1923 (2022) s02e02 Episode Script

The Rapist is Winter

[CARA] Don't kill yourself
racing back to me in a blizzard.
[JACOB] I will not allow
today to be the last time
I see your face.
I belong with my husband.
You're pregnant?
- Why you go home?
- Family needs me.
They're in danger.
I am looking for a Crow Indian girl,
16 years old.
- Can I help you?
- [DARLING] You're under arrest
for violating Montana's statute
against miscegenation.
- Hey!
[ALICE] No, no!
How much trouble are they in?
Well, the marriage is void.
It's that fucking Whitfield.
He's gonna knock all your
chess pieces off the board.
[ELLIE] When you lay down
with dogs, Banner,
you stand up with fleas.
All our lives we've had nothing.
Now we have something,
and it ain't fleas.
Slow, solemn music ♪

[ELSA] Only fire has
a more disruptive effect
upon the order of the forest
than a blizzard.
Whole herds of cattle
and buffalo and elk will
wander maddening circles
until the snowdrifts cover them
and they are frozen in place.
The blizzard drives man and
animal both mad with hunger
and cold and the disorienting
nature of no sun or moon,
which is to say no direction,
no compass to guide movement or reason.
You're not using the house.
Better I'm with my family in the winter.
Logic would suggest
moving the family to town
rather than you to the family
in a sod house frozen with snow.
I don't trust town.
Don't trust that sheriff either.
Sits too deep in Dutton's pocket.
I suppose someone must
watch after the flock.
Too much folly for a boy and a woman.
Got no flock anymore.
They got flukes.
Killed them all.
Look at all you sacrificed
and suffered
to protect sheep.
You killed men and almost died yourself.
And all it took was a worm
to destroy everything you fought for.
Livestock isn't a business, Banner.
It's the toil of peasants.
It should be left to them.
You are no peasant. Not anymore.
Snow should begin melting next month.
We'll dig another shaft.
don't kill gold.
It's immune to drought and to winter,
and its demand is endless.
That is a business.
Stop the car.
What the hell are they doing?
Some of the Norwegian miners asked
if they could ski the mountain.
I didn't see the harm in it,
at least not for us.
I figured if they want
to kill themselves
on the side of a mountain, so be it.
You must take me to them.
Banner, hurry!
I don't see the hurry.
It's just a bunch
of drunk blokes teasing death.
You don't see the hurry because
you don't have vision, Banner.
Get in the car. I'll show you some.
Gentle, hopeful music ♪

It's close enough.
Let's go have a word with that judge.
Well, you know him, Jake.
That could go two ways.
Well, it could go two ways out here.
[JACK] Well, what do you want me to do?
Stay here and don't start any fights.
We'll be back.
- Yeah.
[SECRETARY] Sheriff McDowell
and Commissioner Dutton here to see you.
- Show 'em in.
- Yes, sir.
- Gentlemen.
- Thank you.
[GARRETT] Morning, gentlemen.
There's some coffee here
if you want some.
[MCDOWELL] No, thank you, Roy.
[JACOB] I'll have some.
[GARRETT] Thought gunfighters
didn't drink coffee.
Makes their hand too shaky.
I try not to shoot at men so far away
that the shake matters.
ever tell when he's joking.
He's not joking.
What can I do for you?
[MCDOWELL] People v. Davis.
I don't have that on my docket.
Woman in holding for miscegenation.
Ah. You mean Asami Ashikaga.
Alice Davis is the falsified
name on the marriage license.
She's married to my wagon boss.
She's not married at all.
State doesn't recognize their marriage.
[MCDOWELL] They enter a plea
at the arraignment?
[GARRETT] There's no plea.
She was cohabitating
with a Caucasian man.
Has two children with the man
and a marriage license.
She's guilty.
Only thing to decide is the sentence.
And what did you decide?
It's a quandary, Jake.
Haven't figured it out yet.
If I send the flapper to prison,
then the children stay
in an orphanage at the state's expense.
And if I deport her, they still
stay at the state's expense
because those mongrels were born here.
They're U.S. citizens.
Husband is invalid
at the county hospital.
Again, at the state's expense.
Well, I can solve your quandary.
Why don't you just remit them
to my custody?
All of 'em.
Won't cost the state a dime.
- All of them?
- The flapper,
the mongrels,
the invalid, the whole bunch.
What of their flophouse in town?
They'll live at the ranch.
And stay there? Yes?
I'm quite sure they've
had their fill of town.
[CLEARS THROAT] In that case,
they'll be sentenced
to supervised probation in your custody.
To be seen in public
in the county together is
a violation of their probation
and will result
in their immediate transfer
- to the county jail.
- Understood.
Provided they identify the
offending priest to the court.
The signature is conveniently illegible.
Well, it sounds like you
need a handwriting expert.
Can't release her
till I have his identity.
You've known me for a long time, Roy.
This is about as far
as I care to be pushed.
Threatening a judge, Jake?
Threats have a level of uncertainty
that comes with them.
I don't make the laws of this land.
I preside over the consequences
of their violation.
You're married to a Crow woman.
Two states over,
that law applies to you,
and you're the one being judged.
Guess it's a good thing
I live in Montana.
[SNIFFS] Oh, my.
Put that back.
[JACOB] We'll tell you the name
of the preacher
when you give us the name
of your liquor contact.
How does that sound?
You know, Roy, maybe we ought
to wander on over to my office
and have a little chat about this.
This is blackmail.
What do I care about
some mongrel family?
You think you won something?
You haven't won a thing.
There ain't no winner
among us on this deal, Roy.
Not one.
Majestic orchestral music ♪

Intriguing music ♪

Intense music ♪

Damn things are everywhere this winter.
He get you good?
People shouldn't be here in the winter!
Most ain't. The livestock
don't feed themselves.
The only thing getting fed
around here is the wolves.
Let me grab you a buggy.
I'll get you to the house.
Ominous music ♪

Wishful thinking.
An icebox in the house.
What a day that will be.
- What happened?
- Wolf bit her.
He was in the chicken coop.
Let's get her inside.
Spade, run. Fetch Dr. Miller.
It's not that bad.
A wolf moving about folks during the day
is either wounded or rabid.
He didn't move like he was wounded.
Killed every chicken we got.
[CARA] What are you doing
still standing here?
If the thing is rabid,
you're racing time.
Storm's coming, ma'am.
It looks to be a bad one.
All the more reason to hurry.
Let's have a look at it.
- Does it hurt?
Mm-hmm. Hurts when you do that.
[GROANS SOFTLY] That hurts.
I swear, girl.
Mother of God,
if it weren't for bad luck,
you'd have none at all.
I suppose the good Lord decided
giving you that face
was all the favors
you were getting. [CHUCKLES]
He can have the face back if it keeps me
from getting shot at and bit by wolves,
everything else He's thrown at me.
I think that face
is worth the trouble, darling.
Gentle orchestral music ♪

Oh. Uh, apologies, sir.
Uh, w-we were told it's okay, um
- We meant no harm.
- Explain it to me.
Skiing. Explain it.
Oh, um
W-We, uh, we learned in-in the army.
How do you do it?
Oh. Oh, well, um
You stand and, uh, lean forward,
you bend at the knee.
Then you control your speed
by going side to side.
Keep the uphill edge of your ski
into the snow.
It's the closest thing to flying
a man can feel.
Is it difficult to learn?
You spend the first couple
of days, uh, on your ass,
but after that, it's
Our body figures out the motion,
and it's easy, it's like
riding a horse or a bike.
But I can teach you, if you want.
I don't have the patience for
two days on my ass, thank you.
Can children learn it?
Oh, children pick it up the quickest.
I think, um, I think
most everyone can do it.
My grandma does it.
if you change your mind, sir,
I'm, I'm happy to teach you.
Seems a silly way
to waste the day to me.
Does it now?
How many gunfights you been in?
My fair share.
How many bar fights?
More than I can count.
And after, how did you feel?
Alive, which was the goal.
But you liked it.
Tell the truth.
You liked the danger of it.
It gets your blood up, aye.
Well, your rancher aside,
it's a rich man's world now.
And everyone gets a taste.
The paper man,
the tradesman, the car salesman,
the doctor, the lawyer.
The one thing you cannot buy in a store
is the euphoria of peril,
the exhilaration of danger.
I can sell that.
For a fortune.
Sweeping orchestral music ♪

Whoa, whoa.
Not sure we can beat this
back to the ranch.
Well, I don't want to risk
another night in town.
I'll take my chances on the storm.
Should have brought the covered wagon.
It's gonna be a hard trip
on Alice and the kids.
After what they've been through,
I'm sure they won't mind
the trip one little bit.
Sorrowful music ♪

Zane, we're taking your family home.
They've been released. You, too.
A bed's my only future.
I can't stand for more than a minute
before God sticks a knife in my brain
and I'm throwing up my guts.
They have anybody to look you over?
Doctor, surgeon? Anybody?
They ain't had no one look me over.
Well, we'll get you out of here.
I can't walk.
Go to the sheriff and get the family.
Come on back here,
we'll load up Zane and
get him home.
We'll get you fixed up in no time.
You'll see.
Town's always left us alone.
Don't know why they care now.
'Cause Whitfield told 'em to care.
Chopping us down one by one.
Come spring
gonna do some chopping of our own.
If there's any of us left.
Pastoral music ♪

It must have been quite
the hunt you were on.
Took all night.
I don't see any meat.
We fell asleep by the river.
I hate it when that happens.
We ran into a cowboy yesterday.
Thought it was best to stay put.
A cowboy?
[PETE] Looking for strays.
He said this isn't a rez. It's a ranch.
This is where Quanah Parker
lost the cavalry every time
they chased him.
Right here.
This is his homeland.
Ain't his homeland anymore.
Cowboy said Quanah's people
moved a hundred miles north
and to the east.
He didn't seem to mind we was here.
He said we was welcome.
Cowboys don't own land.
Ranchers own land.
I doubt this rancher would welcome us.
We should move.
I like it here.
We should move.
What makes the Comanche reservation
any different than ours?
They got schools there, too.
And priests. And police.
Maybe we take our chances
with the cowboys.
Maybe we help them look for strays
in exchange for staying.
One man looking has
bad odds of finding any.
[SIGHS] Maybe.
I'll pick up his tracks on the river.
I'll find his camp.
And I'll see if I can find his rancher.
Mysterious music ♪

Stay hidden until I get back.
Pulsing, dramatic music ♪

- Yes.
I-I'll let the marshal know. Thank you.
Uh, can I help you, gentlemen?
Marshal Kent. I need to
speak with the marshal
assigned to this post.
One moment.
Follow me, please.
Have a seat, gentlemen.
Where are you in from?
It's a long way from home.
Montana is my post. It is not my home.
Is there a marshal present
who does fieldwork?
Just the one you're looking at.
You patrol this territory,
serving warrants, making arrests?
Why do I find that hard to believe?
'Cause you're a bigot
living in the wrong century, Marshal.
I doubt you traveled
from Montana to question
my ability to serve this badge.
You need something.
And if you have any hopes of getting it,
you'll ask for it now, before
I throw you out of my office.
You mind that mouth, woman, before
We seek
a murderer who we believe has fled
to the Comanche Nation.
Which one?
[RENAUD] Mm-hmm. At least five.
- [MAMIE] Quite the savage.
- [RENAUD] Two nuns
and three priests.
Seems hard to believe, looking at her.
[KENT] The child's guilt
is not in question.
She stabbed the nuns in their sleep.
She shotgunned the priests
when she joined up with her gang.
- Gang?
- [THOMAS] Renegades
from the Crow Agency.
You take this to Esther in the front.
She's an accomplished sketch artist.
We can print your posters.
We'll start putting 'em out.
Comanche only respect that badge
if it respects them back.
Many a marshal's found their way
into a pine box learning that lesson.
Tread lightly, Marshal.
This is not Montana.
I need a sketch of this girl.
This one.
Dramatic music ♪

soaring music ♪

We must carry these ashore.
Load these on the dolly.
Take these.
Come with us.

Luca says, uh, you like to fight.
I wouldn't say that.
What would you say, then?
I guess I'd say
I keep running into people
looking for trouble.
And they all think trouble is me.
I suffer the same predicament.
But he also say you saved his life.
Yeah, well,
he ran into one of those people.
Know what I mean?
Everywhere, those people.
Yes, they are.
You did a good thing.
He was worth saving.
Tonight we celebrate you.
Sì, signore.
I could eat.
With me.
When he's done eating,
take him to the Galvez.
What is that?
Oh, no, no, no, no. Mm.
I need a telegraph office.
Hotel has phones.
Phone won't do me any good.
I need a telegraph office.
You can send a wire from the hotel.
I'm ready.
Finish your meal. There is no rush.
There's no rush for you.
For me everything's a rush.
Optimistic music ♪

Thank you.
- Where's the train station?
- Mainland.
How far is the walk?
Signore Maceo said to
escort you to the room
and then to the Hollywood.
When Signore Maceo
asks you to do something,
you must do exactly
the thing that he asks.
I already ate. I don't
need another meal.
You had lunch.
The Hollywood is for dinner.
Signore Maceo is showing you
great hospitality.
To refuse him is an insult.
Suspenseful music ♪

You're lucky he wants you alive.
Who's looking for trouble now, hmm?
I gave you food,
the finest suite in the
finest hotel in the city.
Had planned for you a splendid night
only to show you gratitude.
Look how you repay my hospitality.
I never asked for it
and I don't want it.
I am needed in Montana.
My family is in danger.
My wife is lost to me.
And I don't have time for hospitality.
The lion hunter who leaves Africa
for America to hunt men instead.
For your family, huh?
That's what Luca says.
It's a war over land.
My family's land.
And they're losing it.
I know that war.
My family already lost it.
Still we have a problem, you and me.
You showed me disrespect.
And disrespect is contagious
if not dealt in the moment it appears.
So you must go away.
Seems that you wish that anyway.
Angelo seemed to be
worried about trusting you.
- If I was Angelo,
I wouldn't trust you either,
judging by his face.
But a man with a cause
can always be trusted
to do the very thing
that helps his cause.
I'm going to give that thing to you.
You think you have time to discuss that?
Yeah, I got time for that.
Majestic orchestral music ♪

I can't see a thing!
Take it to the pines!
Get moving, boys.
We gonna picket the horses?
Asses to the wind.
We got to flip the wagon!

Get under it.
Get everybody under the wagon.
They're gonna be froze to death
by the time this storm passes.
Zane's family can't make the walk.
Neither can Zane.
I worry they're walking either way.
They'll just go to lower ground
to get out of this.
We'll just follow their tracks.
What tracks?

Okay, here's where we all
get to know each other real good.
Snuggle up, shoulder to shoulder.

Apologies for tracking in
half the storm, Cara.
Snow on the floor doesn't
concern me, Dr. Miller.
- Got you pretty good.
- Ah! Yeah.
I worry the wolf was rabid,
was moving about during
the day. No fear of man.
More likely a young wolf run off
from the pack and starving,
but, um, we'll take no chances.
Wh-Where does that go?
Well, it goes right in your belly.
We need to do this 12 times
over the next ten days.
I'm afraid this storm
has made us houseguests
for the evening, Mrs. Dutton, so
I'll give her another shot
in the morning
and leave you with a vaccine
to administer the next ten.
Now, if you'll lift your dress, please.
No, no, you're not
putting that in my stomach.
I'll take my chances with the rabies.
There are no chances with rabies.
It is fatal every time.
But you don't even know if it was rabid.
It's a chance we can't take.
Uh, I said no.
Hold her.
No! I said [GASPS]
Let go of me! No!
No! Stop!
- I said no!
- Spade
- Let go of me!
- Sorry, ma'am.
It's for your own good.
Let go of my legs!
No! No!
No. No.
I said no.
- I know it hurts.
But it beats the alternative.
Dramatic music ♪

I'll get a room made
up for you, Dr. Miller.
Would you mind sharing with me?
Oh, don't trouble yourself.
I'm fine on the sofa.
I'll get some blankets.
Mr. Dutton isn't here?
No, he went to town.
Hope he had the sense to stay there.
So do I.
Somber music ♪

This is too much.
It's too much.
I love him, but this isn't living.
This is surviving.
Barely at that.
Winter is always hard.
And this one has been harder than most.
But then the spring comes.
And there is nothing so splendid
as the mountains in the spring.
Wait. Wait till you see it.
I won't be here to see it.
When the storm passes, I'm going home.
Dramatic music ♪

Whiskey, if you please.
Leave it to the Scots to ride
out the storm in a saloon.
I don't need some Dutton
seeing us together.
You with that badge on your chest.
No Duttons in town to see us.
No one in here to see us at all.
Except the bartender.
That memory fades with a tip.
You a religious man?
No less than the next, I guess.
I've called on Him when I needed.
Still breathing, so I guess He listened.
I believe
I'm a sinner who will never see
the gates of heaven.
But I believe they exist.
Whitfield can look at a mountain
and see the gold deep inside it.
He saw those Vikings sliding
down the mountainside
like otters making fools
of themselves
and he sees a business in it,
sees a fortune in it.
A man of vision.
There's no vision.
He sees through us.
Sees the greed in our hearts.
I've never met a man who scares me.
Not once in my life, until now.
The man scares me, Clyde.
He fucking scares me to death.
Ominous music ♪
[KENT] "Republicans plan to introduce
the Indian Citizenship Act to Congress.
The law would grant citizenship
to all Indians
born in the territorial United States".
Why the fuck would they do that?
It is the inevitable result
of their assimilation.
if we wish them to abandon
their pagan ways,
we must offer the reward of equality.
But you want Indians to vote,
marry our women?
Oh, they're your women, all of them?
- To choose their own fate
- Don't feed me your bullshit,
Father, I've seen the graveyard
in your backyard.
I know what you think of Indians.
You know what I think
of Indians who resist
their own evolution, but
to those who accept it I show only love.
[SCOFFS] You don't see the danger in it?
No, I see no danger in it.
So I suppose you'd just let
Black men marry white women.
Well, they do so in France,
and it has caused no calamities.
You can marry outside
your race in France?
Well, the south of France was
ruled by Black men at one time,
as was Spain and Italy.
Black men ruled Europe?
For 800 years.
Part of that empire still exists today.
It's called Andalusia,
and it truly has some of the most
magnificent architecture in the world.
It's true.
- Oh, Jesus.
- Father!
- What?
Get up, get the fuck up!
They're gonna try to draw us out,
and then they'll charge.
We wait until they do.
I am a man of the cloth.
I'd say these sons of bitches
are resisting evolution, Father.
Now take the fucking gun.
- Take the fucking gun.
Intense music ♪

Melancholy music ♪

Don't worry, Father.
The penitent man shall pass.
All you got to do
is ask for forgiveness.
[ALEX] Dear Spencer,
I have begun my journey to find you.
To bring you the life growing inside me,
the child that shall bear your name.
I thirst for the moment
I look in your eyes
and you pull me close
and we make another and another,
a little army of us.
This is the dream that fuels me to you.
It is my only thought, my only desire.
Your eyes upon me, your arms around me,
and our bodies pressed together
as if they are one.

[LUCA] An adventure this will be.
[MACEO] Stick to the roads
marked on the maps.
Those are the only roads I control.
Send Luca back on the train.
Truck is yours if you can make it.
I know what it's like to lose your home.
Maybe now you can get back
in time to save it.
For the police who can be bribed.
And for the police who can't.
Get my whiskey to Fort Worth.
Luca comes back with the money,
we shake hands next time we meet.
Atmospheric music ♪

- [THUD]
Eerie music ♪
[ELSA] Hell is described
as rivers of fire
and canyons of coal and ash.
Perhaps it is taught that way
because the people of Palestine
and Israel cannot comprehend
the merciless, loveless nature of cold.
To the mountain people,
hell is a river frozen
with canyon walls of ice
and bitter air that ruptures
lungs and rapes your sanity.
Hell is winter,
and winter is here to ravage all of us.
Ominous music ♪

haunting music ♪

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