Wishbone (1995) s02e01 Episode Script
Halloween Hound: The Legend of Creepy Collars
What's the story, Wishbone?
What's this your dreaming of such big
imagination on such a little part?
What's the story, Wishbone?
Do you think it's worth a look?
Kind of seems familiar
like a story from a book.
Shake a leg now, Wishbone,
let's wagging off the tail.
Sniffing out adventure
with Wishbone on the trail.
Come on, Wishbone.
What's the story, Wishbone?
What's the story, Wishbone?
What's the story, Wishbone?
What's the story, Wishbone?
What's the story, Wishbone?
What's the story? Wishbone.
Ah, yes! Nothing better
than taking Wishbone
for a nice long walk
on a brisk autumn day.
Even if Wishbone has to do it himself.
Excuse me.
Hello, Oakdale!
It's late October, and everything
seems just a little different.
I can't put my nose on it, but
something strange is in the air.
Something chilling.
What can it be?
Leaves are learning to dance.
Sheets are learning to fly.
And pumpkins are suddenly growing faces.
No doubt about it.
There is something in the air.
Something that makes people
do the strangest things.
Gotta go!
Gotta go!
Gotta go!
Gotta go!
Hey, Wanda!
Hi, Wanda!
Cookie, cookie, cookie, cookie,
open door, open door, open door.
Uh-oh, closed door,
closed door, closed door.
Ooh-door, close door.
Wishbone, where did you come from?
New recipe?
Ooh. Wishbone, where have you been?
The very first day of practice,
and you weren't there.
It's bad luck, especially today.
Bad luck? Me?
Do you smell that?
What's so important about
Wishbone being at practice?
He always comes to practice.
He should have been there.
It's a bad sign. I don't
want to jinx the season.
Ooh, something definitely
reeks in this vicinity.
Your father was the same way.
He was so super-state.
about the start of basketball season.
I remember one time when he
What, what is that smell?
What smell?
I think I found the culprit, Alan.
Joe, there's something in your shoe!
Joe, what is that?
Sorry, Mom.
They're my practice socks, my lucky ones.
Ew! Didn't I bury these last year?
I think it's a little much, Joe.
Um, um
But since they are so special,
why don't you take them off and
put them in a special place?
outside the house.
I will
But right now, I need to
pick out a new basketball.
You do?
We've already started practice, Mom.
I can't start a new
season without a new ball.
It's bad luck.
Of course. I forgot.
Oh, I've still got my birthday money.
Besides, I want to check out the
new sporting goods store in town.
Come on, Wishbone.
But Joe, she could drop
another cookie at any moment.
Joe, have you decided if you're
going trick-or-treating tonight?
Uh, treating?
Oh, I vote we go for this.
The treats?
I don't think so.
I'll probably just stay home.
Come on, Wishbourne.
But cookies?
Throw a long one, Joe!
You're right, Joe.
This is as much fun as eating cookies.
I got it, I got it!
I got it!
Wishbone! Wait! No!
Ha ha ha! I have you now, Mr. Ball!
Oh! Hello! What have we here?
That's a cat. Come on, boy!
See, it's a
Hey. What?
Where the Wishbone?
You didn't see.
See where that cat went, did you, Joe?
Come on, let's get out of here.
I don't like this place.
You're right, Joe.
A place like this can
play tricks on your mind.
Some places can do that.
They cast a spell over you.
A spell like the one that hung
over a place called Sleepy Hollow.
Way back in 1819, American
author Washington Irving
wrote a short story called
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.
The story was set in the quiet
hills along the Hudson River,
not long after the American Revolution.
Those who lived there agreed
that anyone who lingered
in that drowsy, dreamy
glen called Sleepy Hollow
would inhale the witching
influence of the air
and begin to hear strange sounds
and see frightful apparitions.
The most famous of these apparitions
was the ghost of a soldier
whose head was taken off by a
cannonball during the Revolutionary War.
Legend has it that the spirit
of this headless horseman
rides forth each night
in search of his head.
The local residents took great
pleasure in these stores,
but none took greater pleasure
than the local schoolteacher,
one Iqabod crane.
Now, class, it is very important to
know the difference between knowledge
and useless information.
Oh, if only young young children,
Jebedeye had known that
after you break a mirror,
you must walk in a circle
to reverse your bad luck,
clockwise, mind you.
Not to be confused with a
black cat crossing your path.
Then you must circle
counterclockwise like this.
Oh, twice on Sunday.
Yes, Andrew?
Excuse me, Mr. Crane.
The mother wanted to know
if you could come over
and finish the story about
the secret of the full moon.
She made your favorite apple pie?
Oh, apple pie, you say.
Well, of course I'll be there, Andrew.
Your mother's apple pie is the
absolute finest in the county.
I recall one Sunday when you
Oh, yes.
Where were we?
Now then, eyes front, everyone.
Who here knows why we ring
a bell to begin each day?
Yes, Elizabeth.
To call us into the classroom.
No, no, not at all.
We ring the bell to drive
away demons and spirits.
Why do you think I wear
this bell on my vest?
Wait here.
I won't be long.
So, another victim of the haunted
I'm a little off today.
Hey, it happens, but there's nothing
like the thrill of being in the zone.
Where the hoop looks three feet wide and
everything you toss up goes in the basket.
I'm sure you'll be there again.
My name's Travis del Rio.
What's yours?
I'm Joe Talbot. Nice to meet you, Joe.
Do you smell something?
Well, Joe, what can I do for you?
Joe, can I have some tennis
balls? Just all the yellow ones.
Hey, is that your dog?
Uh, yes, sir, I'm sorry.
I'll take him outside.
No, no, it's okay. I like dogs.
Uncle Travis!
We need help with our costumes.
Melina, Marcus, I want
you to meet someone.
Uh, Joe, this is my niece
Melina and my nephew Marcus.
Hello, hi.
Hi. This is really.
Have you guys seen the tennis balls yet?
Something smells funny.
It's not the dog. Joe?
Do you want to handle that one?
So are you guys getting ready
to go trick-or-treating tonight?
No better. Uncle Travis is letting us.
Marcus, uh, why don't you go pick up those
tennis balls and put them back, okay?
Have you signed up for
the scavenger hunt yet?
What scavenger hunt?
Hey, if you like my haunted rim,
you'll love my scavenger hunt.
Yeah, it's the best
Halloween treat in Oakdale.
Absolutely. And the first
prize is a $100 gift.
Well, I don't know.
Oh, come on.
It's gonna be fun.
I'm sure there's still
room on one of the teams.
Wait a minute.
It's your lucky day.
You already signed up on
Samantha Kepler's team.
I am.
Kepler, doesn't her father
on that pizza place?
Yeah, Pepper Peets.
Look, Mr. Del Rio, I'm really not
sure about the scavenger hunt.
Don't worry, Joe.
What is that smell?
My sock?
You'll think this is strange, but I always
wear the same pair of socks at practice.
For good luck.
Say no more, Joe.
Those shoes are behind
glass for a reason.
Hey, Joe, can we been doing any tricks?
That depends. Got any treats?
Now me, I'm always ready for treats.
But I know one guy whose
appetite for the supernatural
was even greater than
his appetite for food.
Remember that Ikeba crane
loved ghost stories.
He would spend hours reading Cotton
Mather's history of New England witchcraft.
Oh, how terribly frightening.
Oh, dear! Don't hurt me!
Why, you're a jumping fellow!
What? Oh, yes. How do you do?
My name is Iqabod Crane.
You must be the schoolteacher.
I'm Katrina Van Tassel.
Van Tassel, you say?
Of the Van Tassel farm?
Why, yes.
Is that really big farm?
I mean the really, really,
really, really big farm?
Yes, that's it.
I was just
I'm delighted to meet
you, Miss Van Tassel.
Why, thank you.
We're so lucky to have such a learned and
sophisticated gentleman
as you in our midst.
What are you reading there, Mr. Crane?
Ah, yes. This is Mather's Book
of Witchcraft in New England.
Most fascinating.
It must be quite exciting.
Oh, yes, it is.
In fact, I would love to
tell you all about it.
Oh, dear, was that my stomach?
I'm a bit hungry.
Why, please, come have dinner with us,
Mr. Crane, and you can tell me on the way.
Why, Miss Van Tassel,
what a marvelous idea!
Shall we go?
And of course I picked
up the occasional ghost
story before I settled
here in Sleepy Hollow.
Oh, are we here?
This is quite a place you have here.
Oh, yes.
Look at all the food.
One could grow quite comfortable
in an environment such as this.
Oh, but that was such
a fine feast, Katrina.
May I call you Katrina?
Of course, Mr. Crane.
Your family has been very lucky.
An estate this size hardly seems possible
in such a frightful frontier as this.
My studies have given me great
insight into these matters.
Oh, considerably.
You'd be some sort of.
surprised at the supernatural
exhibitions I've witnessed.
Please, tell me more.
I would be delighted to.
Oh, but look at the time.
I must be going. Before dark, you know.
Well, would you tell me
over dinner tomorrow?
Dinner tomorrow?
Well, if you insist.
Ah, a delightful meal
and a return invitation.
I think that went rather well.
What's that?
Who's there?
I can't be caught out at the dock.
They say that exercise
is good for the legs.
Come along, Ichabon!
Come along, Ichabon.
Okay, here we go, Joe.
Big throw this time!
Big throw!
What is it about this day, Wishbone?
First you weren't at basketball practice.
And then you run into the game.
the old Murphy place.
Now there's a scavenger hunt.
How about a little throw?
Last year on Halloween, I
sprained my ankle so bad.
I couldn't play basketball for a month.
The year before that, I had chicken pox.
Please, throw the ball.
This year, I think I'm just gonna stay
home before anything else happens.
Whatever you want to do is fine with me.
Oh! Well, you look at the
nerve of that's horrible!
Oh, no.
It's just a cat, Joe. Come
on, let's go chase him!
All this talk of tricks and
treats is making me hungry.
Are you sure you don't need
help handing out treats tonight?
Ding, ding, ding, ding!
Congratulations, Joe! You
just said the secret word!
Ellen! Tell him what he's won!
I'd love to have your company,
Joe, but I think I can handle it.
Are you sure? There's
gonna be a lot of kids.
Joe, the scavenger hunt will be fun.
You'll be with your friends.
Samantha's counting on you.
You should go.
Halloween's always been unlucky for me.
We all wonder about our
luck from time to time.
Your father wondered about his every time
every time his player
started missing free throws.
But he never gave up on them.
He wanted them to play through it.
There's no way you can predict
what's going to happen tonight,
or on any other given day.
Nobody can.
If you expect the worst
though, you just might find it.
I'm pretty sure you'll have a lot more
fun tonight if you expect the best.
I guess so.
Come on, buddy. We're
gonna have a great time.
And don't worry, I'll keep all
those black cats away from you.
Joe's gonna show up?
I think so.
Oh, hi Joe.
Hey guys.
Great costumes.
Glad you came.
Wishbone, where's your costume?
Huh? A dog wear silly costumes?
I think not.
Nice costume, Calvin.
Hey, DeMont.
What are you supposed to be?
Your worst nightmare.
You're here to watch me
win that gift certificate?
Yeah, we're gonna win, because I used to
go on scavenger hunts all those times.
Can it, Jimmy. You may
be my cousin, but you're
only here because my
mom made me bring you.
Jimmy, what are you dressed as?
I'm an alien, but not
the kind from the movies.
This is what they really looked at.
A friend of mine got abducted
by them, and he said
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and
ghouls, maitens and monsters.
Are you ready for the Oakdale Sports
and Games' first annual scavenger hunt?
Now, this is no ordinary scavenger hunt.
On this quest, you'll have to be
quick-witted as well as quick-footed.
Here are the rules. There are five teams.
Each team will receive one
of these and one of these.
I can't see. What is it?
Oh, what a time to be short!
And each one are clues that will
lead you to your first challenge.
Now, once there, you must
solve a puzzle to move ahead.
Your chances to advance.
will get tougher with each challenge
until only two teams remain
and take the most
chilling challenge of all.
And the prize, a $100 gift certificate
at Oakdale Sports and Games.
All right.
Not everyone can win, but don't worry,
there'll be plenty of consolation prizes.
Now, if the team captains would raise
their hands, we'll pass out the first clue.
Good luck and be careful.
You never know what kind of ghoulish
surprises you'll find on a night like this.
You feel lucky?
Don't be surprised when I
win that gift certificate.
Wow! Such competition!
But only one prize.
Ikebod Crane sought
only one prize as well.
Her name was Katrina Van Tassel.
However, he was not alone in his quest.
Every young man in the
valley wanted to impress her.
Hey, go to the back. I was here first.
Oh. Oh, I'm sorry, dear boy.
Would you like me to tell Katrina that
she cannot have her singing lessons today?
She'll be most disappointed.
Singing lessons?
Singing lessons.
Oh, good evening, dear Katrina.
I am terribly sorry to interrupt, but
it is time for your singing lessons.
Oh, of course.
We'll see what Brombones thinks
about your singing lesson.
Oh, hello, Bram!
Hello, Katrina.
I thought I might give you the
honor of my company tonight.
That's very sweet of you, Bram.
Maybe a moonlight ride by the brook.
Excuse me, but I don't
believe that would be wise.
Well, if it isn't Mr.
Iqabod Crane, and tell
me why you think that would be so unwise.
Oh, Katrina wouldn't be safe
on such a night as this.
I'll protect her.
You'll protect her.
Only a man of knowledge, not of strength,
could protect her on
this enchanted knight.
I mean, first of all, you offer
her a bouquet of foxglove,
a gesture bound to bring bad luck.
But, and after that,
Curse! You want to take her
for a ride on a black horse?
Now see here!
A black horse tonight?
Oh, it would seem that you have no
concern for her safety whatsoever.
You're probably just bringing her
bad luck standing on her property.
Come, Katrina, let us
finish your singing lessons.
Wow, look at everybody.
I don't know about this.
I better keep an eye on things.
What does he say?
When a wand is transposed
and Gill has more,
the gypsy gallery will be easy to find.
If you follow the flamingos,
to a deafening roar, you
won't be left behind.
That's all there is?
What about the pumpkin?
Everyone looks so weird.
What? Three quarks?
What has transposed mean?
When two things switch places.
Whoa! I hope that was a mask.
And who is Gil?
Gil Brady? From the fifth grade?
I don't think so.
What does the Oak Dock
Chronicle have to do with it?
Oh, Joe, Joe, look!
Wait, look at the words.
When a wand is transposed.
A wand, Wanda.
When Gill has more.
Wanda Gilmore.
Wanda owns the Odo Chronicle.
Oh, hey, not without me.
Welcome to the house of Wanda.
Wonder what the future holds.
Well, boy, how do you
come to the right place?
Let's fire up the crystal ball.
Brum, brim.
Oh, you are going to be very
successful gathering candy.
Show me your palm.
And the luck begins now.
Happy hunting.
They'll come to the house of wonder.
I don't think this comes
as a surprise to anybody.
So, shall we get our fortunes told?
Maybe I should.
Hey, look.
The flamingos.
You are going to be very
successful, a gathering candy.
This is going to be very successful.
easier than I thought.
What you doing?
Come on.
Happy hunting.
Come on.
Come on, Joe.
We'll just wait outside.
I'll just be outside.
You're not scared, are you?
It's okay, Joe.
You don't have to.
We do this together.
We're a team.
I'd just be bad luck.
Come on.
Don't worry, Joe. I'll stand, watch.
Besides, I've been in Wanda's
house once, and once was enough.
Wow. This is great.
All, this is great.
All four.
That means for this.
All four. That means for this.
first team here.
It looks like one of them falls
when you hit the right target.
How do we know which one?
We only have three shots.
Just call me Wishbone the watchdog.
Hey, no cat crosses my
territory twice in one day!
Come here!
You follow the flamingos to a deafening
roar, and you won't be left behind.
Well, we followed the
flamingos, but what do we shoot?
Deffening roar.
Tiger. Great, Sam.
It was a lucky shot.
Guys, it wasn't that
lucky. Nothing happened.
I don't get it.
Wait, look, over in the corner.
A lion.
We only have one shot left.
Careful, Sam.
You've got to time it just right.
Great shots, Sam.
Nice shooting.
Thanks for solving the riddle for me.
Cheating takes all the riddle for me.
Cheating takes all the
fun out of it, DeMont.
Yeah, well, plenty of fun
with that gift certificate.
We'll have plenty of fun with that.
Wishbone? Where'd he go?
Maybe he went home?
We don't have much time.
DeMont's right behind us.
I'm not going without Wishbow.
You better find him quick for him.
I think your luck just ran out.
I wonder how far DeMond is.
I don't know.
Was he there?
I know I should have stayed home tonight.
Now what do we do?
We're losing time.
That's him.
Kitty, kitty, kitty.
Come on, down.
Good, kitty.
Come on!
Hey, I can't do that. No fair!
Hey, don't worry, Joe.
I took care of him for you.
Do you see him run?
I scared him off.
Now we can finish.
Okay, here it is.
Follow dart to the derby, where the
thoroughbreds and mixed breeds meet.
If you don't want to lose, then you must
choose an enchantress light on her feet.
A racetrack?
In Oakdale?
The only dart I know is
the Dart Animal Clinic.
That's it.
We're thoroughbreds
and mixed breeds meet.
Let's go.
Animal Clinic!
Oh, no.
Not me.
You guys go ahead.
I'll stay here.
Come on, Joe.
You guys are up for this.
I'm not.
Besides, I should take
Wishbone in the house anyway.
Look, Joe, we're not
sweating up the team.
Come on.
Come on, Wishbone.
No, no, Joe, you were completely right.
We should go in the house.
Oh, boy.
There's no place like home.
And once you found it, you
really don't want to leave it.
Now, Ikebod Crane
definitely found the place
where he wanted to be.
Katrina's farm.
And he was doing his
best to win her heart.
So the witch cast a spell
over the whole town?
Hmm? What?
Oh, oh, yes. She absolutely did.
In fact, the spell was never broken.
Mr. Crane, you must come quickly.
There's been a frightful
event at the schoolhouse.
Yeah, Sikibod.
We need someone of your higher
learning to handle this.
What has happened?
You must come and see this
mysterious event with this.
your own eyes, Mr. Crane.
Don't worry, Icobot.
I'll stay here and protect Katrina.
I'm sure it can wait until morning.
Maybe you should go.
I know that you're the only man qualified
to inspect the scene.
Oh, well, that is true.
All right.
I'll go.
Now then, what is so important that it?
Oh no.
Now then.
What is so important that he
couldn't wait until Bordie?
Poltergeist has moved through here.
Oh, what?
A poltergeist!
A ghost!
A spirit!
Things are no longer safe here.
Oh, this is an omen of
terrible things to come.
I'm sure of it.
This is a bad sign for Sleepy Hollow.
Things are taking a turn for the worse.
Okay, Wishbone.
You can do this.
It's just the animal clinic.
Here we go.
Here we go.
Oh, easy stomach.
Oh, okay. Do it for Joe. Do it for Joe.
Come on, Wishbone.
I hope you appreciate this, Joe.
I'm only in here because you need me.
And if I see one needle,
I am out of here.
You ready?
Let's get this over with.
I can't breathe in here.
Ooh, loud noise!
Loud noise!
Guys, look!
There's only two clues left.
It means to Mont's ahead of us.
What is it? What is it?
Welcome to Derby Days.
Today's horses are galloping
goblin, blind sorceress,
which is Roomsick and Glue Factory.
You have 30 seconds to
choose the winning horse.
We have to pick a horse.
Quick, let's read the clue again.
Follow dart to the derby, where the
thoroughbreds and mixed breeds meet.
If you don't want to lose, then you must
choose an enchantress light on her feet.
Witch. It must be Witch's broomstick.
No, wait. Read the last part.
You now have 15 seconds to
choose the winning horse.
You must choose an
enchantress light on her feet.
See light on her feet?
Witches flying the broomsticks?
No, it says pick the enchantress.
Not a broom.
Flying sorceress!
Could someone please pick up the
cute little dog so he can see?
You must choose your horse in five, four.
Three, two.
Let's go, come on.
Come on, come on, come on.
Come on, come on the
corner, come on, hurry out.
Come on, come on.
Who's winning?
Who's winning?
Let's go.
Come on, push it.
Come on, it's going, come on.
Keep it up, keep it up.
Come on.
The winner is flying starfish!
All right!
We won!
What did we win?
What is the type?
It says
Every year when the leaves are green,
Jackson's Carnival can be seen.
Purple, red, yellow, and blue.
Which of these would you pursue?
Ooh, that's an easy one!
Jackson's Carnival?
And look, a token.
But where do we go?
Every year when the leaves are green.
Does it mean the summer carnival?
In Jackson Park, come on.
Let's go.
Of course. This is where
the carnival always sets up.
Now what?
Come on, guys.
Whoa. This is incredible.
There's still one left.
This is awesome.
Oh, David's gone bye-bye.
Which slot?
We had to choose a color.
Purple, red, yellow, and blue.
Well, that narrows it down to four.
I gotta get one of these.
Oh, yeah. We lost him.
David, we need your help.
Yeah, which one?
It's the orange one.
How'd you figure that out?
It's the only color on the machine
that's not mentioned in the poem.
He's right.
Every year when the leaves are
green, Jackson Carnival can be seen,
purple, red, yellow, and blue.
Which one of these would you pursue?
No orange.
No, wait. Let me do it.
Halloween. Always this noisy.
That was kind of cool.
It was kind of cool.
Kibon's luck.
Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you for the better.
Katrina's family had
invited him to a party.
Oh, how are you?
Thank you for coming.
Good of you to come, Mr. Cray.
Oh, thank you so much
for your invitation.
Where might I find your lovely Katrina?
I believe she's watching
guests Bob for Apples.
Good evening, Mr. Van Tassel.
We have been anxiously
awaiting your party all week.
And I am so glad to see you.
Come in, come in.
Looks like there's quite a
brew stirring this evening.
Thank you.
Good evening, what an
absolutely delightful party.
Oh, thank you, Iqabad.
Care to Bob for apples?
Bobbing for apples.
What a delightful game.
Yes, I think I will try, actually.
Let's see.
Here I go.
Oh, those tight.
Oh, oh.
Oh, wonderful.
I got one. I got one.
Hello, Brom.
Would you like to try?
No, I'd rather not.
Oh, it's very easy.
Brom, anyone can do it.
I have no desire to have an apple
stuck in my mouth like a roasted pig.
Oh, Brom, you really
should give it a try.
I mean, the Van Tassels have gone
to great lengths to entertain us.
How about one little bob?
Let's see if I can get another one.
Oh, let's see if I can get another one.
You know, um, we're a bit overdue for
another sighting of the headless horseman.
It is that time of year again.
Oh, ha ha ha ha.
What say you, Iqabod Crane?
Oh, oh, I heartily agree.
Why just the other evening, my
schoolhouse was turned completely
totally topsy-turvy by a poltergeist.
That itself could foretell more
extraordinary apparitions to come,
perhaps even the headless horseman.
I'm tired of all of
these frightful tales.
Won't you come dance with me, Iqabod?
Just a moment, my dear.
What are your thoughts, Brahm?
It's a bunch of nonsense if you ask me.
I mean, give me something I can
touch or hit if I wanted to.
The spirits are.
just that. Spirits. They can do
no more harm than a summer breeze.
Well, how do you explain what
happened to old man Brower?
The headless horseman nearly had him.
Brower told me that the horseman chased him
all the way to the old church bridge.
Ah, Brower's a drunk.
Brum, it surprises me
that a man of your stature
cannot see the significance
of these signs.
Tell me more of Brower's story.
As soon as he crossed the
bridge, the horseman disappeared.
Yes, we must learn
more about this bridge.
It must hold some significance.
You call yourself an educated man,
sitting around telling fairy tales.
I assure you that it is very important
to learn all that you can about a spirit,
so one can take the proper precautions.
I'm not here for superstitious nonsense.
I'm here for superstitious nonsense.
the party.
While the other guests
ate, drank, and danced,
Ikebaud delighted in spooky stories
and wild speculations for hours.
Long into the night.
All right, folks. It's time for
you to go to your own homes.
Oh, dear, look how late it's become.
Where is Katrina?
She went about hours
ago. It's past midnight.
Past midnight?
Past midnight?
Oh, I'm glad I don't have to walk through
Sleepy Hollow on a night like this.
Say, Ikeba, don't you pass through
Sleepy Hollow on your way home?
Why, um, yes.
Well, if anyone can handle the
headless horseman, it's Ikebo.
I can. I mean, of course I can. I think.
Okay. Is it me? Or did things
just get really spooky?
Oh no. Anything but this but this.
I'm not going in. He went
in, but I'm not going in.
De Mont's already in there?
He's been in there an awful long time.
Oh no. Quick, you guys, let's go.
Come on.
I can't.
What do you mean you can't?
It's haunted. The house is haunted.
It's just the old Murphy
place. I'm sure it's safe.
It's not safe.
Joe's word's good enough for me. Let's
go home and have some Ellen cookies.
He's right. Of course I'm right.
I knew it. I told him
it was haunted. I did.
But he didn't listen. I
told him it was probably
Enough, okay?
What are you talking about?
It happened a long time ago.
The first Halloween that my mom let
me go trick-or-treating without her.
David and I went all over
the neighborhood that night.
Some kids talked about
going to Thunder Road.
I was the one who wanted to go.
Where was I?
And why don't I remember this?
You were on that trip
with your mom, remember?
Which one was still a puppy?
And I was so cute.
What happened?
It was Winnie that night, too.
But there was lightning.
It didn't seem that bad from the street.
So I walked toward the house.
The closer I got, the worse it looked.
And the noises, I didn't
think I could do it.
I didn't think I could do it.
I reached out to grab the door and off.
And the
Is it over?
I've never been so scared in my life.
What made you go up
there in the first place?
I dared him.
I can't go in there.
What was that?
Joe, it's the cat!
Come on, we've got him!
Wishbowl, no!
I'm not going in there.
Sorry, Joe.
He got away from me again.
He got away from me again.
Look at this place.
Well, this has been fun. Can we go home?
It's probably just Mr. Del
Rio having fun with us.
Come on, Joe. I'm sure there's
nothing to be afraid of.
Well, let's just get the
prize and get out of here.
I think we found the tea party.
I think we found it back, Sam.
Put it back, Sam!
Hey, was that mummy sitting over there?
Hey, look at this.
It's a clue.
It says the green player
will show you the light.
The green player?
What was that?
Oh, really?
All right, dumb monster.
I'm ready for you.
Try to see.
Scare my boy, will you?
Ready or not?
I'm coming up there!
Whether he was ready or not, Ikebaud
Crayne made a lonely trip home
through that bewitched
place called Sleepy Hollow.
Good to move on, Crane.
Nothing to be afraid of.
Just going for a very late
walk on a very spooky evening.
How about a tune?
Perhaps not.
Oh, what was that?
Oh, oh, oh dear.
What was that?
What was that?
Nothing. It was nothing.
Oh, who's there?
Oh, who's there?
Who are you?
HADLOS, sir!
The endless husband!
The bridge!
The bridge!
The bridge!
The bell's not working!
The bell's not working!
The bridge!
The bridge!
I made it!
I'm safe!
I'm safe!
I'm safe!
I'll have you know I'm wise to
the ways of the supernatural!
Now you are supposed to vanish!
Oh, no! Oh, no! No!
Don't hurt me! Don't hurt me!
Don't hurt me!
How did you get in here?
Somebody shut the door on me!
Aha! It's you again!
We're both!
Same as the others.
Now what do we do?
Ah! Ah!
Let's play!
Let's play!
one down,
two to go.
Let's play!
Catch the kitty!
No wait, Wishbone!
and I'm going on
on my nerves!
who keeps on my nerves!
Where's David?
He and get a lot!
He and kitty should get along just fine.
I'm up here!
Come here!
Come on, come on this!
That's it!
I've had enough.
Prize or not, I'm going home.
Wait! Look at the floor!
It looks just like the
Chinese Checkers game.
David! You'll never guess
what I did to DeMont.
It says the green player
will show you the light.
Sam, didn't you put
the marble right here?
I think so.
Well, look at that. I'm not the only
one who buries things around here.
You did it.
You did it, Joe.
Because this was my lucky night.
Uh, guys.
Oh, great! Monsters!
That's what was missing.
You won!
Get me out of here.
Get me out of here.
Get me out of here.
It was the cat.
That night?
It was the cat.
Come on, you guys. Uncle
Travis is waiting outside.
Feel better, Jeff?
Now that it's over.
No one that it's over.
No one knew what happened
to Iqabod Crane that night.
Some say he just moved away.
Others say he was carried
away by the headless horseman.
Another pumpkin?
This is his bell, all right.
Must have been the horseman.
This oughta convince old brombones.
Convince him of what?
He said.
He said he.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
It couldn't have been that scary.
Oh, yeah?
What happened? Did you see a ghost?
I bet you did.
One time, a friend of
mine, he went in there.
Don't say anything.
I'm going home.
All right, good job, guys.
Hey, lucky.
You guys have fun?
Congratulations, guys.
Thanks, Mr. Del Rio.
Yeah, thanks.
That was really fun.
Well, there's a party for everyone
back at Oakdale Sports and Games.
Finally, I've had enough
tricks for one night.
Let's talk treats.
Hey, Joe, looks like you're
back in the zone after all.
Yes, sir.
It was your lucky day.
Must be the socks.
Must be.
We shall meet.
again, Kitty.
How does he do that?
A drowsy, dreamy influence
seems to hang over
the land, and to pervade
the very atmosphere.
Some say the place was bewitched.
Washington Irving used these
words to describe the setting of,
the legend of Sleepy Hollow.
To recreate this
mysterious feeling on film,
we called on the members
of our lighting team.
They used some clever
tricks, a lot of equipment,
and a lot of lights.
Here's a 12 kilowatt
light, also called a 12K.
Here's a baby, and a baby baby baby,
and a tweeny, just to name a few.
The people who operate these
lights are called electricians,
and the top dog electrician
is called the Gaffer.
It's a really neat feeling
to be on a dark set
when there are no lights
and to turn on that first light.
The Gaffer.
and his lighting crew set up
the lights, lay miles of cable,
and hook everything up
to a distribution box,
which sends electricity
to wherever we want it.
Then the crew places the lights
and add colored filters and gels
for an eerie look.
Soccer come!
Let's play! Catch the Kitty!
No way, Wishbone!
fur raising!
The grip crew is a very important
part of the lighting team.
The top dog grip is called the key grip.
He and his grip.
His crew add patterns to change the way
the light falls and to make shadows.
On Sleepy Hollow, we created
our own moonlight by putting a
12,000 watt light up about 80
feet in the air in a condor.
And then to break up that
light, we took camouflaged net,
put them up in a scissor lift
about 40 feet in the air,
to move those around to make these
patterns on the front of the house.
We're just going to
daffle the Murphy House
and we're going to do lightning effects.
The script indicated a
lot of lightning, so we
rented a special light
called a lightning strike.
It's easy. You plug it
in and push a button!
So with a combination of
lights, shadows, and some
special equipment, we can
make a bewitching atmosphere.
Shine your light on a good mystery.
Check one out at your local library!
Thank you.
What's this your dreaming of such big
imagination on such a little part?
What's the story, Wishbone?
Do you think it's worth a look?
Kind of seems familiar
like a story from a book.
Shake a leg now, Wishbone,
let's wagging off the tail.
Sniffing out adventure
with Wishbone on the trail.
Come on, Wishbone.
What's the story, Wishbone?
What's the story, Wishbone?
What's the story, Wishbone?
What's the story, Wishbone?
What's the story, Wishbone?
What's the story? Wishbone.
Ah, yes! Nothing better
than taking Wishbone
for a nice long walk
on a brisk autumn day.
Even if Wishbone has to do it himself.
Excuse me.
Hello, Oakdale!
It's late October, and everything
seems just a little different.
I can't put my nose on it, but
something strange is in the air.
Something chilling.
What can it be?
Leaves are learning to dance.
Sheets are learning to fly.
And pumpkins are suddenly growing faces.
No doubt about it.
There is something in the air.
Something that makes people
do the strangest things.
Gotta go!
Gotta go!
Gotta go!
Gotta go!
Hey, Wanda!
Hi, Wanda!
Cookie, cookie, cookie, cookie,
open door, open door, open door.
Uh-oh, closed door,
closed door, closed door.
Ooh-door, close door.
Wishbone, where did you come from?
New recipe?
Ooh. Wishbone, where have you been?
The very first day of practice,
and you weren't there.
It's bad luck, especially today.
Bad luck? Me?
Do you smell that?
What's so important about
Wishbone being at practice?
He always comes to practice.
He should have been there.
It's a bad sign. I don't
want to jinx the season.
Ooh, something definitely
reeks in this vicinity.
Your father was the same way.
He was so super-state.
about the start of basketball season.
I remember one time when he
What, what is that smell?
What smell?
I think I found the culprit, Alan.
Joe, there's something in your shoe!
Joe, what is that?
Sorry, Mom.
They're my practice socks, my lucky ones.
Ew! Didn't I bury these last year?
I think it's a little much, Joe.
Um, um
But since they are so special,
why don't you take them off and
put them in a special place?
outside the house.
I will
But right now, I need to
pick out a new basketball.
You do?
We've already started practice, Mom.
I can't start a new
season without a new ball.
It's bad luck.
Of course. I forgot.
Oh, I've still got my birthday money.
Besides, I want to check out the
new sporting goods store in town.
Come on, Wishbone.
But Joe, she could drop
another cookie at any moment.
Joe, have you decided if you're
going trick-or-treating tonight?
Uh, treating?
Oh, I vote we go for this.
The treats?
I don't think so.
I'll probably just stay home.
Come on, Wishbourne.
But cookies?
Throw a long one, Joe!
You're right, Joe.
This is as much fun as eating cookies.
I got it, I got it!
I got it!
Wishbone! Wait! No!
Ha ha ha! I have you now, Mr. Ball!
Oh! Hello! What have we here?
That's a cat. Come on, boy!
See, it's a
Hey. What?
Where the Wishbone?
You didn't see.
See where that cat went, did you, Joe?
Come on, let's get out of here.
I don't like this place.
You're right, Joe.
A place like this can
play tricks on your mind.
Some places can do that.
They cast a spell over you.
A spell like the one that hung
over a place called Sleepy Hollow.
Way back in 1819, American
author Washington Irving
wrote a short story called
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.
The story was set in the quiet
hills along the Hudson River,
not long after the American Revolution.
Those who lived there agreed
that anyone who lingered
in that drowsy, dreamy
glen called Sleepy Hollow
would inhale the witching
influence of the air
and begin to hear strange sounds
and see frightful apparitions.
The most famous of these apparitions
was the ghost of a soldier
whose head was taken off by a
cannonball during the Revolutionary War.
Legend has it that the spirit
of this headless horseman
rides forth each night
in search of his head.
The local residents took great
pleasure in these stores,
but none took greater pleasure
than the local schoolteacher,
one Iqabod crane.
Now, class, it is very important to
know the difference between knowledge
and useless information.
Oh, if only young young children,
Jebedeye had known that
after you break a mirror,
you must walk in a circle
to reverse your bad luck,
clockwise, mind you.
Not to be confused with a
black cat crossing your path.
Then you must circle
counterclockwise like this.
Oh, twice on Sunday.
Yes, Andrew?
Excuse me, Mr. Crane.
The mother wanted to know
if you could come over
and finish the story about
the secret of the full moon.
She made your favorite apple pie?
Oh, apple pie, you say.
Well, of course I'll be there, Andrew.
Your mother's apple pie is the
absolute finest in the county.
I recall one Sunday when you
Oh, yes.
Where were we?
Now then, eyes front, everyone.
Who here knows why we ring
a bell to begin each day?
Yes, Elizabeth.
To call us into the classroom.
No, no, not at all.
We ring the bell to drive
away demons and spirits.
Why do you think I wear
this bell on my vest?
Wait here.
I won't be long.
So, another victim of the haunted
I'm a little off today.
Hey, it happens, but there's nothing
like the thrill of being in the zone.
Where the hoop looks three feet wide and
everything you toss up goes in the basket.
I'm sure you'll be there again.
My name's Travis del Rio.
What's yours?
I'm Joe Talbot. Nice to meet you, Joe.
Do you smell something?
Well, Joe, what can I do for you?
Joe, can I have some tennis
balls? Just all the yellow ones.
Hey, is that your dog?
Uh, yes, sir, I'm sorry.
I'll take him outside.
No, no, it's okay. I like dogs.
Uncle Travis!
We need help with our costumes.
Melina, Marcus, I want
you to meet someone.
Uh, Joe, this is my niece
Melina and my nephew Marcus.
Hello, hi.
Hi. This is really.
Have you guys seen the tennis balls yet?
Something smells funny.
It's not the dog. Joe?
Do you want to handle that one?
So are you guys getting ready
to go trick-or-treating tonight?
No better. Uncle Travis is letting us.
Marcus, uh, why don't you go pick up those
tennis balls and put them back, okay?
Have you signed up for
the scavenger hunt yet?
What scavenger hunt?
Hey, if you like my haunted rim,
you'll love my scavenger hunt.
Yeah, it's the best
Halloween treat in Oakdale.
Absolutely. And the first
prize is a $100 gift.
Well, I don't know.
Oh, come on.
It's gonna be fun.
I'm sure there's still
room on one of the teams.
Wait a minute.
It's your lucky day.
You already signed up on
Samantha Kepler's team.
I am.
Kepler, doesn't her father
on that pizza place?
Yeah, Pepper Peets.
Look, Mr. Del Rio, I'm really not
sure about the scavenger hunt.
Don't worry, Joe.
What is that smell?
My sock?
You'll think this is strange, but I always
wear the same pair of socks at practice.
For good luck.
Say no more, Joe.
Those shoes are behind
glass for a reason.
Hey, Joe, can we been doing any tricks?
That depends. Got any treats?
Now me, I'm always ready for treats.
But I know one guy whose
appetite for the supernatural
was even greater than
his appetite for food.
Remember that Ikeba crane
loved ghost stories.
He would spend hours reading Cotton
Mather's history of New England witchcraft.
Oh, how terribly frightening.
Oh, dear! Don't hurt me!
Why, you're a jumping fellow!
What? Oh, yes. How do you do?
My name is Iqabod Crane.
You must be the schoolteacher.
I'm Katrina Van Tassel.
Van Tassel, you say?
Of the Van Tassel farm?
Why, yes.
Is that really big farm?
I mean the really, really,
really, really big farm?
Yes, that's it.
I was just
I'm delighted to meet
you, Miss Van Tassel.
Why, thank you.
We're so lucky to have such a learned and
sophisticated gentleman
as you in our midst.
What are you reading there, Mr. Crane?
Ah, yes. This is Mather's Book
of Witchcraft in New England.
Most fascinating.
It must be quite exciting.
Oh, yes, it is.
In fact, I would love to
tell you all about it.
Oh, dear, was that my stomach?
I'm a bit hungry.
Why, please, come have dinner with us,
Mr. Crane, and you can tell me on the way.
Why, Miss Van Tassel,
what a marvelous idea!
Shall we go?
And of course I picked
up the occasional ghost
story before I settled
here in Sleepy Hollow.
Oh, are we here?
This is quite a place you have here.
Oh, yes.
Look at all the food.
One could grow quite comfortable
in an environment such as this.
Oh, but that was such
a fine feast, Katrina.
May I call you Katrina?
Of course, Mr. Crane.
Your family has been very lucky.
An estate this size hardly seems possible
in such a frightful frontier as this.
My studies have given me great
insight into these matters.
Oh, considerably.
You'd be some sort of.
surprised at the supernatural
exhibitions I've witnessed.
Please, tell me more.
I would be delighted to.
Oh, but look at the time.
I must be going. Before dark, you know.
Well, would you tell me
over dinner tomorrow?
Dinner tomorrow?
Well, if you insist.
Ah, a delightful meal
and a return invitation.
I think that went rather well.
What's that?
Who's there?
I can't be caught out at the dock.
They say that exercise
is good for the legs.
Come along, Ichabon!
Come along, Ichabon.
Okay, here we go, Joe.
Big throw this time!
Big throw!
What is it about this day, Wishbone?
First you weren't at basketball practice.
And then you run into the game.
the old Murphy place.
Now there's a scavenger hunt.
How about a little throw?
Last year on Halloween, I
sprained my ankle so bad.
I couldn't play basketball for a month.
The year before that, I had chicken pox.
Please, throw the ball.
This year, I think I'm just gonna stay
home before anything else happens.
Whatever you want to do is fine with me.
Oh! Well, you look at the
nerve of that's horrible!
Oh, no.
It's just a cat, Joe. Come
on, let's go chase him!
All this talk of tricks and
treats is making me hungry.
Are you sure you don't need
help handing out treats tonight?
Ding, ding, ding, ding!
Congratulations, Joe! You
just said the secret word!
Ellen! Tell him what he's won!
I'd love to have your company,
Joe, but I think I can handle it.
Are you sure? There's
gonna be a lot of kids.
Joe, the scavenger hunt will be fun.
You'll be with your friends.
Samantha's counting on you.
You should go.
Halloween's always been unlucky for me.
We all wonder about our
luck from time to time.
Your father wondered about his every time
every time his player
started missing free throws.
But he never gave up on them.
He wanted them to play through it.
There's no way you can predict
what's going to happen tonight,
or on any other given day.
Nobody can.
If you expect the worst
though, you just might find it.
I'm pretty sure you'll have a lot more
fun tonight if you expect the best.
I guess so.
Come on, buddy. We're
gonna have a great time.
And don't worry, I'll keep all
those black cats away from you.
Joe's gonna show up?
I think so.
Oh, hi Joe.
Hey guys.
Great costumes.
Glad you came.
Wishbone, where's your costume?
Huh? A dog wear silly costumes?
I think not.
Nice costume, Calvin.
Hey, DeMont.
What are you supposed to be?
Your worst nightmare.
You're here to watch me
win that gift certificate?
Yeah, we're gonna win, because I used to
go on scavenger hunts all those times.
Can it, Jimmy. You may
be my cousin, but you're
only here because my
mom made me bring you.
Jimmy, what are you dressed as?
I'm an alien, but not
the kind from the movies.
This is what they really looked at.
A friend of mine got abducted
by them, and he said
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and
ghouls, maitens and monsters.
Are you ready for the Oakdale Sports
and Games' first annual scavenger hunt?
Now, this is no ordinary scavenger hunt.
On this quest, you'll have to be
quick-witted as well as quick-footed.
Here are the rules. There are five teams.
Each team will receive one
of these and one of these.
I can't see. What is it?
Oh, what a time to be short!
And each one are clues that will
lead you to your first challenge.
Now, once there, you must
solve a puzzle to move ahead.
Your chances to advance.
will get tougher with each challenge
until only two teams remain
and take the most
chilling challenge of all.
And the prize, a $100 gift certificate
at Oakdale Sports and Games.
All right.
Not everyone can win, but don't worry,
there'll be plenty of consolation prizes.
Now, if the team captains would raise
their hands, we'll pass out the first clue.
Good luck and be careful.
You never know what kind of ghoulish
surprises you'll find on a night like this.
You feel lucky?
Don't be surprised when I
win that gift certificate.
Wow! Such competition!
But only one prize.
Ikebod Crane sought
only one prize as well.
Her name was Katrina Van Tassel.
However, he was not alone in his quest.
Every young man in the
valley wanted to impress her.
Hey, go to the back. I was here first.
Oh. Oh, I'm sorry, dear boy.
Would you like me to tell Katrina that
she cannot have her singing lessons today?
She'll be most disappointed.
Singing lessons?
Singing lessons.
Oh, good evening, dear Katrina.
I am terribly sorry to interrupt, but
it is time for your singing lessons.
Oh, of course.
We'll see what Brombones thinks
about your singing lesson.
Oh, hello, Bram!
Hello, Katrina.
I thought I might give you the
honor of my company tonight.
That's very sweet of you, Bram.
Maybe a moonlight ride by the brook.
Excuse me, but I don't
believe that would be wise.
Well, if it isn't Mr.
Iqabod Crane, and tell
me why you think that would be so unwise.
Oh, Katrina wouldn't be safe
on such a night as this.
I'll protect her.
You'll protect her.
Only a man of knowledge, not of strength,
could protect her on
this enchanted knight.
I mean, first of all, you offer
her a bouquet of foxglove,
a gesture bound to bring bad luck.
But, and after that,
Curse! You want to take her
for a ride on a black horse?
Now see here!
A black horse tonight?
Oh, it would seem that you have no
concern for her safety whatsoever.
You're probably just bringing her
bad luck standing on her property.
Come, Katrina, let us
finish your singing lessons.
Wow, look at everybody.
I don't know about this.
I better keep an eye on things.
What does he say?
When a wand is transposed
and Gill has more,
the gypsy gallery will be easy to find.
If you follow the flamingos,
to a deafening roar, you
won't be left behind.
That's all there is?
What about the pumpkin?
Everyone looks so weird.
What? Three quarks?
What has transposed mean?
When two things switch places.
Whoa! I hope that was a mask.
And who is Gil?
Gil Brady? From the fifth grade?
I don't think so.
What does the Oak Dock
Chronicle have to do with it?
Oh, Joe, Joe, look!
Wait, look at the words.
When a wand is transposed.
A wand, Wanda.
When Gill has more.
Wanda Gilmore.
Wanda owns the Odo Chronicle.
Oh, hey, not without me.
Welcome to the house of Wanda.
Wonder what the future holds.
Well, boy, how do you
come to the right place?
Let's fire up the crystal ball.
Brum, brim.
Oh, you are going to be very
successful gathering candy.
Show me your palm.
And the luck begins now.
Happy hunting.
They'll come to the house of wonder.
I don't think this comes
as a surprise to anybody.
So, shall we get our fortunes told?
Maybe I should.
Hey, look.
The flamingos.
You are going to be very
successful, a gathering candy.
This is going to be very successful.
easier than I thought.
What you doing?
Come on.
Happy hunting.
Come on.
Come on, Joe.
We'll just wait outside.
I'll just be outside.
You're not scared, are you?
It's okay, Joe.
You don't have to.
We do this together.
We're a team.
I'd just be bad luck.
Come on.
Don't worry, Joe. I'll stand, watch.
Besides, I've been in Wanda's
house once, and once was enough.
Wow. This is great.
All, this is great.
All four.
That means for this.
All four. That means for this.
first team here.
It looks like one of them falls
when you hit the right target.
How do we know which one?
We only have three shots.
Just call me Wishbone the watchdog.
Hey, no cat crosses my
territory twice in one day!
Come here!
You follow the flamingos to a deafening
roar, and you won't be left behind.
Well, we followed the
flamingos, but what do we shoot?
Deffening roar.
Tiger. Great, Sam.
It was a lucky shot.
Guys, it wasn't that
lucky. Nothing happened.
I don't get it.
Wait, look, over in the corner.
A lion.
We only have one shot left.
Careful, Sam.
You've got to time it just right.
Great shots, Sam.
Nice shooting.
Thanks for solving the riddle for me.
Cheating takes all the riddle for me.
Cheating takes all the
fun out of it, DeMont.
Yeah, well, plenty of fun
with that gift certificate.
We'll have plenty of fun with that.
Wishbone? Where'd he go?
Maybe he went home?
We don't have much time.
DeMont's right behind us.
I'm not going without Wishbow.
You better find him quick for him.
I think your luck just ran out.
I wonder how far DeMond is.
I don't know.
Was he there?
I know I should have stayed home tonight.
Now what do we do?
We're losing time.
That's him.
Kitty, kitty, kitty.
Come on, down.
Good, kitty.
Come on!
Hey, I can't do that. No fair!
Hey, don't worry, Joe.
I took care of him for you.
Do you see him run?
I scared him off.
Now we can finish.
Okay, here it is.
Follow dart to the derby, where the
thoroughbreds and mixed breeds meet.
If you don't want to lose, then you must
choose an enchantress light on her feet.
A racetrack?
In Oakdale?
The only dart I know is
the Dart Animal Clinic.
That's it.
We're thoroughbreds
and mixed breeds meet.
Let's go.
Animal Clinic!
Oh, no.
Not me.
You guys go ahead.
I'll stay here.
Come on, Joe.
You guys are up for this.
I'm not.
Besides, I should take
Wishbone in the house anyway.
Look, Joe, we're not
sweating up the team.
Come on.
Come on, Wishbone.
No, no, Joe, you were completely right.
We should go in the house.
Oh, boy.
There's no place like home.
And once you found it, you
really don't want to leave it.
Now, Ikebod Crane
definitely found the place
where he wanted to be.
Katrina's farm.
And he was doing his
best to win her heart.
So the witch cast a spell
over the whole town?
Hmm? What?
Oh, oh, yes. She absolutely did.
In fact, the spell was never broken.
Mr. Crane, you must come quickly.
There's been a frightful
event at the schoolhouse.
Yeah, Sikibod.
We need someone of your higher
learning to handle this.
What has happened?
You must come and see this
mysterious event with this.
your own eyes, Mr. Crane.
Don't worry, Icobot.
I'll stay here and protect Katrina.
I'm sure it can wait until morning.
Maybe you should go.
I know that you're the only man qualified
to inspect the scene.
Oh, well, that is true.
All right.
I'll go.
Now then, what is so important that it?
Oh no.
Now then.
What is so important that he
couldn't wait until Bordie?
Poltergeist has moved through here.
Oh, what?
A poltergeist!
A ghost!
A spirit!
Things are no longer safe here.
Oh, this is an omen of
terrible things to come.
I'm sure of it.
This is a bad sign for Sleepy Hollow.
Things are taking a turn for the worse.
Okay, Wishbone.
You can do this.
It's just the animal clinic.
Here we go.
Here we go.
Oh, easy stomach.
Oh, okay. Do it for Joe. Do it for Joe.
Come on, Wishbone.
I hope you appreciate this, Joe.
I'm only in here because you need me.
And if I see one needle,
I am out of here.
You ready?
Let's get this over with.
I can't breathe in here.
Ooh, loud noise!
Loud noise!
Guys, look!
There's only two clues left.
It means to Mont's ahead of us.
What is it? What is it?
Welcome to Derby Days.
Today's horses are galloping
goblin, blind sorceress,
which is Roomsick and Glue Factory.
You have 30 seconds to
choose the winning horse.
We have to pick a horse.
Quick, let's read the clue again.
Follow dart to the derby, where the
thoroughbreds and mixed breeds meet.
If you don't want to lose, then you must
choose an enchantress light on her feet.
Witch. It must be Witch's broomstick.
No, wait. Read the last part.
You now have 15 seconds to
choose the winning horse.
You must choose an
enchantress light on her feet.
See light on her feet?
Witches flying the broomsticks?
No, it says pick the enchantress.
Not a broom.
Flying sorceress!
Could someone please pick up the
cute little dog so he can see?
You must choose your horse in five, four.
Three, two.
Let's go, come on.
Come on, come on, come on.
Come on, come on the
corner, come on, hurry out.
Come on, come on.
Who's winning?
Who's winning?
Let's go.
Come on, push it.
Come on, it's going, come on.
Keep it up, keep it up.
Come on.
The winner is flying starfish!
All right!
We won!
What did we win?
What is the type?
It says
Every year when the leaves are green,
Jackson's Carnival can be seen.
Purple, red, yellow, and blue.
Which of these would you pursue?
Ooh, that's an easy one!
Jackson's Carnival?
And look, a token.
But where do we go?
Every year when the leaves are green.
Does it mean the summer carnival?
In Jackson Park, come on.
Let's go.
Of course. This is where
the carnival always sets up.
Now what?
Come on, guys.
Whoa. This is incredible.
There's still one left.
This is awesome.
Oh, David's gone bye-bye.
Which slot?
We had to choose a color.
Purple, red, yellow, and blue.
Well, that narrows it down to four.
I gotta get one of these.
Oh, yeah. We lost him.
David, we need your help.
Yeah, which one?
It's the orange one.
How'd you figure that out?
It's the only color on the machine
that's not mentioned in the poem.
He's right.
Every year when the leaves are
green, Jackson Carnival can be seen,
purple, red, yellow, and blue.
Which one of these would you pursue?
No orange.
No, wait. Let me do it.
Halloween. Always this noisy.
That was kind of cool.
It was kind of cool.
Kibon's luck.
Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you for the better.
Katrina's family had
invited him to a party.
Oh, how are you?
Thank you for coming.
Good of you to come, Mr. Cray.
Oh, thank you so much
for your invitation.
Where might I find your lovely Katrina?
I believe she's watching
guests Bob for Apples.
Good evening, Mr. Van Tassel.
We have been anxiously
awaiting your party all week.
And I am so glad to see you.
Come in, come in.
Looks like there's quite a
brew stirring this evening.
Thank you.
Good evening, what an
absolutely delightful party.
Oh, thank you, Iqabad.
Care to Bob for apples?
Bobbing for apples.
What a delightful game.
Yes, I think I will try, actually.
Let's see.
Here I go.
Oh, those tight.
Oh, oh.
Oh, wonderful.
I got one. I got one.
Hello, Brom.
Would you like to try?
No, I'd rather not.
Oh, it's very easy.
Brom, anyone can do it.
I have no desire to have an apple
stuck in my mouth like a roasted pig.
Oh, Brom, you really
should give it a try.
I mean, the Van Tassels have gone
to great lengths to entertain us.
How about one little bob?
Let's see if I can get another one.
Oh, let's see if I can get another one.
You know, um, we're a bit overdue for
another sighting of the headless horseman.
It is that time of year again.
Oh, ha ha ha ha.
What say you, Iqabod Crane?
Oh, oh, I heartily agree.
Why just the other evening, my
schoolhouse was turned completely
totally topsy-turvy by a poltergeist.
That itself could foretell more
extraordinary apparitions to come,
perhaps even the headless horseman.
I'm tired of all of
these frightful tales.
Won't you come dance with me, Iqabod?
Just a moment, my dear.
What are your thoughts, Brahm?
It's a bunch of nonsense if you ask me.
I mean, give me something I can
touch or hit if I wanted to.
The spirits are.
just that. Spirits. They can do
no more harm than a summer breeze.
Well, how do you explain what
happened to old man Brower?
The headless horseman nearly had him.
Brower told me that the horseman chased him
all the way to the old church bridge.
Ah, Brower's a drunk.
Brum, it surprises me
that a man of your stature
cannot see the significance
of these signs.
Tell me more of Brower's story.
As soon as he crossed the
bridge, the horseman disappeared.
Yes, we must learn
more about this bridge.
It must hold some significance.
You call yourself an educated man,
sitting around telling fairy tales.
I assure you that it is very important
to learn all that you can about a spirit,
so one can take the proper precautions.
I'm not here for superstitious nonsense.
I'm here for superstitious nonsense.
the party.
While the other guests
ate, drank, and danced,
Ikebaud delighted in spooky stories
and wild speculations for hours.
Long into the night.
All right, folks. It's time for
you to go to your own homes.
Oh, dear, look how late it's become.
Where is Katrina?
She went about hours
ago. It's past midnight.
Past midnight?
Past midnight?
Oh, I'm glad I don't have to walk through
Sleepy Hollow on a night like this.
Say, Ikeba, don't you pass through
Sleepy Hollow on your way home?
Why, um, yes.
Well, if anyone can handle the
headless horseman, it's Ikebo.
I can. I mean, of course I can. I think.
Okay. Is it me? Or did things
just get really spooky?
Oh no. Anything but this but this.
I'm not going in. He went
in, but I'm not going in.
De Mont's already in there?
He's been in there an awful long time.
Oh no. Quick, you guys, let's go.
Come on.
I can't.
What do you mean you can't?
It's haunted. The house is haunted.
It's just the old Murphy
place. I'm sure it's safe.
It's not safe.
Joe's word's good enough for me. Let's
go home and have some Ellen cookies.
He's right. Of course I'm right.
I knew it. I told him
it was haunted. I did.
But he didn't listen. I
told him it was probably
Enough, okay?
What are you talking about?
It happened a long time ago.
The first Halloween that my mom let
me go trick-or-treating without her.
David and I went all over
the neighborhood that night.
Some kids talked about
going to Thunder Road.
I was the one who wanted to go.
Where was I?
And why don't I remember this?
You were on that trip
with your mom, remember?
Which one was still a puppy?
And I was so cute.
What happened?
It was Winnie that night, too.
But there was lightning.
It didn't seem that bad from the street.
So I walked toward the house.
The closer I got, the worse it looked.
And the noises, I didn't
think I could do it.
I didn't think I could do it.
I reached out to grab the door and off.
And the
Is it over?
I've never been so scared in my life.
What made you go up
there in the first place?
I dared him.
I can't go in there.
What was that?
Joe, it's the cat!
Come on, we've got him!
Wishbowl, no!
I'm not going in there.
Sorry, Joe.
He got away from me again.
He got away from me again.
Look at this place.
Well, this has been fun. Can we go home?
It's probably just Mr. Del
Rio having fun with us.
Come on, Joe. I'm sure there's
nothing to be afraid of.
Well, let's just get the
prize and get out of here.
I think we found the tea party.
I think we found it back, Sam.
Put it back, Sam!
Hey, was that mummy sitting over there?
Hey, look at this.
It's a clue.
It says the green player
will show you the light.
The green player?
What was that?
Oh, really?
All right, dumb monster.
I'm ready for you.
Try to see.
Scare my boy, will you?
Ready or not?
I'm coming up there!
Whether he was ready or not, Ikebaud
Crayne made a lonely trip home
through that bewitched
place called Sleepy Hollow.
Good to move on, Crane.
Nothing to be afraid of.
Just going for a very late
walk on a very spooky evening.
How about a tune?
Perhaps not.
Oh, what was that?
Oh, oh, oh dear.
What was that?
What was that?
Nothing. It was nothing.
Oh, who's there?
Oh, who's there?
Who are you?
HADLOS, sir!
The endless husband!
The bridge!
The bridge!
The bridge!
The bell's not working!
The bell's not working!
The bridge!
The bridge!
I made it!
I'm safe!
I'm safe!
I'm safe!
I'll have you know I'm wise to
the ways of the supernatural!
Now you are supposed to vanish!
Oh, no! Oh, no! No!
Don't hurt me! Don't hurt me!
Don't hurt me!
How did you get in here?
Somebody shut the door on me!
Aha! It's you again!
We're both!
Same as the others.
Now what do we do?
Ah! Ah!
Let's play!
Let's play!
one down,
two to go.
Let's play!
Catch the kitty!
No wait, Wishbone!
and I'm going on
on my nerves!
who keeps on my nerves!
Where's David?
He and get a lot!
He and kitty should get along just fine.
I'm up here!
Come here!
Come on, come on this!
That's it!
I've had enough.
Prize or not, I'm going home.
Wait! Look at the floor!
It looks just like the
Chinese Checkers game.
David! You'll never guess
what I did to DeMont.
It says the green player
will show you the light.
Sam, didn't you put
the marble right here?
I think so.
Well, look at that. I'm not the only
one who buries things around here.
You did it.
You did it, Joe.
Because this was my lucky night.
Uh, guys.
Oh, great! Monsters!
That's what was missing.
You won!
Get me out of here.
Get me out of here.
Get me out of here.
It was the cat.
That night?
It was the cat.
Come on, you guys. Uncle
Travis is waiting outside.
Feel better, Jeff?
Now that it's over.
No one that it's over.
No one knew what happened
to Iqabod Crane that night.
Some say he just moved away.
Others say he was carried
away by the headless horseman.
Another pumpkin?
This is his bell, all right.
Must have been the horseman.
This oughta convince old brombones.
Convince him of what?
He said.
He said he.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
It couldn't have been that scary.
Oh, yeah?
What happened? Did you see a ghost?
I bet you did.
One time, a friend of
mine, he went in there.
Don't say anything.
I'm going home.
All right, good job, guys.
Hey, lucky.
You guys have fun?
Congratulations, guys.
Thanks, Mr. Del Rio.
Yeah, thanks.
That was really fun.
Well, there's a party for everyone
back at Oakdale Sports and Games.
Finally, I've had enough
tricks for one night.
Let's talk treats.
Hey, Joe, looks like you're
back in the zone after all.
Yes, sir.
It was your lucky day.
Must be the socks.
Must be.
We shall meet.
again, Kitty.
How does he do that?
A drowsy, dreamy influence
seems to hang over
the land, and to pervade
the very atmosphere.
Some say the place was bewitched.
Washington Irving used these
words to describe the setting of,
the legend of Sleepy Hollow.
To recreate this
mysterious feeling on film,
we called on the members
of our lighting team.
They used some clever
tricks, a lot of equipment,
and a lot of lights.
Here's a 12 kilowatt
light, also called a 12K.
Here's a baby, and a baby baby baby,
and a tweeny, just to name a few.
The people who operate these
lights are called electricians,
and the top dog electrician
is called the Gaffer.
It's a really neat feeling
to be on a dark set
when there are no lights
and to turn on that first light.
The Gaffer.
and his lighting crew set up
the lights, lay miles of cable,
and hook everything up
to a distribution box,
which sends electricity
to wherever we want it.
Then the crew places the lights
and add colored filters and gels
for an eerie look.
Soccer come!
Let's play! Catch the Kitty!
No way, Wishbone!
fur raising!
The grip crew is a very important
part of the lighting team.
The top dog grip is called the key grip.
He and his grip.
His crew add patterns to change the way
the light falls and to make shadows.
On Sleepy Hollow, we created
our own moonlight by putting a
12,000 watt light up about 80
feet in the air in a condor.
And then to break up that
light, we took camouflaged net,
put them up in a scissor lift
about 40 feet in the air,
to move those around to make these
patterns on the front of the house.
We're just going to
daffle the Murphy House
and we're going to do lightning effects.
The script indicated a
lot of lightning, so we
rented a special light
called a lightning strike.
It's easy. You plug it
in and push a button!
So with a combination of
lights, shadows, and some
special equipment, we can
make a bewitching atmosphere.
Shine your light on a good mystery.
Check one out at your local library!
Thank you.