Where's Wally (2020) s02e01 Episode Script

It's on Like Amazon!

# Oh, way, oh
# Oh, way, oh
# Where do you go
Where do you go, Wally?
# Oh, way, oh
# I searched the world
For you
# Take a trip
Around the world
# Take a trip
Around the world
# Catch a ride to the moon
# Ride the waves at the beach
# Jump in
Discover something new
# Oh, way, oh
# Anywhere you go
I'll find you
# Anywhere you go
I'll find you
# Oh, way, oh
# Where do you go
Where do you go? #
Where's Wally?
Wizard Whitebeard picked a nice day
for a garden party.
I've never been
to a garden party before.
I've never been
to a garden party before.
Me neither.
And I wasn't sure what to bring.
So I brought a picnic basket.
Some sunscreen, jump ropes.
So I brought a picnic basket.
Some sunscreen, jump ropes.
And a porch swing!
Ha! Cool!
Uh, Wally, is that a
Uh, Wally, is that a
Walking sunflower?
Yes. Yes it is.
Um We're here
for the garden party.
Um We're here
for the garden party.
Now this is a garden party!
It certainly is.
A very Wizard Whitebeardy
garden party at that!
WHITEBEARD: Ah, Wanderers,
you made it!
Welcome to the garden party,
Welcome to the garden party,
Thanks, Wizard Whitebeard.
When you said, "Garden Party",
I didn't know it would be
the garden having the party.
Yes, every spring
I let the plants and flowers
Yes, every spring
I let the plants and flowers
help out with the gardening.
They spend their time here,
so they might get it set up
the way they like.
so they might get it set up
the way they like.
That's great, Whitebeard,
but how are they moving around
like this?
They use their roots like feet.
They use their roots like feet.
Yes, they're able to do that
because of The Quick Bloom Key!
One zap from this magic key
One zap from this magic key
and any plant will walk, run,
jump, skip, and garden,
just like you and me.
Now vines, if you would
Now vines, if you would
Let's get this garden party
started, Wanderers!
Looking good, Arf!
Now, Quick Bloom Key,
let's finish up
with the herb garden.
let's finish up
with the herb garden.
Lemonade! Lemonade
I don't know what's worse, Fritz.
The fact that we don't have
any customers
The fact that we don't have
any customers
or that we don't have
any lemonade to sell.
I didn't realize how much work
this would be.
I didn't realize how much work
this would be.
Uh Odlulu?
What is it, Fritz?
There's something
you don't see every day.
There's something
you don't see every day.
And you and I have seen a lot.
I think we need
to get a closer look.
It's Wally and Wenda!
And they're having one weird party.
Ha. Wow Look at that!
Ha. Wow Look at that!
Fritz, if we had
that Quick Bloom Key
we could have a lemon tree
that would squeeze the juice for us!
Imagine how much lemonade
we could make!
Imagine how much lemonade
we could make!
And once people see that,
they'll be queuing up!
We have to get that key!
The herb garden is finished!
It looks great, Wizard Whitebeard!
Thanks to you, Wally and Wenda.
And to all of you,
my fabulous flora!
And to all of you,
my fabulous flora!
Well, until the next garden party,
my friends!
It's perfect.
There's one thing left to do
after every garden party.
Return the Quick Bloom Key
to its keeper.
Return the Quick Bloom Key
to its keeper.
And who would that be?
I borrowed it from my good friend,
Wizard Vinebeard.
Can we return it for you?
Why certainly, young Wanderers.
Can we return it for you?
Why certainly, young Wanderers.
If you think my garden is lovely,
you should see his!
Where can we find Wizard Vinebeard?
For the answer to that
to the WanderGlobe!
For the answer to that
to the WanderGlobe!
By striped staff and white of beard,
I summon magic, wild and weird.
Spin, oh magic globe, to show,
where these Wanderers will go
where these Wanderers will go
The Amazon River in Manaus, Brazil!
Right, Wanderers!
The Amazon is
one of the world's longest rivers,
The Amazon is
one of the world's longest rivers,
winding its way
through three countries,
Peru, Colombia and Brazil.
The Amazon rain forest
is the biggest in the world.
The Amazon rain forest
is the biggest in the world.
There are a thousand types of plants
and animals that live there!
I told you Vinebeard
had a doozy of a garden.
I told you Vinebeard
had a doozy of a garden.
The Amazon rain forest
is his garden?
In a way. He cares for it.
Every plant and flower
is his friend.
Every plant and flower
is his friend.
Now, here's the Quick Bloom Key.
Tell Wizard Vinebeard
that he should join us
for our Garden Party next year.
for our Garden Party next year.
We definitely will.
Are you ready
for another party, Wally?
Are you ready
for another party, Wally?
Definitely, Wenda.
The rain forest, eh?
Fritz, looks like
we're headed to the Amazon
to get a Quick Bloom key!
Well, Wenda, say good morning
or bom dia,
Well, Wenda, say good morning
or bom dia,
to Brazil's port city of Manaus
right in the heart of the Amazon.
Wow! Imagine having
an entire rain forest for a garden.
Wow! Imagine having
an entire rain forest for a garden.
But why do they call it
a rain forest.
It's not even raining.
You had to say, "Rain."
You had to say, "Rain."
You don't have rain ponchos
in your hat, do you, Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Over here, Wenda!
Nice one, Wally!
You found us a way out of this rain.
You found us a way out of this rain.
Good thing, too. It's pouring.
Or, it was pouring.
That happens a lot around here.
Wenda, meet Apua.
Wenda, meet Apua.
He takes people
up and down the Amazon.
Welcome aboard The Mosquito.
Your boat is named The Mosquito?
Your boat is named The Mosquito?
Yes. I named it that,
because well, it sounds like
A mosquito!
That's the perfect name, Apua.
A mosquito!
That's the perfect name, Apua.
It certainly is.
Now, where can I take you?
We're looking for Wizard Vinebeard.
We're looking for Wizard Vinebeard.
You know him?
I sure do!
He's like a gardener
for the rain forest.
I guess we found
the right river guide.
Yes, you did.
Yes, you did.
Now sit back, relax,
and enjoy the scenery.
Apua will get you
where you need to go.
Fritz, we need to grab
that Quick Bloom Key
so we can get our lemonade stand
up and running again.
so we can get our lemonade stand
up and running again.
Look, Wally!
Pink Amazon river dolphins.
And giant otters.
And giant otters.
And a green anaconda!
Don't worry, Wally,
he's already had breakfast.
Well, here's our stop!
Well, here's our stop!
All ashore to Wizard Vinebeard's.
Should we wait a little?
It's still raining.
Should we wait a little?
It's still raining.
(CHUCKLES) Wait for it.
Wow. You really do know
this rain forest well.
Wow. You really do know
this rain forest well.
So where are we going?
We follow the blue trail.
The blue trail?
Everything looks brown
or green to me, Apua.
Everything looks brown
or green to me, Apua.
Wait, Wenda, on the tree.
And look, Wally. More blue!
How did you know
they were here, Apua?
How did you know
they were here, Apua?
Ha. Who do you think put them here?
My people have lived in the Amazon
for a long time.
My people have lived in the Amazon
for a long time.
Some of these trails
were made by my grandparents
and great-grandparents.
It's my job to make sure
they're clear and taken care of.
It's my job to make sure
they're clear and taken care of.
Part of that is these blazes.
The blue marks.
I mark different trails
with different coloured blazes.
I mark different trails
with different coloured blazes.
Each one leads to a different part
of the forest.
It's like a map made of trees.
You'd make a great Wanderer.
You'd make a great Wanderer.
Thanks, Wenda.
I know every trail, pathway,
and every plant and tree.
A flower that eats insects?
They're called pitcher plants.
A flower that eats insects?
They're called pitcher plants.
They use a sticky nectar
to trap insects.
Wow. It even looks like a pitcher.
Wow. It even looks like a pitcher.
No doubt, Wenda.
You can find anything here.
From medicine to food.
You just need to know where to look
and what you're looking for.
You just need to know where to look
and what you're looking for.
By the way, are you thirsty?
Some vines are thick enough
to hold water inside them.
It's like nature's own garden hose.
It's like nature's own garden hose.
Wow. Let me try.
Uh, Wally
that's an emerald tree boa.
No wonder so many animals live here!
Sloths spiders monkeys
Sloths spiders monkeys
spider monkeys
Wait, Wenda. Did you say ferrets?
Ferrets don't live in the Amazon.
I guess ferrets
do live in the Amazon.
WENDA: He's in your hat!
Oh, no. This can't be good.
That's gotta be worse.
That's gotta be worse.
Fritz has the Quick Bloom Key!
I have the Quick Bloom Key!
(Wally, Wenda) Odlulu!
(Wally, Wenda) Odlulu!
Uh, I'm sorry, Oddwhonow?
WALLY: Odlulu,
be careful with that key!
Time to head home
and squeeze some lemons.
Time to head home
and squeeze some lemons.
FRITZ: Mm-hm.
Byebye, Wanderers,
and friend.
WENDA: Oh, no!
She used the key
to bring those vines to life!
Look out! Those are liana vines.
Look out! Those are liana vines.
They're very (GRUNTING)
I was just about to say that.
What do we do now, Apua?
Wenda! Like sunflowers,
liana vines always grow
toward the sunlight!
Hold onto your stripes! I'm on it!
Hold onto your stripes! I'm on it!
OK vines, you want some sunlight?
Then come and get it! (GRUNTS)
Then come and get it! (GRUNTS)
They're heading toward the sunlight!
(CHUCKLES) What a save, Wenda!
We got past the vines
but we still need to get
that key back from Odlulu
but we still need to get
that key back from Odlulu
before she causes any more problems.
And what I've seen from your friend
that's not going to be easy.
And what I've seen from your friend
that's not going to be easy.
Well, at least it's not raining.
OK, there should be
a gigantic river right here.
(GASPS) Odlulu, are we lost?
(GASPS) Odlulu, are we lost?
Come on, Fritz, would I get us lost?
OK. Maybe we're a little lost.
OK. Maybe we're a little lost.
But don't worry,
we'll find our way out of here.
I mean, how hard can it be?
Uh Odlulu.
Uh Odlulu.
(CHUCKLES) Right. I knew that.
A banana?
(GASPING) Bananas.
Odlulu! Bananas!
Odlulu! Bananas!
Not now, Fritz.
I'm trying to find the river.
Fritz! What are you doing?
(CHUCKLES) Banana time!
Banana, please.
BANANA TREE 1: Bananas.
TREE 2: Bananas.
TREE 3: Bananas.
TREE 2: Banana.
TREE 2: Banana.
TREE 2: Bananas.
ALL TREES: Bananas.
ALL TREES: Bananas.
They're following the yellow blaze.
They're heading
toward the banana groves.
Or, heading away from them.
Or, heading away from them.
Coming through! Gotta go! Bye!
WALLY: Woah.
What was that?
They were running from something.
Yeah, but what?
There's nothing up ahead except
Yeah, but what?
There's nothing up ahead except
TREES: Bananas, bananas.
ALL: Bananas.
TREES: Bananas, bananas, bananas.
TREES: Bananas, bananas, bananas.
TREES: Bananas, bananas,
bananas, bananas.
TREES: Bananas. Bananas. Bananas.
TREE: Bananas. Bananas.
Bananas. Bananas.
TREES: Bananas. Bananas.
TREES: Bananas. Bananas.
That magic key is messing up
the whole rainforest!
(GASPS) Quick, everyone, over there!
TREES: Bananas. Bananas.
As long as those banana trees
are out there,
As long as those banana trees
are out there,
we'll never be able
to chase Odlulu, Wally.
Where's Wally?
TREES: Bananas. Bananas.
WALLY: Oh, banana trees!
I'm over here!
I'm over here!
TREE: Bananas.
And now, to return your bananas.
TREES: Bananas. Bananas. Bananas.
TREES: Bananas. Bananas. Bananas.
Bananas. Bananas. Bananas.
Great distraction, Wally!
Great distraction, Wally!
OK. Those banana trees
are taken care of.
Now let's split up
to get the Quick Bloom Key
from Odlulu.
And return this rain forest
back to normal.
And return this rain forest
back to normal.
You go, Wanderers.
I'll stay here and make sure
these animals are OK.
Follow the blazes
and you'll find Odlulu.
Follow the blazes
and you'll find Odlulu.
Thank you, Apua.
Lemons, Fritz!
Lemons, Fritz!
We're using the key
for lemons, not bananas.
Uh, I was hungry!
You're always hungry.
Let's get out of here before the
WALLY: Odlulu.
Let's get out of here before the
WALLY: Odlulu.
..Wanderers show up.
You're messing up the entire Amazon.
You need to stop.
I'm not messing up anything.
I'm not messing up anything.
I just need the key
to help with my lemonade stand.
Squeezing lemons is such hard work.
The Quick Bloom Key
doesn't belong to you.
The Quick Bloom Key
doesn't belong to you.
And clearly,
you don't know how to use it.
Are you saying
I'm not responsible enough to
Oh, no,
she just woke up
a bunch of pitcher plants!
she just woke up
a bunch of pitcher plants!
Yeah. I see what you mean now.
Here, take the key back!
The pitcher plants have the key.
After them!
There they are.
Give us back the key,
pitcher plants!
Give us back the key,
pitcher plants!
How are we supposed
to get that key back?
You don't happen to have canoes
in that hat of yours, do you, Wally?
You don't happen to have canoes
in that hat of yours, do you, Wally?
Hey, where's Wally?
Over here, everyone.
All aboard the
All aboard the
Nice way, Wally!
Now let's get that magic key back!
Now let's get that magic key back!
WALLY: There they are!
Oh, no!
The pitcher plants are zapping
all the plants and trees!
The pitcher plants are zapping
all the plants and trees!
And the animals
don't know what to do!
We need to get that key, Wally!
OK. We just need to get
a little closer and
OK. We just need to get
a little closer and
ALL: Fritz!
ALL: Fritz!
Hang in there, Fritzy,
we're coming for you!
They're pulling away.
We can't catch up to them.
They're pulling away.
We can't catch up to them.
You let him go right now, vine.
Uh. That's not what I meant.
Try and grab the key, Fritz!
Try and grab the key, Fritz!
Fritz is too ticklish
to grab the key.
Wait, do you hear that?
The Mosquito.
Great. That's all we need now.
Not mosquitoes.
The Mosquito.
The Mosquito.
It's a long story.
Thought you could use a little help.
So I brought a friend!
It's Wizard Vinebeard!
It's Wizard Vinebeard!
Ola, Wanderers!
Ha, ha, ho.
Don't worry, little sloth.
I have you!
Don't worry, little sloth.
I have you!
And now to get the key!
Wenda, grab on!
Got it!
Now, time to reverse the magic
and put the Amazon rain forest
back to normal.
Ola, Wanderers!
Does this funny little sloth
belong to you?
Does this funny little sloth
belong to you?
He's not a sloth! He's a ferret!
Thanks, Wizard Vinebeard!
I'm glad that's finally over.
Thanks, Wizard Vinebeard!
I'm glad that's finally over.
Me, too.
But how did all of this happen?
Well, at least it's not raining.
Well, at least it's not raining.
Is this one
part of the blue Vinebeard trail?
It is! But we're not using blue
any more.
I've blazed a new one.
Have a look, amigos!
I've blazed a new one.
Have a look, amigos!
Welcome to the Wanderer Trail!
Oh, Marcos. Paolo.
You boys know better than to throw
your fruit at our guests.
You boys know better than to throw
your fruit at our guests.
TREE; Banana?
Ha! Thank you.
TREE; Banana?
Ha! Thank you.
Boa trabalho, Wally!
The rainforest
looks as good as new!
And with those
new Wanderer trail blazes,
maybe even better!
maybe even better!
Please let Wizard Whitebeard know
that I am looking forward
to being at his next garden party.
Thanks, Wizard Vinebeard.
Thanks, Wizard Vinebeard.
You really do have
an amazing, "Garden."
Uh, Wally that's not a vine.
Oy, Apua,
could I get a ride up river?
I heard there are
some babassu palm trees
I heard there are
some babassu palm trees
that need pruning.
There's nothing I love more
than giving trees haircuts.
Uh, leafcuts.
Here we go! Ha, ha. Yow.
Here we go! Ha, ha. Yow.
Tchau, Wanderers!
That means goodbye.
Tchau, Wanderers!
That means goodbye.
Thanks for all your help, Apua.
You are a true trailblazer.
If you ever want
to become a Wanderer,
we'll have a striped shirt
waiting for you.
we'll have a striped shirt
waiting for you.
Thank you, Wally and Wenda.
I guess they don't call it
a rain forest for nothing.
You can say that again.
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