Ultraman (2019) s02e01 Episode Script

The Man from NY

Are you still not here?
Yes, I see something.
Yes, sir.
Here's your order. Enjoy.
Seriously, it's been so long.
How have you been, Hayata?
My part-time job has been a bit busy,
but I'm doing well.
Good to hear.
This place sure brings me back.
-Well, Rena.
How long are you staying in Japan?
Are you done training in New York?
Did you say "training"?
I just came back for a visit.
We're still not sure
when I'll start working again,
so I'm thinking about studying hard
in New York a bit longer.
I see.
But I'm glad your life
in New York is going well.
Although it is unfortunate
I won't get to see you.
More importantly,
do you know about
the Disappearance Incident?
Of course. I was so worried.
All those people disappeared in New York,
so I was worried that
you might've disappeared too.
I didn't know
you were that worried about me.
Yeah, I was beside myself with worry.
-Thank you.
-Oh, sorry.
But I really am worried about
the people who disappeared.
Hey, Izumi!
-Is he okay?
-That hurts!
What the hell was that?
Is that how you greet an old friend?
-You really worried me.
There was such a commotion after
all those people in New York disappeared.
-Yet, I didn't hear from you for days.
-Hi, going on a trip?
-Are you listening?
-Yes, absolutely.
Well, I saw all those people
disappear right in front of me
and I couldn't sit still.
So I was busy chasing clues
all around New York.
I promise I'll make it up to you.
So what did you find out?
Can you take a look at this?
Is this an alien?
Right before the incident,
the alien was abandoned
right in the middle of Times Square.
What? But why?
This alien was probably a lure,
since the curious bystanders
who crowded around all vanished.
How awful.
Could the culprit be an alien too?
I'm certain it is.
Not sure what their motive is,
but I did uncover some information.
To make people disappear, they use this.
-A camera?
I want to convey to SSSP
the proof that they're using a camera
and save the people who disappeared.
So can I count on you again?
There's no doubt that an alien
was involved in
New York's Disappearance Incident.
Yes, since this method is not possible
for the humans of Earth.
What's more,
we have intel that says an alien
was sighted right before the incident.
Does that mean…
it's our turn now?
Japan could be targeted at any moment.
We're investigating with branches
located in every country.
However, the issue is that
we do not know what their motive is.
If we are unable to ascertain this,
any action we take is of no use.
So why are we here?
Weren't we going to go meet the SSSP?
Yeah, but before that,
there's something I wanted to check out.
This place has been attacked
by aliens often, right?
So I thought maybe I'd get
to see something here.
Don't get your hopes up.
Even after living here all my life,
I've never once met Ultraman.
Oh, you could tell?
It's totally obvious.
Well, I can't fight like Ultraman,
but using this to share
the truth with the world
is my own form of justice.
Come on.
Smile for me.
What's going on?
What is this?
-An earthquake?
-What is this?
This is…
We got a report that
a rampaging alien is near you.
Head over there immediately.
What? An alien?
Near me? But I'm in the city.
Apparently, it came out of nowhere.
I've sent you the coordinates,
so just hurry.
Yes, sir.
Come on! At a time like this?
I was suddenly called in
by my part-time job, and…
You have work to do?
Do your best!
-See you.
Well, Rena.
Is Ultraman… well…
What is it?
No, it's nothing.
I'll be off then.
Yes, I see something.
-Kotaro, is this…
It's just like back in New York.
Kotaro, look at that.
Izumi, follow me.
-Where to?
-A blind spot.
A blind spot?
What is that?
Oh, crap!
Stay back, it's still dangerous.
Please go seek refuge somewhere!
The bus will now depart.
Please use the grab handles.
You bastard… Don't push your luck!
What's taking you so long, kid?
Mr. Moroboshi.
He's still up?
Why are you here?
Do you know him?
How could you not know?
How could I?
This is Mochigon.
He's not a new alien.
He's already registered.
He's strong,
but not enough to rampage around a city.
He's still actually rampaging though.
Moroboshi, capture the alien alive.
I have some questions for him.
As you say,
something doesn't feel right to me.
-Let's go.
-Got it.
Excuse us, let us through.
Stay down.
Why are we hiding in a place like this?
What's this?
Izumi, take a look at that.
Oh, isn't that Rena Sayama?
No, those four girls.
Aren't they just waitresses
from a maid cafe?
He's not in his right mind.
Maybe he had too much to drink.
In this guy's case,
he might've had too much mochi.
Hey, kid.
It's time to end things.
All right.
Take this!
-They did it!
Did you see me in action?
Hey, don't let the onlookers
get too close.
-Yes, sir.
Please don't come near,
it's still dangerous.
Come on, stay back.
Play the hero
while you still can, Ultraman.
Hurry and take the photo.
As you wish.
The switch
fell into my bra.
Seal off the area
and begin the retrieval process at once.
-Roger that.
-Move away!
Everyone, stay back!
Yes, that's good.
-Please keep your distance.
Mr. Moroboshi!
You bastard.
That group…
What is this?
What the hell happened?
What happened?
The suit has a quantum transmission error.
Come in, requesting response!
Lost contact with on-site troops!
Moroboshi, what happened out there?
The people disappeared.
Is Shinjiro okay?
Calm down, Hayata.
I'm sure Shinjiro is fine.
If an error occurred
with Ultraman suit transmission system,
that is proof that the enemy is using
quantum transmission technology as well.
If that's the case,
who made
all those people disappear, and why?
Is it…
operational yet?
No, we still can't use it.
And what would you accomplish
by going out in this situation?
It was just a hunch,
but the worst possible thing has happened.
-A civilian? There were survivors?
-I have a lead on this case.
Please listen.
In this camera…
Civilians must evacuate from here.
-Go request police protection.
Listen to me!
I don't think this is a good idea.
We might disappear too.
Let's leave it to the SSSP.
We've come too far to stop now.
If I had exposed the truth earlier,
those people wouldn't have…
But still…
Izumi, hand this camera over to the SSSP.
If they look inside,
they should know
how the aliens erased the humans.
And what about you?
I'm going to the maid cafe.
You can't!
That's how you always get into trouble.
It's fine, I'll stay connected with this.
Okay, I'm counting on you.
Subtitle translation by: Chul Woong Kim
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