Cracked s02e02 Episode Script

The Price

Previously on Cracked This thing I'm doing, I hope it's going to help us.
- I like the sound of that.
- I got word from Daniella.
- She's not coming back.
- Detective Aidan Black, Dr.
Clara Malone.
You think she'll take the job? - Yeah.
I need to trust you.
- You can.
d Whoa ohhh Ma'am? d Whoa ohhh ohhh d You can break me all up, go ahead now d Anika Marnay.
d They all be watching Yup.
d They all be d Waiting for a chance now d Whoa ohhh ohhh d To break me down d I like it when you're selfish d d It saves me from the fire d You're the chosen one Anika! So cool that you made it.
- Thank you, thank you.
- Good to see you.
You OK? C'mon, we'll find a safe spot for you.
- You good here? - I'll be fine.
Courtney! Courtney.
C'mon, let's go, babe.
- Gotta go.
- OK, you look great! d This is my game, so you know you better d d Hold me down Ladies and gentlemen: The Balconies! d Hear me out and loud d I could only know this d I won't tell d I won't tell anyone d You've been cheating hearts d Well, I've got all your baggage d d Forcing me to fly away d I got out of bed today d Swear to God I couldn't see my face d d I got out of bed today d Staring at a ghost d Oh, have you seen my ghost? d Seen my ghost? Seen my ghost? d d Oh, have you seen my ghost d Staring at the ground? d Na na na na na na na Just show your ID to the sergeant and duck under.
Black, Malone, Psych Crimes.
I've seen it a thousand times on TV.
You'd think I know.
Welcome, Dr.
First official call as the unit's new psychiatrist.
- Kiss your Saturday nights goodbye.
- Here you go.
Right in the deep end.
Excuse me.
Person or persons unknown open fire right on the dance floor.
Looks like he was shooting at the band.
Hospital confirmed: a couple in critical.
Building's secure, no sign of the shooters.
Psych Crimes is here because? Clara, I need you and Leo to deal with a witness, Anika Marnay.
She's very distraught, her niece was wounded.
Detectives, - they can't get through to her.
- Shock? She claims to have some sort of anxiety disorder.
- Please, let me see my niece.
- See if you can get her - calm enough to at least talk.
- Yeah.
- What's so special about this witness? - Come with me.
This is the only security video that gives us anything.
That's Anika Marnay, that's the shooter.
And this is the blow up.
She's looking right into his face.
It's all we've got.
He never turned to the camera, he disappeared in the chaos.
We've got no other witnesses so far.
She's it.
Obviously Homicide will take point on the case, but that woman belongs to Psych Crimes.
I'll be right back.
This is a bit complicated.
Anika Marnay does have anxiety issues.
Fairly severe.
She's on a high dose of antidepressants.
Barely holding it together.
- Why do I recognize her? - She used to be a model.
Fairly famous.
Did she give you a description of the shooter? - She can't remember.
- She can't remember? Well this is not exactly the right environment to get her settled down.
Excuse me, Ms.
Marnay? I'm Detective Black.
I'm going to need you - to come with us.
- Are we going to the hospital? - Yeah, all in good time.
- No, I need to be with Courtney.
We just need to ask you a few questions first.
It's not going to take long.
We'll give you a report on your niece's condition.
How is Courtney? Her vital signs are stable.
She's in surgery now.
There was just so much blood.
I didn't know what to do.
Courtney lives with you? Yes.
For the past five months.
She and my sister her mother, they don't talk.
Look, I really need to go see her.
Anika, you were standing right beside the man who fired the shots.
You looked right into his face.
No, I don't remember that.
Does this help? That's you.
That's the shooter.
That's the gun.
You're looking right at him.
I don't No.
I don't remember.
You don't remember the shots being fired, or? I I remember Courtney singing, the band playing, the strobes people were pushing me and then the next thing I remember, I was holding her trying to stop the bleeding.
So you don't remember any of this? No, I don't.
It's just a blank.
Have you ever had a time before when you couldn't remember something that happened to you? Yes, in my twenties.
I had a substance abuse problem.
There were blackouts.
Is that when you were diagnosed with an anxiety disorder? Yes.
And agoraphobia.
You're an agoraphobic and you went to a nightclub? For Courtney.
Trust me, I nearly had the driver turn around and take me home.
Can you think of anyone who would want to do harm to your niece? A band member, an ex-boyfriend maybe? No, nothing like that.
She was doing really well.
She was happy.
They were going on tour Why can't I remember? Can you help me? Can you maybe give me something? First thing you need to do is get some sleep.
It could be as simple as that.
No, I can't.
I can't sleep.
I want to go to the hospital - and see her.
- I know.
Courtney's in surgery now.
We are going to get somebody - to take you home.
- Yes, as soon as we're done here.
And we'll give you some reports from the hospital, OK? OK.
We'll be right back.
Is she telling us the truth here? - You don't believe her? - She only forgets the moment she saw the guy? It's convenient for him.
No, Aidan, she forgets the minutes where she saw her niece get shot.
I can't give you a diagnosis off one meeting, but everything she's saying makes sense.
This is a traumatized woman with short term memory loss.
At best.
Alright, so how do we fix it? Depends.
She could be in shock and it'll come back to her.
Or it's possible that she was so inwardly focused that she simply didn't encode the moment in the first place.
What, like she forgot to hit 'save'? Not exactly the terminology we'd use, but yes.
It's possible there is no memory there to recover.
Be easier if she was lying to us.
No, it wouldn't.
Aidan, this is a woman who's barely making it through the day as it is.
You really think she's going to lie to protect a man who shot her niece? Is that really how cops think? Yeah.
- Let it all out.
- Yeah, exactly.
- Brauer.
- Black.
Homicide wants to see what we've got on Anika Marnay so far.
I'm more interested in the band.
Have we established - they were the target? - Looks like.
Three dancers were wounded, but indications are it was collateral, two from ricochets, one in the line of fire.
- How many shooters? - Forensics is thinking just the one.
- Is that her? - Modelling at 17, major covers at 19.
Fast lane for another 8-9 years, A-list stuff.
Then she just drops off the radar.
- Why? - My guess is cocaine.
She was charged four times.
Convicted once.
She never had to serve any time.
- Recent? - No.
Ten years ago.
Cocaine could have contributed to her anxiety disorder.
Could also have laid the groundwork for a reluctance to deal with the police.
- You get a description from her yet? - We're working on it.
- How hard can that be? - The witness is suffering from some kind of trauma-induced memory loss.
Clara Malone.
- Unit Psychiatrist.
- Brauer.
So, do you think - she's going to remember? - Too soon to say.
Well it would be nice to know.
Because all I've got now is a hundred people who all claim they were in the washroom.
Uh? Seven people get shot and nobody talks.
It's unbelievable.
This thing was pretty well executed.
Killer slips through a dark room, everyone's focused on the stage, and he uses the chaos to slip away.
- Yeah, I agree.
This is a pro.
- Drummer died on the operating table.
The body count's climbing.
What have you got from the witness? Nothing yet.
She's drawing a blank.
- Maybe you should spend more time with her.
- We're on it, Brauer.
Sure, you are.
Was nice meeting you.
Black stay in touch.
Okay, we got a problem.
Anika Marnay may not remember the shooter, but odds are good that he remembers her.
Put a watch on her house.
That's not going to help her frame of mind.
You think she could be a target? Well this guy's killed three people already.
Yeah, I think she could be a target.
Courtney Travers.
She's stable but they're keeping her under.
They're watching her for subdural hemorrhaging.
Anyone talking neurological damage? Not at the moment.
They'll run a scan when the swelling subsides.
- When can we talk with her? - 24 to 48 hour minimum.
Alright, get the docs to make it sooner rather than later.
- It doesn't work that way, Aidan.
- Just do your best, Leo.
How about we take another crack at Ms.
Marnay? We need to take her home.
I told you.
I think I can get something out of her.
She needs rest.
She needs to be someplace she feels safe.
Look, Clara, she's not your patient.
She's our key witness.
We're not here for her, she's here for us.
I get it.
Where you going? Home.
If you're going to ignore my medical advice, I don't need to be here.
You want that woman to help you, you're going to need me.
Call me when you figure that out.
Alright, we'll take her home.
I'm sorry.
It's all clear.
The alarm's good.
You'll be safe here.
Then why are you leaving police outside my house? - It's standard procedure.
- For what? Am I in danger somehow? Of course.
I saw him, so he saw me.
You have nothing to fear, Anika.
You're safe.
You have a lovely home.
I can't really afford it anymore.
But it's all I have left.
Get some sleep.
It would help if I could see Courtney.
We'll let you know when you can.
I'm bumping on the agoraphobic that decides to go dancing.
- She loves her niece.
- So she's as sick as she wants to be? Social anxiety, panic disorder, agoraphobia, - it's a smear.
- Smear? It's all part of the same package.
The outside world becomes a hostile environment.
Sometimes you can face it, sometimes you can't.
Well if you're gonna be stuck in a house, this is a pretty nice house.
No matter how gilded, a cage is still a cage.
You know technically I could describe this woman as non-cooperative.
- She wants to cooperate.
- So she says.
You're really not a very trusting person, are you? I'm a very trusting person.
I trust people to act in their own self-interest.
What if we take her back to the club? Do a walk-through? You want her to re-experience the trauma? Push her too hard and we could make it worse.
It'll be daytime, no noise, no crowd, you'll be there.
Leo could hypnotize her.
That might work.
- Our nurse is a hypnotist? - Our nurse is a lot of things.
It's too risky.
This is a blank in her memory.
Hypnosis could lead to false memories, - and then we're nowhere.
- Alright so no hypnosis, we'll just walk her through the club.
- Is this how it's always going to be with you? - What? You just do whatever you want, despite my professional opinion.
I'm going to do what I think is necessary after considering your professional opinion.
You're talking about an issue of therapy.
That's my call.
- So make it.
- I'll consider it.
You do that.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Can I buy you a coffee? - Sure.
Where are we going? It's a new place.
Called Chez Nous.
Next thing you'll have cappuccino like Sex Crimes does.
Well I'm hoping for real china.
Then we can have dates in here.
You really know how to sweep a lady off her feet, Black.
So, is this personal - or do you want something? - Can't it be both? Strictly either-or.
Which is it? You're working the nightclub shooting? OK.
Got it.
No, we're not on it.
You know anything about the nightclub? - Fed everything to Homicide.
- Feed it to me.
We got a C.
in the club.
Brauer asked us to follow up with him.
- And? - I'm going to meet with him this afternoon.
Why does Intelligence have someone at the club? We heard there's a new supplier in the district.
Someone looking to move a quantity of coke.
Trying to get a fix on who it is.
- A new dealer could mean a turf war.
- Yeah.
People could get shot.
OK if I come to the meet? That is gonna cost you more - than a bad cup of coffee.
- Full deal.
Appetizers, sparkling wine.
Maybe even a dessert table.
Such a romantic.
OK, you're on.
Remember you talked about doing some work on yourself? You ever get around to that? - Little bit.
- Good.
Hey there.
Clara Malone.
I'm the new unit psychiatrist.
- She's cute for a shrink.
- I hadn't noticed.
Don't mean to interrupt.
Just getting a coffee.
You know, there's a pot in Psych Crimes.
- Yeah, Leo says not to drink that.
- I'll meet you downstairs.
She's cute for a cop.
He must have snuck in the back way.
Nobody with a gun got by me.
You see anybody who looked like they didn't belong? A few older guys, you know, pushing 40.
What about drugs? You hear anything about the new talent? - Policy is no drugs.
- We're not asking about policy.
Of course there's drugs.
Anything new recently? Better product? Cheaper prices? - Maybe.
- Answer the question.
Seven people got shot in a place - you're paid to keep safe.
- Shit was going on.
Regular dealers were griping about someone looking to unload a big score.
High quality.
Maybe someone decided to send a message.
- Was the band connected to any of this? - The band? They're just kids.
Two of them are dead, eh? Three.
The drummer died earlier this morning.
Really? Ain't that the worst luck.
It was his first gig with the band, he was a sub.
I helped him load in his kit.
Life's a bitch, eh? - Yeah.
- Thanks.
Guess we know who the luckiest guy in the world is.
- The drummer who booked off.
- I'll find him.
Take a moment.
Try to visualize where you were last night.
I thought I thought the place would be cleaned up.
Are you sure you're ready to do this? The music was very loud.
There were too many people.
I was trying to find Courtney.
The band was setting up on stage There were coloured lights, people shoving me.
I try to breathe but everything is closing in on me.
You're doing great, Anika.
Courtney, she rescues me.
She hugs me.
She's so happy.
And then what happened? She takes me closer.
She has to sing.
She looks so beautiful.
That's that's all Is that Courtney's blood? No no, don't think about that.
Just try to think back to what you saw that night.
You were watching Courtney.
That's all I remember.
- Can we just go? - You were standing here.
Courtney's on stage.
Then you felt a shove.
I don't remember.
No! NO! NO! It's OK, it's OK.
Right here.
- What did you see, Anika? What did you see? - I didn't - You reached for the gun.
- No.
I just saw a gun.
- Who was holding the gun? - Aidan.
- You saw him, Anika, I could read it on your face.
- Just stop it, OK? Just stop it! I just saw a gun.
Can you take me home please? Please, I'm going to be sick.
You're safe, OK? It's alright.
C'mon, just breathe, in and out in and out.
- Please.
- It's OK.
It's OK.
We'll take you home.
I just took a risk for you.
If I'm going to do something like that you can't come barging in.
- She saw him.
- You're not listening to me.
I am trying to conduct a therapeutic process.
No you're not listening to me.
She recognized the shooter.
She's lying to us.
How can you be so sure Anika is lying? 'Cause I've been there.
When it comes back, it's the faces you see.
You don't forget them.
You don't.
Everyone's different.
Aidan, guess who booked the band into the club.
Same guy was all over Anika - Jonas Boyar.
- You know him? - From another life.
You got an address? - Better.
Unis are bringing him in.
- Who's Jonas Boyar? - Used to be a major - record producer in town.
- Who were you in another life? I took a year off to manage a rock band.
Boyar was the one guy everybody wanted - to get their demos to.
- What happened? I couldn't get past his receptionist.
So you gave up and came back to the brotherhood.
Band imploded.
Musical beds.
Just the musicians, or did the manager play, too? Put Boyar in the box when he arrives, Poppy.
I'm Detective Aidan Black.
Thanks for coming in.
Yeah, no problem.
How's Courtney? Hospital said she was in ICU.
Yeah, it's too soon to know.
Ah, that's a terrible thing.
Have you got any suspects, any leads? Do you know anyone who might want to harm - members of the band? - I never even really knew them.
- Don't you rep them? - God, no.
No I'm not even really in the music biz anymore.
Courtney looked me up, I gave her some advice, - made a call.
- Were you at the club - last night? - No.
No, I did Anika's niece a favour, that doesn't mean I have to be there to listen to the music.
Right, right.
You and Anika are old friends, right? Yeah, we had five great years.
Unfortunately, we were together for eight.
I know Anika went through a difficult time, were you around for that? Some of it.
Beautiful as she was, Anika was never really comfortable in her own skin.
At first it was just a little something to get her through the day, - here and there.
And then - And then? And then it got very ugly.
I did the best I could.
I paid for lawyers, I paid for rehab in California, but it was the same time the biz was circling the drain, you know? So the truth is she pretty much cleaned me out.
You think Anika could still be involved in drugs? I have no idea.
She cut me off long ago.
- But didn't she send her niece to you? - No.
Courtney came to me on her own.
She didn't want Anika to know.
Look, how is Anika? She must be torn up over this.
Well, yeah, you can imagine, you know, seeing your niece get shot.
Anika was there? What was she doing at the club? I thought she didn't leave her house.
Well she did that night.
Now she's going to blame me.
I mean if she finds out I did the booking, you know, everything was always my fault.
That's just how she is.
Three dead kids and yet somehow - it's all about Jonas Boyar? - Record producer.
Centre of his own universe.
I'm gonna have Poppy take a look at his financials.
So if Anika was deep into the drug scene then, and this is a drug-related shooting now, maybe the shooter is some lowlife from her past.
He tried to kill her niece.
If she recognized him, why wouldn't she tell us? Because he knows her.
She's terrified he'll come looking for her.
Or Courtney.
Meet you downstairs in five.
Fenton found the drummer.
- I thought the drummer died? - No, he was a replacement.
The original drummer ducked out right before the gig.
- Fenton tracked him down.
- Should I come? No, I'll take it with her.
This is all my stuff, I didn't take anything that wasn't mine.
How is it you missed the gig? - I quit the band.
- Lucky for you.
- Why? - Artistic differences.
Could you expand on that? - I'd rather not.
- Hey, Derek, this is a homicide investigation, expand! Jarett agreed to mule some coke to Chicago.
We had a date there.
But then the guys decided to sell it after the gig last night and take off to Berlin.
- Berlin? - Yeah, to record a CD.
Jarett knew some guy.
- Not your idea of a sound business plan? - The more they dipped into the stash, the better they liked the idea.
- I thought it was stupid.
- How much are we talking about? Maybe two keys.
That's serious stuff.
Who supplied? Don't know his name.
Very scary dude.
- Which is another thing.
- What's that? Not the kind of guy you'd want to stiff.
Jarett was like saying we'd tour in Europe and then we'll pay the guy back.
I'm sure the dealer wouldn't mind waiting.
No way I want that guy on my ass.
Where was Courtney in all this? She'd do anything and everything Jarett wanted her to do.
We're going to need you to come in and have a look - at some mugshots.
- Do I have to? Hey hey, Derek.
Your bandmates just got shot to pieces, you're more worried about packing up your drum kit than stepping forward? Yeah, man, you have to.
What kills me is how well we were doing.
I mean, I've had problems and Courtney and her mom but she was here and she was happy.
You weren't alone.
Courtney makes me feel needed.
I'm sorry I can't help you.
I feel awful.
What do you want, Anika? What do you mean? What is the most important thing in all of this for you? Courtney.
I want Courtney to get better and to be safe.
How can Courtney be safe if you won't tell us what you saw? - I told you - Detective Black is convinced that you remembered seeing the man who shot Courtney.
- No, I didn't.
- I think he's right.
So what I don't understand is how you can care about Courtney - and not want to help her.
- I'm not lying.
- It wasn't real! - What wasn't? What I remember.
I hallucinated.
What did you see? It must have been the drugs, you know.
What I'm taking now - or what I took then.
- No, antidepressants don't cause you to hallucinate.
Just tell me what you saw.
A man I knew a long time ago when I was using.
He was a dealer.
When I didn't have any more money, he took sex.
He made me - That was the face you saw? - I was having some kind of panic attack.
- Must have been a flashback.
- Were you somewhere else or was he there with you in the club? He was he was in the club.
But - Why couldn't it have been him? - I haven't seen him for ten years.
And he went to jail! Why would he shoot Courtney? What was his name? It's Tyrelle.
That's the name he used.
Oh, hey, I need to change her bedclothes.
I'll have to ask you to step outside.
You just come on shift? - Yeah, yeah.
- Forgot your ID.
Oh, uh, must've left it in my locker.
I'll go get it, OK? I was just reviewing your past accomplishments, Tommy.
Possession, Trafficking Weapons, Assault Bodily Harm, Attempt Murder.
But you've never tried to kill one of ours before.
You have no idea how hard we're coming down on you.
Did he die? No.
He's fine.
You barely scratched him.
Lucky me.
Plea to Assault.
Does he remind you of Bobby Frat? Yeah, he does.
Who's Bobby Frat? A guy like you.
Hired muscle, kept his mouth shut, took the full sentence for whoever hired him.
Smart guy.
Something could've happened to him.
Something did.
Somehow word got out that he liked to rape little girls.
And there he was in general population.
That's a threat.
My lawyer's going to like this tape.
You know we got you for three counts of First Degree Murder, Tommy.
I think you're way past where a lawyer can help you.
Yeah? Well how about I talk to her anyway? OK, we'll send you back to holding 'til she shows up.
How's Leo doing? He got lucky.
Trying to get our new doc to sign him out early.
I can't see why you would take this all on yourself.
Got the shooter? Name's Tommy Etrille.
Guy's a hired gun.
He pulled the trigger, but he didn't pick the target.
He doesn't seem inclined to say who did.
You don't get anything from pros.
It's a good bust, but the case isn't closed.
You got time to go over some files with me? Uh Yeah, sure.
Sounds like you're being suckered, Tommy.
I figured you'd be smarter than that.
It's Anika.
I need to ask you something.
- I got something from Homicide.
- You might want to see a doctor about that.
Lay off.
I went through all the records on Tommy Etrille.
I found a reference.
From 1999.
"Tommy Etrille sometimes goes by street name Tyrelle.
" Anika did see him.
So she can identify him.
Alright, bring her in.
He's not going anywhere.
On it.
And don't bring Brauer along.
She's our witness.
- I wasn't going to.
- Sure, you weren't.
What's your beef with Brauer? - He's Homicide.
They get enough.
- So that's how justice works? That's how everything works.
Aidan, Anika's not here.
Uniform out front didn't see anything.
No sign of forced entry, no sign of struggle, but one of the rooms has been ripped apart.
- Which room? - The niece's.
Looks like a tornado went through it.
The rest of the house is spotless.
OK, it's all about Courtney.
She hid something, - Anika's looking for it.
- How do you know Anika did it? Someone could've come in from the back.
- A stranger would've searched the whole house.
- It's the drugs.
It ain't the music.
Did you find her phone? - Nope.
- [Alright I'll ping it.
You put a bulletin out on her.
Leaving the house is an ordeal for this woman.
To run away from the police? - She'd have to be desperate.
- She is.
The band was planning on selling two kilos of coke after the gig.
They never got the chance.
That's what Anika's looking for.
How would she even know about it? She has a history.
Maybe she's involved.
Maybe she only put it together after she saw the shooter.
Either way She's in trouble.
I found it.
So this is the band's rehearsal space? Yeah.
So she recognized Etrille, her old dealer.
Maybe she knows who he works for.
If she can find the coke, maybe she thinks she can deal.
Why wouldn't she come to us? 'Cause her niece goes down for trafficking if she does.
So she's gonna try and cut a deal with the guy who shot her? I think she's just trying to make it all go away.
Does that fit? It could.
Take it.
We won't tell anyone.
Just leave Courtney alone.
You know, I stuck with you.
I paid for your insanity and then I paid to get you sane.
I wasn't insane, I was an addict.
Come on, you were expensive.
And then you get better and what do you do? You just take off.
No, Jonas, I ran.
And don't pretend you don't know why.
You paid for my rehab? You gave me my habit.
I gave you everything you ever had.
And all you did was take.
And then your niece waltzes in here, flashing her pearly whites and her baby blues and, "Hey, can you help me out?" They're just kids, OK? - They didn't know any better.
- Yeah.
Well those kids stole from me.
Just like you did.
You know what, and screw you, Anika.
This isn't about you.
This is about me launching a business.
This is about me establishing a reputation.
You killed three people because they, what, they didn't show you respect? This isn't a record launch, Anika.
You don't rent a billboard, you hire a gun.
If you want to establish your territory, you need to mark it.
Police! Don't move! AH! AH! You should've stuck to music, Boyar.
Courtney? Courtney? They're dead? Everyone? Everyone but you.
Oh, my God.
It should have been me.
It shouldn't have been anyone.
Am I Am I going to jail? Courtney, I'm going to need you to testify against whoever fronted you these drugs.
Are you prepared to do that? You mean Jonas? You tell me.
Jonas told us what to do.
And that creepy guy who works for him, Tyrelle.
I'll do whatever you say.
I'm so sorry.
I know a little bit about getting people killed.
And the truth is you're going to beat yourself up over it for the rest of your life, and you probably should But you got a life, Courtney, and you got a chance to make something of it.
And you're not alone.
You've got an aunt who cares a hell of a lot for you.
- How is Courtney? Is she awake? - She's doing well.
Detective Black's with her.
He'll just be a minute.
Did you hear about charges? Jonas Boyar and Etrille are the big fish here.
These two cooperate and they'll probably walk.
Courtney asked me to call Jonas for her.
He was connected.
He could help her get where she wanted, just like me.
But I said no.
- You tried to protect her.
- But I didn't warn her, I just said no.
If I had told her - You tried.
- Can I see her now? She should give a statement first.
She's waited long enough.
They won't talk about the case.
Boyar, Etrille OK? I promise.
They got lucky, those two.
They paid for it.
d Let it go d It's pulling me down - What? No cake? - Leo! Hey, Poppy.
- d I want you - Show it to me.
Come on, war wounds! - d Let me go - Oof! - Yeah - What, that's it? Hey, he missed the major organs.
Maybe you need to start wearing a vest.
And maybe I should stop playing with knives.
Or both Hey.
No, I'm done.
Have a wonderful night, y'all.
Welcome to psych crimes.
Good work.
- Alright.
- OK.
- I'll see you on the next one.
- On the next one.
d Ohhh ohhhhhh d The way down I thought you were kidding about the dessert table.
Did you get this bruise bringing dangerous criminals to justice? I don't want to talk about work.
I just want to be here.
- Suits me.
- d Don't let go d Don't let go d
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