Will Trent (2023) s02e01 Episode Script

Me Llamo Will Trent

- Special Agent Will Trent.
- What'’s up with the dog?
- This is Betty. I'’m adopting it.
- What is he doing here?
- He'’s your partner.
Will can teach you
to be surgical.
To see things
that no one else does.
I bet I can solve this tonight.
He'’s good police.
And he'’s objectively hot.
You know that having dyslexia
does not make you broken, right?
You know how I said I grew up
in a group home? Will was there.
He'’s a serial killer
who'’s targeting
people that lived at
the children'’s home.
- He'’s got Angie.
- Hello?
One of the women the killer
took, back in the '’80s.
She was your mother.
- What was her name?
Lucy Morales.
Are you my father?
What kind of a father
would throw his own son
into the garbage?
I wanna watch you watch her die.
James Ulster, I'’m arresting you
- for the murder of my mother.
How is she?
Once the swelling goes down,
we'’ll know more about
- the extent of the nerve damage.
- You mean paralysis?
When did that meeting land?
No, you can'’t do it now, Tracy.
It'’s too late.
You gotta run these things
by me.
You know what? Fine,
I'’ll be there in 20 minutes.
And he was looking for
You-know-who ♪
Gimme three steps
Gimme three steps, mister ♪
I'’m sorry.
This is a little hard for me.
Six months ago
Cómo se dice"share"?
Um, it'’s, um-- It--
- Trent.
- Where are you?
I told you
I needed the morning off.
I need you in Lincolnville Park.
Car bomb. We haven'’t
ruled out terrorism.
Well, I have Betty.
Will, I don'’t want to hear
about that damn dog.
I gotta go.
He happened to meet her
A sweet señorita ♪
One night at a gala fiesta ♪
A picture
In fine Spanish laces ♪
With one of those
Pretty faces ♪
The music and moonlight
The spell of a June night ♪
The charm of
An old Spanish setting ♪
Brought romance
And all its glory ♪
Thank you, Nico.
- We'’ll see you at home.
- Yep.
The start of
A sweet love story ♪
Ay, ay, ay, ay ♪
He won my heart, amigo ♪
He said that he loved
No one but me ♪
So off to the chapel we go ♪
All the houses look the same,
and it'’s trash day.
Well, GBI is here.
I guess we can all go home.
Get this bagged.
See if it belongs to
anyone in the neighborhood.
- If not, it might be the doers.
- What am I, your secretary?
Good morning,
Special Agent Trent.
Can you believe
it'’s my first car bomb?
Ah, I'’d have brought you a cake.
Get this bagged.
See if it belongs
to anyone in the neighborhood.
If it doesn'’t,
could be one of the doers.
Oh, I'’ma stop you right there,
bitch. I'’m not your secretary.
What'’s this, the prayer circle?
We asking God
to solve this case?
Because that'’s
what I pay you for.
I need to know
if this is terrorism.
I got the mayor, the governor
and CNN all the way up my ass,
and now the Feds want in too.
That'’s a lot of traffic going up
there this early in the morning.
Okay. Well, uh, the victim'’s
name is Keith Wakefield.
He'’s in advertising.
Seems very wholesome.
He'’s not into anything shady.
There'’s no obvious reason
why he was targeted. It'’s weird.
Hey, y'’all.
Cricket Dawson, bomb squad.
- Ooh, GBI and bomb squad.
- It'’s like the Avengers.
- What do you know, Agent?
- Well, it looks targeted to me.
This bomb was definitely
meant for one person.
It'’s flashy, but it doesn't
feel like terrorism.
Well, thank you, Agent.
Thank you for working
this morning.
If it was targeted,
it was sloppy
because the wife
and the son drive that car.
Yeah, but any idiot
can make a bomb.
I bet you
when you find these guys,
they'’re missing some fingers.
I'’ll go talk
to the wife.
Franklin, talk to the neighbors
at that house and that house.
See if they noticed
any strange cars.
Ask for cooperation
with the doorbell cams.
Why those houses?
Nowhere else to park.
It was trash day.
That'’s a awful lot of
eye contact, Agent Dawson.
I'’m sorry.
I'’m just happy to meet you.
That case with James Ulster.
Such a good solve.
You gave
so many people closure
and I imagine
you saved so many others.
do you wanna get beaten?
Will, make them stop.
- MJ, come on.
Will, I'’m scared.
I'’ll kill you, bitch.
Hey, are you--
are you okay?
Yes, I'’m fine.
Thank you.
Anyway, I'’m glad
to meet you.
I'’ll get you
my post-blast report ASAP.
Listen, I know this
is difficult, Mrs. Wakefield,
but if-if you
can remember anything,
it'’d really help us out.
Did Keith have any coworkers
or anything like that
that might'’ve had reason
to do this or--
- Is it--
No. Nothing.
My husband was such a good man.
Dad cut some guy off last week
on the way home
from lacrosse practice,
and he followed us
for a few blocks.
I don'’t know,
could that be something?
It doesn'’t even
have to be recent.
If he mentioned anything--
No. I--
I just don'’t understand
any of this, okay?
None of this makes any sense.
Look, just please find
who did this.
Just please find who did this.
We'’re doing our best, ma'am.
Excuse me, ma'’am.
I'’m very sorry for your loss.
Do you have a swimming pool?
What? No,
why are you asking me if I--
You have this pool catalog?
That'’s probably the accountant
guy across the street.
He'’s 10413 Oak Circle.
We'’re 10314.
How about his behavior?
Morning, Officer.
Uh, what can I do for you?
Special Agent Will Trent, GBI.
Brought your pool catalog.
Oh, thanks.
10413, 10314.
Your guys'’ mail must get
mixed up all the time.
I bet deliveries too, huh?
The world'’s an imperfect place.
Looks like you'’re taking a trip.
- Not really.
- Not a question.
Just an observation.
Did you know that less than 1%
of Americans drive maroon cars?
Well, that'’s a fun fact.
Quite the coincidence that you
and your neighbor
both drive one.
Now, this is gonna sound crazy,
but do you have any reason
to believe
somebody would be
trying to kill you today?
Hey, stop! Stop!
Don'’t move!
Will, what the hell
is going on here?
Bombers got the wrong guy.
This man was the target.
thank you for that.
That was
just what the doctor ordered.
this doctor'’s ordering rest.
Another couple of months,
and you should be able
to rejoin the force.
Yeah, about that.
I was thinking of taking
the physical exam
a week from Friday.
Angie, you suffered
a spinal contusion,
not a sprained ankle.
Yeah, six months ago.
For two of those months,
you were immobilized.
You still gotta do your OT, PT.
And don'’t think
I don'’t know about
that nerve pain in your arm
you'’ve been trying to hide.
No, I'’m not signing off on that.
How does the medical board
feel about
doctors sleeping with
their patients?
So that'’s what this
has all been about?
Come on.
We'’ve been having a nice time.
But you still have to pass
the physical exam, you know.
Yeah. Yeah,
you let me worry about that.
Hey, how'’s the 401k at the GBI?
They take care of you guys here?
Stock market
is state-sanctioned witchcraft.
My God.
And they trust you with a gun?
Well, forgive me if I don'’t
take financial advice
from you, Arthur.
What kind of an accountant
takes out
a second mortgage on their home,
then declares bankruptcy?
You bring me to make fun of me?
We brought you here
because we think
someone'’s trying to kill you.
Who do you think it is?
Care to speculate?
I have no idea.
You sure my neighbor wasn'’t
the target?
Always had a funny feeling
about that guy.
He'’d leave
his Christmas decorations up
till Valentine'’s Day.
Well, I think
the target was you.
And you just got
extremely lucky.
Sounds like you got debt.
- Gambling?
- I'’m no gambler.
- Drugs then.
- Okay, fine.
You got me.
I'’m on a couple of statins
and this reflux thing.
But I would kill
for a plate of eggs right now.
Half a stick of butter,
extra pepper, toast.
He'’s abandoning his diet.
Looks like he already knows
he'’s dead.
Then why on earth
won'’t he let us help him?
All right, Arthur.
I guess you'’re free to go,
but I strongly urge you
to stay here
where we can keep you safe.
Thank you for your
dedicated service, Agents.
I'’m gonna show myself out.
Be careful out there.
You got plans this weekend?
Jeremy'’s coming over.
- That'’ll be nice.
Yeah, I'’m cooking a pork loin.
I like to do a rub
with rosemary, thyme.
You ever try a yogurt marinade?
I mean,
it tenderizes it just right.
- Think he'’s in the elevator yet?
- Oh, yeah.
- You drive?
- Obviously.
All right.
No, no. No, no, no.
What'’s the matter with you?
- Hey, you.
- Oh, hey, Luke.
What are you doing?
Ah, double homicide
out in Decatur.
It looks like
the boyfriend did it,
just looking for confirmation
before press time.
Mmm, not my case.[Luke] No, I know.
I know. Y-You got
the car bomb thing, right?
It'’s a weird one, huh?
You look great.
Well, this is awkward.
Faith, would you like
to introduce me to your friend?
Oh, Will Trent, right?
Luke Sullivan.
Atlanta Star Standard.
You seem to know a lot, Luke.
Yeah, I know everything
except why Faith Mitchell
won'’t call me back.
You don'’t say.
Well, no cavities.
Must be the fluoride
in the water
'’cause I've never seen
either of you brush your teeth.
- I brush my teeth, Dad.
- Yeah.
Macy'’s dad says
fluoride is poison.
Well, Macy'’s dad's an idiot.
What are you doing
talking to him?
He and Mommy are friends.
- What do you mean "friends"?
- We go over there all the time.
With Mom?
And she hangs out?
Macy has a big trampoline.
Oh, does Macy have a mom?
Yeah, she'’s in heaven.
In heaven?
Okay. Wow,
that'’s such a tragedy.
You know about this?
What do you care
if Mom has a friend?
It'’s not like
you ever talk to her.
Would you
like to get out of here?
Please come up
to my place and have a drink.
What are you listening to?
Nothing. Just, um, case notes.
You'’re mouthing case notes?
Don'’t mess with the process.
Copy that.
So you wanna tell me
about this guy, Luke?
He is a tall drink of water.
Okay, that'’s enough.
Come on. Just tell it.
It was a 48-hour date.
We had fun.
It'’s over. End of discussion.
Thank you. Was that so hard?
Look at this little dum-dum.
Not a single instinct
for self-preservation.
Just sitting by the window,
- waiting to be killed.
- Mmm.
I don'’t know
how he'’s still alive.
- Should we?
- Yeah.
Hello, Arthur.
Breakfast for dinner.
Come on. Guys, this is--
this is harassment.
How did you find me?
We'’ve been following you
for the past hour.
You are not cut out for this.
My car is a bright yellow, man.
It is right there.
You went into your office,
came out with that bag.
- What'’s in it?
- Socks and clean underwear.
Socks and clean underwear.
Why are you so jumpy?
That is a man who is confident
he'’ll see you tomorrow.
I do not share
your optimism, Arthur.
You know,
whoever screwed up that hit,
they'’re gonna
come after you again.
Talk to us. We can help.
Do you often stalk a murder
victim'’s neighbor at random,
or am I just lucky?
Can I-- Please.
- You know what? Allow me.
Being as this could be
your last day on Earth.
No credit cards
for Special Agent Will Trent?
- Yeah, I'’m a cash guy.
- I missed a call. It'’s Franklin.
All right.[Arthur] Cash guy.
That'’s even worse
than the stock market thing.
What you need to do is
keep a reasonable amount of debt
and pay it off regularly.
That way,
you can build up your credit.
You know,
you'’re pretty down on cash
for a guy carrying
a bag full of it.
Socks, clean underwear.
Mitchell, what you got?
- I said stop following me.
Check your rearview mirror
once in a while. Try not to die.
Trent was right. The bomber
parked where he said they'’d be,
and I got an ID on the car.
Let me guess.
Blue Dodge Charger?
How'’d you know that, witch?
The car!
Arthur, get down!
You ready to tell me
what'’s going on?
Arthur, talk to me.
You almost died.
Twice in a day.
You get that, right?
Who are you protecting?
It'’s obviously not yourself.[Faith] We will find out.
We'’ll look into
everyone you know.
Your friends,
your parents,
your clients, your kids.
Take this money.
Take all this money.
Deposit it into an account at
Southern Bedrock Bank, please.
My son-- They'’re gonna
kill my son.
Okay. Okay. Okay. Take it easy.
What happened, Arthur?
He went to prison
a year ago for drugs.
And then one day I got
a call from somebody,
an unknown number.
The man demanded
five grand every month
or else they were
gonna hurt Miles.
I thought it was
an empty threat,
so I didn'’t
do anything about it.
And then they beat him
nearly to death.
I'’m so sorry, Arthur.
They said if I told anyone,
that they were gonna kill him.
I haven'’t missed
a payment since.
If you continued
to make payments,
then why is someone
trying to kill you?
Some woman accosted me
at the bank last week
as I was making a payment.
She wanted to talk about Miles.
She said that she knew what was
going on, that she could help.
Did you get her name?[Arthur] No.
No, she was about 30s maybe.
I don'’t know. She was Asian.
We'’ll pull the bank footage.
We'’ll find her.
My son went to prison for drugs,
and now he'’s gonna die in there.
I need to talk to him.
Can you make that happen, please?
Of course, Arthur.
We'’re gonna figure this out.
Here'’s what I know
about Macy'’s dad.
- Harris Bordner, okay?
- Mmm.
Single father.
He'’s a project manager for
some shipping company somewhere.
One arrest for public
intoxication 14 years ago.
- You pulled his file?
- That'’s what they're for.
- What are you doing here,
- I talked to Cap about my exam,
and he thinks his wife
is having an affair.
Really, Polaski?
- What? He'’s really good at this.
Now, what'’s the evidence?
Well, she has a friend
who'’s a man.
Whom she'’s never mentioned.
Look, the weekly
thermostat report shows
that someone'’s using the AC
every Tuesday and Thursday
between 2:00 and 3:00 p.m.
So, you think
she'’s sneaking back
with sexy single dad
for a little afternoon delight?
And the sex is
so ferociously hot
that they need
the air-conditioning.
that'’s real funny.
I should have answers soon,
- I put a tracker
on her car already.
- No.
Why don'’t you stop treating this
like a murder investigation
and just talk to her
like a grown-up?
Right. I do that, and she'’ll
think I don'’t trust her.
- Well, you don'’t.
- It'’s her. It's her. Shh.
- Hey, babe.
- Well, I'’m--
Yeah, I know. Drop him off. Max
loves hanging at the station.
Any, uh--
Any particular reason why?
You got plans with someone or
Oh, yeah. That'’s right. Cooper's
dance thing. That'’s right.
- Hey, babe, I love you.
- No "I love you" back.
- Yeesh.
See, I don'’t like that.
All right, great.
Let me know as soon as
we have video connection--
Hey, Damon.
Take this limoncello,
pour it down the drain,
then put the bottle
in the trash. Wear gloves.
- I got you.
- Thank you.
All right.
- Not a big limoncello fan, huh?
- Morning, Agent Dawson.
- What do you have?
- Report'’s on your desk.
Well, how about
you tell me the headlines?
We tracked
the lot number of the C-4.
It'’s Russian military.
Probably a couple of explosive
guys making some mon--
Is that flicker bothering you?
It'’s bothering me.
It'’s been
driving me crazy actually.
I just haven'’t had
the time. Um--
- What'’s happening?
- I'’m fixing it for you
because I can.
And you deserve nice things.
Unplug me.
So it'’s not just,
uh, bombs.
You, uh, tinker
with a lot of stuff.
Oh, yeah. I grew up on a farm.
My dad would sooner go vegan
than throw away a toaster oven.
I rebuilt my porch from scratch.
You a farm kid too?
Foster kid. We didn'’t
throw things away either.
Can I ask you a question?
Who is sending you
unwanted fancy liquor?
James Ulster.
The serial killer?
That'’s scary. What does he want?
Well, I can'’t pretend to know
what that man is thinking.
Feels like you'’re lying,
but okay.
Hey, can I ask you
another question?
Are you and Polaski
still a thing?
We'’ve been over for a while.
Mmm. Are you sad about it?
Agent, wh-what is happening?
A-Are you writing a book
about me?
No, I'’m just asking questions.
Trying to get to know you.
Like, an interesting thing
about me is
I-- I'’m a big fan of dinner.
I also love
dancing and hiking.
And I don'’t know if this will
surprise you, but axe-throwing.
I'’m confused.
I am trying to set the stage
for you to ask me out, Will.
- You fixed it?
- Of course I did.
Uh. [sighs] Agent Dawson,
I am the case agent.
I do not think it'’s appropriate
for us to date.
Video connection'’s up.
- What happened? Are you okay?
- I'’m fine, Dad.
- Are you okay?
- I'’m fine. Don't worry about me.
We'’re gonna keep you safe.
I love you.
I love you too,
and I can'’t wait to see you
when I-- when I go on parole,
you know? It'’s coming up soon.
- You'’re up for parole?
- We can go to that diner
- You get anything from the son?
- Nope.
He was beat up again
a couple days ago.
he doesn'’t know by who.
Poor kid'’s terrified,
and for good reason.
They put him in solitary last
night for his own protection.
We ran a trace on the ransom
calls to Arthur'’s phone.
They pinged to a burner phone
inside Georgia State Prison.
I think the whole operation'’s
being run from the inside.
- The hits too?
- Whole thing.
Where are you going?
I need to think.
Your form'’s looking better.
Hey, what are you doing here?
I'’m considering a membership.
Thought I'’d check out
the facility.
Remember that case you had
a while back
with that prison gang?
Los Diamantes. Yeah.
What about it?
Were they calling hits
from the inside?
Yeah, they were taking out rival
gang members of fentanyl mostly.
I got something similar.
- You catch your people?
- No.
Prison is a giant dead end.
Nobody talks.
If they do, they'’re dead.
Yeah, that'’s what I thought.
- How'’s your back?
- It'’s good.
As long as I don'’t sit, stand,
jump, squat.
How about your hand?
Hey, when'’s the last time
you were in a swimming pool?
- I'’m in the middle of a case.
- It'’s ten o'clock at night.
Stop being Will Trent
for five minutes.
I'’m sorry.
I can'’t.
Can you even swim?
Here we go.
This is gonna take
all night, ladies.
He'’s wearing the French cuffs.
Don'’t worry.
This is stage one of 20.
So why don'’t you,
uh, go do a few laps?
- Do some laps?
- Yeah.
Should I come back tomorrow?
I feel like this is the longest
we'’ve ever gone without, um--
Without having sex?
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it is.
- How'’s that going for you?
- Weird.
A little lonely, but I'’m
getting used to it, I guess.
How about you?
Trying to see other people.
Other people are stupid.
So stupid.
Actually, there is one person--
Cricket Dawson,
on the bomb squad--
She asked me out.
Couldn'’t have been
- more awkward.
- You should go.
You wanna come?
What'’s wrong with that?[laughing] Yeah. Sure.
So I talked to Heller,
by the way.
I'’m gonna take
my physical exam next week.
That a good idea?
I gotta get back to work, Will.
Well, you also have to heal.
How well am I gonna heal
if I start using again?
'’Cause you know that's
what'’s gonna happen
if I don'’t stay busy.
You of all people
should understand that.
What do you mean by that?
You found out your mom was
murdered by a serial killer,
and you didn'’t blink.
You just kept solving cases.
What was I supposed to do?
Weep, scream,
get wasted, whatever.
But acting like
it didn'’t happen,
that'’s a trauma response.
Are we actually arguing
right now about who'’s
more messed up?
We don'’t have to argue.
It'’s you.
Oh, no, thank you.
Come on, Faith.
What-What did I do, huh?
You didn'’t do anything, Luke.
You'’re fun.
You'’re real fun
for Fourth of July weekend.
It was a great weekend.
Yeah, but I follow you
on Instagram,
and it seems like
you have a lot of fun
with a lot of different people.
Hmm. Okay. Fair.
All right. Well, well,
now at least I know why.
- So, was this
a personal call or is--
- I have a gift.
I heard that you were looking
for some Russian spec ops guys.
- Where'’d you hear that from?
- I hear everything around here.
Anyway, I-I did
a story once about these,
uh, Eastern European
ex-military guys
who come over here and get
into a bunch of gang stuff.
a bunch of them,
uh, live over in Mechanicsville.
-olive branch.
Thank you.
That could actually be helpful.
Great. So you wanna go
- get a drink now?
- I am at work.
I am not about
to go to some bar.
I figured you might say that,
so we don'’t have to go anywhere
because I have bourbon.
What'’s up? You got glasses,
or we gonna pass the bottle
back and forth like teenagers?
You drink too much.
You know that, right?
Suit yourself, Mitchell.
'’Kay. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait.
Wait. You said this was bourbon?
This is rye.
Now, rye is
a totally different story.
- Is it now?
- Mm-hmm.
Absolutely. Close the door.
Great. I'’ll be right there.
Ormewood just called.
They found
the Dodge Charger abandoned.
It'’s downstairs
in the impound lot now.
Bomb squad just cleared it,
so we'’re gonna go check it out.
Great. Let me know
what you find.
Will do.
They got a hit on the woman
from the bank footage.
Emily Chu.
She has a brother
in the same prison
as Arthur'’s son, Miles.
Yes. I'’m sitting
in the car, Janet.
There'’s nothing I can do
about traffic.
I'’m gonna be right there
in ten minutes.
Yeah, ten minutes, okay?
Emily, this is Special Agent
Will Trent with the GBI.
I have reason to believe
someone'’s trying to kill you.
Do not get in your car.
I'’m in my car right now.
I-It didn'’t start. It made
a weird noise when I sat down.
Emily, there is a bomb
in your car.
It is imperative
that you do not move.
I need
this whole block evacuated.
Will, this is idiotic.
No, it'’s necessary.
I'’ll put you on speakerphone.
Not sure
what you'’re doing right now.
Not that I don'’t believe
in your skills,
but I need to talk to her now
in case she does blow up.
Nobody'’s blowing up.
That part'’s on you.
Hello, Emily.[cries] Hi.
My name is Cricket Dawson.
I'’m gonna be defusing
your bomb today.
Am I gonna die?
- No, ma'’am.
- Okay.
But if you heard a click
when you sat down,
that means you probably sat
on a pressure plate
which is like a land mine.
- But you'’re going to be fine
No. [crying]as long as you don'’t
get out of the car.
Emily, I'’m gonna gently
open this door, okay?
Okay. Okay.
- Okay.
- Here we go.
You know how this goes.
We'’re gonna get
Now, Marissa thinks
her boyfriend of seven years,
Darius, has been
Emily, I'’m
Special Agent Will Trent.
I just need to ask you
a few questions.
Right now?
It'’s good,
isn'’t it, baby? Yes.
Hey, Barney.
- I see you have roommates now.
Well, it took me forever,
but I found the car.
This place needs a map, Barney.
Eh, I got a system.
I-It'’s all in my head.
Yeah, I think it'’d be better if
it was on a spreadsheet, Barney.
- You get anything from the car?
Not much, but I did find this.
Our bombers like
a Grandma Millie'’s biscuit.
I mean, who doesn'’t?
Hey, do you know if they have
a location in Mechanicsville?
Why Mechanicsville?
I have a friend
who gave me a tip about--
Hey, this is Special
Agent Mitchell with the GBI.
I have a description
of two white males.
Maybe you can tell me
if they'’re customers.
- Missing finger.
- Russian.
One'’s bald,
the other one has a goatee.
The missing finger.
One may be
missing a finger or two.
Okay. We'’ll be right there.
It feels good ♪
Yeah ♪
It feels good ♪
How much longer
is it gonna be?
Agent Dawson,
how are we doing down there?
Moving slow,
making good decisions.
See, that'’s what you want
from the bomb tech.
Now, Emily, why'’d
you contact Arthur Highsmith?
My brother'’s in the same prison
as his son.
Someone contacted me
a few days ago
saying that if I didn'’t deposit
$3,000 in a bank account,
they would kill my brother.
And now I'’m gonna die.
No. Come here.
Hey.[Emily] I'’m gonna die!
- No, you'’re not. Come on.
- No.
- No.
- It'’s okay. You're gonna be okay.
It'’s not okay.
Yes, you are.
Can we-- Can we turn off
the damn radio?
No, '’cause I don't want you
messing with the dash.
Are you asking me
these questions
because you think
I'’m gonna blow up?
If you blow up, I blow up.
I don'’t know about you,
but I don'’t wanna blow up.
I keep telling you,
nobody'’s blowing up.
I peed my pants!
Oh, Emily.
We'’ve all peed our pants.
I just did it ten minutes ago.
Agent Dawson,
have you soiled yourself?
Sure did.[Will] See?
We'’re just all sitting here
in our warm urine,
and it'’s delicious.
It'’s fine.
Almost there.
I see the detonator.
did you contact anyone else?
They may be in danger right now.
Uh. Three people. Mark Russi,
Tova Feldman and Vivian Marcus.
We'’re all in the same
prison family support group.
- Amanda, you get that?
Yeah. Got it.
We have three names.
Find those individuals
and their cars.
Assume they all have bombs.
I'’m gonna cut a wire
and take the detonator out.
- Okay.
- One, two
- Got it. It'’s done.
Rendered safe.
- Oh, thank you.
- Emily, you did great.
Thank you so much. Thank you.
It feels good ♪
That was so
Agent Dawson, I would very much
like to take you to dinner,
then defuse another bomb, and
then have sexual intercourse.
If that'’s all right.
We found the bombers,
and indeed, one guy is missing
a couple of fingers,
and the other a diamond earring.
You better get down here fast.
We turned up
some pretty scary stuff.
Bombers lawyered up,
but they had enough C-4
in their shop
for a dozen more bombs.
Cricket, this might be
of interest to you.
It'’s their cookbook.
Lists the bombs they'’ve made,
sketches of bombs
they'’d like to make.
Yep. Look. It'’s, uh,
Emily Chu'’s bomb.
What do you see?
Well, these guys
are experimenting
with some pretty hairy stuff.
They are ambitious.
Will, check this out.
You don'’t see those
too often anymore.
Tomorrow'’s got a
hankering for peach cobbler,
and his clock got hooked up
to the book club.
Slide the quiet mice
on the moving beds
and hightail it out. Hear?
February 4th at 2:05 p.m.
That'’s 18 hours before
the first bomb went off.
That sounded like
some kind of code.
Prison language.
- Hey, babe. Hey, Max.
- Hey.
Sorry. I was just
at a crime scene, so
Max, why don'’t you--
why don'’t you go grab something
out of the snack machine, yeah?
Wow. Party time.
I am so pissed
at that kid right now.
It turns out he'’s been
skipping last period geometry
twice a week to play Xbox.
I gotta throw that damn
machine in the pool.
Wait. Are you-- Are you talking
about on Tuesdays and Thursdays?
- Uh, yeah.
- At 2:00 p.m.?
- Yes.
- That'’s Max playing video games?
Unfortunately, yes.
What is so funny?
Gina, okay,
this is gonna sound stupid.
I saw that
the thermostat settings
had been changed, right?
And then Cooper said
this weird thing
about Macy'’s dad, Harris,
and I-- I just--
I got scared that--
I got scared that you were
having an affair,
and I'’m--
I'’m sorry, I--
- Oh.
- But I--
- Don'’t hate me.
- Oh.
I, uh-- Michael.
What? I-- What?
It'’s true?
I can'’t do this here.
Okay? Um.
I'’m just--
I-I gotta go.
We'’ll talk, um, uh--
We'’ll talk tonight, okay?
- No, G-Gina.
- Uh.
Gina, wait.
Max, I'’m sorry.
Your mom and I are just--
Found this tracker
you put in Mom'’s car.
Real cool, Dad.
- I shouldn'’t have done that.
- This is all your fault.
- Lower your tone.
- You'’re the reason
people hate cops!
Go find a dark corner somewhere
and do your homework. Now.
- The bombers lawyered up?
- They didn'’t even talk
about a deal.
There'’s someone inside
that prison they'’re scared of
even more than us.
We got anything
on those three cars?
We found two. There are teams
at both. One'’s still missing.
Yeah, about that missing car?
Vivian Marcus has 26
outstanding parking tickets.
It'’s downstairs.
- In the impound lot.
Get everyone
outside the building.
Hey, we need
the whole building evacuated.
Call the fire department.
Clear this entire block
right now.
Is there a team on their way?
Yeah, but we gotta find
this bomb, like, right now.
There'’s no telling
how much time we have left.
Where are you, babies?
- Barney. Barney.
I need you to focus.
Listen to me.
I'’m looking for
a blue Toyota Tacoma
towed in in the last day.
- Where is it?
- Wh-What'’s happening?
It'’s possible that there's
a bomb in a car in this lot.
- What color?
- Never mind. I'’ll find it.
- Get out of here.
- But-- My cats.
I'’ll take care of the cats!
Cricket. Cricket.
Could this bomb
bring down the building?
It'’s not the bomb itself
I'’m worried about.
- It'’s the
sympathetic detonation.
- What does that mean?
There'’s, like,
5,000 gallons of gasoline
in these cars down here.
If they catch fire, that'’s
what'’ll bring the building down.
- Will, are you okay?
Or are you panicking?
Can cats smell C-4?
Yes, they can.
Faith, we found the bomb.
You got six minutes
to clear the building.
Copy that. Six minutes!
What'’s the plan?
I'’m gonna render it safe.
If I can'’t do that,
I carry this bomb over to that
office to contain the blast.
I'’ll carry it to the office.
I am the bomb tech.
It is my job.
Do you wanna argue about this,
or you wanna get this done?
All right. Um.
What do you need, boss?
Hey, have you seen my son?
Can you hold this mirror?
Just like that.
All right.
Okay, now talk to me.
What'’s the deal with Ulster?
Cricket, this truly does not
feel like the right time.
Actually, I do not do well
with silence,
and I'’m defusing
a super deadly bomb,
so you can'’t say no.
Ulster'’s been trying
to contact me.
Postcards, gifts,
even a bottle of cologne once.
Friendly guy. Why you?
'’Cause you're the one
who caught him?
You know, I'’m having
a hard time concentrating
with the timer
ticking down on us.
Keep talking.
He thinks he might be my father.
Wow, that'’s big.
You think of taking a DNA test?
But then I'’d have the answer,
and I'’m not sure I want to know.
Fair enough.
I do know one thing.
Even if he is your father,
it doesn'’t matter.
'’Cause you're your own man.
You'’re Will Trent.
Okay. Ready?
- Oh, no.
It'’s a collapsible circuit.
Let'’s go. Let's go.
you got two minutes.
- You said six!
- Well, now it'’s two.
What'’s a collapsible circuit?
It'’s when
you disable one circuit,
and it triggers another.
Well, how many
circuits are there?
There'’s no way of telling
until you disable '’em all.
There'’s a hacksaw in my kit.
I need you to cut this bomb free
in case we have to go to plan B.
- Ormewood, we got two minutes!
- Mitchell, I can'’t find Max.
- What?
- I can'’t find Max!
- Max!
- Max!
Here we go.
Damn it.
Faith, 30 seconds.
Copy, 30 seconds.
Ormewood, we gotta go.
Maybe he already got out.
You go, Faith.
I can'’t leave him.
Max! Max!
Max. I got you, buddy.
I got you.
- I got locked in and then--
- It'’s okay. Hey, it's okay.
I'’m so sorry, Son. Okay?
It'’s gonna be all right,
all right?
It'’s stuck.
- A couple rows over,
I saw a crowbar
in one of those pickup trucks.
I need you to get it now.
Right now.
Which pick-- Which pickup truck?
Where is it?
Cricket, talk to me.
Where is it?
Will, what are you doing?
Please talk some sense into him.
You'’re in shock.
I'’m fine.
He'’s not fine.
You need to slow down.
I need to do my job.
Oh, you wanna hit me?
Go ahead. I'’ll call the cops.
If you do, I'’ll kill you.
You'’re gonna kill me?
Who'’s gonna hold down the fort?
Will, help us!
You don'’t do anything!
Please, get away!
Get off of me! Please!
Was anybody else killed
or injured?
Max Ormewood has
a mild concussion,
but everyone else is okay.
Even Barney'’s stupid cats.
The person I'’m worried about
right now is you.
I have to do this. Cricket
Cricket died saving my life.
All right?
Least I could do is figure out
who ordered those bombs.
You'’re not the only agent
in the GBI.
- Oh, my God. Will, your face.
- Amanda, I'’m fine.
It'’s a steep road.
No one in that prison wants
to talk to you.
That'’s not true.
I know one person
who'’s dying to talk to me.
You came to see me.
Did you receive my gifts?
Hello, James.
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