1000-lb Sisters (2020) s02e02 Episode Script

Tippin' the Scales

Previously on
"1,000-lb sisters"
I got cheese on my pants.
[ Laughs ]
It's been four months since
I had weight-loss surgery.
So far, I lost 124 pounds.
But with the pandemic,
Tammy fell off the wagon.
[ Coughs ]
Let's see what
you've got going on.
Scale: 596.6 pounds.
[ Laughs ]
She had lost enough weight
to get the surgery.
She has gained every pound back.
[ Breathing heavily ]
[ Beep ]
We're going back to Atlanta
in a couple days,
so I wanted to go see
how she's doing.
I think she wants the surgery.
I just don't think she's
mentally ready for it yet.
Nuh-uh. I helped.
And little bit's.
[ Dog barking ]
Amy: We're leaving tomorrow to
go see Dr. Procter in Atlanta,
and I know it's gonna
be really stressful,
so we wanted to have some fun.
Hey, y'all, it's Amy. And Tammy.
[ Crunching ]
Oh, my god, this is so good.
[ Crinkling ]
[ Laughs ]
Oh, my gosh.
Oh, yeah.
This is like a dream come true.
You're eating too much.
You don't know what it's
like to be pregnant.
No, but I know it
feels like to be fat,
and you had your bypass.
You're gonna make yourself
sick and throw up.
[ Groans ]
How many times have you said,
"oh, I'm gonna eat this
because the baby wants it."
Or, "I can't do this
because of the baby."
I'm worried about Tammy.
As soon as you can't walk,
that's gonna be
the end of it, for you.
We're going to Atlanta
today to see Dr. Procter,
and I'm kind of nervous,
because I got pregnant
four months after surgery.
You got that? Yeah.
Chris: I'm glad to help Tammy,
because I feel that Amy's got
a full plate to deal with.
Hey, you home? Michael: Yeah.
You ready? Yeah.
Brittany: Y'all need my
muscles to help you?
I don't know. We might.
You ready to go?
You look like it.
All g'd up. [ Laughs ]
Get up there! Oh! Up-a-girl!
No, little. No, little.
Come on, lay down.
Come on, lay down with me.
[ Car beeping ]
[ Brake screech ] Ahh!
[ Thud ] Ahh!
Ahhh Amy: Tammy?
Wahh! Ahh
[ Laughs ]
[ Car honking ] Oh, mother
[ Both laugh ] Oh, my god.
It was funny.
[ Farts ]
Oh, my god, Tammy.
Chris: Tammy about
dropped a bomb in here
and tried to kill everybody
up in this [bleep] today.
[ Farts ] Ahh.
[ Laughing ]
[ Laughing ]
[ Both laugh ]
Here's a sign saying
"southern belle farms."
Let's go and check that out
and see what's going on there.
[ Bleats ]
[ Car door opens ]
[ Groans ]
All right, tam.
Chris: Alright. There we go.
[ Grunts ]
I don't
So, we'll just do it backwards.
Okay, look.
How the hell am I supposed
to get up this hill?
I want Tammy to experience
everything that we
experience as a family.
Now, get in there and lay down.
We shut the door. We're gonna
roll you backwards.
Hell, I think I feel sorry
for her, actually.
You know, not being able to
get up and walk on her feet.
Yeah, that would
bother me, you know,
so I would say
she's bothered, too.
That's the way to do it.
Tammy: Aw, you're
sniffing my hand! Aww.
Maaahhh. [ Goats bleating ]
[ Bleating ] Maaaad.
I think that you're making
excuses for yourself.
Lifestyle-wise, you
probably didn't change much
when the pandemic came along.
I've given Tammy
multiple chances,
but at this point,
something has to change.
Chris: So we got 43 miles left.
My lower back, my hips, and
my knees are really hurting.
It's like a sharp throb.
[ Car door opens ]
[ Car dings ]
Oh, [bleep].
Tomorrow's a big day for us.
I'm nervous to see Dr. Procter,
because I got pregnant
really quick after surgery,
and Tammy took a step back
from her weight loss, too.
I'm gonna put your
bag right here.
Tammy: Will you just
put it right there?
[ Thud ]
There you go. Thank you.
I'm gonna go get the rest of
the luggage and move the van.
[ Laughs ]
Oh. It won't open.
[ Pins clatter ]
[ Both laugh ]
[ Chris laughs ]
Tammy: Just don't hit me.
Oh, lord Jesus. Mama.
[ Amy laughs ]
Since Tammy can't move
around a lot like us,
I'm afraid she won't
play the game.
I don't want Tammy
to be on the sideline.
I want her to be
playing with us.
[ Thud ]
Oh! Good job, baby.
Brittany: Oh, he got lucky.
Ooh! [ Pins clatter ]
Chris: Are you walking? Yeah.
Amy: Get it, Tammy.
[ Cheering ]
Tammy getting up
and playing the game
like the rest of us
is playing is amazing.
Shows that she does have
some determination to do right,
so we just got to keep her
motivated to do it all the time.
I want to try this one.
Here we go. Grandma throw.
Tammy: But she got it!
So keep doing it that way!
Hot dog! Yes!
I'm knocking somebody
else's off for them.
It's Tammy's turn.
My turn?
[ Cheering ]
[ Laughing ]
Y'all still suck, but good game.
Just remember that, cause
that's the hardest part.
The more effort you put
forth, the easier it'll be,
so you need to do it for
yourself and nobody else.
It's not that. You're taking
what we're saying the wrong way.
I'm not attacking you, at all.
We're just telling you
you need to get back on track.
Amy gets upset, because she
feels like we're attacking her.
We're really not, we're
just trying to get her
to open her eyes and see that
the things she's doing
isn't the right choices,
and she could
reverse the surgery.
If you continue on the track
that you're on right now,
you're gonna be right back to
300-and-something pounds,
taking care of a child
that you can't keep up with.
There was times that I
couldn't get out and play
because I was too
big to keep up.
Dr. Procter: Want to weigh in?
[ Scale beeps ]
You're not losing weight
nearly as fast
as I would anticipate
your losing.
What's your secret?
[ Grunts ]
Amy: Alright, we're here, y'all.
Let's go do this thing.
Don't forget y'all's mask.
[ Car rattles ]
Oh. Oh.
Tammy, I'm getting
the chair for you.
[ Groans ]
You guys here for your
appointment today
with Dr. Procter? Yes.
Tammy Slaton and Amy Halterman.
[ Sighs ]
Chris: Waiting on Dr. Procter,
and Tammy and Amy
ain't saying a word,
and you can tell when they know
they're going to get in trouble,
'cause both of them
shut up and shut down.
Alright. Amy?
Hey, Amy, Michael, how are you?
We're good, how about you?
Good to see you guys again.
I know that you two
and I have both recently
had a test for coronavirus
that was negative.
So I'm okay if you guys
want to take off your mask.
We'll make sure we stay
distanced, and so forth.
So I guess I'll start
with some basics.
When I first met you,
you weighed 406 pounds.
Let's see where
we are with things.
[ Scale beeps ]
Alright, 288 pounds.
A few months after your
surgery you were 306,
so you've lost 18 pounds
in the last few months.
You should have lost so much
more weight than that by now.
What's your secret?
Well, listen, I'll start off
by saying congratulations.
I know that's something
that you were both wanting.
But we had talked about,
before your surgery,
waiting a couple
of years, really.
I am disappointed
that they weren't able
to wait the full two years
before getting pregnant,
because even though Amy
has lost a lot of weight,
she's still a very high-risk
pregnancy at 288 pounds,
plus, this is going
to put a huge damper
on her overall weight loss.
Many women have difficulty
getting pregnant
before weight loss.
It's a reason why they seek
to have weight-loss surgeries,
because of fertility issues,
and I warn everybody,
as I did with you,
they become very fertile
very quickly after surgery.
You don't have to lose all
the weight for that to happen,
as you found out.
But what we generally don't see
is that weight loss pick
up where you left off
after you have the baby.
There's a tendency to say,
"hey, I'm pregnant,
and we can eat
whatever we want to."
And for you, this
is in the middle
of a big weight loss journey,
so tell me how you've
been managing that.
You know what else besides
sour gummies are you
Fast food?
I know that you have
these hormones
that are going crazy right now,
and there's certain things
that you're craving
and wanting to eat.
You're gonna have to stay
away from those things.
The baby needs nutrition.
When I hear people say, "well,
the baby really would like me
to go get some fast food."
Or "the baby would like
me to have some pizza"
That baby doesn't care.
That baby wants to have
good-nutrient food
so it can grow up and
be born a healthy baby.
For right now, we're
gonna focus on you
eating the right things, so
as your pregnancy progresses,
you can continue to lose some
of that excess body mass.
Otherwise, my fear is,
you are gonna sabotage
everything we've done so far.
Besides getting pregnant,
she's not following her diet.
She's not doing anything
that she needs to do
to be successful with this.
Even with this tiny
stomach Amy has,
she absolutely has
the capability of gaining back
all the weight she lost,
and then some.
We want you to check
in every month,
see where we are
with your weight,
then after the baby comes,
we're gonna get
right on top of things.
I'd like to see you end
up around 150 pounds.
That's not anorexic skinny.
That's what you have to
get out of your head.
You know, your height of 5'4,
200 pounds, you're
still morbidly obese.
Oh. [ Scoffs ]
You're still putting your
life at risk at 200 pounds.
I know you and your sister have
had a lot of fun on YouTube,
and part of what makes
you guys funny
and part of your whole
thing is sort of
a laughing about your ways
and laughing these things off,
and it's good to have humor,
but it's not funny,
at this point.
Let's see you get healthy.
Now you've got a baby in
there that's gonna need you,
that needs you to be around.
Alright, you guys have a safe
travel back to Kentucky, okay?
Okay, bye. Bye, now.
Chris: Amy's got Michael for
support, so I'm going to go
to the doctor's
appointment with Tammy.
It's really important
to get Tammy
back on track with her diet,
and if I can help
with that, I will.
Hey, Tammy. How are you?
Good, how are you?
Dr. Procter: Good.
Hi, how are you?
Fine. How are you?
My name is Chris.
I'm her older brother.
Dr. Procter, nice to meet you.
So I'm gonna go ahead
and take my mask off.
Feel free to do the same thing.
So, talk to me
a little bit about
the last several
months since we met.
What's been going on with you?
So what kind of things
are you eating now?
Whatever? Yeah. Pretty much.
Last time we met, Tammy
was off of her weight goal.
She was not really doing the
things that she needed to do.
I didn't approve
her for surgery.
My hope was that she would take
that back home with her,
use that as motivation
to double down
and start doing those things
that she needed to do.
Unfortunately, she's kind of
gone the other way with it.
Be careful.
[ Scale beeps ]
Alright, 595.
Tammy's gained nearly
all the weight back
that she had gotten off,
so we are literally starting
all over from scratch with her.
I'm more concerned about Tammy
now than I was before,
because what this tells me is
that she needs a lot more work.
She's got a lot further
to go mentally
before she's able to physically
prepare herself for surgery.
I think that to a degree here,
you're making excuses
for yourself.
Lifestyle-wise, you probably
didn't change much
when the pandemic
came along, right?
Not leaving the house
and so forth.
You're probably not doing
anything different.
[ Sighs ]
You know, I worry about you.
I've done the best
that I can do.
I've given Tammy
multiple chances,
but at this point,
something has to change.
I would love to be able to take
care of you and do your surgery,
but I think that we
need to look at this
a little bit differently.
It's clear that I just can't
keep her as a patient.
[ Sighs ]
You know, I worry about you.
I've done the best
that I can do.
I've given Tammy
multiple chances,
but at this point,
something has to change.
It's clear that I just can't
keep her as a patient.
We need to look at this
a little bit differently.
What are your feelings
on restarting?
You're for it? Alright.
I think that then, if that's
going to be the case,
I would love to be able to take
care of you and do your surgery,
but I think that you're
gonna be better served
if somebody who was lives closer
to you is looking after you.
I think it would be
in your best interest
if we referred you
to one of my colleagues
who lives a little bit
closer to you.
I think the accountability
of having a surgeon nearby
whose office that you can
go to weigh in more often
and stay on top of things
is going to be a whole
lot better for you.
'Cause you're a very
high-risk patient
Sitting around
and waiting to die
is not a good way to live.
We're not abandoning her.
We're always going
to be here for her,
but she needs more consistent
help closer to home.
I wish her all the best,
and I hope that she
finds it within her
to do the things that she needs
to do to eventually get surgery.
While you two are in Atlanta,
we're gonna have you and Amy
see a bariatric psychologist,
so you can kind of
understand again,
have a refresher on the things
that you need to do.
I'm a little concerned
about your whole approach
and relationship with food,
and we want to work
through that now.
You're okay with that?
Yeah. Alright.
Well, listen, it was
wonderful to see you.
Thank you for bringing
her and coming in.
If you'll wait outside
in the lobby,
I'd like to talk to everybody
before you head out.
Chris: Okay. Alright.
Dr. Procter: Hey, guys.
Now we've got
everybody gathered,
I want to talk to you all.
I'm worried about Tammy.
I'm afraid that
the longer this goes,
your mobility is gonna go away.
As soon as you can't walk,
that's going to be the end
of it for you, alright?
So I'm gonna refer her
to one of my bariatric surgery
colleagues up in Kentucky,
so that she can be watched
a little more closely.
I'm really worried about you,
because your chances of
dying in the next five years
are about 80 percent,
if nothing happens.
If you were to die
in five years,
you'd miss my son's graduation.
Miss your baby ever
getting into the first grade.
Alright. You guys stay safe.
Be careful driving
back to Kentucky.
Take care.
Next time on "1,000-lb sisters"
Amy: My thoughts on therapy is,
I can tell my friends
my feelings for free.
It's not going to hurt me
a bit to start dieting, too,
but I'll push you harder than
what Amy ever thought about it.
No more excuses, alright?
Chris: The diet has brought us
together a little closer.
How much closer can we get?
You're right. [ Laughs ]
Man: How you feeling? [ Groans ]
In my mind, I'm
thinking the worst.
I'm thinking I'm
having a miscarriage.
No you're not on
life support! What?
Amy: [ Crying ]
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