Beyond Paradise (2023) s02e02 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 2

Something important to you.
He's saying it's going to be
a bumpy ride
but you'll get through it.
Did he call you Motty?
Yes! That's what he's saying!
He's saying, "Power through, Motty."
It just feels a bit less intimidating.
Have you been to one before?
Have you been in yet?
- I'm next.
- Good luck.
- How was it?
- It was amazing.
- Belle?
- Here we go.
CLAlRE: I'm getting a male energy.
An older male?
Has your grandfather passed?
Five weeks ago.
He's showing me a doll.
A dreaming doll? Does that make
sense to you? Dolly Daydream.
That's what he used to call me,
since I was little,
cos I was always daydreaming.
He's showing me flowers.
That's a sign of love.
Oh, no. Wait.
No, he's
he's showing me something else.
What is it?
How would she know that?
I got goose bumps!
I know. She was really good.
When she said it was Grandad,
my mind was blown.
It makes me completely re-evaluate
our place in the universe.
Do you know what I mean?
Like, obviously,
things are beyond our
Oh, my God! That's my house.
Oh, OK, er
Martha, that's my house.
- Stop the car.
- Let me just park.
What's happened?
FlREMAN: No. No, no.
What's happened?
We'll deal with it as quickly as we can.
One morning in the month of June
Down by a rolling river
There a weary traveller
chanced to stray
And he beheld his lover
Her cheeks
were red, her eyes were brown
Her hair in ringlets hanging dawn
She'd a lively face without a frown
just as the tide was flowing. ♪
Humphrey? Morning.
- Hello.
- You're up early.
Thought you might need a bacon butty.
Ah! Life-saver. Just been giving
the place a lick of paint.
It certainly looks a bit brighter.
Maybe you should keep
all the doors and windows open
to get rid of the new-paint smell.
Oh, yes, good idea.
are you worried about this morning?
Not worried.
Don't be. They'll see
how strong you are together.
Mm. You'll make splendid foster parents.
Yes, we like to think so.
Seems such a shame, you know,
to have so much love to give and
not have anyone to give it to.
Just be yourself. Yes.
MARGO: "If you're single, keep an
eye out for romantic opportunities",
"which may come
from an unexpected place."
Hmm! Hmm! Sounds promising.
Or a threat.
KELBY: All right. OK.
What's he doing? Got a big
fishing trip this weekend.
All right, cool. We'll head down.
All right, so, the Fire Service
have finished their assessment,
so it's all good for us to go take
a look. Any idea what started it?
They said the fire
definitely began in the garage
but there were no sign
of any accelerants,
so they can't say for sure if it was
started deliberately or not.
Well, it was Martha's friend,
so I'm sure the inspector
will want to go and look anyway.
You get out and talk to the neighbours.
Will do.
Galley door replaced, table re-stained,
loose tile fixed in shower,
deck scrubbed fore and aft
Have we got any more sourdough?
Er, storeroom, shelf above the tins.
So, have we missed anything?
I don't think so.
And why do they have to see us
separately? To make sure one of us
isn't bullying the other into
doing something we don't want to do,
I suppose. Problem?
You'll be brilliant, and I'll be rubbish.
You'll be fine. Just be yourself.
But do not tell the frogman joke.
Ah, Esther, good morning.
Morning, both. So?
She's been brilliant.
No back chatting?
No. I no fact, she's been a godsend.
You should be very proud of her.
Oh, I am, but don't tell her that.
Actually, I was thinking,
I'd like to buy you a glass of wine
to say thank you for taking her on.
I've never knowingly
turned down a glass of wine.
After work. I'll see if my boss
will let me off early.
No. Great. All right, Mum?
Need coffee?
Er, no, thanks, love.
Maybe on the way back.
Erm, Fire Service are done. We can
go and see Belle Hammond's house.
Oh, I spoke to Belle this morning.
She hardly slept a wink.
I think the house is in pretty good
nick. The garage is total led,
but they got there before it spread.
Did you know Belle and Martha
were seeing a medium last night?
So I heard. Not a believer?
I can think of better things
to do with my money.
Well, believe it or not,
she apparently predicted the fire.
- Yeah, right.
- She did!
Then it was either a lucky guess
or she did it herself,
in which case
we should arrest her for arson.
- I'll be in the car.
- OK.
- Bye.
- Bye, Mum.
Emergency services got a call
around 9.30pm.
By the time the fire team
got here, it had taken hold.
And you say there were no signs
it was started deliberately?
Nothing conclusive either way.
Oh, Miss Hammond?
Belle, please.
And you must be Humphrey.
Oh, yes, I'm afraid so.
I was hoping to meet you
at the Ten Mile Kitchen
opening night, but I missed you.
Ah, yes, erm, I, er
I got held up.
And we've been missing each other
ever since. Well, Martha's told me
all about you.
Well, probably not everything,
or she'd be incriminating herself.
Oh, sorry.
Er, Detective Sergeant Williams.
Belle and Martha
went to school together.
Oh. Erm, er, Belle,
can you just talk me through
what was in the garage and where?
Of course. It's lucky
I left my car in the drive.
Yeah. Erm, so
no fuel in cans,
er, chemicals, aerosols?
No fuel. I think there was
some car-cleaning stuff,
maybe some spray cans.
I'm not sure what else
Can you think of any reason why?
Er, can I ask,
was the back door here working
properly? Er, yes, I think so.
I had everything checked
after last time.
Last time?
Oh, yes, about a month ago,
I came home and found
the patio doors open.
Someone had forced it.
But they didn't take anything,
so I think they heard me coming
back. And you didn't report it?
Didn't seem much point.
You've You've got
a bit of ash on your face.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Thank you. Yes.
I think we're done here, sir. Yes,
right. We'll leave you in peace.
Thank you.
Oh, and good luck.
You've got your interviews today,
haven't you? Yes. Yes, we have.
Well, I hope it goes well.
I'm sure it will.
Thank you.
We'll be in touch.
Er, yeah.
Martha and I are applying
to be foster parents.
That's great news.
Why didn't you mention anything?
Just in case we weren't
accepted, I suppose.
Anyway, all the paperwork's done.
Now they want to see
the whites of our eyes. I'm sure
you'll be amazing foster parents.
Let's hope the social workers agree.
You think it was deliberate, don't you?
Yes, I do.
The lock on the back door
into the garage looks like
it was forced open.
So you think a burglar came,
ignored the house
and the car in the drive,
broke into the garage instead
and started a fire?
Well, it doesn't sound likely
when you say it like that, does it?
Maybe the firemen broke the door.
Yes, of course.
Yes, that must be it.
Someone's popular. Oh, don't.
It's a chap from the app.
He won't stop pinging.
Mr Stamp Collector?
That's good, isn't it?
Didn't you say he seemed nice?
He was. But he's a bit
Now he's after a second date.
I want to say a polite
"no, thanks", but how?
Just ghost him. Excuse me?
Ghost him and move on.
OK, with a ghost emoji thingy.
No, no, no, no. Quick, delete.
Oh, damn. I bet he's seen
your three dots now.
Never mind, just don't reply.
Sooner or later, he'll get the hint
you're not interested.
That's ghosting.
It seems a bit mean.
A girl needs what a girl needs.
So, what are you looking for?
I I don't think I'm looking for
anything in particular.
Didn't you say, with Dad,
you knew in the first ten minutes?
Ten minutes? Nah, you can't commit
straight off like that.
Even if I met Timothee Chalamet
tomorrow, I'd want to know
that he respects my ambitions
before I make him my bae.
Take my advice, Mrs I,
try before you buy.
Who on earth is Timothy Shalomi?
Cheers, Nick.
They're going to check with
the team that attended the fire
to see if they had to break in.
Well, let's say they didn't.
What possible reason could someone
have to break into a garage
and start a fire?
Kids? No. Kids who start fires
for fun are opportunistic.
And, moreover, they, er,
they like to watch their handiwork.
They don't generally
break into buildings to do it.
Insurance? Maybe
she's struggling for money.
A quick fire somewhere
that doesn't really matter,
like a garage, might bring in
a few grand. Perhaps.
We should check her finances.
Yep, onto it.
But then, where does
this prediction fit in?
OK, well, let's say
it is insurance fraud.
Maybe the prediction
gave her the idea.
Oh, no, that can't be true.
Martha was with her
from the whole time she left
the reading. Then the psychic
was in on it with her. That
feels like a bit of a stretch.
More than a psychic
actually seeing the future?
BELLE: I hope you don't mind.
Course not. I couldn't believe it
when Mike told me what happened.
I can't believe you told me
it was going to happen. Belle, you
have to understand how it works.
The spirits show me things.
I don't always know what it means.
All I can do is say what it feels like.
Fire can be associated with cleansing,
or even anger or passion.
It's difficult to read
on its own without context.
You don't understand.
It's what I used to say to my grandad.
It was just me and him, you see.
We didn't have anyone else.
I used to say to him,
"You're my guardian angel."
And now it's true.
Is he here now?
Please. He's always with you,
I'll pay for another reading.
No, don't be silly.
OK. He's acknowledging you've
called him your guardian angel,
but he's showing me a list, and
he's sort of tutting, you know,
"Oh, no, poor me," sort of thing.
Do you understand that?
I always used to write him
a list of jobs. Now you've added
"guardian angel" to his list,
he won't get any peace!
That's so him. He loves a good moan.
Wait. There's something
He's showing me a car.
I was looking at getting a new car!
No, he's showing me an old one.
H-He's saying He's saying
it might let you down.
Wouldn't surprise me!
He's stern. He's serious.
You have to be careful.
How have you found the process?
OK. Bit intense.
You're doing great. We just need
to be clear about your expectations
and make sure we know
what your skill sets are
and, just as important,
what support network you have.
Oh, you know you're down for
a home visit next week? Er, yes.
I think we're ready.
Please don't feel you have to do
anything special for that.
Again, that is just us being clear
about the home environment,
the practicalities
of how the home will work
during the fostering period.
So don't feel you have to repaint
everything before we get there!
Heavens, no.
It's a houseboat, isn't it?
Er, yes. Is that a problem?
No reason it should be.
I mean, we'd have to make sure
it's safe for a child, of course.
I'm sure it'll be fine.
And, as we previously discussed,
cos of Humphreyts job,
you'll be listed as the main carer.
Still comfortable with that?
Yes, of course.
And it won't be an issue,
you also running a business?
No. Erm, in fact, I've just
taken on another assistant,
so it absolutely won't be a problem.
We just both really want this
to work, so whatever it takes.
OK, Nick, thank you.
What's that smell?
Er, sorry. Bait.
I picked it up on my way back.
All right!
So, the firemen didn't break into
the garage. The side door was open
when they got there.
So someone did force it open.
And if there was an attempted
break-in four weeks ago,
then maybe the same person
came back.
Expecting someone? Yes.
I've got the social worker coming,
after they've seen Martha.
Oh. It's Hannah Owen.
Do you remember? Er, from
the burglaries at Christmas?
Oh, right. Well, that's exciting.
Yeah. So,
I ran a finance check on Belle Hammond.
All looks OK, nothing to suggest
she's got money troubles.
So it's unlikely it's insurance fraud.
Which means that if Belle wasn't
involved in starting the fire,
well, that makes Claire Moss's
prediction all the more remarkable.
All she's doing is conning people.
People can't see the future!
I woke up one morning
To know that I had gone
Finally taken a step
and jumped right off the wall
When you come to call on me,
that's when my eyes are glazed
I've been with the devil
in the ♪
So, I hope this isn't too much
of an intrusion on your day.
No comment.
Sorry, just a little icebreaker,
erm, because we're
Oh, yeah. Sorry, it was either that
or a frogman joke,
and I've been warned off that.
Sorry, go on. So, as you know,
I've already met with Martha.
She spoke very passionately about
your commitment to the process.
Absolutely. She also said
she didn't have any preference
when it came to age.
Is the same also true for you?
Well, we understand it's a broad church,
er, though I assume
there's a cut-off point.
That is, if it's, er
if it's children.
Then the range must be,
what, zero to eighteen?
Which is fine.
I'm not sure how we'd cope with
you dropping off a 43-year-old.
"Here's Eric. He's a welder
and he likes to drink lager top"
"and plays rugby for the local pub
every other weekend."
Not that I've got
anything against old people.
Or welders. But they're not
children, are they?
So, I think what I'm actually
trying to say is, er, yes,
absolutely, spot-on - no preference.
try and relax.
I'm not here to judge you
or make any decisions today.
This is just about
putting faces to names,
getting to know who you are
and why you think
you and your partner can do this.
Sorry, I'm not very good
at these things.
Just tell me about yourself.
I'm even worse at that. Try.
OK, well, there's two ways
we can go about this.
Er, I can either try and be
as honest as possible, or
or I can tell you a frogman joke.
Let's go with the first one, shall we?
Worried you might say that.
Erm, I'm a bit clumsy.
I trip over, bump into things.
I can knock an ornament
off a mantelpiece at ten paces.
My father used to say
that I'd been given
somebody else's hands and feet
and, as a result,
I had no control over them
whatsoever. He may have a point.
My future mother-in-law
has created a padded area
for me to sit when I visit.
I'm often forgetful about
important things yet, ironically,
vividly remember things
of absolutely no importance at all.
I can drive
but I'm far too easily distracted
to be particularly good at it.
My swimming can best be described
as floundering,
and I once got my tie caught
in an ATM machine.
A passing midwife had to
cut me free. I don't like ties.
I am socially awkward
and terribly disorganized.
But I like people.
I care for them, generally.
I think I'm kind.
I had a father
just rubbish enough
to teach me
how to be a better one.
But most of all, and the reason
that you should
go back to your colleagues and
suggest to them that they rush back
with an armful of children
is that Martha,
who will be doing
most of the hard work
is the sweetest, kindest
human being on God's green earth.
And whilst I flap about,
knocking things over
she will be amazing.
How did it go?
Oh, no. What happened?
I panicked and told the truth.
I described all my faults
in minute detail. I'll be amazed
if they let us look after a gerbil,
let alone a human child.
Right, I've talked to all the
neighbours. No-one saw anything.
A few of them have got door cameras,
but nothing overlooking
the Hammond house.
Weirdly, no-one I spoke to
called the fire brigade.
And while we're doing weird,
I had Belle Hammond on the phone
when you were in the other room.
She went back to see
the so-called psychic, Claire Moss.
Apparently, her grandad
came through again
and told her to be careful in her car.
And on the way home, she had a blowout,
lost control and ran off the road.
You have to admit, that is now
two predictions that have come true.
"Be careful when driving your car"?
It's a bit generic,
especially when you've got an
old car. Yes, on its own, perhaps,
but when you add it
to the warning about the fire,
both within 24 hours
You're not saying you actually
believe all that rubbish?
I'm not saying anything.
I mean, I'm sure they have
their fair share of charlatans,
but is there no such thing
as a psychic gift? I don't know.
I prefer to keep an open mind. Yes.
But you also believe in aliens.
No, I don't NOT believe in them.
There is a difference.
If you say so.
There is. There is.
Can I get you something?
Tea, coffee? Oh, no, thank you.
No, ta. Right.
She's just finishing up a phone
reading, so she'll be two minutes.
So you're Claire's husband?
That's right. Mike. Yeah.
So, you're here about Belle's fire?
Just crossing a few t's,
dotting some I's.
Do you know Miss Hammond?
Yes, I do.
Yeah, we work in the same building.
I no fact, it was me who suggested
she come and meet Claire.
She lost her grandfather recently.
Yes. Very sad. Yeah.
I think Claire's been helping her
quite a bit. I'll just
go and check on her.
CLAlRE: OK, I won't be long.
I'm afraid I'd better go.
Thanks for getting in touch. Bye.
It's a healing crystal.
Black tourmaline.
Oh. Sorry to keep you waiting.
No, no problem.
I'm Dl Goodman. This is DS Williams.
We just wanted the briefest of chats
about Belle Hammond.
Of course, yeah.
You did a reading for her last night?
Oh, yes. I - I did.
Erm, we had a group session.
Yes, actually, my fiancee was here.
Oh! Martha. Martha Lloyd. She's
an old school friend of Belle's.
I remember Martha.
Her dad came through for her.
Yes, so I believe. You warned
Belle Hammond about a fire?
I saw flames, but as I explained
to her, I wasn't entirely sure
what that meant. And today
you warned her about her car?
OK, firstly, you need to understand
I never actually said
either of those things.
Who did, then?
Well, I was talking
to Belle's grandfather.
Her dead grandfather?
He's in spirit, yes.
So, did you see
how the fire started?
I'm sorry, but you clearly
have no understanding at all
of what it is that I do.
And what is it that you do, exactly?
I have an elderly lady in spirit.
She's been here since you arrived.
She's very elegant. Straight-backed.
Nanny Bird.
She's very tall.
Six foot seven.
She's She's actually here? Now?
She wants you to know
that she's happy with where you are
in your life, that you're settled.
She's showing me flowers,
which represents love.
She always said she had no idea
what would become of me.
Well, she's very proud.
So when you told Belle Hammond
her car would crash
I didn't say that. I just said
I could see an issue with her car
so that she should be careful.
So when you say you saw an issue
with her car, was that you
or her grandfather? Her grandfather.
I sense you don't approve
of what I do, Sergeant Williams.
As I said, I'm not entirely clear
WHAT you do.
There's a young man here.
I am not interested.
I think we're done here, sir.
Oh, y-yes. Absolutely.
Thank you for your time, Mrs Moss.
You're welcome. Thank you.
Bye, Nanny Bird.
That was amazing.
What was?
Nanny Bird.
She worked out that you're
old enough that your grandmother's
probably dead and that, like you,
she was probably tall
and a bit posh.
Then how did she know her name?
She didn't. You said that.
All done, then? Get what you need?
Excuse me? I'm always telling her
she should work with police,
use her gift to help find people,
you know, track down crooks.
No, we just needed a quick chat.
Are you having trouble?
Just can't get it started
in the mornings.
I think it's the alternator
not getting enough juice
through to the battery, you know.
Didn't your wife tell you
that might happen?
No. Oh! Funny, that.
Sorry. Sorry about her.
You look amazing! It would be
a much better compliment
if you didn't look so surprised.
So, what's the occasion?
Does there need to be one?
No, but what is it?
I have a date. Who with?
You didn't mention it.
Cos I didn't want you fussing.
I don't fuss.
Then what are you doing now?
Gently inquiring
who my mother
is going on a date with.
His name is Richard,
and we both swiped up.
Or left. Or was it right? I
Anyway, we're a match,
and he's taking me for a cream tea
and an afternoon stroll in the park.
That's exciting. Hardly.
But we have to start somewhere.
Why are you here?
I thought I'd come and tell you
about my interview. How did it go?
Brilliant. At least, I think it was.
Hannah was so nice.
She said we seemed like
ideal candidates,
that if the home visit is
successful, we have a panel meeting,
then, after a couple more checks,
we could potentially go on the list.
Oh, that's fabulous news, Motty.
Oh, she has to talk to Humphrey,
as well, of course.
He'll be fine.
That'll be him.
Well, answer the door, then.
You must be Richard.
Your profile photo
doesn't do you justice.
Don't be ridiculous. I used one
that was taken ten years ago.
But thank you
for pretending differently.
This is my daughter Martha.
Pleasure to meet you.
Pleasantries over. Shall we go?
Ready when you are.
Oh, Richard!
Yes. Wonderful car.
Please. Wonderful.
Oh, that's OK, that's OK.
Have fun.
We're off!
Take me to the docks
There's a ship
without a name there
That is sailing to
the middle of the sea ♪
See you, then.
Cheers, bye.
Hello, mate. How you doing?
MECHANIC: Tyre's blown.
She's obviously run off the road,
knocked her suspension out.
Right. So what do you think
caused the blowout?
Who knows? Damaged tyre. Could have
had a bulge. Tyre pressure
Was a time we'd have two blowouts
a year. These days, ten times that.
Right. So she could have
hit a pothole.
She could have been shot by
a sniper, zapped by a flying saucer
or run over a sausage dog, for
all I know. I'm not a mind-reader.
Right, OK,
but your best guess is
wrong tyre pressure
and hit a pothole.
That's the most common.
Thank you.
Cool, cool, cool.
So, what you doing on karaoke tomorrow?
Suspicious Minds.
Wooden Heart in the semi.
And if I get to the final,
American Trilogy.
What about you?
I'm thinking Ed Sheeran.
Bad Habits?
Yeah. What do you think?
I think you and everyone else.
If I was you, I'd go
Capaldi, Someone You Loved.
Chicks go mad for it.
Bees round a honeypot.
Someone You Loved.
Lewis Capaldi.
The lock on the garage door
was forced open, so I believe
we had an intruder. But
whoever it was ignored the house,
which was empty, and instead broke
into the garage and started a fire.
Thanks, Grace.
So, I spoke to Grace Walters.
She's known the family for years.
Belle Hammond was basically
brought up by her grandad.
Her mum was an alcoholic
who died when she was eight.
She never knew her dad. Social
services were going to put her
into care, but her maternal grandad,
Stephen Hammond,
took her in to stop that happening.
They lived together until he died
a little over a month ago.
KELBY HUMS: Someone You Loved
So, the mechanic thinks
the tyre was either damaged
or underinflated and hit a pothole.
A fire and an exploding tyre.
Two completely unrelated incidents,
and yet both correctly predicted
before they happened!
How can that be?
ANNE: All right, Zoe?
Mum! How did it go?
Well, I have to say, very well
indeed. He was perfectly charming.
Was he a gentleman? You mean
did he cop a feel on the way home?
Mum! Well, ask a silly question,
you get a silly answer.
He was lovely.
That's all you need to know.
So? Will you see him again?
Well, I think
I don't know. I don't want to
rush into anything. Exactly, Mrs I.
See if you're vibing,
then go with the flow. Right.
What if I'm vibing with him
but he's not vibing with me?
Is he blind? If I look as hot as you
when I'm your age,
I'd be loving life.
Did he not take you home?
No, I thought it might be awkward,
so I lied and said
you needed me here. Why?
Well, I'm not sure
what the etiquette is.
Elsie told me that if you
invite them in for coffee,
that means you're asking
them in for sex.
Erm, I think I left something, so
So you'll have to take me home.
Oh, I'm not going home.
I've got a date, too.
HI, Mum.
ESTHER: Hi, love. Talk of the devil.
Are you going out with Humphrey?
No, with Esther.
But Humphrey will take you home.
After you've locked up?
What's up?
Er, the social worker.
I'm not sure I
Hannah? She called me.
Said you were "refreshingly honest".
Ah. No, she loved you.
Even went as far as to say
I was very lucky to have you.
Did you flirt with her?
No! At least, I don't think so.
Well, all that matters is
she thinks we're good candidates.
We just need to get the home visit
done and then we're nearly there.
Right. Good.
Er, can I ask you something?
Belle Hammond. I know
you went to school together,
but how well do you know her?
Well enough.
We didn't see each other for years,
but she hasn't changed.
OK. Would you say
she was, er, trustworthy?
You heard about the car swerving off
the road and Claire Moss predicting
it, just as she did the fire? Yes.
Well, either Belle and Claire
were in cahoots for some reason
I don't really understand,
or I'm going to have to accept that
she can really talk to dead people.
Well, is that such a
terrible thing to believe?
I told you how accurate she was
about Dad.
And Belle, she's as straight
as a die. She'd never get involved
in anything dishonest.
Are you ready? Yes.
Oh, I told Mum you'd run her home.
I'll just get a cab back later.
Love you.
Dinner first?
No, eating's cheating.
Ooh! I think you've got an admirer.
I think we both have. They'll be
doing rock, paper, scissors
in a minute, to see who gets who.
I bet we look gorgeous
through their beer goggles.
Oh, I wish I'd brought a chilli with me.
What? I used to take one out with me
all the time back in the day.
Then, when it got late
and the drunks started coming over
to dribble on me, I'd use it to rub
round the rim of their beer glass
when they weren't looking.
No! Their lips would go numb
and they couldn't speak.
Sometimes it got really bad
if they got it on their hands
and went to the loo. Ouch!
So what about now?
How's your love life?
Erm, nonexistent.
Well, Zoe's amazing.
She is such a credit to you.
Thank you.
And what about her dad?
Humph said you weren't
together long. No, not very.
Was it a one-night stand?
Er should have been.
When I found out I was pregnant,
I knew I wanted to keep the baby,
but I didn't think it was fair not
to tell him. So I tracked him down.
And? He was lovely. He said
he'd support me in any way I wanted,
that it was my body, my choice,
that I'd be a great mum.
He was right about that bit.
Erm, we met up a couple of times
to talk about practicalities,
what to put on the birth certificate,
what happens in the future,
that sort of thing
became really good mates
then more than mates.
He had a motorbike.
Got clipped by a Transit van
and flipped over
the central reservation.
He was dead before
the ambulance got there.
I'm so sorry.
All right, girls?
Oh, I'm sorry, we're talking.
We can talk and buy you a drink.
We can buy our own drinks, thanks.
Better than a chilli.
Can we talk about YOU now,
Mrs Foster Mum?
If it happens. Why wouldn't it?
Oh, I don't know.
I suppose I'm just not getting
excited until it's official,
in case I jinx it. It's such
a cool thing to do, though.
You know, some of these kids
can be pretty
I know. Hannah's been
explaining that to us.
But it's not about doing anything big.
It's just about providing
somewhere they feel safe,
that someone cares about them.
And if that doesn't work,
I'll bring them to you.
Ha! Not sure I'd be much help.
Oh, rubbish. If I can be
even a tiny percentage
as good a foster parent as you are
a mum, I will be a very happy woman.
Well, that's very nice of you
to say so. And as a mum, I can say
there are two things you need
to be a good parent. Shall I
write these down? Don't you start
with all that scribbling things
on pieces of paper. Your other half
drives me mad with it. Sorry.
So, first, you need
the patience of 53 saints,
not just to keep you sane, but also
to stop you strangling them.
OK. Don't strangle the children.
Got it. Mm - hm. And the second one?
Shots. It's your round.
Ooh! I am on it!
SLURRED: There will be the patter
of tiny flippers, Selwyn,
In fact, quite the opposite.
It's about inclusion.
We want you to be part of the family!
As long as he doesn't get in a flap.
Or duck his duties!
Uh-oh. Now we're in trouble.
Oh, Esther. Sorry, sir. We were
in a cab, but he threw us out
cos our chips were smelly.
And I had the chip-eating idea
on the boat.
Mm. We didn't mean to wake you up.
Well, er, do you need anything?
A glass of wine, or ketchup
for your chips? No, thank you.
Nice dressing gown, sir.
He's trying to tempt us.
So you're sure you don't need anything?
Actually, sir, um, if it's OK,
I've finished my chips,
so can I get another cab? Oh? What?
I shall call you one now.
What is it?
You don't want to know.
Just drink it.
Ah, Esther, good.
I've just had a call.
Belle Hammond was assaulted
last night.
You drive.
Everywhere I go, I think of home
and hope that all remains the same
Oh, when you're travelling,
landscapes change
The faces fade,
no-one here knows my name
There will always be a fire
burning, waiting for your baby ♪
BELLE: I just felt a push
from behind
and I fell forward. I remember
hitting my head on the pavement.
It was like a flash.
I started to get up,
look for my bag. Wasn't there.
I saw someone,
but they were wearing, like,
one of those balaclava things
and a hooded top.
I saw them run off. Is there
anything else you noticed
about this person you saw?
Anything at all?
It all happened so quick.
I'm sorry, I've just got
this splitting headache.
Should we come back
and do this later?
Would you mind?
No, no, of course not.
Erm, can I just ask,
what was in your bag?
Er, I did tell
the officer I spoke to in A&E,
and he suggested I write a list.
I'll get it for you.
There's photos for most of it.
I had to have them done last year
for house contents insurance.
All except the medal.
That was Grandad's.
It's not really worth anything,
money-wise, anyway,
but I put an old photo of it in,
just so you've got everything.
What about cash, credit cards?
There was a bit of cash.
I've cancelled my cards.
If only everyone was so organised.
That's a grandad in the military.
OK, well, you get some rest,
take something for your head,
and we'll come back
when you're feeling better.
Thank you. Thanks very much.
See you. Take care now.
Thank you.
So, you know our station review pack?
What about it?
Where it says to list
your community projects Yeah?
Well, I started a new
neighbourhood watch initiative!
What do you think?
"Stay vigilante."
I never knew you were so artistic!
Can't show you ALL my hidden
talents, KELBY. You'd go blind.
The Chief Superintendent will see
that we're actively engaging
with the community,
just like it says in the review.
You mean, because you fancy her,
you're hoping she'll buy you lunch
to say thank you for a job
well done. Hey, I don't fancy her.
But if she invites me for lunch,
not going to be rude.
Course not!
I'm still not convinced
we should rule out insurance fraud.
She could have got someone
to start the fire for her
when she was at the reading,
and we know she was looking to buy
a new car, so wrecking the old one
might speed that up a bit.
And the mugging? OK, so she wouldn't
be the first fraudster
to knock their head on a cupboard
to prove a fake mugging.
You know, Martha speaks
really highly of her.
They were at school together.
Doesn't mean she's not a crook.
Martha insists she wouldn't do
anything dishonest. I believe her.
Besides which, it doesn't make
sense. If it was an insurance fraud,
surely she'd just stage a burglary,
not three separate events.
True. There's something more
going on here.
There is.
Good Lord.
Does this seem excessive to you?
The contents of Belle's handbag.
Three bracelets, two necklaces,
four watches?!
No-one carries that much.
There must be a reason.
I'll call her.
Well, we did say
we'd leave her alone for a while.
One call. Two minutes.
Belle, sorry to disturb you
Margo? Mm? Belle's road. Can we see
what cameras we have in the area,
Please? Righty-ho.
Thank you.
Sorry? No, no, leave it with us.
OK, bye.
I don't believe it.
What? She went to Claire Moss's
house again last night.
And Grandad told her
she'd be mugged?
He said someone was going to
take her possessions,
so she was taking things
to a friend's house.
That's the third accurate prediction.
First the fire, then the car, then this?
Maybe you should go and see
this woman, KELBY, see how many fish
you're going to catch on your trip
or where they'll all be hiding.
Er, excuse me? I don't need
any help. It's about skill.
You know, you choose the right fly
to use to lure them out.
Why does this ring a bell?
Claire's house! The book shelf.
Half the books were on the afterlife.
The others were all coins.
He's a numismatist.
A what? A numismatist.
It's a collective term
for coin and medal collectors.
But she said it was worthless.
Exactly, and who would have
told her that?
Margo, there's an auction house
in Exeter. Stabler's, I think.
Send them this image
and get a valuation, please.
Wait, you're talking
about Claire's husband.
They work in the same building,
remember? He told us himself
that he's the one who suggested that
Belle went to see her for a reading.
Why would he do that? Because
she told him that her grandfather
had just died. Yes. And what if,
during that conversation,
she told him about
her grandfather's medal?
Not knowing that he was a collector.
I'm sure he told Belle
it wasn't worth much,
but then he did some research
and discovered
the medal was even more valuable
than he imagined.
You'd better take a look at this.
You're making me nervous.
Well, the next part depends
very much on
what you say next. Aye.
Blimey O'Reilly!
It's a George Cross,
one with detailed provenance.
Sold at auction three months ago
for £190,000!
Remember that break-in a month ago?
I think that was Michael Moss,
intent on stealing
Belle's grandfather's medal.
But he couldn't find it.
He left, taking nothing,
and had to think of another plan.
To sell Belle the idea that her
grandfather was watching over her,
I think he needed his wife, Claire.
Look, trust me. She'll believe you.
No, she won't.
Did he call you Motty?
I don't know if Claire Moss
has supernatural powers or not,
but I do believe she agreed to help
her husband set a trap for Belle
You been in yet?
I'm next. Good luck.
to give her
something tangible to believe.
How was it?
It was amazing.
An older male? Has your
grandfather passed? Five weeks ago.
And while Belle was talking to Claire
Mike quietly slipped away.
Oh, no. Wait.
He's showing me something else.
What is it?
And he is almost certainly
the mystery caller
who reported the fire
before it took hold
because he didn't want
the whole house to burn down.
Then, to convince her even more,
they staged one more thing.
Belle's car. I hope you don't mind.
Course not. I couldn't believe it
when Mike told me what happened.
I can't believe you told me
it was going to happen. We've no way
of knowing exactly what he did,
but by taking most of the air
out of just one of the tyres,
there was a good chance
that she'd either lose control
or get a blowout.
So with two of her predictions
coming true,
when Claire told her
that Grandad was warning her
that her valuables were about to be
taken, how could she ignore it?
They knew she'd try and put them
somewhere safe,
particularly her grandad's medal.
Get what you need?
I saw skis on his garage wall
so it's fair to assume
he would have a ski mask, too.
And with the bait laid
and the trap set
..when she left her house,
Michael Moss was waiting for her,
knowing the medal was in her bag.
CLAlRE: I told you this would happen!
Maybe she IS psychic, after all.
Gold teeth and a curse for this town
Were all in my mouth
Only, I don't know
how they got out, dear
Turn me back into the pet I was ♪
BELLA: Grandad's ship was torpedoed,
September 1940.
He was in the middle
of the Atlantic. He was 19.
He found an officer on fire,
stripped the burning clothes off him
and put his own shirt on him.
Some of them made it back
to what was left of the lifeboat,
but Grandad, he swam back
to the wreck eight more times
to get people before it sank.
They were at sea for 16 days
before they were picked up
off the coast of Ireland.
Only 11 of them survived.
He said he was so cold,
he never got warm again.
He sounds like an amazing man.
He was.
He saved me, too.
I'm giving this to the War Museum.
They're going to print up his story,
put it in a case with some photos
so no-one will ever forget him.
That's such a good idea.
I can't thank you enough
for getting this back to me.
No, you are so welcome.
Maybe Grandad was looking down on me
after all. Yes, maybe he was.
Had a dream in the clean,
fresh Falmouth blue
Solid groundswell, perfect weather
I no the middle, a miracle came true
The kindest man
no longer suffered ♪
We're going Kitty Jay's.
Martha's taking Belle to celebrate,
and we're all invited.
I'll be there in a minute.
And then we're going karaoke. The
boss is going to sing Mick Astley,
whoever that is.
They'll be OK.
We've got two lads here
until they're transferred to HO.
I said
I'll be there in a minute.
Underneath a silver mackerel sky
You told me never to say never ♪
Can I ask you something? You want
to know if it was all a lie.
Belle's grandad, that was
Evil. I should have never let him
talk me into that. But the rest
it's true.
I have a gift.
Painkiller ♪
I can help you talk to him, if you want.
Does your head hurt?
Does your head hurt? ♪
KELBY: One of the fishing boats
has reported a body lost at sea.
It's Maisie.
Oh, God!
That's my ex-husband, Jamie.
Can we ask about your relationship
with your step mum?
And the issues surrounding her will?
Do you ever wonder what would've
happened if we'd stuck it out?
You know, I think that's one of
my favourite things about you.
You don't think things are going
too fast, do you, Mum?
Get off him! Maisie's daughter
is the last piece of the jigsaw.
Have you lost your mind?
Look, it's fine!
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