I assumed they'd be nearby.
Mr. Kuzunoha?
I'm taking a walk on the mountainside.
No! You'll get yourself killed!
So, you knew something
was at the mountainside.
How did you know?
Is there a reason you're doing this?
The Moon Over The Ruined Castle.
In a country far away, it's the name
of a song I love very dearly.
I just can't stand it when a bunch of
despicable bandits name themselves that.
Is that reason good enough?
Can I help you in any way?
Let's see
We have demi-humans
working in our company.
When they drop by
your village or Tapa Village,
please welcome them
with something delicious.
Meat and vegetables.
I used premium ingredients for my cooking,
but the result
I can see another world closing in.
I can handle it.
There is still some fight in me!
Mysterious flavor and mysterious texture.
-I'm gonna die for sure this time.
-I'm gonna die for sure this time.
I can't move my body.
I knew this would happen,
so I brought medicine.
We are too late!
Are you seriously asking that?
Komoe, what's on the menu today?
Chicken skewers and orc-style cream soup.
These are something completely different!
I was told the buds on
potatoes are poisonous,
so I peeled them and
These vegetables left
a lot of cuts in my mouth.
I gathered them in the wild.
That's killing weed.
The leaves turn into blades
to cut down their prey.
They are monsters.
Live monsters?
Do they taste good if properly cooked?
We can use them as abrasive
if we process them.
But I was so confident
with my meat dishes!
Sorry, Lady Mio.
The meat won't budge
no matter how hard we chew.
Time for a showdown!
Our strongest warriors have fallen!
That can't be right!
I based it on the recipe
the Young Master enjoyed so much.
It takes special skills
to process monster meat.
This oil is actually fuel.
It works heavenly as a lubricant.
In other words
It's industrial
I only joined because
I smelled the delicious banana.
Don't kill the banana!
I won't let you guys outshine me!
You used a fruit to decorate the meat.
There are restaurants
with tasty food prepared this way!
Isn't it the same
with sweet-and-sour meat?
But not with the same fruit!
Great ingredients don't necessarily
guarantee great tastes.
Not to mention different races
have different palates and preferences.
I prefer the original taste.
I prefer salty food.
I like the persimmon!
I never knew cooking would require
such a profound amount of knowledge.
To match the Young Master's preference,
we should ask Lime, who is also a human.
With that said, it'd be too stressful
for him if he did it alone.
Therefore, you should travel
around the world!
Improve your cooking skills and
learn more about different ingredients!
Tomoe How could you
I knew she wouldn't like the idea.
How could you be so brilliant?
Isn't that wonderful?
-Thank goodness.
-Thank goodness.
I'm about to embark
on a culinary warrior's journey
for the sake of
the Young Master's happiness!
I should start investigating
so the Young Master
wouldn't get caught up in any trouble.
Where are the village folks?
They are gathering the money.
Those fools should have
done that from the get-go.
How many lives should we take today?
Let's have some fun tonight.
I never thought I'd put this on again,
but I can't expose my identity.
Now, Silence Realm.
What's going on?
I can't make any sound.
No. Everything went silent.
An ambush!
Such a nuisance.
I said I wouldn't
get involved in human affairs,
but here I am.
Eliminating bandits for humans.
However, I've made up my mind
to act on emotions when I hesitate.
Is he the guy?
I avoided hitting the vital organs.
They are merely knocked out by magic.
The elder dwarf's armor
never disappoints.
Its damage resistance is outstanding.
I'm outnumbered here.
Using arrows is too wasteful.
When I was learning
this technique from Emma,
I was worried I couldn't master it.
Now, I can use it at will.
The sounds are back.
This shot will hit its marks.
I won't kill you.
I have only one demand.
Do not call yourselves
the Moon Over The Ruined Castle.
What happened here?
How are they
Does this mean we are safe?
-Quick! Contact the Adventurer's Guild!
-Could this be
-We need to move the patients!
Our prayers have been answered.
Young Master.
Where were you the whole day?
Just taking care of some business.
I see.
Enough about me. Did you find us an inn?
I found a proper inn I can take you to.
The price is three gold coins a night.
Three gold coins That's 300,000 yen!
It's too expensive.
By the way, according to what I heard,
the heroes you mentioned
received a hospitable welcome in
the Limia Kingdom and the Gritonia Empire.
Only you are forced to live a frugal life.
As your servant, I can't tolerate that!
I see.
I'll find other heroes
that are more suitable for my world.
I met other heroes
when I was teleported to the battlefield.
Will I meet them again someday?
In another world
live two mysterious heroes.
How will fate unfold?
"Senryu of the Heart" by Makoto Misumi.
The second night.
"The Heroes Are Both Good-Looking."
Next Episode