Blue Lights (2023) s02e02 Episode Script


Do you know him? Only his nickname.
Look, Stevie Stop, Grace.
There's a syringe.
I've got the gloves.
From now on,
DS Canning will be working
closely with your section.
In what way?
In whatever way he sees fit.
You all know these two.
Jim Dixon and Davy Hamill
from the Mount Eden estate.
Now, what do we know about them?
They're loyalist gang leaders?
You don't give me orders.
Ever. One word from me,
and the Dubliners
just cut you loose.
Shit. Sorry.
Sorry about walking in on you.
Oh, that's all right.
At least I had my trousers on.
The bomb, that night in 1978,
it was my idea to go for chips.
I said to my daddy,
"It's Friday. Can we go for chips?"
Did they ever convict
anyone for the bomb?
Grace, your gun! Armed police!
I was just wondering maybe
if you-you wanted to, like,
go out sometime. Aye.
You stepping in
when it gets physical -
it's happening all the time.
Grace, all I'm trying to do
No. No, I don't need anyone
to protect me, all right?
I never have.
I'll be round your place
later on the night.
Make sure you have
everything ready for me. Right?
If we do this,
there's no going back.
You know that. Move or die.
I've seen your face in
every place that I'll be going
I read your words like
black, hungry birds read every sowing
Rise and fall, spin and call
And my name is Carnival
Sad music in the night sings
a scream of light out of chorus
And voices you might hear appear
and disappear in the forest
Short and tall, throw the ball
And my name is Carnival. ♪
Hello. Hey.
Exactly halfway
between Derry and Belfast.
Tell you what - you really know
how to show a girl a good time.
I know. I'm sorry.
It's just the Yeah.
Terrible shift patterns. I know.
Hi, youse. Hiya.
Um, have you got
any avocado on toast?
I can give you mushy peas
and you can pretend it's avocado.
Um, I'll have scrambled eggs,
Er, no toast.
I'll have a large fry.
And I'll have the toast
that he's not having.
Now we're talking!
Thank you. Thanks.
You look different.
I, er, started doing
a bit of kick boxing.
Kick boxing?
All right, RoboCop!
And you, you've, er
I grew my hair out. Yeah.
So, I'm glad you rang.
Are you?
Just ringing
out of the blue like that -
no text, no messing about.
You definitely took a beat,
though, didn't you?
Uniform from 76.
We are one minute out. Over.
Roger that, 76.
Shit. Barney,
where's that Fire Service?
76, Fire Service
is five minutes out. Over.
Take off your flakker.
Somebody help them!
There's people upstairs.
I'll go.
You wait for the Fire Service.
No, I'm coming too.
Take off your jacket.
Stairs will be straight ahead.
Stay low. All right?
All right?
OK? Yeah.
Stay low. Hold on to me. OK.
Come on.
Help us!
All right, come on.
Stay low.
Help us! We're coming!
I can't see anything.
Hello! Help me!
We're on our way!
Help us!
Watch your foot. Somebody!
All right. Hello?
My son!
My son! Shit.
They're here. Here.
Get us out of here!
It's OK. It's OK. Don't panic.
It's OK, darling. Anybody else
in the house? No.
All right. Stay down.
Stay low, stay low.
Stay down, stay down.
You're all right.
Just keep going. Stay low.
It's OK, it's OK.
We're fine. It's OK. Go, go, go.
Stay low, stay low.
Just keep going. We're nearly
there, nearly there.
Come on - go, go, go!
Oh, my God.
Come here, wee man. Come here, son.
Get it all out now. Get it all out.
Natalie! Oh, my God! Natalie!
Come here. Natalie, you OK, love?
Come here. Come here.
It's OK. I've got you.
Are you all right? Just breathe.
Just breathe, just breathe.
It's OK. It's all right, it's OK.
OK. Come on.
Let's go. Let's get her
onto the street.
Just watch as we cross. OK?
You all right? Come on.
It's OK.
It's all right.
When you drew your gun,
did you shout a warning?
And what did you say?
Do you know what? I'd rather you
just told me as you recall it.
I I said, "Stop. Armed police.
"Show me your hands."
And how did the assailant respond?
He said, "Fucking shoot me,
you bitch."
Do you believe
you would have fired your gun
had your colleagues
not overpowered him?
Er, well, um
Well, you know that
the Glock 17 doesn't have
the traditional safety catch,
right? Mm-hm.
You have the trigger safety
first in front of the trigger.
And you press that down.
You have to squeeze it.
And then you squeeze it
until you reach the trigger,
and then
you pull the trigger itself.
And then it fires.
Well, I had the trigger
safety fully depressed.
And I started to apply pressure
to the trigger itself.
And, well, I was just
waiting for the bang.
Inspector McNally. Geraldine.
Got everything you need? Yeah.
Everything's in order.
Keep an eye on Constable Ellis,
I keep an eye on all my people.
You don't much like me, do you?
I think you're the hindsight police.
I haven't heard that one before.
Very good.
In my report to the Policing Board,
I'll be saying the reason
your officers found themselves
in such a terrible situation
is because a man who should
have been arrested
earlier in the day
was not arrested.
Just hang on a minute. And the
reason he was not arrested
is because there was simply not
enough police cells available
in the city to justify his arrest.
I'll be saying
that front-line police officers
are currently operating
in an almost impossible situation
..and that they deserve better.
Inspector, I hope that someday
you come to realise
that you and I are actually
on the same side.
I'll walk myself out.
All right? Hey.
What have you got there, then?
It's nothing.
Well, just some
pork belly sausage rolls
with capsicum and chilli jam.
What, would you like to try one?
Yeah. Yeah, go on, then.
Maybe just one.
Oh, my God.
They're good.
Mm, they're good.
I'm sorry.
Well, about everything, really.
Yeah. Me too.
Still want to be friends?
You bloody eejit!
You're making it worse.
Here. Thanks.
All right, all right.
Settle down, everyone.
So, the address that
was attacked this morning
was one of multiple properties
in Mount Eden
used by Jim Dixon.
His girlfriend and son had
just moved in there last week.
Lucky for Dixon,
he was staying elsewhere.
So, good work,
Constables Conlon and Bradley.
If you hadn't been there,
we'd most likely be looking
at a double murder.
So, observations.
The girlfriend said
she locked the front door
before going to bed,
so somebody must have chucked
a petrol bomb into the kitchen
and then legged it.
Any CCTV? No.
OK, so it looks like
this Dixon-Hamill rivalry
has now escalated
to a full-blown loyalist feud.
So we need to be on the lookout
for possible reprisal attacks.
OK, today we're flying
the flag in Mount Eden.
If you're not on
another specific call,
I want you out patrolling
the estate. High visibility.
Dixon, Hamill,
everybody else on this list -
automatic stop and searches.
Anything of interest, you feed
it back to me immediately. OK?
Just to be clear, tensions are high.
Only stop and search
if you feel it is viable.
Don't start something
that we can't finish.
Yeah. Don't hold back, though.
Should anything escalate,
we'll get you backup quickly.
All right?
Well, that's crystal clear.
OK, Tommy, I'm with you on 74.
Have you two been
checked out by the FMO?
Yeah. Good.
All right. Well, get cleaned up
and get back out on 76.
Grace, Stevie, 72.
Everyone else,
sharp eyes save lives. Yeah?
What the fuck are you doing? What?
You don't give operational
orders to a response section.
Always amazes me we've a museum
for something we just fucked up.
It was the iceberg.
Yeah, always somebody else's fault.
Top marks for persistence, though.
Now, what exactly does
a nobody like you want with me?
You heard somebody
went after Dixie this morning?
Petrol bomb.
Feels like the start of something.
Something bad.
Well, what's it to you?
I have to live there.
Me and my family.
Well, you know where's nice? Spain.
Nine months, give or take.
That's how long those two muppets
have had the connection with you.
And what have they
done in that time?
Covered the city in drugs.
Got far too greedy.
Got the peelers interested.
It is bad for business, Tina.
Bad for the Dubliners.
Bad for you.
Listen, son don't know me or my business.
Let's just keep it that way.
First class.
Second class.
Third class.
Me and you wouldn't have
been in any of those.
We would have been
way down in steerage,
packed in like animals.
And when the boat started sinking,
they would've locked the doors.
Dixon and Hamill would have
went down with the ship.
But you and me, Tina
..we would have found
a way out, wouldn't we?
Because that's what
people like us do.
We survive, no matter what.
You have my number.
Come in.
In the name of God, Helen,
a loyalist feud?
Why didn't we see this coming?
Yeah, there's always been
tensions there, ma'am.
But this is a surprise. Yes.
I thought intelligence
gathering was your job.
We don't have any
current intelligence assets
in Mount Eden, ma'am.
Oh, for Christ's sake.
What about the neighbourhood
policing team?
They should know the ground
They no longer exist, ma'am.
They were cut when Mayfield
and Blackthorn amalgamated.
Please tell me you're joking.
So we have nothing.
No assets, no insights?
There is one person, ma'am.
He knows the ground.
He's no longer
with the section, though.
Still a serving officer?
Yes, ma'am.
Then bring him back immediately.
I'll sign off
a temporary transfer.
That could be problematic,
Sir You've got a visitor.
I'm busy.
Apparently, it's urgent, sir.
This place brings back
a few memories.
What do you want, Helen?
We're looking at a loyalist
feud in Mount Eden.
Dixon versus Hamill?
Well, that was
only a matter of time.
How so?
Well, Mount Eden was never
big enough for both of them.
You worked that patch,
didn't you?
I ran the neighbourhood team
for five years.
Do you still have contacts
A few, maybe.
What exactly
are you asking me here?
We need to get a lid
on this thing fast.
I've got Nicola Robinson
breathing down my neck.
I've got Murray Canning
trying to run the section.
I need you to come back in
for a few days.
Help us get a handle on this.
I don't think so.
Are you wise?
Me - back there?
I know it's not ideal.
Not ideal? Fuck me!
Are you telling me
you'd rather be here?
That's exactly
what I'm telling you.
You owe us.
Oh, here we go.
You think
because you petitioned
for me to keep my job -
A job -
that I should be
grateful to you.
I didn't say you owe me.
I said you owe us,
the section.
Do they still hate you for what
happened? Yeah, they do.
But we're up against it now,
Jonty, big time.
I have a young team.
We're policing an area that
could explode at any minute,
and we're flying
completely fucking blind.
I'm not saying it's going to
be easy. I know it won't be.
But you owe us.
Nicola Robinson
will never allow it.
She won't let me back there,
not after what happened.
She'll not clear it.
She already has.
Oi, watch your language.
And stop being so aggressive
with your opening.
Go on, back to school.
Can I go down the town later?
Absolutely not.
Ma, everyone's going.
Yeah, everyone except you.
I love you.
Shut up.
All right, Uncle Lee?
All right, mate.
What's that?
Remember Soupy?
That's him.
Lee Jesus.
No point in telling lies.
Go on to school.
For God's sake.
You heard about the petrol bomb?
There's going to be war now.
Not our war.
We have to live here, though.
Henry has to live here.
Do you ever wonder why we do?
What do you mean?
Why we stay.
I mean, Dixon wants this place.
Do you ever just think, "Why
don't we just sell it to him,
"go somewhere else"?
Because it's home.
Home is somewhere
you're supposed to feel safe,
Mags, happy.
Do you feel
either of those things?
What are you saying?
I'm saying I don't want
to leave either.
But I don't want to live
like this.
So why do we accept it?
Da accepted it,
and the stress killed him.
Soupy there accepted it.
He's not looking too good
What choice have we got?
We have to accept it.
No. You see, that's the thing.
You have a choice.
You always have a choice.
It's just that most people
try to convince themselves
that they don't,
because they're
..because they're scared.
Have you been
at the self-help books again?
Lee, they're right to be scared,
because it's real.
What's real?
Men with guns
who can fuck up your life
or end it whenever they want.
We can change it.
No, we can't.
I can.
You just have to trust me. OK?
Oh, shit.
What have you done?
Lee, what the fuck
have you done?
You just have to trust me.
What are they doing here?
It's not marching season.
It is now.
So, the 1978 Stuarts
fish and chip shop bombing.
Six people were killed.
Still, there have been questions
about it for years,
rumours in the press.
What do you mean?
Um, that the investigation
was flawed.
Deliberately flawed.
Some kind of cover-up.
Look, Jen, ten years ago,
we might have pursued a case
like this, but not any more.
They're a nightmare.
No, look, I know.
But listen to this.
In 2006, a former
RUC Special Branch officer
named Robin Graham tried
to sue the government for PTSD
acquired during the Troubles.
I dug out his witness statement
from the files.
It mentions
this specific bombing.
The case just disappeared.
Why are you interested in this?
So, I have a potential client,
Alan Kelly.
He lost his father and brother
in the attack.
I mean, I could look into it
on my own time.
If you insist.
Why would you have
a decaf coffee?
It's like having
an alcohol-free beer.
I like alcohol-free beer.
Of course you do.
What are you doing?
Oh, look at his face!
Are you OK?
No. No! Help him!
Quickly. Quick!
Stop where you are.
Hey, hey!
Stop where you are!
OK. Uniform 74.
We need an ambulance
on Jarlath Street. Over.
Out of the way!
Stop where you are!
Police! Stop where you are!
Run, Forrest, run!
Get out of here, yer bastards!
All right there, Carl Frampton?
He's OK for custody.
I'm just remembering
your face, mate,
for the next time I see you.
Dead old, mate.
And Davy Hamill
has just turned up
at the hospital now.
All right. Copy that.
Cheers, Barney.
The injured lad was only 17.
Gareth Hamill.
Davy Hamill's son?
So it's a reprisal attack.
Looks that way.
You go after my son,
I'll go after yours. Scumbags.
Hey, watch how you talk
when you're wearing
that uniform, yeah?
For God and Ulster, eh, Keith?
Go fuck yourself.
Keith here fancies himself
as being a bit of a scrapper.
Goes around telling people
he's never lost a fight
in his life.
You lost today, though,
didn't you, big man?
So, what's going on here?
Why are they going to war?
Why now?
Did Hamill torch Dixon's house?
I'll not push you too hard,
Even if you told me something,
it wouldn't be worth much.
Do you know why?
Cos you're a thick bastard.
And nobody tells you anything
I take it the witnesses
aren't saying much?
No, nothing at all.
Inspector Gadget, fuck off!
Let's get you into
a nice warm cell, shall we?
Where you belong.
All right, lads.
Fuck off.
Yeah. Happy to, mate.
You OK?
Yeah. Just the smoke
from earlier.
You know the best thing
for smoke inhalation?
Beer inhalation.
So, do you fancy it?
A drink. After work.
You being serious?
Don't know. Maybe.
As in yes?
Thank you.
I'll have a triple whisky.
That's good whisky.
32-year-old Scotch.
Glen Bullshit?
Rab, why is your flute band
upstairs in my bar?
That's what
I'm about to find out.
So, why are we here?
All right, lads?
That's Soupy in there.
Corporal Ian Campbell.
He fought for his country
..stood up
for what he believed in.
And there he is.
In a flowerpot.
We'll give him
his send-off march - tonight,
six o'clock.
You what?
Three or four tunes.
Once around the estate.
Lee, we can't march.
We haven't filled in
an application form.
An application
Troops march - 1920.
Those are the ones
that survived the Great War.
Do you think
that they filled in a form
to ask permission to march?
Did they?!
No, they did not.
Six o'clock. Starting here.
Lee. Lee
There's a feud going on.
You march tonight,
people come out to see it,
the whole place could explode.
Have you asked Dixie
if it's all right?
You have to ask Dixie.
Soupy gets his send-off.
Your first loyalist feud.
Now you're a real peeler.
Oh, shit. That's Jim Dixon.
Uniform from Bravo Lima 72.
We are on Stanford Gardens
and we're pulling over
Jim Dixon. Over.
72, received. Over.
Er, hey. No.
72 from 76. Heard your last.
We're in the area.
We'll take a drive past.
Fuck off.
Oh, lovely.
Hello, sir.
Can you show me
your driving licence, please?
OK. Under the Justice and
Security Act Northern Ireland
2007, Schedule 3,
I'm detaining you
for the purposes of a search.
Do you intend to comply
with said search?
Thank you.
Oi, missus!
OK, sir. Can I ask you to step
out of the vehicle, please?
Sir, I'm asking if you can step
out of the vehicle, please.
Is that right, love?
No problem.
What do you want to do now?
You want to strip me?
Only if you do it too.
I think you should
watch yourself. OK?
Now can you raise your hands
and then my colleague
can come and search you?
I'm asking you
..can you raise
your hands, please?
All right. Hands up!
Get your fucking hands off me!
It's fine.
Your friend
wants to help you here.
Are you two fucking
or something?
OK. Put your hands
Hands up, please.
Leave him alone!
So, is your boyfriend OK?
I think you need
to shut up now. Hmm?
Car's clean.
So what happened?
Just, er
Just got out of control.
Look, he's going to go
for an assault complaint here.
And he won't be short
of witnesses.
Yeah, well,
he attacked her first, so
Is that right?
Excuse me?
Here. I'll have a word
with him. All right?
Yeah, yeah.
Come on, out.
There's nothing to see.
Go home.
You recognise me?
What about her?
I suppose last time you saw us,
we'd a bit of soot
in our faces
..saving the lives
of your missus and kid.
Aye. Yeah.
Well, I hope you get
your wee medal.
I reckon if you don't file
some bullshit complaint here
..we could call it evens.
Is that right?
That's right.
What is the story
with those two?
Er, none of your business.
It's my new section,
Constable Conlon.
Everything is my business.
He's into her and told her
about a year ago.
She's obviously into him,
but she thinks doing something
about it would be a mistake.
And so the compromise is
that they just spend ten hours
a day together in a car.
Pretty much. Yeah.
No. I said no.
Mags Listen.
I'll do you a deal, OK?
You and me walk alongside,
and the first hint of trouble
you and Henry go home
straight away.
Ma, please.
This could get messy, Rab.
Right. OK, I'll talk to him.
Lee, this is madness.
If you don't want to march
at the head of the band, don't.
I haven't missed a parade
in 20 years.
Your choice.
Oh, for fuck's sake!
Right, lads.
Once round the block.
This is for Soupy. Fall in!
Band, 'shun!
Band ready!
Band on the roll.
By the right, quick march.
It started a few minutes ago.
We don't know
where they're going.
Have we got any backup?
What do you think?
OK, everyone, look,
follow my orders to the letter
and don't lose your heads.
OK. Let's go.
What the fuck
do you think you're doing?
I didn't give permission
for this.
Sorry. Forgot to ask.
You what?
You're fucked, son.
Do you hear me?
You're really fucked now.
Come here.
Come on. Now.
Barney, where are those TSGs?
Tasked and inbound, Helen.
15 minutes.
Look. Dixon.
And over there Hamill.
This could kick off.
I'm the section skipper.
Are you leading this assembly?
I am.
Well, this parade
has not been notified.
It's therefore illegal
under the Public Processions
Act of Northern Ireland 1998.
I'm therefore asking you
to disperse - immediately.
Can I have a word?
Who are you?
This band is associated
with my pub.
We're just having a wee
memorial march for our friend.
You don't have permission.
I know.
I'm sorry.
Do you think we could just
..turn around and march back
the way we came?
Leave it there?
Straight back?
All right. Off you go.
Thank you, Sergeant.
All right, lads.
About turn.
Back to the Loyal.
Drummers ready.
Band, on the roll.
By the right, quick march.
You're fuckin' done, Dixie.
You fuck with my family
Any time, Davy. Bring it on.
Keep on slathering, Dixie!
You fucking mouthpiece!
You're a dead man walking.
No giving it.
Go home to your ma.
So it a maybe
or is it a yes?
Robin Graham?
Hi, I'm Jen Robinson.
I'm a solicitor
at McAleer & Hamilton.
Er, sorry I didn't call first.
All I had was the address.
I, um So, I'm looking
into an incident
that happened
during the Troubles in 1978
when you were
a serving police officer.
I believe you were involved
in the investigation.
The Stuarts chip shop bombing?
Sorry. No.
But, Mr Graham, I
We need to leave the past alone.
That march -
who put you up to it?
You're on his side now?
No, Dixie, I just want
That wee sideline you've got -
the weed.
It's finished. Over.
Done. Do you hear me?!
And this place pays double
from now on!
What's that?
No fucking way.
No, no, you didn't.
I didn't know Natalie and
the wee man were there.
I'm sorry about that.
I thought it was you.
Nowhere is safe for you now.
I thought I'd seen
enough flames today.
These are the good kind.
Until tomorrow.
We'll worry about tomorrow
Sounds like a plan.
That's right.
You're bad!
Shit. So, quick question.
Hope you don't mind.
Fire away.
Married, girlfriend? Go.
Er, no
..and no.
Hmm. How come?
I could ask you the same thing.
Too busy being a peeler.
Aye. Same.
Can you dance?
Nobody else is dancing.
And what? Who cares?
Yeah, yeah, course I can dance.
So how can I protect you
In this brave new world? ♪
How can I protect you
In this brave new world? ♪
Close your eyes.
It's easier.
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