United States of Al (2021) s02e01 Episode Script


MOTHER: Hit it again, Brandon.
Board two, Brandon zero.
Board two, Brandon zero.
Is it confirmed? Remember Bilal? Scooter's interpreter? Yeah, he confirmed it.
He's in Herat.
Hazel's up next.
The Taliban took Herat.
I thought you said that wasn't going to happen.
I did.
It's okay, go help Al.
What's going on? The Taliban took Herat.
Kabul might be next, and Al's family's there.
Hassina, salaam, how is Kabul? What do people say? HASSINA: We're okay, we're just scared.
Don't worry, Riley and I will find you an earlier flight.
In other cities, the Taliban are going door to door looking for people who worked with foreigners.
- I worked with the U.
- Hassina, listen to me.
Nothing is going to happen to you.
You have a visa, you will be safe in Turkey.
But we were making progress here.
: Now it's all disappearing and there's nothing I can do about it.
Hey, I got Todd.
Hold on a minute, Hassina.
What do you got? TODD: They're deploying Marines to Kabul.
What for? What's the mission? I heard evac, but I-I don't know.
All right, call me back when you know more.
Copy that.
HASSINA: Did he say they're sending the Marines? Yes.
To evacuate us? They're not coming for you.
Hold on, guys, I can get her to India leaving tomorrow.
No, she only has a visa to Turkey.
Can't she get a new one? No, baby, it took months to get this one.
I got chicken nuggets.
Thank you, Art.
I am not hungry.
Why are we only looking for tickets for Hassina? What about the rest of your family? They are not in as much danger as my sister.
Besides, they don't have any way to leave.
A seat opened up on the Monday flight.
- Are you sure? - Go Dad! You don't have it memorized? It's like 40 numbers.
Damn it, declined.
Let me call 'em.
Don't lose that seat.
Hazel, my purse.
Dad, don't get mad, but we have a corporate Amex.
Since when? Five years? How much debt have you run up? Zero.
Oh, good looking out.
Got it! [LAUGHS.]
Hmm, wow, this is heavy.
NEWSWOMAN: In other news, we can now confirm that Herat is under the full control of the Taliban.
This is their biggest gain thus far in their weeklong assault [SCOFFS.]
Are they allowed to call it news if it happened two days ago? [TURNS TV OFF.]
So, how you doing? Fine.
How are you doing? Fine.
Okay, now we have established that we're both lying.
I didn't think it was going to happen this fast.
No one did.
Someone must have made a deal.
We just need Kabul to hang on for three days.
Long enough to get your sister out.
But my mother will still be there, my nieces and nephews.
They will ban music again, no school for girls.
Have I ever told you that we were not allowed to fly kites under the Taliban? Why not? They said there were angels flying in the sky and our kites were harassing them.
Boy I know it's not an option, but I really wish you could get drunk right now.
What are you doing up? Wait 30 years, you'll find out.
What's with the faces? My cousin Zubair heard gunshots near the palace, and there are rumors that the government is falling apart.
What does that mean? It means it's over.
If there is no government, there is nothing stopping the Taliban.
What about all the interpreters? How the hell we gonna get 'em out? It's messed up.
We got to focus on Hassina.
ART: All right.
So, uh, so what are the options? She leaves in 30 hours.
We cannot get her on an earlier flight.
Maybe we can get her to the airport.
Isn't that where all the Marines are? I'm worried that is where the Taliban are going to attack.
And everybody might be rushing to the airport.
Yeah, right, large crowds are always a target.
Hopefully she has time.
Does she have 30 hours? Who knows? [HELICOPTER BLADES WHIRRING.]
As-salaam, Hassina Jaan.
How was your first day at work? HASSINA: Amazing.
We vaccinated a whole village.
I've never been so happy making children cry.
I'm ready to cry.
This, this is beautiful.
Hey, guys, mail came.
Hey, Todd, Al's on the phone.
I am so proud of you.
I told Mother I had the best day of my life, and what do you think she said? The best day of your life will be when you give her a grandchild.
Score, corner piece.
There's only four of those.
Come on, man, shut up.
Hassina, don't let anyone make you doubt yourself.
You are brave and smart and strong, and I promise one day you will be a great doctor.
HASSINA: I have to go.
You must be proud of her.
Ten years ago, she wouldn't have been allowed to go past the first grade.
I was so smart, I skipped the first grade.
You sure you didn't skip all the grades? [LAUGHTER.]
Boy, your dad makes great brownies.
Those are mine? You son of a Wait, wait, wait, hold on.
No, wait, you're gonna squish 'em.
RILEY: Spit it out, spit it out.
Have you guys been up all night? President Ghani is gone.
Airport's been mobbed, commercial flights are canceled.
We don't know when they're gonna start up again.
Or if.
I should have gotten her out a month ago.
I should have had her go to the airport as soon as Herat was gone.
Maybe she could have gotten on a flight.
This is all my fault.
Hey, no, it is not.
I encouraged her to get the U.
I told her she would be safe.
If I hadn't done that, she would not be a target right now.
Look, I've never met Hassina, but it sounds like this job was the most important thing in her life.
It was.
I also never got the impression that she actually listens to you.
All right, what do we know? Good morning.
Wow, that's the longest I've gone without taking a leak in years.
I got to sleep out here more often.
Where'd you get that? Hazel invented it.
Did she tell you that? It did seem a little beyond her.
Hassina, what's going on? HASSINA: My boss called.
He got me on a list for the U.
chartered plane.
It's leaving tomorrow.
That is great news.
But how am I going to get to the airport? There are Taliban checkpoints on the road, and it's my only chance to get out.
Hassina, you can't look like you're going there.
Okay? D-Don't take any luggage.
Hide your documents under your clothes.
Have Zubair drive you.
But then what? Have you seen the pictures? It's chaos.
People are being whipped and tear-gassed.
Hassina, I know, I know.
Our friend Todd is in touch with the Marines at the airport.
We are going to call him right now.
We will have a plan for you when you get there.
I'm so glad we know Todd.
Pretty sure no one has ever said that before.
Hassina, let's go through this again, and this time I want you to write it all down.
After getting control of Afghanistan for the first time in 20 years, the Taliban may be facing a financial crisis Al.
What? Just take a tiny break.
You can still go back to your phone, but just put one piece in the puzzle.
That doesn't even fit.
Hey, buddy, they just left the house.
All right, it'll take at least a couple hours to get through to the airport.
Hello? - Hey.
- VANESSA: Hey, guys.
Brought supplies.
I wanted to say "The cavalry is here," but Mom said that that's Army and you would get mad.
- For you.
- Yes! This is the stuff coffee drinks to stay awake.
Thank you.
And for you, green tea.
It's the good stuff.
I was saving it for your birthday.
- Thank you, Vanessa.
- Mm-hmm.
And lasagna.
One hour in a low oven.
I'm gonna go start some laundry.
When was the last time those two took a shower? - What day is it? - Okay.
Hazel, when your dad's not looking, give him a few squirts.
Roger that.
Nah, man, we haven't heard from Bilal either.
No, hey, hey, that is not on you.
I know he has his papers.
I know.
I know.
Scooter, if they're looking for him, it means they haven't found him yet.
All right? That guy is a fighter.
He will make it to Kabul.
And that's when he's gonna need you, and we will figure something out.
You good? Okay, you call me as soon as you hear something.
- Who was that? - Scooter.
Trying to get his interpreter out.
You've had a week, haven't you? Not as bad as Al's.
It's not a contest.
NEWSMAN: Breaking news, the Browns' season is already in peril because they're now down two defensive backs.
Oh, this is perfect.
This is breaking news, America? - Hey, why don't we just turn this off.
- No! No, how's Cleveland supposed to win? I mean, Cleveland is screwed.
- Riley - We got to do something! Cleveland is running out of options! - Hey, hey.
- I got to tell everybody, they got to know! Hey.
This is bigger than you.
And don't worry.
The Browns' secondary is deep.
- Hassina? - We are at the airport.
Although there are so many people and I can see a Taliban checkpoint.
They are just looking for government officials who are trying to run away.
Tell them you are a journalist and you are reporting on what is going on at the gate.
Okay? Okay, let me say goodbye to Zubair.
I don't think I can do this! Hassina, listen to me.
I am right there with you.
I am walking beside you as you go through the crowd.
Okay, I'll call you, Awalmir.
I'm gonna grab some air.
I know you've been smoking.
No, I haven't.
Your lighter is over there.
Where are you exactly? HASSINA: I don't know.
There are so many people.
- Hassina, send me your location.
- How do I do that? Open your map on your phone.
Then press on it and a red balloon pops up.
- It's-it's not doing anything.
- Hold it longer.
- I am holding it! - It is not rocket science.
- Stop yelling at me! - Sorry.
It came up.
Okay, now share it with me.
Okay, uh, she is Shoot, man, she's all the way down here.
Todd says they're letting people through the north gate.
Hassina, you got to get to the other side of the airport.
- All right? Head west.
- Which way is west? Hassina, as you go through, keep the airport on your right.
You will see red and white apartment buildings on your left.
And then the gate is going to be right across from the second gas station you will pass.
But, Hassina, it will be a very long walk.
I have to save my battery.
Call us when you get to the gate.
It's Hassina.
She's at the second gas station.
Oh, my God, look at all those people.
And she's got to get through all of them.
But how is she gonna do that? She just has to.
She's at the gate.
She sent a picture.
Those guys at the gate are Marines.
Tell her I need a better picture so I can see what color their uniforms are.
- Why does it matter? - Green Marines are East Coast.
Tan is West Coast.
Different companies.
That's Pendleton.
Todd, yo, she's at the gate.
Yeah, it's the two-one.
Tell me your guy is at the gate right now.
Send me his number.
All right, I got it.
Now we're even for the brownies.
Kimble, my name is Riley Dugan.
You don't know me, but I was in the three-five Sangin with Todd Gonzalez.
Yeah, he's a bastard.
I need to get a female through your gate.
Yeah, I know you're in it right now, but this is my interpreter's sister.
I did two tours with him.
I'm looking at him right now.
He's my best friend.
Yeah, he lives with me.
I can't get rid of the guy.
No, no, hey, hey.
Listen to me.
I know we're not gonna be able to get everybody out.
But you and I can get her out right now.
Thank you.
Thank you.
- HASSINA: Awalmir! - Hassina, there is a Marine at the gate looking for you.
His name is Kimble.
- I'm in a huge crowd - Ah! [SPEAKS DARI.]
They are pushing me back.
She's like 50 feet from the wall.
Tell her to wave something.
- W-What color is your shawl? - It's orange.
Take it off and wave it over your head.
She's waving an orange shawl over her head.
He doesn't see her.
- Hassina, yell "Kimble.
" - What? Just do it! Kimble! Kimble! Kimble! He sees her! Okay.
Okay, he cannot go to her.
She's got to get to him.
Hassina, he can see you but you need - to get closer to the gate.
I can't move, there's too many people! - Why can't he just go out and get her? - He's doing his job.
He's got orders; he cannot do whatever he wants.
But she's right there! Okay, look, she's trying, man.
She's not a linebacker.
Hassina, he is not allowed to come out to you.
You are almost there, but you need to be close enough to touch him.
You push through! This might be your only chance! Hassina.
Hassina, get out of there! No, Hassina, you run for the gate! You go now! - No, no, no, no.
Hassina! Hassina?! Kimble, what happened? - Kimble, talk to me! - Oh, God.
: Why did you tell her to go to the gate?! - It was an opening.
- That is my sister out there! I know! Hmm.
ZUBAIR: Promise me something.
When you meet Beyoncé, tell her there is a handsome man in Afghanistan who is ready to marry her.
Zubair, it will be the first thing I tell her.
We're really going to miss you.
I will find a way to get you to America.
You know my place is here.
What would happen if all the smart women left Afghanistan? It would just be a bunch of Zubairs.
I'm so proud of you.
But when you change your mind, I will save a room for you in my mansion.
Oh, uh, will it look over the pool? Which pool? I will have so many.
Hassina, we will be together again before you know it.
Any news? No.
Dad, you should get some rest.
Nah, I'll go pick the cigarette butts out of the fire pit.
- Hey.
- "Awalmir.
"I'm inside the airport.
"I ran for the gate.
: "I'm about to get on a plane.
" "I don't know where it is going but I will call you when I land.
" Uncle Al! Any more news about your sister? Yes, she made it safe to Turkey.
Congratulations on your yellow belt.
Where is everybody? - Asleep.
- Oh.
Want to see my roundhouse? No, you can't have my wallet! [SHOUTS.]
Very nice.
Hassina is safe.
How come you're not more happy? I am happy for my sister.
I am heartbroken for my country.

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