Yosi, the Regretful Spy (2022) s02e01 Episode Script

El Abismo

Let him go, asshole!
My name is José Pérez.
Zoom that one in.
I was an agent for the Federal Police
Intelligence Service for over 20 years.
You're familiar with The Andinia Plan.
With the Zionists
wanting to take Patagonia.
Your mission is to grow
in the Jewish community
and gain access to the heart
of Zionist power in Argentina.
You must find out how they function,
who their contacts are, who they support.
Victor Kesselman.
-Who they do business with.
We must take MAPAM's seat there,
the one you don't want to use.
Your mask will fall off,
you son of a bitch.
If they catch you, we can't help.
Saúl Menajem, banker and financier.
He has connections with Israel.
And his daughter likes you.
Do you really like my daughter?
Have you known them for a long time?
Kadar is one of my best enemies.
He says the government is involved.
The weapons come from military factories.
Your family? You never mention them.
Jonás? My name is Yosi.
I'm your mom's friend.
I'll help you get back to her.
He asked who you were.
He'll want to know who he is one day.
And you'll have to tell him who I am.
Yosi gave me this.
Sign, the notary
will check everything later.
Saúl is making me sign a bunch of papers.
I'm caught up in the offshore ones.
The bank issue will go away.
You have my word.
Sending troops to the Gulf
could cause us a huge headache.
Someone knew.
The officer outside the Embassy
left just before the explosion.
It's impossible to move the explosives
without us or them knowing.
If anyone knew, they didn't tell me.
I was there. I provided files.
You think they suspected you
at the embassy?
-I'm the useful idiot.
-The best thing you can do is hide.
Don't come here until I say so.
I need to stay here for a few days, Eli.
I'm in terrible trouble.
I'm Minister Aquino's secretary.
He left you this.
They won't leave you alone.
I have evidence and documents
that I may present to any authority
willing to listen to me.
My life is in danger.
And if anything happens to me,
I put the blame directly on local
and foreign intelligence services.
I'm a federal agent.
I want to work with you.
Although this story is inspired
by real events,
the characters and events are fictional.
Any similarities are unintentional.
An Argentine missile in the Gulf war?
Argentina was set to export
between 12 and 20 shells to Egypt
through contracts signed
by former president Alfonsín.
With the right warhead
and a guy to pull the trigger,
bad things can happen.
Nothing happened with Iraq.
The American government
quickly issued warnings
to stop the Argentine
missile's manufacture.
The national government took the decision
to cancel the "Condor II" project.
That technology is discouraged,
and so we triangulate, as we usually say.
Some say that the Tamuz I missile
that Hussein hasn't yet used
in the Gulf War,
is very similar to the Condor II.
There, come on, quick.
You there, you here.
Come on, quick.
Put the container down. Slowly.
Put it down here.
It's fine here.
You said one boat, there are three.
Which one has the Condor missile?
-I don't know.
-Yes, you do.
I don't know!
Then think about it.
I don't know, damn it.
Nobody told me there'd be decoys.
-Target in range?
-Target in range, sir.
Arm missile and be ready to fire.
Missile armed and ready.
Rina, we see three similar boats.
Which one has the missile?
I don't know.
The bastards added two decoys.
We need to hit all three.
No, we can't expose the operation.
It must seem accidental.
There's a weapon that can wipe out
Tel Aviv. They're all targets.
Negative. I won't authorize it unless
you identify it. I need precision.
Which one?
I told you, I don't know!
You bitch!
-Which one? Talk or I'll kill you.
-Fuck you, Israeli piece of shit.
You fucking bitch!
You fucking bitch!
Moshe, we need to hit all three, now!
Targets dispersing, sir. What do we do?
Disarm the weapon. Bring the drone back.
Rina, mission aborted.
Leave now.
He's ready.
Thank you.
What's your name?
Yosi Peres.
Your real name.
Yosi Peres.
Are you a federal intelligence agent?
Were you involved
in the Israeli Embassy attack?
Are you sure? Think about it.
They may have used secondary information
that I found during my infiltration.
Movements, how many people
were outside guarding the embassy.
Information on the security agents.
And where is Aaron Ram?
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
-Did you sleep well, Mr. Menajem?
-Yes, thank you.
Two white, one black.
Half and half, the way you like it.
-Did the Minister call?
-No, sir.
Do you know if he's coming today?
If I told you, I'd be lying.
Did you lose something, sir?
I'm taking a walk.
Do it over there, sir.
Mr. Menajem, you have a call.
Saulito! Buddy!
-How are they treating you?
-I'm going crazy.
I want to be with my people.
They need me more than ever.
I can't stay in hiding.
It's crazy over here, buddy.
Listen, I'm personally taking care
of dropping the lawsuit
against your bank.
So relax, stay calm,
and let them take care of you.
You're better off there
until this cools off.
I can't stay here forever.
Tell me when. Don't leave me
hanging here in nowheresville.
Tomorrow, brother.
There'll be news tomorrow.
What's your boss's name?
What was your assignment?
To infiltrate the Jewish community
and get information on the Andinia Plan.
That's what they call it?
Different name, same nonsense.
What did you find?
The Andinia Plan doesn't exist.
Why were you chosen for that assignment?
Because I was the best.
Or because you hate Jews?
I was chosen because I was motivated.
I'm telling the truth.
I came willingly.
I want to work with the Mossad.
Aaron Ram knows me.
He knows I'm not lying.
Aaron Ram is not active.
-But he was the one who brought me to you.
He brought you to us
and decided that was it for him.
I don't understand.
Are you anti-Semitic, Yosi?
My assignment was to prevent
an invasion of my country.
Isn't that what it means?
To be anti-Semitic?
I thought I was doing the right thing.
The protest against the attack
on the Israeli embassy
filled 9 de Julio Avenue
and was addressed by the President,
accompanied by religious leaders.
In other news, the president
has just informed in a press conference
that Minister Aquino,
someone very close to the president
with great influence over him,
has requested indefinite medical leave.
We are awaiting
a statement from the minister.
-Mr. Menajem. Do you need something?
-Call a taxi.
-I have to go to Buenos Aires.
-Sir, there are no taxis here.
When there's an emergency,
we call the police
and they send a police car.
Should I call one?
No, it's okay.
What do you think?
What do I think?
I don't think we should
work with double agents.
I know, right?
Aaron didn't like them either, but
I guess he changed his mind.
I know Aaron was your friend,
but he failed his mission.
Maybe he was wrong about him too?
I don't know.
Yosi wants to help.
He wants to work
with the Mossad, take part.
I think you need someone with access.
Fine. If you like him,
put him on your team, okay?
I don't want him in my operation.
Do you know how many times I've worked
with a double agent that flipped?
-Don't miss this chance.
-You won't convince me.
-Clear the room.
-Yes, sir.
I lost the Condor once before
because, it seems,
people today can't be trusted.
Now you want me to work with this Yosi?
Not happening.
Come on, damn it.
What, you're gonna take Yosi
for a walk and put a bullet in his head?
Do you see this?
Do you?
There were 242 wounded,
twenty-nine dead
in the embassy terrorist attack.
Yes, we have
terrorist attacks in Israel too.
But a missile that can reach Israel
is an existential risk.
It was made in Argentina,
and it can't fall into enemy hands.
That's why I have to focus on the Condor.
I'll get it, Moshe.
I'll get you this missile.
Rina, please.
We both want the same thing.
The Condor keeps popping up
in our investigation.
If you find it
which I know you will,
we can finally find out
who the buyer was
before the Americans blew up the deal,
and who retaliated once it was cancelled.
a link
between the attack and the missile.
Yosi can help us find this link,
so this never happens again.
So you don't think he's lying.
I don't think he's lying.
Unless he's lying to himself.
But no matter how Jewish he feels,
I won't call him an asset.
"Temporary employee."
You know what?
Maybe we'll just test him.
See how he operates in real time.
Mr. Menajem, this is for you,
from the president.
It says here that now
I have to listen to you.
Investigating your bank
for money laundering was a mistake.
The lawsuit will be dropped
in Federal Court first thing this morning.
I'm listening.
We want you to take care
of the arms trade, leaving Kadar out.
-Kadar won't like that.
-But the US will.
Don't worry about Kadar.
There are grounds
for an international arrest warrant.
Our offer is 65-35.
Solving your bank's issues has a price.
As well as your son-in-law's.
You need me.
And taking Kadar's place
is a substantial risk.
I think 50-50 would be a fair deal.
We value trust.
Thank you.
I didn't mean our trust in you,
but what people put in your hands
by trusting your bank.
No one wants to betray that trust.
If I were you, I'd take the offer.
One more thing,
the $5 million commission owed to Kadar
is ours now.
It's $4,650,000.
I was rounding up.
Very well.
Is that thing going to Buenos Aires?
It's Saúl.
He must be back.
He wants me to go see him.
Talk to me.
This isn't me. I don't like lying.
I don't feel comfortable.
We have to talk to Dafne.
She doesn't deserve this.
Yeah, but we have to find the right time.
The right time is now.
There's no right time
to give shitty news, Yosi.
-Should I talk to her?
I'm the one who should tell her.
Look at me.
I'm with you.
Promise me you'll talk to her today.
I promise.
Come on.
Don't be like that. It's not worth it.
Everything's sorted.
How are you?
Honestly, I'm still a bit confused
about what happened, Saúl.
There's no possible confusion.
The only thing
that can't be fixed is death.
Did you hear about Aaron?
You have no idea
what a great loss it is to me.
-Who looks after you now?
-He didn't look after me.
I looked after him.
So I regret not being there for him.
Not everyone can handle pressure.
You showed me you can.
You told me to sign the bank papers.
-To trust you.
-I turned you in, yeah.
But while controlling the risks.
A captain must save himself first
to rescue the others.
You can go back with your head held high.
To Dafne, the bank, the OSA.
You're clean, Yosi.
I need you for what's coming.
What did you negotiate?
I sold a piece of my soul to the devil.
But that piece was already rotten.
So, we have a visitor?
You're back.
You both are.
-Dafne, my darling.
-"My darling"?
Son of a bitch.
If I were your darling, you wouldn't have
left without saying a thing.
You weren't alone.
Rita was with you.
-I ordered Yosi not to come.
-To protect you.
If anyone's a son of a bitch, it's me.
Are you okay, Dad?
I did a lot of thinking while away.
The attack set my priorities straight.
After all we lost, we must build forward.
You guys are my future.
You and the grandchildren
you'll give me someday.
Don't fight because of me.
I came back.
You told him I'm here?
Yeah, he knows.
Hello, boss.
Didn't we say
that you wouldn't go over my head again?
Garrido is giving me a hand.
But forget him, it's nonsense.
I asked you here to find out
what José Pérez is up to.
I froze him after the attack.
He was seen praying at a synagogue.
Might he have snapped?
Praying like a Jew is part of his job.
Who gives a damn
if his prayers are answered or not?
It's okay, I'm not attacking you.
Reactivate him.
How should I do that?
They're after him for the bank lawsuit.
Menajem screwed it up.
That lawsuit no longer exists.
The higher-ups cleared him.
-No one told me.
-I'm telling you now, right?
Reactivate him.
He's a fundamental asset for HQ.
I guess this isn't about the Andinia Plan.
At the time, it was
useful for him to infiltrate.
He provided
very valuable secondary information.
But the priorities have changed.
We need someone inside
to know what they're thinking.
If they think we were involved.
Who they suspect.
You know what's at stake
if he's exposed, right?
A federal double agent.
An embassy that blew up.
José is very careful.
Not sure it's the same for the rest of us.
Make sure your Jew is still loyal.
You know how.
Have you ever felt like
the Earth opened up
beneath your feet?
And you have to decide
to go one way or the other.
But you go into the abyss.
-As if
-All the time, Yosi.
Exalted and hallowed be His great Name.
Throughout the world which He created
according to His Will.
May He make His kingship,
bring His redemption,
and hasten His Messiah's arrival.
Go to the bench.
Someone wants to talk to you.
Fish open their mouths,
and eat whatever you give them.
Bread, wood, shit.
They don't care.
I'm not like fish.
I don't eat rotten meat, as you say here.
Very few people are allowed
to start from scratch.
And you
You have a very dark past.
I understand perfectly.
You do? I'm glad.
I hope you understand
that if we suspect you, even a little,
we'll treat you as a traitor.
And you will pay dearly.
That's our only rule.
Why do you want to work with the Mossad?
I want to undo the damage I've caused.
Do me a favor, don't do us any favors.
-What damage exactly?
-To myself.
I'll do anything.
-My assignment?
-No, sir.
You don't get assignments.
We do. You are on probation.
You will have to pass many tests
before you get absolution.
Your first test is
to get us access to your boss.
With this technology,
we can track her
even when her phone is off.
All you need to do is switch her battery.
We will take care of the rest.
Can I trust you?
Trust me.
From now on, you report to Rina Dayan.
If your cover is blown,
you're on your own.
If you get killed,
we will deny any connection to you.
But if you do as we asked,
we will keep talking.
Consider this your audition.
Are you mad?
A bit.
At me?
You know I don't make these decisions.
I know, Claudia. What do you want?
I told you we'd meet again
when things calmed down.
You took your time.
I had to hear from Saúl
that I wasn't in danger.
I'm here.
You're cleared to come back.
The question is, do you want to?
Wasn't I always in?
You seem distant.
Can I still trust you?
What's the assignment?
The priorities have changed.
We want to know what version they'll use.
If they suspect us.
What they really know.
And what they'll make up
now that the dust is starting to settle.
Saúl reemerged.
My relationship with him is intact.
My image in the community is unharmed.
I can be active today.
Where do you want me?
As deep inside as before, or deeper.
You're our eyes now.
A man of your word.
An exemplary Jew.
Loving son-in-law.
Or you're not fucking that girl anymore?
I don't want a girl.
Easy there, baby boy.
Easy there.
Sorry, but you'll have
to take care of yourself.
During that time,
I infiltrated the local Jewish community.
And through a person,
whose name I will reveal in due time,
I was involved
in the biggest criminal conspiracy
of illegal arms traffic
in Argentina's history.
It includes governments,
international terrorist organizations,
local armed forces
and cover-up of the two bloodiest
terrorist attacks in our history.
I have evidence and documents
that I can present
to any authorities willing to listen.
He should be here by now.
I should have come alone.
Why don't we go eat?
You're thinking about food?
What should I think about?
I told you to come alone.
The person here has my absolute trust.
That wasn't the agreement.
Didn't you want information?
I do. I'm here, right?
Okay, very well, since there are
no pending topics to be discussed,
we adjourn today's meeting
of the Argentinean Zionist Organization.
Thank you very much.
Welcome back.
I'm glad that misunderstanding
was clarified.
Thank you, sir. You're doing great work.
Today more than ever,
we must work together
to clear up this unfortunate situation
and protect our community.
It's me. When can we meet?
Relax, baby boy.
Did you hear anything?
They don't suspect the feds.
At least, not directly.
What worried me was the guard that left
before the attack, they ignored that.
Half of them are never at their posts.
Maybe they left by chance, like me.
You're relieved to know
we didn't send you to a slaughterhouse.
Thank you.
I'm so glad you called.
We haven't talked in forever.
-How are you?
I'll call the waiter.
How are you? I'll have the usual, thanks.
It's the first time
I didn't cry in therapy.
The first time.
My therapist was so confused.
But once I start talking, I don't stop.
So how are you?
Swamped with work.
We're supporting
the victims' families. So
That's rough. I can imagine.
But it makes you think
about what's important, right?
Are you okay, Eli?
I want to
I need to talk to you about something
Of course, what?
You know how
there are things
that happen sometimes and you say,
"That happens to other people.
It won't happen to me."
"I'm not that kind of person."
"That couldn't happen to me."
And suddenly,
life puts you in a situation
you become that person.
Even if you didn't want to,
even if you tried to stop it.
And the most important thing for me
in this case
is for you to understand
that I didn't mean any harm,
sometimes it's not your fault
for feeling what you feel.
Even when you know
it could really hurt someone.
What are you talking about?
It's very recent.
I swear it hasn't been long.
Yosi and I
fell in love.
My Yosi?
You're fucking my boyfriend,
you fucking bitch?
It's not like that.
You couldn't stand him fucking me,
so you had to go fuck him?
It's not like that, Dafne.
That's not what's happening.
No one meant to hurt you.
It wasn't on purpose.
Keep him.
Keep his lies, his manipulation.
You'll see what a catch he is.
You'll realize he's not what you thought.
But I won't give you shortcuts.
Find out for yourself.
You dirty piece of shit.
Dafne, let's talk, please.
I'm begging you,
for our friendship, let's talk.
You should've thought twice
before fucking him.
And now you're pouting? Fuck you!
Now you're pouting?
Let go of me!
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